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The role of balancing selection in maintaining genetic variation for fitness is largely unresolved. This reflects the inherent difficulty in distinguishing between models of recurrent mutation versus selection, which produce similar patterns of inbreeding depression, as well as the limitations of testing such hypotheses when fitness variation is averaged across the genome. Signatures of X-linked overdominant selection are less likely to be obscured by mutational variation because X-linked mutations are rapidly eliminated by purifying selection in males. Although models maintaining genetic variation for fitness are not necessarily mutually exclusive, a series of predictions for identifying X-linked overdominant selection can be used to separate its contribution from other underlying processes. We consider the role of overdominant selection in maintaining fitness variation in a sample of 12 X chromosomes from a population of Drosophila melanogaster. Substantial variation was observed for male reproductive success and female fecundity, with heterozygous-X genotypes exhibiting the greatest degree of variance, a finding that agrees well with predictions of the overdominance model. The importance of X-linked overdominant selection is discussed along with models of recurrent mutation and sexually antagonistic selection.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical gene flow is an important, but rarely examined genetic parameter. Here, we develop a new method for detecting departures from symmetrical migration between two populations using microsatellite data that are based on the difference in the proportion of private alleles. Application of this approach to data collected from wild-caught Drosophila melanogaster along a latitudinal body-size cline in eastern Australia revealed that asymmetrical gene flow could be detected, but was uncommon, nonlocalized, and occurred in both directions. We also show that, in contrast to the findings of a previous study, there is good evidence to suggest that the cline experiences significant levels of gene flow between populations.  相似文献   

Imasheva AG  Bubliy OA 《Hereditas》2003,138(3):193-199
Effects of three different larval densities (low, intermediate and high) on phenotypic and genetic variation of four morphological traits (thorax and wing length, sternopleural and abdominal bristle number) were studied in Drosophila melanogaster using the isofemale line technique. Phenotypic variation was found to increase at high larval density in all traits examined. Environmental variance for three traits (exception was sternopleural bristle number) and fluctuating asymmetry for both bilateral traits were also increased under high density conditions. For estimates of genetic variability (among isofemale lines variance, heritability and evolvability), no statistically significant differences among density regimes were detected. However, the trends in changes of these estimates across densities indicated a possibility for enhanced genetic variation under larval crowding for all traits except abdominal bristle number. For the latter trait, genetic variation seemed not to be dependent on density regime. Generally, two metric traits (thorax and wing length) were more affected by larval crowding than two meristic ones (sternopleural and abdominal bristle number). The Results are in complete agreement with those previously obtained for D. melanogaster using extreme temperatures as stress-factors.  相似文献   

The nature of the genetic variation for the activity of three enzymes (α-GPD, ME, and SOD) was studied by means of analyses of variance among full-sib and half-sib families. The results presented here indicate that the genetic variation of activity of these enzymes consist primarily of non-additive genetic variance. A moderate level of additive genetic variation was found only for α-GPD activity. We also examined the question whether an association exists between enzyme activities and selection for preadult developmental time. Using the method developed by Lande and Arnold (1983), significant directional selection was observed for α-GPD activity.  相似文献   

Abstract Latitudinal geographic variation in Drosophila melanogaster is pervasive. Parallel clines in traits such as body size, egg size, ovariole number, and development time have been found on several continents throughout the world. However, a cline in starvation resistance and fat content in D. melanogaster has so far been found only in India. Here we investigate starvation resistance and fat content in 10 populations from South America, in which clines in body size, egg size, and development time have previously been found. We find no evidence for a cline in starvation resistance or fat content in South America. We therefore suggest that the cline in starvation resistance in India may have evolved in response to specific climatic variation found only in India.  相似文献   

Clines of P-induced hybrid dysgenesis provide a means for monitoring the evolution of transposition repression over space and time. We have studied the molecular and phenotypic profiles of flies taken from a 2900 km cline along the eastern coast of Australia, which had previously been characterized over 10 years ago as having P populations in the north, Q populations at central sites and M' populations in the south. We have found that Q and M' populations of flies have increased their range within the cline at the expense of P lines. Q populations were found to be in the north of the cline and M' populations in the south. Some of the northern Q lines transmit repression through both sexes and type I deletion elements have been isolated from them. We suggest that these elements are responsible for Q type repression. The results support our model that populations made up of Q individuals with strong biparentally transmitted repression form an evolutionarily stable strategy for the repression of hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - The RpII215 region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated to identify genetic functions and correlate these with the known molecular...  相似文献   

Glinka S  Ometto L  Mousset S  Stephan W  De Lorenzo D 《Genetics》2003,165(3):1269-1278
Demography and selection have been recognized for their important roles in shaping patterns of nucleotide variability. To investigate the relative effects of these forces in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster, we used a multi-locus scan (105 fragments) of X-linked DNA sequence variation in a putatively ancestral African and a derived European population. Surprisingly, we found evidence for a recent size expansion in the African population, i.e., a significant excess of singletons at a chromosome-wide level. In the European population, such an excess was not detected. In contrast to the African population, we found evidence for positive natural selection in the European sample: (i) a large number of loci with low levels of variation and (ii) a significant excess of derived variants at the low-variation loci that are fixed in the European sample but rare in the African population. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the European population has experienced frequent selective sweeps in the recent past during its adaptation to new habitats. Our study shows the advantages of a genomic approach (over a locus-specific analysis) in disentangling demographic and selective forces.  相似文献   

L. Serra  J. M. Oller 《Genetica》1984,63(1):39-47
In order to study a possible connection between allozymic and quantitative variation in D. melanogaster, three selection experiments were carried out, using founder strains of known genetic and chromosomal composition.The Adh and Gpdh-1 enzyme loci have been used as genetic markers and the maximum wing length has been the quantitative trait chosen. Two selected lines (high and low) were maintained and also one without selection (drift), to estimate the effect of random fluctuation on gene frequency variation. The allozymic variation was analysed by means of a polynomial regression, and a normal linear model allowed to make pairwise comparisons.The allelic combination ((F), A(-)) was favoured in the low lines of the selection experiments; the selection acted in favour of homozygotes, with a correlated loss of genetic homoeostasis. The similar behaviour of the drift and the control lines shows that random fluctuations in the gene frequencies in selected lines are negligible.  相似文献   

Clinal variation in traits often reflects climatic adaptation; in Drosophila melanogaster clinal variation provides an opportunity to link variation in chromosomal inversions, microsatellite loci and various candidate genes to adaptive variation in traits. We undertook association studies with crosses from a single population of D. melanogaster from eastern Australia to investigate the association between genetic markers and traits showing clinal variation. By genotyping parents and phenotyping offspring, we minimized genotyping costs but had the power to detect association between markers and quantitative traits. Consistent with prior studies, we found strong associations between the clinal chromosomal inversion In(3R)Payne and markers within it, as well as among these markers. We also found an association between In(3L)Payne and one marker located within this inversion. Of the five predicted associations between markers and traits, four were detected (increased heat, decreased cold resistance and body size with the heat shock gene hsr-omega S, increased cold resistance with the inversion In(3L)Payne), while one was not detected (heat resistance and the heat shock gene hsp68). In a set of eight exploratory tests, we detected one positive association (between hsp23a and heat resistance) but no associations of heat resistance with alleles at the hsp26, hsp83, Desat 2, alpha-Gpdh, hsp70 loci, while cold resistance was not associated with Frost and Dca loci. These results confirm interactions between hsr-omega and thermal resistance, as well as between In(3L)Payne and cold resistance, but do not provide evidence for associations between thermal responses and alleles at other clinically varying marker genes.  相似文献   

The latitudinal cline in P transposable element-associated characteristics in eastern Australian populations of Drosophila melanogaster has changed between 1986 and 1991–1994. New collections were made in 1991–1994 from localities along the eastern coast of Australia. P element-associated properties of 256 isofemale lines from 43 localities were evaluated using gonadal dysgenesis and/or singed-weak hypermutability assays. The overall results indicate that both P activity and P susceptibility have declined, with all populations showing a tendency towards a state with little P activity potential but with P repressor function (neutral or ‘Q’). P repressor function is strong in all populations except some of the most southerly. P activity potential peaks at about 27° SLat, and drops off to the south (as in 1983–1986 collections) and to the north (in contrast to 1983–1986 collections); thus the cline is no longer a simple P-to-Q-to-M pattern from north to south, but is now Q-P-Q-M. A mtDNA RFLP that putatively distinguishes North American and European populations varies in frequency among the populations but the frequency does not vary clinally with latitude, ruling out massive introductions from North America and Europe as causing the cline. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements have been considered as important barriers to gene flow and were often used in the delineation of species. The original taxonomic designation of Drosophila americana americana and Drosophila americana texana is based on the presence/absence of a centric fusion between the X- and fourth chromosomes. D. a. americana presents the derived fused state, whereas Drosophila a. texana presents the freely segregating ancestral state. The degree of genetic separation between the two chromosomal forms is still controversial, with different genetic markers yielding contrasting results even when the same populations were analyzed. Using 27 polymorphic microsatellites, we re-evaluated patterns of genetic differentiation between six D. americana populations sampled through a transition zone of both chromosomal forms in the central United States. Our results clearly reject a scenario of two differentiated species forming a hybrid zone in a region of parapatry and indicate that gene flow minimizes genome-wide differentiation associated with the two chromosomal arrangements.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic variation, the main determinant of the ability to evolve, is expected to be lost in small populations, but there are limited data on the effect, and controversy as to whether it is similar to that for near neutral molecular variation. Genetic variation for abdominal and sternopleural bristle numbers and allozyme heterozygosity were estimated in 23 populations of Drosophila melanogaster maintained at effective population sizes of 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 for 50 generations, as well as in 19 highly inbred populations and the wild outbred base population. Highly significant negative regressions of proportion of initial genetic variation retained on inbreeding due to finite population size were observed for both quantitative characters (b = -0.67 +/- 0.14 and -0.58 +/- 0.11) and allozyme heterozygosity (b = -0.79 +/- 0.10), and the regression coefficients did not differ significantly. Thus, quantitative genetic variation is being lost at a similar rate to molecular genetic variation. However, genetic variation for all traits was lost at rates significantly slower than predicted by neutral theory, most likely due to associative overdominance. Positive, but relatively low correlations were found among the different measures of genetic variation, but their low magnitudes were attributed to large sampling errors, rather than differences in the underlying processes of loss.  相似文献   

Abstract Steep clines in ecologically important traits may be caused by divergent natural selection. However, processes that do not necessarily invoke ongoing selection, such as secondary contact or restricted gene flow, can also cause patterns of phenotypic differentiation over short spatial scales. Distinguishing among all possible scenarios is difficult, but an attainable goal is to establish whether scenarios that imply selection need to be invoked. We compared the extent of morphological and genetic differentiation between geographically structured red and yellow floral races of Mimulus aurantiacus (bush monkeyflower; Phrymacea). Flower color was assessed in a common garden as well as in the field to determine whether variation was genetic and to quantify the extent of geographical differentiation. Population genetic differentiation at marker loci was measured for both chloroplast and nuclear genomes, and the degree of population structure within and among the floral races was evaluated. Flower color shows both a strong genetic basis and a sharp geographic transition, with pure red-flowered populations in western San Diego County and pure yellow-flowered populations to the east. In the zone of contact, both pure and intermediate phenotypes occur. Patterns of genetic differentiation at marker loci are far less pronounced, as little of the variation is partitioned according to the differences in flower color. Phenotypic differentiation (QST) between populations with different flower colors is much greater than neutral genetic differentiation (FST). When comparisons are made between populations of the same flower color, the opposite trend is evident. Limited neutral genetic structure between the floral races, combined with sharp differentiation in flower color, is consistent with the hypothesis that current or recent natural selection maintains the cline in flower color.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster larvae are used to examine habitat choice behavior and its effect on a component of preadult fitness (pupal survivorship). We established strains of flies by collecting pupae from two microhabitats from an orchard. Strain differences in pupation site choice (on versus off fruit) persisted in a field-like laboratory assay without artificial selection. To produce heterogeneous environments, air temperature and soil water content were varied in these assays. A habitat suitability difference measure was used to determine for each environment, which microhabitat (on or off fruit) resulted in greater pupal survivorship. We found 1) that habitat choice behavior had both plastic and heritable components, 2) that strain-by-environment interactions influenced habitat choice behavior and pupal survivorship and, 3) a significant positive correlation between habitat suitability and larval habitat choice behavior.  相似文献   

Geographically structured genetic variation, as represented by clines and hybrid zones, offers unique opportunities to study adaptation and speciation in natural populations. A hybrid zone has been reported between Drosophila americana americana and Drosophila americana texana, two taxa that are distinguished solely by the arrangement of their X and 4th chromosomes. In this study, samples of D. americana were collected along a latitudinal transect across the inferred hybrid zone, and the frequency of the alternative chromosomal arrangements is reported. These data illustrate that the alternative chromosomal arrangements are distributed along a shallow cline over a broad geographic region, and that the frequency of the arrangements is tightly correlated with latitude. Allelic variants at 13 RFLP loci in three genes on chromosome 4 exhibit no evidence of association with the cline. Presence of a cline for the chromosomal arrangements, as well as a general absence of geographic structure for variation at these genes, is interpreted as evidence that natural selection is responsible for the maintenance of this chromosomal cline. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that taxonomic subdivision of D. americana is unwarranted, because it exists as a cohesive species that is segregating a chromosomal fusion.  相似文献   

Field populations of arthropods are often polymorphic for Wolbachia but the factors maintaining intermediate Wolbachia frequencies are generally not understood. In Drosophila melanogaster, Wolbachia frequencies are highly variable across the globe. We document the persistence of a Wolbachia infection frequency cline in D. melanogaster populations from eastern Australia across at least 20 years, with frequencies generally high in the tropics but lower in cool temperate regions. The results are interpreted using a model of frequency dynamics incorporating cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), imperfect maternal transmission and Wolbachia effects on fitness. Clinal variation is less pronounced in eastern North America which may reflect annual recolonization at higher latitudes. Limited samples from Africa from latitudes matching our tropical and subtropical samples from Australia and North America show comparably high infection frequencies, but some equatorial samples show lower frequencies. Adult dormancy across cold periods may contribute to the Australian Wolbachia cline. Infected flies exposed to cold conditions for an extended period had reduced fecundity and viability, an effect not evident in unexposed controls. These fitness costs may contribute to the relatively low Wolbachia frequencies in Australian temperate areas; whereas different processes, including CI induced by young males, may contribute to higher frequencies in tropical locations.  相似文献   

Larval-to-adult viability was measured for three strains of Drosophila melanogaster: a wild strain and two eye colour mutant strains (cardinal and sepia) starting from seventy different genotypic compositions. Analyses of a sub-set of the data (not considering all genotypic frequencies) demonstrate frequency-dependence in the three strains. These results suggest that in this experiment, frequency-dependent selection may be masked by other selective forces, only being apparent when specific analyses are carried out.  相似文献   

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