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5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (75 and 150 μg) was injected intraventricularly to adult male rats; animals were killed at various times after the injection and brains were examined for changes in the concentration of tryptophan, serotonin, 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid, norepinephrine and dopamine. Brain 5-hydroxyindoleamines were markedly depleted at all time periods examined, even after the administration of a tryptophan load (50 mg/kg). A small but significant decline in brain norepinephrine but not dopamine was also noted after the administration of the dihydroxytryptamine.  相似文献   

Rats exposed to acute unavoidable stress develop a deficit in escaping avoidable aversive stimuli that lasts as long as unavoidable stress exposure is repeated. A 3-week exposure to unavoidable stress also reduces dopamine (DA) output in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS). This study showed that a 7-day exposure to unavoidable stress induced in rats an escape deficit and a decrease in extraneuronal DA basal concentration in the NAcS. Moreover, animals had reduced DA and serotonin (5-HT) accumulation after cocaine administration in the medial pre-frontal cortex (mPFC) and NAcS, compared with control animals. After a 3-week exposure to unavoidable stress, escape deficit and reduced DA output in the NAcS were still significant at day 14 after the last stress administration. In the mPFC we observed: (i) a short-term reduction in DA basal levels that was back to control values at day 14; (ii) a decrease in DA accumulation at day 3 followed by a significant increase beyond control values at day 14; (iii) a significant reduction in 5-HT extraneuronal basal levels at day 3, but not at day 14. Finally, a significant decrease in 5-HT accumulation following cocaine administration was present in the NAcS and mPFC at day 3, but not at day 14. In conclusion, a long-term stress exposure induced long-lasting behavioral sequelae associated with reproducible neurochemical modifications.  相似文献   

Sex steroids are neuroprotective following traumatic brain injury or during neurodegenerative processes. In a recent short-term study, we have shown that 17β-estradiol (E) and progesterone (P) applied directly after ischemia reduced the infarct volume by more than 70%. This protection might primarily result from the anti-inflammatory effects of steroids. Here, we focus on the long-term neuroprotection by both steroids with respect to the infarct volume, functional recovery, and vessel density in the penumbra. The application of E/P during the first 48h after stroke (transient middle cerebral artery occlusion, tMCAO) revealed neuroprotection after two weeks. The infarct area was reduced by 70% and motor activity was preserved compared to placebo-treated animals. Blood vessel density in the penumbra using immunohistochemistry for von Willebrand factor showed increased vessel density after tMCAO which was not affected by hormones. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor (R1) was increased at 24h after tMCAO and up-regulated by E/P but not changed 14 days after stroke. These findings suggest that the neuroprotective potency of both steroids is sustained and persists for at least two weeks. Besides anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic actions, angiogenesis in the damaged area appears to be initially affected early after ischemia and is manifested up to two weeks. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Neurosteroids'.  相似文献   

The data accumulated during the past twenty years suggest that thyroid hormones have a direct effect on the differentiation of both the neurons and the glial cell during the critical period of brain development. A fast survey of the available data (which is presented in the introduction of this article) on the mechanism of action of thyroid hormones and on their different effects during brain development suggests that the most dramatic effect of hypothyroidism is a hypoplastic neuropile. Both in vivo, during the critical period of nerve cell differentiation and in vitro, when added to primary cultures of embryonic nerve cells thyroid hormones stimulate neurite outgrowth. Since neurite outgrowth requires massive microtubule assembly the assumption was made that thyroid hormones stimulate nerve cell differentiation by changing the concentration and/or activity of the different proteins (tubulin and “microtubule associated proteins”, MAPs) which co-polymerize to form microtubules.

Preliminary information was obtained by following the kinetics of microtubule assembly in crude brain supernatants. The data showed that: (1) the rate of in vitro microtubule assembly increases with age during brain development; (2) hypothyroidism, when produced in the rat at late pregnancy, slows this evolution; (3) early replacement therapy with thyroid hormones restores normal rates of assembly; (4) the addition of purified MAPs to normal young or 15-day-old hypothyroid brain preparations restores normal rates of polymerization. These and other data suggested that thyroid hormones regulate microtubule assembly by changing the concentration and/or activity of one or more of the MAPs.

Further analysis revealed that striking qualitative changes in MAPs composition occur during brain development. For instance, the TAU fraction, a group of 4–5 proteins with a molecular weight of 60–68 K which is present in adult brain, is absent at early stages of postnatal development: two other entities are present, TAU slow and TAU fast, with different molecular weights, lower activity and different peptide mapping. This latter observation suggests that different TAU genes are expressed during brain development; a conclusion which has been confirmed by cell-free translation of the mRNas coding for these proteins. Analysis of the TAU fraction prepared from hypothyroid rat brains also revealed that a group of TAU proteins. “TAU3”, is almost missing, whereas thyroid hormone administration markedly increases its concentration. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the TAU fraction is composed with more than 15 entities, with at least five of them being under thyroid hormone control.

The precise physiological significance of the heterogeneity of MAPs and of the changes in MAPs composition seen during development and in hypothyroid rat brain remains to be determined. The assumption is made that these changes might be of utmost importance to regulate the number and length of the microtubules, and therefore the number and length of the neurites which are formed during the differentiation process of the different neurons. Thyroid hormones would be in these respects one of the epigenic factors required to synchronize sequentially the expression of the genes coding for these proteins in the different nerve cells.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammation is a potentially important physiological mechanism linking early life environments and health in adulthood. Elevated concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP)—a key biomarker of inflammation—predict increased cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk in adulthood, but the developmental factors that shape the regulation of inflammation are not known. We investigated birth weight and breastfeeding duration in infancy as predictors of CRP in young adulthood in a large representative cohort study (n = 6951). Birth weight was significantly associated with CRP in young adulthood, with a negative association for birth weights 2.8 kg and higher. Compared with individuals not breastfed, CRP concentrations were 20.1%, 26.7%, 29.6% and 29.8% lower among individuals breastfed for less than three months, three to six months, 6–12 months and greater than 12 months, respectively. In sibling comparison models, higher birth weight was associated with lower CRP for birth weights above 2.5 kg, and breastfeeding greater than or equal to three months was significantly associated with lower CRP. Efforts to promote breastfeeding and improve birth outcomes may have clinically relevant effects on reducing chronic inflammation and lowering risk for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in adulthood.  相似文献   

Potentially noxious substances may act as fetal teratogens at levels far lower than those required to produce detectable effects in adults, and behavioural teratogenicity may occur at levels lower than those which produce morphological teratogenesis. Aluminium (Al) is a potential neurotoxin in adults. Since pregnant women may be exposed to untoward levels of Al compounds under certain conditions, we have examined the long-term effects of treating the pregnant mouse with intraperitoneal or oral aluminium sulphate on brain biochemistry and behaviour of the offspring. The cholinergic system, as evaluated by the activity of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), was affected differentially in different regions of the brain, and still showed significant effects in the adult. Differences between the intraperitoneal and oral series in the magnitude of effect seen in the regions of the brain probably reflect differences in the effective level of exposure. Growth rate and psychomotor maturation in the pre-weaning mouse were affected in the intraperitoneal series only, showing a marked post-natal maternal effect.  相似文献   

Purified astrocyte cultures from neonatal rat cerebrum respond to isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic agonist, with a transient rise in cAMP production. This astroglial property was regulated by serum, a chemically defined medium (serum-free medium plus hydrocortisone, putrescine, prostaglandin F2 alpha, insulin, and fibroblast growth factor) and epidermal growth factor. Compared to astrocytes grown in serum-supplemented medium, astrocytes grown in the chemically defined medium were nonresponsive to isoproterenol stimulation, and this difference did not appear to be due to selection of a subpopulation of cells by either medium. The data suggest that a decreased beta-adrenergic receptor number and an increased degradation of cAMP may account for the reduced response to beta-adrenergic stimulation. The nonresponsive state of astrocytes in the defined medium was reversible when the medium was replaced with serum-supplemented medium. An active substance(s) in serum was responsible for restoring the responsiveness of astrocytes. Each of the five components of the defined medium had little effect by itself; however, together they acted synergistically to desensitize astrocytes to beta-adrenergic stimulation. On the other hand, epidermal growth factor, a potent mitogen for astrocytes, was very competent by itself in reducing the cAMP response of astrocytes to beta-adrenergic stimulation. Thus purified astrocytes grown in the chemically defined medium appear to be a good model for the study of hormonal interactions and of serum factors which may modulate the beta-adrenergic response.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze, in mice, the long-term effects of delayed fatherhood on postnatal development, spontaneous motor activity, and learning capacity of offspring. Hybrid parental-generation (F(0)) males, at the age of 12, 70, 100, and 120 wk, were individually housed with a randomly selected 12-wk-old hybrid female. The resulting first-generation (F(1)) offspring were tested for several developmental and behavioral variables. Cumulative percentage of F(1) pups that attained immediate righting in the 120-wk group was lower than that found in the 12-, 70-, and 100-wk groups. Furthermore, the postnatal day of attaining immediate righting was higher in pups from the 120-wk group when compared to pups from the other age-groups. At the age of 20 wk, F(1) offspring from the 120-wk group displayed lower counts of motor activity than offspring from the 12-, 70-, and 100-wk groups. One week later, a higher percentage of offspring from the 100- and 120-wk groups entered the dark compartment during the retention trial of the passive-avoidance test when compared to offspring from the 12-wk group. Offspring from the 120-wk group exhibited also lower step-through latency in the retention trial than offspring from the 12-, 70-, and 100-wk groups. These results show that advanced paternal age at conception has long-term effects on preweaning development, spontaneous motor activity, and reduced passive-avoidance learning capacity of mouse offspring.  相似文献   

Activators of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) are effective drugs to improve the metabolic abnormalities linking hypertriglyceridemia to diabetes, hyperglycemia, insulin-resistance, and atherosclerosis. We compared the pharmacological profile of a PPARalpha activator, fenofibrate, and a PPARgamma activator, rosiglitazone, on serum parameters, target gene expression, and body weight gain in (fa/fa) fatty Zucker rats and db/db mice as well as their association in db/db mice. Fenofibrate faithfully modified the expression of PPARalpha responsive genes. Rosiglitazone increased adipose tissue aP2 mRNA in both models while increasing liver acyl CoA oxidase mRNA in db/db mice but not in fatty Zucker rats. Both drugs lowered serum triglycerides yet rosiglitazone markedly increased body weight gain while fenofibrate decreased body weight gain in fatty Zucker rats. KRP 297, which has been reported to be a PPARalpha and gamma co-activator, also affected serum triglycerides and insulin in fatty Zucker rats although no change in body weight gain was noted. These results serve to clearly differentiate the metabolic finality of two distinct classes of drugs, as well as their corresponding nuclear receptors, having similar effects on serum triglycerides.  相似文献   

Following the conditioning with dexamethasone, a dose-dependent place preference in non-preferred compartment was observed on the second test day in male Wistar rats. Amphetamine in subthreshold dose exerted no effect if administered alone and induced a place preference in an unbiased paradigm after pre-treatment with dexamethasone. Administration of D2-dopamine receptors' antagonist sulpiride 30 min prior to dexamethasone conditioning completely blocked the acquisition of the place preference. The D1-dopamine receptors' antagonist SCH23390 exerted no effect on the place conditioning. The findings suggest that the D2-dopamine receptors take part in conditioned place preference with dexamethasone.  相似文献   

The relation between the pattern of proteins localized in the surface of astroglial cells and cell differentiation was investigated in primary cultures derived from neonatal rat brains, dissociated either mechanically (MDC) or by 3 (TDC3) and 30 minutes (TDC30) trypsinization. Morphological and ultrastructural studies revealed a bed layer composed of flat, polygonal young and differentiated astrocytes in all types of cultures and a surface layer composed of small, ovoide undifferentiated cells which were more numerous in TDC30 than in TDC3 and MDC. The enrichment in undifferentiated cells, induced by prolonged brain trypsinization prior cell seeding, was observed during two weeks in culture; latter, by day 20, the cell population in all cultures was that of differentiated astrocytes. The presence of structural and enzymatic cell markers indicated that the cell population in MDC and TDC3 as well as in TDC3, including the small cells, was of astroglial origin. Concomitant with the morphological changes, cells in TDC30 were less accessible to surface labeling than those composing MDC. Subsequent electrophoresis of the labeled surface proteins demonstrated that a 140-130 K complex was the most "sensible" to brain trypsinization and that their accessibility to the surface probing was maximal during the differentiation of astrocytes in MDC or of small cells in TDC30. By day 20, these components were not significantly labeled in both, MDC, and TDC30, cultures. The use of two types of astrocytes primary culture which were different in the ratio of differentiated to undifferentiated cells and their surface labeling at different growth stages showed a variation in the composition of surface proteins during the cell maturation. The increased accessibility of some surface proteins to external probing when the cells developed to differentiated astrocytes might suggest their involvement in cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Prenatal stress greatly influences the ability of an individual to manage stressful events in adulthood. Such vulnerability may result from abnormalities in the development and integration of forebrain dopaminergic and glutamatergic projections during the prenatal period. In this study, we assessed the effects of prenatal stress on the expression of selective dopamine and glutamate receptor subtypes in the adult offsprings of rats subjected to repeated restraint stress during the last week of pregnancy. Dopamine D2-like receptors increased in dorsal frontal cortex (DFC), medial prefrontal cortex (MPC), hippocampal CA1 region and core region of nucleus accumbens (NAc) of prenatally stressed rats compared to control subjects. Glutamate NMDA receptors increased in MPC, DFC, hippocampal CA1, medial caudate-putamen, as well as in shell and core regions of NAc. Group III metabotropic glutamate receptors increased in MPC and DFC of prenatally stressed rats, but remained unchanged in all other regions examined. These results indicate that stress suffered during the gestational period has long lasting effects that extend into the adulthood of prenatally stressed offsprings. Changes in dopamine and glutamate receptor subtype levels in different forebrain regions of adult rats suggest that the development and formation of the corticostriatal and corticolimbic pathways may be permanently altered as a result of stress suffered prenatally. Maldevelopment of these pathways may provide a neurobiological substrate for the development of schizophrenia and other idiopathic psychotic disorders.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors represent standard treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Cholesterol plays an important role in Alzheimer's disease development. Because cholesterol synthesis may be inhibited by statins or bisphosphonates, we hypothesized that these drugs might possibly have an influence on cholinesterases. Moreover, we also evaluated if the cholesterol-lowering agents that cross the blood-brain barrier (e.g. simvastatin) should be more effective than those which do not (e.g. atorvastatin). Four groups of rats were orally administered simvastatin, atorvastatin, alendronate or vehicle for seven days. Thereafter, blood samples were taken and the basal ganglia, septum, frontal cortex, and hippocampus were isolated from brains for measurement of acetylcholinesterase activity. In the blood, activities of neither acetyl- nor butyrylcholinesterase were influenced by any of the applied drugs. In the brain, no significant changes in AChE activity were observed after administration of atorvastatin. Both simvastatin and alendronate significantly suppressed the activity of AChE in the frontal cortex. In conclusion, our results confirmed the hypothesis that cholesterol-modifying drugs modulate AChE activity and it is more reasonable to use a blood-brain barrier penetrating drug.  相似文献   

In a modeling study we show that desynchronization stimulation may have powerful anti-kindling effects. For this, we incorporate spike-timing-dependent plasticity into a generic network of coupled phase oscillators, which serves as a model network of synaptically interacting neurons. Two states may coexist under spontaneous conditions: a state of uncorrelated firing and a state of pathological synchrony. Appropriate stimulation protocols make the network learn or unlearn the pathological synaptic interactions, respectively. Low-frequency periodic pulse train stimulation causes a kindling. Permanent high-frequency stimulation, used as golden standard for deep brain stimulation in medically refractory movement disorders, basically freezes the synaptic weights. In contrast, desynchronization stimulation, e.g., by means of a multi-site coordinated reset, has powerful long-term anti-kindling effects and enables the network to unlearn pathologically strong synaptic interactions. We propose desynchronization stimulation for the therapy of movement disorders and epilepsies.  相似文献   

The anatomical and functional links between the hormone stress axis and the cortico-limbic brain regions which integrate emotion and motivation are well documented. It is important, considering the consequences of stress on the brain, to take into account the regulatory buffer capacities of the personality-cognitive processes. Another point of interest is evaluation of the long term effects of repeated life events on chronic environmental pressures which induce brain negative feedback defects and, subsequently, insidious cellular changes in regions such as the hippocampus that lead to memory or adaptive impairments. An example is provided by perinatal stress that induces, later in life, both hormonal and cognitive deleterious changes.  相似文献   

G D?rner  G Hinz 《Endokrinologie》1978,71(1):104-108
Male sexual behaviour was found to be permanently decreased in neonatally reserpinized or paragylinized male rats. On the other hand, hypoplasia of sex organs was only observed in reserpinized, but not in pargylinized newborn males. Furthermore, male sexual behavior was found to be permanently increased in neonatally pyridostigminized males which showed even a slight hypoplasia of seminal vesicles in neonatal life. These findings suggest that changes of neurotransmitter concentrations and/or turnover rates apparently induced by psychotrophic drugs can affect sex-specific brain differentiation by direct action without mediation of sex hormones. Hence, neurotransmitters may be regarded as organizers of the brain.  相似文献   

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