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Organic carbon supply is linked to nitrogen transformation in ecosystems. However, the role of organic carbon quality in nitrogen processing is not as well understood. We determined how the quality of particulate organic carbon (POC) influenced nitrogen transformation in stream sediments by burying identical quantities of varying quality POC (northern red oak (Quercus rubra) leaves, red maple (Acer rubrum) leaves, red maple wood) in stream mesocosms and measuring the effects on nitrogen retention and denitrification compared to a control of combusted sand. We also determined how POC quality affected the quantity and quality of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved oxygen concentration in groundwater. Nitrate and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) retention were assessed by comparing solute concentrations and fluxes along groundwater flow paths in the mesocosms. Denitrification was measured by in situ changes in N2 concentrations (using MIMS) and by acetylene block incubations. POC quality was measured by C:N and lignin:N ratios and DOC quality was assessed by fluorescence excitation emission matrix spectroscopy. POC quality had strong effects on nitrogen processing. Leaf treatments had much higher nitrate retention, TDN retention and denitrification rates than the wood and control treatments and red maple leaf burial resulted in higher nitrate and TDN retention rates than burial of red oak leaves. Leaf, but not wood, burial drove pore water to severe hypoxia and leaf treatments had higher DOC production and different DOC chemical composition than the wood and control treatments. We think that POC quality affected nitrogen processing in the sediments by influencing the quantity and quality of DOC and redox conditions. Our results suggest that the type of organic carbon inputs can affect the rates of nitrogen transformation in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Our objective was to measure the effects of bioturbation and predation on the physical characteristics and biogeochemical processes in river sediments. 2. We investigated the impacts of tubificid worms tested separately and together with an omnivore (Gammarus pulex), which does feed on tubificids, on sediment distribution, water flux, sediment organic carbon, biofilm biomass and microbial activities, and the concentrations of dissolved oxygen, dissolved organic carbon, PO, NO, NO and NH in slow filtration sand–gravel columns. We hypothesised that gammarids, which exploit the top 2–3 cm of the sediment, would modify the impact of worms at the sediment surface. 3. In experiments both with and without gammarids, bioturbation by the tubificids modified both the distribution of surface particles in the sediment column and water flux. In addition, microbial aerobic (oxygen consumption) and anaerobic (denitrification and fermentative decomposition of organic matter) processes in the sediment were stimulated in the presence of tubificid worms. However, G. pulex did not affect either the density or bioturbation activity of the tubificid worms. 4. Bioturbation by the benthos can be a major process in river habitats, contributing to the retention of organic matter in sediment dynamics. The presence of at least one predator had no effect on bioturbation in sediments. In such systems, physical heterogeneity may be sufficient for tubificids to escape from generalist predators, though more specialised ones might have more effect.  相似文献   

Decomposition of organic matter from 36 soils in a long-term pot experiment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wadman  W.P.  de Haan  S. 《Plant and Soil》1997,189(2):289-301
The organic matter contents of thirty-six soils were measured annually for twenty years in a pot experiment. The soils originated mainly from arable land and varied in initial organic matter content, texture and pH. The soils were stored at an average air temperature of around 13 °C and every year each soil was mixed thoroughly. Throughout the experiment, soil moisture was kept between 50-70% of its water holding capacity. No organic matter was added during the experiment, so that gross soil organic matter decomposition could be assessed. Relative decomposition rates of soil organic matter decreased as time proceeded. Despite the wide range of soils studied, it was found that during the initial decades, the pattern of soil organic matter degradation was strongly correlated with the organic matter content of the soils at the start of the experiment. This means that during this period the time course of the organic matter content of the soils in our experiment can be estimated from the initial soil organic matter content alone.  相似文献   

Although an understanding of the quantity and quality of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) pools is necessary to design sound environmental management strategies for lacustrine systems, the characterization of organic matter sources and the assessment of their relative contributions to eutrophic and inland lake sediments remain insufficient. In this study, the contribution of potential organic matter sources to sediments in shallow and hypereutrophic lake Taihu, China was assessed on the molecular level using source-specific fatty acid biomarkers. The results indicated that SOM was composed mainly of terrestrial plants with a maximal contribution of 45.3 ± 2.4% to the total organic carbon, which accounted for approximately 66% among the determined organic matter sources. Evidence suggests the terrestrial plants remained in a fresh state in surface sediments: the correlation (R2 = 0.62, p < 0.05) between bacterial and terrestrial plant carbon was strong. On the other hand, aquatic plant and bacterial carbon contributed 5–15% to the total organic carbon, which was followed by the faint contribution (<5% of total organic carbon) of algae-derived organic carbon including cyanobacteria, diatoms, and dinoflagellates. The results provided details of the contributions of SOM sources, illustrating the usefulness of fatty acid biomarkers in discriminating organic matter sources within lake environments. Although organic matter sources of sediments varied in spatial and temporal patterns, the strong correlation between terrestrial plant and total organic carbon (R2 = 0.60, p < 0.05) indicates that terrestrial plants were the dominant source in lake sediments.  相似文献   

Muthumbi  Agnes W.  Soetaert  Karline  Vincx  Magda 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):25-57
Twelve new and known species of the genera Sabatieria,Cervonema, Paramesonchium, Hopperia and Dorylaimopsis and one new genus, Kenyanema aredescribed from the Indian Ocean and S. pisinna Vitiello,1970 from the Mediterranean Sea. Sabatieria lucia sp. n.is characterised by short but distinct inner and setiformouter labial sensilla and long (4–5 µm or 30–33% hd)cephalic sensilla; S. conicauda Vitiello, 1970, ischaracterised by tiny inner and outer labial sensilla andsetiform cephalic ones and short and thick cylindrical tail;Sabatieria pisinna is characterised by short innerand outer labial sensilla, setiform (3µm long) cephalicsensilla, multispiral amphids with 3.25–3.5 turns and a tailwhich is conical in the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3cylindrical; Cervonema tenuicauda Schuurmans Stekhoven,1950, is characterised by anterior sensilla in twocircles which are equal in length (3µm long), multispiralamphids with 3–4 turns and located at 1.5 times hd from theanterior end, simple spicules one abd long and 6–7 fineprecloacal supplements; Cervonema minutus sp. n.characterised by an extremely attenuated anterior end,spiral amphids with 4–5 turns (80–90% cbd) and short,simple spicules (0.8 abd long); Cervonema gourbaulti sp.n. characterised by long (4–5 µm) labialand cephalic sensilla, spiral amphids with 5–6 turns(73–88% cbd) and an elongate crenate terminal pharyngealbulb; Paramesonchium mombasi sp. n. characterised bylong labial (5 µm) and cephalic (21 µm) sensilla thatare close together and wide amphids (80–90% cbd); Kenyanema monorchis gen. et sp. n. characterised bya head region narrower than the rest of the body, fourcephalic sensilla (3 µm long) and spiral amphids with1.5–2 turns; Hopperia indiana sp. n. characterised byshort conical anterior sensilla, arcuatespicules that have a velum and a gubernaculum with a longand sharp pointed apophysis; Dorylaimopsis coomansi sp.n. characterised by long (8–10µm) cephalic setae,cuticular punctation with lateral differention of irregularlyarranged dots at the pharyngeal region and 1–3longitudinal rows of dots posterior of the pharynx; spiculeswith a unique shape; Dorylaimopsis gerardi sp. n.characterised by short setiform labial and long (6–7 µm)cephalic sensilla, punctated cuticle with lateraldifferentiation of irregularly arranged dots at firstthen three or four irregularly arranged longitudinal rows atthe pharyngeal and tail regions and two regularly arrangedlongitudinal rows of dots on the rest of the body, aconico-cylindrical tail with a distinctly swollen tip;Dorylaimopsis variabilis sp. n. is characterised byshort labial and setiform cephalic sensilla (33–58% hd),multispiral amphids with three turns, cuticular punctationswith lateral differentiation of three longitudinalrows at the pharyngeal and tail regions and two longitudinalrows on the rest of the body, spicules that are thin andslightly arcuate. The position of S. pisinna accordingto the grouping of Platt, 1985 of Sabatieriaspp. is also discussed. Kenyanema monorchis representsthe first monorchic species in the family.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to measure the impact of benthic invertebrate diversity on processes occurring at the water-sediment interface. We analyzed the effects of interactions between three shallow water species (Cerastoderma edule, Corophium volutator, and Nereis diversicolor). The impacts of different species richness treatments were measured on sediment reworking, bacterial characteristics, and biogeochemical processes (bromide fluxes, O2 uptake, nutrient fluxes, and porewater chemistry) in sediment cores. The results showed that the three species exhibited different bioturbation activities in the experimental system: C. edule acted as a biodiffusor, mixing particles in the top 2 cm of the sediments; C. volutator produced and irrigated U-shaped tubes in the top 2 cm of the sediments; and N. diversicolor produced and irrigated burrow galleries in the whole sediment cores. C. edule had minor effects on biogeochemical processes, whereas the other species, through their irrigation of the burrows, increased the solute exchange between the water column and the sediment two-fold. These impacts on sediment structure and solute transport increased the O2 consumption and the release of nutrients from sediments. As N. diversicolor burrowed deeper in the sediment than C. volutator, it irrigated a greater volume of sediments, with great impact on the sediment cores.Most treatments with a mixture of species indicated that observed values were often lower than predicted values from the addition of the individual effects of each species, demonstrating a negative interaction among species. This type of negative interaction measured between species on ecosystem processes certainly resulted from an overlap of bioturbation activities among the three species which lived and foraged in the same habitat (water-sediment interface). All treatments with N. diversicolor (in isolation and in mixture) produced similar effect on sediment reworking, water fluxes, nutrient releases, porewater chemistry, and bacterial characteristics. Whichever species associated with N. diversicolor, the bioturbation activities of the worm hid the effect of the other species. The results suggest that, in the presence of several species that use and modify the same sediment space, impact of invertebrates on ecosystem processes was essentially due to the most efficient bioturbator of the community (N. diversicolor). In consequence, the functional traits (mode of bioturbation, depth of burrowing, feeding behaviour) of an individual species in a community could be more important than species richness for some ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

1. The Ogeechee River, in south-eastern Georgia, U.S.A, is a blackwater river with an extensive floodplain that is inundated regularly during winter months. Previous studies have shown that low to moderate bacterial production rates cannot support the relatively high suspended bacteria concentrations observed (107?-108 cells ml?1), suggesting an allochthonous source of bacteria. We report the results of a combination of field and flume experiments which demonstrate that river sediments and floodplain soils are significant sources of suspended bacteria during seasonal flooding. Benthic bacteria are also entrained by normal discharges. There are sizeable fluxes of POC and DOC from river sediments and floodplain soils. 2. Bacterial, POC and DOC fluxes (14, 250, and 790 mg Cm?2 h?1, respectively) were substantial when water was percolated upward through floodplain soils. 3. Simulation of overland flow using a flume demonstrated further fluxes of bacteria and POC from floodplain soils (up to 61 and 10700 mg Cm?2h?1, respectively) and river sediments, but did not yield additional DOC from floodplain soils. 4. These laboratory results are supported by experiments in which we measured significant increases in concentrations of bacteria and DOC in a downstream direction in (i) the main river channel during a winter flood in 1986, and (ii) a floodplain slough (channel side-arm) which re-entered the main channel 800m from its initial divergence. Inputs of bacteria and DOC from the surrounding floodplain were estimated to be up to 3500 kg DOC h?1, and 4000 kg bacteria Ch?1 over a 50-km reach. 5. These previously unmeasured fluxes of organic carbon help to explain the high concentrations of suspended bacteria in the Ogeechee River.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The anaerobic decomposition of particulate organic matter (POM) was examined in the anoxic pelagic sediments of hypereutrophic Wintergreen Lake. Degradation of sedimented POM occurred rapidly as shown by increased production and release of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, volatile fatty acids and methane from the sediments 2–3 weeks after large inputs of organic matter. Maximum concentrations of most metabolites were found at the sediment-water interface, indicating that the initial anaerobic degradation of freshly deposited POM occurred at this site. The absence of the inorganic electron acceptors, nitrate and sulphate, suggested that fermentation and methanogenesis were the major anaerobic processes involved in the dissimilation of organic matter in these sediments during stratified periods. The amount of carbon input converted to methane in the sediments was determined from May to early November 1976 and 1977. Carbon output as methane was measured by quantifying methane lost from the sediments by ebullition and by estimating soluble methane lost to the water column by diffusion. Total methane release during summer stratification accounted for 34% of the particulate organic carbon input to the sediments in 1976 and 44% in 1977. Methane release was directly related to the rate of sedimentation of POM. However, methane production was temporarily inhibited following high rates of sedimentation in 1976, suggesting that the rate of organic loading may be an important factor controlling anaerobic decomposition in these sediments.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effects of a flood on the fauna and physical habitat of the hyporheic zone of the Kye Burn, a fourth order gravel‐bed stream in New Zealand. 2. Freeze core hyporheic samples (to 50 cm depth) and benthic samples (to 10 cm) were taken, along with measurements of vertical hydrological gradient, before, 2 days after and 1 month after the flood (estimated return period: 1.5 years, estimated Qmax = 10.4 m3 s?1). 3. The composition of the hyporheos differed over the three sampling occasions with fewer taxa collected immediately postflood than preflood. The equitability of the community was higher on both postflood occasions, consistent with the reduced densities of two abundant taxa (Leptophlebiidae and Copepoda). 4. Total invertebrate abundance was lower on the postflood occasions than preflood in both benthic (0–10 cm) and hyporheic (10–50 cm) sediments. Several taxa, including asellotan isopods and amphipods, recovered within 1 month of the event. Hyporheic densities of larval Hydora and nematodes did not differ among the three sampling occasions, but the water mite Pseudotryssaturus was more abundant 1 month after the flood than preflood. There was no evidence of vertical movements (to 50 cm) by any taxa in response to the flood. 5. The proportion of fine sediments (<1 mm) in the subsurface sediments (10–50 cm) increased over the three sampling occasions and median particle size declined, but sediment porosity did not change. More particulate organic matter was found in the sediments after the flood. 6. Our study provides little evidence that the hyporheic zone (to 50 cm) acted as a significant refuge during the flood event, although movements to or recolonisation from sediments deeper than 50 cm could explain the recovery of many crustacean and mite taxa within 1 month.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积中碳酸盐、有机质及其同位素的古气候意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了近几十年来国内外湖泊沉积在全新世尺度上碳酸盐及其同位素、有机质及其同位素的研究进展.主要讨论了湖泊沉积物中碳酸盐含量、δ13Ccarb和δ18Ocarb的环境意义以及二者之间的协同变化,生物成因碳酸盐及其同位素和微量元素等的影响因素及所指示的环境意义,湖泊沉积物中有机质及其同位素和C/N等的影响因素及所指示的气候信息,同时文中还讨论了碳酸盐含量、有机质及其同位素在古气候重建中的应用.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of organic matter (OM) on the historical variations of Hg in sediments from two closely-situated Canadian Arctic lakes, prior to the advent of Hg pollution inputs. Because of variable landscape evolution in the Mackenzie River Delta over the past 1–3 millennia, the lakes provide distinctly different histories of OM sources, types, and degree of aquatic productivity (i.e., depositional environments). They also differ significantly in their pre-1900 Hg concentration profiles. When labile, kerogen-like carbon (“S2”) from aquatic sources (diatoms and other unicellular algae) increased between 750 and 1900 A.D. in the more productive lake (Nesbitt), Hg concentrations also increased by ca. 50%. In contrast, S2 carbon concentrations in the nearby organic-poor lake (Big Lake) were several-times lower than in Nesbitt and decreased over the past millennium, while Hg concentrations showed no trend probably reflecting the stable input of clastic material from tundra soils. The contrast between lakes suggests that OM derived from unicellular algae is more effective at scavenging Hg than OM from terrestrial plants or aquatic macrophytes, possibly because of a higher content of labile, sulphur-rich compounds, high particle surface area and its dispersion throughout the water column. The results indicate that, in the absence of anthropogenic Hg inputs, increasing phytoplankton productivity and Hg scavenging alone can lead to significant increases in the Hg content of lake sediments. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that increasing lake productivity because of climate warming during the twentieth century has confounded the interpretation of recently increasing Hg levels in northern lake sediments as being unequivocally due to anthropogenic Hg deposition. This study also suggests that sedimentary TOC by itself is a poor and sometimes misleading indicator of possible changes in the source and quality of OM in aquatic systems, which can have a major impact on Hg concentrations in sediments.  相似文献   

Exoenzymatic activities (aminopeptidase and b-glucosidase) and organic matter composition were investigated in June 1996 and February 1997 in the sediment of two areas of the Adriatic Sea differently influenced by the Po river. Protein, carbohydrate, and lipid concentrations were comparable to those reported in most productive systems. Sediment chlorophyll a and biopolymeric carbon concentrations in June were twice as high as in February, but highest exoenzymatic activities and organic matter turnover rates were observed in February (with aminopeptidase activities 10 times higher than in June). The accumulation of organic matter and lower protein and carbohydrate turnover rates observed in June were the result of a different biochemical composition of organic matter in the two sampling periods. In June, organic matter was characterized by a more refractory composition. The consequent reduction of available organic substrate was associated with a decrease in the exoenzymatic substrate affinity. Lower organic matter turnover rates were also observed in deeper sediment layers. In February, the freshwater plume was almost completely confined to the northern area, whereas in June it was extended to the southern area. The results suggest that river inputs influence the biochemical composition and distribution of the sediment organic matter and exoenzymatic activities in coastal marine sediments.  相似文献   

Sediment traps were used to investigate the settling, resuspension, and decomposition of particulate organic matter in Lake Itasca, MN (USA). Traps were deployed in the epilimnion and hypolimnion of the deepest basin during June, 1988, sampled twice during stratified conditions (August, September) and once after the lake had mixed (October). The downward flux of particulate material increased from summer to fall. The net sedimentation of organic matter ranged from 0.6 to 2.3 g m–2 d–1 at 4 m and increased to 2.1 to 3.2 g m–2 d–1 two meters above the bottom sediment indicating that resuspended sediment was at least 33% of the settling mass during all periods. The C:N ratios of captured particles (6.8–9.5) were between the ratios of plankton (5.8 to 6.8) and the sediments (9.9 to 10.2) but smaller than the ratios of terrestrial organic materials (13.5 to 222). The monosaccharide compositions of the entrapped particles were similar to plankton samples and different from the distinct composition of the sediments. Capture of rebound particles similar to the primary flux and not decomposition may have been responsible for this similarity. Total monosaccharide concentrations were lower in the sediments than in entrapped particles. Individual sugars exhibited different patterns of accumulation in the sediments. Glucose was lowest in sediments when the relative concentrations were compared to those in source materials and entrapped particles. In contrast, sediments had the highest rhamnose and fucose concentrations. Bacterial biomass could only account for small portions of these sugars in the sediment. The distinct monosaccharide composition of resuspended sediments was not strongly recorded in materials captured by the sediment traps even after the lake had mixed.  相似文献   

Kinetic theory suggests that the temperature sensitivity of decomposition of soil organic matter should increase with increasing recalcitrance. This ‘temperature–quality hypothesis’ was tested in a laboratory experiment. Microcosms with wheat straw, spruce needle litter and mor humus were initially placed at 5, 15 and 25 °C until the same cumulative amount of CO2 had been respired. Thereafter, microcosms from each single temperature were moved to a final set of incubation temperatures of 5, 15 and 25 °C. Straw decomposed faster than needle litter at 25 and 15 °C, but slower than needle litter at 5 °C, and showed a higher temperature sensitivity (expressed as Q10) than needle litter at low temperatures. When moved to the same temperature, needle litter initially incubated at 5 and 15 °C had significantly higher respiration rates in the final incubation than litters initially placed at 25 °C. Mor humus placed at equal temperatures during the initial and final incubations had higher cumulative respiration during the final incubation than humus experiencing a shift in temperature, both up‐ and downwards. These results indicate that other factors than substrate quality are needed to fully explain the temperature dependence. In agreement with the hypothesis, Q10 was always higher for the temperature step between 5 and 15 °C than between 15 and 25 °C. Also in agreement with the temperature–quality hypothesis, Q10 significantly increased with increasing degree of decomposition in five out of the six constant temperature treatments with needle litter and mor humus. Q10s for substrates moved between temperatures tended to be higher than for substrates remaining at the initial temperature and an upward shift in temperature increased Q10 more than a downward shift. This study largely supports the temperature–quality hypothesis. However, other factors like acclimation and synthesis of recalcitrant compounds can modify the temperature response.  相似文献   

To clarify the ecological significance of the association of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) with sediment particle size, SRB utilizing lactate (l-SRB), propionate (p-SRB) and acetate (a-SRB) were examined with different sizes of sediment particles in a hypertrophic freshwater lake using the anaerobic plate count method. The numbers ofl-SRB anda-SRB were 104–105 colony forming units (CFU) per ml in the 0–3 cm layer and 102–103 CFU ml−1 in the 10–13 cm layer while the numbers ofp-SRB were one or two orders lower than those ofl-SRB anda-SRB. A sediment suspension was fractionated into four fractions (<1, 1–10, 10–94 and >94 μm). The highest proportions ofl-SRB anda-SRB were found in the 10–94 μm fraction: 66–97% forl-SRB and 53–98% fora-SRB. The highest proportion ofp-SRB was found in the >94 μm fraction (70–74%). These results indicate that most SRB were associated with sediment particles. One isolate from an acetate-utilizing enrichment culture was similar toDesulfotomaculum acetoxidans, a spore-forming sulfate-reducing bacterium. When lactate and sulfate were added to sediment samples,l-SRB anda-SRB in the <10 μm-fraction grew more rapidly than those in whole sediment for the first 2 days. This result suggests that nutrients uptake by free-living and small particle-associated (<10 μm) SRB is higher than that by SRB associated with larger particles.  相似文献   

Two new species of homalorhagid kinorhynchs from the deep-sea Guinea Basin are described. Pycnophyes nubilis sp. nov. is easily recognized by the presence of paradorsal setae on segment 1; middorsal processes on segments 1–10, progressively increasing in length towards the posterior segments; and middorsal process on segment 10 extending over the last trunk segment. Pycnophyes farinellii sp. nov. is distinguished by middorsal elevations on segments 2–9 and laterodorsal and ventromedial setae on segments 2 and 9 only. Moreover, males of the latter species lack ventromedial tubes on segment 2—a very uncommon feature among the genus. The systematic significance of this character is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Highly resolved time series data are useful to accurately identify the timing, rate, and magnitude of solute transport in streams during hydrologically dynamic periods such as snowmelt. We used in situ optical sensors for nitrate (NO3 ?) and chromophoric dissolved organic matter fluorescence (FDOM) to measure surface water concentrations at 30?min intervals over the snowmelt period (March 21–May 13, 2009) at a 40.5 hectare forested watershed at Sleepers River, Vermont. We also collected discrete samples for laboratory absorbance and fluorescence as well as δ18O–NO3 ? isotopes to help interpret the drivers of variable NO3 ? and FDOM concentrations measured in situ. In situ data revealed seasonal, event and diurnal patterns associated with hydrological and biogeochemical processes regulating stream NO3 ? and FDOM concentrations. An observed decrease in NO3 ? concentrations after peak snowmelt runoff and muted response to spring rainfall was consistent with the flushing of a limited supply of NO3 ? (mainly from nitrification) from source areas in surficial soils. Stream FDOM concentrations were coupled with flow throughout the study period, suggesting a strong hydrologic control on DOM concentrations in the stream. However, higher FDOM concentrations per unit streamflow after snowmelt likely reflected a greater hydraulic connectivity of the stream to leachable DOM sources in upland soils. We also observed diurnal NO3 ? variability of 1–2?μmol?l?1 after snowpack ablation, presumably due to in-stream uptake prior to leafout. A comparison of NO3 ? and dissolved organic carbon yields (DOC, measured by FDOM proxy) calculated from weekly discrete samples and in situ data sub-sampled daily resulted in small to moderate differences over the entire study period (?4 to 1% for NO3 ? and ?3 to ?14% for DOC), but resulted in much larger differences for daily yields (?66 to +27% for NO3 ? and ?88 to +47% for DOC, respectively). Despite challenges inherent in in situ sensor deployments in harsh seasonal conditions, these data provide important insights into processes controlling NO3 ? and FDOM in streams, and will be critical for evaluating the effects of climate change on snowmelt delivery to downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   

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