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A multidisciplinary group of salt marsh professionals from Maine to Virginia participated in a collaborative learning exchange to improve restoration for the overall health and resilience of coastal wetlands. This was an unprecedented forum through which participants representing different geographies, backgrounds, and roles in salt marsh management were able to share and learn from one another to develop the best available restoration methods for on-the-ground projects that address multiple benefits. By including mosquito control agencies, restoration practitioners, regulatory agencies, academic researchers, and conservation organizations in the learning exchange, we developed an understanding and acceptance of different approaches. Regulators learned about project ideas and contributed to project designs in early development stages. Collaborating while engaged in on-the ground projects enabled participants to implement lessons learned in real time. Field trips to restoration sites at different stages of development allowed a greater and more fluid exchange of ideas and practical implementation advice. Practitioners leveraged resources and developed new collaborations. Lessons learned and shared through this faster and more flexible forum will inform the design, implementation, and monitoring of restoration projects across the region and improve overall marsh health and resilience in the face of climate change. Learning exchanges like this should be used more frequently to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of coastal restoration particularly when there is a windfall of cash and a short window of opportunity such as with post-disaster federal spending.


River systems around the world are subject to various perturbations, including the colonization and spread of non‐native species in riparian zones. Riparian resource managers are commonly engaged in efforts to control problematic non‐native species and restore native habitats. In western North America, small Eurasian trees or shrubs in the genus Tamarix occupy hundreds of thousands of hectares of riparian lands, and are the targets of substantial and costly control efforts and associated restoration activities. Still, significant information gaps exist regarding approaches used in control and restoration efforts and their effects on riparian ecosystems. In this special section of papers, eight articles address various aspects of control and restoration associated with Tamarix spp. These include articles focused on planning restoration and revegetation; a synthetic analysis of past restoration efforts; and several specific research endeavors examining plant responses, water use, and various wildlife responses (including birds, butterflies, and lizards). These articles represent important additions to the Tamarix spp. literature and contain many lessons and insights that should be transferable to other analogous situations in river systems globally.  相似文献   

A fundamental challenge in restoration ecology is to understand when species are expected to colonize newly created habitat. Determining this is important for assessing progress toward restoration goals and, more generally, for gaining insight into ecosystem functioning and dynamics. We studied this question as it relates to mid‐ to large‐sized terrestrial fauna in restored riparian habitats at the Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge, in northern California. We used camera traps to document use of 16 riparian corridor sites of varying restoration age. Comparisons of species richness (diversity) and visitation frequency (activity) were made across different‐aged sites. We found that predator diversity and activity levels tended to be higher in restored forests than in remnant forests, and that they tended to be highest in young restored forests. This trend persisted when data from variable sampling periods were pooled, although significant differences occurred more often in wet and cold sampling periods. The trend did not always hold for the animal community at large (consisting of both predator and non‐predator species). We conclude that restoration age affects predator diversity and activity levels in restored and remnant floodplain forests, and that predator communities can establish soon after restoration. Our results suggest that restoring natural river processes that promote habitat regeneration may benefit mid‐ to large‐sized terrestrial predators that appear to mostly use early successional habitat.  相似文献   

河岸带研究及其退化生态系统的恢复与重建   总被引:106,自引:9,他引:97  
河岸带是指水陆交界处的两边,直至河水影响消失为止的地带。河岸带是湿地的重要组成部分,在流域生态系统中发挥着重要的作用,具有较大的生态、社会、经济和旅游价值。河岸带研究以生态学、水文学和地貌学炎基础,涉及多种学科和技术方法。由于自然和人为因素的影响,退化河岸带的生态恢复与重建较为复杂,通过安徽潜山县潜水退化河岸带滩地近6a的生态恢复与重建试验,研究结果表明:恢复与重建后的河岸带滩地生态系统的生物多样性和稳定性增加;土训结构和养分条件得到改善,其中,小于0.002mm的粘粒含量的平均值由恢复前的4.53%,上升到恢复后的11.71%,土壤容重由恢复前的1.455g/cm^2下降到恢复后的1.2g/cm^2,土壤有机质的平均值由恢复前的1.25g/kg上升到恢复后的9.44g/kg;河滩地泥沙淤积量增加;植物抗风浪作用增强,有效地保护了河岸,改善了河岸带地区的小气候。河岸带研究在我国起步较晚,因此,今后应加强河岸带的管理和对退化河岸带生态系统的恢复与重建工作,使河岸带生态系统可持续地为人类提供丰富多样的生产、生活和观光旅游产品。  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates were sampled from 15 sites along a dry-land river in northwestern Zimbabwe to assess biotic responses to land use changes along the course of the river. The headwater sites were protected by a riparian corridor of native forest, but this was replaced by intensive subsistence agriculture in the mid-reaches while the lower reaches were located within a protected wildlife area with diverse and wide riparian forests. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that intensive agricultural activities within the mid-reaches caused severe degradation of the stream physical habitat through increased fine sediment deposition. This coincided with a significant decline in macroinvertebrate richness, diversity, and abundance at the agriculturally impacted mid-reach sites. The presence of wide riparian zones at the lower river sites resulted in significant improvements in stream physical habitat quality, and this was paralleled by significant recovery or reappearance of taxa that had disappeared from the mid-reaches. We suggest that restoration of the riparian vegetation within the mid-reaches of the Nyaodza River would lead to improved physical habitat and biotic health of this dry-land river.  相似文献   

This study investigated the consequences of passive ecological restoration on a riparian habitat and on water quality. The restoration plan consists of excluding livestock by constructing fences along an entire stream 1 m from the stream bed, with the assumption that recovering riparian habitat will restore their ecological processes (e.g., filtration, soil stabilization). We measured responses of riparian plant communities and physico-chemical water quality. We presented data from an 8-year before-after control-impact design across a reference stream and a restored stream in a rural landscape in Normandy, France. Restoration appeared to modify plant communities. After 8 years of restoration, the restored stream had a complex riparian bank, similar to that of the reference stream, with an increase in the number of trees, a decrease in bare soil, and an increase in habitat heterogeneity. Despite this modification, water quality did not improve. The same low water quality in the reference stream demonstrated the need for a watershed-scale approach and for actions to improve agricultural practices before implementing restoration practices at a smaller scale. Nonetheless, the lack of improved water quality does not necessarily mean that the restoration failed. Other functions and services can be provided by excluding livestock.  相似文献   

Data on the response of bird communities to surface mining and habitat modification are limited, with virtually no data examining the effects of mining on bird communities in and along riparian forest corridors. Bird community composition was examined using line transects from 1994 to 2000 at eight sites within and along a riparian forest corridor in southwestern Indiana that was impacted by an adjacent surface mining operation. Three habitats were sampled: closed canopy, riparian forest with no open water; fragmented canopy, riparian forest with flood plain oxbows; and reclaimed mined land with constructed ponds. Despite shifts in species composition, overall bird species richness, measured as the mean number of bird species recorded/transect route, did not differ among habitats and remained unchanged across years. More species were recorded solely on mined land than in either closed forest or forested oxbow habitats. Mined land provided stopover habitat for shorebirds and waterfowl not recorded in other habitats, and supported an assemblage of grassland-associated bird species weakly represented in the area prior to mining. A variety of wood warblers and other migrants were recorded in the forest corridor throughout the survey period, suggesting that, although surface mining reduced the width of the forest corridor, the corridor was still important habitat for movement of forest-dependent birds and non-resident bird species in migration. We suggest that surface mining and reclamation practices can be implemented near riparian forest and still provide for a diverse assemblage of bird species. These data indicate that even narrow (0.4 km wide) riparian corridors are potentially valuable in a landscape context as stopover habitats and routes of dispersal and movement of forest-dependent and migratory bird species.  相似文献   

I examined the effect of riparian forest restoration on plant abundance and diversity, including weed species, on agricultural lands along the Sacramento River in California (United States). Riparian forest restoration on the Sacramento River is occurring on a large‐scale, with a goal of restoring approximately 80,000 ha over 160 km of the river. In multiuse habitats, such as the Sacramento River, effects of adjoining habitat types and movement of species across these habitats can have important management implications in terms of landscape‐scale patterns of species distributions. Increased numbers of pest animals and weeds on agricultural lands associated with restored habitats could have negative economic impacts, and in turn affect support for restoration of natural areas. In order to determine the distribution and abundance of weeds associated with large‐scale restoration, I collected seed bank soil samples on orchards between 0 and 5.6 km from adjacent restored riparian, remnant riparian, and agricultural habitats. I determined the abundance, species richness, and dispersal mode of plant species in the seed bank and analyzed these variables in terms of adjacent habitat type and age of restored habitat. I found that agricultural weed species had higher densities at the edge of restored riparian habitat and that native plants had higher densities adjacent to remnant riparian habitat. Weed seed abundance increased significantly on walnut farms adjacent to restored habitat with time since restored. I supply strong empirical evidence that large areas of natural and restored habitats do not lead to a greater penetration of weed species into agricultural areas, but rather that weed penetration is both temporally and spatially limited.  相似文献   

Many ecosystem services provided by wetlands decline if they are managed for agricultural use. Ecological restoration of retired agricultural lands can restore these ecosystem services, yet practitioners require information on where restoration is possible and most likely to succeed. We report trends in the Massachusetts cranberry industry which suggest that cranberry farms located in riparian fens are well suited for ecological restoration that enhance their characteristics and functions as wetlands. We created a classification scheme for cranberry farms based on their: (1) crop status; (2) renovation status; (3) cultivar type; and (4) hydrologic type for the Wareham River watershed in southeastern Massachusetts. We ranked farms for their priority for restoration and extrapolated our results to the total cranberry acreage of Massachusetts. The occurrence of low‐yielding native cranberry cultivars in all riparian farms (i.e. those with a direct hydrological connection to an adjacent river or stream), combined with our finding that 100% of the area of the highest‐yielding new cultivars were planted in newly renovated but non‐riparian farms suggest that riparian farms are not targets for investment but instead have a high likelihood of retirement. We found that 20% of farm area in this watershed had riparian hydrology, a proportion suggesting the existence of over 1,000 ha of high‐priority farms for restoration statewide. Restoration of these stream‐adjacent riparian farms can provide an exit strategy for some cranberry growers, ease economic pressures on remaining growers, and develop wetlands able to provide ecosystem services such as habitat provision, nitrogen removal, and recreation.  相似文献   

Biocontrol of invasive tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) in the arid Southwest using the introduced tamarisk beetle (Diorhabda elongata) has been hypothesized to negatively affect some breeding bird species, but no studies to date have documented the effects of beetle-induced defoliation on riparian bird abundance. We assessed the effects of tamarisk defoliation by monitoring defoliation rates, changes in vegetation composition, and changes in density of six obligate riparian breeding bird species at two sites along the Dolores River in Colorado following the arrival of tamarisk beetles. We conducted bird point counts from 2010 to 2014 and modeled bird density as a function of native vegetation density and extent of defoliation using hierarchical distance sampling. Maximum annual defoliation decreased throughout the study period, peaking at 32–37% in 2009–2010 and dropping to 0.5–15% from 2011–2014. Stem density of both tamarisk and native plants declined throughout the study period until 2014. Density of all bird species declined throughout most of the study, with Song Sparrow disappearing from the study sites after 2011. Blue Grosbeak, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Yellow Warbler densities were negatively related to defoliation in the previous year, while Lazuli Bunting exhibited a positive relationship with defoliation. These findings corroborate earlier predictions of species expected to be sensitive to defoliation as a result of nest site selection. Tamarisk defoliation thus had short-term negative impacts on riparian bird species; active restoration may be needed to encourage the regrowth of native riparian vegetation, which in the longer-term may result in increased riparian bird density.  相似文献   

闽江流域生态安全格局及其生态保护修复措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应凌霄  王军  周妍 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8857-8866
流域及其生态环境问题受到国内外的广泛关注,我国面临的流域生态环境问题突出亟待解决,体现流域生态系统完整性的山水林田湖草生命共同体理念对我国流域生态保护修复工作具有重要意义。以福建省山水林田湖草生态保护修复试点的工程区——闽江流域为例,在介绍其生态环境特征的基础上,通过梳理分析,根据区域生态功能的重要性构建“一江一带一区一屏”的闽江流域总体生态安全格局,面临的主要生态环境问题包括闽江水环境污染、流域岸带水土流失、矿区生态破坏、森林屏障和生物多样性退化等一系列威胁;分析提出了闽江水环境综合治理、干支流沿岸带水土流失防治、矿区废弃土地修复、武夷山地等重要生态屏障森林和生物多样性保护等主要任务及相应工程措施,体现了流域整体性、系统性的保护修复需求和内在逻辑;讨论了监测、评价等保障措施,为改善闽江流域生态系统和开展山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程提供科学依据和实践经验。  相似文献   

The assessment of the ecological conditions of rivers is crucial for their appropriate management and restoration. Bioindicators commonly used to evaluate the river status (i.e. diatoms, aquatic macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish) detect alterations of water quality, but are not particularly sensitive to hydromorphological degradation, which is another relevant pressure in river systems. Furthermore, those bioindicators are usually applied only to flowing channels. We developed a new multimetric index, the Odonate River Index (ORI), to assess the conditions of the whole corridor in alluvial rivers. The ORI is a development of an evaluation system proposed in Austria, and based on the Odonate Habitat Index (OHI). Odonates were chosen as bioindicators for the ecological integrity of the river corridor, since this taxon provides information on the conditions of their aquatic breeding sites, as well as on the surrounding terrestrial areas, due to its amphibiotic life cycle. We used a case study of 18 reaches from six Italian Alpine rivers, characterized by different morphological conditions and level of human impact. Within each study reach, we selected four sites, both lotic and lentic sites. Dragonfly surveys consisted in field observation of adults, and collection of larvae and exuviae. To define the best sampling strategy, we compared the results of the ORI metrics obtained varying the input data by combining different sampling methods: the best compromise between effort and exhaustiveness was obtained coupling the observation of adults with the collection of exuviae. We found the ORI to be a robust and reliable tool to assess the status of the river corridor in a wide range of environmental conditions and river morphology, being particularly suitable to detect hydromorphological degradation and alterations of the structure of aquatic and riparian vegetation. We identified two limiting factors for the applicability of this index: low water temperatures of the main channel (i.e. mean annual value below 10 °C) and river reaches with no or scarce aquatic and riparian vegetation. In addition to the assessment of river conditions, the ORI could also be applied for monitoring the effects of river restoration actions.  相似文献   

Representatives from agencies involved in natural resource management in the Murray‐Darling Basin gathered for a workshop in November 2010 to develop a vision for improved monitoring and reporting of riparian restoration projects. The resounding message from this workshop was that the effectiveness of riparian restoration depends on having sound, documented and agreed evidence on the ecological responses to restoration efforts. Improving our capacity to manage and restore riparian ecosystems is constrained by (i) a lack of ecological evidence on the effects of restoration efforts, and (ii) short‐termism in commitment to restoration efforts, in funding of monitoring and in expected time spans for ecosystem recovery. Restoration at the effective spatial scope will invariably require a long‐term commitment by researchers, funding agencies, management agencies and landholders. To address the knowledge gaps that constrain riparian restoration in the Basin, participants endorsed four major fields for future research: the importance of landscape context to restoration outcomes; spatio‐temporal scaling of restoration outcomes; functional effects of restoration efforts; and developing informative and effective indicators of restoration. To improve the monitoring and restoration of riparian zones throughout the Basin, participants advocated an integrated approach: a hierarchical adaptive management framework that incorporates long‐term ecological research.  相似文献   

Caquetá Department, in the Colombian Amazon, has a historical context of deforestation, education of poor quality, land tenure conflicts, and social violence. Thus, there is an urgent need to restore not only the ecosystem, but also the social fabric and the society–nature relationship. This article describes the process, impacts, obstacles, and lessons learned from a program of ecological restoration‐based education for local communities. During 2017, a group of 15 local people were selected and trained in ecological restoration to become, as we called them, “local scientists” (LS). After this educative process, these LS, together with researchers from social sciences and biology, developed an ecological restoration education program aimed to local peasants. The bioregional current of environmental education and significant learning theory were the educative theoretical frameworks used. The pedagogical contents were grouped into five main themes: (1) soils, (2) farm planning, (3) river basins, (4) monitoring, and (5) social organization. During 2018, between 8 and 70 peasants per community participated in the program. The last phase, carried out in 2019, consisted of the propagation of native forest species and outplantings by the program participants, to restore the landscape connectivity in a region considered to be high priority. Peasants built 71 nursery gardens on their farms with their own labor. They produced 400,000 seedlings of 21 native forest species, which were further planted on 277 farms over 550 ha. The implications of the pedagogical process of the program, the advances in restoration of degraded forests, and changes in society–nature relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Conservation and restoration of riparian vegetation in agricultural landscapes has had mixed success at protecting in‐stream habitat, potentially due to the mismatch between watershed‐scale impacts and reach‐scale restoration. Prioritizing contiguous placement of small‐scale restoration interventions may effectively create larger‐scale restoration projects and improve ecological outcomes. We performed a multi‐site field study to evaluate whether greater linear length of narrow riparian tree corridors resulted in measurable benefits to in‐stream condition. We collected data at 41 sites with varying upstream tree cover nested within 13 groups in rangeland streams in coastal northern California, United States. We evaluated the effect of riparian tree corridor length on benthic macroinvertebrate communities, as well as food resources, water temperature, and substrate size. Sites with longer riparian corridors had higher percentages of invertebrates sensitive to disturbance (including clingers and EPT taxa) as well as lower water temperatures and less fine sediment, two of the most important aquatic stressors. Despite marked improvement, we found no evidence that macroinvertebrate communities fully recovered, suggesting that land use continued to constrain conditions. The restoration of long riparian corridors may be an economically viable and rapidly implementable technique to improve habitat, control sediment, and counter increasing water temperatures expected with climate change within the context of ongoing land use.  相似文献   

Much riparian restoration focuses on establishment of gallery forests, with relatively limited effort to restore herbaceous wetlands as key components of riparian landscape mosaics. Multiple reasons for this include inherent cultural or esthetic preferences, greater availability of scientific knowledge to support riparian forest restoration, and choices of ecological indicators commonly used for monitoring and assessment. Yet riparian herbaceous wetlands have declined dramatically as a result of river regulation and agricultural development, leading to losses of important habitats and ecosystem services that differ from those provided by gallery forests. As an alternative to a single‐minded focus on tree establishment, we advocate restoration of diverse and dynamic habitat mosaics in the context of natural variability of flow and sediment regimes. Landscape context should inform active restoration activities at the local scale, such that riparian forests are not planted in ecologically inappropriate sites. Models are needed to match life history requirements of particular wetland herbaceous plant species with details of flow and sediment transport regimes. We emphasize the importance of herbaceous wetlands as a critical and often overlooked component of riparian ecosystems, and the need for both passive and active restoration of fluvial marshes, sloughs, wet meadows, alkali meadows, off‐channel ephemeral ponds, and other critical floodplain communities associated with herbaceous plant dominance.  相似文献   

A long-standing debate between wildlife agencies and biological control researchers and practitioners concerns Diorhabda carinulata Desbrochers (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) introduced to suppress invasive Tamarix spp. (Tamaricaceae), and potential impacts of Tamarix defoliation on endangered southwestern willow flycatchers using this non-native plant as nesting habitat in some western riparian ecosystems. The conflict and ensuing legal actions are currently centered on the presence of D. carinulata within the breeding range of the flycatcher in the Virgin River watershed, which has led to APHIS termination of permits supporting the biocontrol development program and has also affected other programs to develop biocontrol agents against environmental weeds. Central to concerns over wildlife is the lack of rehabilitation of native vegetation where biocontrol is expected, so there are current and planned efforts to promote restoration of native cottonwood-willow habitat to mitigate the anticipation decline in Tamarix cover. A strategic approach to riparian restoration is outlined which could facilitate sustainable, and scientifically documented recovery of this iconic habitat type. While the results of these efforts will not be known immediately, the process which is leading to riparian restoration has brought specialists from both sides of the debate together in search of resolution via collaboration, and if successful, may allow re-initiation of the Tamarix biocontrol program attendant with habitat enhancement for wildlife species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

River ecosystems face growing threats from human-induced stressors, resulting in habitat degradation and biodiversity loss. Crucial to these ecosystems, macroinvertebrates maintain river health and functioning. In this review, we examine the challenges confronting macroinvertebrates, explore restoration strategies and management approaches, and shed light on knowledge gaps and future research directions. Habitat degradation, water pollution, climate change, and invasive species are discussed as key challenges. Various restoration strategies, such as in-stream habitat restoration, flow regime restoration, riparian zone restoration, and connectivity restoration, are evaluated for macroinvertebrate conservation. Integrated catchment management, adaptive management, community-based management, monitoring, and policy integration are highlighted as essential management approaches, and knowledge gaps in long-term monitoring, innovative restoration techniques, climate change resilience, and policy incorporation are identified as areas calling for further research. Ultimately, a proactive, adaptable, and cooperative approach to river management will ensure macroinvertebrate conservation and sustainable river ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract River and stream rehabilitation projects are increasing in number, but the success or failure of these projects has rarely been evaluated, and the extent to which buffers can restore riparian and stream function and species composition is not well understood. In New Zealand the widespread conversion of forest to agricultural land has caused degradation of streams and riparian ecosystems. We assessed nine riparian buffer zone schemes in North Island, New Zealand that had been fenced and planted (age range from 2 to 24 years) and compared them with unbuffered control reaches upstream or nearby. Macroinvertebrate community composition was our prime indicator of water and habitat quality and ecological functioning, but we also assessed a range of physical and water quality variables within the stream and in the riparian zone. Generally, streams within buffer zones showed rapid improvements in visual water clarity and channel stability, but nutrient and fecal contamination responses were variable. Significant changes in macroinvertebrate communities toward “clean water” or native forest communities did not occur at most of the study sites. Improvement in invertebrate communities appeared to be most strongly linked to decreases in water temperature, suggesting that restoration of in‐stream communities would only be achieved after canopy closure, with long buffer lengths, and protection of headwater tributaries. Expectations of riparian restoration efforts should be tempered by (1) time scales and (2) spatial arrangement of planted reaches, either within a catchment or with consideration of their proximity to source areas of recolonists.  相似文献   

Stream corridor restoration research: a long and winding road   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stream corridor restoration research and practice is presented as an example of the application of ecology and engineering to solve a class of environmental problems. Interest and public investment in stream corridor restoration has increased sharply in developed nations over the last two decades, as evidenced by the volume of technical and refereed literature. However, real progress at the regional and national scale depends on successful research outcomes. Research addressing problems associated with stream corridor ecosystem restoration is beset by numerous problems. First, terms referring to restoration are loosely defined. Secondly, stream ecosystems are not amenable to rigorous experimental design because they are governed by a host of independent variables that are heterogeneous in time and space, they are not scalable, and their response times are often too long for human attention spans. These problems lead to poorly controlled or uncontrolled experiments with outcomes that are not reproducible. Extension of results to other sites or regions is uncertain. Social factors further complicate research and practice—riparian landowners may or may not cooperate with the experiment, and application of findings normally occurs through a process of suboptimal compromise. Economic issues, namely assigning costs for present and future ecosystem services that provide off-site benefits, further impede progress. Clearly, the situation calls for a hybrid approach between the rigor of the ecologist and the judgment and pragmatism of the engineer. This hybrid approach can be used to develop creative, low-cost approaches to address key factors limiting recovery.  相似文献   

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