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Polyphenols, coumarin (1,2-benzopyrone) and chromone (1,4-benzopyrone), are naturally occurring constituent of variety of plant species. They have attracted immense interest because of their diverse pharmacological activities. Not much was known about biological activities of acetyl derivative (polyphenolic acetates) of parent polyphenols. In previous investigations, we have conclusively established calreticulin transacetylase catalyzed activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) by polyphenolic acetates. In the present work, calreticulin transacetylase of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells was characterized with respect to specificity for various polyphenolic acetates and its role in the activation of TNF-α induced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells incubated with a model polyphenolic acetate, 7,8-diacetoxy-4-methylcoumarin (DAMC), along with l-arginine caused activation of NOS. The incubation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with TNF-α and DAMC resulted in increased production of NO as compared to TNF-α alone. This increased NO production was attenuated by l-Nω-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME), a well known non-specific inhibitor of NOS, and 1400W (N-[3-(aminomethyl) benzyl] acetamidine), a specific inhibitor of human iNOS. These results substantiate the CRTAase catalyzed activation of iNOS. Further, expression of NOS isoforms by semi-quantitative PCR and real-time RT-PCR confirms the preponderance of iNOS in TNF-α treated peripheral blood mononuclear cells over the untreated one. It was also observed that polyphenolic acetates inhibit TNF-α mediated release of IL-6 from peripheral blood mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (con A) bound to Sepharose beads stimulates human peripheral blood lymphocytes and as with soluble con A, DNA synthesis can be prevented by the addition of methyl-α-mannoside (MAM) 1 hr after exposure to mitogen. In contrast to the response of cells stimulated with soluble con A, addition of MAM 24 hr after the start of incubation with Sepharose bound mitogen does not prevent a second round of DNA replication as determined in bromodeoxyuridine density transfer experiments indicating that MAM does not dissociate the Sepharose-con A responding cell complex. We infer that within 24 hr, lymphocytes develop associations with con A-Sepharose beads at non MAM dissociable sites.  相似文献   

Vitamin D? and nicotine (VDN) serve as an animal model of arterial calcification. The vascular calcification induced by the VDN model is always accompanied by compensatory left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and impaired cardiac performance. To determine the possible mechanisms that are responsible for the effects of VDN on the LV, a 2-DE based proteomics approach was used to evaluate the changes in protein expression of the left ventricle in VDN rats, to our knowledge, for the first time. We identified sixteen proteins that were markedly altered and involved in mitochondrial function, heat shock protein activity, myocyte cytoskeleton composition and enzyme activity for energy metabolism. We describe, for the first time, a novel pathway (NDPK) that is involved in LV hypertrophy and enzyme activities of three of the sixteen clinical identified proteins: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), SOD [Mn] and GST.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity against two human bladder carcinoma cell lines (BT-A and BT-B) was investigated using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) stimulated with viable bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) or sonicated BCG (s-BCG). We applied a cytotoxicity assay based on radioactive labelling of tumour cells by incorporation ofl[3H]methionine. The results were compared with the cytotoxicity exerted by lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells generated by interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon (IFN). BCG-stimulated PBMC showed a cytotoxic potential against BT-A and BT-B comparable to that of IFN-generated LAK cells, but this did not reach the level of IL-2-generated LAK cells. We termed these cytotoxic effectors BCG-activated killer (BAK) cells. In contrast to their cytotoxicity against bladder tumour cells. BAK cells did not differ from unstimulated PBMC in the killing of K562 cells. Only viable but not sonicated BCG was able to induce cytotoxicity against BT-A and BT-B. We could demonstrate the presence of the cytokines IFN, IL-2, tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and TNFß in the supernatants harvested during the generation of BAK cells. Monoclonal antibodies neutralizing IFN were able to inhibit BCG-mediated cytotoxicity, giving evidence of the involvement of IFN in the induction of BAK cells. Furthermore, we performed experiments to investigate the cytotoxic potential of distinct cell populations. The cells effective in BCG-activated killing of bladder tumour cells could be localized within the CD8+/CD56+ lymphocyte subset. CD4+ cells and macrophages did not exhibit cytolytic activity. Our findings imply that the activation by BCG of CD8+/CD56+ killer cells might be an important antitumoral mechanism during BCG therapy against superficial urothelial bladder cancer.  相似文献   

The allelic polymorphisms at exon 3 and exon 2 of the T cell receptor (TCR) Cγ2 (TRGC2) gene, generating 18-kb and 5.4-kb HindIII fragments, respectively, were found to be more frequent in multibacillary leprosy patients than in the controls (P < 0.005 and P < 0.001, respectively) when screened with the IDP2.11 probe. The frequencies of heterozygotes for the 18-kb allele and homozygotes for the 5.4-kb allele were found to be significantly higher in the multibacillary patients than in the controls (P < 0.001). Interestingly, the 8.0-kb allele, originating from the triplication of exon 2 of Cγ2, was observed exclusively in the paucibacillary leprosy patients. Further, when DNA samples were screened with the pH60 probe for the HindIII RFLP at the TCR Jγ2 (TRGJ2) gene segment, the 2.1-kb allele was again more prevalent in leprosy patients with the multibacillary form of the disease than in the paucibacillary patients and the controls (P < 0.025). The frequency of homozygotes for the 2.1-kb allele was also significantly higher in the multibacillary patients than in the paucibacillary patients (P < 0.010) and the controls (P < 0.025). A significant difference was observed in the frequencies of detectable rearrangements involving the Vγ7/8 and Vγ9 gene segments at the γ locus between circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells of the multibacillary leprosy patients and the controls. These rearrangements were detected less frequently in the multibacillary patients (P < 0.001 for Vγ7/8 and P < 0.005 for Vγ9). Received: 28 October 1996 / Accepted: 13 February 1997  相似文献   

Type I interferons have been typically studied for their effects in the context of bacterial or viral infections. However in this report, we provide evidence that Interferon-alpha (IFN-α) expressing cells are present in the thymus in the absence of infection. We show that pDC express the highest level of IFN-α and that MxA, which is exclusively expressed after engagement of the type I IFN receptor by IFN-α/β, is expressed in normal fetal and post-natal thymus, but not in the periphery. The highest level of MxA is expressed in mature thymocytes and pDC located in the medulla and at the cortico-medullary junction. The anti-microbial peptide LL-37, which is expressed in the thymus, when complexed with eukaryotic nucleic acids, induces the secretion of IFN-α by thymic pDC. This results in the upregulation of MxA expression in responsive thymocytes. We propose that the secretion of IFN-α in the thymus may function to regulate the rate of T cell development and modulate the requirements for the selection of developing T cells.  相似文献   

β-1,4-galactosyltransferase-I (β-1,4-GalT-I) has two isoforms that differ only in the length of their cytoplasmic domains. In this study, we found that both the long and short isoforms of β-1,4-GalT-I were expressed in human CD4+ T lymphocytes, and localized in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane. The expression level of β-1,4-GalT-I was increased in CD4+ T cells after stimulation with interleukin (IL)-2, and was further increased after stimulation with IL-2 + IL-12, but decreased after stimulation with IL-2 + IL-4 when compared to stimulation with IL-2 alone. We also demonstrated that the cellular adhesion of CD4+ T cells was significantly increased upon cytokine stimulation, and was inhibited by α-lactalbumin, indicating that the increase in adhesion was positively correlated with the expression and activity of long β-1,4-GalT-I. Collectively, the data suggest that β-1,4-GalT-I plays a role in the cellular adhesion of CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

  • 1.The levels of water, Na, K, Ca and Mg in blood serum, brain and kidney and aldosterone level in blood of Naja haje haje were studied during the different phases of the annual cycle.
  • 2.The water content in the tissues studied displayed only minor changes as the animals passed from one phase to the other.
  • 3.A significant increase in Na was recorded in the brain during the different phases indicating a depressed sodium pump, whereas the blood Na level showed a significant decrease during hibernation.
  • 4.K increased in blood serum, brain and kidney during hibernation, while a nonsignificant decrease was found in blood serum during arousal. The brain may act as a potassium reservoir.
  • 5.An increase in Ca and Mg concentration was recorded in blood serum, brain and kidney during prehibernation and hibernation. The data suggested a homeostatic function in the transport and metabolism of these cations.
  • 6.Aldosterone exhibited a highly significant decrease especially during hibernation. The aldosterone regulation of ionic composition is discussed.
  • 7.Na/K and Ca/Mg ratios in the brain may explain the decreased excitability during winter torpor.

The ability of the malaria parasite to invade erythrocytes is central to the disease process, but is not thoroughly understood. In particular, little attention has been paid to the motor systems driving invasion. Here, Jennifer Pinder, Ruth Fowler and colleagues review motility in the merozoite. The components of an actomyosin motor are present, including a novel unconventional class XIV myosin, now called Pfmyo-A, which, because of its time of synthesis and location, is likely to generate the force required for invasion. In addition, there is a subpellicular microtubule assemblage in falciparum merozoites, the f-MAST, the integrity of which is necessary for invasion.  相似文献   

Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from four patients with renal-cell carcinoma (three paired with blood), two colon carcinomas (both paired with blood) and two melanomas (blood was not available) were analysed for the T cell receptor (TCR) gene repertoire. Polymerase chain reaction analysis, employing a panel of specific primers for TCR gene segments, showed different gene rearrangement patterns in TIL and PBL in all patients. Simultaneous analysis of TIL and PBL revealed the presence of lymphoid cells in the tumour tissue that were not present in the periphery. These results demonstrate that, although tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes contain / T cells within the range observed in peripheral blood, these cells differ from those in peripheral blood in their gene repertoire and this may account for selective accumulation or/and in situ amplification of / lymphocytes at the tumour site, indicating a unique type of host reaction against tumors.  相似文献   

The full repertoire of regulatory interactions utilized by human cells to control expression of amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) is still undefined. We investigated here the contribution of microRNA (miRNA) to this regulatory network. Several bioinformatic algorithms predicted miR-101 target sites within the APP 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR). Using reporter assays, we confirmed that, in human cell cultures, miR-101 significantly reduced the expression of a reporter under control of APP 3′-UTR. Mutation of predicted site 1, but not site 2, eliminated this reporter response. Delivery of miR-101 directly to human HeLa cells significantly reduced APP levels and this effect was eliminated by co-transfection with a miR-101 antisense inhibitor. Delivery of a specific target protector designed to blockade the interaction between miR-101 and its functional target site within APP 3′-UTR enhanced APP levels in HeLa. Therefore, endogenous miR-101 regulates expression of APP in human cells via a specific site located within its 3′-UTR. Finally, we demonstrate that, across a series of human cell lines, highest expression of miR-101 levels was observed in model NT2 neurons.  相似文献   

Orosomucoid 1 (ORM1), also named Alpha 1 acid glycoprotein A (AGP-A), is an abundant plasma protein characterized by anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties. The present study was designed to identify a possible correlation between ORM1 and Vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), a hormone exerting a widespread effect on cell proliferation, differentiation and regulation of the immune system. In particular, the data described here indicated that ORM1 is a 1,25(OH)2D3 primary response gene, characterized by the presence of a VDRE element inside the 1 kb sequence of its proximal promoter region. This finding was demonstrated with gene expression studies, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and luciferase transactivation experiments and confirmed by VDR full length and dominant negative over-expression. In addition, several experiments carried out in human normal monocytes demonstrated that the 1,25(OH)2D3 – VDR – ORM1 pathway plays a functional role inside the macrophage de-activation process and that ORM1 may be considered as a signaling molecule involved in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis and remodeling.  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation of photosystem II (PSII) proteins is an important regulatory mechanism that can protect plants from changes in ambient light intensity and quality. We hypothesized that there is natural variation in this process in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and that this results from genetic variation in the STN7 and STN8 kinase genes. To test this, Arabidopsis accessions of diverse geographical origins were exposed to two light regimes, and the levels of phospho-D1 and phospho-light harvesting complex II (LHCII) proteins were quantified by western blotting with anti-phosphothreonine antibodies. Accessions were classified as having high, moderate or low phosphorylation relative to Col-0. This variation could not be explained by the abundance of the substrates in thylakoid membranes. In genotypes with atrazine-resistant forms of the D1 protein, low D1 and LHCII protein phosphorylation was observed, which may be due to low PSII efficiency, resulting in reduced activation of the STN kinases. In the remaining genotypes, phospho-D1 levels correlated with STN8 protein abundance in high-light conditions. In growth light, D1 and LHCII phosphorylation correlated with longitude and in the case of LHCII phosphorylation also with temperature variability. This suggests a possible role of natural variation in PSII protein phosphorylation in the adaptation of Arabidopsis to diverse environments.  相似文献   

Vitamin D and vitamin D receptor (VDR) deficiency results in severe symptoms of experimental inflammatory bowel disease in several different models. The intraepithelial lymphocytes of the small intestine contain large numbers of CD8αα(+) T cells that have been shown to suppress the immune response to Ags found there. In this study, we determined the role of the VDR in the development of CD8αα(+) T cells. There are fewer total numbers of TCRαβ(+) T cells in the gut of VDR knockout (KO) mice, and that reduction was largely in the CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) cells. Conversely TCRγδ(+) T cells were normal in the VDR KO mice. The thymic precursors of CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) cells (triple-positive for CD4, CD8αα, and CD8αβ) were reduced and less mature in VDR KO mice. In addition, VDR KO mice had a higher frequency of the CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) precursors (double-negative [DN] TCRαβ(+) T cells) in the gut. The proliferation rates of the DN TCRαβ(+) gut T cells were less in the VDR KO compared with those in wild type. Low proliferation of DN TCRαβ(+) T cells was a result of the very low expression of the IL-15R in this population of cells in the absence of the VDR. Bone marrow transplantation showed that the defect in VDR KO CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) cells was cell intrinsic. Decreased maturation and proliferation of CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) cells in VDR KO mice results in fewer functional CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) T cells, which likely explains the increased inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract of VDR KO and vitamin D-deficient mice.  相似文献   

In cattle, the detection of very early endometrial responses is considered to be hampered by the presence of only a single embryo. Therefore, we have previously developed a model of multiple embryo transfer to circumvent this hindrance. In this work, we analysed embryo–maternal interactions in the bovine uterus on day 8 of development while comparing the presence of multiple v. single embryos using embryo transfer and artificial insemination, respectively. Concentration of proteins (β-actin, NFkB, clusterin and immunoproteosome 20S β5i subunit–i20S), by western blot, and hexoses (glucose and fructose) were measured in paired samples of uterine fluid (UF) from the same animal with and without embryos in the uterus and were compared with UF obtained after artificial insemination. Prostaglandin (PG) F2α and PGE2 concentrations were also analysed in blood plasma. The four proteins analysed and hexoses were unaffected by the presence of one or more embryos in the uterus. However, blood PGF2α showed similar, significant increases with one or more embryos over cyclic animals; such changes were not observed in blood PGE2. Although multiple embryo transfer may appear to be non-physiological, we showed that the uterus, at the very early embryonic stages, does exhibit physiological reactions. Multiple embryo transfer can, therefore, be used for studies of very early embryo–maternal interactions in vivo in monotocous species.  相似文献   

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