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基于景观敏感度的森林公园景点评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周锐  李月辉  胡远满  刘淼 《应用生态学报》2008,19(11):2460-2466
采用GIS空间分析技术,结合地形特征,选择相对坡度、相对距离、互视性、视觉几率和醒目程度5个分量,基于景观敏感度的测定原理和方法,对猴石国家森林公园内的主要景点进行了景观敏感度定量评价.结果表明:在猴石公园现有的23个景点中,景观敏感度综合评价为Ⅰ级的景点0个;景观敏感度综合评价为Ⅱ级的景点10个,占景点总数的43.5%,这类景点及其周围景观均需受到严格保护,以维持景观的自然特征;景观敏感度综合评价为Ⅲ级的景点有8个,占景点总数的34.8%,这类景点周围可结合自然景观发展人文景观,建设较宽的游览道,也可开发小规模的人工建筑,但建筑风格应与周围的自然景观协调统一,即在保护好自然景观的同时,实施开发建设;景观敏感度综合评价为Ⅳ和Ⅴ级的景点共计5个,占景点总数的21.7%,这两类景点周围可开展更大规模的综合性旅游设施和游道建设,为自然景观增色生辉.通过多角度定量化的景观敏感度评价,丰富了景观视觉评价和景观感知研究的理论,同时,为旅游区及森林公园总体开发建设和景观规划提供了重要依据和科学指导.  相似文献   

王舒  张骞  王子芳  余泺  向书江  高明 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4654-4664
快速城市化与土地利用变化导致的一系列问题不断影响着生态系统健康。开展生态系统服务供给和生态风险的空间量化研究,有助于科学管控区域生态用地,促进生态文明建设。采用GIS技术,利用生态系统服务价值核算模型、生态风险指数模型,研究了2000年以来三峡库区生态系统服务供给值和生态风险指数的时空演化特征,并利用Z-score标准化法进行生态功能分区构建。结果表明:(1)2000—2015年,三峡库区生态系统服务供给值总体变化较小,生态系统服务以调节服务为主且林地供给值最高。高供给值区主要分布于湖北省夷陵区、秭归县和兴山县等植被覆盖度高的区域,低供给值区分布在库区西南部的渝中区、渝北区和沙坪坝区等人口密集区。(2)三峡库区生态风险值总体呈小幅上升趋势,“西高东低”的分布特征明显,生态安全逐步向中等风险类型转移,其中低、较低生态风险区占区域总面积的55%以上,高风险区主要集中在重庆市主城区。(3)研究期间4种生态分区变化程度较小,表明生态分区处于较为稳定的状态。高供给值-高风险区(Ⅰ)的分布连续性最差,低供给值-高风险区(Ⅱ)和高供给值-低风险区(Ⅳ)分布较为集中。对三峡库区生态系统服务供给、生态风...  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment has been used to support decisions regarding human‐generated actions which affect natural “resources”; and indigenous ecosystems. Often, the logical and scientific input serve as rationalization to legitimize the process. Though widely accepted as the realistic and sole paradigm, Ecological Risk Assessments do not address the complexities of the natural world, are humanistically arrogant, and disregard or do not consider alternatives which offer imagination and realistic attempts to reduce human impact to the land.

Ecological Alternatives Assessment practices would place the highest priority on: (a) continued temporal and spatial evolution of existing complex ecological relationships, (b) acknowledgment of the inherent rights of all species, and (c) examination of alternatives to reduce effects of anthropogenic actions. These steps, as discussed, are not impossible to accomplish and are necessary for favorable short‐term (50–500 years) anthropocentric alternatives and maintenance of long‐term (+1,000 years) biodiversity of species and ecosystems.  相似文献   

黄河流域中上游的陕甘宁地区是西北生态脆弱区,在区域生态安全格局上具有重要作用,其生态经济问题值得重点关注。本研究基于陕甘宁地区1995—2020年土地利用和自然社会经济数据,利用空间分析和地理探测器等方法,研究陕甘宁地区土地利用及生态系统服务价值的时空变化特征以及生态系统服务价值空间分异的驱动机制。结果表明: 1995—2020年,陕甘宁地区耕地、未利用地呈减少趋势,建设用地、林地呈增长趋势。1995—2020年陕甘宁地区生态系统服务价值总量呈下降-上升的变化,1995—2000年减幅约1.2%,2000—2020年增幅约1.0%。草地提供的生态系统服务价值最大,调节功能价值贡献突出。地理探测器结果表明,归一化植被指数(NDVI)是生态系统服务价值空间分异的主导因子,气温和农民人均纯收入是次要影响因子;生态系统服务价值空间分异影响因素探测力(q值)达30%以上的交互组合有32种,其中,NDVI与土壤类型的q值近46%,自然、社会经济、政策因子的交互协同增强效应共同影响了陕甘宁地区生态系统服务价值在空间上的分异效果。  相似文献   

许嘉慧  孙德亮  张虹  文海家  吴健平  黄艳 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4594-4603
进行生态风险多尺度综合评价,对环境管理及风险决策具有重要意义。以三峡库区滑坡重点监测县域为例,基于“危险性-脆弱性-潜在损失”三维模型,以随机森林模型评估滑坡危险性,采用景观格局指数表征生态脆弱性,利用生境质量核算潜在生态损失,进行格网、行政、子流域多尺度下的滑坡灾害生态风险评价,提出适合各尺度的风险管理措施,在此基础上选择最适宜尺度并结合研究区实际情况进行验证。结果表明,生态风险等级较高区域集中于长江两岸沿线,三峡库区建设对研究区滑坡生态风险产生较大影响;两两尺度风险分布结果具有一定相似性,而三种尺度共同作用结果又存在一定差异;子流域尺度在保证生态结构完整性的前提下评价结果好于其他两种尺度,更适合三峡库区县域的生态风险评价;研究区东部风险防范类型相对单一,而西部风险防范类型较多,需做到精细化管理。研究增加了多尺度综合评价实例,对今后开展整个三峡库区滑坡生态风险研究奠定一定理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

西安市城市化对景观格局及生态系统服务价值的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国处于城市化高度发展阶段,截止2018年全国城市化率达到59.58%。城市的快速扩张,显著改变了区域景观格局,深刻影响城市生态系统的供给、调节、文化、支持等服务功能。近30年来,西安市城市用地扩张554.23 km2,基于西安市景观格局变化分析,利用同心缓冲区探讨城乡梯度内景观指数与生态系统服务价值的特征及其相互关系,揭示城市发展对城市生态系统的影响。结果表明,1980—2015年西安市各景观类型面积发生明显变化,耕地、草地面积逐渐减少,建设用地面积波动增加,主要来源于优势景观耕地的转化。景观破碎度最高的区域主要分布在距市中心10 km左右的城乡结合部,斑块密度、边缘密度、景观分割度最高,且随城市扩张,拐点距离逐渐增加。林地和耕地是提供生态系统服务的主要土地类型,西安地区总生态服务价值减少了9.56亿元,耕地减少最多(6.83亿元),沿城乡梯度,总生态系统服务价值均值呈现从市中心到农村递增的趋势,土壤保持的生态服务价值增长最快;沿时间梯度上,生态服务价值均值呈现逐年减少现象;从景观格局对生态服务价值影响分析得知,多样性指数与各类型生态系统服务价值之间存在显著的相...  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the occurrence, distribution, and source of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Hanjiang River Basin and the Danjiangkou (DJK) Reservoir. The concentrations of total PAHs in surface water, sediments, and bank soils ranged from 9.42 to 137.94 ng/l, 86.23 to 2514.93 ng/g, and 133.17 to 671.93 ng/g dry weight, respectively. The composition pattern of PAHs showed that 3-ring PAHs were dominated in all of the samples, while the proportion of high molecular weight PAHs (5- to 6-ring PAHs) in sediments and bank soil samples was almost three times higher than water. The source apportionment analysis showed that most of the PAHs in water were derived from sources of petroleum and combustion, while combustion was the predominant source of PAHs in sediments and bank soils. The methods based on toxic equivalency factors, risk quotient, and incremental lifetime cancer risk were used to assess the ecosystem risk and potential health risk of PAHs. The risk assessments showed that PAHs in the DJK Reservoir were out of potential health risk, but the ecological risk for majority of 16 PAHs was in the moderate level.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of water impoundment on the metal contamination in sediments cores from the three tributaries of Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), the concentrations, distribution, bioavailability, and potential risk of eight trace metals between summer and winter were analyzed using sequential analysis. The mean contents of all studied metals were higher than the geochemical background value, and were higher in summer than in winter. The results of the partitioning study indicated that Cr and Ni prevailed in the residual fraction, while a small proportion was found in the easily soluble fractions. Cu and Zn were distributed mainly in the residual and reducible fraction, while Cd and Pb were predominantly associated with non-residual fractions. These observations suggested that the most easily mobilized metals in the study area were Cd and Pb. The mean enrichment factors (EF) of Cu, Zn, Cd and Hg were higher than 1.5, revealing the potential anthropogenic inputs, whilst the EF of other metals remained within the range of natural variability. The positive correlation between non-residual Cu, Zn and Cd and their EF values further indicated that anthropogenic inputs were the potentially major contributor for the enrichment of Cu, Zn and Cd in TGR sediments. The results evaluated by both potential ecological risk index and modified risk assessment code (mRAC) of all sampling sites demonstrated the relatively high potential risk of sediment contamination effect in TGR.  相似文献   

Because of the low amount of nitrogen and organic matter in most soils of Iran, it is recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers in potato fields. Nitrate accumulates in plants naturally and if it enters into the human body it can threaten human health. There is not enough information about nitrate distribution in potatoes in Iran and a scientific value of critical level of nitrate in potatoes in Iran. The objective of this study, then, is to: determine the amount of nitrate in potatoes produced in different parts of Iran, assess the human health risks arising from potatoes nitrate, and calculate the critical concentration of nitrate in potato, using a risk assessment study and Iranian food basket. Two hundred and seventy-seven samples were collected from main provinces producing potatoes in Iran. Concentration of nitrate was measured in all samples. Results showed that Kerman province has more nitrate pollution and non cancer risk arising from nitrate. The most sensitive group to nitrate was boys 7–14 years old residing in Kerman province. Critical value of nitrate in potato for this receptor group, then for Iranian society in conservative conditions, was calculated using intake equations introduced by the USEPA and considering Iranian food basket as 246 mg kg–1.  相似文献   


High levels of arsenic (As) contamination in soils from thermal power plants pose a great threat to human health. This study aimed to evaluate the As contamination levels and assess the possible health risk of As in soils from three typical thermal power plants in Southwest China. The concentration of As was detected by using novel collision/reaction cell technology (CCT) with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, collectively ICP-CCT-MS) after aseptic digestion of soil samples. The carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient were estimated for health risk to workers in the study area by using “Chinese Technical Guidelines for Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites (HJ 25.3-2014)”. Results showed that the concentration of As was between 3.65 and 33.80?mg/kg, and the comprehensive carcinogenic risk level of As was 3–28 times over the maximum acceptable level (10?6), indicating that workers in the study area are facing serious threat of As. Oral ingestion (76.65%) was the main exposure pathway to carcinogenic risk, followed by skin contact (13.15%) and inhalation of soil particles (10.20%). After calculating the safety threshold values under three different exposure pathways (oral ingestion, skin contact and inhalation of soil particles), the minimum safety threshold value (1.59?mg/kg) was selected as the reference safety threshold value of As in the study area. These results provide basic information of health risk assessment of As and environmental management in thermal power plant areas.  相似文献   

生态安全格局如何结合地域生态风险和地方生态需求进行构建,是该领域服务于国土空间治理并且能否有效应用的主要议题之一。本研究以咸阳市为对象,结合市域地貌形态、地域生态安全影响因素和景观特征,基于“源地”空间可达性和空间质量,融合形态学空间格局分析和生态抗性、生态连通性、生态系统服务价值综合评价结果,叠加生态梯度分析,以源地-廊道-节点的方式构建生态安全格局。结果表明: 咸阳市生态源地66个,总面积2506.65 km2,约占全市总面积的24.6%,主要分布于东北、西侧、中部山区;生态廊道106条,总长823.5 km,包括潜在廊道、水系、灌渠遗址、秦直道等自然与人文系统,沿生态源地向西北、南部渭河延伸;提升生态连通性的生态节点20处,主要分布于二道塬与旱腰带之间。  相似文献   

One of the problematic issues in soil pollution studies is heavy metal particles which are produced by mines and smelting units and spread through wind action and/or runoff. Pollution and health risk assessment of cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, and nickel in soil around the lead and zinc smelting factory was carried out in Zanjan City, Iran. Contamination factor (Cf), pollution load index (PLI), geoaccumulation index (Igeo), hazard quotient (HQ), hazard index (HI), and carcinogenic risk were pollution and human health risk assessment metrics in this study. Based on the Iranian soil guideline value, soil samples in the studied areas were contaminated the least by copper and nickel and the most by cadmium. PLI results showed that soils near the production line were heavily or extremely heavily polluted. The results of Cf and Igeo showed that lead and zinc were the most important contaminants. Health risk assessment indicated that lead and cadmium in soil were the main contaminants, which pose both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks to human health; carcinogenic risk levels were unacceptably high (above 1 × 10?4). It can be concluded that mining and smelting activities degrade soil quality in this region and the soil pollution might be extended to farming areas.  相似文献   

生态能质(eco-exergy)在水生生态系统建模和评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态能质(eco-exergy)是指系统从给定状态达到热力学平衡状态所做的功,可以度量生态系统的复杂生物化学组分及生态结构。系统具有的能质越大,有序化程度越高,稳定性也越强。生态能质和比生态能质(specific eco-exergy)指标能够评价水生生态系统健康状况,对水生生态系统演替阶段具有指示作用。本文阐述了生态能质的定义、生态学意义以及生态能质值和权重因子fi值的计算方法。对生态能质作为功能函数在水生生态系统结构动力学模型(structural dynamic models,SDMs)中以及作为生态指标在生态系统健康评价、生态恢复研究中的实际应用进行了总结。最后探讨了生态能质指标的局限性以及未来的发展。此外,文中建议将eco-exergy和specific eco-exergy统一翻译为生态能质和比生态能质。  相似文献   

长江口南支表层沉积物中多环芳烃分布特征及生态风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年5月和8月先后2次采集长江口南支表层沉积物样品,采用高效液相色谱进行多环芳烃测定,研究其分布、来源与生态风险。结果表明:长江口南支表层沉积物中PAHs总量在8.9~312.2ng.g-1;PAHs组成以芘、菲、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[a]蒽、苯并[a]芘为主,各站芘的含量均最高,本研究PAHs总含量与长江口、黄河口和鸭绿江口近期的调查数据相近,但明显低于珠江口和闽江口数据,以及长江口潮滩沉积物中PAHs数据;PAHs环数组成以中、高环为主,表明长江口南支PAHs主要来源于相对高温条件下不完全燃烧过程。采用平均效应中值商法评价长江口南支PAHs生态风险结果表明,调查区域PAHs产生生态风险的概率较小(<10%)。  相似文献   

Sixteen USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Twenty samples were collected from the surface sediments of Haizhou Bay in this survey. This research aimed to identify the PAHs' contamination level, composition pattern, pollution sources, and assess the ecological risk of PAHs. The results showed that the sum of PAH concentrations ranged from 116.6 ng g?1 to 2414.9 ng g?1 (mean: 662.42 ng g?1), which is higher than the reported values for different wetlands worldwide. Three- and four-ring PAHs (accounts for more than 70% of the total PAH content) were predominant in the wetland sediment. The PAHs source distribution in the surface sediments were determined using diagnostic ratio and PCA/MLR. Consequently, multiple PAHs sources were found. Of the total PAH, 79.25% was derived from vehicular emission, 20.75% from coal combustion. The effect range low/effect range median (ERL/ERM) values indicated a low toxicity risk level. However, the fluoranthene concentrations exceeded the ERL level, and even the ERM level, in some stations. The mean effects range–median quotient (M-ERM-Q) suggests a low ecological risk for the PAHs in the sediments.  相似文献   

A study to monitor atrazine (ATR) and its metabolites in surface and well waters in rural area of Henan province was undertaken. A total of 66 surface water and 38 well water samples were collected during the period from July to August in 2016. The residues of ATR and its metabolites, such as desethylatrazine (DEA), deisopropylatrazine (DIA), and hydroxyatrazine (HA) were analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS. The detection rate of ATR and its metabolites under different pH values was investigated. Based on the survey results, a human health non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk assessment was conducted for adults and children. Ecotoxicological risk assessment was also conducted using default endpoint values and the risk quotient method. The results showed that ATR and DEA were the most frequently detected substances, the detection rate of which were 75.0 and 60.6%, respectively, and the level of ATR and its metabolites in this research was in the mid-range when compared with other countries. The detection rate of ATR and DEA in alkali water was much higher than that in acid water. ATR posed low potential non-carcinogenic risk to human through the exposure route of drinking water, and showed acceptable carcinogenic risk estimates for adults and children both in median and highest concentration. Ecotoxicological risk of ATR and DEA assessment revealed acceptable risk.  相似文献   

广东省川山群岛开发利用生态风险评价   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
李晓敏  张杰  曹金芳  马毅 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2265-2276
随着海洋经济的迅猛发展,海岛的开发利用程度不断加大,海岛生态环境遭到极大地冲击和破坏,导致海岛生态系统出现环境恶化、灾害加剧的趋势。广东省川山群岛,主岛为上川岛和下川岛,因岛上旅游娱乐和养殖用海等开发利用活动频繁,使其生态系统面临严峻的挑战。根据EPA提出的生态风险评价框架,分析了川山群岛的生态终点、生境类型和压力源状况,构建了一个用以描述川山群岛压力源、生境和评估终点间相互关系的概念模型,采用RRM模型思想进行了川山群岛开发利用风险评价。结果表明:上川岛属于开发利用的高风险区,主要风险区域是潮间带和近海两个生态子系统,其中以岩滩的开发利用压力最大,旅游娱乐和养殖用海是风险压力的主要来源,珍稀水禽是主要受威胁的物种;下川岛较上川岛的开发利用风险低,其岛陆、潮间带和近海3个生态子系统的开发利用压力都不大,养殖用海、旅游娱乐和城镇用地是风险压力的主要来源,也是威胁珍稀水禽和猛禽的主要压力源。基于此,从旅游管理、养殖用海管理等方面给出了上川岛和下川岛的风险管理对策,以期为海岛环境保护和可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

不同年代冬小麦品种旗叶光合特性和产量的演变特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
选用20世纪50年代的望水白(WSB)和碧玛1号(BM1)、70年代的郑引1号(ZY1)和扬麦1号(Y1)及90年代的豫麦34(Y34)和宁麦9号(N9)冬小麦品种为材料,采用大田试验研究了小麦旗叶光合特性和籽粒产量的演变特征.结果表明:与其他年代品种相比,90年代品种灌浆期旗叶具有较高的叶绿素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm) 和实际光量子效率(ΦPSⅡ),以及较高的光化学淬灭(qP)和非光化学淬灭(qN),并且其光合叶面积功能期长,衰老较慢.90年代品种收获指数高于50和70年代品种,平均群体产量分别比50和70年代品种提高了25.90%和11.29%.因此,在小麦品种改良过程中,花后光合能力的提高及光合持续期的延长是小麦产量增长的重要生理基础.  相似文献   

伴随城镇化的快速推进,生态系统服务价值(ESV)的时空评估及驱动因子探测对区域社会-经济-生态协调可持续发展具有重要意义.借助洞庭湖生态经济区2005、2010、2015、2018年的遥感解译数据,从3 km×3 km的格网尺度出发,在ArcGIS和GeoDa的技术支撑下,结合当量因子法、空间自相关分析、热点分析等方法...  相似文献   

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