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Rabbit spleens have been examined after perfusion fixation with and without prior washing with various fluids. The platelets were stored in the splenic sinuses and in the cord spaces as single platelets, or in loosely packed aggregates which appeared to be anchored to the endothelium by one or a few platelets. After washing prior to fixation most of the platelets disaggregated and regained their normal shape. Some platelets adhered to morphologically normal endothelium even after prolonged perfusion. Occasionally, platelets were observed inside splenic endothelial cells. Others were closely associated with macrophages, many of which also contained engulfed platelets. There was no morphological evidence of a particular platelet population being retained in the spleen after washing. In the sinuses special granule-rich cytoplasmic structures were observed. They were interposed between ordinary endothelial cells and contained a large number of small lysosome-like granules. Nuclei were never observed in these structures, probably because they consisted of pseudopod-like protrusions. Their origin and function are discussed. They may represent actively phagocytizing elements.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic filaments in fetal and neonatal pig testis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leydig cells in developing fetal pig testis contained during the fetal regressive phase large accumulations of intermediate filaments. Before and after this period these filaments were arranged in a criss-cross fashion. In the pig as well as in the dog testis these filaments have been characterized as vimentin. Within the vimentin aggregates occasionally a weak positive actin reaction was seen in pig but not in dog Leydig cells. Microfilaments were hardly observed. Most Sertoli cells contained a layer of actin microfilaments close to the basal cell membrane. In the lower cell compartment and around the nucleus (intermediate) vimentin filaments could be observed in a criss-cross configuration.  相似文献   

All musculature examined in the tiny, 0.3-mm, marine Antarctic mite Halacarellus thomasi (i.e. body and appendages) appeared ultrastructurally to be of the transversely striated type with continuous Z-lines. Tubules of sarcoplasmic reticulum lay among the myofibrils. The complexity of the sarcotubular system, sarcomere lengths of over 6 μm, and the abundance of mitochondria are interpreted as signs that the mite is slow moving, but capable of considerable and sustained contraction forces, features deemed necessary in the strong currents of the frigid water prevailing in the mite's habitat. Presence and distribution of regulatory (troponin, tropomyosin, caldesmon and calponin), contractile (actin, myosin, paramyosin and miniparamyosin) and structural (alpha-actinin, titin, minititin and nebulin) proteins were determined immunocytochemically. The results are consistent with the notion of a well-functioning contractile machinery but, furthermore, provide evidence for the great importance of the structural proteins alpha-actinin, minititin and nebulin in maintaining muscle-cell stability under the environmental conditions in which the mite has to function. Accepted: 6 May 2000  相似文献   

Mesenchymal cells (fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells) and endothelial cells were shown to interact with elastin fibers. The strong adhesion of elastin fibers to these cells is mediated by a cell membrane complex with a major glycoprotein component of 120 kDa designated as elastonectin. This interaction was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunocytochemical techniques using antibodies raised against the elastin adhesive proteins. When fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells were cultured in presence of elastin fibers, TEM showed an adhesion mechanism that takes place over several sites along the plasma membrane of these cells. Endothelial cells showed a very close association with elastin, emitting “pseudopodia” that embody the fibers. TEM, indirect immunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase, and confocal microscopy showed the presence and localization of cell membrane components synthesized in large quantities when cells were incubated in presence of elastin. Cells without elastin fibers barely revealed the adhesive membrane complex. These results confirm and extend previous findings concerning the presence of an inducible cell membrane complex that mediates the adhesion of elastin fibers to these cell types. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The proventriculus constitutes the glandular region of the chicken stomach. This organ is innervated by two parasympathetic networks, the myenteric and submucous plexus, and here we present a systematic study of this system by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. All the neurons and fibres were positive for the neural markers, protein gene product 9.5 and the amidating enzymes. Immunoreactivities for the constitutive neuronal isoform of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase and the vasoactive intestinal peptide were present in neuronal bodies suggesting an intrinsic origin for the similarly immunoreactive fibres found in the proventriculus. On the other hand, immunoreactivity to gastric inhibitory peptide was only found in varicose fibres making contact with the blood vessels and the glandular epithelium, but never in the neuronal somas, suggesting that this substance may be provided by an extrinsic nervous system whose neuronal bodies are located elsewhere. Electron microscopy revealed frequent neuromuscular and neuroepithelial connections in the muscle layers, the wall of the blood vessels and the epithelium. In addition, synapsis-like structures were identified in the proximity of cells belonging to the diffuse endocrine system, providing a new example of neuroendocrine contacts. No positivity was found for antibodies against other neural substances including somatostatin, peptide histidine–isoleucine, peptide tyrosine–tyrosine, neuropeptide tyrosine, bombesin, met-enkephalin, serotonin, substance P, galanin, calcitonin gene-related peptide and S-100 protein.  相似文献   

Bar-like structures are tubular cytoplasmic inclusions found in situ in pulmonary epithelial type II cells of several animal species. The physiological significance and mode of formation of these inclusions are not fully established. In this paper, we describe bar-like structures as found in freshly isolated type II cells from rat lungs. Pulmonary cells were dissociated from the tissue with elastase and separated on a discontinuous density gradient of Percoll. The complete isolation procedure yielded 17 X 10(6) type II cells per animal (purity = 80%). Either from the crude cell suspensions or the purified preparations, only a small fraction of the type II cell population harbored the inclusions (less than 5%). It is shown that the bounding membranes of the bar-like structures can derive from the endoplasmic reticulum, the nuclear membrane, or the Golgi apparatus. Occasional connections with lamellar bodies were observed, and different levels of complexity in the bar-like structures were also found. The apparent rigid conformation and the orientation of the bar-like structures were taken as evidence for a role of the cytoskeleton in their formation. Because the inclusions do not appear to be new organelles or cellular structures performing a specific function, we propose that their formation may be a transient and limited cellular event in normal cells. However, the stabilization and the generation of the osmiophilic structures, as well as their overproduction, may reflect alterations of the normal physiology of the type II cells.  相似文献   

Intermediate-sized filaments of human endothelial cells.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Human endothelial cells prepared from unbilical cords are characterized in parallel by electron microscopy and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using specific antibodies against different classes of intermediate-sized filaments. The strongly developed, loose bundles of intermediate-sized filaments typically found in these cells are not decorated by antibodies against prekeratin or antibodies against smooth muscle desmin. They are, however, strongly decorated by antibodies directed against murine "vimentin," i.e., the 57,000 mol wt polypeptide which is the major protein of the intermediate-sized filaments predominant in various cells of mesenchymal origin. Cytoskeletal preparations greatly enriched in intermediate-sized filaments show the enrichment of a polypeptide band comigrating with murine vimentin. This shows that the intermediate-sized filaments that are abundant in human endothelial cells are predominantly of the vimentin type and can be demonstrated by their cross-reaction with the vimentin of rodents. These data also strengthen the evidence for several subclasses of intermediate-sized filaments, which can be distinguished by immunological procedures.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical labeling of ultrathin cryosections from rat liver showed that mannose-terminated glycoproteins are removed rapidly from the blood stream mainly by the sinusoidal endothelial cells. The mannose-terminated glycoprotein ovalbumin was injected intravenously into rats 1 min, 6 min, and 24 min before perfusion fixation of the liver. Several minor and at least three major subcellular compartments were shown to be involved in the endocytic process. One minute after injection, ovalbumin was found at the cell surface, in coated pits, in coated vesicles, in tubular structures, and bound to the membrane of large early endosomes of which some showed a cisternal structure. After 6 min, ovalbumin was found in the lumen of large electron-lucent late endosomes and after 24 min in electron-dense structures, presumably lysosomes. The early endosomes have an ultrastructure which, together with the labeling pattern, indicates that this compartment has the same function as the CURL identified in parenchymal liver cells. The results are in accordance with recent biochemical findings indicating that ovalbumin endocytosed by endothelial cells is found sequentially in three different subcellular fractions depending on the time between injection and cooling for fractionation (G. M. Kindberg, T. Berg: Intracellular transport of endocytosed mannose terminated glycoproteins in rat liver endothelial cells. In: E. Wisse, D. L. Knook, K. Decker (eds.): Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid. Vol. 2. pp. 120-124. Kupffer Cell Foundation. Rijswijk The Netherlands 1989).  相似文献   

The follicular epithelium of dormouse thyroid consists of two distinct cellular types, follicular and parafollicular cells. Parafollicular cells can be easily identified by their high cytoplasmic dye-affinity for phloxine, round to ovoid shape, basal arrangement and lack of contact with follicular colloid. The wide cytoplasmic matrix is clear and contains many secretory granules of variable electron density whose contents histochemically appears to be proteic with a lean glucidic component. Furthermore immunocytochemical reactions with antibodies against calcitonin and somatostatin showed that both hormones are co-stored in the secretory granules of all parafollicular cells. Both follicular and parafollicular cells show seasonal morphological variations in their secretory activity. Follicular cell activity is high in summer, reaches a peak in late fall or prehibernation and progressively slows down throughout hibernation. Parafollicular cells exhibit a fair synthetic activity in summer, in fall, and in the animals captured during winter hibernating sleep and killed after 12 days stay in laboratory. In winter sleep, granules with interrupted membrane and cottony contents are prevalent and the ultrastructural aspects suggest an intense discharge of secretion. The results are compared with those from other hibernating mammalians and discussed in the light of blood calcium values and seasonal balances of other metabolisms.  相似文献   

Antibodies against the loosely bound subnuclear protein fraction (0.35 M NaCl-extractable subnuclear fraction) of rat brain were raised in rabbits, and the ultrastructural distribution of the antigenic determinants in rat cerebellum was studied using the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. A localization restricted to the nucleus was observed. Both neuronal and neuroglial nuclei exhibited antigens, whereas nuclei of pericytes and endothelial cells did not. The immunoreaction product was homogeneously distributed in dispersed chromatin and was absent from condensed chromatin, suggesting that the antigens were confined to the active regions of the genoma. The outer nuclear membrane and the nucleolus appeared to be free of the antigens, while a perinucleolar ring of immunoreaction was detectable. Liver preparations showed a nuclear reaction markedly weaker than the one for brain nuclei. Adsorption of the serum with isolated liver nuclei nullified the reactivity in liver tissue, whereas a sharp reaction was still observed in the cerebellum, indicating the subcellular reaction under examination to contain antigens specifically concentrated in the nervous system or unique to the brain.  相似文献   

Only limited attention has been paid to the cell population that is affected in the course of Mouse Thymic Virus (MTV) infection. In the present study, thymic cells of newborn mice infected with MTV were examined for general ultrastructural and immunocytochemical characteristics. The earliest sign of infection was detected 5 days after inoculation. Lymphocytes, epithelial reticular cells, macrophages, and lymphoepithelial cell complexes (thymic nurse cells) were affected. Viral particles and filamentous structures were present in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of these cells. At more advanced stages of cellular necrosis, 6 to 7 days post-infection, cytoplasmic granulation and loss in definition of cytoplasmic organelles became apparent. This was followed by nuclear degradation and cellular aggregation. The selective effect of MTV on lymphocyte subpopulations was also observed. Two populations of infected lymphocytes were identified by single and double immunogold labelling employing monoclonal antibodies and different sizes of gold particles. CD4+8+ and CD4+8- lymphocytes were found to be selectively lysed by MTV.  相似文献   

A S Raikhel  A O Lea 《Tissue & cell》1983,15(2):281-299
We describe two phases, previtellogenic and vitellogenic, in the activity of the trophocytes in the fat body of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The previtellogenic phase, leading to trophocyte competence to synthesize vitellogenin (Vg), occurred during the first 3 days after eclosion. This phase was characterized by enlargement and activation of the nucleoli, proliferation of ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), development of Golgi complexes, and extensive invaginations of the plasma membrane. During the vitellogenic phase, initiated by a blood meal, Vg was first detected, by immunofluorescence, 1 hr after feeding. The intensity of the immunoreaction increased for the next 24 hr, was declining at 30 hr, and had disappeared by 48 hr. Vg synthesis was characterized ultrastructurally by the enlargement of the RER and the formation of dense secretion granules in Golgi complexes. These secretion granules were two to three times larger at the peak of Vg synthesis than at the beginning. The granules discharged their contents by exocytosis. Two electron microscopical immunocytochemical methods, immunoferritin and peroxidase-antiperoxidase, confirmed this pathway of Vg processing. For the first 12 hr after feeding. Vg synthetic organelles proliferated and the active nucleoli were multilobed; thereafter, while Vg synthesis continued, the nucleoli began to regress into compact bodies. Termination of Vg synthesis was marked by autophagical degradation of Vg synthetic and processing organelles.  相似文献   

In human duodenal mucosa Paneth cells originate away from the base of crypts and migrate towards the base during maturation. The earliest cells in the Paneth cell lineage could be identified by labelling of lysozyme in the Golgi apparatus. Specific labelling for lysozyme was present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, condensing vacuoles, granules and many lysosomes of mature Paneth cells. The maturation of the Paneth cell is accompanied by an increase in the content of lysozyme in the secretory granules and with senescence lysozyme diffuses into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Polybia-MPII (INWLKLGKMVIDAL-NH2), a mastoparan isolated from the crude venom of the swarming wasp Polybia paulista, was injected into the left hind limb of Swiss white mice. Between 3 h and 21 days later the mice were killed and the soleus muscles from both hind limbs were removed. Sections of the muscles were made for transmission electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry. Transmission electron microscopy showed that both the volume fraction occupied by synaptic vesicles and synaptic vesicle density was greatly reduced after exposure to Polybia-MPII, although there was no significant structural damage to the plasma membrane of the terminal boutons and mitochondria were indistinguishable from those in normal, control boutons. Immunocytochemistry revealed that in control muscles 99% of motor end plates identified by the positive labelling of acetylcholine receptors by TRITC-α-bungarotoxin co-labelled with anti-synaptophysin antibody, but this figure fell by 30% in muscles exposed to the toxin. These changes were transient. They were maximal at 6 h and fully reversed by 3 days. At no time was axonal labelling with anti-neurofilament antibodies affected by exposure to Polybia-MPII. We conclude that mastoparan Polybia-MPII is a minor neurotoxin and suggest that its neurotoxic activity is unlikely to be of clinical significance.  相似文献   

Summary— Dinoflagellate protists constitute an original eukaryotic phylum and have an ancestor in common with ciliates. They are important tools in studies of structure and function of the nucleus because they present a mixing of prokaryotic characteristics such as chromatin devoid of histones and nucleosomes, eukaryotic characteristics such as the presence of a nuclear membrane, nucleoli and AgNOR-like proteins and original characteristics of their own. Among them are the permanent compaction of the chromosomes, the presence of a nuclear envelope during the whole cell cycle, rare bases in their DNA, as well as an original mitosis. We have studied the distribution of the nuclear argyrophilic proteins (AgP) in three genera of Dinoflagellates (Prorocentrum, Crypthecodinium and Amphidinium) by means of light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM), using cytochemical silver staining and immunocytochemical reactions following various preparation procedures. By means of the silver staining reaction, we determined by LM the distribution of nucleoli in the three non-synchronized cell populations and localized by EM the presence of AgP. These are always found in the nucleolar fibrillo-granular compartment (FG) and partly in the chromosomes and in the nucleolar UCh (unwound region of the nucleolar chromosome corresponding to the NOR); the chromosomes and the UCh are always stained in P micans, under special conditions in C cohnii but never in A carterae. To determine whether these nucleolar and chromosomal proteins are similar or different, we modified the conditions of the silver staining reaction by acidic, alkaline or enzymatic pretreatments and changes in the reaction's temperature. Our results suggested that these proteins belong to different groups. We have characterized one of these proteins using a mammalian anti-B23 Ab in P micans cells. Positive labeling was mostly detected in chromosomes and UCh and in a smaller amount in the nucleolar FG and G compartments, co-locating with end-products of the silver staining reaction. This suggests that: i) one among the dinoflagellate chromosomal AgP is analogous to the B23 mammalian protein; and ii) this B23-like protein is probably a DNA partner.  相似文献   

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