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Respiration is a rhythmic motor behavior that appears in the fetus and acquires a vital importance at birth. It is generated within central pattern-generating neuronal networks of the hindbrain. This region of the brain is of particular interest since it is the most understood part with respect to the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie its development. Hox paralogs and Hox-regulating genes kreisler/mafB and Krox20 are required for the normal formation of rhombomeres in vertebrate embryos. From studies of rhombomeres r3 and r4, the authors review mechanisms whereby these developmental genes may govern the early embryonic development of para-facial neuronal networks and specify patterns of motor activities operating throughout life. A model whereby the regional identity of progenitor cells can be abnormally specified in r3 and r4 after a mutation of these genes is proposed. Novel neuronal circuits may develop from some of these misspecified progenitors while others are eliminated, eventually affecting respiration and survival after birth.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mechanisms involved in generating hindbrain motoneurone subtypes, focusing on somatic motoneurones, which are confined to the caudal hindbrain within rhombomeres 5-8. Following heterotopic transplantation of rhombomeres along the rostrocaudal axis at various developmental stages, we have found that the capacity of rhombomeres to generate somatic motoneurones is labile at the neural plate stage but becomes fixed just after neural tube closure, at stage 10-11. Grafting of somites or retinoic acid-loaded beads beneath the rostral hindbrain induced the formation of somatic motoneurones in rhombomere 4 only, and Hox genes normally expressed more caudally (Hoxa3, Hoxd4) were induced in this region. Targeted overexpression of Hoxa3 in the rostral hindbrain led to the generation of ectopic somatic motoneurones in ventral rhombomeres 1-4, and was accompanied by the repression of the dorsoventral patterning gene Irx3. Taken together, these observations suggest that the somites, retinoic acid and Hox genes play a role in patterning somatic motoneurones in vivo.  相似文献   

Motor neurons are segmentally organised in the developing chick hindbrain, with groups of neurons occupying pairs of hindbrain segments or rhombomeres. The branchiomotor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve occupies rhombomeres 2 and 3 (r2 and r3), that of the facial nerve r4 and r5, and that of the glossopharyngeal nerve r6 and r7. Branchiomotor neuron cell bodies lie within the basal plate, forming columns on either side of the ventral midline floor plate. Axons originating in rhombomeres 2, 4 and 6 grow laterally (dorsally) towards the exit points located in the alar plates of these rhombomeres, while axons originating in odd-numbered rhombomeres 3 and 5 grow laterally and then rostrally, crossing a rhombomere boundary to reach their exit point. Examination of the trajectories of motor axons in odd-numbered segments at late stages of development (19-25) showed stereotyped pathways, in which axons grew laterally before making a sharp turn rostrally. During the initial phase of outgrowth (stage 14-15), however, axons had meandering courses and did not grow in a directed fashion towards their exit point. When r3 or r5 was transplanted with reversed rostrocaudal polarity prior to motor axon outgrowth, the majority of axons grew to their appropriate, rostral exit point, despite the inverted neuroepithelial polarity. In r3 reversals, however, there was a considerable increase in the normally small number of axons that grew out via the caudal, r4 exit point. These findings are discussed with relevance to the factors involved in motor neuron specification and axon outgrowth in the developing hindbrain.  相似文献   

Newborn neurons migrate extensively in the radial and tangential directions to organize the developing vertebrate nervous system. We show here that mutations in zebrafish trilobite (tri) that affect gastrulation-associated cell movements also eliminate tangential migration of motor neurons in the hindbrain. In the wild-type hindbrain, facial (nVII) and glossopharyngeal (nIX) motor neurons are induced in rhombomeres 4 and 6, respectively, and migrate tangentially into r6 and r7 (nVII) and r7 (nIX). In all three tri alleles examined, although normal numbers of motor neurons are induced, nVII motor neurons are found exclusively in r4, and nIX-like motor neurons are found exclusively in r6. The migration of other neuronal and nonneuronal cell types is unaffected in tri mutants. Rhombomere formation and the development of other hindbrain neurons are also unaffected in tri mutants. Furthermore, tangential neuronal migration occurs normally in the gastrulation mutant knypek, indicating that the trilobite neuron phenotype does not arise nonspecifically from aberrant gastrulation-associated movements. We conclude that trilobite function is specifically required for two types of cell migration that occur at different stages of zebrafish development.  相似文献   

The segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain into rhombomeres is highly conserved, but how early hindbrain patterning is established is not well understood. We show that rhombomere 4 (r4) functions as an early-differentiating signaling center in the zebrafish hindbrain. Time-lapse analyses of zebrafish hindbrain development show that r4 forms first and hindbrain neuronal differentiation occurs first in r4. Two signaling molecules, FGF3 and FGF8, which are both expressed early in r4, are together required for the development of rhombomeres adjacent to r4, particularly r5 and r6. Transplantation of r4 cells can induce expression of r5/r6 markers, as can misexpression of either FGF3 or FGF8. Genetic mosaic analyses also support a role for FGF signaling acting from r4. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a crucial role for FGF-mediated inter-rhombomere signaling in promoting early hindbrain patterning and underscore the significance of organizing centers in patterning the vertebrate neural plate.  相似文献   

Differentiation of individual rhombomeres of the chicken hindbrain directly follows the emergence of primary brain vesicles. Immediately after the constriction of the prosencephalon at HH9, a series of vesicles of decreasing size is established almost simultaneously between HH9 and HH10, including mesencephalon, four preotic (R2-R5) and one postotic (R6/R7) rhombomeres. Thereby, the cranial neural tube is ventrally embedded in a mesodermal PNA-binding matrix that particularly accumulates underneath vesicular constriction sites, as demonstrated for the segregation of the prosencephalon at HH9 and the cerebellar rhombomere R1 from R2 at HH13. The subsequent period of hindbrain differentiation is analyzed by cholinesterase (AChE, BChE) and peanut lectin histochemistry, by the BrdU and the neurite-specific G4 antibodies. Preotically, differentiation of two pairs of rhombomeres (R4 + R5, R2 + R3) starts in R4, immediately followed by R2. The caudal rhombomeres of both pairs are delayed (R5, R3). Then the postotic rhombomere is subdivided, whereby R7 differentiates before R6. Thus, the development in the direct vicinity of the otic vesicle is delayed (R5, R6). R7 is the last rhombomere that is demarcated caudally. Based on these findings, we postulate two processes that may regulate rhombomere formation in the chicken embryo: (a) an early rostrocaudal wave establishing the major brain vesicles, (b) a superimposed pairwise segmentation emanating rostrally and caudally from the otic vesicle. The segregation of the cerebellar rhombomere is a late step.  相似文献   

Development in the chick hindbrain is founded on a segmented pattern. Groups of cells are allocated to particular segmental levels early in development, the cells of each segment (rhombomere) mixing freely with each other, but not with those of adjacent segments. After rhombomere formation, cells in the boundary regions become increasingly specialised. Rhombomeres are thus separate territories that will ultimately pursue different developmental fates. We are investigating the mechanisms that establish and maintain the pattern of rhombomeres and their boundaries. Donor-to-host transplantation experiments were used to confront tissue from different axial levels within the hindbrain. The frequency of boundary regeneration and patterning in the hindbrain was then assessed, based on gross morphology, arrangement of motor neurons and immunohistochemistry. We found that when rhombomeres from adjacent positions or positions three rhombomeres distant from one another were confronted, a normal boundary was invariably reconstructed. Juxtaposition of rhombomere 5 with 7 also yielded a new boundary. By contrast, donor and host tissue of the same positional origin combined without forming a boundary. The same result was obtained in combinations of rhombomeres 3 and 5. Confrontation of tissue from even-numbered rhombomeres 4 with 6 or 2 with 4 also failed to regenerate a boundary in the majority of cases. These results suggest that cell surface properties vary according to rhombomeric level in the hindbrain, and may support the idea of a two-segment periodicity.  相似文献   

Segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain into rhombomeres is essential for the anterior-posterior patterning of cranial motor nuclei and their associated nerves. The vitamin A derivative, retinoic acid (RA), is an early embryonic signal that specifies rhombomeres, but its roles in neuronal differentiation within the hindbrain remain unclear. Here we have analyzed the formation of primary and secondary hindbrain neurons in the zebrafish mutant neckless (nls), which disrupts retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (raldh2), and in embryos treated with retinoid receptor (RAR) antagonists. Mutation of nls disrupts secondary, branchiomotor neurons of the facial and vagal nerves, but not the segmental pattern of primary, reticulospinal neurons, suggesting that RA acts on branchiomotor neurons independent of its role in hindbrain segmentation. Very few vagal motor neurons form in nls mutants and many facial motor neurons do not migrate out of rhombomere 4 into more posterior segments. When embryos are treated with RAR antagonists during gastrulation, we observe more severe patterning defects than seen in nls. These include duplicated reticulospinal neurons and posterior expansions of rhombomere 4, as well as defects in branchiomotor neurons. However, later antagonist treatments after rhombomeres are established still disrupt branchiomotor development, suggesting that requirements for RARs in these neurons occur later and independent of segmental patterning. We also show that RA produced by the paraxial mesoderm controls branchiomotor differentiation, since we can rescue the entire motor innervation pattern by transplanting wild-type cells into the somites of nls mutants. Thus, in addition to its role in determining rhombomere identities, RA plays a more direct role in the differentiation of subsets of branchiomotor neurons within the hindbrain.  相似文献   

Dystonias comprise a group of movement disorders that are characterized by involuntary movements and postures. Insight into the nature of neuronal dysfunction has been provided by the identification of genes responsible for primary dystonias, the characterization of animal models and functional evaluations and in vivo brain imaging of patients with dystonia. The data suggest that alterations in neuronal development and communication within the brain create a susceptible substratum for dystonia. Although there is no overt neurodegeneration in most forms of dystonia, there are functional and microstructural brain alterations. Dystonia offers a window into the mechanisms whereby subtle changes in neuronal function, particularly in sensorimotor circuits that are associated with motor learning and memory, can corrupt normal coordination and lead to a disabling motor disorder.  相似文献   

The medulla oblongata (or caudal hindbrain) is not overtly segmented, since it lacks observable interrhombomeric boundaries. However, quail-chick fate maps showed that it is formed by 5 pseudorhombomeres (r7-r11) which were empirically found to be delimited consistently at planes crossing through adjacent somites (Cambronero and Puelles, 2000). We aimed to reexamine the possible segmentation or rostrocaudal regionalisation of this brain region attending to molecular criteria. To this end, we studied the expression of Hox genes from groups 3 to 7 correlative to the differentiating nuclei of the medulla oblongata. Our results show that these genes are differentially expressed in the mature medulla oblongata, displaying instances of typical antero-posterior (3′ to 5′) Hox colinearity. The different sensory and motor columns, as well as the reticular formation, appear rostrocaudally regionalised according to spaced steps in their Hox expression pattern. The anterior limits of the respective expression domains largely fit boundaries defined between the experimental pseudorhombomeres. Therefore the medulla oblongata shows a Hox-related rostrocaudal molecular regionalisation comparable to that found among rhombomeres, and numerically consistent with the pseudorhombomere list. This suggests that medullary pseudorhombomeres share some AP patterning mechanisms with the rhombomeres present in the rostral, overtly-segmented hindbrain, irrespective of variant boundary properties.  相似文献   

A vital dye analysis of cranial neural crest migration in the chick embryo has provided a positional fate map of greater resolution than has been possible using labelled graft techniques. Focal injections of the fluorescent membrane probe DiI were made into the cranial neural folds at stages between 3 and 16 somites. Groups of neuroepithelial cells, including the premigratory neural crest, were labelled by the vital dye. Analysis of whole-mount embryos after 1-2 days further development, using conventional and intensified video fluorescence microscopy, revealed the pathways of crest cells migrating from mesencephalic and rhombencephalic levels of the neuraxis into the subjacent branchial region. The patterns of crest emergence and emigration correlate with the segmented disposition of the rhombencephalon. Branchial arches 1, 2 and 3 are filled by crest cells migrating from rhombomeres 2, 4 and 6 respectively, in register with the cranial nerve entry/exit points in these segments. The three streams of ventrally migrating cells are separated by alternating regions, rhombomeres 3 and 5, which release no crest cells. Rostrally, rhombomere 1 and the caudal mesencephalon also contribute crest to the first arch, primarily to its upper (maxillary) component. Both r3 and r5 are associated with enhanced levels of cell death amongst cells of the dorsal midline, suggesting that crest may form at these levels but is then eliminated. Organisation of the branchial region is thus related by the dynamic process of neural crest immigration to the intrinsic mechanisms that segment the neuraxis.  相似文献   

The vertebrate hindbrain is segmented into rhombomeres (r) initially defined by distinct domains of gene expression. Previous studies have shown that noise-induced gene regulation and cell sorting are critical for the sharpening of rhombomere boundaries, which start out rough in the forming neural plate (NP) and sharpen over time. However, the mechanisms controlling simultaneous formation of multiple rhombomeres and accuracy in their sizes are unclear. We have developed a stochastic multiscale cell-based model that explicitly incorporates dynamic morphogenetic changes (i.e. convergent-extension of the NP), multiple morphogens, and gene regulatory networks to investigate the formation of rhombomeres and their corresponding boundaries in the zebrafish hindbrain. During pattern initiation, the short-range signal, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), works together with the longer-range morphogen, retinoic acid (RA), to specify all of these boundaries and maintain accurately sized segments with sharp boundaries. At later stages of patterning, we show a nonlinear change in the shape of rhombomeres with rapid left-right narrowing of the NP followed by slower dynamics. Rapid initial convergence improves boundary sharpness and segment size by regulating cell sorting and cell fate both independently and coordinately. Overall, multiple morphogens and tissue dynamics synergize to regulate the sizes and boundaries of multiple segments during development.  相似文献   

Roles of Hoxa1 and Hoxa2 in patterning the early hindbrain of the mouse   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Early in its development, the vertebrate hindbrain is transiently subdivided into a series of compartments called rhombomeres. Genes have been identified whose expression patterns distinguish these cellular compartments. Two of these genes, Hoxa1 and Hoxa2, have been shown to be required for proper patterning of the early mouse hindbrain and the associated neural crest. To determine the extent to which these two genes function together to pattern the hindbrain, we generated mice simultaneously mutant at both loci. The hindbrain patterning defects were analyzed in embryos individually mutant for Hoxa1 and Hoxa2 in greater detail and extended to embryos mutant for both genes. From these data a model is proposed to describe how Hoxa1, Hoxa2, Hoxb1, Krox20 (Egr2) and kreisler function together to pattern the early mouse hindbrain. Critical to the model is the demonstration that Hoxa1 activity is required to set the anterior limit of Hoxb1 expression at the presumptive r3/4 rhombomere boundary. Failure to express Hoxb1 to this boundary in Hoxa1 mutant embryos initiates a cascade of gene misexpressions that result in misspecification of the hindbrain compartments from r2 through r5. Subsequent to misspecification of the hindbrain compartments, ectopic induction of apoptosis appears to be used to regulate the aberrant size of the misspecified rhombomeres.  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein Van gogh‐like 2 (Vangl2) is a component of the noncanonical Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) signaling pathway, and is required for tangential migration of facial branchiomotor neurons (FBMNs) from rhombomere 4 (r4) to r5‐r7 in the vertebrate hindbrain. Since vangl2 is expressed throughout the zebrafish hindbrain, it might also regulate motor neuron migration in other rhombomeres. We tested this hypothesis by examining whether migration of motor neurons out of r2 following ectopic hoxb1b expression was affected in vangl2? (trilobite) mutants. Hoxb1b specifies r4 identity, and when ectopically expressed transforms r2 to an “r4‐like” compartment. Using time‐lapse imaging, we show that GFP‐expressing motor neurons in the r2/r3 region of a hoxb1b‐overexpressing wild‐type embryo migrate along the anterior‐posterior (AP) axis. Furthermore, these cells express prickle1b (pk1b), a Wnt/PCP gene that is specifically expressed in FBMNs and is essential for their migration. Importantly, GFP‐expressing motor neurons in the r2/r3 region of hoxb1b‐overexpressing trilobite mutants and pk1b morphants often migrate, even though FBMNs in r4 of the same embryos fail to migrate longitudinally (tangentially) into r6 and r7. These observations suggest that tangentially migrating motor neurons in the anterior hindbrain (r1‐r3) can use mechanisms that are independent of vangl2 and pk1b functions. Interestingly, analysis of tri; val double mutants also suggests a role for vangl2‐independent factors in neuronal migration, since the valentino mutation partially suppresses the trilobite mutant migration defect. Together, the hoxb1b and val experiments suggest that multiple mechanisms regulate motor neuron migration along the AP axis of the zebrafish hindbrain. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2010  相似文献   

The hindbrain is a vertebrate-specific embryonic structure of the central nervous system formed by iterative transitory units called rhombomeres (r). Rhombomeric cells are segregated by interhombomeric boundaries which are prefigured by sharp gene expression borders. The positioning of the first molecular boundary within the hindbrain (the prospective r4/r5 boundary) responds to the expression of an Iroquois (Irx) gene in the anterior (r4) and the gene vHnf1 at the posterior (r5). However, while Irx3 is expressed anteriorly in amniotes, a novel Irx gene, iro7, acts in teleosts. To assess the evolutionary history of the genes responsible for the positioning of the r4/r5 boundary in vertebrates, we have stepped outside the gnathostomes to investigate these genes in the agnathans Lethenteron japonicum and Petromyzon marinus. We identified one representative of the Hnf1 family in agnathans. Its expression pattern recapitulates that of vHnf1 and Hnf1 in higher vertebrates. Our phylogenetic analysis places this gene basal to gnathostome Hnf1 and vHnf1 genes. We propose that the duplication of an ancestral hnf1 gene present in the common ancestor of agnathans and gnathostomes gave rise to the two genes found in gnathostomes. We have also amplified 3 Irx genes in L. japonicum: LjIrxA, LjIrxC, LjIrxD. The expression pattern of LjIrxA (the agnathan Irx1/3 ortholog) resembles those of Irx3 or iro7 in gnathostomes. We propose that an Irx/hnf1 pair already present in early vertebrates positioned the r4/r5 boundary and that gene duplications occurred in these gene families after the divergence of the agnathans.  相似文献   

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