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Copy number variations (CNVs) are important forms of structural variation in human and animals and can be considered as a major genetic component of phenotypic diversity. Here we used the Illumina PorcineSNP60 BeadChip V2 and a DLY [Duroc × (Large White × Landrace)] commercial hybrid population to identify 272 CNVs belonging to 165 CNV regions (CNVRs), of which 66 are new. As CNVRs are specific to origin of population, our DLY-specific data is an important complementary to the existing CNV map in the pig genome. Eight CNVRs were selected for validation by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and the accurate rate was high (87.25%). Gene function analysis suggested that a common CNVR may play an important role in multiple traits, including growth rate and carcass quality.  相似文献   

We developed a 384 multiplexed SNP array, named CitSGA-1, for the genotyping of Citrus cultivars, and evaluated the performance and reliability of the genotyping. SNPs were surveyed by direct sequence comparison of the sequence tagged site (STS) fragment amplified from genomic DNA of cultivars representing the genetic diversity of citrus breeding in Japan. Among 1497 SNPs candidates, 384 SNPs for a high-throughput genotyping array were selected based on physical parameters of Illumina’s bead array criteria. The assay using CitSGA-1 was applied to a hybrid population of 88 progeny and 103 citrus accessions for breeding in Japan, which resulted in 73,726 SNP calls. A total of 351 SNPs (91 %) could call different genotypes among the DNA samples, resulting in a success rate for the assay comparable to previously reported rates for other plant species. To confirm the reliability of SNP genotype calls, parentage analysis was applied, and it indicated that the number of reliable SNPs and corresponding STSs were 276 and 213, respectively. The multiplexed SNP genotyping array reported here will be useful for the efficient construction of linkage map, for the detection of markers for marker-assisted breeding, and for the identification of cultivars.  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性基因分型技术原理与进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在基因组规模了解遗传变异与生物功能之间的关系可望为生物学带来全新的深入认识。本从等位基因分型机理、反应形式和检测方法等三个方面讨论SNP分型方法的现状,并简要介绍了目前应用的一些分型方法。  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping is playing an increasing role in genome mapping, pharmacogenetic studies, and drug discovery. To date, genome-wide scans and studies involving thousands of SNPs and samples have been hampered by the lack of a system that can perform genotyping with cost-effective throughput, accuracy, and reliability. To address this need, Orrhid has developed an automated, ultra-high throughput system, SNPstream UHT, which uses multiplexed PCR in conjunction with our next generation SNP-IT tag array single base extension genotyping technology The system employs oligonucleotide microarrays manufactured in a 384-well format on a novel glass-bottomed plate. Multiplexed PCR and genotyping are performed in homogeneous reactions, and assay results are read by direct two-color fluorescence on the SNPstream UHTArray Imager. The systems flexibility enables large projects involving thousands of SNPs and thousands of samples as well as small projects that have hundreds of SNPs and hundreds of samples to be done cost effectively. We have successfully demonstrated this system in greater than 1,000,000 genotyping assays with >96% of samples giving genotypes with >99% accuracy  相似文献   



Natural selection has molded evolution across all taxa. At an arguable date of around 330,000 years ago there were already at least two different types of cattle that became ancestors of nearly all modern cattle, the Bos taurus taurus more adapted to temperate climates and the tropically adapted Bos taurus indicus. After domestication, human selection exponentially intensified these differences. To better understand the genetic differences between these subspecies and detect genomic regions potentially under divergent selection, animals from the International Bovine HapMap Experiment were genotyped for over 770,000 SNP across the genome and compared using smoothed FST. The taurine sample was represented by ten breeds and the contrasting zebu cohort by three breeds.


Each cattle group evidenced similar numbers of polymorphic markers well distributed across the genome. Principal components analyses and unsupervised clustering confirmed the well-characterized main division of domestic cattle. The top 1% smoothed FST, potentially associated to positive selection, contained 48 genomic regions across 17 chromosomes. Nearly half of the top FST signals (n = 22) were previously detected using a lower density SNP assay. Amongst the strongest signals were the BTA7:~50 Mb and BTA14:~25 Mb; both regions harboring candidate genes and different patterns of linkage disequilibrium that potentially represent intrinsic differences between cattle types. The bottom 1% of the smoothed FST values, potentially associated to balancing selection, included 24 regions across 13 chromosomes. These regions often overlap with copy number variants, including the highly variable region at BTA23:~24 Mb that harbors a large number of MHC genes. Under these regions, 318 unique Ensembl genes are annotated with a significant overrepresentation of immune related pathways.


Genomic regions that are potentially linked to purifying or balancing selection processes in domestic cattle were identified. These regions are of particular interest to understand the natural and human selective pressures to which these subspecies were exposed to and how the genetic background of these populations evolved in response to environmental challenges and human manipulation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-876) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Cultivated soybean (Glycine max) suffers from a narrow germplasm relative to other crop species, probably because of under‐use of wild soybean (Glycine soja) as a breeding resource. Use of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping array is a promising method for dissecting cultivated and wild germplasms to identify important adaptive genes through high‐density genetic mapping and genome‐wide association studies. Here we describe a large soybean SNP array for use in diversity analyses, linkage mapping and genome‐wide association analyses. More than four million high‐quality SNPs identified from high‐depth genome re‐sequencing of 16 soybean accessions and low‐depth genome re‐sequencing of 31 soybean accessions were used to select 180 961 SNPs for creation of the Axiom® SoyaSNP array. Validation analysis for a set of 222 diverse soybean lines showed that 170 223 markers were of good quality for genotyping. Phylogenetic and allele frequency analyses of the validation set data indicated that accessions showing an intermediate morphology between cultivated and wild soybeans collected in Korea were natural hybrids. More than 90 unanchored scaffolds in the current soybean reference sequence were assigned to chromosomes using this array. Finally, dense average spacing and preferential distribution of the SNPs in gene‐rich chromosomal regions suggest that this array may be suitable for genome‐wide association studies of soybean germplasm. Taken together, these results suggest that use of this array may be a powerful method for soybean genetic analyses relating to many aspects of soybean breeding.  相似文献   

Copy-number variation (CNV), and deletions in particular, can play a crucial, causative role in rare disorders. The extent to which CNV contributes to common, complex disease etiology, however, is largely unknown. Current techniques to detect CNV are relatively expensive and time consuming, making it difficult to conduct the necessary large-scale genetic studies. SNP genotyping technologies, on the other hand, are relatively cheap, thereby facilitating large study designs. We have developed a computational tool capable of harnessing the information in SNP genotype data to detect deletions. Our approach not only detects deletions with high power but also returns accurate estimates of both the population frequency and the transmission frequency. This tool, therefore, lends itself to the discovery of deletions in large familial SNP genotype data sets and to simultaneous testing of the discovered deletion for association, with the use of both frequency-based and transmission/disequilibrium test-based designs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our computer program (microdel), available for download at no cost, with both simulated and real data. Here, we report 693 deletions in the HapMap 16c collection, with each deletion assigned a population frequency.  相似文献   

We have developed a locus-specific DNA target preparation method for highly multiplexed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping called MARA (Multiplexed Anchored Runoff Amplification). The approach uses a single primer per SNP in conjunction with restriction enzyme digested, adapter-ligated human genomic DNA. Each primer is composed of common sequence at the 5′ end followed by locus-specific sequence at the 3′ end. Following a primary reaction in which locus-specific products are generated, a secondary universal amplification is carried out using a generic primer pair corresponding to the oligonucleotide and genomic DNA adapter sequences. Allele discrimination is achieved by hybridization to high-density DNA oligonucleotide arrays. Initial multiplex reactions containing either 250 primers or 750 primers across nine DNA samples demonstrated an average sample call rate of ~95% for 250- and 750-plex MARA. We have also evaluated >1000- and 4000-primer plex MARA to genotype SNPs from human chromosome 21. We have identified a subset of SNPs corresponding to a primer conversion rate of ~75%, which show an average call rate over 95% and concordance >99% across seven DNA samples. Thus, MARA may potentially improve the throughput of SNP genotyping when coupled with allele discrimination on high-density arrays by allowing levels of multiplexing during target generation that far exceed the capacity of traditional multiplex PCR.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is an allotetraploid species consisting of two genomes, derived from B. rapa (A genome) and B. oleracea (C genome). The presence of these two genomes makes single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker identification and SNP analysis more challenging than in diploid species, as for a given locus usually two versions of a DNA sequence (based on the two ancestral genomes) have to be analyzed simultaneously during SNP identification and analysis. One hundred amplicons derived from expressed sequence tag (ESTs) were analyzed to identify SNPs in a panel of oilseed rape varieties and within two sister species representing the ancestral genomes. A total of 604 SNPs were identified, averaging one SNP in every 42 bp. It was possible to clearly discriminate SNPs that are polymorphic between different plant varieties from SNPs differentiating the two ancestral genomes. To validate the identified SNPs for their use in genetic analysis, we have developed Illumina GoldenGate assays for some of the identified SNPs. Through the analysis of a number of oilseed rape varieties and mapping populations with GoldenGate assays, we were able to identify a number of different segregation patterns in allotetraploid oilseed rape. The majority of the identified SNP markers can be readily used for genetic mapping, showing that amplicon sequencing and Illumina GoldenGate assays can be used to reliably identify SNP markers in tetraploid oilseed rape and to convert them into successful SNP assays that can be used for genetic analysis.  相似文献   

The successful application of genomic selection (GS) approaches is dependent on genetic makers derived from high-throughput and low-cost genotyping methods. Recent GS studies in trees have predominantly relied on SNP arrays as the source of genotyping, though this technology has a high entry cost. The recent development of alternative genotyping platforms, tailored to specific species and with low entry cost, has become possible due to advances in next-generation sequencing and genome complexity reduction methods such as sequence capture. However, the performance of these new platforms in GS models has not yet been evaluated, or compared to models developed from SNP arrays. Here, we evaluate the impact of these genotyping technologies on the development of GS prediction models for a Eucalyptus breeding population composed of 739 trees phenotyped for 13 wood quality and growth traits. Genotyping data obtained with both methods were compared for linkage disequilibrium, minor allele frequency, and missing data. Phenotypic prediction methods RR-BLUP and BayesB were employed, while predictive ability using cross validation was used to evaluate the performance of GS models derived from the different genotyping platforms. Differences in linkage disequilibrium patterns, minor allele frequency, missing data, and marker distribution were detected between sequence capture and SNP arrays. However, RR-BLUP and BayesB GS models resulted in similar predictive abilities. These results demonstrate that both genotyping methods are equivalent for genomic prediction of the traits evaluated. Sequence capture offers an alternative for species where SNP arrays are not available, or for when the initial development cost is too high.  相似文献   

Cultivated apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is one of the most important fruit crops in temperate regions, and has great economic and cultural value. The apple genome is highly heterozygous and has undergone a recent duplication which, combined with a rapid linkage disequilibrium decay, makes it difficult to perform genome‐wide association (GWA) studies. Single nucleotide polymorphism arrays offer highly multiplexed assays at a relatively low cost per data point and can be a valid tool for the identification of the markers associated with traits of interest. Here, we describe the development and validation of a 487K SNP Affymetrix Axiom® genotyping array for apple and discuss its potential applications. The array has been built from the high‐depth resequencing of 63 different cultivars covering most of the genetic diversity in cultivated apple. The SNPs were chosen by applying a focal points approach to enrich genic regions, but also to reach a uniform coverage of non‐genic regions. A total of 1324 apple accessions, including the 92 progenies of two mapping populations, have been genotyped with the Axiom®Apple480K to assess the effectiveness of the array. A large majority of SNPs (359 994 or 74%) fell in the stringent class of poly high resolution polymorphisms. We also devised a filtering procedure to identify a subset of 275K very robust markers that can be safely used for germplasm surveys in apple. The Axiom®Apple480K has now been commercially released both for public and proprietary use and will likely be a reference tool for GWA studies in apple.  相似文献   

In most microarray technologies, a number of critical stepsare required to convert raw intensity measurements into thedata relied upon by data analysts, biologists, and clinicians.These data manipulations, referred to as preprocessing, caninfluence the quality of the ultimate measurements. In the lastfew years, the high-throughput measurement of gene expressionis the most popular application of microarray technology. Forthis application, various groups have demonstrated that theuse of modern statistical methodology can substantially improveaccuracy and precision of the gene expression measurements,relative to ad hoc procedures introduced by designers and manufacturersof the technology. Currently, other applications of microarraysare becoming more and more popular. In this paper, we describea preprocessing methodology for a technology designed for theidentification of DNA sequence variants in specific genes orregions of the human genome that are associated with phenotypesof interest such as disease. In particular, we describe a methodologyuseful for preprocessing Affymetrix single-nucleotide polymorphismchips and obtaining genotype calls with the preprocessed data.We demonstrate how our procedure improves existing approachesusing data from 3 relatively large studies including the onein which large numbers of independent calls are available. Theproposed methods are implemented in the package oligo availablefrom Bioconductor.  相似文献   



High density genotyping data are indispensable for genomic analyses of complex traits in animal and crop species. Maize is one of the most important crop plants worldwide, however a high density SNP genotyping array for analysis of its large and highly dynamic genome was not available so far.


We developed a high density maize SNP array composed of 616,201 variants (SNPs and small indels). Initially, 57 M variants were discovered by sequencing 30 representative temperate maize lines and then stringently filtered for sequence quality scores and predicted conversion performance on the array resulting in the selection of 1.2 M polymorphic variants assayed on two screening arrays. To identify high-confidence variants, 285 DNA samples from a broad genetic diversity panel of worldwide maize lines including the samples used for sequencing, important founder lines for European maize breeding, hybrids, and proprietary samples with European, US, semi-tropical, and tropical origin were used for experimental validation. We selected 616 k variants according to their performance during validation, support of genotype calls through sequencing data, and physical distribution for further analysis and for the design of the commercially available Affymetrix® Axiom® Maize Genotyping Array. This array is composed of 609,442 SNPs and 6,759 indels. Among these are 116,224 variants in coding regions and 45,655 SNPs of the Illumina® MaizeSNP50 BeadChip for study comparison. In a subset of 45,974 variants, apart from the target SNP additional off-target variants are detected, which show only a minor bias towards intermediate allele frequencies. We performed principal coordinate and admixture analyses to determine the ability of the array to detect and resolve population structure and investigated the extent of LD within a worldwide validation panel.


The high density Affymetrix® Axiom® Maize Genotyping Array is optimized for European and American temperate maize and was developed based on a diverse sample panel by applying stringent quality filter criteria to ensure its suitability for a broad range of applications. With 600 k variants it is the largest currently publically available genotyping array in crop species.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-823) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Whole genome resequencing of 51 Populus nigra (L.) individuals from across Western Europe was performed using Illumina platforms. A total number of 1 878 727 SNPs distributed along the P. nigra reference sequence were identified. The SNP calling accuracy was validated with Sanger sequencing. SNPs were selected within 14 previously identified QTL regions, 2916 expressional candidate genes related to rust resistance, wood properties, water‐use efficiency and bud phenology and 1732 genes randomly spread across the genome. Over 10 000 SNPs were selected for the construction of a 12k Infinium Bead‐Chip array dedicated to association mapping. The SNP genotyping assay was performed with 888 P. nigra individuals. The genotyping success rate was 91%. Our high success rate was due to the discovery panel design and the stringent parameters applied for SNP calling and selection. In the same set of P. nigra genotypes, linkage disequilibrium throughout the genome decayed on average within 5–7 kb to half of its maximum value. As an application test, ADMIXTURE analysis was performed with a selection of 600 SNPs spread throughout the genome and 706 individuals collected along 12 river basins. The admixture pattern was consistent with genetic diversity revealed by neutral markers and the geographical distribution of the populations. These newly developed SNP resources and genotyping array provide a valuable tool for population genetic studies and identification of QTLs through natural‐population based genetic association studies in P. nigra.  相似文献   

Genomewide linkage searches aimed at identifying disease susceptibility loci are generally conducted using 300–400 microsatellite markers. Genotyping bi-allelic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) provides an alternative strategy. The availability of dense SNP maps coupled with recent technological developments in highly paralleled SNP genotyping makes it practical to now consider the use of these markers for whole-genome genetic linkage analyses. Here, we report the findings from three successful genomewide linkage analyses of families segregating autosomal recessively inherited neonatal diabetes, craniosynostosis and dominantly inherited renal dysplasia using the Affymetrix 10K SNP array. A single locus was identified for each disease state, two of which are novel. The performance of the SNP array, both in terms of efficiency and precision, indicates that such platforms will become the dominant technology for performing genomewide linkage searches.  相似文献   

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