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The match between the environmental conditions of an introduction area and the preferences of an introduced species is the first prerequisite for establishment. Yet, introduction areas are usually landscapes, i.e. heterogeneous sets of habitats that are more or less favourable to the introduced species. Because individuals are able to disperse after their introduction, the quality of the habitat surrounding the introduction site is as critical to the persistence of introduced populations as the quality of the introduction site itself. Moreover, demographic mechanisms such as Allee effects or dispersal mortality can hamper dispersal and affect spread across the landscape, in interaction with the spatial distribution of favourable habitat patches. In this study, we investigate the impact of the spatial distribution of heterogeneous quality habitats on establishment and early spread. First, we simulated introductions in one‐dimensional landscapes for different dispersal rates and either dispersal mortality or Allee effects. The landscapes differed by the distribution of favourable and less favourable habitats, which were either clustered into few large aggregates of the same quality or scattered into multiple smaller ones. Second, we tested the predictions of simulations by performing experimental introductions of hymenopteran parasitoids (Trichogramma chilonis) in ‘clustered’ and ‘scattered’ microcosm landscapes. Results highlighted two impacts of the clustering of favourable habitat: by decreasing the risks of dispersal from the introduction site to unfavourable habitat early during the invasion, it increased establishment success. However, by increasing the distance between favourable habitat patches, it also hindered the subsequent spread of introduced species over larger areas.  相似文献   

Gall insects select vigorously growing plants and plant parts when initiating gall formation. Vigor is associated with rapid growth rate, and in turn, rapid growth confers competitiveness. Are there conditions under which the cost of vigor, in the form of increased susceptibility to attack, outweighs the benefit of competitive success? I present a simulation model to explore the interaction between susceptibility and competition on the selective advantage of increased growth rate. Assuming size-symmetric competition, the model shows that in general, vigor is favored (benefit > cost) at low to intermediate gall loads. At very high plant densities, however, plants with high gall loads may lose standing in the competitive size hierarchy from which they cannot recover. The details of this result, however, change somewhat when competition is size-asymmetric, that is, when a larger focal plant suppresses smaller neighbors, but smaller neighbors cannot exert a reciprocal effect on the focal. At low densities, the pattern of selection on growth rate is qualitatively similar to the size-symmetric case. At higher plant densities, however, fast-growing genotypes can suppress slow ones so much during the preattack phase that even at the highest gall loads they maintain their standing in the competitive hierarchy. Thus, heavy gall insect attack on vigorous plants can impose selection against high intrinsic growth rates under strong symmetric competition, but not strong asymmetric competition. While life history traits can evolve as a correlated response to selection on defensive traits that reduce susceptibility, this model reveals that susceptibility can evolve as a correlated response to selection on basic life history traits.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition is likely to act as an agent for selection on local scales, although evidence in plants is sparse so far. We hypothesize that in annual shade-avoiding grassland species, heterogeneity in the intensity of aboveground competition for light may shape patterns of genetic variation and induce phenotypic plasticity in traits affecting competitive ability. We collected maternal seed families of Erodium cicutarium from replicated high and low competition environments and exposed them to different levels of aboveground competition in a glasshouse. We examined effects of seed source and competition treatment on expression of plant traits related to competitive ability and fitness. Source environments with high levels of competition were significantly more heterogeneous in competition intensity at both intermediate (approx. 10 m) and small (approx. 0.1 m) spatial scales. Seed source and competition treatment both had highly significant effects on trait expression. Greater intensity of competition experienced by maternal plants was coupled with lower vegetative biomass production and slower growth rates, and at the same time lower abortion rates in the offspring. We interpret these findings as an indication of greater reproductive efficiency in the next generation, in response to competition experienced by parents. There was higher total phenotypic variability in the plants from high competition source sites, but equivalent levels of phenotypic plasticity across source-site competition levels; no costs of phenotypic plasticity were detected. We concluded that differences in competition intensity can lead to trait differentiation in the next generation. For E. cicutarium, experience with competition matters: it leads to substantial phenotypic differences and more total variability in the offspring generation.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory predicts that sperm traits influencing male fertilizing ability will evolve adaptively. However, it has been suggested that some sperm traits may be at least partly encoded by mitochondrial genes. If true, this may constrain the adaptive evolution of such traits because mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is maternally inherited and there is thus no selection on mtDNA in males. Phenotypic variation in such traits may nevertheless be high because mutations in mtDNA that have deleterious effects on male traits, but neutral or beneficial effects in females, may be maintained by random processes or selection in females. We used backcrossing to create introgression lines of seed beetles (Callosobruchus maculatus), carrying orthogonal combinations of distinct lineages of cytoplasmic and nuclear genes, and then assayed sperm viability and sperm length in all lines. We found sizeable cytoplasmic effects on both sperm traits and our analyses also suggested that the cytoplasmic effects varied across nuclear genetic backgrounds. We discuss some potential implications of these findings for sperm competition theory.  相似文献   

Most Recent bryozoan species are encrusting sheets, and many of these colonies have densely packed feeding zooids. In this study, I tested whether tight packing of feeding zooids affects food capture. Colonies of a bryozoan with an encrusting sheet form (Membranipora membranacea) were dissected to produce individuals whose feeding zooids were (1) closely packed, (2) more widely spaced, or (3) isolated. For each type, rates of particle ingestion were measured in still water and in a freestream velocity of 2.7 cm s(-1). Ingestion rate increased when zooids were closest together, probably because of reduced refiltration and increased feeding current strength farther from the lophophores. The mean incurrent velocity within 0.02 cm above the center of the lophophore was 0.28 cm s(-1) regardless of zooid spacing; however, when the incurrent velocity was measured more than 0.1 cm from the lophophores, zooids that were close together or spaced one zooid's width apart had significantly faster incurrent velocities than single zooids. Flow visualization suggests that isolated zooids and those spaced far apart refilter more water than zooids that are close together. These results along with the observed trend of increased zooid integration over evolutionary time suggest that the benefits of increasing coordination outweigh the consequences of intrazooid competition.  相似文献   

Figuerola  Jordi  Green  Andy J. 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):33-38
The ingestion of seeds by vertebrates usually affects the viability and/or germination rate of seeds. Increases in germination rate following passage through the vertebrate gut have often been assumed to be favourable for seedling survival and plant fitness, but this assumption has never been tested experimentally. Given that numbers of herbivorous waterfowl are higher in winter in Mediterranean wetlands, herbivory pressure there will be higher for early growing plants. In a factorial experiment we investigated the effects of seed ingestion by ducks (shoveler, Anas clypeata) on the survival of wigeongrass Ruppia maritima seedlings in the field in Doñana (south-west Spain), under differing exposures to herbivory by waterfowl and fish. We planted ingested and non-ingested seeds in December, using exclosures to protect half of them from herbivores. When they were protected inside exclosures, there was no difference between ingested and non-ingested seeds in the number of plants that survived until June-July. However, fewer plants survived from ingested seeds when exposed to natural levels of herbivory because they were exposed for longer than plants germinating from non-ingested seeds. In conclusion, increases in germination rate after ingestion are not necessarily beneficial for the plant, and the final outcome depends on complex interactions with other factors such as herbivore abundance.  相似文献   

Classical biological control agents fail to achieve an impact on their hosts for a variety of reasons and an understanding of why they fail can help shape decisions on subsequent releases. Ornamental Ficus microcarpa is a widely planted avenue fig tree that is invasive in countries where its pollinator (Eupristina verticillata) is also introduced. This tree also supports more than 20 species of non-pollinating fig wasps (NPFW) that feed in the figs and have the potential to reduce the plant’s reproduction. Odontofroggatia galili, one of the most widely introduced NPFW, has larvae that develop in galled ovules that might otherwise develop into seeds or support pollinator larvae. We examined the distribution and relative abundance of the pollinator and O. galili on F. microcarpa in China, towards the northern limit of the tree’s natural range, and in Italy where the two species have been introduced. Where they co-existed, we also recorded the impact of varying densities of O. galili on F. microcarpa seed and pollinator production. O. galili and E. verticillata displayed contrasting habitat preferences in China, with O. galili almost absent from warmer sites. O. galili abundance and sex ratios varied between the natural and introduced ranges. Figs with more O. galili contained fewer seeds and pollinator offspring, but reproduction was rarely inhibited totally. Additional species with a greater impact in the figs they occupy are needed if biocontrol of F. microcarpa is to be effective.  相似文献   

In a recent online publication in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 30 December 2009, Damman from the group of de Winter (AMC, Amsterdam) published the five-year clinical outcome in the Invasive versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable coronary Syndromes (ICTUS) The ICTUS trial was supported by the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands (ICIN), the Working Group on Cardiovascular Research of the Netherlands (WCN), and educational grants form Eli Lilly, Sanofi/Synthelabo, Sanofi-Aventis, Medtronic, and Roche Diagnostics.  相似文献   

The common forms of abnormal glucose regulation including type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance with pathological implications on vascular biology have a complex aetiology involving multiple cross-talks between genetic influences and important environmental modifying factors. Due to complexity of the genetics and the clinical heterogeneity of these disorders it has proven difficult to apply the same methodological approaches that have recently given insights into the molecular genetics of several single-gene disorders of glucose metabolism. This review gives some reflections on the challenges posed by the current hypotheses about the genetics of the widespread forms of abnormal glucose regulation as well as on the strengths and limitations of the methodological approaches applied to unravel the genetic components of common disorders. Also, we review recent progress in relation to a model for the pathogenesis of the various stages of abnormal glucose regulation based on the concepts of thrifty genes of metabolism and pro-inflammation and genes responsible for the appearance of impaired pancreatic beta-cell function and insulin signalling under the pressure of a westernized environment.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Evolutionary processes that maintain genetic diversity in plants are likely to include selection imposed by pathogens. Negative frequency-dependent selection is a mechanism for maintenance of resistance polymorphism in plant-pathogen interactions. We explored whether such selection operates in the Bromus tectorum-Ustilago bullata pathosystem. Gene-for-gene relationships between resistance and avirulence loci have been demonstrated for this pathosystem. ? Methods: We used molecular markers and cross-inoculation trials to learn whether the SSR genotypes of the host exhibited resistance to co-occurring pathogen races, whether host genotypes within a population had equal disease probability, and whether a common resistance locus and its corresponding avirulence locus exhibited predicted allele frequency changes during an epidemic. ? Key results: Five of six putative resistance loci that conferred resistance to co-occurring pathogen races occurred in common host SSR genotypes. Some common genotypes within populations were more likely to be diseased than others, and genotype frequencies sometimes changed across years in patterns consistent with frequency-dependent selection. Observed changes in frequency of resistance and virulence alleles during an epidemic provided further support, but evidence was inconclusive. ? Conclusions: Frequency-dependent selection may operate at endemic disease levels in this pathosystem, but is difficult to detect because many susceptible plants escape infection. Most pathogen isolates were virulent on most host genotypes, minimizing the apparent importance of frequency-dependent selection even during epidemics.  相似文献   

The commencement of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration has highlighted the urgent need to improve restoration science and fast-track ecological outcomes. The application of remote sensing for monitoring purposes has increased over the past two decades providing a variety of image datasets and derived products suitable to map and measure ecosystem properties (e.g. vegetation species, community composition, and structural dimensions such as height and cover). However, the operational use of remote sensing data and derived products for ecosystem restoration monitoring in research, industry, and government has been relatively limited and underutilized. In this paper, we use the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) ecological recovery wheel (ERW) to assess the current capacity of drone-airborne-satellite remote sensing datasets to measure each of the SER's recommended attributes and sub-attributes for terrestrial restoration projects. Based on our combined expertise in the areas of ecological monitoring and remote sensing, a total of 11 out of 18 sub-attributes received the highest feasibility score and show strong potential for remote sensing assessments; while sub-attributes such as gene flows, all trophic levels and chemical and physical substrates have a reduced capacity for monitoring. We argue that in the coming decade, ecologists can combine remote sensing with the ERW to monitor restoration recovery and reference ecosystems for improved restoration outcomes at the local, regional, and landscape scales. The ERW approach can be adapted as a monitoring framework for projects to utilize the benefits of remote sensing and inform management through scalable, operational, and meaningful outcomes.  相似文献   

Sperm selection may be said to occur if females influence the relative success of ejaculates competing to fertilize their ova. Most evidence that female animals or their ova are capable of sperm selection relates to male genetic incompatibility, although relatively few studies focus on competition between conspecific males. Here I look for evidence of sperm selection with respect to relatedness of mates. Reduced fitness or inbreeding effects in offspring resulting from copulations between close relatives are well documented. If females are capable of sperm selection, they might therefore be expected to discriminate against the sperm of sibling males during sperm competition. I describe an experimental protocol designed to test for evidence of sperm selection while controlling for inbreeding effects. Using decorated field crickets (Gryllodes supplicans), I found that sibling males achieved lower fertilization success in competition with a male unrelated to the female than in competition with another sibling more frequently than expected by chance, although the mean paternity values did not differ significantly between treatments. The tendancy for sibling males to achieve relatively lower fertilization success in competition with males unrelated to the female could not be explained by the effects of increased ejaculate allocation, female control of sperm transfer or inbreeding. This study therefore provides some evidence in support of the idea that female insects (or their ova) may be capable of selection against sperm on the basis of genetic similarity of conspecific males.  相似文献   

Road deicing agents can enter nearby wetlands and alter the composition of aquatic communities by directly eliminating salt-intolerant species and modifying ecological interactions between tolerant species. We conducted field experiments to examine the sensitivity of taxa that inhabit seasonal wetlands and to determine whether salt contamination could increase the production of ovipositing insects. In two outdoor mesocosm experiments, cladocerans and copepods rarely survived concentrations of commercial road salt >1,200 mg L−1, while wood frog eggs and hatchlings (Lithobates sylvaticus) were not strongly impacted until concentrations exceeded 4,500 mg L−1. Shore flies (Ephydridae), mosquitoes (Culex restuans; Anopheles punctipennis) and midge larvae (Chironomidae) were more salt tolerant than macrozooplankton. These taxa tended to be absent or relatively rare in experimental mesocosms with low salinities, but abundant in mesocosms with intermediate to high salinities. We conducted two additional experiments to examine whether adult choice of oviposition sites may in part explain the rarity of Cx. restuans in pools with low salinity. These revealed that Cx. restuans reduced oviposition rates in water-filled containers with cladocerans, and reduced clutch size in the presence of Lithobates larvae. However, salt concentration per se did not influence the propensity of Cx. restuans to oviposit. Collectively, our results suggest that aquatic habitats that are biologically compromised by deicing agents favor salt-tolerant insects, and that the use of road salts could increase the production of adult mosquitoes that are pests and vectors of disease.  相似文献   

A placebo-controlled, double-blind study was conducted to investigate the effects of seed and pulp oils of sea buckthorn (Hipphophae rhamnoides) on atopic dermatitis. Linoleic (34%), alpha-linolenic (25%), and oleic (19%) acids were the major fatty acids in the seed oil, whereas palmitic (33%), oleic (26%), and palmitoleic (25%) acids were the major fatty acids in the pulp oil. The study group included 49 atopic dermatitis patients who took 5 g (10 capsules) of seed oil, pulp oil, or paraffin oil daily for 4 months. During follow-up dermatitis improved significantly in the pulp oil (P < 0.01) and paraffin oil (P < 0.001) groups, but improvement in the seed oil group was not significant (P = 0.11). Supplementation of seed oil increased the proportion of alpha-linolenic acid in plasma neutral lipids (P < 0.01), and increases of linoleic, alpha-linolenic, and eicosapentaenoic acids in plasma phospholipids were close to significant (0.05 < P < 0.1). Pulp oil treatment increased the proportion of palmitoleic acid (P < 0.05) and lowered the percentage of pentadecanoic acid (P < 0.01) in both plasma phospholipids and neutral lipids. In the seed oil group, after 1 month of supplementation, positive correlations were found between symptom improvement and the increase in proportions of alpha-linolenic acid in plasma phospholipids (Rs = 0.84; P = 0.001) and neutral lipids (Rs = 0.68; P = 0.02). No changes in the levels of triacylglycerols, serum total, or specific immunoglobulin E were detected. In the pulp oil group, a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the level of high density lipoprotein cholesterol, from 1.38 to 1.53 mmol/L was observed.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change poses substantial challenges to biodiversity conservation. Well‐documented responses include phenological and range shifts, and declines in cold but increases in warm‐adapted species. Thus, some species will suffer while others will benefit from ongoing change, although the biological features determining the prospects of a given species under climate change are largely unknown. By comparing three related butterfly species of different vulnerability to climate change, we show that stress tolerance during early development may be of key importance. The arguably most vulnerable species showed the strongest decline in egg hatching success under heat and desiccation stress, and similar pattern also for hatchling mortality. Research, especially on insects, is often focussed on the adult stage only. Thus, collating more data on stress tolerance in different life stages will be of crucial importance for enhancing our abilities to predict the fate of particular species and populations under ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

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