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A robust recognition of phylogenetic affinities of Opalinidae-the peculiar multinucleated intestine commensals of frogs-is hindered by the absence of reliable molecular data. Up to now all attempts to sequence opalinid genes failed, as the obtained sequences labeled as Protoopalina intestinalis, Cepedea virguloidea, and Opalina ranarum in GenBank apparently originate from a zygomycete contamination. In this paper, we present the first molecular data for the family Opalinidae-SSU rRNA gene of P. intestinalis. Our phylogenetic analyses undoubtedly show opalinids as a sister group to Proteromonas within the Stramenopila clade, confirming the monophyly of Patterson's order Slopalinida. The enigmatic genus Blastocystis is resolved with high statistical support as a sister group to Slopalinida. The information contained in the SSU rRNA gene proved insufficient to uncover broader affinities of this group to other groups of Stramenopila. Nevertheless, our analyses clearly demonstrate that Cavalier-Smith's phylum Bigyra, which comprises Oomycetes and their relatives together with Slopalinida and Blastocystis, is not monophyletic.  相似文献   

During faunistic studies on psammophilic ciliates along the coast of Qingdao, China, a population of the poorly known species Parasonderia vestita (Kahl, 1928) comb. nov. (basionym: Plagiopyla vestita Kahl, 1928) was found and investigated using silver staining methods. These revealed that its oral ciliature is rather unique and composed of polykinetids comprising four parts: prebuccal polykineties, postbuccal polykineties, parabuccal polykineties, and intrabuccal polykineties. Both the pre- and the postbuccal polykineties are, as extensions of the somatic kineties, spiraling and extending from cell surface into buccal cavity. The somatic kineties are composed mainly of dikinetids with some monokinetids and trikinetids inserted. They are separated into two types: four circle kineties and 24–28 bipolar kineties. The circle kineties start from the side of oral region and connect with the opposite section at the end of the body. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU rRNA gene sequence data indicates that P. vestita falls into the core part of the order Plagiopylida and groups with an environmental sequence with high support and forms a sister clade with Lechriopyla mystax, Plagiopyla frontata and P. nasuta.  相似文献   

Heiss AA  Keeling PJ 《Protist》2006,157(3):335-344
The oxymonads are a group of structurally complex anaerobic flagellates about which we know very little. They are found in association with complex microbial communities in the guts of animals. There are five recognized families of oxymonads; molecular data have been acquired for four of these. Here, we describe the first molecular data from the last remaining group, represented by Saccinobaculus, an organism that is found exclusively in the hindgut of the wood-eating cockroach Cryptocercus. We sequenced small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) from total gut DNA to describe Saccinobaculus SSU rRNA diversity. We also sequenced SSU rRNA from manually isolated cells of the two most abundant and readily identifiable species: the type species Saccinobaculus ambloaxostylus and the taxonomically contentious Saccinobaculus doroaxostylus. We inferred phylogenetic trees including all five known oxymonad subgroups in order to elucidate the internal phylogeny of this poorly studied group, to resolve some outstanding issues of the taxonomy and identification of certain Saccinobaculus species, and to investigate the evolution of character states within it. Our analysis recovered strong support for the existence of the five subgroups of oxymonads, and consistently united the subgroups containing Monocercomonoides and Streblomastix, but was unable to resolve any further higher-order branching patterns.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphologically unique genus Gastrocirrhus has been considered a distinct but systematically uncertain euplotid due to the absence of both morphogenetic and molecular information. Based on the small subunit rRNA gene sequence, the phylogenetic position of Gastrocirrhus monilifer Ozaki & Yagui, 1942 was re-addressed using multiple algorithms (neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, least-squares, and Bayesian inference methods). Results indicate that: (1) all phylogenetic trees using different methods are nearly identical in topology, placing G. monilifer closest to Euplotidium arenarium ; (2) Gastrocirrhus and Euplotidium form a monophyletic group, namely the family Gastrocirrhidae, and appear to be intermediate taxa bridging the evolution of the Diophrys-Uronychia and Euplotes- complexes (i.e. Euplotes, Certesia , and Aspidisca ); (3) the order Euplotida is a paraphyletic group composed of three deeply diverged clades ( Euplotes–Certesia–Aspidisca – Gastrocirrhus–Euplotidium ; Uronychia – Diophrys ; and Prodiscocephalus ); (4) together with Prodiscocephalus , the Diophrys-Uronychia complex forms a group at the suborder level and is placed at the root of the order Euplotida, and (5) results from molecular analyses conspicuously challenge the conclusions deduced from morphological as well as morphogenetical investigations—the characteristics traditionally used to define the euplotid taxa at the generic level and/or above may not be uniformly reliable.  相似文献   

Intestinal ciliates excreted in the feces of Asian elephants were surveyed. Fourteen species in the order Entodiniomorphida were detected. Nine Triplumaria species in the family Cycloposthiidae were found. Using the silver impregnation, two known species, T. antis and T. dvoinosi, were redescribed and six new species, T. sukuna n. sp., T. zuze n. sp., T. solea n. sp., T. suwako n. sp., T. fulgora n. sp., and T. harpagonis n. sp., were described. T. sukuna, T. zuze, T. solea, and T. suwako have the perivestibular polybrachykinety along the vestibular opening. The buccal infraciliary bands of T. suwako are similar to those of T. selenica found from elephants and the buccal infraciliary bands of T. sukuna, T. zuze, and T. solea are similar to those of T. grypoclunis described from rhinoceroses. T. antis, T. dvoinosi, T. fulgora, and T. harpagonis have the vestibular polybrachykinety extending down inside the vestibulum as found in rumen ciliates in the family Ophryoscolecidae. The caudalial ciliary zones of T. dvoinosi and T. fulgora were retractable as found in rumen ophryoscolecids. Raabena bella and Pseudoentodinium elephantis showed high composition values over 30%. Ciliate densities in the three fecal samples were 0.15, 1.09, and 2.07×10(4)/ml.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals (i.e. hard corals) play a fundamental role in building and maintaining coral reefs, one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. Nevertheless, their phylogenies remain largely unresolved and little is known about dispersal and survival of their planktonic larval phase. The small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) is a commonly used gene for DNA barcoding in several metazoans, and small variable regions of SSU rRNA are widely adopted as barcode marker to investigate marine plankton community structure worldwide. Here, we provide a large sequence data set of the complete SSU rRNA gene from 298 specimens, representing all known extant reef coral families and a total of 106 genera. The secondary structure was extremely conserved within the order with few exceptions due to insertions or deletions occurring in the variable regions. Remarkable differences in SSU rRNA length and base composition were detected between and within acroporids (Acropora, Montipora, Isopora and Alveopora) compared to other corals. The V4 and V9 regions seem to be promising barcode loci because variation at commonly used barcode primer binding sites was extremely low, while their levels of divergence allowed families and genera to be distinguished. A time‐calibrated phylogeny of Scleractinia is provided, and mutation rate heterogeneity is demonstrated across main lineages. The use of this data set as a valuable reference for investigating aspects of ecology, biology, molecular taxonomy and evolution of scleractinian corals is discussed.  相似文献   

Compared with other ciliated protozoa, molecular studies of phylogenetic relationships within the subclass Suctoria are rare. In this work, phylogenetic analyses focusing on this group were performed based on all data available. In addition, the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes of three suctorian ciliates (Acineta compressa, Acineta tuberosa and Paracineta limbata) were newly sequenced. Furthermore, the putative secondary structures of the variable region 2 of the SSU rRNA gene were predicted and compared within the Suctoria. Our results show that (i) there is support for the monophyly of the subclass Suctoria, which is a sister clade to the cyrtophorids; (ii) based on combined morphologic and molecular features, we propose the following evolutionary routine within the Suctoria: Exogenina – Evaginogenina – Endogenina; (iii) the similarities of the secondary structures of the V2 region and the SSU rRNA gene sequences within the subclass Suctoria are consistent with the branching of the phylogenetic lineages.  相似文献   

The evolutionary position of the yew family, Taxaceae, has been very controversial. Some plant taxonomists strongly advocate excluding Taxaceae from the conifer order and raising its taxonomic status to a new order or even class because of its absence of seed cones, contrary to the case in the majority of conifers. However, other authors believe that the Taxaceae are not fundamentally different from the rest of the conifers except in that they possess the most reduced solitary-ovule cones. To resolve the controversy, we have sequenced the 18S rRNA genes from representative gymnosperms: Taxus mairei (Taxaceae), Podocarpus nakaii (Podocarpaceae), Pinus luchuensis (Pinaceae), and Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgoales). Our phylogenetic analysis of the new sequence data with the published 18S rRNA sequence of Zamia pumila (a cycad) as an outgroup strongly indicates that Taxus, Pinus, and Podocarpus form a monophyletic group with the exclusion of Ginkgo and that Taxus is more closely related to Pinus than to Podocarpus. Therefore, Taxaceae should be classified as a family of Coniferales. Our finding that Taxaceae, Pinaceae, and Podocarpaceae form a clade contradicts both the view that the uniovulate seed of Taxaceae is a primitive character and the view that the Taxaceae are descendants of the Podocarpaceae. Rather, the uniovulate seed of Taxaceae and that of some species of Podocarpus appear to have different origins, probably all reduced from multiovulate cones. Correspondence to: W.-H. Li  相似文献   

A secondary structure model for 18S rRNA of peloridiids, relict insects with a present-day circumantarctic distribution, is constructed using comparative sequence analysis, thermodynamic folding, a consensus method using 18S rRNA models of other taxa, and support of helices based on compensatory substitutions. Results show that probable in vivo configuration of 18S rRNA is not predictable using current free-energy models to fold the entire molecule concurrently. This suggests that refinements in free-energy minimization algorithms are needed. Molecular phylogenetic datasets were created using 18S rRNA nucleotide alignments produced by CLUSTAL and rigorous interpretation of homologous position based on certain secondary substructures. Phylogenetic analysis of a hemipteran data matrix of 18S rDNA sequences placed peloridiids sister to Heteroptera. Resolution of affiliations between the three main euhemipteran lineages was unresolved. The peloridiid 18S RNA model presented here provides the most accurate template to date for aligning homologous nucleotides of hemipteran taxa. Using folded 18S rRNA to infer homology of character as morpho-molecular structures or nucleotides and scoring particular sites or substructures is discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology and the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence of the hypotrich Neobakuella flava n. g., n. sp. from the estuary of the Taehwagang River (Ulsan, South Korea) were investigated. The three frontal cirri, the composition of the midventral complex of cirral pairs and rows, and the simple dorsal kinety pattern of three bipolar kineties assign it to the urostyloid taxon Bakuellidae. The increased number of buccal and parabuccal cirri, the presence of transverse cirri, and more than one left marginal row, as well as the lack of caudal cirri separate Neobakuella n. g. from the other bakuellids. Neobakuella flava n. sp. has many 0.3 μm sized green and/or yellow usually dark-green cortical granules and some sparsely distributed, 2 × 1 μm sized grass green with yellowish shimmer granules. The gene sequence data indicate a close relationship with Diaxonella and a distinct separation from the bakuellid Metaurostylopsis and parabirojimid Parabirojimia. The SSU rRNA gene sequences of four further urostyloids (i.e. Diaxonella pseudorubra, Anteholosticha monilata, Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae, Pseudourostyla cristata) and two stylonychines (i.e. Sterkiella cavicola, Sterkiella histriomuscorum) from Korea were analyzed. Anteholosticha monilata, type of the genus, is clearly separated from the Holosticha clade, supporting the morphological separation from Holosticha. Sterkiella cavicola, type of Sterkiella, clusters within the stylonychines and is obviously closely related with S. histriomuscorum.  相似文献   

Members of the amphipod suborder Caprellidea exhibit degenerated abdomens and pereopods 3 and 4. Some genera of Podoceridae (Gammaridea, Corophioidea) such as Dulichia also show reduced abdomens and pereopods and thus are generally regarded as a sister group of the Caprellidea. In addition, one of the caprellid families, the Caprogammaridae, exhibits abdominal segments that are similar to those of the podocerids, as well as rudimentary pereopods 3 and 4, which are more consistent with those of other caprellids. Therefore, an evolutionary scheme has been suggested on the basis of the gradual degeneration of the pereopods and abdomen: [Dulichia, (caprogammarids, caprellids)]. However, the Phtisicidae (Caprellidea) contradict this hypothesis because they exhibit well-developed pereopods 3 and 4, along with degenerated abdomens. Therefore, previous studies have suggested that the Phtisicidae and other caprellids may be polyphyletic. We examined the phylogenetic position of the Phtisicidae and other caprellid amphipods, using 18S rRNA gene sequence data. The results strongly indicate that the Phtisicidae and other caprellid families form a monophyletic clade. However, a close phylogenetic relationship among Dulichia (Corophioidea) and taxa belonging to the Caprellidea was not definitively supported. This study is the first to use molecular data to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among the Caprellidea.  相似文献   

The ciliate Sorogena stoianovitchae, which can form a multicellular fruiting body, has been classified based upon its ultrastructure and morphology: the oral and somatic infraciliature of S. stoianovitchae most closely resemble those of members of the order Cyrtolophosidida in the class Colpodea. We characterized the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) gene sequence from S. stoianovitchae and compared this sequence with those from representatives of all ciliate classes. These analyses placed S. stoianovitchae as either sister to members of the class Nassophorea or Colpodea. In an in-group analysis, including all SSU rDNA sequences from members of the classes Nassophorea and Colpodea and representatives of appropriate outgroups, S. stoianovitchae was always sister to Platyophrya vorax (class Colpodea, order Cyrtolophosidida). However, our analyses failed to support the monophyly of the class Colpodea. Instead, our data suggest that there are essentially three unresolved clades: (1) the class Nassophorea; (2) Bresslaua vorax, Colpoda inflata, Pseudoplatyophrya nana, and Bursaria truncatella (class Colpodea); and (3) P. vorax and S. stoianovitchae (class Colpodea).  相似文献   

Abstract The phylogenetic position of Dictyoglomus thermophilum has been determined by comparative sequence analysis of in vitro amplified 16S rRNA genes from the type strain as well as from a Dictyoglomus isolate. Results indicate that it forms a deep branch within the phylum of Thermotogales or may even represent its own phylum. It does not contain signature sequences within the 16S rRNA which could relate it to the Thermotogales group.  相似文献   

Abstract Hydrogenobacter acidophilus strain 3H-1 is a thermoacidophilic, obligately chemolithoautotrophic, hydrogen-oxidizer isolated from a Japanese solfataric field. Strain 3H-1 requires elemental sulfur for growth. We used PCR to amplify the 16S rRNA gene of strain 3H-1, and sequenced the amplification product directly. Phylogenetic analyses show strain 3H-1 is closely related to Aquifex pyrophilus and may be located in the deepest branch within the eubacterial phylogenetic tree. Sulfur-dependency of the ancestral eubacterium is also discussed.  相似文献   

We assess the phylogenetic position of Siboglinidae (previously known as the phyla Pogonophora and Vestimentifera, but now referred to Annelida) in parsimony analyses of 1100 bp from 18S rRNA, 320 bp from the D1 region of 28S rRNA, and 107 morphological characters, totaling 667 parsimony informative characters. The 34 terminal taxa, apart from six siboglinids, include polychaete members of Sabellida, Terbelliformia, Cirratuliformia and Spionida, plus two Aciculata polychaetes as outgroups. Our results contradict most recent hypotheses in showing a sistergroup relationship between Siboglinidae and Oweniidae, and in that the latter taxon is not a member of Sabellida. Furthermore, our results indicate that Sabellariidae is not closely related to Sabellida, that Serpulidae may be nested within Sabellidae, and that Alvinellidae is nested within Ampharetidae. © The Willi Hennig Society 2004.  相似文献   

We examined the phylogenetic position of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus which produces two types of spore,Acaulospora gerdemannii andGlomus leptotichum, based upon the DNA sequence of the 18S rRNA gene. DNA was extracted separately from bothGlomus-like orAcaulospora-like spores and partial 5′-terminus segments of 18S rRNA gene were amplified by the PCR method. Several clones derived from each spore type were sequenced and compared. The sequences from both spore types agreed well, confirming that these morphologically different spores were formed by the same fungus. Nucleotide substitutions were found among several clones, suggesting polymorphism of the rRNA gene in glomalean fungi. Further phylogenetic analysis based upon the whole sequence of the 18S rRNA gene showed thatA. gerdemannii may be within the order Glomales but is far from the fungi that have been analyzed and probably should be in a new family.  相似文献   

The Orthonectida is a small, poorly known phylum of parasites of marine invertebrates. Their phylogenetic placement is obscure; they have been considered to be multicellular protozoans, primitive animals at a "mesozoan" grade of organization, or secondarily simplified flatworm- like organisms. The best known species in the phylum, Rhopalura ophiocomae, was collected on San Juan Island, Wash. and a complete 18S rDNA sequence was obtained. Using the models of minimum evolution and parsimony, phylogenetic analyses were undertaken and the results lend support to the following hypotheses about orthonectids: (1) orthonectids are more closely aligned with triploblastic metazoan taxa than with the protist or diploblastic metazoan taxa considered in this analysis; (2) orthonectids are not derived members of the phylum Platyhelminthes; and (3) orthonectids and rhombozoans are not each other's closest relatives, thus casting further doubt on the validity of the phylum Mesozoa previously used to encompass both groups.   相似文献   

A comprehensive molecular analysis of the phylogenetic relationships within the Heterotrichea including all described families is still lacking. For this reason, the complete nuclear small subunit (SSU) rDNA was sequenced from further representatives of the Blepharismidae and the Stentoridae. In addition, the SSU rDNA of a new, undescribed species of the genus Condylostomides (Condylostomatidae) was sequenced. The detailed phylogenetic analyses revealed a consistent branching pattern: while the terminal branches are generally well resolved, the basal relationships remain unsolved. Moreover, the data allow some conclusions about the macronuclear evolution within the genera Blepharisma, Stentor, and Spirostomum suggesting that a single, compact macronucleus represents the ancestral state.  相似文献   

Living and stained specimens of Phacodinium metchnikoffi, collected near Madrid, Spain, were studied under light microscopy. Infraciliature was stained using a silver-impregnation procedure. The somatic infraciliature is composed of a relatively small number of discontinuous kinetics, formed by groups of few kinetosomes (pallets). The buccal ciliature is composed of an adoral zone of membranelles and a paroral formation otherwise unknown in ciliates, with many short kineties, which lie on a rigid stem. We propose that P. metchnikoffi is a primitive hypotrich and, consequently, we present a new classification system for hypotrichs.  相似文献   

Bozasella gracilis n. sp. in the order Entodiniomorphida was found in fecal samples of an Asian elephant kept in a zoo. The ciliate has general and infraciliary similarities to the families Ophryoscolecidae and Cycloposthiidae. Phylogenetic trees were inferred from 18S rRNA gene sequences of B. gracilis, 45 entodiniomorphids, 10 vestibuliferids, 5 macropodiniids, and an outgroup, using maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, and neighbor joining analyses. Of them, there were 32 new sequences; 26 entodiniomorphid species in the genera, Bozasella, Triplumaria, Gassovskiella, Ditoxum, Spirodinium, Triadinium, Tetratoxum, Pseudoentodinium, Ochoterenaia, Circodinium, Blepharocorys, Sulcoarcus, Didesmis, Alloiozona, Blepharoconus, Hemiprorodon, and Prorodonopsis, and 6 vestibuliferid species in the genera, Buxtonella, Balantidium, Helicozoster, Latteuria, and Paraisotricha. Thirty additional sequences were retrieved from the GenBank database. Phylogenetic trees revealed non-monophylies of the orders Entodiniomorphida and Vestibuliferida, the suborders Entodiniomorphina and Blepharocorythina, and the families Cycloposthiidae and Paraisotrichidae. Bozasella gracilis was sister to Triplumaria. In addition, to avoid homonymy, we propose Gilchristinidae nom. nov., Gilchristina nom. nov. and Gilchristina artemis (Ito, Van Hoven, Miyazaki & Imai, 2006) comb. nov.  相似文献   

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