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The Talitridae, well-known for their jumping behaviour, swim with help of the tail-flip. This movement of the abdomen is also known from other amphipods like the Gammaridae which are normally not able to move by jerks outside the water. The suspected homology between the tail-flip when swimming and the jerky movement of the abdomen when jumping gave rise to this investigation, mainly based on high frequency film recordings, on the swimming ofHyale nilssonii, Orchestia cavimana, andTalitrus saltator (family Talitridae) as well as three related species of the families Gammaridae and Corophiidae. Comparative morphometrical and SEM-studies on the habitus of the species and the build of the involved limbs reveal the rather uniform construction of the Gammaridea; functional adaptation to the environment and to the way of living become apparent in minor alterations. The joints of the pleopods and uropods show a clear structural adaptation to the mechanical strain during swimming. The pleopods are moved metachronally in all examined species; angular velocity and rate of beating indicate the efficiency of the swimming movement. In the Talitridae, the metachronal beat of the pleopods is nearly always coupled with the tail-flip while in the Gammaridae and Corophiidae the tail-flip, in addition to the beat of the pleopods, is mostly used for a start from the subsoil or for a change in swimming direction.H. nilssonii, Gammarus locusta, andCorophium volutator, all inhabitants of the tidal zone in the North Sea shallows, turned out to be the best swimmers while the (semi-) terrestrially living species,O. cavimana andT. saltator, proved to be rather poor swimmers. This clearly indicates the ecological significance of swimming for the different species. Furthermore, the tailflip is found to be of rather subordinate importance. It contributes to a higher velocity if used moderately but is rather obstructive if a large angle is covered while extending and flexing the abdomen. The efficiency of swimming is inversely proportional to the efficiency of jumping in the three talitridean species. Thus, better adaptation to terrestrial life is accompanied by loss of swimming efficiency. Examined under the aspect of locomotional homology, it is concluded that the tail-flip used while swimming is homologous to the jerky movement of the abdomen used for jumping. The comparison of the swimming performance of the examined species with other crustaceans and some fishes illustrates the over-all good results of the Gammaridea.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Analyse der intersexuellen Geschlechtsausprägung beiGammarus duebeni gegeben, die sich auf die Untersuchung der primären und sekundären Geschlechtsmerkmale, des Wachstums, der Häutungsfrequenz und des sexualbiologischen Verhaltens stützt. Das Auftreten von Intersexualität wird zu hormonalen und genetischen Faktoren, welche die Geschlechtsrealisation steuern, in Beziehung gesetzt.2. Zum besseren Verständnis der Besonderheiten intersexueller Entwicklung werden zunächst Morphologie und Differenzierung des Genitalapparates normalgeschlechtlicher Tiere beschrieben. In beiden Geschlechtern werden postembryonal männliche wie weibliche abführende Geschlechtsorgane angelegt, und in den Gonaden entstehen wahrscheinlich primär Oocyten. Mit Beginn der äußeren sexuellen Differenzierung werden im männlichen Geschlecht die Anlagen der Ovidukte, im weiblichen Geschlecht die Analgen der Vasa deferentia zurückgebildet, während die Anlagen der Vesicula seminalis erhalten bleiben. Eine männliche Determinierung ist von der Entwicklung und hormonalen Aktivität der androgenen Drüse abhängig.3. Nach dem Grad der Ausprägung weiblicher beziehungsweise männlicher Sexualcharaktere werden fünf verschiedene Intersexualitätstypen unterschieden: stark weibliche Intersexe, die habituell und funktionell völlig normalen gleichen, jedoch Calceoli und (oder) ein oder zwei Penispapillen aufweisen; schwach weibliche Intersexe, die etwas stärker maskulinisiert sind, im hinteren Bereich des Ovars testikuläres Gewebe ausbilden und durch mehr oder weniger differenzierte Anlagen der Vesicula seminalis, Vasa deferentia sowie meist rudimentäre androgene Drüsen gekennzeichnet sind; mittlere Intersexe, deren Gonaden aus ovarialen und testikulären Bezirken in nicht festgelegter Verteilung bestehen und die weibliche wie männliche ableitende Geschlechtswege, rudimentäre oder partiell entwickelte androgene Drüsen und Oostegiten mit normalem, unvollständigem oder fehlendem Borstenbesatz ausbilden; schwach männliche Intersexe, die durch eine Ovarregion im vorderen Abschnitt des Hodens, durch das Vorhandensein paariger Oviduktanlagen und durch Oostegiten ohne Randborsten charakterisiert sind; stark männliche Intersexe, die einen typisch männlichen Geschlechtsapparat und Oostegiten ohne Randborsten in normaler oder reduzierter Zahl besitzen.4. Hinsichtlich der Wachstumsintensität gleichen stark weibliche Intersexe normalen und stark männliche sowie schwach männliche Intersexe normalen . Einen mehr oder weniger intermediären Wachstumsverlauf weisen die mittleren und schwach weiblichen Intersexe auf. Auch die Größen- und Wachstumsrelationen des Propodus der 1. und 2. Gnathopoden liegen bei schwach weiblichen, mittleren und schwach männlichen Intersexen in gradueller Abstufung zwischen den Werten, die für das weibliche und männliche Geschlecht gelten.5. Stark weibliche, stark männliche und meist auch schwach männliche Intersexe sind fertil und zeigen normales weibliches beziehungsweise männliches Sexualverhalten. Schwach weibliche und mittlere Intersexe sind steril. Sie können nicht oviponieren, da ihre Ovidukte blind geschlossen bleiben. Mittlere Intersexe sind jedoch in Ausnahmefällen als geschlechtstüchtig. Wie anhand der Präkopulationsbereitschaft feststellbar ist, können sich mittlere Intersexe in Anwesenheit normalgeschlechtlicher Partner als gegenüber und als gegenüber verhalten. Diese geschlechtliche Ambivalenz wird als eine Erscheinung von relativer Sexualität gedeutet.6. Bezüglich der Häutungsfrequenz nehmen schwach weibliche und mittlere Intersexe eine weniger ausgeprägte, schwach männliche Intersexe eine stärker ausgeprägte Mittelstellung zwischen und ein. Die Häutungsfrequenz der schwach weiblichen und mittleren Intersexe ist nicht streng festgelegt. Sie kann bei mittleren Intersexen nachweislich durch die Gegenwart eines präkopulierenden reguliert werden, wobei eine Annäherung an die Häutungsfrequenz der erfolgt.7. Intersexe treten in natürlichen Populationen mit einer Häufigkeit von höchstens 0,5% auf. In Laborzuchten kann bei Selektion bestimmter Stämme der Anteil der Intersexe beträchtlich (10% und mehr) vergrößert sein.8. Durch Transplantation der androgenen Drüse in weibliche Tiere wurde experimentell eine Geschlechtsumwandlung in männliche Richtung ausgelöst, wobei verschiedene intersexuelle Zwischenstufen durchlaufen werden. Mitunter wird nur eine partielle Maskulinisierung erzielt, die etwa bis zum Stadium der mittleren Intersexualität führt. Auf Grund dieser und anderer Befunde wird das Zustandekommen intersexueller Geschlechtsausprägung auf eine rudimentäre oder unvollkommene Entwicklung der androgenen Drüse zurückgeführt. Die Entstehung der Intersexualität wird durch eine unzureichende Produktion des androgenen Hormons und durch Selbstdifferenzierung des Ovars erklärt.9. Anhand von Karyotypanalysen wurde die Chromosomenzahl mit 52 (= 2n) bestimmt. Hinweise für das Vorhandensein von Heterochromosomen liegen nicht vor; diese und andere Ergebnisse deuten auf eine polyfaktorielle Geschlechtsbestimmung hin.10. Die anGammarus duebeni gewonnenen Befunde werden unter vergleichenden Aspekten zu den Intersexualitätserscheinungen anderer Amphipoden in Beziehung gesetzt. Die Probleme der hormonalen Regulation der Geschlechtsfunktion werden eingehend diskutiert.
Investigations on intersexuality inGammarus duebeni (crustacea, amphipoda)
A detailed analysis of intersexuality inGammarus duebeni, concerning morphology of primary and secondary sexual characters, growth, molting frequency and sexual behavior is presented. Based upon five different types a classification of intersexuality is given reflecting the degree of femaleness and maleness with respect to genital structures and secondary sex characters. Additional information is presented concerning the intermediary character of growth rates, molting frequency and sexual behavior in certain intersexual types. In intersexes the androgenic gland mediating the hormonal control of primary and secondary male characters is mostly in a rudimentary condition or only partially developed. According to sex reversal experiments and to the conceptions ofCharniaux-Cotton, intersexuality is interpreted inGammarus duebeni to be caused by reduced production of the androgenic hormone and by self-differentiation of the ovaries. On the basis of chromosomal studies and other genetic results, a polygenic sex determination is suggested.

Zusammenfassung 1. Der Einfluß einmaliger Röntgenbestrahlungen auf die Häutungs-, Ovipositions-, und Produktionsraten an Eiern und Jungtieren wurde an Weibchen vonGammarus duebeni Lilljeborg bei einer konstanten Temperatur von 15° C und einem Salzgehalt von 10 untersucht.2. 220 R oder höhere Dosen haben eine verringerte Eiproduktionsrate zur Folge.3. Bei 330 R oder höheren Dosen ist sowohl ein Ausfall an Ovipositionen wie auch eine reduzierte Wurfgröße zu beobachten.4. Eine Bestrahlung mit 220 R hat lediglich eine reduzierte Wurfgröße zur Folge.5. Unterschiede zwischen der Zahl der in das Marsupium abgelegten Eier und der Zahl der aus dem Marsupium entlassenen Jungtiere treten bei 490 R oder höheren Dosen auf.6. 147 R oder niedrigere Dosen haben keinen erkennbaren Einfluß auf die Produktionsrate an Eiern und Jungtieren.7. 220 R oder niedrigere Dosen können eine sogenannte stimulierende Wirkung haben, die sich in einer höheren Überlebensrate ausdrückt. Die eventuell reduzierte Produktionsrate an Eiern und Jungtieren kann mehr als kompensiert werden durch die höhere Zahl lebender Weibchen und die resultierende höhere Zahl an erzeugten Eiern und Jungtieren.
Effects of single X-irradiation on the reproductive performance of females inGammarus duebeni (crustacea, amphipoda)
Effects of single exposures of X-radiation on moulting, oviposition and production of eggs and young inGammarus duebeni females were studied under constant conditions of temperature (15° C) and salinity (10 ). Groups of fifty females were each irradiated with doses of 2,500, 1,670, 1,110, 740, 490, 330, 220, 147, 98 and 65 R. Reduced egg-production rate could be established at doses down to 220 R; this is caused both by omitted ovipositions (down to 330 R) and by reduced brood size (down to 220 R). Differences were found between the number of eggs laid and the number of young discharged from the brood-chamber at doses down to 490 R. After irradiation with 147 R or lower, no effect on fecundity or fertility could be established. Irradiation doses of 220 R or lower have a so-called beneficial effect, distinguishable by the irradiated specimens' higher survival rate, whereby the eventually reduced egg-production rate can be more than compensated by the higher number of live females and the resulting larger total amount of eggs produced.

Meinem Lehrer, Herrn Professor Dr.H. Precht, zum 60. Geburtstag in Verehrung und Dankbarkeit gewidmet.  相似文献   

Groundwater belongs to the spatially most extensive, but least explored freshwater systems. On a global scale, the species richness of several subterranean invertebrate taxa parallels species richness found in surface waters, while on a local scale species richness hardly exceeds 20 species. This results in a high contribution of groundwater ecosystems to regional β- and γ-diversity, and to a smaller degree to α-diversity, and deserves focused attention. In general, more species are to be found in large cave systems. The second largest cave system in Europe is Hölloch in Switzerland. In this paper we revised the taxonomic, phylogenetic and ecological diversity of the amphipod community in the Hölloch cave system. While previous records listed five geographically widespread species of the genus Niphargus for this cave system, we could not confirm the presence of any of those species, but rather found three highly distinct species new to science. In this paper we describe Niphargus styx sp. nov., Niphargus murimali sp. nov., and Niphargus muotae sp. nov., and suggest that previous records from that cave were probably misidentifications. Although amphipod species richness in this cave system seems to be lower than previously thought in terms of absolute numbers, the cave retained its regional and international importance in terms of nature conservation for multiple reasons. First, all newly described species are probably endemic to this cave system. Second, they are phylogenetically distantly related and exhibit moderate to high phylogenetic diversity. Third, the species, as inferred from their functional morphology, are also ecologically highly divergent. Based on geographic distribution of their nearest relatives, we hypothesize that the cave system was most likely independently colonized from North, West and South and that the pre-adapted ancestors occupied different ecological niches within the system.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A19309E5-C06B-4844-A4D8-7571F05F25C9  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Cuticula von Triops cancriformis besteht aus Endo-, Exo- und Epicuticula. Die Epicuticula ist aus vier Schichten aufgebaut, die Exocuticula aus 10 und die Endocuticula aus 60–80. Die Schichten der Endocuticula sind aus annähernd oberflächenparallel verlaufenden Mikrofibrillen, die zu Lamellulae zusammentreten, gebildet. Diese Lamellulae atehen senkrecht zur Oberfläche. Die Lamellulae der einzelnen Lagen verlaufen im rechten Winkel zu denen der Nachbarlagen. In Sinnesborsten verläuft so ein Teil der Fibrillen in Längsrichtung, der andere quer zur Längsachse.Polysaccharide finden sich in den Lamellulae, in zwei Schichten der Epicuticula, den Desmosomen und als Glykogengranula in Epidermiszellen.Die Häutung zeigt anscheinend keine Besonderheiten gegenüber anderen Arthropoden.
Ultrastructure and polysaccharide content of the cuticle of Triops cancriformis Bosc. (Crustacea, Notostraca) during the Molting preparation
Summary The cuticle of Triops cancriformis consists of endo-, exo- and epicuticle. The epicuticle comprises 4 layers, the epocuticle 10 and the endocuticle 60–80 layers. The layers of the endocuticle consist of microfibrils. These microfibrils are almost parallel to the surface of the cuticle and merge into lamellulae. These lamellulae run vertical to the surface. The lamellulae in any one layer are at right angles to the lamellulae in the neighbouring layers. Thus, some of the fibrils in sensory setae are parallel to the longitudinal axis and others are perpendicular to it.Polysaccharides are found in the lamellulae, in two layers of the epicuticle, in the attachment regions and in the glycogen deposits in the epidermis cells.The molting process seems to be similar to the molting process of other arthropoda.

The life history and feeding habits of Pontoporeia affinis Lindström were studied in mesotrophic Lake Erken during 1982 to 1983. The greatest densities and biomasses of P. affinis occurred at 12 m (662 ind./m2 and 118.2 mg dw/m2, respectively) with values decreasing at the shallower and deeper regions. The life cycle of Pontoporeia was one year, with recruitment occurring in April, at which time the majority of the population consisted of individuals <2 mm. Overall the gut content of Pontoporeia was predominantly composed of detritus (97.6%) with algae accounting for 2.3%. Annual production was highest at 12 m (386.2 mg dw/m2) and lowest at 16 m (8.1). The highest production occurred during September, coinciding with the autumn Bacillariophyceae bloom.  相似文献   

Six species of Upper Cretaceous ostracods of the genusPolycope Sars are described, three of which are new. The well preserved shells come from siliceous chalk nodules — erratics of Campanian to Maastrichtian age — and from a boulder of Upper Turonian chalk embedded in a Pleistocene till at Nossentin near Malchow/NE Germany. Their origin is the Danish Polish Trough in the middle and southern Baltic Sea. Due to the large variability of morphological details a wide definition of the genusPolycope as given here is preferred.  相似文献   

Gammarus spp. are traditionally viewed under the functional feeding group (FFG) concept as herbivorous `shredders'. Although recent studies suggest that Gammarus should also be viewed as predators, this latter role remains contentious. Here, in a laboratory experiment, we objectively examine the balance between shredder and predator roles in a common freshwater species. Gammarus pulex preyed significantly on mayfly nymph, Baetis rhodani, in both the presence and absence of excess leaf material. There was no significant difference in predation where the alternative food, that is, leaf material, was present as compared to absent. Also, G. pulex shredded leaf material in the presence and absence of B. rhodani. However, shredding was significantly reduced where alternative food, that is, B. rhodani prey, was present as compared to absent. Further, G. pulex had a clear leaf species preference. Our results suggest that Gammarus function as both predators and shredders, with the balance of the two roles perhaps depending on food availability and quality. We discuss implications for the use of the FFG concept in assessing freshwater processes, and the role that Gammarus predation may play in structuring macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

During monthly sampling from Lake Alada (Bolu, Turkey) between April 2003 and June 2004, nine ostracod taxa (Candona candida, Cypridopsis vidua, Darwinula stevensoni, Eucypris virens, Eucypris sp., Heterocypris sp., Limnocythere inopinata, Physocypria kraepelini, and Tonnacypris lutaria) were recorded from seven stations. Physocypria kraepelini was commonly found in the lake while the others were recorded in particular months. UPGMA analyses clustered three groups based on their occurrence. Accordingly, the occurrence of species (C. candida, E. virens, and T. lutaria) was positive and significantly related to each other. Two species, P. kraepelini and D. stevensoni, showed a significant positive relationship with electrical conductivity. A significant negative correlation was found between the occurrence of P. kraepelini and dissolved oxygen, while there was a significant positive correlation between the occurrence of P. kraepelini and turbidity. About 76% of the relationship between species and environmental factors was explained by the first two axes of canonical correspondence analyses (CCA). Temperature and dissolved oxygen were the two most important influences on the species assemblages. All species showed different but high optima and tolerance ranges, corresponding with their cosmopolitan characteristics. These responses may be related to unstable ecological characteristics of Lake Alada, which is often subjected to human activity.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga  A. Skalski 《Hydrobiologia》1973,42(2-3):355-362
The presence of carotenoids in the Niphargus tatrensis Wrzesniowski and Niphargus aquilex schellenbergi Karaban has been investigated. In extracts separated by means of column and thin-layer chromatography, the following carotenoids were identified:
  1. in Niphargus tatrensis: β-carotene, astaxanthin ester, rubixanthin, celaxanthin and astaxanthin.
  2. in Niphargus aquilex schellenbergi: cantha-xanthin, astaxanthin ester, isozeaxanthin (only from Jeker), 4-keto-4′-hydroxy-β-carotene (only from Terzietebronbos), rubixanthin, celaxanthin and astaxanthin.
It was not possible to identifity the sexth fractions.  相似文献   

Large river floodplains are convenient model systems to test for variation in animal and plant community structure, as they have a variety of habitats and substrates and are generally dynamic systems through the occurrence of flood pulses with varying intensity. South American floodplain systems furthermore have unique types of substrates, in the form of root systems of floating macrophytes. Here, we investigate the variation in ostracod (small, bivalved crustaceans) communities in relation to substrates and related environmental variables. Sampling was effected in 2004 in the alluvial valley of the upper Paraná River, Brazil, in the wet and dry seasons. Five different substrates, including littoral sediment and four macrophyte species root and leaf systems, in four hydrological systems and a variety of habitat types, were sampled. Fifty-four species of Ostracoda were found. Variation partitioning analysis (RDA) showed that ostracod communities significantly differed between different substrates, mainly between the littoral and plants with small root systems (Eichhornia azurea) on the one hand, and plants with large and complex root systems on the other hand (Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes). RDA analyses indicated that the pleuston (biotic communities associated with root systems of floating plants) of E. crassipes comprised more non-swimming species than the pleuston of the smaller roots of P. stratiotes, but species-level Kruskal–Wallis analyses could not detect significant differences between both macrophyte species. Also habitat type and hydrological systems contributed to variation amongst ostracod communities, but less so than the factor substrate. Abiotic factors also contributed to variation, but the ranges of all measured water chemistry variables were narrow. This uniformity in abiotic factors, which might be owing to the occurrence of large flooding events, unites all water bodies, even those that are generally separated.  相似文献   

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