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In many competitive sports, players need to quickly and continuously execute movements that co-adapt to various movements executed by their opponents and physical objects. In a martial art such as kendo, players must be able to skillfully change interpersonal distance in order to win. However, very little information about the task and expertise properties of the maneuvers affecting interpersonal distance is available. This study investigated behavioral dynamics underlying opponent tasks by analyzing changes in interpersonal distance made by expert players in kendo matches. Analysis of preferred interpersonal distances indicated that players tended to step toward and away from their opponents based on two distances. The most preferred distance enabled the players to execute both striking and defensive movements immediately. The relative phase analysis of the velocities at which players executed steps toward and away revealed that players developed anti-phase synchronizations at near distances to maintain safe distances from their opponents. Alternatively, players shifted to in-phase synchronization to approach their opponents from far distances. This abrupt phase-transition phenomenon constitutes a characteristic bifurcation dynamics that regularly and instantaneously occurs between in- and anti-phase synchronizations at a critical interpersonal distance. These dynamics are profoundly affected by the task constraints of kendo and the physical constraints of the players. Thus, the current study identifies the clear behavioral dynamics that emerge in a sport setting.  相似文献   

The active dendritic conductances shape the input-output properties of many principal neurons in different brain regions, and the various ways in which they regulate neuronal excitability need to be investigated to better understand their functional consequences. Using a realistic model of a hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron, we show a major role for the hyperpolarization-activated current, Ih, in regulating the spike probability of a neuron when independent synaptic inputs are activated with different degrees of synchronization and at different distances from the soma. The results allowed us to make the experimentally testable prediction that the Ih in these neurons is needed to reduce neuronal excitability selectively for distal unsynchronized, but not for synchronized, inputs.  相似文献   

Synchronizing behavior with other conspecifics has been suggested as serving a function of increased foraging efficiency. However, the potential costs associated with synchronization of behavior have rarely been studied. Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae sometimes dive synchronously in small open waters surrounded by fast sea ice. We examined the diving behavior of three couples and one trio, which were observed to dive synchronously among groups of 12–47 birds for 1.7–4.5 h duration, with time-depth recorders. Timing of diving and surfacing differed slightly between individuals, and one bird tended to initiate diving earlier than the other. Although the duration of the dives differed only slightly between these birds, the maximum depth of the dives differed to a large extent, with one member tending to dive consistently deeper than the other bird in two out of the four cases. Vertical distances between tagged birds in the undulatory phases of the dives (presumed feeding time) were greater than those in the descent and ascent phases, suggesting independent foraging by group members. Duration of the undulatory phase of the dives tended to be shorter in deeper-diving individuals than the others in the synchronously diving group, suggesting a potential cost of reduced feeding time to synchronize diving and surfacing with other birds. A digital video image relating to the article is available at .  相似文献   

Study of protein expression during the cell cycle requires preparation of pure fractions of cells at various phases of the cell cycle. This was achieved by the development of methods for cell synchronization. Successful cell synchronization requires knowledge of the duration of all phases of the cell cycle. So, in the present review these interrelated problems are considered together. The first part of this review deals with basic methods employed for analysis of duration of cell cycle phases. The second summarizes data on treatments used for cell synchronization. Methods for calculation of percent of cells at various stages of the cell cycle in fractions of synchronized cells are considered in the third part. The fourth part of this review deals with a method of study of protein expression during the cell cycle by means of immunoblotting of synchronized cell fractions. In the Appendix, basic principles are illustrated with practical examples of analysis of the cell cycle, synchronization, and study of expression of some proteins at various stages of the cell cycle using synchronized XL2 (Xenopus laevis) cells.  相似文献   

J M Benoit 《Chronobiologia》1978,5(2):147-157
I. White light is an essential and specific external factor in the development and growth of the duck gonads. The effects of light vary according to: a. Its intensity, up to a certain maximum, beyond which the effect on the gonads becomes reduced. b. Its daily duration. c. Its duration throughout the year. Too prolonged daily exposure to light throughout the year, as in temperate climates, produces a refractory phase due to a sort of temporary fatigue of the gonad-stimulating mechanism and not to weakness or fall in the testicular reaction. d. Its distribution in time. Dividing of the exposure to light for a given time, favors growth of the testis. II. Light is not essential for testicular development in ghe duck. This development occurs in total darkness but is slower, smaller and presents fluctuations which are less marked and shorter than in natural light. When several ducks are placed in darkness in the same surroundings, the fluctuations of various individuals present certain synchronization which can only be explained by the intervention of social factors which are probably tactile. III. Submitted to constant, continuous and prolonged light for years, male ducks present, with a few differences, a behavior similar to that of subjects submitted to total darkness. Finally, light is not essential for testicular growth, but it is necessary in nature to trigger off and stimulate testicular development and ensure its annual cyclic character. Social fractors, and other external factors, also play and important role to ensure synchronization of the development of the gonads of subjects in the same group.  相似文献   

During the social period, molting behavior of the young spider, Amaurobius ferox, is highly synchronized within the clutch. Result of the experimental study suggests that social facilitation among group members increased the synchronization. The duration of the molting period of grouped spiderlings was significantly shorter than that of individually isolated spiderlings. Involving the particular maternal strategy in food supply, this phenomenon might have adaptive values in the maintenance of mutual tolerance among the siblings by decreasing the interindividual difference in development and in the avoidance of cannibalism on molting individuals. This probably will also serve to make the peaceful collective behaviors of the spiderlings in matriphagy and cooperative prey capture during their social period.  相似文献   

Searching for a new home--scouting behavior of honeybee swarms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Honeybee scouting, where individual bees search the environmentwithout prior information about the possible location of foodsources or nest sites, is notoriously difficult to study. Yet,understanding scouting behavior is important as it providesinsights into how social insects trade-off exploitation withexploration. The use of simulation models is an ideal way toinvestigate the possible mechanisms behind the regulation ofscouting at the group level as well as the ways in which theswarm searches its environment. We used an individual-basedsimulation model to study the scouting behavior of honeybeeswarms. In our model, we implemented a simple decision rulethat regulates the number of scouts: individual bees first attemptto find a dance to follow but become scouts if they fail todo so. We show that this rule neatly allows the swarm to adjustthe number of scouts depending on the quality of the nest sitesknown to the swarm. We further explored different search strategiesthat allow the swarm to select good-quality nest sites independentof their distance from the swarm. Assuming that it is costlyto move to a site that is far away, the best search strategywould be to give precedence to nearby sites while still allowingthe discovery of better sites at distances farther away.  相似文献   

Tendency-distance models of social cohesion in animal groups   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Although it has been assumed that attraction and repulsion between social individuals constitute a basis for group cohesion, there has been no systematic study of the possible ways in which these tendencies might vary with inter-individual distance (IID), or of associated implications for group structure. In this paper, a family of attraction/repulsion--distance functions is described. Computer simulation was used to examine the effects of each function on group cohesion, as reflected by mean values and variability in IID and group shape. Our results showed that: (a) all models led to stability in group structure, but differed significantly in terms of stable IID and group shape characteristics; (b) cohesion was best served by an upwardly convex behaviour--distance function in which maximum attraction equaled maximum repulsion (and the biological plausibility of this function is discussed); (c) group elongation and variability in mean IID were significantly positively correlated; (d) although dyads maintained an equilibrial separation distance, at which attraction balanced repulsion, in larger groups stable nearest neighbour distances were often less than the equilibrium distance; and (e) individuals needed to monitor and respond to only relatively few of their companions in order to avoid group fragmentation.  相似文献   

In their natural environment, capuchins select certain plants, containing secondary compounds with bactericide, insecticide or fungicide properties, to rub their pelage energetically (i.e. fur rubbing). Fur rubbing can be performed in solitary, or collectively in subgroups of variable size and composition, and most of the time fur rubbing happens in synchrony with other group members. The aim of this study is to understand the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon, and, more particularly, to determine the processes involved in its synchronization. For this purpose, we designed a set of experiments where white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) were presented with onions (Allium cepa) that they use to fur rub. We conducted a detailed kinetic study of fur rubbing behavior to determine if its synchronization is the consequence of simultaneous responses of different individuals to the same stimulus or if, on the contrary, there is a real collective phenomenon where individuals respond to conspecific behavior. Our results reveal that fur rubbing is a collective behavior with a mimetic underlying mechanism. If fur rubbing with onions (a plant with antifungal and repellent properties) allows capuchins to treat their fur against parasites or pathogens, its synchronization would optimize the treatment by acting as a group barrier to ectoparasite propagation.  相似文献   

Quantitative data on the ways in which the different phases of the stoplight parrotfish (Sparisomaviride Bonnaterre) distribute their time among various activities in different habitats are presented. Individuals spent from 84–97% of their diurnal time swimming, feeding, and hovering. Additionally, large adults spent a significant amount of time sheltering among crevices. Phase-related differences in these activities are statistically significant, as are differences in duration and rates of change of the activities. Large individuals spent more time swimming, while small individuals spent more time hovering. In addition, large individuals performed longer bouts of activity and switched activities less frequently than small individuals. Adult males and females spent approximately equal proportions of time in each of the activity states. Stochastic analyses of behavioural sequences show second order Markov chain dependencies, suggesting that preceding activity states affect subsequent behaviour. Possible relationships between behavioural sequencing and the species foraging strategy are discussed, and it is suggested that the sequence of behavioural activities can provide an estimation of the distribution of food resources in the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Dispersal and habitat detection are key factors for the colonisation of habitat fragments in heterogeneous landscapes. The ability to recognise a habitat from a certain distance should increase the survival chances of a dispersing individual; however, due to methodological problems there is little information on the perceptual range of most species.
2. In a field experiment, 44 individually marked grasshoppers of the species Oedipoda caerulescens (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Locustinae) were released into an unfamiliar, hostile environment at various distances from a patch of preferred habitat.
3. Whether individuals reached the habitat or not was measured, as well as the daily movement distances. The number of individuals that reached the habitat was tested against computer-generated predictions based on different underlying rules for the movement behaviour of individuals but not accounting for the ability to detect habitat from distance.
4. On the first day a significantly higher proportion of grasshoppers arrived in the habitat than predicted by any of the null models.
5. It was concluded that individuals of O. caerulescens are able to detect their preferred habitat from a distance.
6. Edge permeability was very low as none of the individuals left the habitat once they had reached it.
7. Additional analyses showed that individuals changed movement behaviour from a directed walk with great daily distances in unsuitable habitat to a walk with significantly shorter daily distances within the preferred habitat.
8. The problems that arose in the field experiment are discussed and recommendations are given for further studies.  相似文献   

1. Relatively few studies of the host‐finding ability of specialised, phytophagous insects involve direct observations of individual insects moving among intact hosts and non‐hosts. Information from such studies can inform the design of restoration programmes for species of conservation concern. 2. The movement of caterpillars of the threatened Oregon silverspot butterfly, Speyeria zerene hippolyta (Edwards) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) was studied in the field in cleared arenas with 10 cm radii. Caterpillars were placed in the centre, surrounded by three individuals of their host, Viola adunca, and three different non‐host individuals, separated by bare ground. In a second experiment, second instars were placed between a host and a non‐host, 3–6 cm away. Caterpillars were observed to determine if they walked to their host more often than expected by chance. 3. Caterpillars walked to vegetation significantly more often than expected by chance. They did not, however, reach their hosts more often than expected, based on plant availability. 4. It is concluded that S. z. hippolyta caterpillars can distinguish vegetation from bare ground from 10 cm away. There is no evidence that they can distinguish their host plant from other herbaceous species at distances of 3 cm.  相似文献   

This study is a preliminary assessment of the potential of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) calls to operate in systems of within-group spacing. Covariation in the rate of occurrence of calls with party spread, size, and activity among wild individuals of one group suggested that four classes of calls may function in intragroup spacing. Two of them are “clear” calls of long duration and pronounced frequency modulation. Calling rate increased with party spread for low- and high-frequency variants of these calls during resting and feeding respectively, suggesting possible utility in maintenance of spatial relations over moderately long distances. A third “harsh” call was negatively correlated with party spread during foraging and may thus function to increase dispersion among foraging individuals. Another harsh call with a tonal onset was unique among all calls in the vocal repertoire in being more frequently performed by lone, isolated individuals than by macaques accompanied by others, suggesting a possible function in reestablishing contact that has been severed. The functional significance of these calls with respect to their acoustic structures is discussed. Macaques that use calls to regulate intragroup spacing can control communication distance and direction by their choice of acoustically different vocalizations. This choice may be affected not only by varying environmental constraints on sound transmission, but also by social and ecological factors such as intragroup competition.  相似文献   

Dispersal is one of the most important factors determining the genetic structure of a population, but good data on dispersal distances are rare because it is difficult to observe a large sample of dispersal events. However, genetic data contain unbiased information about the average dispersal distances in species with a strong sex bias in their dispersal rates. By plotting the genetic similarity between members of the philopatric sex against some measure of the distance between them, the resulting regression line can be used for estimating how far dispersing individuals of the opposite sex have moved before settling. Dispersers showing low genetic similarity to members of the opposite sex will on average have originated from further away. Applying this method to a microsatellite dataset from lions (Panthera leo) shows that their average dispersal distance is 1.3 home ranges with a 95% confidence interval of 0.4-3.0 home ranges. These results are consistent with direct observations of dispersal from our study population and others. In this case, direct observations of dispersal distance were not detectably biased by a failure to detect long-range dispersal, which is thought to be a common problem in the estimation of dispersal distance.  相似文献   

The group of 22 children of 7-8 years old and the group of 17 adults participated in the experiment in which they were asked to synchronize their movements (pressing a button) with an isochronous sequence of visual stimuli. The period of the sequence was varied between 500 to 2000 ms with the 300 ms step. Two successive phases of visuo-motor synchronization were studied: the synchronization phase and the initiation phase which corresponds to the process of transition between reacting to a visual stimulus and the stable synchronization. The initiation phase was characterized by the shape and duration of the asynchrony time course (relaxation curve). The statistical properties of asynchrony were analyzed in the framework of the phase correction of the central timer. It is shown that (1) the range of successful visuo-motor synchronization is narrower in children of 7-8 than in adults and it spans from 600-700 ms to approx. 1700 Mc; (2) The initiation phase lasts about the same time in children of 7-8 and adults and typical shapes of individual relaxation curves are similar in both adults and children. (3) Although the statistical properties of asynchrony are comparable in children and adults, the mechanism of phase correction of the central timer operates with a lower value of the correction gain factor in children than in adults. In children, the phase correction process is also characterized by a substantially higher level of the central and motor noise which leads to a higher asynchrony variability and more frequent and longer lasting synchronization losses.  相似文献   

Classic central place foraging theory does not focus on the foraging of central place herbivores. This is especially true with regard to large mammalian herbivores. To understand the foraging dynamics of these neglected foragers, we measured giving‐up densities (GUDs) in artificial food patches. We did this at different distances away from the central point (i.e. corral) for a herd of free‐ranging domestic goats. To determine temporal changes, we conducted the study over a 3‐mo period during an extended dry season. Throughout our study, goats foraged across a gradient of food availability where forage was more available farther away from the central point. In contrast to the prediction that predation risk and/or increased travel costs were the main drivers of foraging decisions, we found that the goats increased their feeding effort (i.e. achieved lower GUDs) the farther away they moved from the central point. This suggests that either metabolic or missed opportunity costs were the main factors that influenced foraging decisions. In addition, we suggest that social foraging may have also played a role. With increases in foraging opportunities away from the central point, a herd will likely move slowly while foraging. As a result, individuals can feed intensively from patches but remain part of the group. Ironically, owing to the sustained close proximity of other group members, individuals may perceive patches farther from the central point as being safer. Temporally, the goats increased their feeding effort throughout the dry season. This suggests there was a decline in food quality and/or availability across the environment as the study progressed. Despite this increase in feeding effort, the negative relationship with distance did not change. Ultimately, our results provide key insight into how metabolic, missed opportunity and perceived predation costs influence the feeding decisions of large central place herbivores.  相似文献   

Individuals are embedded in social networks in which they communicate with others in their daily lives. Because smooth face-to-face communication is the key to maintaining these networks, measuring the smoothness of such communication is an important issue. One indicator of smoothness is the similarity of the body movements of the two individuals concerned. A typical example noted in experimental environments is the interpersonal synchronization of body movements such as nods and gestures during smooth face-to-face communication. It should therefore be possible to estimate quantitatively the smoothness of face-to-face communication in social networks through measurement of the synchronization of body movements. However, this is difficult because social networks, which differ from disciplined experimental environments, are open environments for the face-to-face communication between two individuals. In such open environments, their body movements become complicated by various external factors and may follow unstable and nonuniform patterns. Nevertheless, we consider there to be some interaction during face-to-face communication that leads to the interpersonal synchronization of body movements, which can be seen through the interpersonal similarity of body movements. The present study aims to clarify such interaction in terms of body movements during daily face-to-face communication in real organizations of more than 100 people. We analyzed data on the frequency of body movement for each individual during face-to-face communication, as measured by a wearable sensor, and evaluated the degree of interpersonal similarity of body movements between two individuals as their frequency difference. Furthermore, we generated uncorrelated data by resampling the data gathered and compared these two data sets statistically to distinguish the effects of actual face-to-face communication from those of the activities accompanying the communication. Our results confirm an interpersonal similarity of body movements between two individuals in face-to-face communication, for all the organizations studied, and suggest that some body interaction is behind this similarity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nineta pallida (Schneider) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) larvae were reared at 21CC under various stationary photoperiods. The duration of the first stadium varied with daylength. Long-day regimes (LD 18:6 and 16:8 h) induced the fastest development, whereas the first ecdysis was more or less delayed in LD 14:10 and 13:11 h. Medium days (LD 12:12 h) resulted in the longest duration of the first stadium and high mortality, and all shorter days (LD 10:14, 8:16 and 6:18 h) in a moderate delay in the first ecdysis in all individuals. The facultative delay in development is thought to be a diapause, and viewed as a factor contributing to the annual synchronization of the life cycle.  相似文献   

The predation pressure and food availability to which individuals are exposed during their life histories shape inspection behaviour in animals. In this study, we aimed to test whether such behaviours varied with prior experience (predation, starvation or both treatments) or measurement condition (with or without the presence of a predator; here, the snakehead fish, Channa argus) in the fish species Spinibarbus sinensis, known as qingbo. Unexpectedly, prior predator experience showed no significant effect on inspection behaviour as demonstrated by either the frequency or the duration of each activity outside shelter or on cooperation as demonstrated by the inter-individual distance or synchronization of speed. This may have been due to the different adjustments in behaviour among individuals (more shelter use vs. more inspection), the predator treatment used in the present study (exposure to caged predator rather than direct predation) and/or a species-specific strategy in the qingbo. The starved fish displayed shorter inspection latency, increased inspection behaviour and greater cooperation when measured without the predator; however, when measured in the presence of the predator, the starved fish showed increased inspection frequency but shorter inspection duration, possibly due to the compromise between energy needs and predation risk. Similar to those of the predation group, the fish from the double-treated group showed no difference in inspection behaviour compared to the control group under the predator-absent condition, while the high-frequency, short-duration inspection behaviours remained the same as in the starved group. These findings suggested that the adjustment of inspection behaviour and related cooperation are rather complicated according to either predator experience or food deprivation, partially due to the inter-individual differences in behavioural adjustment and/or different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Neural selectivity to signal duration within the auditory midbrain has been observed in several species and is thought to play a role in signal recognition. Here we examine the effects of signal duration on the coding of individual and concurrent vocal signals in a teleost fish with exceptionally long duration vocalizations, the plainfin midshipman, Porichthys notatus. Nesting males produce long-duration, multi-harmonic signals known as hums to attract females to their nests; overlapping hums produce acoustic beats at the difference frequency of their spectral components. Our data show that all midbrain neurons have sustained responses to long-duration hum-like tones and beats. Overall spike counts increase linearly with signal duration, although spike rates decrease dramatically. Neurons show varying degrees of spike rate decline and hence, differential changes in spike rate across the neuron population may code signal duration. Spike synchronization to beat difference frequency progressively increases throughout long-duration beats such that significant difference frequency coding is maintained in most neurons. The significance level of difference frequency synchronization coding increases by an order of magnitude when integrated over the entirety of long-duration signals. Thus, spike synchronization remains a reliable difference frequency code and improves with integration over longer time spans.  相似文献   

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