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Biofouling resulting from the attachment of microorganisms communities to the membrane surface is the major obstacle for the widespread application of membrane technology. This work develops a feasible approach to prepare an anti-biofouling poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane. A copolymer that possessed oppositely charged groups was first synthesized via radical copolymerization with methyl methacrylate, 2-methacryloxy ethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride and 2-acrylamide-2-methyl propane sulphonic acid as monomers. The copolymer was blended with the PVDF powder to prepare the antifouling membrane via the immersed phase inversion method. The antifouling properties of the modified PVDF membrane were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, water contact angle measurement, zeta-potential measurement, protein adsorption, microbial adhesion and filtration experiments. The modified PVDF membrane showed limited adsorption and adhesion of protein bovine serum albumin and microbes (Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) with increasing copolymer concentration in the casting solution. The modified PVDF membrane exhibited excellent antibiofouling properties.  相似文献   

Interaction between casein and the oppositely charged surfactant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu Y  Guo R 《Biomacromolecules》2007,8(9):2902-2908
The interactions between the classical cationic surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) and 2.0 mg/mL casein were investigated using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), turbidity, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and fluorescence spectra measurements. The results suggest that the cationic headgroup of the surfactant individually binds to the negatively charged amino acid sites on the casein chains because of the electrostatic attraction upon the addition of DTAB. When the surfactant concentration reaches a critical value c1, DTAB forms micelle-like aggregates on the casein chain, resulting in the formation of insoluble casein/DTAB complexes. Further addition of DTAB leads to the redissolution of casein/DTAB complexes because of the net positive charge on casein/DTAB complexes and the formation of DTAB free micelles. The addition of salt screens the repulsion between the surfactant headgroups and the attraction between casein and surfactant molecules, which weakens the binding of surfactant onto the casein chain, favoring the formation of free surfactant micelles.  相似文献   

Yu S  Yao P  Jiang M  Zhang G 《Biopolymers》2006,83(2):148-158
Ovalbumin and lysozyme are two main proteins in hen egg white with the isoelectric points of 4.8 and 11, respectively. Herein we report the manufacture of stable, narrowly distributed nanogels (hydrodynamic radius about 100 nm) using a novel and convenient method: ovalbumin and lysozyme solutions were mixed at pH 5.3, the mixture solution was adjusted to pH 10.3, then subsequently stirred and heated. The nanogels were characterized using a combination of techniques. The nanogels have spherical shape and core-shell structure. The core is mainly composed of lysozyme and the shell is mainly composed of ovalbumin. The proteins in the nanogels are in denatured states and they are bound by intermolecular hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonds, and disulfide bonds. The charges of the nanogels can be modulated by the pH of the medium. The electrostatic repulsion of ovalbumin molecules on the nanogel surface stabilizes the nanogels in aqueous solution. The formation mechanism of the nanogels is discussed.  相似文献   

Interactions of anionic polyelectrolyte (PE) with cationic monomeric (MS) and dimeric surfactants (DS) have been investigated by coarse-grained molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. A PE/surfactant mixture is observed to evolve over time into micellar complex of increasing size. The critical aggregation concentration (CAC) is qualitatively found to be much lower than the critical micellization concentration (CMC) of the free surfactant. Compared to the monomeric analog, a DS interacts more strongly with the oppositely charged polyion chain. The equilibrium complex size becomes larger with increasing surfactant concentration. Simulation results are consistent with experimental observations and reveal that the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions play an important role in the formation of micellar complex.  相似文献   

Self-assembly in aqueous solution of two oppositely charged globular proteins, hen egg white lysozyme (LYS) and bovine calcium-depleted α-lactalbumin (apo α-LA), was investigated at pH 7.5. The aggregation rate of equimolar mixtures of the two proteins was determined using static and dynamic light scattering as a function of the ionic strength (15-70 mM) and protein concentration (0.28-2.8 g/L) at 25 and 45 °C. The morphology of formed supramolecular structures was observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. When the two proteins are mixed, small aggregates were formed rapidly that subsequently grew by collision and fusion. The aggregation process led on larger length scales to irregularly shaped flocs at 25 °C, but to monodisperse homogeneous spheres at 45 °C. Both the initial rate of aggregation and the fraction of proteins that associated decreased strongly with decreasing protein concentration or increasing ionic strength but was independent of the temperature.  相似文献   

Turbidity measurements performed at 450nm were used to follow the process of complex formation, and phase separation in gelatin-agar aqueous solutions. Acid (Type-A) and alkali (Type-B) processed gelatin (polyampholyte) and agar (anionic polyelectrolyte) solutions, both having concentration of 0.1% (w/v) were mixed in various proportions, and the mixture was titrated (with 0.01 M HCl or NaOH) to initiate associative complexation that led to coacervation. The titration profiles clearly established observable transitions in terms of the solution pH corresponding to the first occurrence of turbidity (pH(C), formation of soluble complexes), and a point of turbidity maximum (pH(phi), formation of insoluble complexes). Decreasing the pH beyond pH(phi) drove the system towards precipitation. The values of pH(C) and pH(phi) characterized the initiation of the formation of intermolecular charge neutralized soluble aggregates, and the subsequent formation of microscopic coacervate droplets. These aggregates were characterized by dynamic light scattering. It was found that Type-A and -B gelatin samples formed soluble intermolecular complexes (and coacervates) with agar molecules through electrostatic and patch-binding interactions, respectively.  相似文献   

The mechanism of complex formation between DNA and oppositely charged dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide/dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DODAB/DOPE) and 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTAP)/DOPE mixed liposomes, as well as the physico-chemical properties of DNA-mixed liposome complexes, were examined. Fluorescence microscopy showed that the interaction between DNA and oppositely charged mixed liposomes started at very low liposome concentrations and induced a discrete coil-globule transition in individual DNA molecules. The DNA size distribution was bimodal in a wide range of liposome concentrations. The critical concentration of the cationic lipid needed for the complete compaction of single DNA molecules depended on the composition of the charged mixed DODAB/DOPE and DOTAP/DOPE liposomes. Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) observations of DNA complexes with mixed liposomes revealed that the lamellar packing of lipid molecules was typical for the complexes formed from the cationic lipid-enriched mixtures, while inverted hexagonal arrays were found for the neutral lipid-enriched complexes. The microstructures of the complexes were also examined with the use of the small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique, which confirmed the results obtained by cryo-TE microscopy and enabled the quantitative characterization of lipid packaging in the complexes with DNA macromolecules. We also found that the introduction of the neutral lipid into the complexes between DNA and oppositely charged lipids, DODAB and DOTAP, moderately increased the thermal stability of the complexes and changed the quantitative characteristics of the melting profiles of the complexes.  相似文献   

Cationic peptides self assemble upon interacting with sodium salt of oppositely charged polymer, poly(acrylic acid), PAA, giving rise to water-soluble nanoparticles at very low concentration (0.1 mM of PAA). The morphology of these kinds of nanoparticles is mainly governed by the composition of the complexes, which can be expressed as Z+/-, i.e., the ratio of positively charged units to the concentration of anionic units of the polymers present in the system. In the present study, at lower Z+/-, the particles are elongated in shape but adopt spherical shape of 75-100 nm in diameter at higher Z+/- values. We propose that the nanoparticles containing cationic peptides obtained by this methodology can serve as delivery system to enhance the antinociception effect of the chimeric peptide with previously administered doses.  相似文献   

Arcesi L  La Penna G  Perico A 《Biopolymers》2007,86(2):127-135
Histonelike proteins in prokaryotes and histone octamers in eukaryotes carry large positive charges, which are responsible of strong electrostatic interactions with DNA. As a result, DNA wraps around proteins and genetic information is condensed. We describe a generalized model of these electrostatic interactions mediated by salt that explains the wrapping of DNA around the nucleosome octamer, around remodeling factors in eukaryotes and around histonelike proteins in prokaryotes. It comes out that small changes in protein dimension and charge produce large effects in the supramolecular DNA-protein architecture.  相似文献   

The process of cancer development consists of three sequential stages termed initiation, promotion, and progression. Oxidative stress damages DNA and introduces mutations into oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes, thus contributing to cancer development. Cancer chemoprevention is defined to prevent or delay the development of cancer by the use of natural or synthetic substances. In the present study, we synthesized a series of organoselenium compounds and evaluated their possible chemopreventive properties in human prostate cancer LNCaP cells. Among 42 organoselenium compounds tested, two compounds, 3-selena-1-dethiacephem 13 and 3-selena-1-dethiacephem 14 strongly activated the Nrf2/ARE (antioxidant response element) signaling and thus markedly increased expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a phase II antioxidant enzyme. Translocation of Nrf2 to the nucleus preceded HO-1 protein induction by two compounds. The intracellular ROS level was strongly reduced immediately after treatment with these compounds, showing that they are potent antioxidants. Finally, both compounds inhibited cell growth via cell cycle arrest. Our findings suggest that compounds 13 and 14 could not only attenuate oxidative stress through Nrf2/ARE activation and direct ROS scavenging but also inhibit cell growth. Thus, these compounds possess the potential as pharmacological agents for chemoprevention of human prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The importance of peptide secondary structure on the interaction between antimicrobial peptides and oppositely charged poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) microgels of various charge density was investigated for EFKRIVQRIKDFLRNLV (EFK17). Through D-enantiomer (EFK17-d/a; E(dF)KR(dI)VQR(dI)KD(dF)LRNLV) or tryptophan (EFK17-W/a; EWKRWVQRWKDFLRNLV) substitutions, both conformation-dependent and -independent amphiphilicity of this peptide could be precisely controlled. Peptide secondary structure was investigated by circular dichroism, whereas microgel deswelling and reswelling in response to peptide binding and release were studied by micromanipulator-assisted light and fluorescence microscopy, and peptide uptake in the microgels was determined from solution depletion measurements. Results show that peptide binding to the microgel is highly influenced by peptide secondary structure. EFK17-a, characterized by an idealized helix with all polar/charged amino acids located at one side of the helix, and all nonpolar/hydrophobic residues on the other, displays pronounced α-helix induction on peptide binding to the microgels. EFK17-d/a, on the other hand, displays no such amphiphilic helix induction. Mirroring this, EFK17-a displays substantially higher binding to the microgels than EFK17-d/a as well as much larger peptide-induced microgel deswelling. For EFK17-W/a, both conformation-dependent and -independent amphiphilicity effects were demonstrated. Overall, the results show that peptide conformational aspects need to be considered in peptide/microgel interactions, for example, in the design of microgel carrier systems for peptide drugs.  相似文献   

This review focusses on recent developments in the experimental study of polyion-induced charged colloidal particle aggregation, with particular emphasis on the formation of cationic liposome clusters induced by the addition of anionic adsorbing polyions. These structures can be considered, under certain points of view, a new class of colloidal systems, with intriguing properties that opens interesting and promising new opportunities in various biotechnological applications. Lipidic structures of different morphologies and different structural complexities interacting with oppositely charged polyions give rise to a rich variety of self-assembled structures that present various orders of hierarchy in the sense that, starting from a basic level, for example a lipid bilayer, they arrange themselves into superstructures as, for example, multilamellar stacks or liquid-crystalline structures. These structures can be roughly divided into two classes according to the fact that the elementary structure, involved in building a more complex one, keeps or does not keeps its basic arrangement. To the first one, belong those aggregates composed by single structures that maintain their integrity, for example, lipidic vesicles assembled together by an appropriate external agent. The second one encompasses structures that do not resemble the ones of the original objects which form them, but, conversely, derive from a deep restructuring and rearrangement process, where the original morphology of the initial constitutive elements is completely lost. In this review, I will only briefly touch on higher level hierarchy structures and I will focus on the assembling processes involving preformed lipid bilayer vesicles that organize themselves into clusters, the process being induced by the adsorption of oppositely charged polyions. The scientific interest in polyion-induced liposome aggregates is two-fold. On the one hand, in soft-matter physics, they represent an interesting colloidal system, governed by a balance between long-range electrostatic repulsion and short-range attraction, resulting in relatively large, equilibrium clusters, whose size and overall charge can be continuously tunable by simple environmental parameters. These structures present a variety of behaviors with a not yet completely understood phenomenology. On the other hand, the resulting structures possess some peculiar properties that justify their employment as drug delivery systems. Bio-compatibility, stability and ability to deliver various bio-active molecules and, moreover, their environmental responsiveness make liposome-based clusters a versatile carrier, with possibility of efficient targeting to different organs and tissues. Among the different structures made possible by the aggregating mechanism (cationic particles stuck together by anionic polyions or conversely anionic particles stuck together by cationic polyions), I will review the main experimental evidences for the existence of cationic liposome clusters. Especial attention is paid to our own work, mainly aimed at the characterization of these novel structures from a physical point of view.  相似文献   

The induced chirality of achiral binary aggregates of meso-tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrine (TMPyP) and meso-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrine (TPPS) on a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) matrix was investigated. Although the negatively charged TPPS did not show induced chirality in DNA solution due to the electrostatic repulsion, induced chirality was obtained through the addition of a positively charged TMPyP. It was confirmed that the induced chirality was due to the binary complex formation between TPPS and TMPyP on the DNA matrix. Moreover, the induced chirality depended on the relative molar ratio of TPPS to TMPyP (r) and the binding modes of the complex to DNA. When r<1, induced circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the ternary complex was similar to that of intercalated TMPyP into DNA. For r=1, the induced CD spectrum showed a reversed biphasic signal due to the complex of TMPyP and TPPS stacking along the DNA surface. At a higher r value (>1), there was an induced CD signal at 482 nm attributed to a lateral shifted arrangement of heteroaggregate of TPPS and TMPyP on DNA matrix where TMPyP acted as a spacer to mediate the growth of heteroaggregates. Increasing the concentration of sodium chloride in the solution would favor the formation of the lateral shifted arrangement of heteroaggregate of TPPS and TMPyP. The resonance light scattering (RLS) spectra confirmed the above results. Analysis of the CD spectral changes in DNA conformation showed that during the binary complex formation of TPPS and TMPyP, the intercalated TMPyP could be 'pulled out' from the base pairs of DNA, which might be useful in gene therapy. A model was proposed to account for these observations.  相似文献   

Many nonenveloped viruses have evolved an infectious cycle that culminates in the lysis or permeabilization of the host to enable viral release. How these viruses initiate the lytic event is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrated that the simian virus 40 progeny accumulated at the nuclear envelope prior to the permeabilization of the nuclear, endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membranes at a time which corresponded with the release of the progeny. The permeabilization of these cellular membranes temporally correlated with late protein expression and was not observed upon the inhibition of their synthesis. To address whether one or more of the late proteins possessed an inherent capacity to induce membrane permeabilization, we examined the permeability of Escherichia coli that separately expressed the late proteins. VP2 and VP3, but not VP1, caused the permeabilization of bacterial membranes. Additionally, VP3 expression resulted in bacterial cell lysis. These findings demonstrate that VP3 possesses an inherent lytic property that is independent of eukaryotic signaling or cell death pathways.  相似文献   

Film electrodes prepared from oppositely charged silicate submicroparticles and carbon nanoparticles was applied for selective dopamine sensing. Mesoporous silicate submicroparticles with tetraalkylammonium functionalities were prepared by sol-gel method. They were immobilised on an indium tin oxide film surface together with phenylsulphonated carbon nanoparticles by layer-by-layer method: alternative immersion into their suspensions. As it is shown by scanning electron microscopy the obtained film is composed of silicate submicroparticles covered by carbon nanoparticles. The nanoparticulate film is stable and its electroactive surface is significantly larger than substrate. Accumulation of redox active cations indicates that only fraction charged functionalities of carbon nanoparticles are employed in film formation. The obtained electrode exhibits catalytic properties towards dopamine oxidation and its interferences as ascorbic acid, uric acid and acetaminophen. This allows for selective determination of tenth micromolar concentration of dopamine in the presence of these interferences at milimolar level. The detection limit and linear range were determined to 0.1 × 10?? mol dm?3 and 0.3-18 × 10?? mol dm?3 respectively.  相似文献   

DNA can be condensed with an excess of poly-cations in aqueous solutions forming stable particles of submicron size with positive surface charge. This charge surplus can be used to deposit alternating layers of polyanions and polycations on the surface surrounding the core of condensed DNA. Using poly-L-lysine (PLL) and succinylated PLL (SPLL) as polycation and polyanion, respectively, we demonstrated layer-by-layer architecture of the particles. Polyanions with a shorter carboxyl/backbone distance tend to disassemble binary DNA/PLL complexes by displacing DNA while polyanions with a longer carboxyl/backbone distance effectively formed a tertiary complex. The zeta potential of such complexes became negative, indicating effective surface recharging. The charge stoichiometry of the DNA/PLL/SPLL complex was found to be close to 1:1:1, resembling poly-electrolyte complexes layered on macrosurfaces. Recharged particles containing condensed plasmid DNA may find applications as non-viral gene delivery vectors.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of the charge transport kinetics of oppositely charged lipophilic probe ions in lipid bilayer membranes of varying composition was carried out by using the charge pulse technique. The ions investigated were the chemical analogs tetraphenylborate, tetraphenylarsonium and tetraphenylphosphonium. Membrane structural aspects investigated were the type of solvent used in membrane formation, sterol content, and the nature of the principal lipid. The overall results indicate that the character of the transport process involving positive lipophilic probes is, in contrast to positively charged carrier complexes, very similar to that deduced in previous studies of negative lipophilic ions. The major effect on transport of lipophilic ions of both signs using differentn-alkane solvents appears to be due to changes in the thickness of the membrane hydrocarbon region. Positive ion transport is relatively sensitive to the inclusion of sterols of several types in both monoolein and lecithin membranes, as compared with negative ion transport, suggesting that a combination of sterol-induced dipolar field and fluidity changes are involved. Results involving several variations in lipid structure, with the possible exception of hydrocarbon tail saturation, when interpreted in terms of dipolar field changes deduced under the assumption of charge independent fluidity effects, are consistent with monolayer surface potential measurements.  相似文献   

The distribution of charged groups in proteins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
D J Barlow  J M Thornton 《Biopolymers》1986,25(9):1717-1733
The distributions of charged groups in 32 proteins of known three-dimensional structure have been analyzed to determine how regularly the groups are spread over the molecule's surfaces, and to identify and to study those proteins where charge asymmetry would seem important for their function. The distributions have been analyzed in terms of charge “polarity,” surface “charge density,” and electric dipole moments. More detailed studies of the distributions for individual proteins are made using map projections specifically developed for this purpose. In the light of the results obtained we discuss the role of charged groups in relation to protein function.  相似文献   

P Chin  S S Brody 《Biochemistry》1975,14(6):1190-1193
The surface properties of monomolecular films of oxidized and reduced cytochromes f and c were measured at an air-water interface. Area/molecular (A) and surface potential (deltaV) for oxidized and reduced forms of the cytochromes were measured as a function of pH. Oxidized cyt f has a maximum for both A and deltaV at pH 7.5. At a surface pressure of 6 dyn/cm the maximum A equals 2600 plus or minus 50 A2 and the maximum deltaV equals 200 plus or minus 10 mV. Reduced cyt f as a function of pH has a minimum value for both A (2200 A2) and deltaV (95 mV). Oxidized cyt c as a function of pH has minima for A (140 A2) and deltaV (188 mV) at pH 7.0 and 7.3, respectively. On the other hand, reduced cyt has maximum values for A (220 A2) and deltaV (260 mV) at pH 7.0 and 7.3, respectively.  相似文献   

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