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Molecular analysis of IgM rheumatoid factor binding to chimeric IgG.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To localize regions on IgG bound by rheumatoid factors (RF), we studied IgM RF binding to chimeric IgG antibodies consisting of murine V regions fused to human constant regions. Using a modified RF ELISA, we showed that polyclonal RF from rheumatoid arthritis patients bound IgG1, 2, and 4 strongly; IgG3 was also bound, although less well. The majority of 18 monoclonal RF from patients with Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia bound IgG1, 2, and 4 only. In contrast to RF from RA, 14 of 18 monoclonal RF did not react with IgG3. Only 3 of 18 monoclonal RF bound IgG3 well. By shuffling C region domains between IgG3 and IgG4, we showed that sequence variation in the CH3 domain is responsible for the differential binding of monoclonal RF to IgG3 and IgG4. Hybrid IgG3/IgG4 antibodies containing the CH3 domain of IgG4 were bound by monoclonal RF, whereas those containing the CH3 domain of IgG3 were not. To evaluate the contribution of the N-linked carbohydrate moiety at Asn-297 to RF binding sites on IgG, we measured RF binding to aglycosylated IgG antibodies produced by mutating Asn-297 to another amino acid. Glycosylated and aglycosylated IgG1, 2, and 4 were bound identically by monoclonal and polyclonal RF. Aglycosylated IgG3, however, was bound better than glycosylated IgG3 by polyclonal RF and by IgG3-reactive monoclonal RF.  相似文献   

IgM rheumatoid factors in mice injected with bacterial lipopolysaccharides.   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) induced the formation of IgM rheumatoid factors (RF) in several strains of mice including athymic C57BL/6 nude mice, but not in the LPS-resistant C3H/HeJ mice. The RF induced by LPS reacted not only with murine IgG but also with IgG from cows, goats, guinea pigs, and humans. The kinetics of this RF response to injection of LPS were similar to those of antibody response against DNA and a hapten, dinitrophenyl (DNP), and to those of total IgM production. In addition, the RF activity of individual serum samples correlated significantly with levels of anti-DNA and anti-DNP antibodies and of IgM. Therefore, it is concluded that the induction of RF results from polyclonal antibody synthesis by B cells stimulated with LPS. This observation suggests that LPS or LPS-like substances may help to generate RF in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or with some infectious diseases.  相似文献   

The binding of IgM from a rheumatoid factor (RF-IgM) to IgG from 12 animal species was analyzed by an ELISA system. The RF-IgM bound various animal IgG with dissimilar affinities. The binding of RF-IgM to animal IgG was inhibited by addition of protein A, which binds some animal IgG by recognizing the junctional site on CH2-CH3 domains in the Fc region. As previously reported, no significant correlation was observed between the binding of RF-IgM to IgG and the content of galactose-free oligosaccharides, which is increased in IgG of rheumatoid arthritis patients or autoimmune mice. We suggest that the crucial epitope of IgG for RF-IgM binding is not the oligosaccharide structure generated specifically in IgG of autoimmune diseases but that RF-IgM may recognize a certain protein conformation of a region in IgG near the binding site of protein A.  相似文献   

Monoclonal IgM from patients with peripheral neuropathy frequently have anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) activity. We investigated the idiotypes of 10 monoclonal anti-MAG by using rabbit polyclonal antisera. Three groups of anti-idiotypic antisera could be distinguished. Four sera reacted only with the immunizing protein. Two sera reacted with a single other anti-MAG IgM in addition to the immunizing one. Immunoenzymatic studies showed that these two couples of anti-MAG IgM reacted identically with 100% cross-inhibition, indicating that the whole set of idiotypes identified by the rabbit antiserum was present on both IgM antibodies. The four other anti-idiotypic sera reacted with the homologous IgM, as well as with most of the other anti-MAG IgM. In contrast to the previous antisera the binding of these four sera to the homologous IgM could not be inhibited by other cross-reacting anti-MAG IgM. However, when a heterologous IgM was used for coating, these antisera with one exception showed complete cross-inhibition. The absence of inhibition by purified MAG of the patient of the anti-idiotypic antisera sera suggests that these antibodies are most likely to be directed against framework determinants rather than against combining site epitopes.  相似文献   

A Sarnesto 《Medical biology》1983,61(2):126-132
Mice were immunized with purified human IgG myeloma proteins and hybridomas were prepared using their spleen cells. 1817 of the hybridomas secreted anti-Ig antibodies. Several of them detected subclass-associated determinants. Eight different specificities could be distinguished. The number of hybridomas in each category were the following: 3 anti-IgG1 (1.8% of all anti-Ig clones) 5 anti-IgG2 (0.3% of all anti-Ig clones) 2 anti-IgG3 (2.5% of all anti-Ig clones) 3 anti-IgG4 (12% of all anti-Ig clones) 12 anti-IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 70 anti-IgG1, IgG2, IgG4 2 anti-IgG2, IgG4 7 anti-IgG2, IgG4 (one out of five myelomas).  相似文献   

A convenient technique suitable for the routine estimation of IgM and IgG antiglobulins has been devised. The assay involves the binding of antiglobulins (rheumatoid factors) to rabbit immunoglobulin linked to the surface of plastic tubes; the amount of antiglobulin bound is then determined by adding radiolabelled antihuman IgG or IgM. Both antiglobulins were raised in virtually all seropositive rheumatoid arthritics, and 19 out of 22 seronegative patients had raised values for either IgM or IgG rheumatoid factors. The test should prove valuable in diagnosis and the results further emphasize autosensitization to IgG as a dominant immunological characteristic of different forms of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Using hybridoma technology we established a panel of human monoclonal rheumatoid factors (RF) from the synovial tissues of two patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and one patient with polyarticular juvenile RA. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the V regions of these RF indicates that two independently derived antibodies from one of the RA patients are clonally related. One of these antibodies appears to be close to germ-line configuration, whereas the other has accumulated a total of 36 substitutions in both H and L chains. Measurements of the affinity for human IgG of the two RF show that the extensively mutated RF has 100-fold higher affinity for IgG than the RF close to germline. These findings indicate that IgM RF in RA can undergo affinity maturation and suggest that certain RF may be the product of an Ag-driven immune response.  相似文献   

The direct wet mount examination of vaginal secretion, widely applied for the diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in woman patients, is rapid and economical, however, the sensitivity of this technique is not so high. In this study enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was employed for the detection of serum anti-T. vaginalis IgG and IgM antibodies from 30 vaginal trichomoniasis patients and 30 non-infected healthy persons. The results were as follows: 1. Serum ELISA-IgG value was 0.37 +/- 0.134 (Mean +/- S.D.) in vaginal trichomoniasis patients and 0.21 +/- 0.054 in healthy controls (p less than 0.005), and the sensitivity and specificity of ELISA for serum IgG antibody were 70.0% and 96.7%, respectively. 2. Serum ELISA-IgM value was 0.33 +/- 0.177 (Mean +/- S.D.) in vaginal trichomoniasis patients and 0.11 +/- 0.051 in healthy controls (p less than 0.005), and the sensitivity and specificity of ELISA for serum IgM antibody were 70.0% and 96.7%, respectively. 3. The ELISA-IgG values showed a significant correlation with ELISA-IgM values (r = 0.77, p less than 0.005). With above results, it is assumed that ELISA is a reliable method for the diagnosis of T. vaginalis infection and simultaneous measurement of serum IgG and IgM with this technique is recommended.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the production of high titers of rheumatoid factor (RF) antibody directed against the Fc portion of IgG. Anti-Id that recognize the majority of monoclonal RF from patients with B cell dyscrasias are reactive with only 1 to 2% of these polyclonal RF from RA patients. We describe a new monoclonal anti-Id, 4C9, that recognizes a L chain determinant on polyclonal IgM RF from patients with RA but does not recognize a panel of monoclonal RF from patients with B cell malignancies. 4C9 reactivity is found in the serum of 34/43 RF-positive RA patients and in 12/12 RF-positive synovial fluids, but in only 1/14 RF-negative sera from RA patients and 1/22 sera containing monoclonal IgM RF. 4C9 reactivity is highly enriched in purified IgM RF from nine RA patients and represents a variable percentage of total IgM RF up to a maximum of 23%. Furthermore, 4C9 reactivity is enriched in the synovial fluid of three of five RA patients compared with serum, suggesting that 4C9-reactive IgM RF are synthesized within the joint. IgG RF from RA synovial fluids are not 4C9 reactive, indicating either that different genes are used to encode IgM and IgG RF in RA patients, or that IgG RF have somatically mutated away from idiotypic reactivity.  相似文献   

Advancements in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) of antibody repertoires (Ig-Seq) have unprecedentedly improved our ability to characterize the antibody repertoires on a large scale. However, currently, only a few studies explored the influence of chronic HIV-1 infection on human antibody repertoires and many of them reached contradictory conclusions, possibly limited by inadequate sequencing depth and throughput. To better understand how HIV-1 infection would impact humoral immune system, in this study, we systematically analyzed the differences between the IgM (HIV-IgM) and IgG (HIV-IgG) heavy chain repertoires of HIV-1 infected patients, as well as between antibody repertoires of HIV-1 patients and healthy donors (HH). Notably, the public unique clones accounted for only a negligible proportion between the HIV-IgM and HIV-IgG repertoires libraries, and the diversity of unique clones in HIV-IgG remarkably reduced. In aspect of somatic mutation rates of CDR1 and CDR2, the HIV-IgG repertoire was higher than HIV-IgM. Besides, the average length of CDR3 region in HIV-IgM was significant longer than that in the HH repertoire, presumably caused by the great number of novel VDJ rearrangement patterns, especially a massive use of IGHJ6. Moreover, some of the B cell clonotypes had numerous clones, and somatic variants were detected within the clonotype lineage in HIV-IgG, indicating HIV-1 neutralizing activities. The in-depth characterization of HIV-IgG and HIV-IgM repertoires enriches our knowledge in the profound effect of HIV-1 infection on human antibody repertoires and may have practical value for the discovery of therapeutic antibodies.  相似文献   

The subclass distribution of human IgG rheumatoid factor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The subclass distribution of IgG rheumatoid factor (RF) was determined by a sensitive ELISA assay in sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and from normal controls. In both instances, the most important subclasses were IgG1 and IgG4. The IgG4 RF was directed against the Fc region of IgG, and recognized human as well as rabbit IgG. Although human IgG4 myeloma proteins bound to rabbit IgG better than did myelomas of other IgG subclasses, the IgG4 RF activity in rheumatoid sera showed an additional specificity, because the fraction of IgG4 RF/total IgG4 for rheumatoid arthritis sera was far greater than for myelomas. This inference was supported by the observation that there was persistent, albeit diminished, IgG RF activity in pepsin-digested, RF-containing sera (but not myeloma proteins), indicating that a critical component of IgG4 RF activity was contained within the Fab region of the IgG4 molecule. The finding of large quantities of IgG4 RF was not due to a bias of the assay, because the preponderance of IgG4 did not extend to the subclass distribution of antibodies directed against other antigens. The demonstration of an important role for IgG4 as a RF is of special interest because of the relative inability of this subclass to fix complement or to bind to Fc receptors, and because of its potential role as a mediator of increased vascular permeability.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of human immunoglobulin variable regions have been hampered by the lack of anti-idiotypic antibodies that recognize specific heavy and light chain variable region sequences. Sixty percent of human monoclonal IgM anti-IgG autoantibodies (rheumatoid factors [RF]) from unrelated individuals share a cross-reactive idiotype (CRI) termed Wa. In previous experiments in which we used an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we reported that a synthetic peptide (PSL2), corresponding to the second hypervariable region in the kappa light chain of a monoclonal IgM-RF (Sie), induced rabbit antibodies reactive with several RF paraproteins. In the present experiments, to avoid interference due to the human IgM-RF binding toward rabbit IgG, the reactivity of the anti-PSL2 antibody to the separated heavy and light chains of multiple IgM proteins and Bence-Jones proteins was assessed by the Western blot technique. The PSL2-induced anti-CRI reacted well with the separated kappa chains from 10 out of 12 IgM-RF, zero out of four light chains from IgM proteins lacking anti-IgG activity, and one out of six kappa Bence-Jones proteins. The results show that the PSL2-CRI is associated with RF and is not a kappa subgroup marker. Furthermore, a comparison of the reported light chain sequences of the PSL2-CRI-positive IgM-RF suggests that the majority of human IgM-RF light chains derive from a single germ-line VK gene or from a family of closely related VK genes that is highly conserved in the human population. Synthetic peptide-induced anti-CRI provide a potent tool for analyzing the genetic basis of CRI and abnormal autoantibody production in humans.  相似文献   

ELISA for the detection of specific IgM and IgG in human leptospirosis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
ELISA was used to detect specific IgM and IgG in sera from humans with current or past leptospirosis. A serological pattern of a high IgM titre (greater than or equal to 1280), or moderately increased IgM (160-640) in conjunction with a low IgG titre (less than or equal to 20), with serovar copenhageni antigen was characteristic for approximately two-thirds of the sera from serovar icterohaemorrhagiae patients obtained in the first two months of the disease. The antigen was the supernatant of a heated and centrifuged culture of leptospires. Antigens were prepared from serovars copenhageni, grippotyphosa, hardjo and patoc. Sera from patients with icterohaemorrhagiae, grippotyphosa and hardjo infections showed cross-reactivity when different antigens were used. In past infections the IgG titres were clearly higher with the homologous antigen. ELISA for IgM and IgG allows the rapid diagnosis of acute leptospirosis.  相似文献   

An acidic glycolipid antigen that reacts with monoclonal IgM in patients with demyelinating neuropathy and with the mouse monoclonal antibody, HNK-1, was purified from human peripheral nerves. This lipid sharing antigenic determinants with the myelin-associated glycoprotein was shown to be an unusual glucuronic acid-containing sulfated glycosphingolipid with five sugars, but without sialic acid. Mild acid methanolysis converted the GlcUA to its methyl ester, removed the acidic sulfate group and abolished the antigenicity. Results from chemical, enzymatic, infrared, and mass spectral analysis suggested the following structure with a sulfate in a position that remains to be determined: GlcUA beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----1 ceramide.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay has been developed for the determination of human trypsin ( in plasma. It allows the measurement of trypsin concentration in spite of the presence of plasma or pancreatic inhibitors. The human trypsin used as a standard and for labelling was isolated from pancreatic tissue and purified by affinity chromatography. The antiserum was obtained from guinea-pigs immunized with partially purified human trypsin. In the radioimmunoassay, the values of trypsin in serial dilutions of plasma were parallel to those of the standard curves. The assay was shown to be reproducible, sensitive and specific. However, the two antisera used did not distinguish between the enzyme and its proenzyme. In normal subjects, plasma values were found to be around 400 ng/ml. They were 10-40 times higher in patients with acute pancreatitis. The method appears to be much more specific for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis than the current determinations of amylase and lipase activity.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for cold-induced precipitation of mixed cryoglobulins are not well understood. A mixed cryoglobulin IgM kappa/IgG (type II) of a patient with Sj?gren's syndrome was studied because of its unique properties. This cryoglobulin precipitated in serum but not in serum containing 10 mM EDTA. The cryoprecipitation was shown to require calcium (Ca) and was optimal at 1 mM of free Ca. Cryoprecipitation was also induced by Ba, Mn, and Sr, but not by Mg and Co. Purified IgM kappa/IgG complexes precipitated in the presence of Ca, but not IgM kappa alone. There was no significant binding of 45Ca to the purified IgM kappa, IgM kappa/IgG complexes formed with purified components, and the cryoprecipitate. The relative affinity of the radiolabeled [125I]IgM kappa for IgG was 3.6 x 10(3) liters/mol at 37 degrees C as assessed by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, and increased to 1.7 x 10(4) liters/mol at 4 degrees C. The addition of Ca produced no change in the affinity at 37 degrees C and 4 degrees C. The absence of a direct effect of Ca on the Ag/antibody reaction was confirmed in experiments using polyethylene glycol as precipitating agent. In conclusion, two independent steps were responsible for the precipitation of this cryoglobulin. The first step was an efficient formation of soluble immune complexes as produced by a drop in temperature. The second step was caused by a change in the physicochemical conditions--the presence of Ca--which induced polymerization of the IgM kappa/IgG complexes.  相似文献   

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