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Counteracting the atrophy of skeletal muscle associated with disuse has significant implications for minimizing the wasting and weakness in plaster casting, joint immobilization, and other forms of limb unloading, with relevance to orthopedics, sports medicine, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. We tested the hypothesis that antibody-directed myostatin inhibition would attenuate the loss of muscle mass and functional capacity in mice during 14 or 21 days of unilateral hindlimb casting. Twelve-week-old C57BL/10 mice were subjected to unilateral hindlimb plaster casting or served as controls. Mice received subcutaneous injections of saline or a mouse chimera of anti-human myostatin antibody (PF-354, 10 mg/kg; n = 6-9) on days 0 and 7 and were tested for muscle function on day 14, or were treated on days 0, 7, and 14 and tested for muscle function on day 21. Hindlimb casting reduced muscle mass, fiber size, and function of isolated soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles (P < 0.05). PF-354 attenuated the loss of muscle mass, fiber size, and function with greater effects after 14 days than after 21 days of casting, when wasting and weakness had plateaued (P < 0.05). Antibody-directed myostatin inhibition therefore attenuated the atrophy and loss of functional capacity in muscles from mice subjected to unilateral hindlimb casting with reductions in muscle size and strength being most apparent during the first 14 days of disuse. These findings highlight the therapeutic potential of antibody-directed myostatin inhibition for disuse atrophy especially within the first 2 wk of disuse.  相似文献   

It has beenproposed that aquaporin-4 (AQP4), a water channel expressed at theplasmalemma of skeletal muscle cells, is important in normal musclephysiology and in the pathophysiology of Duchenne's musculardystrophy. To test this hypothesis, muscle water permeability andfunction were compared in wild-type and AQP4 knockout mice. Immunofluorescence and freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed AQP4protein expression in plasmalemma of fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibersof wild-type mice. Osmotic water permeability was measured inmicrodissected muscle fibers from the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and fractionated membrane vesicles from EDLhomogenates. With the use of spatial-filtering microscopy to measureosmotically induced volume changes in EDL fibers, half times(t1/2) for osmotic equilibration (7.5-8.5 s)were not affected by AQP4 deletion. Stopped-flow light-scatteringmeasurements of osmotically induced volume changes in plasmalemmavesicles also showed no significant differences in water permeability.Similar water permeability, yet ~90% decreased AQP4 proteinexpression was found in EDL from mdx mice that lack dystrophin.Skeletal muscle function was measured by force generation in isolatedEDL, treadmill performance time, and in vivo muscle swelling inresponse to water intoxication. No differences were found in EDL forcegeneration after electrical stimulation [42 ± 2 (wild-type) vs. 41 ± 2 (knockout) g/s], treadmill performance time (22 vs. 26 min; 29 m/min, 13° incline), or muscle swelling (2.8 vs. 2.9% increasedwater content at 90 min after intraperitoneal water infusion). Togetherthese results provide evidence against a significant role of AQP4 inskeletal muscle physiology in mice.


The production of AMP by adenylate kinase (AK) and subsequent deamination by AMP deaminase limits ADP accumulation during conditions of high-energy demand in skeletal muscle. The goal of this study was to investigate the consequences of AK deficiency (–/–) on adenine nucleotide management and whole muscle function at high-energy demands. To do this, we examined isometric tetanic contractile performance of the gastrocnemius-plantaris-soleus (GPS) muscle group in situ in AK1–/– mice and wild-type (WT) controls over a range of contraction frequencies (30–120 tetani/min). We found that AK1–/– muscle exhibited a diminished inosine 5'-monophosphate formation rate (14% of WT) and an inordinate accumulation of ADP (1.5 mM) at the highest energy demands, compared with WT controls. AK-deficient muscle exhibited similar initial contractile performance (521 ± 9 and 521 ± 10 g tension in WT and AK1–/– muscle, respectively), followed by a significant slowing of relaxation kinetics at the highest energy demands relative to WT controls. This is consistent with a depressed capacity to sequester calcium in the presence of high ADP. However, the overall pattern of fatigue in AK1–/– mice was similar to WT control muscle. Our findings directly demonstrate the importance of AMP formation and subsequent deamination in limiting ADP accumulation. Whole muscle contractile performance was, however, remarkably tolerant of ADP accumulation markedly in excess of what normally occurs in skeletal muscle. AMP deaminase; tetanic contraction; muscle relaxation; calcium handling; cross-bridge cycling  相似文献   

An association between oxidative stress and muscle atrophy and weakness in vivo is supported by elevated oxidative damage and accelerated loss of muscle mass and force with aging in CuZn-superoxide dismutase-deficient (Sod1(-/-)) mice. The purpose was to determine the basis for low specific force (N/cm(2)) of gastrocnemius muscles in Sod1(-/-) mice and establish the extent to which structural and functional changes in muscles of Sod1(-/-) mice resemble those associated with normal aging. We tested the hypothesis that muscle weakness in Sod1(-/-) mice is due to functionally denervated fibers by comparing forces during nerve and direct muscle stimulation. No differences were observed for wild-type mice at any age in the forces generated in response to nerve and muscle stimulation. Nerve- and muscle-stimulated forces were also not different for 4-wk-old Sod1(-/-) mice, whereas, for 8- and 20-mo-old mice, forces during muscle stimulation were 16 and 30% greater, respectively, than those obtained using nerve stimulation. In addition to functional evidence of denervation with aging, fiber number was not different for Sod1(-/-) and wild-type mice at 4 wk, but 50% lower for Sod1(-/-) mice by 20 mo, and denervated motor end plates were prevalent in Sod1(-/-) mice at both 8 and 20 mo and in WT mice by 28 mo. The data suggest ongoing denervation in muscles of Sod1(-/-) mice that results in fiber loss and muscle atrophy. Moreover, the findings support using Sod1(-/-) mice to explore mechanistic links between oxidative stress and the progression of deficits in muscle structure and function.  相似文献   

To determine whether uncoupling respiration from oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle is a suitable treatment for obesity and type 2 diabetes, we generated transgenic mice expressing the mitochondrial uncoupling protein (Ucp) in skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle oxygen consumption was 98% higher in Ucp-L mice (with low expression) and 246% higher in Ucp-H mice (with high expression) than in wild-type mice. Ucp mice fed a chow diet had the same food intake as wild-type mice, but weighed less and had lower levels of glucose and triglycerides and better glucose tolerance than did control mice. Ucp-L mice were resistant to obesity induced by two different high-fat diets. Ucp-L mice fed a high-fat diet had less adiposity, lower levels of glucose, insulin and cholesterol, and an increased metabolic rate at rest and with exercise. They were also more responsive to insulin, and had enhanced glucose transport in skeletal muscle in the setting of increased muscle triglyceride content. These data suggest that manipulating respiratory uncoupling in muscle is a viable treatment for obesity and its metabolic sequelae.  相似文献   

失重条件下人和动物生理状态会发生一系列的变化,其中骨骼肌萎缩和力量下降较为显著,目前其发生的机制仍不明确且缺少特效的干预措施。本文从肌肉湿重及肌纤维横截面积的变化、肌纤维类型的变化、肌纤维超微结构的变化、肌梭的适应性变化四个方面进行简要阐述,探讨肌肉萎缩的可能发生机制。  相似文献   

Store-operated Ca(2+) channels (SOCs) are activated in response to Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) is the ER sensor that transmits the stored Ca(2+) content to the pore-forming SOCs Orai and TRPC channels. Recent studies reveal high levels of Orai1 and STIM1 in skeletal muscle, and a prominent role of SOCs in muscle development and function.  相似文献   

Satellite cells are myogenic stem cells responsible for the post-natal growth, repair and maintenance of skeletal muscle. This review focuses on the basic biology of the satellite cell with emphasis on its role in muscle repair and parallels between embryonic myogenesis and muscle regeneration. Recent advances have altered the long-standing view of the satellite cell as a committed myogenic stem cell derived directly from the fetal myoblast. The experimental basis for this evolving perspective will be highlighted as will the relationship between the satellite cell and other newly discovered muscle stem cell populations. Finally, advances and prospects for cell-based therapies for muscular dystrophies will be addressed.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle tissue engineering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The reconstruction of skeletal muscle tissue either lost by traumatic injury or tumor ablation or functional damage due to myopathies is hampered by the lack of availability of functional substitution of this native tissue. Until now, only few alternatives exist to provide functional restoration of damaged muscle tissues. Loss of muscle mass and their function can surgically managed in part using a variety of muscle transplantation or transposition techniques. These techniques represent a limited degree of success in attempts to restore the normal functioning, however they are not perfect solutions. A new alternative approach to addressing difficult tissue reconstruction is to engineer new tissues. Although those tissue engineering techniques attempting regeneration of human tissues and organs have recently entered into clinical practice, the engineering of skeletal muscle tissue ist still a scientific challenge. This article reviews some of the recent findings resulting from tissue engineering science related to the attempt of creation and regeneration of functional skeletal muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Cell suspensions from the breast muscles of 10-day old chicken embryos were separated into non-myogenic, fibroblast-like cell fractions and a mononucleated, myogenic cell fraction by PercollTM density centrifugation. lsolated populations were characterized by their morphology in both mass cultures and individual macroscopic clones and by the immunocytochemical detection of skeletal muscle-and smooth muscle-specific proteins in individual cells. Cell populations were also characterized by their protein patterns using sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The less dense, non-myogenic cells comprised 16% of the cells. In culture they were predominantly flatiened, stellate cells and gave rise to clones lacking myotubes. These fibroblast-like cells were negative for skeletal muscle myosin or muscle type creatine phosphokinase. Less than 0.1% of these cells demonstrated strong fluorescence when stained with anti-desmin or anti-smooth muscle specific actin. This observation suggested that the vast majority of these cells were not related to vascular smooth muscle cells. Also, over 99% of the non-myogenic cells did not display characteristic properties of endothelial cells. The denser myogenic cell fraction comprised over 80% of the cells and in clonal cultures gave rise to about 70% myogenic clones. An additional 30% of clones from this fraction were non-myogenic indicating heterogeneity in this population. We conclude that Percoll centrifugation can be employed for the isolation of myogenic and non-myogenic cell populations directly from the embryonic muscle. Moreover, this procedure allows the direct analysis of cell-specific proteins (e.g., by gel electrophoresis) without the need for cell culturing. The results thus obtained closely reflect the status of the cells in the intact muscle.  相似文献   

In this review we shall discuss recent publications on the heterogeneity of muscle stem cells, signaling pathways that affect their behaviour and regulatory mechanisms that underlie their myogenic fate, with reference to insights provided by work on skeletal muscle formation in the embryo as well as the adult, with the mouse as a model of reference.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle regeneration in young rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Skeletal muscle formation in vertebrates.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Research in the past year has added to our understanding of the signalling systems that specify myogenic identity in the embryo and of the regulation and roles of MyoD family members. New insights into the movement of muscle precursor cells include the demonstration that Lbx1 is essential for their migration from the somite to some but not all sites of muscle formation elsewhere. Later in development, ras as well as calcineurin signalling is now implicated in the definition of slow versus fast fibre types. The myogenic identity of precursor cells in the adult depends on Pax7, the orthologue of Pax3 which is required for early myogenesis; this finding is of major importance for muscle regeneration and the active field of stem cell research.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle has a remarkable capacity to regenerate after mechanical or pathological injury. We show that the V1a receptor (V1aR) for vasopressin, a potent myogenic-promoting factor that stimulates differentiation and hypertrophy in vitro, is expressed in mouse skeletal muscle and modulated during regeneration after experimental injury. We used gene delivery by electroporation to overexpress the myc-tagged vasopressin V1aR in specific muscles, thus sensitizing them to circulating vasopressin. The correct localization on the surface of the fibers of the recombinant product was demonstrated by confocal immunofluorescence directed against the myc tag. V1aR overexpression dramatically enhanced regeneration. When compared with mock-transfected controls, V1aR overexpressing muscles exhibited significantly accelerated activation of satellite cells and increased expression of differentiation markers. Downstream of V1aR activation, calcineurin was strongly up-regulated and stimulated the expression of IL-4, a potent mediator of myogenic cell fusion. The central role of calcineurin in mediating V1aR-dependent myogenesis was also demonstrated by using its specific inhibitor, cyclosporine A. This study identifies skeletal muscle as a physiological target of hormones of the vasopressin family and reveals a novel in vivo role for vasopressin-dependent pathways. These findings unveil several steps, along a complex signaling pathway, that may be exploited as potential targets for the therapy of diseases characterized by altered muscle homeostasis and regeneration.  相似文献   

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