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Phospholamban (PLB) is an integral membrane protein of 52 residues that regulates the activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump in cardiac muscle cells through reversible phosphorylation of Ser16. To explore its possible conformations and dynamics in a monomeric state, we have performed comparative molecular dynamics simulations of unphosphorylated and phosphorylated PLB (pPLB) with various orientations in POPC membranes. The simulations indicate that dynamics of the cytoplasmic domain is highly dependent on its interactions with membranes, that is, large conformational changes in the absence of membrane interactions, but very restricted dynamics in their presence. pPLB shows more structural flexibility in its cytoplasmic domain, which is consistent with experimental observations. We have also performed a simulation of a PLB pentameric structure (the so‐called bellflower model), recently determined in micelles, to investigate its behaviors in a POPC membrane. The cytoplasmic domain in each monomer shows uncorrelated dynamics and undergoes large conformational changes toward the membrane surface during the simulation, which supports the so‐called pinwheel model of the PLB pentamer structure. The hydrophobic nature of the pentameric pore excludes water molecules in the pore region, which illustrates that the pore appears to be an energetic barrier for ion and water translocation. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The sequence-dependent DNA deformability at the basepair step level was investigated using large-scale atomic resolution molecular dynamics simulation of two 18-bp DNA oligomers: d(GCCTATAAACGCCTATAA) and d(CTAGGTGGATGACTCATT). From an analysis of the structural fluctuations, the harmonic potential energy functions for all 10 unique steps with respect to the six step parameters have been evaluated. In the case of roll, three distinct groups of steps have been identified: the flexible pyrimidine-purine (YR) steps, intermediate purine-purine (RR), and stiff purine-pyrimidine (RY). The YR steps appear to be the most flexible in tilt and partially in twist. Increasing stiffness from YR through RR to RY was observed for rise, whereas shift and slide lack simple trends. A proposed measure of the relative importance of couplings identifies the slide-rise, twist-roll, and twist-slide couplings to play a major role. The force constants obtained are of similar magnitudes to those based on a crystallographic ensemble. However, the current data have a less complicated and less pronounced sequence dependence. A correlation analysis reveals concerted motions of neighboring steps and thus exposes limitations in the dinucleotide model. The comparison of DNA deformability from this and other studies with recent quantum-chemical stacking energy calculations suggests poor correlation between the stacking and flexibility.  相似文献   

The thylakoid membrane is mainly composed of non-common lipids, so called galactolipids. Despite the importance of these lipids for the function of the photosynthetic reaction centers, the molecular organization of these membranes is largely unexplored. Here we use multiscale molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the thylakoid membrane of both cyanobacteria and higher plants. We consider mixtures of up to five different galactolipids plus phosphatidylglycerol to represent these complex membranes. We find that the different lipids generally mix well, although nanoscale heterogeneities are observed especially in case of the plant membrane. The fluidity of the cyanobacterial membrane is markedly reduced compared to the plant membrane, even considering elevated temperatures at which thermophilic cyanobacteria are found. We also find that the plant membrane more readily undergoes a phase transformation to an inverted hexagonal phase. We furthermore characterized the conformation and dynamics of the cofactors plastoquinone and plastoquinol, revealing of the fast flip-flop rates for the non-reduced form. Together, our results provide a molecular view on the dynamical organization of the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Johansson AC  Lindahl E 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1332-1344
Studies of insertion and interactions of amino acids in lipid membranes are pivotal to our understanding of membrane protein structure and function. Calculating the insertion cost as a function of transmembrane helix sequence is thus an important step towards improved membrane protein prediction and eventually drug design. Here, we present position-dependent free energies of solvation for all amino acid analogs along the membrane normal. The profiles cover the entire region from bulk water to hydrophobic core, and were produced from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. Experimental differences corresponding to mutations and costs for entire segments match experimental data well, and in addition the profiles provide the spatial resolution currently not available from experiments. Polar side-chains largely maintain their hydration and assume quite ordered conformations, which indicates the solvation cost is mainly entropic. The cost of solvating charged side-chains is not only significantly lower than for implicit solvation models, but also close to experiments, meaning these could well maintain their protonation states inside the membrane. The single notable exception to the experimental agreement is proline, which is quite expensive to introduce in vivo despite its hydrophobicity--a difference possibly explained by kinks making it harder to insert helices in the translocon.  相似文献   

We present the results of 2-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a hexameric bundle of Alm helices in a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer. These simulations explore the dynamic properties of a model of a helix bundle channel in a complete phospholipid bilayer in an aqueous environment. We explore the stability and conformational dynamics of the bundle in a phospholipid bilayer. We also investigate the effect on bundle stability of the ionization state of the ring of Glu18 side chains. If all of the Glu18 side chains are ionised, the bundle is unstable; if none of the Glu18 side chains are ionized, the bundle is stable. pKA calculations suggest that either zero or one ionized Glu18 is present at neutral pH, correlating with the stable form of the helix bundle. The structural and dynamic properties of water in this model channel were examined. As in earlier in vacuo simulations (Breed et al., 1996 .Biophys. J. 70:1643-1661), the dipole moments of water molecules within the pore were aligned antiparallel to the helix dipoles. This contributes to the stability of the helix bundle.  相似文献   

In order to understand the interaction between naratriptan and a fully hydrated bilayer of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidyl-choline (POPC), we carried out molecular dynamics simulations. The simulations were performed considering neutral and protonated ionization states, starting from different initial conditions. At physiological pH, the protonated state of naratriptan is predominant. It is expected that neutral compounds could have larger membrane partition than charged compounds. However, for the specific case of triptans, it is difficult to study neutral species in membranes experimentally, making computer simulations an interesting tool. When the naratriptan molecules were originally placed in water, they partitioned between the bilayer/water interface and water phase, as has been described for similar compounds. From this condition, the drugs displayed low access to the hydrophobic environment, with no significant effects on bilayer organization. The molecules anchored in the interface, due mainly to the barrier function of the polar and oriented lipid heads. On the other hand, when placed inside the bilayer, both neutral and protonated naratriptan showed self-aggregation in the lipid tail environment. In particular, the protonated species exhibited a pore-like structure, dragging water through this environment.
Graphical Abstract Different behaviour of Naratriptan and Sumatriptan, when the drugs were originally placed in the lipid core

Doxorubicin (DOX) is one of the most efficient antitumor drugs employed in numerous cancer therapies. Its incorporation into lipid-based nanocarriers, such as liposomes, improves the drug targeting into tumor cells and reduces drug side effects. The carriers' lipid composition is expected to affect the interactions of DOX and its partitioning into liposomal membranes. To get a rational insight into this aspect and determine promising lipid compositions, we use numerical simulations, which provide unique information on DOX-membrane interactions at the atomic level of resolution. In particular, we combine classical molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations to elucidate the mechanism of penetration of a protonated Doxorubicin molecule (DOX+) into potential liposome membranes, here modeled as lipid bilayers based on mixtures of phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol lipid molecules, of different compositions and lipid phases. Moreover, we analyze DOX+ partitioning into relevant regions of SM-based lipid bilayer systems using a combination of free energy methods. Our results show that DOX+ penetration and partitioning are facilitated into less tightly packed SM-based membranes and are dependent on lipid composition. This work paves the way to further investigations of optimal formulations for lipid-based carriers, such as those associated with pH-responsive membranes.  相似文献   

The interfacial activation of many lipases at water/lipid interface is mediated by large conformational changes of a so‐called lid subdomain that covers up the enzyme active site. Here we investigated using molecular dynamic simulations in different explicit solvent environments (water, octane and water/octane interface) the molecular mechanism by which the lid motion of Burkholderia cepacia lipase might operate. Although B. cepacia lipase has so far only been crystallized in open conformation, this study reveals for the first time the major conformational rearrangements that the enzyme undergoes under the influence of the solvent, which either exposes or shields the active site from the substrate. In aqueous media, the lid switches from an open to a closed conformation while the reverse motion occurs in organic environment. In particular, the role of a subdomain facing the lid on B. cepacia lipase conformational rearrangements was investigated using position‐restrained MD simulations. Our conclusions indicate that the sole mobility of α9 helix side‐chains of B. cepacia lipase is required for the full completion of the lid conformational change which is essentially driven by α5 helix movement. The role of selected α5 hydrophobic residues on the lid movement was further examined. In silico mutations of two residues, V138 and F142, were shown to drastically modify the conformational behavior of B. cepacia lipase. Overall, our results provide valuable insight into the role played by the surrounding environment on the lid conformational rearrangement and the activation of B. cepacia lipase. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pantano S  Carafoli E 《Proteins》2007,66(4):930-940
Phospholamban (PLB) is a small membrane protein that regulates the activity of the calcium ATP-ase in the cardiac, slow-twitch, and smooth muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum through the reversible phosphorylation of Ser16. We present here a comparative molecular dynamics study of unmodified and phosphorylated PLB immersed in a phospholipid membrane. The study has been performed under different ionic strength conditions, using the NMR structures of two PLB variants determined in mixed organic solvent and dodecylphosphocholine micelles. The simulations indicate that all PLB forms studied display a highly dynamic behavior of the N-terminal cytoplasmic moiety, with a decrease of its helical content in the phosphorylated forms. The cytoplasmic domain undergoes large collective motions sampling conformations parallel as well as perpendicular to the membrane surface in all the simulations. The transmembrane domain retains a tightly folded helical conformation with a small tilt with respect to the membrane plane probably induced by the presence of Asn30 and Asn34 within the hydrophobic environment. Furthermore, the phosphoric group on Ser16 establishes transient electrostatic interactions with the phospholipid heads. We propose a model in which phosphorylation diminishes the probability of interactions of PLB with residues near Lys400 in the SERCA pump, thus relieving its inhibition.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of fully hydrated Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers, extending temporal and spatial scales by almost one order of magnitude, are presented. The present work reaches system sizes of 1024 lipids and times 10-60 ns. The simulations uncover significant dynamics and fluctuations on scales of several nanoseconds, and enable direct observation and spectral decomposition of both undulatory and thickness fluctuation modes. Although the former modes are strongly damped, the latter exhibit signs of oscillatory behavior. From this, it has been possible to calculate mesoscopic continuum properties in good agreement with experimental values. A bending modulus of 4 x 10(-20) J, bilayer area compressibility of 250-300 mN/m, and mode relaxation times in the nanosecond range are obtained. The theory of undulatory motions is revised and further extended to cover thickness fluctuations. Finally, it is proposed that thickness fluctuations is the explanation to the observed system-size dependence of equilibrium-projected area per lipid.  相似文献   

Human phospholamban (PLN), a 30 kDa homopentamer in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane, controls the magnitude of heart muscle contraction and relaxation by regulating the calcium pumping activity of the SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA). When PLN is not phosphorylated, it binds and inhibits SERCA. Phosphorylation of PLN at S16 or T17 releases such inhibitory effect. It remains a matter of debate whether phosphorylation perturbs the structure of PLN, which in turn affects its interaction with SERCA. Here we examine by NMR spectroscopy the structure and dynamics of PLN pentamer with a physiologically relevant, phosphorylation-mimicking mutation, S16E. Based on extensive NMR data, including NOEs, dipolar couplings, and solvent exchange of backbone amides, we conclude that the phosphorylation-mimicking mutation does not perturb the pentamer structure. However, (15)N R(1) and R(2) relaxation rates and (15)N((1)H) NOEs suggest subtle differences in the dynamics of the extramembrane portion of the protein.  相似文献   

Computer simulation has emerged as a powerful tool for studying the structural and functional properties of complex biological membranes. In the last few years, the use of recently developed simulation methodologies and current generation force fields has permitted novel applications of molecular dynamics simulations, which have enhanced our understanding of the different physical processes governing biomembrane structure and dynamics. This review focuses on frontier areas of research with important biomedical applications. We have paid special attention to polyunsaturated lipids, membrane proteins and ion channels, surfactant additives in membranes, and lipid–DNA gene transfer complexes.  相似文献   

The aqueous lining of the lung surface exposed to the air is covered by lung surfactant, a film consisting of lipid and protein components. The main function of lung surfactant is to reduce the surface tension of the air-water interface to the low values necessary for breathing. This function requires the exchange of material between the lipid monolayer at the interface and lipid reservoirs under dynamic compression and expansion of the interface during the breathing cycle. We simulated the reversible exchange of material between the monolayer and lipid reservoirs under compression and expansion of the interface. We used a mixture of dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine, palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol, cholesterol, and surfactant-associated protein C as a functional analog of mammalian lung surfactant. In our simulations, the monolayer collapses into the water subphase on compression and forms bilayer folds. On monolayer reexpansion, the material is transferred from the folds back to the interface. The simulations indicate that the connectivity of the bilayer aggregates to the monolayer is necessary for the reversibility of the monolayer-bilayer transformation. The simulations also show that bilayer aggregates are unstable in the air subphase and stable in the water subphase.  相似文献   

Based on molecular dynamics simulations, an analysis of structure and dynamics is performed on interfacial water at a liquid crystalline dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine/water system. Water properties relevant for understanding NMR relaxation are emphasized. The first and second rank orientational order parameters of the water O-H bonds were calculated, where the second rank order parameter is in agreement with experimental determined quadrupolar splittings. Also, two different interfacial water regions (bound water regions) are revealed with respect to different signs of the second rank order parameter. The water reorientation correlation function reveals a mixture of fast and slow decaying parts. The fast (ps) part of the correlation function is due to local anisotropic water reorientation whereas the much slower part is due to more complicated processes including lateral diffusion along the interface and chemical exchange between free and bound water molecules. The 100-ns-long molecular dynamics simulation at constant pressure (1 atm) and at a temperature of 50 degrees C of 64 lipid molecules and 64 x 23 water molecules lack a slow water reorientation correlation component in the ns time scale. The (2)H(2)O powder spectrum of the dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine/water system is narrow and consequently, the NMR relaxation time T(2) is too short compared to experimental results.  相似文献   

Gastric H,K-ATPase is an electroneutral transmembrane pump that moves protons from the cytoplasm of the parietal cell into the gastric lumen in exchange for potassium ions. The mechanism of transport against the established electrochemical gradients includes intermediate conformations in which the transferred ions are trapped (occluded) within the membrane domain of the pump. The pump cycle involves switching between the E1 and E2P states. Molecular dynamics simulations on homology models of the E2P and E1 states were performed to investigate the mechanism of K+ movement in this enzyme. We performed separate E2P simulations with one K+ in the luminal channel, one K+ ion in the occlusion site, two K+ ions in the occlusion site, and targeted molecular dynamics from E2P to E1 with two K+ ions in the occlusion site. The models were inserted into a lipid bilayer system and were stable over the time course of the simulations, and K+ ions in the channel moved to a consistent location near the center of the membrane domain, thus defining the occlusion site. The backbone carbonyl oxygen from residues 337 through 342 on the nonhelical turn of M4, as well as side-chain oxygen from E343, E795, and E820, participated in the ion occlusion. A single water molecule was stably bound between the two K+ ions in the occlusion site, providing an additional ligand and partial shielding the positive charges from one another. Targeted molecular dynamics was used to transform the protein from the E2P to the E1 state (two K+ ions to the cytoplasm). This simulation identified the separation of the water column in the entry channel as the likely gating mechanism on the luminal side. A hydrated exit channel also formed on the cytoplasmic side of the occlusion site during this simulation. Hence, water molecules became available to hydrate the ions. The movement of the M1M2 transmembrane segments, and the displacement of residues Q159, E160, Q110, and T152 during the conformational change, as well as the motions of E343 and L346, acted as the cytoplasmic-side gate.  相似文献   

Fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy have been used as tools to study membrane biophysics for decades now. Because phospholipids are non-fluorescent, the use of extrinsic membrane probes in this context is commonplace. Two major points of concern arise regarding this matter, namely the incomplete understanding of the probe behavior inside the bilayer and the perturbation of the latter resulting from probe incorporation. To this effect, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, by providing detailed atomic-scale information, represent a valuable way to characterize the location and dynamics of bilayer-inserted membrane probes, as well as the magnitude of perturbation they induce on the host lipid structure, and several important classes of reporter molecules have been studied in recent years. This article reviews the state of the art of MD simulations of bilayer-inserted fluorescent probes, focusing on the information that has been obtained from previous studies and hinting at future perspectives in this rapidly emerging field.  相似文献   

The structure of a fully hydrated mixed (saturated/polyunsaturated) chain lipid bilayer in the biologically relevant liquid crystalline phase has been examined by performing a molecular dynamics study. The model membrane, a 1-stearoyl-2-docosahexaenoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (SDPC, 18:0/22:6 PC) lipid bilayer, was investigated at constant (room) temperature and (ambient) pressure, and the results obtained in the nanosecond time scale reproduced quite well the available experimental data. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in high concentrations in neuronal and retinal tissues and are essential for the development of human brain function. The docosahexaenoic fatty acid, in particular, is fundamental for the proper function of the visual receptor rhodopsin. The lipid bilayer order has been investigated through the orientational order parameters. The water-lipid interface has been explored thoroughly in terms of its dimensions and the organization of the different components. Several types of interactions occurring in the system have been analyzed, specifically, the water-hydrocarbon chain, lipid-lipid and lipid-water interactions. The distribution of dihedral angles along the chains and the molecular conformations of the polyunsaturated chain of the lipids have also been studied. Special attention has been focused on the microscopic (molecular) origin of the effects of polyunsaturations on the different physical properties of membranes.  相似文献   

Detailed molecular dynamics simulations performed to study the nature of lipid raft domains that appear in model membranes are reviewed in this paper. The described simulations were performed on hydrated bilayers containing binary mixtures of cholesterol with phospholipids and also on ternary mixtures containing cholesterol, a phospholipid with a high main transition temperature Tm, and a phospholipid with a low transition temperature Tm. These simulations provide qualitative and semi-quantitative information about cholesterol-lipid interactions and also a testing ground for major assumptions made to explain the nature of lipid rafts in model membranes.  相似文献   

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