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Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is an important risk factor for infection by this organism in both community and hospital settings; this article reviews the role of host and bacterial factors in carriage. A host genetic influence appears likely but the phenotypic determinants are unknown. Possibilities include variability in host adhesins, immune response or secretion of antimicrobial molecules. Colonization resistance by S. aureus, together with the observation that persistent carriers often carry a single strain whereas intermittent carriers can be colonized with unrelated strains over time, suggests that bacterial factors could also be involved.  相似文献   

(R)-2-Aryl-2-tropinone (9) was synthesized from (R)-2-carbomethoxy-3-tropinone (5) and was used as the key intermediate for the synthesis of (R)-2β,3β- and (R)-2α,3α-diaryltropanes. Inhibition of radioligand binding studies at the dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine transporters showed that the (R)-3β-(4-methylphenyl)-2β-phenyltropane (3b, RTI-422) possessed an IC50 value of 1.96 nM at the dopamine transporter and was highly selective for this transporter relative to the serotonin and norepinephrine transporters.  相似文献   

One inbred mouse strain, C57BL/Kl, has high galactosidase activities in all tissues while another strain, DBA/2/Kl, has low activities determined by the Bgs locus. Beta-Galactosidase from these two strains was partly purified by a five-step procedure: acidification, ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration at two pHs, and isoelectric focusing. No qualitative differences were found between the enzyme preparations from the two strains. They had identical heat inactivation curves, pH optima, molecular weight, and isoelectric points, and the Km values were very similar. It thus seems that this genetic difference in enzyme activity probably cannot be explained by a variation of the galactosidase-specific activity but rather reflects a difference in number of enzyme molecules. Eight different isoenzymes were separated from liver, kidney, and spleen. Each isoenzyme has a different electrophoretic mobility and there is a stepwise increase in molecular weight from 143,000 to 380,000 beginning with the protein having the lowest isoelectric point. A likely interpretation is that the isoenzymes bind a smaller polypeptide in varying numbers in addition to the enzymatic polypeptide per se.  相似文献   

Adrenaline is a weak aggregating agonist for human platelets acting through G-protein-coupled α2-adrenoceptors to inhibit adenylate cyclase and thus reduce cyclic AMP levels. Studies of equine platelets have shown that adrenaline is unable to promote their aggregation. We now confirm that adrenaline is without effect on equine platelet aggregation and demonstrate that it is also without effect on equine platelet membrane adenylate cyclase activity. We have previously shown that equine platelet membranes contain conventionally regulated adenylate cyclase activity, with both stimulatory ligands (forskolin and PGE1) and inhibitory ligands (collagen and PAF) each showing substantial and dose-dependent effects. We now show, in Western blots, that equine platelet membranes contain G proteins, including Gi2 (which mediates inhibition of adenylate cyclase by adrenaline in human platelets), Gi3, Gs, and Gq. Hence, all the necessary components and responses are in place in equine platelets to provide for a conventional role for cyclic AMP and adenylate cyclase in modulating platelet aggregation. The basis for the failure of adrenaline, unlike other ligands, to deliver such a signal, appears to be a marked lack of α2-adrenoceptors. This is supported by the low receptor density we found in idazoxan binding studies.  相似文献   

α-Mannosidosis is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by α-mannosidase deficiency. Clinical course of the disease ranges from severe infantile to milder juvenile type and includes mental retardation, skeletal deformities, coarse facies, hepatomegaly and hearing loss. The aim of the study was to analyse mitochondrial ultrastructure and function in cultivated fibroblasts from three patients with α-mannosidosis. All patients were homozygous for the c.2248C>T mutation in the MAN2B1 gene encoding lysosomal α-mannosidase. The mutation results in incorrect protein folding and severe decrease of α-mannosidase activity. The misfolded protein is retained by the control system of endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In analysed fibroblasts, we observed dilated ER, higher amount of aberrant mitochondria and reduced mitochondrial mass compared to controls. Respiratory chain complex IV, cytochrome c oxidase (COX), activity and the ratio between COX and citrate synthase (control enzyme) were significantly increased in comparison to controls (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the activity at least from one of other respiratory chain complexes was increased in each studied cell line. Mitochondrial membrane potential as well as reactive oxygen species production were comparable with controls. Based on our results, we hypothesize more profound effect of swelled and damaged mitochondria and ER dilatation on tissues with higher energy demand than fibroblasts have.  相似文献   

TheEscherichia coli genesdicF anddicB encode division inhibitors, which prevent the synthesis and activity, respectively, of the essential division protein FtsZ. A mutation at the C-terminal end of the RNA polymerase subunit renders cells resistant to both inhibitors. In the mutant strain the level of theftsZ gene product is higher than in the wild type. Disruption ofrpoS, which encodes the stationary phase sigma factor S, lowers FtsZ protein levels in the mutant, and partially restores sensitivity to the inhibitors.  相似文献   



The volume of data available on genetic variations has increased considerably with the recent development of high-density, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays. Several software programs have been developed to assist researchers in the analysis of this huge amount of data, but few can rely upon a whole genome variability visualisation system that could help data interpretation.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureusα-toxin was characterized with respect to surface activity and its interaction with lipid monolayers. The protein alone had a detergent-like behavior at the air/water interface. Its affinity was higher for negatively charged than for neutral phospholipids. The interaction was pH dependent, showing a maximum increase at pH 7.0. Only a small part of the protein oligomer appeared to be inserted into the monolayers. Crystalline sheets of α-toxin were formed using negatively charged phospholipids. Electron microscopy of such areas, at different tilt angles, allowed reconstruction of a three-dimensional model following image processing. The sheets analyzed consisted of two protein layers arranged on a tetragonal lattice. Under the conditions used to grow the crystals the toxin formed 90-Å-wide cylinders with a height of 70 Å. One of the imposed fourfold axes running perpendicular to the plane of the crystalline layer is positioned at a protein-deficient region which forms a 25-Å-wide pore through the oligomer.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli chaperone DnaK is vital for many cellular functions, including ribosome biogenesis at high temperature. Thus, the dnaK756-ts (λ R ) mutant, at the non-permissive temperature, is inhibited at a late stage of ribosome assembly, yielding 21S, 32S and 45S precursor particles. This defect, unlike the λ resistance and thermosensitivity phenotypes, is not complemented by lysogenisation with a transducing phage λ dnaK + bearing the wild-type dnaK gene. However this dominant phenotype becomes recessive when dnaK + is expressed from a medium-copy-number plasmid. On the other hand, an excess of DnaK causes an unexpected dominant-lethal effect of the dnaK756 allele near non-permissive temperatures. This interplay between the dnaK + and dnaK756 alleles supports the idea of that DnaK oligomers form in the cell. Received: 28 April 1998 / Accepted: 24 July 1998  相似文献   

Null hprl strains show a large increase (up to 2000-fold) over wild type in the frequency of occurrence of deletions between direct repeats on three different chromosomes. However, we show that hprl mutations have little or no effect on reciprocal exchange, gene conversion or unequal sister chromatid exchange, as determined using intrachromosomal, interchromosomal and plasmid-chromosome assay systems. A novel intrachromosomal recombination system has allowed us to determine that over 95% of deletions in hpr1 strains do not occur by reciprocal exchange. On the other hand, hpr1 strains show chromosome loss frequencies of up to 100 times the wild-type level. Our results suggest that yeast cells have a very efficient non-conservative recombination mechanism, dependent on RADI and RAD52, that causes deletions between direct DNA repeats, and this mechanism is strongly stimulated in hpr1 strains. The results indicate that the Hpr1 protein is required for stability of DNA repeats and chromosomes. We propose that in the absence of the Hprl protein the cell destabilizes the genome by allowing the initiation of events that lead to deletions of sequences between repeats, and to chromosome instability. We discuss the roles that proteins such as Hprl have in maintaining direct repeats and in preventing non-conservative recombination and consider the importance of these functions for chromosome stability.  相似文献   

A functional analysis of the promoter of the S 2 -RNase gene from potato was performed in transgenic potato and tobacco plants, using a deletion series of S 2 -RNase promoter GUS fusions. A detailed histochemical and quantitative analysis of the transgenic tobacco plants revealed that S 2 promoter fragments ranging in size from 5.6 kb in length down to 0.2 kb mediate a weak developmentally regulated expression in the pistil, and strong ectopic expression in pollen. In the pistil, different expression patterns were seen depending on the transformant, the predominant one being characterised by expression in the stigma and the transmitting tract of the style, whereas a few plants showed expression exclusively either in the stigma or in the stylar transmitting tissue. All transformants also showed GUS expression in the placental epidermis of the ovary. Two sequences that are conserved between the potato S 1 -RNase and S 2 -RNase promoters, termed motif I and motif III, are located in a fragment of the S 2 promoter extending from position −200 to bp −100, and motif II, located between bp −498 and −480, was identified on the basis of sequence comparisons between pistil-specific promoters. Motif II was found to be dispensible for pistil-specific and for pollen-specific expression. Two submotifs, A and B, were identified within motif I. Both were essential for expression in the pistil but only B was necessary for expression in pollen. Although motif III has a similar bipartite structure and sequence to motif I, it was not sufficient to confer either pollen- or pistil-specific expression. However, deletion of motif III abolished pollen-specific expression in transient expression experiments, suggesting that an interaction between the two sequence motifs may be needed to specify cell type-specific expression. In transgenic potato the S 2 -RNase promoter also mediates expression in pollen and in the pistil; however, significantly fewer plants showed expression than in tobacco, with most plants also exhibiting GUS expression in other tissues. Received: 7 August 1997 / Accepted: 8 September 1997  相似文献   

We have isolated a mutant in fission yeast, in which mitosis is uncoupled from completion of DNA replication when DNA synthesis is impaired by a thermosensitive mutation in the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase δ. By functional complementation, we cloned the wild-type gene and identified it as the recently cloned checkpoint gene crb2 + /rhp9 + . This gene has been implicated in the DNA damage checkpoint and acts in the Chk1 pathway. Unlike the deleted strain dcrb2, cells bearing the crb2-1 allele were not affected in the DNA repair checkpoint after UV or MMS treatment at 30° C, but were defective in this checkpoint function when treated with MMS at 37° C. We analysed the involvement of Crb2 in the S/M checkpoint by blocking DNA replication with hydroxyurea, by using S phase cdc mutants, or by overexpression of the mutant PCNA L68S. Both crb2 mutants were unable to maintain the S/M checkpoint at 37° C. Furthermore, the crb2 + gene was required, together with the cds1 + gene, for the S/M checkpoint at 30° C. Finally, both the crb2 deletion and the crb2-1 allele induced a rapid death phenotype in the polδts3 background at both 30° C and 37° C. The rapid death phenotype was independent of the checkpoint functions. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted: 21 September 1998  相似文献   

In voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels, the α1 and β subunits interact via two cytoplasmic regions defined as the Alpha Interaction Domain (AID) and Beta Interaction Domain (BID). Several novel amino acids for that interaction have now been mapped in both domains by point mutations. It was found that three of the nine amino acids in AID and four of the eight BID amino acids tested were essential for the interaction. Whereas the important AID amino acids were clustered around five residues, the important BID residues were more widely distributed within a larger 16 amino acid sequence. The affinity of the AIDA GST fusion protein for the four interacting β1b BID mutants was not significantly altered compared with the wild-type β1b despite the close localization of mutated residues to disruptive BID amino acids. Expression of these interactive β mutants with the full-length α1A subunit only slightly modified the stimulation efficiency when compared with the wild-type β1b subunit. Our data suggest that non-disruptive BID sequence alterations do not dramatically affect the β subunit-induced current stimulation.  相似文献   

An in vitro nucleosome assembly system has been established from cell-free extracts of the fungusUstilago maydis. The extract catalyzed DNA supercoiling in the absence of exogenously added co-factors such as ATP and MgCl2 and was inhibited by moderate concentrations (200 mM) of KCl or NaCl. DNA supercoiling occurs via the formation of nucleosomes. Similar extracts, displaying the same activity, were prepared fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae andCandida albicans, suggesting that the extract preparation protocol may be useful for many lower eukaryotic systems. An extract prepared from a strain ofU. maydis lacking topoisomerase I failed to catalyze nucleosome assembly, clearly implicating this enzyme in this process. Addition of purified topoisomerase I, and, to a lesser extent, topoisomerase II, to the top1 extract regenerated the supercoiling activity. Our results provide a method for preparing assembly extracts from organisms, that are particularly amenable to genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

Summary pKM101, a plasmid R factor of the N compatibility group increases methylmethane sulfonate mutagenesis and diminishes UV-killing in recA + lex + and recA + lex strains, but not in recA lex + strains. The induction of a reclex dependent colicin is not present in lex strains carrying the pKM101 factor. These facts indicate that pKM101 acts through an error-prone DNA repair system, which is recA + dependent, but not lex + dependent.This paper is published on the occasion of Dr. C. Callerio's seventy-fifth birthday  相似文献   

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