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The tropical green algal genus Halimeda is one of the best studied examples of pseudo-cryptic diversity within the algae. Previous molecular and morphometric studies revealed that within Halimeda section Rhipsalis, Halimeda incrassata included three pseudo-cryptic entities and that the morphological boundaries between H. incrassata and Halimeda melanesica were ill-defined. In this paper, the taxonomy of H. incrassata is revised: two pseudo-cryptic entities are described as new species, Halimeda kanaloana and Halimed heteromorpha, while H. incrassata is redefined to encompass a single, monophyletic entity. Similarities and differences between the three species and H. melanesica are discussed. Monophyly of H. heteromorpha, which was questioned in a former study, is reinvestigated using sets of 32 ITS1–ITS2 and 21 plastid rps3 sequences and various alignment and inference methods. The phylogenetic relationships within Halimeda section Rhipsalis are inferred from nuclear 18S–ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 and concatenated plastid sequences (tufA & rpl5–rps8–infA) and interpreted in a biogeographic context.  相似文献   

The volvocacean genus Pleodorina has been morphologically characterized as having small somatic cells in spheroidal colonies and anisogamous sexual reproduction with sperm packets. In this study we examined two new species that can be assigned to the genus Pleodorina based on morphology: P. starrii H. Nozaki et al. sp. nov. and P. thompsonii F. D. Ott et al. sp. nov. P. starrii was collected from Japan and had 32‐ or 64‐celled colonies with anterior somatic cells and spheroidal individual cellular sheaths that were weakly attached to each other within the colonial envelope. P. thompsonii from Texas (USA) exhibited four or 12 somatic cells in the anterior pole of 16‐ or 32‐celled colonies, respectively, and had a single large pyrenoid in the chloroplast of mature reproductive cells. The chloroplast multigene phylogeny placed P. starrii and P. indica (Iyenger) H. Nozaki in a clade that was robustly separated from the type species P. californica Shaw and P. japonica H. Nozaki. Pleodorina thompsonii was resolved as a basal branch within a large monophyletic group (Eudorina group) composed of Eudorina, Pleodorina and Volvox (excluding section Volvox). Thus, Pleodorina was found among three separate lineages within the Eudorina group in which Eudorina and Volvox were also resolved as nonmonophyletic. The DNA sequences from additional species/strains as well as recognition of morphological attributes that characterize the monophyletic groups within the Eudorina group are needed to construct a natural generic classification within these members of the Volvocaceae.  相似文献   

Polysiphonia sensu lato comprises approximately 200 species, which are currently assigned to several different genera. To date, one of these genera, namely, Polysiphonia, has been reported to have 17 species. Here, we describe for the first time P. freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. from Uljin and Ulleung Island, Korea, based on morphological and molecular evidence. Polysiphonia freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. are characterized by having the typical Polysiphonia features. Polysiphonia freshwateri sp. nov. is further characterized by having abundant trichoblasts, conspicuous scar cells, and tetrasporangia arranged in spiral series. Polysiphonia koreana sp. nov. is further characterized by having very scarce scar cells placed between two pericentral cells, from which cicatrigenous branches arise. The results of our rbcL sequence analyses support the taxonomic placement of P. freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. within Polysiphonia.  相似文献   

The diatom genus Chaetoceros is one of the most abundant and diverse phytoplankton in marine and brackish waters worldwide. Within this genus, Chaetoceros socialis has been cited as one of the most common species. However, recent studies from different geographic areas have shown the presence of pseudo‐cryptic diversity within the C. socialis complex. Members of this complex are characterized by curved chains (primary colonies) aggregating into globular clusters, where one of the four setae of each cell curves toward the center of the cluster and the other three orient outwards. New light and electron microscopy observations as well as molecular data on marine planktonic diatoms from the coastal waters off Chile revealed the presence of two new species, Chaetoceros sporotruncatus sp. nov. and C. dichatoensis. sp. nov. belonging to the C. socialis complex. The two new species are similar to other members of the complex (i.e., C. socialis and C. gelidus) in the primary and secondary structure of the colony, the orientation pattern of the setae, and the valve ultrastructure. The only morphological characters that can be used to differentiate the species of this complex are aspects related to resting spore morphology. The two newly described species are closely related to each other and form a sister clade to C. gelidus in molecular phylogenies. We also provide a phylogenetic status along with the morphological characterization of C. radicans and C. cintus, which are genetically related to the C. socialis complex.  相似文献   

Nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA sequences of specimens belonging to section Halimeda of the pantropical green seaweed genus Halimeda show that the group under scrutiny contains many more genetically delineable species than those recognized by classical taxonomy. Discordances between phylograms inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA sequences suggest that reticulate evolution has been involved in speciation within the clade. Nonetheless, our data do not allow ruling out certain alternative explanations for the discordances. Several pseudo-cryptic species are restricted to the margins of the generic distribution range. In a clade of H. cuneata sibling species from widely separated subtropical localities in the Indian Ocean, the South African sibling branches off first, leaving the Arabian and West Australian species as closest relatives. We hypothesize that geographic isolation of the siblings may have taken place following Pleistocene or Pliocene periods of climatic cooling during which subtropical species occupied larger distribution ranges. A more basal separation of Atlantic, Indo-Pacific, and Mediterranean species indicates vicariance. The alternative events that could have caused this vicariance are discussed.  相似文献   

The flies of the genus Dicranosepsis from Vietnam were investigated and classified taxonomically. Six new species (D. longa sp. nov., D. kurahashii sp. nov., D. monoseta sp. nov., D. sinuosa sp. nov., D. barbata sp. nov., and D. vietnamensis sp. nov.) are described and illustrated. Dicranosepsis is redefined and a revised key to the species is also provided.  相似文献   

A new aerial alga, Stichococcus ampulliformis S. Handa sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) is described based on a clone isolated from the bark of Cephalotaxus harringtonia (Knight ex Forbes) K. Koch collected from Taishaku‐kyo Gorge, Hiroshima Prefecture, south‐west Japan. This alga was examined by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy and subjected to molecular phylogenetic analysis. Based on its morphological features and life‐cycle, especially short filament formation, the alga was assigned to the genus Stichococcus Nägeli. However, this alga differs from other described Stichococcus species in that it reproduces by a form of ‘budding’, producing two daughter cells of different sizes. The larger cell, enclosed within the mother cell wall, soon reaches the size of a normal vegetative cell. The smaller cell is extruded and takes longer to reach full vegetative size. A phylogenetic tree constructed using 18S rRNA sequences indicated that, within the Trebouxiophyceae, S. ampulliformis is closely related to S. bacillaris Nägeli and some species of Prasiola Meneghini.  相似文献   

The conspicuous macroscopic stage of the freshwater red alga Thorea ramosissima has been re-discovered in the River Thames after a lapse of almost 140 years. In the 1840s it was reported only from Walton-on-Thames, but is now known from 13 localities along a 133 km stretch between Oxford and Teddington. It is transient, often remaining undetected at known localities in subsequent years. All British records are assessed, especially 19th century collections from the Thames. The ecology and the morphology of the macroscopic stage are discussed.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny of brown algae was examined using concatenated DNA sequences of seven chloroplast and mitochondrial genes (atpB, psaA, psaB, psbA, psbC, rbcL, and cox1). The study was carried out mostly from unialgal cultures; we included Phaeostrophion irregulare and Platysiphon glacialis because their ordinal taxonomic positions were unclear. Overall, the molecular phylogeny agreed with previously published studies, however, Platysiphon clustered with Halosiphon and Stschapovia and was paraphyletic with the Tilopteridales. Platysiphon resembled Stschapovia in showing remarkable morphological changes between young and mature thalli. Platysiphon, Halosiphon and Stschapovia also shared parenchymatous, terete, erect thalli with assimilatory filaments in whorls or on the distal end. Based on these results, we proposed a new order Stschapoviales and a new family Platysiphonaceae. We proposed to include Phaeostrophion in the Sphacelariales, and we emended the order to include this foliose member. Finally, using basal taxa not included in earlier studies, the origin and divergence times for brown algae were re‐investigated. Results showed that the Phaeophyceae branched from Schizocladiophyceae ~260 Ma during the Permian Period. The early diverging brown algae had isomorphic life histories, whereas the derived taxa with heteromorphic life histories evolved 155–110 Ma when they branched from the basal taxa. Based on these results, we propose that the development of heteromorphic life histories and their success in the temperate and cold‐water regions was induced by the development of the remarkable seasonality caused by the breakup of Pangaea. Most brown algal orders had diverged by roughly 60 Ma, around the last mass extinction event during the Cretaceous Period, and therefore a drastic climate change might have triggered the divergence of brown algae.  相似文献   

The Japanese species of the genus Phyllomyza Fallén are revised. Four new species, Phyllomyza kanmiyai sp. nov., P. amamiensis sp. nov., P. proceripalpis sp. nov. and P. japonica sp. nov., are described and illustrated. P. securicornis Fallén is recorded from Japan for the first time. A key to the Japanese species of Phyllomyza is presented.  相似文献   

We confirmed the monophyly of the Agaraceae based on phylogenetic analyses of six mitochondrial and six chloroplast gene sequences from Agarum, Costaria, Dictyoneurum, and Thalassiophyllum species, as well as representative species from other laminarialean families. However, the genus Agarum was paraphyletic, comprising two independent clades, A. clathratum/A. turneri and A. fimbriatum/A. oharaense. The latter clade was genetically most closely related to Dictyoneurum spp., and morphologically, the species shared a flattened stipe bearing fimbriae (potential secondary haptera) in the mid‐ to upper portion. The phylogenetic position of Thalassiophyllum differed between the two datasets: in the chloroplast gene phylogeny, Thalassiophyllum was included in the A. clathratum/A. turneri clade, but in the mitochondrial gene phylogeny, it formed an independent clade at the base of the Agaraceae, the same position it took in the phylogeny when the data from both genomes were combined despite a larger number of bp being contributed by the chloroplast gene sequences. Considering the remarkable morphological differences between Thalassiophyllum and other Agaraceae, and the molecular support, we conclude that Thalassiophyllum should be reinstated as an independent genus. Dictyoneurum reticulatum was morphologically distinguishable from D. californicum due to its midrib, but because of their close genetic relationship, further investigations are needed to clarify species‐level taxonomy. In summary, we propose the establishment of a new genus Neoagarum to accommodate A. fimbriatum and A. oharanese and the reinstatement of the genus Thalassiophyllum.  相似文献   

A new heterotrophic sand‐dwelling dinoflagellate, Ankistrodinium armigerum K. Watanabe, Miyoshi, Kubo, Murray et Horiguchi sp. nov., is described from Ishikari Beach, Hokkaido, Japan and Port Botany, NSW, Australia. The dinoflagellate is laterally compressed, possessing a short triangular epicone and a large sac‐like hypocone. It possesses a right‐handed cingulum and a deeply‐incised sulcus. The sulcus descends towards the posterior of the cell where it becomes much deeper and wider, resulting in a bilobed ventral side to the hypocone, with a greater excavation of the left lobe than the right. In addition, the right lobe of the hypocone is shorter than the left lobe, which allows a partial view of the left sulcal wall when the cell is viewed from its right side. The sulcus ascends in the epicone to form an apical groove. The apical groove is linear but terminates in an ellipsoid fashion and its extremity approaches, but does not form a closed loop with the apical end of the linear portion. The dinoflagellate possesses two distinct size classes of trichocysts. The large trichocysts are located in the posterior part of the cell, while small trichocysts are distributed throughout the cell. The dinoflagellate shares morphological characteristics with the heterotrophic sand‐dwelling dinoflagellate, Ankistrodinium semilunatum, the type species of the genus. These include a laterally compressed cell, a right‐handed cingulum, a deeply‐incised sulcus and the same basic structure to the apical groove. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on small and large subunits of rDNA showed that in both trees, A. semilunatum and A. armigerum formed a robust clade, suggesting that these two species are closely related. Because no organism with the characteristics of this species exists and because this species is closely related to A. semilunatum, we concluded that this species should be described as a second species of the genus Ankistrodinium.  相似文献   

New strains of a wall‐less unicellular volvocalean flagellate were isolated from a freshwater environment in Japan. Observations of the alga, described here as Hapalochloris nozakii Nakada, gen. et sp. nov., were made using light, fluorescence, and electron microscopy. Each vegetative cell had two flagella, four contractile vacuoles, and a spirally furrowed cup‐shaped chloroplast with an axial pyrenoid, and mitochondria located in the furrows. Based on the morphology, H. nozakii was distinguished from other known wall‐less volvocalean flagellates. Under electron microscopy, fibrous material, instead of a cell wall and dense cortical microtubules, was observed outside and inside the cell membrane, respectively. Based on the phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA gene sequences, H. nozakii was found to be closely related to Asterococcus, Oogamochlamys, Rhysamphichloris, and “Dunaliellalateralis and was separated from other known wall‐less flagellate volvocaleans, indicating independent secondary loss of the cell wall in H. nozakii. In the combined 18S rRNA and chloroplast gene tree, H. nozakii was sister to Lobochlamys.  相似文献   

Smith (1944) divided the familiar genus Volvox L. into four sections, placing seven species that lacked cytoplasmic bridges between adult cells in the section Merrillosphaera. Herein, we describe a new member of the section Merrillosphaera originating from Texas (USA): Volvox ovalis Pocock ex Nozaki et A. W. Coleman sp. nov. Asexual spheroids of V. ovalis are ovoid or elliptical, with a monolayer of 1,000–2,000 somatic cells that are not linked by cytoplasmic bridges, an expanded anterior region, and 8–12 gonidia in the posterior region. Visibly asymmetric cleavage divisions do not occur in V. ovalis embryos as they do Volvox carteri F. Stein, Volvox obversus (W. Shaw) Printz, and Volvox africanus G. S. West, so the gonidia of the next generation are not yet recognizable in V. ovalis embryos prior to inversion. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the five chloroplast genes and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear rDNA indicated that V. ovalis is closely related to Volvox spermatosphaera Powers ( Powers 1908 , as “spermatosphara”) and/or Volvox tertius Art. Mey.; however, V. ovalis can be distinguished from V. spermatosphaera by its larger gonidia, and from V. tertius by visible differences in gonidial chloroplast morphology.  相似文献   

The new brown algal species Cladosiphon takenoensis H. Kawai (Chordariaceae, Ectocarpales s.l.) is described from Takeno, Hyogo, Japan based on morphology and DNA sequences. The species is a spring annual, growing on subtidal rocks at more or less exposed sites. It resembles C. umezakii in its gross morphology, and the two often grow together, but is distinguishable from C. umezakii in having a more hairy appearance. Cladosiphon takenoensis has a slimy, cylindrical, multiaxial and sympodial erect thallus, branching once to twice, and is provided with long assimilatory filaments (up to 1.8 mm long, composed of up to 100 cells). Unilocular zoidangia are formed on the basal part of assimilatory filaments. The species is genetically most related to C. umezakii and has the same basic thallus structures, but differs from C. umezakii and other Cladosiphon species in lacking phaeophycean hairs and plurilocular zoidangia of the assimilatory filaments. DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cox1 and cox3, chloroplast atpB, psaA, psbA and rbcL genes and the nuclear rDNA ITS2 region support the distinctness of the species. The genus Cladosiphon was paraphyletic in our analyses because the clades of C. okamuranus/C. zosterae and C. takenoensis/C. umezakii were split by Mesogloia vermiculata. However, since the genus‐level taxonomy of Chordariaceae needs considerable revision, we suspend the genus‐level taxonomy of the new species, and tentatively describe it as C. takenoensis.  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity is often correlated with diversity and has been proposed as a facilitator of phenotypic novelty. Yet how a dimorphism arises or how additional morphs are added is not understood, and few systems provide experimental insight into the evolution of polyphenisms. Because plasticity correlates with structural diversity in Pristionchus nematodes, studies in this group can test the role of plasticity in facilitating novelty. Here, we describe three new species, Pristionchus fukushimae sp. nov. , Pristionchus hoplostomus sp. nov. , and the hermaphroditic Pristionchus triformis sp. nov. , which are characterized by a novel polymorphism in their mouthparts. In addition to showing the canonical mouth dimorphism of diplogastrid nematodes, comprising a stenostomatous (‘narrow‐mouthed’) and a eurystomatous (‘wide‐mouthed’) form, the new species exhibit forms with six, 12, or intermediate numbers of cheilostomatal plates. Correlated with this polymorphism is another trait that varies among species: whereas divisions between plates are complete in P. triformis sp. nov. , which is biased towards a novel ‘megastomatous’ form comprising 12 complete plates, the homologous divisions in the other new species are partial and of variable length. In a reconstruction of character evolution, a phylogeny inferred from 26 ribosomal protein genes and a partial small subunit rRNA gene supported the megastomatous form of P. triformis sp. nov. as the derived end of a series of split‐plate forms. Although split‐plate forms were normally only observed in eurystomatous nematodes, a single 12‐plated stenostomatous individual of P. hoplostomus sp. nov. was also observed, suggesting independence of the two types of mouth plasticity. By introducing these new species to the Pristionchus model system, this study provides further insight into the evolution of polymorphisms and their evolutionary intermediates. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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