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Ice crystal formation temperature was determined in the region of the crown in one group of 7-day-old intact unhardened high-salt plants of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Weibulls Starke II) with TA (Thermal Analysis) and DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis) methods. After exposure of another group of plants, grown for the first 7 days in the same way as the first group, to various sub-zero temperatures (-1 to 5°C), influx in roots of Rb+(86Rb+) and Ca2+(45Ca2+) and contents of K+ and Ca2+ were determined at intervals during 7 days of recovery. Ice crystal formation in the crown tissue was probably extracellular and took place at about -4°C. There was a large loss of K+ from the roots after treatment at sub-zero temperatures. This loss increased as the temperature of the sub-zero treatment decreased. During recovery, roots of plants exposed to -1, -2 and -3°C gradually reabsorbed K+. Reabsorption of K+ in roots of plants exposed to -4°C was greatly impaired. Rb+ influx decreased and Ca2+ influx increased after sub-zero temperature treatments of the plants. Active Rb+ influx mechanisms and active extrusion of Ca2+ were impaired or irreversibly damaged by the exposure. While Rb+ influx mechanisms were apparently repaired during recovery in plants exposed to temperatures down to -3°C, Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms were not. The temperature for ice crystal formation in the region of the crown tissue coincides with the temperature at which the plants lost the ability to reabsorb K+ and to repair Rb+ influx mechanisms during the recovery period. Plants were lethally damaged at temperatures below ?4°C.  相似文献   

The effects of cadmium and lead on the internal concentrations of Ca2+ and K+, as well as on the uptake and translocation of K(86Rb+) were studied in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. a. MV-8) grown hydroponically at 2 levels of K+ (100 uM and 10 mM). Cd2+ and Pb2+ were applied in the nutrient solution in the range of 0.3 to 1000 u.M. Growth was more severely inhibited by Cd2+ and in the high-K+ plants as compared to Pbz+ and low-K+ plants. Ions of both heavy metals accumulated in the roots and shoots, but the K+ status influenced their levels. Ca2+ accumulation was increased by low concentrations of Cd2+ mainly in low-K+ shoots, whereas it was less influenced by Pb2+. The distribution of Cd2+ and Ca2+ in the plant and in the growth media indicated high selectivity for Cd2+ in the root uptake, while Ca2+ was preferred in the radial and/or xylem transport. Cd2+ strongly inhibited net K+ accumulation in high-K+ plants but caused stimulation at low K+ supply. In contrast, the metabolis-dependent influx of K+(86Rb+) was inhibited in low-K+ plants, while the passive influx in high-K+ plants was stimulated. Translocation of K+ from the roots to the shoots was inhibited by Cd2+ but less influenced in Pb2+-treated plants. It is concluded that the effects of heavy metals depend upon the K+-status of the plants.  相似文献   

Effects of interrupted K+ supply on different parameters of growth and mineral cation nutrition were evaluated for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno). K+ (2.0 mM) was supplied to the plants during different periods in an otherwise complete nutrient solution. Shoot growth was reduced before root growth after interruption in K+ supply. Root structure was greatly affected by the length of the period in K+ -free nutrient solution. Root length was minimal, and root branching was maximal within a narrow range of K+ status of the roots. This range corresponded to cultivation for the last 1 to 3 days, of 11 in total, in K+ -free nutrient solution, or to continuous cultivation in solution containing 0.5 to 2 mM K+. In comparison, both higher and lower internal/external K+ concentrations had inhibitory effects on root branching. However, the differing root morphology probably had no significant influence on the magnitude of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ uptake. Uptake of Ca2+ and especially Mg2+ significantly increased after K+ interruption, while Na+ uptake was constant in the roots and slowly increased in the shoots. The two divalent cations could replace K+ in the cells and maintain electroneutrality down to a certain minimal range of K+ concentrations. This range was significantly higher in the shoot [110 to 140 μmol (g fresh weight)?1] than in the root [20 to 30 μmol (g fresh weight)?1]. It is suggested that the critical K+ values are a measure of the minimal amount of K+ that must be present for physiological activity in the cells. At the critical levels, K+ (86Rb) influx and Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were maximal. Below the critical K+ values, growth was reduced, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ could no longer substitute for K+ for electrostatic balance. In a short-term experiment, the ability of Ca2+ to compete with K+ in maintaining electroneutrality in the cells was studied in wheat seedlings with different K+ status. The results indicate that K+, which was taken up actively and fastest at the external K+ concentration used (2.0 mM), partly determines the size of Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Influx of Rb+(86Rb+) and Ca2+(45Ca2+) was determined in roots of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Weibulls Starke II) after 14 days at 16°C/16 h light, after 1 and 8 weeks of cold acclimation (2°C/8 h light) and at intervals after deacclimation (16°C/16 h light) for up to 14 days. The plants were cultivated at 3 ionic strengths: 100, 10 and 1% of a full strength nutrient solution, containing 3.0 mM K+ and 1.0 mM Ca2+. K+ concentrations in roots and shoots increased during cold treatment, while Ca2+ in the roots decreased. In the shoots Ca2+ concentrations remained the same. Influx of Rb+ as a function of average K+ concentration in the roots of 14-day-old, non-cold-treated plants was high at a certain K+ level in the root and decreased at higher root K+ levels (negative feedback). The pattern for Ca2+ influx versus average concentration of Ca2+ in the root was the reverse. Independent of duration of treatment (1–8 weeks), cold acclimation partly changed the regulation of Rb+ influx, so that it became less dependent upon negative feedback and more dependent on the ionic strength of the cultivation solution. After exposure to 2°C, Ca2+ influx increased at high Ca2+ concentrations in the root as compared with influx in roots of 14-day-old non-cold-treated plants. Under deacclimation, Ca2+ influx gradually decreased again, and reached the level observed before cold treatment within 7–14 days at 16°C; the number of days depending on the exposure time at 2°C. It is suggested that Rb+(K+) influx became adjusted to low temperature and that abscisic acid (ABA) may be involved in this mechanism. It is also suggested that extrusion of Ca2+ was impaired and/or Ca2+ channels were activated at 2°C in roots of plants grown in the full-strength solution and that extrusion was gradually restored and/or Ca2+ channels were closed under deacclimation conditions.  相似文献   

The uptake of K+ ion was studied in the roots of wheat ( Triuicum aestivum L. cv. GK Szeged) and cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Budai csemege) seedlings grown in nutrient solution under nitrogen and sulfate stress conditions. Seedlings pretreated with 1 or 10 m M NaNO3, absorbed more K+ than those treated with 0.1 m M NaNO3. However, the posteffect of NaNO3 was considerably influenced by the Na2SO4, treatment. The results suggest that, at least partly, a feed-back regulation of K+ uptake may occur. However, due to the high Na+ contents of the roots, a Na+ effect in this process cannot be excluded. The growth and dry matter yields of the roots and shoots were strongly influenced by the SO2−/4 and NO/3 supply of the plants. Appreciable differences were experienced between wheat and cucumber seedlings. The optimum SO2−/4 concentration of the growth solution for maximal growth varied considerably between the species, and was also different for the roots and the shoots in a given species.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on growth, uptake and translocation of potassium ions, K+,Mg2+-ATPase activity and transpiration were investigated in young wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Martonvásári-8) plants grown at different K+ supplies. Long-term treatment with ABA (10 μ M ) reduced growth in high-K+ plants, but had less effect under low-K+ conditions. K+(86Rb) uptake was inhibited by about 70 and 40% in low- and high-K+ plants, respectively. The stimulation by K+ of the Mg2+-ATPase activity in the root microsomal fraction was lost with ABA treatment. It is suggested that the inhibitory effect of ABA on K+ uptake may be related to this effects on the K+,Mg2+-ATPase. Translocation of K+ to the shoot was inhibited in low-K+ plants only, and it was not affected in high-K+ plants. In parallel to this, ABA treatment reduced transpiration by about 50% in low-K+ plants, whereas a much smaller effect was seen in high-K+ plants. These observations suggest that the regulation by ABA of the stomatal movements is strongly counteracted by high-K+ status.  相似文献   

Klotz, M. G. and Erdei, L. 1988. Effect of tentoxin on K+ transport in winter wheat seedlings of different K+-status. The influence of the phytoeffective mycotoxin, tentoxin, [cyclo-(L-leucyl-N-methyltrans-dehydronhenyl-alanyl-glycyl-N-methyl-L-alanyl)] (in K+ uptake and on translocation of K+ from roots to shoot was studied in 14-day-old winter wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Martonvásári-8) grown at different levels of K+ supply. For comparison, the effects of 2,4-dinilrophcnol and valinomycin were also investigated. In I-h experiments I pM tentoxin reduced K+ influx in the routs over the external K+ concentration range 0.1 to 1 mM (low-K+ plants), whereas stimulation was observed al lower and higher K+ concentrations. On the other hand, in plants grown at 0.3 mM K+, tentoxin stimulated the translocation of K+ from roots to shoots in 5-h experiments. Valinomycin affected K+ transport only al high K+-status (slight stimulation). In low-K+ plants 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) caused drastic inhibition of K+ uptake, but in high-K+ plants uptake was only slightly inhibited and translocation slightly stimulated, It is concluded that the opposite effects of tentoxin on K+ uptake and translocation agree1 with the directions of the H+-ATPases pumping H+ towards the apoplast and located at the cortex plasmalemma and the xylem parenchyma plasma-membrane, respectively. These effects should probably be attributed to the interaction between tentoxin and the K+-carrier protein rather than to a direct influence of tentoxin on H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

The K+ (86Rb+) uptake and the growth of intact wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. GK Szeged) grown in 0.5 m M CaCl2 solution and of seedlings grown on wet filter paper in Petri dishes were compared under different experimental conditions. Aeroponic (AP) and hydroponic (HP) conditions brought about striking differences in the growth of the roots, whereas the shoot growth was not influenced. The dry weight of the roots was higher for the AP plants than for the HP plants. The AP grown seedlings exhibit a low rate of K+ uptake, which seems to be a passive process. The effect of 2, 4–dinitrophenol (2, 4–DNP) clearly shows the absence of an active component of the K+ uptake in roots grown in air with a high relative humidity. In plants grown under AP conditions the effect of Ca2+ on the K+ uptake is unfavourable, i.e. there is an inhibition (negative Viets effect). Results relating to the effect of 2,4–DNP suggest that the "negative Viets effect" is a feature of the passive K+ uptake. The data suggest that the AP growth conditions play a very important role in the induction and/or development of the ion transport system(s), which becomes impaired under the AP conditions.  相似文献   

Influx of Rb+(86Rb+) and Ca2+ (45Ca2+) in roots of intact winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Weibulls Starke II) was determined at intervals before, during and after exposure to cold acclimation conditions (2°C and 8 h light period). The plants were grown in nutrient medium of two ionic strengths. During the initial two weeks of growth at 16°C and 16 h light period, Rb+ influx into roots decreased with increasing age, probably as a consequence of a decreasing proportion of metabolically active roots. The presence of 10?4M 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) reduced Rb+ influx to a low and constant level, indicating that metabolic influx was the dominant process. In contrast, Ca2+ influx in plants grown in full strength nutrient solution was higher in the presence than in the absence of DNP. This effect may have been due to an active extrusion mechanism mediating re-export of absorbed Ca2+(45Ca2+) during the uptake experiment. With the metabolic uncoupler inhibiting such extrusion the Ca2+(45Ca2+) influx mesured would increase. During cold treatment, Rb+ influx remained at a low level, and was further decreased when DNP was present in the uptake solution. This effect may have been due to inhibition of residual active influx of Rb+ at 2°C by the uncoupler and/or to a decrease in membrane permeability. In contrast to Rb+, Ca2+ influx increased during cold treatment, which could again be explained as inhibition of re-export. The presence of DNP reduced Ca2+ influx at 2°C, indicating decreased membrane permeability by DNP at low temperature. After transfer of plants from cold acclimation conditions to 16°C, Rb+ and Ca2+ influx increased in plants grown at both ionic strengths. Influx levels were independent of the length of the cold acclimation period (1, 6 and 8 weeks), but the patterns were different for the two ions. After each of the cold acclimation periods, Rb+ influx increased during the first week and decreased or remained at the same level during the second week, while Ca2+ influx always decreased during the second week of post-cold treatment.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of 1-naphtaleneacetic acid (NAA), benzyladenine (BA), gibberellic acid (GA3), abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene on K+ levels, K+ uptake and translocation to the shoot were studied in young wheat plants (Triticum aesticum L. cv. Martonvásári-8) grown at different K+ supplies. Na+ levels and K+/Na+ selectivity were also investigated. Both in shoots and roots, NAA, BA and ABA decreased K+ and Na+ levels more effectively in high-K+ plants than in low-K+ plants. GA, and ethylene did not influence K+ and Na+ levels. K+/Na+ selectivity in roots of low-K+ plants was increased in favour of K+ by BA, NAA and to a lesser extent by ABA. In high-K+ plants only BA increased the K+/Na+ ratio, whereas the effects of the other hormones were the opposite (NAA) or less pronounced (ABA). K+(86Rb) uptake was inhibited by NAA and BA in low-K+ plants but not in high-K+ plants. K+(86Rb) uptake was inhibited throughout by 10 μM ABA. K+(86Rb) translocation to the shoot was influenced by the hormones similarly to the uptake patterns, with the exception of ABA, which inhibited translocation in low-K+ plants but not in high-K+ plants. The results show that hormonal effects may quantitatively and qualitatively be modified by K+ levels in the plant and that internal K+ concentration may play a role in the mechanisms regulating the effects of NAA, BA and ABA but probably not in those of GA3 or ethylene.  相似文献   

Uptake of calcium in wheat and cucumber roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Uptake of Ca2+(45Ca) was investigated in plants of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. var. Svenno) and cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. var. Cilla) cultivated in a nutrient solution with various Ca2+ concentrations. The adsorption of Ca2+ was higher in cucumber roots than in wheat roots especially at lower Ca2+ levels in the external medium. The intracellular fraction of Ca2+ was less than 20% of the total Ca2+ in wheat roots and less than 10% of the total Ca2+ in cucumber roots. The uptake of Ca2+ in cucumber was about 40 times higher than in wheat. Transport of Ca2+ in the roots towards the endodermis is suggested to take place mainly in the apoplastic pathway regulated by the availability of negatively charged binding sites along the cell wall continuum. Further transport of Ca2+ towards the stele may involve diffusion of Ca2+ into the symplasm in the vicinity of the endodermis. An active extrusion of Ca2+ towards the stele or towards the external medium is suggested to play a role in the regulation of Ca2+ uptake.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane preparations of high purity were obtained from roots of dark-grown wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Drabant) by aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning. These preparations mainly contained sealed, right-side-out vesicles (ca 90% exposing the original outside out). By subjecting the preparations to 4 freeze/thaw cycles the proportion of sealed, inside-out (cytoplasmic side out) vesicles increased to ca 30%. Inside-out and right-side-out plasma membrane vesicles were then separated by partitioning the freeze/thawed plasma membranes in another aqueous polymer two-phase system. In this way, highly purified, sealed, inside-out (>60% inside-out) vesicles were isolated and subsequently used for characterization of the Ca2+ transport system in the wheat plasma membrane. The capacity for 45Ca2+ accumulation, nonlatent ATPase activity and proton pumping (the latter two markers for inside-out plasma membrane vesicles) were all enriched in the inside-out vesicle fraction as compared to the right-side-out fraction. This confirms that the ATP-binding site of the 45Ca2+ transport system, similar to the H+-ATPase, is located on the inner cytoplasmic surface of the plant plasma membrane. The 45Ca2+ uptake was MgATP-dependent with an apparent Km for ATP of 0.1 mM and a high affinity for Ca2+ [Km(Ca2+/EGTA) = 3 μM]. The pH optimum was at 7.4–7.8. ATP was the preferred nucleotide substrate with ITP and GTP giving activities of 30–40% of the 45Ca2+ uptake seen with ATP. The 45Ca2+ uptake was stimulated by monovalent cations; K? and Na+ being equally efficient. Vanadate inhibited the 45Ca2+ accumulation with half-maximal inhibitions at 72, 57 and 2 μM for basal, total (with KCI) and net K+-stimulated uptake, respectively. The system was also highly sensitive to erythrosin B with half-maximal inhibition at 25 nM and total inhibition at 1μM. Our results demonstrate the presence of a primary Ca2+ transport ATPase in the plasma membrane of wheat roots. The enzyme is likely to be involved in mediating active efflux (ATP-binding sites on the cytoplasmic side) to the plant cell exterior to maintain resting levels of cytoplasmic free Ca2+ within the cell.  相似文献   

The uptake of Na+ and the loss of Ca2+ and K+ by seeds of Acacia tortilis (Forsk.) Hayne (salt tolerant) and A. coriacea DC. (salt sensitive) were determined after 24 h soaking in 250 mol m-1,3 NaCl or in distilled water. Na+ uptake was higher by the seed coat than by the embryo of both species and higher by A. coriacea than by A. tortilis. The greater Na+ uptake by A. coriacea was associated with greater Ca and K+ leakage. The Na+ concentration of solution imbibed by the embryo of both species was lower than the Na+ concentration in the external solution, indicating an exclusion of Na+. When A. tortilis and A. coriacea seeds were treated with a series of NaCl concentration (0–400 mol m-1,3), the exclusion mechanism was particularly clear with A. tortilis at lower concentrations (50 and 150 mol m-1,3) of NaCl. In contrast, the seed coat of both species accumulated Na+. Thus the seed coat may play an important role in ion exchange. These results show that it is important to consider the seed coat and embryo separately rather than the whole seed when considering ion exchange in relation to salinity tolerance.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Kadett and WW 20299) were grown for 9 days with 20% relative increase in nutrient supply per day at pH 4.1. Aluminium at 50 μ M retarded the growth of roots more than that of shoots in both cultivars, thus decreasing the root/shoot ratio. The inhibition was largest in WW 20299. With long term Al treatment (9 days), Km for K+(86Rb) influx increased five times in both cultivars and Vmax decreased in WW 20299. Efflux of K+(86Rb) was little affected. When the roots were treated with aluminium for two days, only relative growth rate of roots was retarded, while growth of shoots was unaffected and influx of K+(86Rb) adjusted to the actual K+ demand of the plants. It is concluded that the effects of aluminium on K+ uptake in these wheat cultivars are not primary factors contributing to aluminium sensitivity. However, in soil with Al the demand for a comparatively high concentration of K+ to maintain an adequate K+ uptake rate, in combination with a slow growth rate of the roots, may secondarily lead to K+ deficiency in the plants.  相似文献   

Six cultivars of spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cvs Salve, Nümberg II, Bomi, Risø 1508, Mona and Sv 73 608) were grown in water culture for three weeks with various combinations of mineral supply and differential roots/shoot temperatures during the growth period. Most important for growth and accumulation of N, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ was the mineral supply, followed by the root temperature and the choice of cultivar. Treatments with low mineral supply or low root temperature induced a uniform reduction in growth and accumulation of the ions studied. The effects of low mineral supply and low root temperature on growth and N accumulation was additive, which indicates that these factors exert their influence independently of each other.
Roots grown at 10°C were smaller and Rb+(86Rb) influx was higher than in roots grown at 20°C. It is suggested that the control of Rb+(86Rb) influx is affected by the root temperature and the age of the plants. The higher 86Rb+ (86Rb) influx into the low temperature roots could not compensate for the smaller root size. However, the lower total mineral accumulation made up for the needs of the smaller plants and cannot explain the reduction in growth.  相似文献   

When 1 m M spermidine or spermine was included in an absorption solution which contained 20 m M Na+ and 1 m M Rb+, Na+ influx into excised maize roots ( Zea mays L. cv. Golden Cross Bantam) was reduced. Rb+ influx was reduced in the presence of spermidine and uneffected in the presence of spermine when compared with control solutions. When 1 m M Ca2+ replaced the polyamines, Na+ influx was strongly reduced and Rb+ influx was promoted. Rb+ influx from 1 m M Rb+ solutions which did not contain Na+ was also promoted by 1 m M Ca2+, but was inhibited by 1 m M spermidine. This Ca2+ promotion of Rb+ influx could be reversed by 10 times greater concentration of spermidine in the absorption solution. H+ efflux from excised roots was inhibited by spermidine when compared with Ca2+ or control solutions, however, the plasma membrane ATPase was not inhibited by spermidine. It is concluded that external Ca2+ plays two separate roles in membrane function, only one of which can be substituted for by polyamines. The first role, maintenance of membrane integrity, can be substituted for by spermidine or spermine. The second function, maintenance of the Rb+ transport mechanism, is Ca2+ specific and cannot be substituted for by spermidine or spermine. The results of this study are discussed in terms of electrostatic interactions between the plasma membrane and the Ca2+ or polyamines.  相似文献   

Passive fluxes of K+ (86Rb) into roots of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Uniflorus) were determined at low K+ concentration (0.1 and 1.0 mM K+) in the ambient solution. Metabolic uptake of K+ was inhibited by 10−4M 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). K+ (86Rb) fluxes were studied both continuously and by time differentiation of uptake. In high K+ roots passive uptake was directly proportional to the K+ concentration of the uptake solution, indicating free diffusion. This assumption was supported by the fact that passive Rb+ uptake was not affected by high K+ concentrations. In low K+ roots the passive uptake of K+ was higher than in high K+ roots. The increase was possibly due to carrier-mediated K+ transport. As K+ effluxes were quantitatively similar to influxes, it is suggested that passive K+ fluxes represent exchange diffusion without relation to net K+ transport.  相似文献   

Six cultivars of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L., cvs Salve, Nürnberg II, Bomi, Risø 1508, Mona and Sv 73 608) were exposed for three weeks to combinations of high and low mineral supply and differential root/shoot temperature. For all the parameters tested [fresh and dry weights, contents and levels of N, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, and influx of Rb+(86Rb)] the cultivar differences were influenced by the mineral supply, the root temperature and the age of the plants.
The cultivar differences in N nutrition of three-week-old plants could partly be attributed to variation in root size, uptake of N and in use-efficiency of the element. The cultivar variation in root-shoot partitioning of N was small, except when low mineral supply was combined with a low root temperature. Similarly, cultivar differences in contents of K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were influenced by variation in uptake, use-efficiency and root/shoot partitioning of the elements. Low root temperature increased cultivar variation in K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ partitioning.
The modern cultivar Salve was compared with Nürnberg II, which is derived from a German land race. Nürnberg II performed better than Salve when low root temperature and restricted mineral supply were combined. Otherwise Salve grew better, partly due to a more efficient use of N.
Two high-lysine lines, Risø 1508 and Sv 73 608, were compared with their mother lines Bomi and Mona. The differences obtained revealed no general effect of the high-lysine genes on growth and mineral nutrition of up to three-week-old barley plants.  相似文献   

Abstract: The association of Mg2+ ions with mitochondria isolated from guinea pig cerebral cortex is investigated and resolved into two components, that bound to the surface of both the outer and the inner membranes and that transported into the mitochondrial matrix. When rotenone-treated mitochondria are preincubated in a Mg2+ -containing medium, Mg2+ binding can be measured and actual Mg2+ transport determined after the addition of succinate. Mg2+ uptake as well as retention within mitochondria is an energy-dependent process linked to substrate oxidation. EGTA completely prevents Mg2+ uptake, while the Ca2+ uniporter inhibitor Ruthenium Red, along with prevention of Mg2+ uptake, induces a slow efflux of accumulated Mg2+ ions. These findings suggest that both inward and outward Mg2+ movements follow Ca2+ fluxes across the mitochondrial membrane. Modulation of Mg2+ movements by mitochondria is therefore suggested to occur within nerve terminals.  相似文献   

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