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组蛋白H2A的变体H2A.Z在基因的表达过程中发挥着重要的作用。根据H2A.Z和H2A核小体中组蛋白甲基化修饰方式的不同,作者应用多样性增量二次判别方法(increment of diversity with quadratic discriminant,IDQD)成功地对H2A.Z和H2A核小体进行了识别,说明了以组蛋白甲基化信息作为特征参数的IDQD模型对H2A.Z和H2A核小体识别的有效性。通过计算DNA序列的柔性,发现H2A.Z核小体对应的DNA序列的平均柔性比常规H2A核小体对应的DNA序列的平均柔性弱。  相似文献   

Histone phosphorylation is dynamically regulated during cell division, for example phosphorylation of histone H3 (H3)-Ser10, H3-Thr11 and H3-Ser28. Here we analyzed maize (Zea mays L) for Thr133-phosphorylated histone H2A, which is important for spindle checkpoint control and localization of the centromere cohesion protector Shugoshin in mammals and yeast. Immunostaining results indicate that phosphorylated H2A-Thr133 signals bridged those of the centromeric H3 histone variant CENH3 by using a plant displaying yellow fluorescent protein-CENH3 signals and H2A-Thr133 is phosphorylated in different cell types. During mitosis, H2A-Thr133 phosphorylation becomes strong in metaphase and is specific to centromere regions but drops during later anaphase and telophase. Immunostaining for several maize dicentric chromosomes revealed that the inactive centromeres have lost phosphorylation of H2A-Thr133. During meiosis in maize meiocytes, H2A phosphorylation becomes strong in the early pachytene stage and increases to a maximum at metaphase I. In the maize meiotic mutant afd1 (absence of first division), sister chromatids show equational separation at metaphase I, but there are no changes in H2A-Thr-133 phosphorylation during meiosis compared with the wild type. In sgo1 mutants, sister chromatids segregate randomly during meiosis II, and phosphorylation of H2A-Thr-133 is observed on the centromere regions during meiosis II. The availability of such mutants in maize that lack sister cohesion and Shugoshin indicate that the signals for phosphorylation are not dependent on cohesion but on centromere activity.  相似文献   

Quantitative control of histones and histone variants during cell cycle is relevant to their epigenetic functions. We found that the level of yeast histone variant H2A.Z in the G2/M-phase is actively kept low by the ubiquitin proteasome system and SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases. Overexpression of H2A.Z induced defects in mitotic progression, suggesting functional importance of this quantitative control.  相似文献   

Nucleosomes are dynamic entities with wide‐ranging compositional variations. Human histone variants H2A.B and H2A.Z.2.2 play critical roles in multiple biological processes by forming unstable nucleosomes and open chromatin structures, but how H2A.B and H2A.Z.2.2 confer these dynamic features to nucleosomes remains unclear. Here, we report cryo‐EM structures of nucleosome core particles containing human H2A.B (H2A.B‐NCP) at atomic resolution, identifying large‐scale structural rearrangements in the histone octamer in H2A.B‐NCP. H2A.B‐NCP compacts approximately 103 bp of DNA wrapping around the core histones in approximately 1.2 left‐handed superhelical turns, in sharp contrast to canonical nucleosome encompassing approximately 1.7 turns of DNA. Micrococcal nuclease digestion assay reveals that nineteen H2A.B‐specific residues, including a ROF (“regulating‐octamer‐folding”) sequence of six consecutive residues, are responsible for loosening of H2A.B‐NCPs. Unlike H2A.B‐NCP, the H2A.Z.2.2‐containing nucleosome (Z.2.2‐NCP) adopts a less‐extended structure and compacts around 125 bp of DNA. Further investigation uncovers a crucial role for the H2A.Z.2.2‐specific ROF in both H2A.Z.2.2‐NCP opening and SWR1‐dependent histone replacement. Taken together, these first high‐resolution structure of unstable nucleosomes induced by histone H2A variants elucidate specific functions of H2A.B and H2A.Z.2.2 in enhancing chromatin dynamics.  相似文献   

N Agell  M Chiva  C Mezquita 《FEBS letters》1983,155(2):209-212
Electrophoretic analysis of acid-soluble chromosomal proteins isolated from rooster testis cell nuclei at different stages of spermatogenesis, revealed that the nuclear content of a protein identified by its solubility, electrophoretic mobility and amino acid analysis as the protein conjugate histone H2A-ubiquitin (uH2A, A24) changed markedly from meiotic cells to late spermatids. The protein was not detectable in tetraploid primary spermatocytes; it was present in 1.7% of the total amount of nucleosomal core histones in early spermatids and reached its maximum level (3.5% and 11%) at the end of spermiogenesis, when histones are replaced by the protamine galline.  相似文献   

Koo YS  Kim JM  Park IY  Yu BJ  Jang SA  Kim KS  Park CB  Cho JH  Kim SC 《Peptides》2008,29(7):1102-1108
The structure-activity relations and mechanism of action of parasin I, a 19-amino acid histone H2A-derived antimicrobial peptide, were investigated. Parasin I formed an amphipathic alpha-helical structure (residues 9-17) flanked by two random coil regions (residues 1-8 and 18-19) in helix-promoting environments. Deletion of the lysine residue at the N-terminal [Pa(2-19)] resulted in loss of antimicrobial activity, but did not affect the alpha-helical content of the peptide. The antimicrobial activity was recovered when the lysine residue was substituted with another basic residue, arginine ([R(1)]Pa), but not with polar, neutral, or acidic residues. Progressive deletions from the C-terminal [Pa(1-17), Pa(1-15)] slightly increased the antimicrobial activity (1-4 microg/ml) without affecting the alpha-helical content of the peptide. However, further deletion [Pa(1-14)] resulted in nearly complete loss of antimicrobial activity and alpha-helical structure. Confocal microscopic analysis and membrane permeabilization assays showed that parasin I and its analogs with comparable antimicrobial activities localized to the cell membrane and subsequently permeabilized the outer and cytoplasmic membranes. Pa(1-14) also localized to the cell membrane, but lost membrane-permeabilizing activity, whereas Pa(2-19) showed poor membrane-binding and -permeabilizing activities. The results indicate that the basic residue at the N-terminal is essential for the membrane-binding activity of parasin I, and among the membrane-binding parasin I analogs, the alpha-helical structure is necessary for the membrane-permeabilizing activity.  相似文献   

The yeast Set1-complex catalyzes histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation. Using N-terminal Edman sequencing, we determined that 50% of H3K4 is methylated and consists of roughly equal amounts of mono, di and tri-methylated H3K4. We further show that loss of either Paf1 of the Paf1 elongation complex, or ubiquitination of histone H2B, has only a modest effect on bulk histone mono-methylation at H3K4. Despite the fact that Set1 recruitment decreases in paf1delta cells, loss of Paf1 results in an increase of H3K4 mono-methylation at the 5' coding region of active genes, suggesting a Paf1-independent targeting of Set1. In contrast to Paf1 inactivation, deleting RTF1 affects H3K4 mono-methylation at the 3' coding region of active genes and results in a decrease of global H3K4 mono-methylation. Our results indicate that the requirements for mono-methylation are distinct from those for H3K4 di and tri-methylation, and point to differences among members of the Paf1 complex in the regulation of H3K4 methylation.  相似文献   

JMJD2A is a histone lysine demethylase which recognizes and demethylates H3K9me3 and H3K36me3 residues and is overexpressed in various cancers. It utilizes a tandem tudor domain to facilitate its own recruitment to histone sites, recognizing various di- and tri-methyl lysine residues with moderate affinity. In this study, we successfully engineered the tudor domain of JMJD2A to specifically bind to H4K20me3 with a 20-fold increase of affinity and improved selectivity. To reveal the molecular basis, we performed molecular dynamics and free energy decomposition analysis on the human JMJD2A tandem tudor domains bound to H4K20me2, H4K20me3, and H3K23me3 peptides to uncover the residues and conformational changes important for the enhanced binding affinity and selectivity toward H4K20me2/3. These analyses revealed new insights into understanding chromatin reader domains recognizing histone modifications and improving binding affinity and selectivity of these domains. Furthermore, we showed that the tight binding of JMJD2A to H4K20me2/3 is not sufficient to improve the efficiency of CRISPR-CAS9 mediated homology directed repair (HDR), suggesting a complicated relationship between JMJD2A and the DNA damage response beyond binding affinity toward the H4K20me2/3 mark.  相似文献   

H2A.Z is a highly conserved histone variant in all species. The chromatin deposition of H2A.Z is specifically catalyzed by the yeast chromatin remodeling complex SWR1 and its mammalian counterpart SRCAP. However, the mechanism by which H2A.Z is preferentially recognized by non-histone proteins remains elusive. Here we identified Anp32e, a novel higher eukaryote-specific histone chaperone for H2A.Z. Anp32e preferentially associates with H2A.Z-H2B dimers rather than H2A-H2B dimers in vitro and in vivo and dissociates non-nucleosomal aggregates formed by DNA and H2A-H2B. We determined the crystal structure of the Anp32e chaperone domain (186-232) in complex with the H2A.Z-H2B dimer. In this structure, the region containing Anp32e residues 214-224, which is absent in other Anp32 family proteins, specifically interacts with the extended H2A.Z αC helix, which exhibits an unexpected conformational change. Genome-wide profiling of Anp32e revealed a remarkable co-occupancy between Anp32e and H2A.Z. Cells overexpressing Anp32e displayed a strong global H2A.Z loss at the +1 nucleosomes, whereas cells depleted of Anp32e displayed a moderate global H2A.Z increase at the +1 nucleosomes. This suggests that Anp32e may help to resolve the non-nucleosomal H2A.Z aggregates and also facilitate the removal of H2A.Z at the +1 nucleosomes, and the latter may help RNA polymerase II to pass the first nucleosomal barrier.  相似文献   

In an attempt to investigate the role of histone H2B in Cu(II) induced toxicity and carcinogenesis, we synthesized the terminally blocked peptides H2B32-62 (SRKESYSVYVYKVLKQVH48PDTGISSKAMGIM) and Η2Β94-125 (IQTAVRLLLPGELAKH110AVSEGTKAVTKYTSS), mimicking the N-terminal histone-fold domain and C-terminal tail of histone H2B, respectively and studied their interaction with Cu(II) ions by means of potentiometric titrations and spectroscopic techniques (UV-visible, CD and EPR). Both peptides, H2B32-62 and H2B94-125, interacted efficiently with Cu(II) ions, forming several species from pH 4 to 11, with His48 and His110 serving as anchors for metal binding. In H2B32-62, the effective Cu(II) binding is emphasized by the formation of a soluble Cu(II)-H2B32-62 complex, unlike the unbound peptide that precipitated over pH 7.9. At physiological pH, both peptides form tetragonal 3N species with a {NIm, 2N} coordination mode. At this pH, H2B32-62 presented the formation of coordination isomers, differentiated by the presence in one of them, of an axial coordination of the carboxylate group of Asp50. Copper binding with both H2B32-62 and H2B94-125 may induce a conformational change in the peptides' original structure. At physiological conditions, this effect may interfere with nucleosome's structure and dynamics, including the ubiquitination of Lys120 which is linked to gene silencing.  相似文献   

In the absence of pathogen attack, organisms usually suppress immune responses to reduce the negative effects of disease resistance. Monoubiquitination of histone variants at specific gene loci is crucial for gene expression, but its involvement in the regulation of plant immunity remains unclear. Here, we show that a rice SWI/SNF2 ATPase gene BRHIS1 is downregulated in response to the rice blast fungal pathogen or to the defense‐priming‐inducing compound BIT (1,2‐benzisothiazol‐3(2h)‐one,1, 1‐dioxide). The BRHIS1‐containing complex represses the expression of some disease defense‐related genes, including the pathogenesis‐related gene OsPBZc and the leucine‐rich‐repeat (LRR) receptor‐like protein kinase gene OsSIRK1. This is achieved through BRHIS1 recruitment to the promoter regions of target genes through specific interaction with monoubiquitinated histone variants H2B.7 and H2A.Xa/H2A.Xb/H2A.3, in the absence of pathogen attack or BIT treatment. Our results show that rice disease defense genes are initially organized in an expression‐ready state by specific monoubiquitination of H2A and H2B variants deposited on their promoter regions, but are kept suppressed by the BRHIS1 complex, facilitating the prompt initiation of innate immune responses in response to infection through the stringent regulation of BRHIS1.  相似文献   

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