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The Mr 15000 protein associated with water-washed wheat starch granules from soft wheats was shown to be heterogeneous: it could be divided into a fraction containing one or more-amylase inhibitor subunits and a fraction largely composed of a previously uncharacterised polypeptide(s) referred to as the grainsoftness protein (GSP). The major N-terminal sequence and sequences of peptides derived from protease digests of GSP are reported. An antiserum specific for GSP was used to show that GSP accumulated in both hard and soft wheat grains, but the GSP in soft grains associated more strongly with starch granules than the GSP in hard grains. A positive correlation between grain softness and accumulation of GSP in the seed was demonstrated for a range of cultivars. This differs from the qualitative relationship, based on the isolated starch fraction, between GSP and grain softness that has already been reported. Analysis of wholemeal extracts with the antiserum demonstrated that the accumulation of GSP in the seed was dependent on the short arm of chromosome 5D, which also encodes theHa locus. In addition, examination of near-isogenic lines differing in hardness indicated that the gene(s) controlling GSP was (were) linked with theHa locus. The findings indicate that GSP may be the product of theHa locus and thus be the major factor that determines the milling characteristics of bread wheats.  相似文献   

Contrary to conventional wisdom, NHANES data indicate that the poor have never had a statistically significant higher prevalence of overweight status at any time in the last 35 years. Despite this empirical evidence, the view that the poor are less healthy in terms of excess accumulation of fat persists. This paper provides evidence that conventional wisdom is reflecting important differences in the relationship between income and the body mass index. The first finding is based on distribution-sensitive measures of overweight which indicates that the severity of overweight has been higher for the poor than the nonpoor throughout the last 35 years. The second finding is from a newly introduced estimator, unconditional quantile regression (UQR), which provides a measure of the income-gradient in BMI at different points on the unconditional BMI distribution. The UQR estimator indicates that the strongest relationship between income and BMI is observed at the tails of the distribution. There is a statistically significant negative income gradient in BMI at the obesity threshold and some evidence of a positive gradient at the underweight threshold. Both of these UQR estimates imply that for those at the tails of the BMI distribution, increases in income are correlated with healthier BMI values.  相似文献   

The concentration of d--aminoisobutyric acid (d-BAIB) in the liver and kidney was twice as high and dropped more slowly in the female mouse than in the male after an intraperitoneal injection of thymine. The concentration of -alanine, formed from uracil by the same enzyme system catalyzing formation of d-BAIB from thymine, was not different in the liver and kidney of both sexes after an intraperitoneal injection of uracil. After the intraperitoneal injection of d-BAIB, the concentration of BAIB in male liver decreased faster than that in female liver. Inhibition of d-BAIB: pyruvate aminotransferase caused by injection of d-cycloserine resulted in a significant increase in the concentration of BAIB in liver of both sexes after injection of thymine, but the concentration dropped more rapidly in the male. The activity of d-BAIB: pyruvate aminotransferase was not different in the livers of male and femalemice. Under the action of probenecid, an inhibitor of active transport systems, the sex difference in accumulation and disappearance of the amino acid in the liver was not observed. This suggested that the excretion of BAIB is more active in the renal tubules of the male mouse than in those of the female. However, the amount of BAIB excreted in the urine after injection of thymine was larger in the female mice than in the male mice. There may be another probenecid-sensitive enzyme for the disposal of BAIB in male mice.  相似文献   

Abstract Plant species richness influences primary productivity via mechanisms that (1) favour species with particular traits (selection effect) and (2) promote niche differentiation between species (complementarity). Influences of species evenness, plant density and other properties of plant communities on productivity are poorly defined, but may depend on whether selection or complementarity prevails in species mixtures. We predicted that selection effects are insensitive to species evenness but increase with plant density, and that the converse is true for complementarity. To test predictions, we grew three species of annuals in monocultures and in three‐species mixtures in which evenness of established plants was varied at each of three plant densities in a cultivated field in Texas, USA. Above‐ground biomass was smaller in mixtures than expected from monocultures because of negative ‘complementarity’ and a negative selection effect. Neither selection nor complementarity varied with species evenness, but selection effects increased at the greatest plant density as predicted.  相似文献   

Mutations that reduced the rate of starch synthesis in pea (Pisum sativum L.) embryos through effects on enzymes on the pathway from sucrose to adenosine 5′-diphosphoglucose (ADPglucose) also led to a reduction in the amylose content of the starch of developing embryos. Evidence is presented that this relationship between rate of synthesis and the composition of starch is due to the fact that amylopectin-synthesising isoforms of starch synthase have higher affinities for ADPglucose than the amylose-synthesising isoform. First, developing mutant embryos (rb, rug3 and rug4 mutants) displayed both reduced amylose contents in their starches and reduced ADPglucose contents relative to wild-type embryos. Second, incubation of detached, wild-type embryos for 6 h at high and low glucose concentrations resulted in differences in both ADPglucose content and the relative rates of amylose and amylopectin synthesis. At 0.25 M glucose both ADPglucose content and the proportion of synthesised starch that was amylose were about twice as great as at 25 μM glucose. Third, S 0.5 values for soluble (amylopectin-synthesising) starch synthases in developing embryos were several-fold lower than that for granule-bound (amylose synthesising) starch synthase. Estimates of the expected amylose contents of the starch of the mutant embryos, based on the reduction in their ADPglucose contents and on the S 0.5 values of the starch synthases, were very similar to the measured amylose contents. The implications of these results for the determination of starch composition are discussed. Received: 6 February 1999 / Accepted: 22 May 1999  相似文献   

Apart from differences in circadian phase position, individuals with different morningness–eveningness levels vary in many more characteristics. Particularly consistent relationships have been observed between morningness–eveningness and mood. Eveningness has been associated with disadvantageous mood, e.g. depressiveness in healthy individuals, and mood disorders. A concept of social jetlag suggests that evening subjects function in less advantageous environments due to discrepancies between internal and social time (societies promote morning-oriented functioning), which results in their lowered mood. Individual temperament, as defined by the Regulative Theory of Temperament (RTT), refers to the capacity of the human organism to meet environmental requirements – the greater the capacity, the less negative impact of external conditions. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine which RTT traits are linked to both morningness–eveningness and mood dimensions and to test whether they account for the relationship between morningness–eveningness and mood. A sample of 386 university students (267 female) aged between 19 and 47 (M?=?21.15, SD?=?4.23) years completed the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology (UWIST) Mood Adjective Check List, Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire and Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Inventory. Analyses revealed lower endurance (EN) and higher emotional reactivity (ER) related to eveningness as well as to lower hedonic tone (HT), energetic arousal (EA) and to higher tense arousal (TA). Moreover, eveningness was associated with lower HT, EA and higher TA. Among RTT traits, EN was most strongly related to eveningness, and mediation analyses revealed that this temperamental trait fully mediated the relationship between eveningness and the three mood dimensions. The remaining RTT traits did not provide more explanation of the association between morningness–eveningness and mood than EN itself. If subjects did not differ in EN, the association between morningness–eveningness and mood was absent. EN is discussed as a protective factor against negative consequences of social jetlag and particularly lowered mood in evening individuals.  相似文献   

Summary Chloride cells in gill epithelium of Oligocottus maintained in sea water have a much branched system of agranular cytoplasmic tubules, numerous mitochondria, and a prominent apical crypt. The mitochondria are randomly dispersed and do not show preferential orientation with respect to the tubules.After brief exposure of fish to sea water diluted 1/100 with glass distilled water, the mitochondria and tubules become rearranged into parallel arrays and the apical crypts disappear. The appearance of these cells is similar to that of pseudobranch cells in Fundulus heteroclitus (Copeland and Dalton, 1959).These data suggest that chloride cells and pseudobranch cells represent different adaptive forms of a single cell type and that transformation from the chloride cell configuration to that of pseudobranch cells can be induced by osmotic stress.This work was performed in 1963 when the author was enrolled in the Fine Structure Training program of the Department of Biological Structure, University of Washington. Financial aid was provided by the United States Public Health Service (Grant No. 5T1 GM-136).  相似文献   

The cDNA clones of two potato -tubulin genes were isolated from a tuberising stolon tip library. Analysis of 20 positive clones showed that they represented one or another of two different but very similar -tubulin genes, designated TUBST1 and TUBST2. The expression pattern of -tubulin genes in the potato plant was investigated by RNA blot analysis and by RT-PCR. Southern analysis of potato genomic DNA with coding and non-coding -tubulin probes revealed that there are multiple -tubulin genes in the potato genome and that there is likely to be considerable divergence in the 3 non-coding sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of plant -tubulin genes is described.  相似文献   

The diploid Emila sonchifolia (2n = 10) and the tetraploid E. fosbergii (2n = 20) species are widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical America, and are the only two Emilia species occurring in Brazil. Emilia fosbergii displays two sets of ten chromosomes, one slightly larger than the other. The smaller chromosome set is similar to the chromosome complement of the diploid, which agrees with the suggested participation of E. sonchifolia in the formation of E. fosbergii. To elucidate this hypothesis, the relationship between the genomes of the two species was investigated using chromomycin A3 (CMA)/4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) double staining, distribution of 5S and 45S rDNA sites by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and whole genome comparison by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). CMA/DAPI staining and FISH revealed the occurrence of one pair of CMA bands in E. sonchifolia and three pairs in E. fosbergii, all of them co-localized with 45S rDNA sites. Additionally, E. fosbergii displayed a fourth, small 45S rDNA site in its larger subgenome which was not detected as CMA band. Surprisingly, the euchromatin of the smaller subgenome of E. fosbergii stained less intensely with CMA than the larger one. The GISH procedure demonstrated the similarity between the genome of E. sonchifolia and the smaller chromosome set of E. fosbergii. GISH and CMA staining clearly demonstrate that E. fosbergii is an allotetraploid species and suggest E. sonchifolia as one of its ancestors. The maintenance of at least one pair of 5S and 45S rDNA sites per subgenome of E. fosbergii and the differentiation between its subgenomes by CMA staining seem to indicate that post-polyploidization changes are still incipient, probably because the polyploidization event and the origin of E. fosbergii were relatively recent.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the early branching lineages of the monocotyledons is performed using data from two plastid genes (rbcL and matK), five mitochondrial genes (atp1, ccmB, cob, mttB and nad5) and morphology. The complete matrix includes 93 terminals representing Acorus, the 14 families currently recognized within Alismatales, and numerous lineages of monocotyledons and other angiosperms. Total evidence analysis results in an almost completely resolved strict consensus tree, but all data partitions, genomic as well as morphological, are incongruent. The effects of RNA editing and potentially processed paralogous sequences are explored and discussed. Despite a decrease in incongruence length differences after exclusion of edited sites, the major data partitions remain significantly incongruent. The 14 families of Alismatales are all found to be monophyletic, but Acorus is found to be included in Alismatales rather than being the sister group to all other monocotyledons. The placement is strongly supported by the mitochondrial data, atp1 in particular, but it cannot be explained as an artifact caused by patterns of editing or by sampling of processed paralogues.  相似文献   

α-L-Fucosidase (EC activity was studied in different reproductive organs, seminal plasma and spermatozoa of the bull. The highest specific activity of α-L-fucosidase was found in the epididymis. Gel filtration at pH 7.0 revealed two α-L-fucosidases (α-L-fucosidase I and α-L-fucosidase II) in most reproductive tissues, but seminal plasma, spermatozoa and epididymal cauda contained only form I. Fractionation at basic pH (pH 8.5) resulted in the elution of α-L-fucosidase as form II. Some differences were encountered in pH profiles and thermal stabilities of the two enzyme forms and they showed additional polymorphism after chromatofocusing. The comparison of enzyme profiles after fractionations suggests that cauda epididymidis is the main source of the seminal plasma activity in the bull.  相似文献   

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid in exploring the role of direct plant defence, through the production of allelochemicals, on the performance of parasitoid wasps and their hosts. However, few studies have determined if parasitoids can detect differences in plant quality and thus preferentially attack hosts on which their progeny develop most successfully. In this study we examined the development and preference of two endoparasitoids, Diadegma semiclausum and Cotesia glomerata , developing in larvae of their respective hosts, Plutella xylostella and Pieris brassicae . In turn, these were reared on different wild populations of black mustard Brassica nigra originating in the Netherlands and Sicily (Italy), as well as single cultivated strains of B. nigra and brown mustard, B. juncea . Chemical analyses of foliar glucosinolates and volatile emissions by P. xylostella -damaged plants revealed large differences between B. nigra and B. juncea plants, with smaller differences among the B. nigra populations. The four mustard populations differentially affected development time and body mass of the herbivores and parasitoids. Contrasts among the means revealed significant differences mainly between B. nigra and B. juncea . Both parasitoids, however, preferred to alight on plants in which their progeny developed most successfully. In behavioural bioassays, D. semiclausum did not discriminate among the B. nigra populations and preferred to alight on B. juncea , which was the best plant population for parasitoid development. By contrast, C. glomerata females exhibited the lowest preference for Italian B. nigra populations, on which adult parasitoid size was the smallest. These results reveal that parasitoids can detect even small differences in plant quality presumably through their volatile blends and that plant preference and offspring performance in the two species are 'optimally synchronized'.  相似文献   

Enterobacteriaceae, one of the major families of microorganisms that inhabit the soil and gut, internally regulate constant fluctuations in soil and gut pH by buffering these changes through the presence of carbonic anhydrase (CA). In our study, we prove the prevalence of β-CA, derived from the can gene, in members of Enterobacteriaceae by using a combination of experimental and bioinformatics approaches. Enzyme purification and western blot analysis revealed the presence of β-CA in Enterobacter sp. RS1. Genetic studies confirmed the presence of β-CA in both Enterobacter sp. RS1 and Citrobacter freundii SW3. Our analysis of the divergence of cynT and can genes among harboring members indicated that the can gene was more prominent in Enterobacteriaceae than cynT. Sequence analysis of the can gene revealed a >25 % similarity among all sequences and a >50 % similarity among sequences from the Enterobacteriaceae family. The β-CA from C. freundii SW3 and Enterobacter sp. RS1, isolated from soil and used in this study, possessed a high similarity with the can gene. The close association among Enterobacteriaceae genera usually found in the soil and gut and the sequence similarity of β-CA in the different genera of Enterobacteriaceae suggest the importance of the can gene in oscillating environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic-demographic parameters of natural reproduction in the most numerous ethnic groups of Moscow and St. Petersburg were assessed on the basis of the 2002 All-Russia Population Census data and other sources. The intensity of intragroup selection due to individual differences in fertility in the cohorts of women born in the 1930s–1950s decreased in all ethnic groups studied. It was concluded that, in both megacities, the relaxation of the selection component due to differential fertility almost stopped: the values of the Crow’s index If stabilized at 0.3 < If < 0.4, which was associated with relative stabilization of the interfamily variance of fertility. The temporal dynamics of the intensity of intergroup selection due to interethnic differences in fertility rates was more complex. It was only recently that this type of selection came into action, since even at the beginning of the 20th century fertility rates in various ethno-territorial and ethno-confessional groups of the population of the Russian Empire were similar (5–6 offspring per marriage). In the subsequent decades, interethnic differentiation in progeny size increased because the reproductive behavior of different population groups underwent “modernization” with uneven speed. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the intensity of intergroup selection decreased in women birth cohorts of the 1930s–1950s, while it was an order of magnitude lower than the intragroup selection. Currently, the average number of offspring varies among ethnic groups in a narrow range from 1.3 to 1.6. It can be expected that interethnic differences in fertility rates in these megacities will increase again owing to growing numbers of migrants from regions with traditionally high birth rates, resulting in differential natural growth of ethnic groups and the corresponding dynamics of the gene pool of the population.  相似文献   

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