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Maternally derived inflammatory mediators, such as IL-6 and IL-8, contribute to preterm delivery, low birth weight, and respiratory insufficiency, which are routinely treated with oxygen. Premature infants are at risk for developing adult-onset cardiac, metabolic, and pulmonary diseases. Long-term pulmonary consequences of perinatal inflammation are unclear. We tested the hypothesis that a hostile perinatal environment induces profibrotic pathways resulting in pulmonary fibrosis, including persistently altered lung structure and function. Pregnant C3H/HeN mice injected with LPS or saline on embryonic day 16. Offspring were placed in room air (RA) or 85% O(2) for 14 days and then returned to RA. Pulmonary function tests, microCTs, molecular and histological analyses were performed between embryonic day 18 and 8 wk. Alveolarization was most compromised in LPS/O(2)-exposed offspring. Collagen staining and protein levels were increased, and static compliance was decreased only in LPS/O(2)-exposed mice. Three-dimensional microCT reconstruction and quantification revealed increased tissue densities only in LPS/O(2) mice. Diffuse interstitial fibrosis was associated with decreased micro-RNA-29, increased transforming growth factor-β expression, and phosphorylation of Smad2 during embryonic or early fetal lung development. Systemic maternal LPS administration in combination with neonatal hyperoxic exposure induces activation of profibrotic pathways, impaired alveolarization, and diminished lung function that are associated with prenatal and postnatal suppression of miR-29 expression.  相似文献   

Assigning function to structures is an important aspect of structural genomics projects, since they frequently provide structures for uncharacterized proteins. Similarities uncovered by structure alignment can suggest a similar function, even in the absence of sequence similarity. For proteins adopting novel folds or those with many functions, this strategy can fail, but functional clues can still come from comparison of local functional sites involving a few key residues. Here we assess the general applicability of functional site comparison through the study of 157 proteins solved by structural genomics initiatives. For 17, the method bolsters confidence in predictions made based on overall fold similarity. For another 12 with new folds, it suggests functions, including a putative phosphotyrosine binding site in the Archaeal protein Mth1187 and an active site for a ribose isomerase. The approach is applied weekly to all new structures, providing a resource for those interested in using structure to infer function.  相似文献   

The aspartic acid residue at the bottom of the substrate-binding pocket of trypsin was replaced by glutamic acid through site-directed mutagenesis. The wild-type (Asp-189) and mutant (Glu-189) trypsinogens were expressed in E. coli, purified to homogeneity, activated by enterokinase, and tested on a series of fluorogenic tetrapeptide substrates. The substrates were of the general formula succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-X-AMC, where AMC is 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin and X is Lys, Arg, or Orn (ornithine). As compared to Asp-189 trypsin, the activity of Glu-189 trypsin on lysyl and arginyl substrates decreased by 3-4 orders of magnitude while its Km values did not significantly change. Lengthening the side-chain of Asp-189 by one methylene group could not be compensated for by shortening the side-chain of the substrate, since Glu-189 trypsin had no measurable activity on the ornithyl substrate. The replacement of Asp-189 with glutamic acid at the base of the substrate-binding pocket of trypsin appears to distort the structure of the critical transition-state complex. This could happen by disrupting interactions normally associated with Asp-189, and by altering the relative position of the scissile peptide bond in the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Testicular cancer, currently the most common cancer affecting men of reproductive age, is one of the most curable malignancies due to the progress made in the early diagnosis and effective treatment of this disease. The coadministration of bleomycin, etoposide, and cis-platinum (BEP) has brought the 5-yr survival rate of testis cancer patients to over 90%. However, this treatment results in reproductive chemotoxic effects. We assessed the effect of BEP treatment on sperm chromatin integrity and sperm head protein profiles of adult male Brown Norway rats following 9 wk of treatment with BEP and in animals treated for 9 wk and then subjected to a 9-wk recovery period. Both the susceptibility of DNA to denaturation and the number of strand breaks were significantly increased in mature sperm following 9 wk of treatment with BEP; proteomic analysis revealed that the expression of several proteins, including HSP90AA1 and HSP90B1, was markedly affected. Following a 9-wk recovery period, mature sperm did not show significant DNA damage, indicating that repair had potentially occurred. Interestingly, the protamination level of the sperm of these animals was significantly decreased, while histones HIST1H1D (H1.2), HIST1H4B (H4), HIST2H2AA3 (H2A1), and HIST1H2BA (H2B1A) were concomitantly up-regulated; this was not observed in the sperm immediately following 9 wk of treatment. Thus, there are persistent effects on proteins in sperm heads from the cauda epididymidis 9 wk posttreatment, in the absence of DNA strand breaks. We suggest that these effects on the sperm head proteome may contribute to long-lasting adverse effects in the progeny of BEP-exposed males.  相似文献   

Structural genomics projects are producing many three-dimensional structures of proteins that have been identified only from their gene sequences. It is therefore important to develop computational methods that will predict sites involved in productive intermolecular interactions that might give clues about functions. Techniques based on evolutionary conservation of amino acids have the advantage over physiochemical methods in that they are more general. However, the majority of techniques neither use all available structural and sequence information, nor are able to distinguish between evolutionary restraints that arise from the need to maintain structure and those that arise from function. Three methods to identify evolutionary restraints on protein sequence and structure are described here. The first identifies those residues that have a higher degree of conservation than expected: this is achieved by comparing for each amino acid position the sequence conservation observed in the homologous family of proteins with the degree of conservation predicted on the basis of amino acid type and local environment. The second uses information theory to identify those positions where environment-specific substitution tables make poor predictions of the overall amino acid substitution pattern. The third method identifies those residues that have highly conserved positions when three-dimensional structures of proteins in a homologous family are superposed. The scores derived from these methods are mapped onto the protein three-dimensional structures and contoured, allowing identification clusters of residues with strong evolutionary restraints that are sites of interaction in proteins involved in a variety of functions. Our method differs from other published techniques by making use of structural information to identify restraints that arise from the structure of the protein and differentiating these restraints from others that derive from intermolecular interactions that mediate functions in the whole organism.  相似文献   

The state of the structural integrity of the DNA from mouse myocardial cells has been investigated by utilizing both CsCl density gradient sedimentation and digestion by S1 endonuclease from Aspergillusorzae. The DNA from myocardial cells of young mice sedimented in a narrow peak at the expected density of 1.701 g/cm3, while the DNA from the heart cells of senescent mice became broadly distributed in CsCl gradients, banding even more multimodally in alkaline sucrose gradients. This mode of sedimentation indicates that old mouse DNA becomes partially fragmented. When the native DNA of myocardial cells from 6, 20 and 30 month old mice was treated with single-strand specific S1 endonuclease, it was the DNA from the senescent mice that showed a progressive increase in sensitivity to digestion by the enzyme. The results indicate that the heart DNA of aging mice develops single-stranded gaps in addition to a breakdown into differently sized fragments.  相似文献   

Luteinizing hormone (LH) secretory patterns were characterized in adult male and female rats exposed to ethanol during the last week of fetal life. Gonadectomized fetal alcohol exposed (FAE) males and females had significantly reduced plasma LH titers as compared to those of pair-fed (PF) controls. The phasic afternoon LH secretory response to estrogen and progesterone priming was also significantly reduced in FAE females. These differences do not appear to be a result of altered pituitary sensitivity to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), since the infusion of LHRH resulted in an equal response in PF and FAE females. Subsequent characterization of the episodic pattern of LH secretion in FAE males revealed significantly reduced mean LH level as well as a decreased pulse amplitude and frequency when compared to PF males. Taken together, these data indicate that some of the central mechanisms controlling pituitary LH secretion are altered by prenatal exposure to alcohol.  相似文献   

As in the adult dorsal aorta, the embryonic dorsal aorta is an important determinant of cardiovascular function, and increased stiffness may have secondary effects on cardiac and microcirculatory development. We previously showed that acutely and chronically increased arterial load via vitelline artery ligation (VAL) increases systemic arterial stiffness. To test the hypothesis that local dorsal aortic stiffness also increases, we measured aortic pulse-wave velocity (PWV) and assessed the active and passive properties (stress and strain) of isolated aortic segments. PWV along the dorsal aorta increased acutely and chronically after VAL. Analysis of isolated aortic active properties suggests that load-exposed aortas experienced higher stress, but not strain, at similar intraluminal pressures. When smooth muscle tone was relaxed, strain decreased in VAL vessels, whereas stress became similar to control vessels. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that although aortic smooth muscle alpha-actin content was similar between groups, more cell layers expressed smooth muscle alpha-actin, and myocyte cell shape was markedly rounder in VAL embryos. Additionally, aortic and perivascular collagen type I and III content significantly increased in load-exposed VAL vessels. Increased production of these proteins is consistent with the observed increase in aortic PWV and decreased strain in VAL passive aortic segments. Thus the embryonic dorsal aorta is sensitive to increased arterial load and adapts by altering its material properties via changes in collagen content.  相似文献   

Bisphenol-A (BPA), an environmental endocrine disruptor, has been reported to possess weak estrogenic, anti-estrogenic, and anti-androgen properties. Previous evidence indicates that perinatal exposure to low levels of BPA affects anxiety-like and cognitive behaviors in adult rodents. The present study aims to investigate the effect of BPA on emotional memory using the contextual fear conditioning of male mice in adulthood exposed to BPA for 90 days. The results indicated that exposure to BPA increased the freezing time 1 h and 24 h after fear conditioning training. Furthermore, western blot analyses showed that BPA exposure decreased the level of N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor subunit NR1 and increased the expression of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) before fear conditioning training in the hippocampus of male mice. One and twenty-four hours after fear conditioning training, BPA enhanced the changes of the expressions of NR1, phosphorylated extracellular regulated protein kinases (ERK1/2), and histone acetylation induced by contextual fear conditioning in the hippocampus. These results suggest that long term exposure to BPA enhanced fear memory by the concomitant increased level of NMDA receptor and/or the enhanced histone acetylation in the hippocampus, which may be associated with activation of ERK1/2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic neuronal circuits that modulate energy homeostasis become mature and functional during early postnatal life. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this developmental process remains largely unknown. Here we use a mouse genetic approach to investigate the role of gamma-protocadherins (Pcdh-γs) in hypothalamic neuronal circuits. First, we show that rat insulin promoter (RIP)-Cre conditional knockout mice lacking Pcdh-γs in a broad subset of hypothalamic neurons are obese and hyperphagic. Second, specific deletion of Pcdh-γs in anorexigenic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) expressing neurons also leads to obesity. Using cell lineage tracing, we show that POMC and RIP-Cre expressing neurons do not overlap but interact with each other in the hypothalamus. Moreover, excitatory synaptic inputs are reduced in Pcdh-γ deficient POMC neurons. Genetic evidence from both knockout models shows that Pcdh-γs can regulate POMC neuronal function autonomously and non-autonomously through cell-cell interaction. Taken together, our data demonstrate that Pcdh-γs regulate the formation and functional integrity of hypothalamic feeding circuitry in mice.  相似文献   

The rat prostate is innervated by pelvic and hypogastric nerves through a single pelvic ganglion, removal of which would result in complete denervation of the prostatic complex. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of denervation on the rat prostate. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats of 300 g in body weight were divided into two groups. Bilateral pelvic ganglion denervation was performed in one group of animals; the other group received a sham operation. Three weeks later, animals were killed; and the ventral prostates were removed, weighed, and subjected to routine procedures for light and electron microscopy. The average weight, total protein content, and total content of acid phosphatase of the ventral prostates in the denervated group were significantly less than those in the control group. Total DNA content per prostate, however, was not significantly different between the two groups. Results of histological examination indicated that the prostates from control animals showed normal morphology, whereas those from the denervated animals showed reduced cell height and enlarged vacuoles surrounding the nuclei. Inspection of electron micrographs revealed that the prostates from denervated animals, compared with those of controls, showed a reduced ratio of cell height:cell width, which is associated with a reduced number of microvilli and secretory granules. These results indicate that denervation in the prostate is associated with a lower prostatic weight, decreased cell height, and reduced secretory activity.  相似文献   

Amino acids do not occur randomly in proteins; rather, their occurrence at any given site is strongly influenced by the amino acid composition at other sites, the structural and functional aspects of the region of the protein in which they occur, and the evolutionary history of the protein. The goal of our research study is to identify networks of coevolving sites within the serpin proteins (serine protease inhibitors) and classify them as being caused by structural-functional constraints or by evolutionary history. To address this, a matrix of pairwise normalized mutual information (NMI) values was computed among amino acid sites for the serpin proteins. The NMI matrix was partitioned into orthogonal patterns of amino acid variability by factor analysis. Each common factor pattern was interpreted as having phylogenetic and/or structural-functional explanations. In addition, we used a bootstrap factor analysis technique to limit the effects of phylogenetic history on our factor patterns. Our results show an extensive network of correlations among amino acid sites in key functional regions (reactive center loop, shutter, and breach). Additionally, we have discovered long-range coevolution for packed amino acids within the serpin protein core. Lastly, we have discovered a group of serpin sites which coevolve in the hydrophobic core region (s5B and s4B) and appear to represent sites important for formation of the "native" instead of the "latent" serpin structure. This research provides a better understanding on how protein structure evolves; in particular, it elucidates the selective forces creating coevolution among protein sites.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that nutritional manipulations during the first weeks of life can alter the development of the hypothalamic circuits involved in energy homeostasis. We studied the expression of a large number of the hypothalamic neuropeptide mRNAs that control body weight in mice that were overfed during breastfeeding (mice grown in a small litter, SL) and/or during adolescence (adolescent mice fed a high-fat diet, AHF). We also investigated possible alterations in mRNA levels after 50 days of a high-fat diet (high-fat challenge, CHF) at 19 weeks of age. Both SL and AHF conditions caused overweight during the period of developmental overfeeding. During adulthood, all of the mouse groups fed a CHF significantly gained weight in comparison with mice fed a low-fat diet, but the mice that had undergone both breast and adolescent overfeeding (SL-AHF-CHF mice) gained significantly more weight than the control CHF mice. Of the ten neuropeptide mRNAs studied, only neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression was decreased in all of the groups of developmentally overfed adult mice, but CHF during adulthood by itself induced a decrease in NPY, agouti-related protein (AgRP) and orexin (Orx) mRNA levels. Moreover, in the developmentally overfed CHF mice NPY, AgRP, galanin (GAL) and galanin-like peptide (GalP) mRNA levels significantly decreased in comparison with the control CHF mice. These results show that, during adulthood, hypothalamic neuropeptide systems are altered (NPY) and/or abnormally respond to a high-fat diet (NPY, AgRP, GAL and GalP) in mice overfed during critical developmental periods.  相似文献   

Developmental exposure to high doses of the synthetic xenoestrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) has been reported to alter femur length and strength in adult mice. However, it is not known if developmental exposure to low, environmentally relevant doses of xenoestrogens alters adult bone geometry and strength. In this study we investigated the effects of developmental exposure to low doses of DES, bisphenol A (BPA), or ethinyl estradiol (EE(2)) on bone geometry and torsional strength. C57BL/6 mice were exposed to DES, 0.1 μg/kg/day, BPA, 10 μg/kg/day, EE(2), 0.01, 0.1, or 1.0 μg/kg/day, or vehicle from Gestation Day 11 to Postnatal Day 12 via a mini-osmotic pump in the dam. Developmental Xenoestrogen exposure altered femoral geometry and strength, assessed in adulthood by micro-computed tomography and torsional strength analysis, respectively. Low-dose EE(2), DES, or BPA increased adult femur length. Exposure to the highest dose of EE(2) did not alter femur length, resulting in a nonmonotonic dose response. Exposure to EE(2) and DES but not BPA decreased tensile strength. The combined effect of increased femur length and decreased tensile strength resulted in a trend toward decreased torsional ultimate strength and energy to failure. Taken together, these results suggest that exposure to developmental exposure to environmentally relevant levels of xenoestrogens may negatively impact bone length and strength in adulthood.  相似文献   

The ability of rat liver ribosomes to support in vitro protein synthesis was not adversely affected, and generally tended to increase as the centrifugal force at which they were isolated increased. Polysomal material tended to decrease while 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits apparently increased at progressively higher centrifugal forces. Ribosomal "purity", revealed by u.v. spectrophotometric analysis, deteriorated as centrifugal force increased. Contamination by material that absorbed at 230 nm was particularly evident.  相似文献   

A buffer solution is often used to maintain tissue hydration during mechanical testing. The most commonly used buffer solution is a physiological concentration of phosphate buffered saline (PBS); however, PBS increases the tissue’s water content and decreases its tensile stiffness. In addition, solutes from the buffer can diffuse into the tissue and interact with its structure and mechanics. These bathing solution effects can confound the outcome and interpretation of mechanical tests. Potential bathing solution artifacts, including solute diffusion, and their effect on mechanical properties, are not well understood. The objective of this study was to measure the effects of long-term exposure of rat tail tendon fascicles to several concentrations (0.9–25%) of NaCl, sucrose, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and SPEG (NaCl + PEG) solutions on water content, solute diffusion, and mechanical properties. We found that with an increase in solute concentration the apparent water content decreased for all solution types. Solutes diffused into the tissue for NaCl and sucrose, however, no solute diffusion was observed for PEG or SPEG. The mechanical properties changed for both NaCl solutions, in particular after long-term (8 h) incubation the modulus and equilibrium stress decreased compared to short-term (15 min) for 25% NaCl, and the cross sectional area increased for 0.9% NaCl. However, the mechanical properties were unchanged for both PEG and SPEG except for minor alterations in stress relaxation parameters. This study shows that NaCl and sucrose buffer solutions are not suitable for long-term mechanical tests. We therefore propose using PEG or SPEG as alternative buffer solutions that after long-term incubation can maintain tissue hydration without solute diffusion and produce a consistent mechanical response.  相似文献   

Binding sites for gonadotropins in the mouse ovary were studied using the immunohistochemical technique. Binding sites for LH were localized in the interstitial cells and theca as well as granulosa cells of large follicles. Binding sites for FSH were demonstrated in the interstitial cells and granulosa cells of small follicles. In immature mice very few binding sites for both the gonadotropins were observed until day 21 of age. An intense staining reaction for peroxidase was observed in the ovary of 24-day old mouse. In adult mice, maximum number of binding sites for FSH were demonstrated in the ovary in estrus and metestrus stage of the cycle, respectively. A good correlation between the circulating levels of gonadotropins and binding sites for them in the ovary could be noted in the cycling but not in the prepubertal mice.  相似文献   

Advanced paternal age (APA) is associated with an increased risk of adverse health outcomes in offspring, including autism and schizophrenia. In the present study, we investigated the behaviour of young (3‐month‐old; Control), middle aged (12 to 15‐month‐old; APA1) and old (24‐month‐old; APA2) C57BL/6J sires and their adult offspring. Male and female mice were tested at 10 weeks of age on a behavioural test battery including the elevated plus‐maze, hole board, light/dark emergence, forced swim test, novelty‐suppressed feeding and for prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response. Increasing the APA sire age to 24 months was shown to be associated with increased anxiety‐related behaviour in the offspring, and indicated that increasing APA sire age produced a more robust hypoexplorative phenotype. Thus, increasing paternal age was associated with an increase in severity of an anxiogenic phenotype in their adult offspring. Ultimately, the results of these studies show that mouse models of APA are valuable for elucidating the mechanisms by which APA influences brain‐related outcomes.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Macroglobulin (alpha 2M) is an abundant glycoprotein with the intrinsic capacity for capturing diverse proteins for rapid delivery into cells. After internalization by the receptor- mediated endocytosis, alpha 2M-protein complexes were rapidly degraded in the endolysosome system. Although this is an important pathway for clearance of both alpha 2M and biological targets, little is known about the nature of alpha 2M degradation in the endolysosome system. To investigate the possible involvement of intracellular aspartic proteinases in the disruption of structural and functional integrity of alpha 2M in the endolysosome system, we examined the capacity of alpha 2M for interacting with cathepsin E and cathepsin D under acidic conditions and the nature of its degradation. alpha 2M was efficiently associated with cathepsin E under acidic conditions to form noncovalent complexes and rapidly degraded through the generation of three major proteins with apparent molecular masses of 90, 85 and 30 kDa. Parallel with this reaction, alpha 2M resulted in the rapid loss of its antiproteolytic activity. Analysis of the N-terminal amino-acid sequences of these proteins revealed that alpha 2M was selectively cleaved at the Phe811-Leu812 bond in about 100mer downstream of the bait region. In contrast, little change was observed for alpha 2M treated by cathepsin D under the same conditions. Together, the synthetic SPAFLA peptide corresponding to the Ser808-Ala813 sequence of human alpha 2M, which contains the cathepsin E-cleavage site, was selectively cleaved by cathepsin E, but not cathepsin D. These results suggest the possible involvement of cathepsin E in disruption of the structural and functional integrity of alpha 2M in the endolysosome system.  相似文献   

Summary The response of adult epithelium in contact with heterologous mesenchymes/stromas was studied in three digestive organs (forestomach, glandular stomach, and duodenum). After various tissues were implanted beneath the epithelial layer of adult mice, the epithelial differentiation was examined after sacrifice of animals at intervals up to 24 weeks. In the forestomach and duodenum, the epithelial differentiation was not affected at all by the tissue implantation. In the glandular stomach, in contrast, epithelial cells exhibited altered differentiation in which chief and parietal cells disappeared and were replaced by columnar epithelial cells with PAS-positive granules. These epithelial cells often formed immature villi. Such differentiation-altered columnar epithelium (DACE) was induced by implanting any type of tissue and even by sham operation, indicating that it was induced by disorganization of the tissue-implanted stroma. The size of DACE was significantly influenced by the stage of implanted tissue; 14.5-day fetal mesenchyme induced the largest DACE, and was followed by 16.5-day fetal mesenchyme, adult stroma, and sham operation. These results suggest the importance of stromal organization in maintaining epithelial differentiation in the glandular stomach.  相似文献   

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