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The genetic code is known to have a high level of error robustness and has been shown to be very error robust compared to randomly selected codes, but to be significantly less error robust than a certain code found by a heuristic algorithm. We formulate this optimization problem as a Quadratic Assignment Problem and use this to formally verify that the code found by the heuristic algorithm is the global optimum. We also argue that it is strongly misleading to compare the genetic code only with codes sampled from the fixed block model, because the real code space is orders of magnitude larger. We thus enlarge the space from which random codes can be sampled from approximately 2.433 × 10(18) codes to approximately 5.908 × 10(45) codes. We do this by leaving the fixed block model, and using the wobble rules to formulate the characteristics acceptable for a genetic code. By relaxing more constraints, three larger spaces are also constructed. Using a modified error function, the genetic code is found to be more error robust compared to a background of randomly generated codes with increasing space size. We point out that these results do not necessarily imply that the code was optimized during evolution for error minimization, but that other mechanisms could be the reason for this error robustness.  相似文献   

Di Giulio M 《Bio Systems》2005,80(2):175-184
A review of the main theories proposed to explain the origin of the genetic code is presented. I analyze arguments and data in favour of different theories proposed to explain the origin of the organization of the genetic code. It is possible to suggest a mechanism that makes compatible the different theories of the origin of the code, even if these are based on a historical or physicochemical determinism and thus appear incompatible by definition. Finally, I discuss the question of why a given number of synonymous codons was attributed to the amino acids in the genetic code.  相似文献   

Selenoprotein synthesis: an expansion of the genetic code.   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
A number of enzymes employ the unusual amino acid selenocysteine as part of their active site because of its high chemical reactivity. Selenocysteine is incorporated into these proteins co-translationally: biosynthesis occurs on a specific tRNA and insertion into a growing polypeptide is directed by a UGA codon in the mRNA. In E. coli, this requires a specific translation factor. Selenocysteine thus represents a unique expansion of the genetic code.  相似文献   


Genetic code expansion in multicellular organisms is currently limited to the use of repurposed amber stop codons. Here, we introduce a system for the use of quadruplet codons to direct incorporation of non-canonical amino acids in vivo in an animal, the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. We develop hybrid pyrrolysyl tRNA variants to incorporate non-canonical amino acids in response to the quadruplet codon UAGA. We demonstrate the efficiency of the quadruplet decoding system by incorporating photocaged amino acids into two proteins widely used as genetic tools. We use photocaged lysine to express photocaged Cre recombinase for the optical control of gene expression and photocaged cysteine to express photo-activatable caspase for light inducible cell ablation. Our approach will facilitate the routine adoption of quadruplet decoding for genetic code expansion in eukaryotic cells and multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

This article proposes that the genetic code was not fully formed before the divergence of life into three kingdoms. Rather, at least arginine and tryptophan evolved after the diversification of archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes, and were spread by horizontal gene transfer. Evidence for this hypothesis is based on data suggesting that enzymes for biosynthesis of arginine and tryptophan, and for arginine tRNA ligase, have shorter divergence times than the underlying lineages. Also, many of these genes display "star" phylogenies. This proposal is an extension of the idea that the genetic code was unified because of the evolutionary pressure from horizontal gene transfer. These considerations further undermine the need to postulate the existence of a "last common ancestor"; a simpler model would be that multiple lineages gave rise to life today.  相似文献   

RNA-ligand chemistry: a testable source for the genetic code   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In the genetic code, triplet codons and amino acids can be shown to be related by chemical principles. Such chemical regularities could be created either during the code's origin or during later evolution. One such chemical principle can now be shown experimentally. Natural or particularly selected RNA binding sites for at least three disparate amino acids (arginine, isoleucine, and tyrosine) are enriched in codons for the cognate amino acid. Currently, in 517 total nucleotides, binding sites contain 2.4-fold more codon sequences than surrounding nucleotides. The aggregate probability of this enrichment is 10(-7) to 10(-8), had codons and binding site sequences been independent. Thus, at least some primordial coding assignments appear to have exploited triplets from amino acid binding sites as codons.  相似文献   

This article is an update of our earlier review (Lacey and Mullins, 1983) in this journal on the origin of the genetic code and the process of protein synthesis. It is our intent to discuss only experimental evidence published since then although there is the necessity to mention the old enough to place the new in context. We do not include theoretical nor hypothetical treatments of the code or protein synthesis. Relevant data regarding the evolution of tRNAs and the recognition of tRNAs by aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases are discussed. Our present belief is that the code arose based on a core of early assignments which were made on a physico-chemical and anticodonic basis and this was expanded with new assignments later. These late assignments do not necessarily show an amino acid-anticodon relatedness. In spite of the fact that most data suggest a code origin based on amino acid-anticodon relationships, some new data suggesting preferential binding of Arg to its codons are discussed. While information regarding coding is not increasing very rapidly, information regarding the basic chemistry of the process of protein synthesis has increased significantly, principally relating to aminoacylation of mono- and polyribonucleotides. Included in those studies are several which show stereoselective reactions of L-amino acids with nucleotides having D-sugars. Hydrophobic interactions definitely play a role in the preferences which have been observed.  相似文献   

We have compared orthologous proteins from an aerobic organism, Cytophaga hutchinsonii, and from an obligate anaerobe, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. This comparison allows us to define the oxyphobic ranks of amino acids, i.e. a scale of the relative sensitivity to oxygen of the amino acid residues. The oxyphobic index (OI), which can be simply obtained from the amino acids' oxyphobic ranks, can be associated to any protein and therefore to the genetic code, if the number of synonymous codons attributed to the amino acids in the code is assumed to be the frequency with which the amino acids appeared in ancestral proteins. Sampling of the OI variable from the proteins of obligate anaerobes and aerobes has established that the OI value of the genetic code is not significantly different from the mean OI value of anaerobe proteins, while it is different from that of aerobe proteins. This observation would seem to suggest that the terminal phases of the evolution of genetic code organization took place in an anaerobic environment. This result is discussed in the framework of hypotheses suggested to explain the timing of the evolutionary appearance of the aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

An evolutionary scheme is postulated in which the bases enter the genetic code in a definite temporal sequence and the correlated amino acids are assigned definite functions in the evolving system.The scheme requires a singlet code (guanine coding for glycine) evolving into a doublet code (guanine-cytosine doublet coding for gly (GG), ala (GC), arg (CG), pro (CC)). The doublet code evolves into a triplet code. Polymerization of nucleotides is thought to have been by block polymerization rather than by a template mechanism. The proteins formed at first were simple structural peptides. No direct nucleotide-amino acid stereo-chemical interaction was required. Rather an adaptor-type indirect mechanism is thought to have been functioning since the origin.  相似文献   

The most primitive code is assumed to be a GC code: GG coding for glycine, CC coding for proline, GC coding for alanine, CG coding for arginine. The genetic code is assumed to have originated with the coupling of glycine to its anticodon CC mediated by a copper-montmorillonite. The polymerization of polyproline followed when it was coupled to its anticodon GG. In this case the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase was a copper-montmorillonite. The first membrane is considered to be a sheet formed from polyglycine. As the code grew more complicated, the alternative hydrophobic-hydrophilic polypeptide (alanine-arginine) was coded for by the alternating CG copolymer. This alternating polypeptide (ala-arg) began to function as both a primitive membrane and as an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. The evolution of protein structure is tightly coupled to the evolution of the membrane. The a helix was evolved as lipids became part of the structure of biological membranes. The membrane finally became the fluid mosaic structure that is now universal.Based on a presentation made at a workshop-Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases and the Evolution of the Genetic Code-held at Berkeley, CA, July 17–20, 1994  相似文献   

We used simulated evolution to study the adaptability level of the canonical genetic code. An adapted genetic algorithm (GA) searches for optimal hypothetical codes. Adaptability is measured as the average variation of the hydrophobicity that the encoded amino acids undergo when errors or mutations are present in the codons of the hypothetical codes. Different types of mutations and point mutation rates that depend on codon base number are considered in this study. Previous works have used statistical approaches based on randomly generated alternative codes or have used local search techniques to determine an optimum value. In this work, we emphasize what can be concluded from the use of simulated evolution considering the results of previous works. The GA provides more information about the difficulty of the evolution of codes, without contradicting previous studies using statistical or engineering approaches. The GA also shows that, within the coevolution theory, the third base clearly improves the adaptability of the current genetic code.  相似文献   

The high conservation of the genetic code and its fundamental role in genome decoding suggest that its evolution is highly restricted or even frozen. However, various prokaryotic and eukaryotic genetic code alterations, several alternative tRNA-dependent amino acid biosynthesis pathways, regulation of tRNA decoding by diverse nucleoside modifications and recent in vivo incorporation of non-natural amino acids into prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins, show that the code evolves and is surprisingly flexible. The cellular mechanisms and the proteome buffering capacity that support such evolutionary processes remain unclear. Here we explore the hypothesis that codon misreading and reassignment played fundamental roles in the development of the genetic code and we show how a fungal codon reassignment is enlightening its evolution.  相似文献   

A simple selforganizing model system of molecules is considered and it is demonstrated by a computer simulation, that a genetic code of 16 elements (aminoacids) can gradually be formed by such a system in the course of many generations. By a number of rare chance events, each suppressing other events of equal a priori probability, a single code results out of an immense number of possible codes of the same a priori probability. The result is discussed in relation to the uniqueness of the genetic code in living systems. The computer simulation emphasizes a particular step in a model pathway discussed elsewhere consisting of many assumed physicochemical steps leading to a genetic apparatus.  相似文献   

The plastid DNA of Neospora caninum encodes a homologue of the rpoB gene, which is believed to encode a subunit of a bacterial or chloroplast-like RNA polymerase. The predicted protein product of the N. caninum rpoB gene has three in-frame UGA codons which appear to encode tryptophan residues rather than act as stop codons. Based on the nucleotide sequence of a portion of the ssrRNA gene of the N. caninum plastid, a model for suppression of UGA termination in this plastid is presented.  相似文献   

The coevolution theory of genetic code origin (Wong, J.T. 1975, Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. U.S.A.72, 1909-1912) is assumed here to be substantially correct. This theory is based on the strict parallelism of the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and the organization of the genetic code and postulates that these relationships were mediated by tRNA-like molecules on which the biosynthetic transformations between precursor and product amino acids took place. These transformations underlay the mechanism that gave rise to genetic code organization. One of the pathways which represents these transformations found in current organisms, and which are thus probably molecular fossils, is the Met-tRNA(fMet)-->fMet-tRNA(fMet)pathway. This pathway is present only in the Bacteria domain. This along with other observations and arguments leads us to believe that this pathway is a clear violation of the universality of the genetic code. Furthermore, the presence of this pathway only in the Bacteria domain seems to imply that the translation apparatus was still rapidly evolving when this pathway was fixed. This, in turn, appears to imply that the last universal common ancestor was a progenote. Finally, the implications that the finding of this pathway has for the stereochemical theory of genetic code origin are discussed.  相似文献   

第21届国际生物化学与分子生物学会联盟会员大会将于2009年8月2—7日在中国上海举行。为此,《IUBMB Life》将出专刊纪念(应该是2009年8月刊),以反映中国在生物化学与分子生物学领域的进展和成就。  相似文献   

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