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HOLE  C. C. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1217-1223
Pea cultivars capable of regularly producing more than two flowersper node were grown at temperatures ranging from 10 to 25 °C.There was positive correlation between flower number per nodeand air temperature. Genotypic variation in the size of thisresponse to temperature was observed. For example, those cultivarswitha mean of 3•0 flowers per node at 10 °C gave meansof 6•2, 5•7 and 3•5 at 25 °C. The concentrationof soluble sugars in the shoot at flower initiation was negativelycorrelated with air temperature and flower number per node.An increase in radiation intensity from 60 to 120 J m–2s–1 however, resulted in increased numbers of flowersper node. These environmental effects are contrasted with effectson cultivars regularly producing fewer than two flowers pernode and possible control mechanisms are indicated.  相似文献   

COCKSHULL  K. E. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(4):451-460
The short-day plant Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. Polaris initiatedflower buds in all irradiances of continuous light from 7.5to 120 W m–2. As the irradiance increased, the transitionto reproductive development began earlier and the number ofleaves initiated before the flower bud was reduced. The autumn-floweringcultivars Polaris and Bright Golden Anne, and the summer-floweringGolden Stardust were also grown in continuous light at differenttemperatures; all initiated flower buds at temperatures from10 to 28 °C but only the buds of Golden Stardust developedto anthesis and then only at 10 and 16°C. Flower initiationbegan earliest at 16–22 °C, and the number of leavesformed before the flower bud was increased at 28°C. GoldenStardust was exceptional in that the number of leaves formedwas also increased at 10 °C. Axillary meristems adjacentto the terminal meristem initiated flower buds rapidly at 10°C but not at 28 °C in all three cultivars. These resultsare discussed in relation to the autonomous induction of flowerinitiation and the effects of the natural environment on floweringof chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat, flowering, irradiance, temperature  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):55-63
In an August-sown experiment the pattern of flower developmentwas followed for cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) and cv. Unicrop(L. angustifolius L.) grown at low (10 plants m–2) andhigh (93 and 83 plants m–2, Ultra and Unicrop respectively)densities. Dry weight increase of flowers on the main-stem inflorescenceand first lateral below the main-stem were compared at differentfloral stages. Maximum flower weight was reached just priorto the open flower stage and remained constant or declined untila pod formed or abscission occurred. The time period betweenmaximum flower weight and pod formation or abscission was upto 10 days. Emergence of the inflorescence was earlier and thefirst flower of Ultra opened 10 days before Unicrop. Developmentof each terminal raceme (inflorescence) was acropetal, withpods having formed on lower flower nodes when terminal flowerswere still quite immature. Laterals forming the next generationof inflorescences grew from axillary leaf buds below an inflorescencewhile it was in full flower. Sources of competition from connectedreproductive and vegetative metabolic sinks are discussed. Lupinus spp., lupins, flower development, planting density  相似文献   

In controlled environment experiments, the uptake and distributionpatterns of 32P were studied in relation to flowering and fruitingin the cowpea. Absorption by the plant, retention by the fedleaf, and translocation to various plant parts depended on theposition and age of the fed leaf. At the 4-leaf stage, whenthe terminal leaflet of the first trifoliate (oldest) was fed32P, the plant absorbed 43 per cent of total radioactivity suppliedin 24 h. The percentages resulting from the feeding of trifoliates2, 3, and 4 (youngest) were 58, 71, and 73 respectively. Trifoliate1 retained 34 per cent of the total radioactivity, while trifoliate4 retained 68 per cent. Of the plant tissues, the root accumulatedthe greatest amounts of the P exported by the fed leaflet, withthe feeding of trifoliates 1, 2, or 3. With the feeding of trifoliate4, however, the root imported only 0.2 per cent of total radioactivity. When the plants had one set of flowers fully open at raceme1, the flowers imported 0.19 per cent of total radioactivityin the cultivar Adzuki, and 0.36 per cent in the cultivar EarlyRamshorn. When the raceme 1 flowers developed into fruits whilethe raceme 2 flowers were fully open, the raceme 1 fruit importof radioactivity was 2.61 per cent in Adzuki and 14.21 per centin Early Ramshorn. Raceme 1 fruits of Early Ramshorn thus accumulatedfive times as much P radioactivity as those of Adzuki. Whenracemes 1 and 2 both bore fruits, removal of the raceme 1 fruitsjust prior to 32P feeding, led to the import by the raceme 2fruits of 0.25 per cent in Adzuki and 0.09 per cent in EarlyRamshorn. The raceme 1 fruits constituted a more potent sinkfor 32P in Early Ramshorn than in Adzuki. The results are discussedin relation to the known patterns of premature abscission offlowers and young fruits in the two cultivars.  相似文献   

One of the hypotheses proposed for the abscission of flowersand fruits from the cowpea was that the oldest fruits at raceme1 on the peduncle monopolize the mobile nutrients availableto the whole inflorescence. Consequently, the distal young fruitsand flowers starve, abort, and are shed. This hypothesis wastested through autoradiographic studies of the distributionof 14C-assimilates on the cowpea inflorescence and the comparativegrowth of ovaries from persisting and abscising open flowersand young fruits. 14C-asaimilates were distributed to the fruits at raceme 1 andto flower buds, open flowers, and young fruits distal to raceme1. Therefore, the hypothesis that the fruits at raceme 1 monopolizethe mobile assimilates cannot be maintained. At the time of opening the persisting flowers of raceme 1 hadheavier ovaries than the aborting flowers of raceme 3 althoughboth types of flowers were visually alike. During the initial12 h following opening, the difference in ovary size was maintainedand often accentuated. The ovary of the persisting flower increasedin both fresh and dry weights. The growth of the ovary of theaborting flower was variable; the fresh weight often decreased,although it also increased in some experiments; the dry weightremained unchanged or decreased or increased remarkably. The availability of nutrients was considered to be of secondaryimportance in the chain of events leading to fruit abscission.Other internal factors which may control vital processes relatedto embryo development appear to be of primary, underlying importance.  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):65-73
Components of seed yield of cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) andcv. Unicrop (L. angustifolius L.) were measured when grown atthree densities. The low density (10 plants m–2) Unicropyield (34 g seed per plant) was 1.8 times that of Ultra as ithad more branches, pods and seeds per pod. Ultra seeds (310mg per seed) were heavier than Unicrop seeds (180 mg). The branchingpattern of Ultra was less dependent on plant density, henceat 93 plants m–2 it gave a higher per plant yield (7.4vs 6.4 g) than Unicrop at lower densities (83 plants m–2).Density had most influence on pod formation and only small effectson seeds per pod and seed weight. Yield components on the main-steminflorescence were influenced less by density than componentson branch inflorescences. Later formed, higher order generationsof inflorescences were most affected by increased inter- andintra-plant competition. Pod numbers on the main-stem were similarfor both species. Pods formed at higher flower nodes in Unicrop,but the lower flower nodes were less fertile than those in Ultra.Node position of flowers had no influence on seed set in main-stemUnicrop pods, but pods from higher nodes in Ultra formed fewerseeds. Seed weights in Unicrop were similar among main-stemnodes but in Ultra seed weights tended to increase at highernodes. Lupinus spp, lupins, seed yield, planting density  相似文献   

The Abscission of Rose Petals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Petal abscission was studied in twelve hybrid tea rose (Rosahybrida L.) cultivars. At about 20 °C the time to petalabscission in uncut stems in greenhouses was the same as incut stems placed in water in the greenhouse or in a climate-controlledroom. The time between petal unfolding and abscission dependedon the cultivar, and varied between 12 and 35 d. The time topetal abscission of the cultivars was inversely correlated withtheir flower diameter at full bloom (linear regression, r2 =0·82). In the cultivars with a relatively large flowerdiameter (10-18 cm) the petals fell without visible desiccationsymptoms, whereas in the group with a small diameter the petalswere partially or fully desiccated when shed. Fertilization occurred in some flowers of a few cultivars studied.In cultivars with a relatively large flower diameter (Papa Meilland,Cocktail, Dr. Verhage, Tineke) it had no effect on the timeto abscission in Motrea, Europa, and Carolien roses, which bearsmall flowers, the petals fell after fertilization, whereasin unfertilized flowers of the latter group of cultivars anabscission zone just above the uppermost node became activeand all parts above this node (pedicel and flower) turned brownand desiccated, though remained attached for more than a month. It is concluded that in the cultivars investigated: (a) thetime to petal abscission was inversely related to their flowerdiameter, (b) abscised petals were more desiccated in cultivarsin which the time to abscission was longer, (c) fertilizationhad little effect on the time to abscission in most cultivars,whereas the absence of fertilization prevented petal abscissionin a number of the small-diameter cultivars where it was replacedby flower abscission, and (d) cutting and placement in waterat 20 °C did not affect the time to abscission.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Abscission, fertilization, flowers, petals, Rosa hybrida L., rose, water stress, carbohydrate stress  相似文献   

The interrelationships between simultaneously developing organsof citrus flowers were investigated. Examination of flower organgrowth kinetics shows that petals grow mainly through enhancedwater absorption whereas ovaries accumulate a high percentageof dry matter. Using excised flowers implanted in an agar—sucrose mediumand supplied with [14C]-sucrose, [3H]-acetate, and [14C]-acetate,a characteristic distribution of label among organs could beestablished for each isotope. Wounding or application of -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) toa single petal completely changed the normal distribution patterns,shifting the bulk of [14C]-sucrose towards the treated organs. The findings are interpreted in the light of the ‘sink’hypothesis. It is proposed that each flower organ meristem createsa sink of its own which acts in a typical manner according toits specific endogenous hormonal balance. The sink activityof all meristems in concert results in a sensitive regulatorymechanism which is responsible for the coordination observedin flower development.  相似文献   

ABDUL  K. S.; HARRIS  G. P. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1361-1367
The number of flowers in the first inflorescence of tomato plantswas increased by low temperatures and reduced by the applicationof GA3. The effect of GA3, was greater in a low temperatureregime (12 °C minimum) than at normal temperatures (16 °Cminimum). Increases in flower number could be produced by theremoval of young developing leaves but the treatment was nolonger effective if plants wen grown at low temperatures orwere treated with GA3. Young developing leaves were shown to be sources of diffusiblegibberellin-like substances. Leaves from plants grown in a normaltemperature regime yielded greater amounts of gibberellin-likesubstances than leaves from plants grown in the low temperatureregime. It is suggested that high levels of endogenous gibberellinsact to reduce the number of flowers formed in the first inflorescence,and that leaf removal and low temperatures influence flowernumbers by lowering levels of diffusible gibberellins in theplants. Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, flower number, gibberellins, temperature  相似文献   

Explants of stem, leaves, roots, and cotyledons from etiolatedaxenically grown Vicia faba seedlings were cultured on a rangeof media. Shoot organogenesis was only obtained with nodal stemand cotyledonary node explants when cultured on MS medium with3% sucrose, 2.0 mg 1–1 BAP and 02 mg 1–1 NAA. Callusproliferation accompanied shoot organogenesis from nodal stemexplants. Successive subculture of nodal stem callus resultedin proliferation of regenerative callus which contained severalshoot bud initials. The capacity for shoot regeneration fromthis callus was maintained for 9 months. Histological studiesreveal de novo formation of meristematic centres in callus andtheir further development into bud primordia. High frequencyrooting of these adventitious shoots was obtained on half-strengthMS medium with 1.5% sucrose, 0.1 mg 1–1 NAA and 0.5 mg1–1 kinetin. Key words: Vicia faba, adventitious shoots, axillary shoots, de novomeristem formation, organogenesis, tissue culture  相似文献   

STEAD  A. D.; REID  M. S. 《Annals of botany》1990,66(6):655-663
In Lupinus albifrons flowers the banner spot of the standardis initially coloured white or pale yellow. Two to three daysafter reaching the stage of full flower opening, this bannerspot develops a pinkish blush and is deep magenta after a further24 h. The development of this pigmentation is accelerated byexposure to ethylene in a concentration- and time-dependentmanner. Flowers with a pinkish banner spot produced the greatestamounts of ethylene and production was much lower in flowerswhich had either completed the colour change or in which thebanner spot colour remained unchanged. Treatments such as stigmaremoval or pollination increased the rate of ethylene production.Dissection of the flowers showed that while the banner spotis changing colour there is no change in the rate of productionof ethylene from the standard, i.e. from the banner spot orsurrounding tissue. The major sites of production at this timeare the keel and pistil. Isolated flowers withered within 2 d of removal from the plantand therefore did not show any change in the colour of the bannerspot unless exposed to ethylene. The increase in banner spotpigment was about fourfold when isolated floweres were exposedto ethylene (0·24 µl 1–1): however, the increasewas less than twofold when isolated standards were exposed toethylene (0·27 µl I–1). Application of silverthiosulphate (STS) to intact isolated flowers, as a 1 h pulseprior to ethylene exposure, partially prevented the pigmentaccumulation, whilst a continuous supply of STS reduced theethylene-induced colour change by approx. 50% Low concentrationsof cycloheximide (CHI) (0·01 mg ml–1) reduced theaccumulation of pigment in the banner spot of ethylene-treatedflowers, and higher concentrations (1·0 mg ml–1)completely prevented the ethylene-induced colour change. Ethylene, flower senescence, Lupinus albifrons, pollination  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivumL., ‘Chablis’) wasgrown under field conditions from sowing until harvest maturity,except for a 12-d period [70–82 days after sowing (DAS)coinciding with anthesis] during which replicated crop areaswere exposed to a range of temperatures within two pairs ofpolyethylene-covered temperature gradient tunnels. At 82 DAS,an increase in mean temperature from 16 to 25 °C duringthis treatment period had no effect on above-ground biomass,but increased ear dry weight from 223 to 327 g m-2and, at 83DAS, reduced root biomass from 141 to 63 g m-2. Mean temperatureover the treatment period had no effect on either above-groundbiomass or grain yield at maturity. However, the number of grainsper ear at maturity declined with increasing maximum temperaturerecorded over the mid-anthesis period (76–79 DAS) and,more significantly, with maximum temperature 1 d after 50% anthesis(78 DAS). Grain yield and harvest index also declined sharplywith maximum temperature at 78 DAS. Grain yield declined by350 g m-2at harvest maturity with a 10 °C increase in maximumtemperature at 78 DAS and was related to a 40% reduction inthe number of grains per ear. Grain yield was also negativelyrelated to thermal time accumulated above a base temperatureof 31 °C (over 8 d of the treatment from 5 d before to 2d after 50% anthesis). Thus, grain fertilization and grain setwas most sensitive to the maximum temperature at mid-anthesis.These results confirm that wheat yields would be reduced considerablyif, as modellers suggest, high temperature extremes become morefrequent as a result of increased variability in temperatureassociated with climate change.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Triticum aestivum, spring wheat, temperature, grain number, grain yield, root growth.  相似文献   

Abortion of pepper flowers depends on the light intensity perceivedby the plant and on the amounts of sucrose taken up by the flower(Aloni B, Karni L, Zaidman Z, Schaffer AA. 1996.Annals of Botany78: 163–168). We hypothesize that changes in the activityof sucrose-cleaving enzymes within the flower ovary might beresponsible for the changes in flower abortion under differentlight conditions. In the present study we report that the activityof sucrose synthase, but not of cytosolic acid invertase, increasesin flowers of pepper plants which were exposed, for 2 d, toincreasing photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in therange of 85–400 µmol m-2s-1at midday. Sucrose synthaseactivity increased in parallel with the increasing concentrationsof starch in the flower ovary. Feeding flower explants, preparedfrom 3-d-predarkened plants, with 100 mM sucrose for 24 h, causeda 23% increase in reducing sugars and a 2.5-fold increase instarch concentration, compared with explants fed with buffer.Likewise, feeding explants of pepper flowers with sucrose, glucose,fructose and also mannitol increased the sucrose synthase activityin the ovaries. Concomitantly, sucrose, glucose and fructose,but not mannitol, reduced the abortion of flower explants. Itis suggested that sucrose entry into the flower increases theflower sink activity by inhibiting abscission and inducing metabolicchanges, thus enhancing flower set. Pepper; Capsicum annuum L.; abscission; light; pepper flowers; sucrose; glucose; fructose; starch; acid invertase; sucrose synthase  相似文献   

Using the min-LD method, light requirements of the L1- and L2-phasesof L. gibba G3 were found to be satisfied by only 5 min illuminationgiven respectively from CT 0:00 to 0:05 and from CT 11:55 to12:00. This rigorous time sense was displayed without any alterationeven in the presence of iron reagents, e.g., 10–5 M o-phenanthroline,10–5M,'-dipyridyl and 10–6 M kinetin, which completely eliminatedcircadian rhythmicity in reproductive (flower production) aswell as vegetative (frond production) response to a light pulsescanning a continuous dark period. Circadian rhythms of metabolicactivities, e.g., active K+ ion uptake and respiratory CO2 output,were not changed at all by the iron reagents. These and relevantresults suggested that in this long-day duckweed, the circadianoscillator, probably located in the meristem and sensitive toiron deficiency, only modulates the frond and flower productionin the meristem and is not related to the critical daylengthmeasurement. (Received December 18, 1978; )  相似文献   

Floral buds of the ‘False Horn’ plantain clonesMusa (AAB) ‘Harton Verde’, ‘Harton Negra’,and ‘Currare’ terminate in a large single floralstructure. The apices of these floral buds are here designatedas determinate since they have lost the ability to produce additionalfloral initials or buds. Terminal peduncle segments can be culturedin a modified Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplementedwith N6-benzyl-aminopurine (5 mg I–1). Under these conditions,this apparent inability to yield buds can be overcome as vegetativeshoot clusters form in the axils of the bracts. Rooted plantletsare obtainable by treating shoots with naphthaleneacetic acid(1 mg I–1) and activated charcoal (0.025%). The adventitiousorigin of the shoots has been established. Musa cultivars, plantains, floral bud, adventitious buds, tissue culture  相似文献   

SHAH  J. J.; DAVE  Y. S. 《Annals of botany》1971,35(2):411-419
In Antigonon leptopus the main tendrillar and axillary branchis a modified inflorescence axis. It usually bears 6–7lateral bracts out of which 3–4 lower ones are small andleaf-like while the upper 2–3 are tendrillar; 2–3tendrils are also present at its terminal end. The vegetativeshoot apex shows a single layer of tunica and an inner massof corpus without any cytohistological zonation. The earliestaxillary bud or tendril meristem arises at the second node andit elongates due to rib meristem activity. The bract primordiaarise in an acropetal succession. The initiation of the bract-tendriland the leafy bract is similar. In the development of the bract-tendril,marginal meristem activity is absent or reduced and the differentiationof the apical and subapical initials is absent. The terminalbract-tendrils arise as lateral appendages and the residuumof the apical meristem of the main axillary tendril persistsfor some time. In the flowering period the floral buds arisein the axils of the bracts and bract-tendrils. No flowers arepresent in the axils of terminal bract-tendrils.  相似文献   

The effects of light and temperature on flowering and pollentube growth were studied in watermelon [Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.)Matsum. and Nakai, cv. Early Yates] plants grown in controlledenvironment cabinets. All female flowers were pollinated inone group of plants; none was pollinated in the other group. Temperature increase from 25 °C to 35 °C with daylengthof 14 h and light intensity of 32 klx caused increase in flowernumber per plant, proportion of male flowers, ovary length anddiameter, ovule number per ovary, rate of pollen tube growthand percentage of penetrated ovules at 24 hand 48 h after pollination.Very few flowers were produced at 40 °C, but there was ahigh proportion of male flowers. Increase in daylength from14 h to 24 h at 25 °C with light intensity of 32 klx alsoincreased number of flowers per plant, ovary length and diameterand number of ovules per ovary but sex expression and rate ofpollen tube growth were unaffected. Reduction in daylength from14 h to 8 hat 25 °C and light intensity of 32 klx and reductionin light intensity from 32 klx to 8 klx at 25 °C and 14h daylength both produced an increase in the percentage of immatureovules. The presence of fruit on the vine resulted in fewerflowers per plant and in reduced ovary legnth and diameter underall conditions tested. The results are discussed in relation to the fruiting responseof the plant.  相似文献   

In both reproductive and vegetative plants of Lolium temulentumL., the export of 14C-labelled assimilates from each healthyleaf on the main shoot to terminal meristem, stem, tillers,and roots was measured each time a new leaf was expanded, fora period of 5 to 6 weeks. Some labelled assimilates moved fromeach leaf on the main shoot to every meristem in the same shoot,as well as to the tops and roots of adjacent organically attachedtillers. The terminal meristem of the reproductive shoot, which includedthe developing inflorescence, received 70–80 per centof the carbon assimilated by the emerged portion of the growingleaf, 15–25 per cent of the carbon assimilated by thetwo youngest expanded leaves, and 5–10 per cent of thatfrom each of the older leaves. A similar pattern of carbon supplyto the terminal meristem was found in vegetative shoots, exceptthat older leaves on young vegetative shoots supplied even lessof their carbon to the terminal meristem. The general conclusionis that developing leaves at the tip of the shoot receive aboutthe same proportion of carbon from each leaf as does a developinginflorescence. Young expanded leaves provided most labelled assimilates forstem growth; during both reproductive and vegetative growth,expanded leaves increased their export of labelled carbon tostem, and exported less of their 14C to roots and sometimesto tillers. In these reproductive and vegetative shoots, grown in a constantexternal environment, the major changes in the pattern of distributionof labelled assimilates appeared to be the result of increasedmeristematic activity in stem internodes; the development ofan inflorescence had no obvious direct effect on the carboneconomy of shoots.  相似文献   

The effects of a range of applied nitrate (NO3) concentrations(0–20 mol m3) on germination and emergence percentageof Triticum aestivum L. cv. Otane were examined at 30, 60, 90and 120 mm sowing depths. Germination percentage was not affectedby either sowing depth or applied NO3 concentration whereasemergence percentage decreased with increased sowing depth regardlessof applied NO3 concentration. Nitrate did not affectemergence percentage at 30 mm sowing depth, but at 60 to 120mm depth, emergence percentage decreased sharply with an increasedapplied NO3 concentration of 0 to 1·0 mol m–3then decreased only slightly with further increases in appliedNO3 of about 5·0 mol m–3. Root and shoot growth, NO3 accumulation and nitrate reductaseactivity (NRA) of plants supplied with 0, 1·0 and 1·0mol m–3 NO3 at a sowing depth of 60 mm were measuredprior to emergence. The coleoptile of all seedlings opened withinthe substrate. Prior to emergence from the substrate, shootextension growth was unaffected by additional NO3 butshoot fr. wt. and dry wt. were both greater at 1·0 and1·0 mol m–3 NO3 than with zero NO3.Root dry wt. was unaffected by NO3. Nitrate concentrationand NRA in root and shoot were always low without NO3.At 1·0 and 10 mol m3 NO3, NO3 accumulatedin the root and shoot to concentrations substantially greaterthan that applied and caused the induction of NRA. Regardlessof the applied NO3 concentration, seedlings which failedto emerge still had substantial seed reserves one month afterplanting. Coleoptile length was substantially less for seedlingswhich did not emerge than for seedlings which emerged, but wasnot affected by NO3. It is proposed that (a) decreasedemergence percentage with increased sowing depth was due tothe emergence of leaf I from the coleoptile within the substrateand (b) decreased emergence percentage with additional NO3was due to the increased expansion of leaf 1 within the substrateresulting in greater folding and damage of the leaf. Key words: Triticum aestivwn L., nitrate, sowing depth, seedling growth, seedling emergence  相似文献   

In three experiments measurements of photosynthesis were madeon single leaves of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) on threecultivars grown in a controlled environment. Plants which had grown under an irradiance of 30 J m–2s–1, or in shade within a simulated mixed sward, producedleaves with photosynthetic capacities some 30 per cent lowerthan did plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1 without shade.There were no differences between treatments either in photosynthesismeasured at 30 J m–2 s–1, or in respiration ratesper unit leaf dry weight. Respiration per unit leaf area washigher in the plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1, reflectingthe lower specific leaf area of these leaves. There were nodifferences between the three cultivars examined. Leaves which were removed from the shade of a simulated swardshortly after becoming half expanded achieved photosyntheticcapacities as high as those which were in full light throughouttheir development. It is suggested that it is this characteristicwhich enables clover plants growing in an increasingly densemixed sward to produce a succession of leaves of high photosyntheticcapacity, even though each lamina only reaches the top of thesward at a relatively late stage in its development. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, leaf expansion, shade, specific leaf area, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

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