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The iaaM gene from different plant-associated bacteria encodes a tryptophan monooxygenase (IaaM) that catalyzes the synthesis of indole-3-acetamide (IAM), a precursor of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Unlike the IaaM proteins from other bacteria, Agrobacterium spp. T-DNA-encoded IaaM proteins carry a 200 amino acid N-terminal extension with low homology to various members of the RolB protein family. This family is composed of 18 highly divergent T-DNA-encoded proteins, the basic functions of which are still largely undetermined. Deletion of the 5' rolB-like extension of the iaaM gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain Ach5 did not lead to a reduction in IAM synthesis in plants. When expressed in tobacco, the rolB-like fragment did not affect growth or morphology. An iaaM homolog (A4-orf8) from the TL-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4 also was investigated. Neither the full-size A4-orf8 gene nor the 5'-truncated form induced detectable IAM synthesis. Plants expressing the rolB-like part of the A4-orf8 gene, however, were dwarfed and mottled to various extents and synthesized abnormally high amounts of glucose, fructose, sucrose, and starch.  相似文献   

The open reading frame 8 (ORF8) is located on the TL-DNA of the phytopathogenic soil bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4. The predicted ORF8 protein has a particular structure and is possibly a natural fusion protein. The N-terminal domain shows homology to the A. rhizogenes rolB protein and may modulate the auxin responsiveness of host cells. The C terminus has up to 38% homology to tryptophan 2-monooxygenases (t2m). We show that ORF8 overexpressing plants contain a fivefold higher concentration of indole-3-acetamide (IAM) than untransformed plants. Protein extracts from seedlings and Escherichia coli overexpressing ORF8 show significantly higher turnover rates of tryptophan to IAM than negative controls. We conclude that the ORF8 gene product has tryptophan 2-monooxygenase activity.  相似文献   

The rolB gene of the plant pathogen Agrobacterium rhizogenes has an important role in the establishment of hairy root disease in infected plant tissues. When expressed as a single gene in transgenic plants the RolB protein gives rise to effects indicative of increased auxin activity. It has been reported that the RolB product is a β-glucosidase and proposed that the physiological and developmental alterations in transgenic plants expressing the rolB gene are the result of this enzyme hydrolysing bound auxins, in particular (indole-3-acetyl)-β-D-glucoside (IAGluc), and thereby bringing about an increase in the intracellular concentration of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Using tobacco plants as a test system, this proposal has been investigated in detail. Comparisons have been made between the RolB phenotype and that of IaaM/iaaH transformed plants overproducing IAA. In addition, the levels of IAA and IAA amide and IAA ester conjugates were determined in wild-type and transgenic 35S-rolB tobacco plants and metabolic studies were carried out with [13C6]IAA [2′-14C]IAA, [14C]IAGluc, [5-3H]-2-o-(indole-3-acetyl)-myo-inositol and [14C]indole-3-acetylaspartic acid. The data obtained demonstrate that expression of the rolB encoded protein in transgenic tobacco does not produce a phenotype that resembles that of IAA over producing plants, does not alter the size of the free IAA pool, has no significant effect on the rate of IAA metabolism, and, by implication, appears not to influence the overall rate of IAA biosynthesis. Furthermore, the in vivo hydrolysis of IAGluc, and that of the other IAA conjugates that were tested, is not affected. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that the RolB phenotype is not the consequence of an increase in the size of the free IAA pool mediated by an enhanced rate of hydrolysis of IAA conjugates.  相似文献   

The related orf8 and iaaM T-DNA genes from Agrobacterium are each composed of two distinct parts. The 5' parts (called Norf8 or NiaaM) encode a 200-amino-acid (aa) sequence with homology to various T-DNA oncoproteins such as RolB, RolC, and 6b. The 3' parts (Corf8 or CiaaM) encode a 550-aa sequence with homology to IaaM proteins from Pseudomonas and Pantoea spp. Whereas iaaM genes encode flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent tryptophan 2-monooxygenases that catalyze the synthesis of indole-3-acetamide (IAM), A4-orf8 from Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4 does not. Plants expressing a 2x35S-A4-Norf8 construct accumulate soluble sugars and starch. We now have regenerated plants that express the full-size 2x35S-A4-orf8 and the truncated 2x35S-A4-Corf8 gene. 2x35S-A4-Corf8 plants accumulate starch and show reduced growth like 2x35S-A4-Norf8 plants but, in addition, display a novel set of characteristic growth modifications. These consist of leaf hypertrophy and hyperplasia (blisters); thick, dark-green leaves; thick stems; and swollen midveins. Mutations in the putative FAD-binding site of A4-Orf8 did not affect the blister syndrome. Plants expressing 2x35S-A4-Corf8 had a normal phenotype but contained less starch and soluble sugars than did wild-type plants. When 2x35S-A4-Corf8 plants were crossed to starch-accumulating 2x35S-A4-Norf8 plants with reduced growth, A4-Corf8 partially restored growth and reduced starch accumulation. A4-Corf8xA4-Norf8 crosses did not lead to the blister syndrome, suggesting that this requires physical linkage of the A4-NOrf8 and A4-COrf8 sequences.  相似文献   

Plant oncogenes aux1 and aux2 carried by the TR-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4 encode two enzymes involved in the auxin biosynthesis pathway in transformed plant cells. The short divergent promoter region between the two aux-coding sequences contains the main regulatory elements. This region was fused to the uidA reporter gene and introduced into Nicotiana tabacum in order to investigate the regulation and the tissue specificity of these genes. Neither wound nor hormone induction could be detected on transgenic leaf discs. However, phytohormone concentration and auxin/cytokinin balance controlled the expression of the chimaeric genes in transgenic protoplasts. The expression was localised in apical meristems, root tip meristems, lateral root primordia, in cells derived from transgenic protoplasts and in transgenic calli. Histological analysis showed that the expression was located in cells reactivated by in vitro culture. Experiments using cell-cycle inhibitors such as hydroxyurea or aphidicolin on transgenic protoplast cultures highly decreased the -glucuronidase activity of the chimaeric genes. These results as well as the histological approach suggest a correlation between expression of the aux1 and aux2 genes and cell division.  相似文献   

A 577-bp promoter segment of Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC, previously known as the phloem-specific gene expression promoter, was fused to the 5′ end of a reporter gene, β-glucuronidase (GUS), uidA. This rolC-promoter-driven expression of the GUS gene was found to be significantly strong in glandular cells in transgenic tobacco plants. Analysis of this segment of the promoter sequence revealed a myb response element.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains of the agropine type harbor on their Ri-plasmid two T-DNAs, a left TL-DNA and a right TR-DNA. The rolB gene of the TL-DNA is the major factor in the pathogenesis of the hairy-root disease and its constitutive expression interferes profoundly with plant morphogenesis. We have tested whether the expression of its sequence related putative homologue from the TR-DNA (rolBTR) may cause also bacterial virulence or affect plant development. Unlike rolB, rolBTR is unable to induce root formation on tobacco leaf discs. Tobacco plants expressing a chimeric 35S::rolBTR gene have reduced stature, off-shoots at the stem base and bent and wrinkled leaves with epinastic growth. 14 N-terminal amino acids which are absent in the rolB protein are indispensable to rolBTR protein activity. The characteristic tyrosine phosphatase super family motif CX5R is absent in the rolBTR protein. For rolB this motif is possibly functionally relevant. We conclude that the rolBTR gene product has morphogenic activity but is not a functional homologue of the rolB protein.  相似文献   

Hu Y  Chen B  Ni T  Li N  Lin Z 《Molecular biotechnology》2003,24(2):121-126
A 577-bp promoter segment of Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC, previously known as the phloem-specific gene expression promoter, was fused to the 5' end of a reporter gene, beta-glucuronidase (GUS), uidA. This rolC-promoter-driven expression of the GUS gene was found to be significantly strong in glandular cells in transgenic tobacco plants. Analysis of this segment of the promoter sequence revealed a myb response element.  相似文献   

Plants of the mangrove species Pelliciera rhizophoreae and Avicennia germinans, exhibit pronounced oscillations in stomatal aperture under certain climatic conditions. During these oscillations, changes in transpirational water loss were closely followed by those in leaf water potential (ψ1) as indicated by continuous monitoring with an in situ dewpoint hygrometer. With this instrument, it was possible to measure dynamic changes in ψ1 for several days under constant conditions. Subsequently, the leaf was detached from the shoot and a pressure-volume (PV) curve was established by repeatedly weighing the leaf, still attached to the hygrometer during short interruptions of the water potential recordings. The pressure-volume relationship was then used to derive other water relations parameters from these water potential data. Thus, the procedure described herein allows a continuous analysis of the relevant components of bulk leaf water relations. Oscillations in water potential were also measured with single leaves using a pressure chamber. Water relations data obtained with these two different methods were in good agreement. In addition, osmotic potentials derived from the PV-analysis were well within the range of those determined cryoscopically using extracted cell sap.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium rhizogenes induces root formation and inserts a fragment of its plasmid into the genome of infected plants. A part of the transferred region (TL-region) of the Ri plasmid of A. rhizogenes strain A4 was cloned in pBR322. Insertions of the Escherichia coli lacZ coding region into the hybrid plasmids were made in vivo using mini-Mu-duction. Two mini-Mus were used, one with the Mu A and B transposase genes (MudII1681) and the other without (MudII1734). Two inserts which result in E. coli lacZ expression where shown to be located in the T-DNA region. This indicates that portions of the T-DNA are capable of expression in bacteria. When these two hybrid plasmids were transformed into Agrobacterium only the one harboring MudII1734 insert gave transformants which correspond to homologous recombination. These results indicate that gene fusion and insertion directed mutagenesis can be simultaneously obtained with this mini-Mu and could be used to study Agrobacterium gene expression.  相似文献   

H Endoh  T Hirayama  T Aoyama  A Oka 《FEBS letters》1990,271(1-2):28-32
We sequenced a 4.2-kb DNA region encompassing the vir A locus of the hairy-root-inducing plasmid pRiA4, and compared its sequence with the published vir A region sequences of four tumor-inducing plasmids. An open reading frame capable of coding for 829 amino acids was identified for vir A. Deletion mutants of vir A constructed by fusing to lacZ, but not the wild-type game itself, were efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli when they were put downstream front the lac promoter. These fused gene products became soluble or insoluble depending on the length of their lacZ moieties.  相似文献   

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