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植物光合作用产生的非结构性碳水化合物(NSCs)水平可以反映植物和生态系统对环境变化的响应程度。近年来, 草原极端干旱事件的发生频率和持续时间增加趋势明显, 对生态系统结构和功能产生深远影响。该研究以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原为研究对象, 通过连续4年减少66%生长季降水量的控制实验来模拟极端干旱事件, 分析草原6种优势物种和植物功能群NSCs各组分对极端干旱的响应规律与机制。结果显示, 由于植物生物学、光合特性以及生理生态等特性的差异, 不同物种对干旱胁迫的响应具有明显差异。这表明草地植物NSCs组分及其利用策略对干旱胁迫的响应具有物种特异性, 从而导致其生物量的不同响应。将6种植物分为禾草和非禾草两类, 发现干旱显著增加了禾草的淀粉含量, 但对其可溶性糖含量无显著影响; 相反, 干旱显著增加了非禾草功能群的可溶性糖含量, 对其淀粉含量无显著影响, 表明不同功能群采取了不同的干旱应对策略。禾草选择将光合作用固定的能量进行储存以应对干旱胁迫, 其生物量对干旱响应不敏感; 而非禾草选择将能量以可溶性糖的形式直接供植物生长利用以及抵御干旱胁迫, 其生物量对干旱响应较为敏感。这一发现可为预测在全球气候变化背景下草甸草原生态系统结构与功能对极端干旱的响应提供科学参考。  相似文献   

食草昆虫通过增加植物群落中优势物种的占比来缓解极端干旱对整个植物群落的负面影响 极端干旱和食草昆虫均会抑制草原生态系统中植物的生长。食草昆虫也可能会调控植物群落对极端干旱的响应。但是关于二者交互作用对植物群落的影响鲜有报道。通过在内蒙古半干旱草原设置的极端干旱与食草昆虫交互控制实验,本研究探究了二者交互作用对植物群落的影响。研究结果表明,干旱和食草昆虫的单独作用均降低了植物群落的总盖度。但在二者交互作用下,食草昆虫通过增加植物群落中耐旱优势物种的相对盖度降低了干旱对总盖度的负面影响。我们的结果证明了食草昆虫可以缓解极端干旱对植物群落的负面影响。  相似文献   

Elevated temperature (Te) and drought often co-occur and interactively affect plant carbon (C) metabolism and thus the ecosystem C cycling; however, the magnitude of their interaction is unclear, making the projection of global change impacts challenging. Here, we compiled 107 journal articles in which temperature and water availability were jointly manipulated, and we performed a meta-analysis of interactive effects of Te and drought on leaf photosynthesis (Agrowth) and respiration (Rgrowth) at growth temperature, nonstructural carbohydrates and biomass of plants, and their dependencies on experimental and biological moderators (e.g., treatment intensity, plant functional type). Our results showed that, overall, there was no significant interaction of Te and drought on Agrowth. Te accelerated Rgrowth under well-watered conditions rather than under drought conditions. The Te × drought interaction on leaf soluble sugar and starch concentrations were neutral and negative, respectively. The effect of Te and drought on plant biomass displayed a negative interaction, with Te deteriorating the drought impacts. Drought induced an increase in root to shoot ratio at ambient temperature but not at Te. The magnitudes of Te and drought negatively modulated the Te × drought interactions on Agrowth. Root biomass of woody plants was more vulnerable to drought than that of herbaceous plants at ambient temperature, but this difference diminished at Te. Perennial herbs exhibited a stronger amplifying effect of Te on plant biomass in response to drought than did annual herbs. Te exacerbated the responses of Agrowth and stomatal conductance to drought for evergreen broadleaf trees rather than for deciduous broadleaf and evergreen coniferous trees. A negative Te × drought interaction on plant biomass was observed on species-level rather than on community-level. Collectively, our findings provide a mechanistic understanding of the interactive effects of Te and drought on plant C metabolism, which would improve the prediction of climate change impacts.  相似文献   

生产力是草地生态系统重要的服务功能, 而生物量作为生态系统生产力的主要组成部分, 往往同时受到氮和水分两个因素的限制。在全球变化背景下, 研究草地生态系统生物量对氮沉降增加和降水变化的响应具有重要意义, 但现有研究缺乏对其在大区域空间尺度以及长时间尺度上响应的综合评估和量化。本研究搜集了1990-2017年间发表论文的有关模拟氮沉降及降水变化研究的相关数据, 进行整合分析, 探讨草地生态系统生物量对氮沉降和降水量两个因素的变化在空间和时间尺度上的响应。结果表明: (1)氮添加、增雨处理以及同时增氮增雨处理都能够显著地提高草地生态系统的地上生物量(37%, 41%, 104%)、总生物量(32%, 23%, 60%)和地上地下生物量比(29%, 25%, 46%)。单独增雨显著提高地下生物量(10%), 单独施氮对地下生物量影响不显著, 但同时增雨则能显著提高地下生物量(43%); (2)氮添加和增雨处理对草地生态系统生物量的影响存在明显的空间变异。在温暖性气候区和海洋性气候区的草地生态系统中, 氮添加对地上、总生物量及地上地下生物量比的促进作用更强, 而在寒冷性气候区和温带大陆性气候区的草地生态系统中, 则增雨处理对地下、总生物量的促进作用更强; (3)草地生态系统生物量对氮添加和增雨处理的响应也存在时间格局上的变化, 地下生物量随着氮添加年限的增加有降低的趋势, 地上、总生物量及地上地下生物量比则有增加的趋势。增雨年限的增加对总生物量没有明显的影响, 但持续促进地上生物量和地下生物量, 增加地上地下生物量比, 可见长期增氮、长期增雨对地上生物量的促进作用更明显。  相似文献   

Aims Irrational utilization and global climate change have caused degradation of grassland ecosystems in northern China with low soil fertility, decreased vegetation coverage and productivity. Nitrogen addition has been suggested an effective way to enhance restoration of those degraded grasslands. In this study, we selected a typical steppe with three different degrading levels, including lightly, moderately and heavily degraded communities, in East Ujimqin, Nei Mongol. Our objectives of this study are to examine if and how nitrogen (N) addition can enhance restoration of those degraded grasslands Methods Treatments with four levels of N addition (0, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 g N·m-2·a-1) were conducted to each of the three degraded communities from 2014 to 2015. Nitrogen was applied as urea in June of both years. Aboveground biomass was collected at the species level in 1 m × 1 m plot in August each year, all species biomass was summed as net primary production, and biomass of plant functional groups was calculated by perennial rhizome grasses, perennial bunchgrasses, perennial forbs, shrubs and semi-shrubs, annuals and biennials.Important findings Our results showed that the high (20.0 g N·m-2·a-1) and medium level N addition (10.0 g N·m-2·a-1) significantly increased the aboveground biomass of the slightly degraded community by 53.1% and 51.6% compared with no N addition. N addition had no significant effects on the moderately and heavily degraded communities. N addition with high and medium levels increased aboveground biomass of perennial rhizome grasses by 45.1% and 47.7%, but decreased that of perennial forbs by 37.4% and 42.1% at the slightly degraded community. Our results indicated that N addition could increase the growth of perennial rhizome grasses, and the growth of perennial forbs was suppressed consequently. Our results suggest that even the application of N fertilizers can only be helpful to restoration of those slightly degraded grasslands. Besides, N addition had no significant effects on species richness in different degraded communities indicating the fact that the study may not last long enough. For the purpose of increasing aboveground biomass of degraded grassland, we should not only consider the type and quantity of fertilization, but also the attribute of the degraded communities. In addition, the response of degraded community in biomass may strongly be impacted by degrading level of studied grassland.  相似文献   

通过测定祁连山东部亚高山草甸256个群落样方的群落物种数和地上植物的C、N、P元素含量, 探究了该地区高产草地和低产草地植物群落物种多样性与植物群落C、N、P生态化学计量特征的关系。结果表明: 高产样地植物群落C、N、P含量的平均值分别为53.05%、1.99%、0.22%; 而低产样地植物群落C、N、P含量的平均值分别为52.51%、2.28%、0.19%。高产和低产样地植物群落C、N、P元素含量均呈现显著差异。高产样地上植物群落的物种数与N含量和N:P呈显著正相关关系, 与C:N呈显著负相关关系, 但与C、P含量和C:P无明显相关关系; 低产样地上植物群落的物种数与N、P含量呈极显著负相关关系, 与C:N和C:P呈显著正相关关系, 但与C含量和N:P无明显相关关系。说明高产草地和低产草地植物群落物种多样性与养分元素化学计量特征显示出一定的分异性, 高产样地上植物群落的物种数主要受N含量的限制, 与N含量呈正相关关系; 低产样地上植物群落的物种数则受N、P含量共同限制, 与N、P含量呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

Ground-level ozone (O3) and drought are two key factors limiting plant growth. O3 can enter into the plant tissue through the stomata, then causing the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which inspires programmed cell death. Drought usually induces the accumulation of ROS due to damage to antioxidant systems of plants. The effects of two kinds of stress on plants are similar due to the accumulation of ROS, resulting in reduced photosynthesis rate and physiological metabolism, eventually decreased plant growth and biomass. Nevertheless, O3 and drought interacts synergistically to accumulate detrimental effects or antagonistically to reduce harmful effects. Actually, it is complex interactive process between O3 and drought. On the one hand, O3 triggers stomatal sluggishness or even dysfunction, which exacerbates water transpiration of leaves, water loss from plants and further O3 phytotoxicity. On the other hand, drought induces stomatal closure, and thus protecting plants against the O3 influx and evaporation of water. However, prolonged drought could limit the uptake of CO2 and thus result in reduced plant growth. The response of plants to both O3 and drought not only depends on the occurring sequence and duration of any factor but also rely on the difference in physiological metabolism of the plant itself. The interactive effects of O3 and drought on stomatal characteristics, photosynthetic carbon mechanism, antioxidant response and growth development are reviewed in this paper and the aspects to be further studied are also suggested.  相似文献   

氮利用效率是植物的关键功能性状, 同时紧密关联生态系统功能, 但是目前对氮利用效率的区域格局及影响因素仍然不清楚。该研究分析了内蒙古和青藏高原草原82个调查地点、139种植物叶片和根系的氮利用效率及其与环境因素、植物功能群之间的关系, 实验结果显示: 1)草甸草原植物叶片的氮利用效率为53 g·g -1, 显著大于高寒草甸(46 g·g -1)、荒漠草原(41 g·g -1)和典型草原(39 g·g -1)。高寒草甸根系氮利用效率为108 g·g -1, 显著高于其他生态系统。2)叶片氮利用效率比根系对温度更加敏感, 但随着干旱指数的增加, 两者均表现出显著的降低趋势。3)杂类草叶片和根系氮利用效率低于莎草科和禾本科植物, 豆科植物叶片和根系氮利用效率分别比非豆科植物低48%和60%。4)植物氮利用效率与土壤氮含量之间没有显著关系。总体上, 内蒙古和青藏高原草原植物叶片和根系氮利用效率的空间格局存在差异, 主要影响因素为植物功能群和干旱指数。本研究系统揭示内蒙古和青藏高原草原植物氮利用效率的空间格局及关键驱动因子, 有助于在全球变化背景下了解我国草地生产力维持机制, 同时为草原生态系统管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以青藏高原高寒草甸为研究对象, 通过人工氮肥添加试验, 研究6个群落优势种在不同施氮(N)水平下叶片碳(C)、N、磷(P)元素含量的变化以及生态化学计量学特征。结果表明: 自然条件下, 6个物种叶片N、P质量浓度存在显著的差异, 表现为: 黄花棘豆(Oxytropis ochrocephala)最高, 为24.5和2.51 g·kg-1, 其叶片N含量低于而P含量高于我国其他草地的豆科植物; 其余5个物种叶片N、P质量浓度分别为11.5-18.1和1.49-1.72 g·kg-1, 嵩草(Kobresia myosuroides)叶片N含量最低, 垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)叶片P含量最低, 与我国其他区域的研究结果相比, 其叶片N和P含量均低于我国其他草地非豆科植物。随氮素添加量的增大, 6种群落优势种叶片的C和P含量保持不变; 其他5种植物叶片N含量显著增加, 黄花棘豆叶片N含量保持不变。未添加氮肥时, 6种植物叶片N:P为7.3-11.2, 说明该区植物生长更多地受N限制。随N添加量的增加, 除黄花棘豆外, 其他5种植物叶片N:P大于16, 表现为植物生长受P限制。综合研究表明, 青藏草原高寒草甸植物叶片N含量较低, 植物受N影响显著, 但不同物种对N的添加反应不同, 豆科植物黄花棘豆叶片对N添加不敏感, 其他5个物种叶片全N含量随着N添加量的升高而增加, 该研究结果可为高寒草甸科学施肥提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Aims A light response curve can reflect a plant’s ability to utilize light, which is also a key tool in determining the relationship between photosynthetic capacity and environmental factors; however the model accuracies concerning the light response curve remain elusive. The objectives of this study were to compare and assess the model accuracies related to a light response curve and the effects of drought. Methods A field rain shelter was used to control the soil water conditions. To obtain photosynthesis parameters from the light response curve and the drought effects, the relevant models (including the rectangular model, non-rectangular hyperbolic model, modified rectangular hyperbolic model, exponential model, quadratic function model, and a newly modified model) were applied to fit the light response curves. The validity of each model was tested by analyzing the differences between the fitted values obtained by the models and the measured values. Important findings The newly modified model has been proved to performing relatively better in accurately describing the light response curve patterns, and credibly obtaining the crucial photosynthetic parameters such as the maximum net photosynthetic rate, light saturation point, light compensation point, and dark respiration rate, especially under high radiation conditions.  相似文献   

人为干扰及气候变化导致内蒙古草地发生了大面积退化, 氮添加是促进退化草地生产力恢复的一项重要措施。该文基于2011年建立的氮肥添加实验平台, 以3个不同退化程度(中度退化、重度退化、极度退化)草地群落为研究对象, 设置对照、10、20、30、40和50 g·m -2·a -1 6种氮添加处理, 分析氮添加对退化草地恢复过程中群落多样性和生物量的影响。结果表明: (1)氮添加降低了中度、重度退化草地恢复进程中物种丰富度和多样性, 对极度退化草地恢复进程中物种丰富度和多样性无明显影响。(2)氮添加促进了3个不同退化程度草地恢复进程中群落地上生物量的增加。(3)氮添加显著增加了群落中禾草的地上生物量及其在群落地上生物量中所占的比例, 降低了杂类草在群落地上生物量中的比例, 但对杂类草地上生物量无显著影响。研究表明在利用施肥措施治理退化草地的过程中, 需要充分考虑草地退化程度以及由氮添加引起的群落多样性和生产力的改变对草地生态系统功能的影响。  相似文献   

大针茅(Stipa grandis)是内蒙古草原的优势物种, 研究其幼苗在不同降雨格局下的响应特征, 可以为进一步研究降雨格局变化下内蒙古典型草原的响应特征提供科学依据。在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站, 利用开顶式生长室进行控制试验模拟降雨格局变化, 研究了大针茅幼苗对总降雨量和降雨间隔时间变化的响应。结果表明: 1)总降雨量增加50%使大针茅幼苗生长季末的地上生物量平均增加23% (p < 0.05), 而降雨间隔时间由5天增长为15天使地上生物量平均增加48.8% (p < 0.001)。2)总降雨量对大针茅幼苗的地下生物量没有显著影响; 而在低降雨量条件下, 降雨间隔时间增长使地下生物量增加56.2% (p < 0.001), 在高降雨量条件下作用不显著。3)总降雨量和降雨间隔时间对根冠比的效应都依赖于对方水平的高低, 总降雨量增大只在较长降雨间隔条件下使根冠比发生改变(-28.4%, p < 0.05), 降雨间隔时间增长只在高降雨量条件下使根冠比发生改变(-28.8%, p < 0.05)。4)处理期间, 在处理时间分别为30天和45天时, 大针茅幼苗地上生物量、地下生物量和总生物量的差异都主要取决于总降雨量; 而在处理时间为75天时, 其差异则都主要取决于降雨间隔时间。该研究得到以下主要结论: 1)降雨间隔时间与总降雨量一样, 是影响大针茅幼苗生长的关键因素之一。2)总降雨量对大针茅幼苗生长的效应与降雨间隔时间的长短紧密相关。3)降雨格局对大针茅幼苗生长的影响机制随着幼苗的生长期不同而改变。  相似文献   

It is argued that the inclusion of spatially heterogeneous environments in biodiversity reserves will be an effective means of encouraging ecosystem resilience and plant community conservation under climate change. However, the resilience and resistance of plant populations to global change, the specific life‐history traits involved and the spatial scale at which environmentally driven demographic variation is expressed remains largely unknown for most plant groups. Here we address these questions by reporting an empirical investigation into the impacts of an unprecedented 3‐year drought on the demography, population growth rates (λ) and biogeographical distribution of core populations of the perennial grassland species Austrostipa aristiglumis in semiarid Australia. We use life‐history analysis and periodic matrix population models to specifically test the hypothesis that patch‐ and habitat‐scale variation in vital life‐history parameters result in spatial differences in the resilience and resistance of A. aristiglumis populations to extreme drought. We show that the development of critical soil water deficits during drought resulted in collapse of adult A. aristiglumis populations (λ?1), rapid interhabitat phytosociological change and overall contraction towards mesic refugia where populations were both more resistant and resilient to perturbation. Population models, combined with climatic niche analysis, suggest that, even in core areas, a significant reduction in size and habitat range of A. aristiglumis populations is likely under climate change expected this century. Remarkably, however, we show that even minor topographic variation (0.2–3 m) can generate significant variation in demographic parameters that confer population‐level resilience and resistance to drought. Our findings support the hypothesis that extreme climatic events have the capacity to induce rapid, landscape‐level shifts in core plant populations, but that the protection of topographically heterogeneous environments, even at small spatial scales, may play a key role in conserving biodiversity under climate change in the coming century.  相似文献   

火是继土壤、水分、温度之后, 塑造地表植被的主要力量。该文以2010年“12·5”冬草场火烧事件为背景, 通过对比川西亚高山草地火烧区域和未火烧区域火后第一年植被群落结构和牧草质量, 探讨亚高山草地植被对冬季火烧的响应机制。通过物种多样性分析、双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和干重等级法(dry-weight-rank)分析发现, 冬季火烧未改变植被的生物多样性、均匀度和物种丰富度, 却改变了植被群落结构的物种组成。冬季火烧导致一年生禾草、一年生杂草、灌木等3种生活型植物的数量和生物量增加; 多年生杂草数量减少, 生物量增加; 多年生禾草数量和生物量减少。冬季火烧也极大地减少了可食禾草的比例, 增加了各种杂草的生物量比例。此次火烧事件降低了细柄草(Capillipedium parviflorum)和早熟禾(Poa sp.)等可食禾草的竞争能力, 增加了一些杂草(如火绒草(Leontopodium leontopodioides)、白莲蒿(Artemisia sacrorum)、草玉梅(Anemone rivularis)等)在资源竞争中的相对优势, 最终表现为火后牧草的可食性下降。  相似文献   

In view of future changes in climate, it is important to better understand how different plant functional groups (PFGs) respond to warmer and drier conditions, particularly in temperate regions where an increase in both the frequency and severity of drought is expected. The patterns and mechanisms of immediate and delayed impacts of extreme drought on vegetation growth remain poorly quantified. Using satellite measurements of vegetation greenness, in‐situ tree‐ring records, eddy‐covariance CO2 and water flux measurements, and meta‐analyses of source water of plant use among PFGs, we show that drought legacy effects on vegetation growth differ markedly between forests, shrubs and grass across diverse bioclimatic conditions over the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Deep?rooted forests exhibit a drought legacy response with reduced growth during up to 4 years after an extreme drought, whereas shrubs and grass have drought legacy effects of approximately 2 years and 1 year, respectively. Statistical analyses partly attribute the differences in drought legacy effects among PFGs to plant eco‐hydrological properties (related to traits), including plant water use and hydraulic responses. These results can be used to improve the representation of drought response of different PFGs in land surface models, and assess their biogeochemical and biophysical feedbacks in response to a warmer and drier climate.  相似文献   

放牧对草原植物功能性状影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物功能性状的表达和植被环境适应性相关,植物功能性状之间的权衡变化体现了植物在放牧胁迫下资源的重新整合和获取.本文总结了放牧干扰下植物功能性状表达的差异性,着重将放牧干扰与植物功能性状相结合,介绍了植物功能性状的变异来源是植物遗传特征与环境过滤相互协调的结果,归纳了放牧对植物营养性状、繁殖性状的影响,以及植物可以通过调...  相似文献   

刘岩  李宝林  袁烨城  祁佳丽  李影  李睿 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7125-7137
围栏封育是三江源生态保护与修复主要措施之一,目前缺少基于多样地长时间序列监测数据和从植物群落结构变化角度来评估草地生态保护与修复成效的相关研究。基于多样地各经济类型群2005—2017年的地上生物量及其占总生物量比例数据,对比分析三江源草原围栏封育与放牧区植物群落结构变化差异,评价围栏封育对草地恢复的影响。研究结果表明围栏封育显著提高了地上生物量,在围栏封育期间地上生物量稳定,但群落结构出现恶化趋势,研究时段内禾本科和莎草科优良牧草生物量占比分别减少48.2%和23.9%,毒草增加了230.2%。同期放牧区禾莎草生物量占比先减少后增加,毒草杂草生物量占比先增加后减少,群落的种群结构改善可能与草畜平衡措施的实施有关。现有的持续围栏封育措施不可能但降低了草地的经济价值,也带来了一定的生态风险。因此基于草地实际产草量以及生态保护要求,确定更为合理的载畜量,实施更为精准的草畜平衡管理,应该比切断牲畜与草地关系的长期禁牧封育更为有效。  相似文献   

  • In subalpine grasslands of the central French Alps, cessation of traditional mowing promotes dominance of Patzkea paniculata (L.) G.H.Loos (Poaceae) tussocks, with high biomass but low fodder quality. Mowing limits P. paniculata abundance through the depletion of its water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) reserves, which sustain early spring growth initiation. However, the effectiveness of mowing effects is modulated by grassland functional composition, fertilization and climate change, as WSC compounds, and notably fructans, support plant physiological responses to climate stresses such as drought or frost.
  • To characterize the mechanisms underpinning the control of P. paniculata under global change, we tested the effects of climate manipulation (combined snow removal and drought) and management (cutting and fertilization) alone or in combination on P. paniculata WSC storage in assembled grassland communities of varying functional composition.
  • Management and climate treatments individually decreased seasonal fructan storage, with neither additive nor synergic effects between them, primarily due to the dominance of management over climate effects. Fructan amounts were higher in individuals growing in unmanaged exploitative communities compared to unmanaged conservative communities, regardless of climate treatments, but management overrode these differences.
  • Our findings suggest that reduction by combined snow removal and drought of P. paniculata carbon allocation to WSC storage may similarly limit its dominance to that in current mowing practices.

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