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Experiments on roguing virus-diseased plants from plots of Majestic potatoes, which have been in progress since 1943, were continued in 1946. Plots were rogued in mid-June, early and late July, and plants were lifted from these plots at the end of July, August and September respectively. Roguing had little effect in reducing the spread of rugose mosaic (caused by potato virus Y ). The spread of leaf roll was reduced to half that on unrogued plots by roguing on 14 June. Later roguing did not reduce the spread of leaf roll, unless combined with early lifting. Early lifting increased the effect of early roguing. In spite of these results roguing main crop potatoes in the south of England is not considered a practical control measure.  相似文献   

Field experiments with Majestic potatoes were made over six years at Rothamsted to test the effects of varying date of planting and manuring on the yield of tubers and the incidence of the aphid-transmitted leaf roll and Y (rugose mosaic) viruses. Yield was increased by early planting, and by all the manures, especially dung. Early planting also usually increased the incidence of virus disease. Different manures had different effects on disease incidence; the average results from all comparisons showed the largest increase in incidence of both viruses from the use of dung; sulphate of ammonia increased the incidence of leaf roll, and muriate of potash that of rugose mosaic. Counts in two years showed that aphid populations were highest on the earlier planted potatoes, and were increased by dung, sulphate of ammonia and superphosphate, but were reduced by muriate of potash.  相似文献   

Experiments were made at Invergowrie in 1984 and 1985 to compare the spread of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) after removing infected plants by three different methods; conventional roguing, desiccation with diquat, or incineration for 45–60s using a propane gas flame. Potato leaf roll 'infector' plants, grown in plots of virus-free Maris Piper seed potatoes, were artificially infested in June with aphids (Myzus persicae) from a laboratory culture, and removed from the plots after 2 or 3 wk. In both years, natural infestations of potato aphids were scarce during this period. There was no significant difference in the proportion of tubers infected with PLRV in adjacent plants after the neighbouring infector plants had been rogued by hand or desiccated with diquat, but the proportion was considerably reduced following incineration of the infector plants. In 1984, the spread of PLRV in conventionally rogued plots was also significantly reduced by a mixture of deltamethrin plus heptenophos, applied four times from 80% crop emergence, and was almost eliminated by a treatment with aldicarb granules, either at planting, or as a side-dressing 5 wk later. In 1985, delaying infector removal by 8 days in early July significantly increased the spread of PLRV to neighbouring plants from 2.3% (1 July) to 8.3% (9 July). A single application of deltamethrin plus heptenophos to infectors 1 wk before removal did not significantly decrease spread. Although incineration was quick and effective, the value of this method of eradicating infector plants in seed potato crops is limited because it failed to destroy infected tubers.  相似文献   

A series of experiments on the spread of potato rugose mosaic (virus Y ), and leaf roll, which has been in progress on a uniform plan since 1943, was ended in 1946. Mean values for thirteen centres in England and Wales showed that in 1946 69% of the infections with virus Y and 48 % of those with leaf-roll virus reached the tubers of Majestic potatoes by the beginning of August. There was usually little subsequent increase of rugose mosaic, but a late increase of leaf roll was associated with a relatively high initial spread. Three-quarters of the virus Y and over half the leaf-roll infections occurred within five plants distance of the source. There was no close correlation between the spread of either virus and the maximum number of Myzus persicae , either apterous forms on the plants or alate forms caught on adhesive traps, but centres with high trap catches in July and August showed pronounced late season spread of leaf roll. There were marked differences at different centres in the relative spread of the two viruses. The amount of spread and the gradients from source of infection of the two viruses are compared over the period 1943–6.  相似文献   

Fungus diseases on potato seed tubers planted in England and Wales, 1963-76   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During 1963-76 samples of potato tubers from commercial seed stocks of cvs King Edward (14 yr), Pentland Crown (9 yr), Majestic (7 yr), Pentland Dell (3 yr), Record and Arran Pilot (2 yr) were received from farms in England and Wales. Fifty tubers from each sample were examined macroscopically for fungus diseases and eyes were excised from a 20-tuber sub-sample, incubated and examined for pathogenic fungi; 50 tubers were stored on trays to sprout and examined for diseases and sprouting in May and in most years samples of 50 tubers were wounded by dropping onto expanded metal, stored at 5° C and examined for gangrene and dry rot after 12 wk. Amounts of disease varied between years and during 14 yr black scurf and powdery scab on King Edward tended to increase and skin spot and late blight decrease. On average 44% of King Edward tubers were affected with skin spot, 25% with black scurf and 16% with powdery scab. Gangrene affected 5% of tubers and 97% of the isolates from rots were identified as Phoma exigua var. foveata. Wounding tubers increased the incidence of gangrene three-fold. During 1963-69 late blight affected 2% of King Edward tubers but fewer in later years and in other cultivars. Majestic had most common scab (44% tubers) and Arran Pilot most dry rot (9% tubers) and this disease was increased by wounding tubers. Conidiophores of Helminthosporium solani (silver scurf) were more common on excised eyes of Pentland Crown, Record and Arran Pilot than of other cultivars, and isolations from verticillate conidiophores that developed on the side of incubated eye plugs of King Edward and Majestic stocks gave pure cultures of Verticillium tricorpus (78%), V. nigrescens (9%) and V. nubilum (3%). Proportions of tubers with different diseases were affected by their country of origin; Scottish seed had most skin spot and gangrene, Irish seed most powdery scab and English seed most common scab, late blight and H. solani. There was also evidence of differing disease incidence in seed from different geographical areas in Scotland and England. Up to half the King Edward and Pentland Crown stocks examined in 1975 and 1976 were derived from stem cuttings and average amounts of diseased tubers were similar to those in stocks not derived from stem cuttings. Annual and cultivar differences in disease incidence and effects of date of receipt of seed on farms are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationships between rain and blight (Phytophthora infestans) were studied in unsprayed crops of cultivars differing widely in foliage and tuber susceptibility. The occasions when tubers were infected depended on rain and not cultivar, but numbers of tubers infected after rain was affected by the blight susceptibility of the cultivar. Infected tubers were first found when less than 5 % (BMS key) of the potato foliage was infected but few fresh infections occurred when 50–75% of the foliage had been destroyed. Some tubers were infected after 8 mm rain (tubers near the surface with even less) but large increases in numbers of tubers infected usually occurred only after 25 mm or more had increased soil moisture to above ‘field capacity’ around the tuber for at least 24 h. The most susceptible cultivars Ulster Ensign and Arran Banner had all plants with some tuber blight, and some plants with all tubers affected and often many lesions per tuber. Cultivars of intermediate susceptibility, King Edward and Up-to-Date, had some plants without blighted tubers, many with a few and very few with all. The more resistant cultivars Majestic and Arran Viking had many plants without infected tubers and many lesions that aborted while still necrotic threads, so that the fungus did not spread. Most infections occurred through tuber eyes, lenticels or sometimes growth cracks. The distribution of blight lesions on tubers differed in the different seasons, for example, lenticels were most commonly infected on Arran Banner and Ulster Ensign and eyes on King Edward, Majestic and Arran Viking. In late or slowly developing attacks, lesions on stems became more numerous and larger than in fast, early attacks and were prolific sources of spores on King Edward and Up-to-Date but not on Majestic and Arran Viking. Because much rain water runs down the stems of Up-to-Date and King Edward, stem lesions can provide an important source of inoculum for tubers.  相似文献   

Experiments at Invergowrie, south-east Perthshire, showed that the extent of spread of potato leaf-roll and Y viruses varied from year to year and that virus Y consistently spread more than leaf roll. Most spread of Virus Y occurred before the end of June and of leaf-roll virus before the end of July. Both viruses spread slightly more in late- than in early-planted crops. When plants with leaf roll and already colonized by Myzus persicae were placed in a healthy crop of Majestic potatoes at intervals during the season, the amount of virus spread decreased rapidly with increasing age of the crop. Spread of leaf roll occurred in all of twenty-five 'seed' crops in different districts of eastern Scotland in 1955 but in only twenty out of thirty-six similar crops in 1956. Annual and regional differences in virus spread appear to reflect differences in the time at which migrant aphids reach potato crops in early summer and the rate at which infestation builds up in the crops.  相似文献   

Effects of skin spot (Oospora pustulans) on potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
King Edward and Majestic seed potatoes selected as ‘clean’ (macroscopically symptomless), moderate and severe according to the extent of skin spot were planted in field experiments at Rothamsted between 1964 and 1968. Usually crops from ‘clean’ and moderately infected seed did not differ detectably in growth or yield. Plants from severely infected seed tubers emerged more slowly, had fewer stems and yielded less (King Edward 20 %, Majestic 13 %). Seed infection also affected tuber size distribution; severely infected seed of King Edward yielded almost 4 tons/acre less of 1 1/4-2 1/4 in tubers and Majestic, 1 ton/acre less of these and 2 tons/acre less 2 1/4-3 1/4 in tubers. However, the total yield from diseased seed stocks was only slightly less (King Edward, o-6 ton/acre and Majestic o-8 ton/acre) than the yields from the ‘clean’ tubers selected from them. Seed severely infected by Oospora pustulans often increased infection of the progeny tubers, and usually decreased their infection by Rhizoctonia solani and sometimes by Helmintho-sporium solani. Another series of experiments compared King Edward seed tubers classified according to the number of live eyes showing in March. Seed with one, two, three and more live eyes yielded equally. About half the tubers without live eyes in March eventually produced plants, but late, with few stems and giving only half the yield of seed with three or more live eyes. Surprisingly, the progeny tubers from seed without live eyes were least infected by O. pustulans, R. solani and H. solani. Progenies of King Edward and Majestic seed from a common source grown on seven widely separated farms were infected more in 1963 than in 1964, but in each year infection differed widely between farms. Often where O. pustulans was common, R. solani was scarce and vice versa. By contrast, when King Edward stocks very differently infected by O. pustulans were grown at Rothamsted their progenies were almost uniformly infected by O. pustulans and R. solani.  相似文献   

In experiments on skin-spot disease of potatoes, caused by Oospora pustulans Owen & Wakef., Kerr's Pink proved the most susceptible of twenty-four commercial varieties; Arran Banner, Majestic and King Edward were highly susceptible; Home Guard and Golden Wonder were highly resistant.
Thymol and tetrachlornitrobenzene, applied as dusts to pits of potatoes at lifting, did not give satisfactory control of the disease. The efficacy of an organo-mercury dip treatment at lifting time was confirmed.
The incidence of the disease was considerably decreased by storing tubers in boxes instead of in pits, by digging the crop about a month before normal harvest, or by cutting the haulms at this time and digging at the normal time.
Ware tubers showed a significantly higher infection than seed tubers of the same crop, indicating that susceptibility of tubers increases towards maturity.
The difference in eye infection between varieties may not be related to that of general superficial infection. It is suggested that, in future, the assessment of varietal susceptibility should be based upon the degree of eye infection, which is in practice the measure of the economic importance of the disease. Tubers having pustules at or near all the eyes gave markedly reduced sprout emergence and plant stand.  相似文献   

King Edward and Majestic seed tubers, selected as ‘clean’ (macroscopically symptomless), moderate and severe according to the extent of black scurf, were planted in field experiments at Rothamsted between 1964 and 1968. Seed infection sometimes delayed plants emerging but did not affect final plant populations. Crops from severely diseased seed yielded, on average, 7% less than ‘clean’ tubers (King Edward 6–8% less and Majestic 0–20% less). Seed infection affected tuber size distribution; compared with ‘clean’ seed, severely infected King Edward seed yielded slightly more chats (< 1 ½ in, 3.8 cm) and 1.5 ton/acre (3.8 t/ha) less large tubers (2 ¼–3 ¼ in, 5.7–8.3 cm). The effects were similar with Majestic although differences were smaller. However, total yields from diseased stocks (unselected) seldom differed significantly from the ‘clean’ tubers selected from them. Crops from moderately and severely diseased seed had more Corticium on stems and black scurf on tubers and usually less Oospora pustulans than from ‘clean’ seed.  相似文献   

In the field, caged potato plants of King Edward and Majestic cultivars infested with the potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae developed top-roll symptoms, the proportion of affected plants increasing with the size and persistence of the aphid population. Yield of tubers from plots in which 90% of the plants had top-roll symptoms was 40% less than that from control plots; yield of saleable ware was even less. Foliage produced after the aphids had been killed was symptomless even when it arose from the axil of an affected leaf. Caged field plants treated with phorate granules to prevent aphid attack did not develop top-roll. Prolonged infestation of Pentland Crown, Majestic and King Edward plants by M. euphorbiae in a glasshouse induced rolling of upper leaves similar to top-roll of field plants. Experimental results suggest that rolling was directly attributable to heavy attack by M. euphorbiae, not to an aphid-transmitted pathogen.  相似文献   

An analysis of the results of experiments in different parts of England and Wales from 1941 to 1947 on the spread of potato leaf roll and rugose mosaic showed that leaf roll spread was correlated with the number of alate Myzus persicae (Sulzer) caught on sticky traps throughout the potato-growing season; there was some correlation with the maximum count of M. persicae per 100 leaves, but this possibly results from the correlation between trapped aphids and the number per 100 leaves. Spread of rugose mosaic (potato virus Y) was correlated to a lesser degree with number of M, persicae , perhaps because other aphid species are often vectors. With both diseases higher correlations were obtained when the infected plants were dispersed among the healthy crop than when they were placed together in a row. It is concluded that it is possible to predict the average health of potato stocks in the following year from average trap data; further work may enable the health of individual stocks to be predicted.  相似文献   

Eyes and lenticels on tubers of cvs King Edward, Record, Maris Peer and Majestic gradually became more resistant to infection by Phytophthora infestans as the growing season progressed. Lenticels of Record and Majestic, and eyes of Maris Peer and Majestic were more resistant than those of King Edward. Differences in resistance between cultivars were apparent at all concentrations of inoculum.  相似文献   

Young potato plants in pots exposed in the open near plots of potatoes for limited periods at intervals during the summer, became infested with large numbers of winged aphids only during warm, calm and dry weather. Although visited by aphids during May and June, when much of the spread of viruses occurred in nearby potato crops, few of the potted plants became infected. Most potted plants became infected in July when alate aphids were leaving neighbouring potato crops. Widely different proportions of the exposed plants became infected in different years; in two of the three years, many more plants were infected with virus Y than with leaf roll virus.  相似文献   

Fusarium avenaceum is reported for the first time as a cause of rotting of potato tubers in Britain. The progress of rotting in tubers infected with F. avenaceum has been compared with dry rot due to F. caeruleum in the laboratory, clamp and potato store. Of the four varieties, Majestic, King Edward, Doon Star and Arran Pilot, tested for susceptibility, King Edward was the most susceptible to F. avenaceum and Doon Star to F. caeruleum.
Optimum temperatures for growth on potato-dextrose agar were 20-25 C. for F. avenaceum and 20 C. for F. caeruleum ; maximum temperatures were > 30 and 30 C. respectively. For infection of wounded potato tubers, cardinal temperatures for F. avenaceum were similar to those on agar, but for F. caeruleum the optimum was 15 C. and the maximum 25 C. The optimum temperature for rotting tended, with both species, to be higher in the more susceptible potato varieties. At low temperatures F. caeruleum caused quicker rotting than did F. avenaceum , even though its rate of growth on agar was scarcely more than half that of the latter.
High humidity favoured rotting especially by F. avenaceum; F. caeruleum was more tolerant of relatively low humidity. Both species caused quicker rotting in the clamp than in store, even though there was no appreciable difference in mean temperature between the clamp and the store. This was attributed to the higher atmospheric humidity in the clamp.  相似文献   

Potato seed tubers of seven cultivars derived from stem cuttings in 1965 (healthier seed) were grown in 1969–72 at two sites, one clay with flints soil (Rothamsted) and the other sandy loam soil (Woburn). Inoculating sprouted tubers at planting with Polyscytalum pustulans did not affect the number of stems/plant or total yield but increased stem base and tuber infection. The yields of large tubers (57–83 cm) were increased and small tubers (>57 cm) decreased, indicating a decrease in tuber numbers. Rhizoctonia solani inoculated at planting decreased numbers of stems/plant and yield by up to 14% at Woburn but not at Rothamsted. At both sites, yields of large tubers were increased with cvs Majestic and Record and decreased with Pentland Crown. Stem canker and tuber infection were increased but infection was also prevalent on tubers from non-inoculated seed at Woburn. When both pathogens were inoculated together yields of large tubers were increased in cvs King Edward, Majestic and Record and decreased in Pentland Crown. Infection of stem bases and tubers was sometimes less than when either pathogen was inoculated singly.  相似文献   

Two complementary field experiments at Rothamsted in 1965, with the potato variety Majestic, related the incidence of common scab (Streptomyces scabies) to rainfall, soil moisture and time of tuber formation. In plots where the soil was maintained at field capacity (less than 10 cm. Hg moisture tension) by watering, tubers had little or no scab; infection increased in amount on plots allowed to dry to 30 cm., 50 cm. or more Hg moisture tension during late June. The time tubers formed was varied by planting sprouted (chitted) and non-sprouted seed tubers, and tuber development and scab incidence were observed on sample plants lifted at frequent intervals from unwatered plots. Scab lesions were first seen on 12 July when the distribution of lesions on the surface of tubers was affected by size of tuber both within and between the different seed-tuber treatments. These differences were correlated with estimates of tuber size on 28 June, the beginning of the first dry period. Tubers 1.0 cm. or more in diameter on 28 June had few or no lesions at the stolon attachment (heel) end of tubers on 12 July, whereas tubers smaller than this on 28 June had many lesions in this region on 12 July. The larger the tuber was on 28 June, the greater was the area free from scab lesions on 12 July.  相似文献   

During falls of rain before 5% of the haulm was destroyed by blight, most rain water was deposited on soil at the bottom of the ridge, and least at the top in crops of King Edward, Majestic, and Up-to-Date potatoes. Afterwards less water was trapped half way up the side of the ridge than above or below. Water was also channelled down the stems and, while these were upright, was deposited in the channel often formed around the stem bases by wind movement. Fewer than 500 sporangia per ml. were seen in water collected when blight was present in the crop. Growing tubers of Ulster Ensign and King Edward, inoculated with P. infestans, infected healthy tubers less than 1–3 cm. away, when the soil water content was greater than 20%, and sporulation on the inoculated tubers was maximal. Similarly inoculated Up-to-Date and Majestic tubers sporulated less abundantly and failed to infect healthy tubers. Sporulation also occurred on inoculated seed tubers, although infection of the haulm from these tubers could not be confirmed. Water movement from the seed tuber region to the furrows may occur under suitable conditions.  相似文献   

 Roguing and replanting is a widely adopted control strategy of infectious diseases in orchards. Little is known about the effect of this type of management on the dynamics of the infectious disease. In this paper we analyze a structured population model for the dynamics of an S-I-R type epidemic under roguing and replanting management. The model is structured with respect to the total number of infections and the number of post-infectious infections on a tree. Trees are assumed to be rogued, and replaced by uninfected trees, when the total number of infections on the tree reaches a threshold value. Stability analysis and numerical exploration of the model show that for specific parameter combinations the internal equilibrium can become unstable and large amplitude periodic fluctuations arise. Several hypothesis on the mechanism causing the destabilisation of the steady-state are considered. The mechanism leading to the large amplitude fluctuations is identified and biologically interpreted. Received 2 September 1994  相似文献   

Black scurf and stem canker of the potato was investigated in field trials on infected soil at Warburton, Cheshire, to study the effect of planting clean and contaminated seed, and the relation between the dates of planting and lifting and the contamination of the crop tubers.
Black scurf was prevalent on crops grown from clean seed but was more severe on crops raised from contaminated seed. Under conditions favourable for the disease the yields from clean and contaminated seed were satisfactory and were not significantly different. Young shoots of plants from contaminated seed were severely attacked and tuber formation was checked; these results were not obtained on clean seed plots.
More black scurf occurred on late-dug crops; on early-dug plots the disease, although almost absent in 1941, was prevalent in 1942. Late planting failed to reduce appreciably the amount of black scurf.
Variety trials included Arran Banner, Kerr's Pink (two vigorous varieties), King Edward and Majestic (two less vigorous varieties). All were heavily infected and each recovered well from an attack on the young shoots.
Inoculation of the seed at planting time did not affect the results; in all trials, misses and wilted shoots caused by Corticium were rare and there was no relation between the yield and the amount of black scurf on the crop tubers.
The results indicate that the disease causes little, if any, loss under farm conditions.  相似文献   

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