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Fluorescent DNA probes (cCAT-F1 and cTAM-Fl) complementary to the 3′ end of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) internal transcribed spacer 1 sequences (ITS 1: positions 154–176) of toxic species of Alexandrium catenella (Whedon and Kofoid) Taylor and A. tamarense (Lebour) Taylor were applied to various cultures of the genus Alexandrium and several other phytoplankters using whole-cell fluorescent in situ hybridization. cCAT-F1 and cTAM-F1 reacted with targeted strains of A. catenella (catenella type) and A. tamarense (tamarense type), respectively, and did not react with isolates of A. affine (Inoue et Fukuyo) Balech, A. fraterculus (Balech) Balech, A. insuetum Balech, A. lusitanicum Balech, A. pseudogonyaulux (Biecheler)Horiguchi ex Yuki et Fukuyo comb. nov., nor isolates of Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg, Amphidinium carterae Hulburt, Heterocapsa triquetra (Ehrenberg) Stein, Gymnodinium mikimotoi Miyake et Kominami ex Oda, Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada, and Chattonella antiqua (Hada) Ono. DNase I and RNase A treatment showed that probes hybridized to ribosomal DNA, not rRNA. Probes were localized at the bottom of the U-shaped nucleus, a region that corresponds to the nucleolus. The probes are highly specific for particular strains of A. catenella and A. tamarense and are applicable for identifying these species collected from cultured and possibly natural populations.  相似文献   

Contamination of shellfish with paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins produced by Alexandrium species poses a potential threat to the sustainability of the Scottish aquaculture industry. Routine LM analysis of water samples from around the Scottish coast has previously identified Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) as a regular part of the spring and summer phytoplankton communities in Scottish coastal waters. In this study, Alexandrium tamarense (M. Lebour) Balech isolated from sediment and water samples was established in laboratory culture. Species identification of these isolates was confirmed using thecal plate dissections and by molecular characterization based on their LSU and, in some cases, ITS rDNA sequence. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis showed the presence of two ribotypes of A. tamarense: Group I (North American ribotype) and Group III (Western European ribotype). Assessment of PSP toxin production using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC–MS/MS) showed that A. tamarense Group I produced a complex array of toxins (~2,000 fg STX equivalents · cell?1) with the major toxins being C2, neosaxitoxin (NEO), saxitoxin (STX), gonyautoxin‐4 (GTX‐4), and GTX‐3, while A. tamarense Group III did not produce toxins. Historically, it was considered that all Alexandrium species occurring in Scottish waters produce potent PSP toxins. This study has highlighted the presence of both PSP toxin‐producing and benign species of A. tamarense and questions the ecological significance of this finding.  相似文献   

Multiple clonal isolates from a geographic population of Alexandrium tamarense (M. Lebour) Balech from the North Sea exhibited high genotypic and phenotypic variation. Genetic heterogeneity was such that no clonal lineage was repeatedly sampled according to genotypic markers specified by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellites. Subsampling of genotypic data from both markers showed that ordination of individuals by pair‐wise genetic dissimilarity indices was more reliable by AFLP (482 biallelic loci) than by microsatellites (18 loci). However, resulting patterns of pair‐wise genetic similarities from both markers were significantly correlated (Mantel test P < 0.005). The composition of neurotoxins associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) was also highly diverse among these isolates and allowed clustering of toxin phenotypes based on prevalence of individual toxins. Correlation analysis of pair‐wise relatedness of individual clones according to PSP‐toxin profiles and both genotypic characters failed to yield close associations. The expression of allelochemical properties against the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina (Wis?ouch) D. R. A. Hill et Wetherbee and the predatory dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina Dujard. manifested population‐wide variation of responses in the target species, from no visible effect to complete lysis of target cells. Whereas the high genotypic variation indicates high potential for adaptability of the population, we interpret the wide phenotypic variation as evidence for lack of strong selective pressure on respective phenotypic traits at the time the population was sampled. Population markers as applied here may elucidate the ecological significance of respective traits when followed under variable environmental conditions, thereby revealing how variation is maintained within populations.  相似文献   

This is the first report to explore the fine‐scale diversity, population genetic structure, and biogeography of a typical planktonic microbe in Japanese and Korean coastal waters and also to try to detect the impact of natural and human‐assisted dispersals on the genetic structure and gene flow in a toxic dinoflagellate species. Here we present the genetic analysis of Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech populations from 10 sites along the Japanese and Korean coasts. We used nine microsatellite loci, which varied widely in number of alleles and gene diversity across populations. The analysis revealed that Nei's genetic distance correlated significantly with geographic distance in pair‐wise comparisons, and that there was genetic differentiation in about half of 45 pair‐wise populations. These results clearly indicate genetic isolation among populations according to geographic distance and restricted gene flow via natural dispersal through tidal currents among the populations. On the other hand, high P‐values in Fisher's combined test were detected in five pair‐wise populations, suggesting similar genetic structure and a close genetic relationship between the populations. These findings suggest that the genetic structure of Japanese A. tamarense populations has been disturbed, possibly by human‐assisted dispersal, which has resulted in gene flow between geographically separated populations.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, phytoplankton and bacterioplankton can be physically associated. Such association has recently been hypothesized to be involved in the toxicity of the dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium. However, the methods, which have been used so far to identify, localize, and quantify bacteria associated with phytoplankton, are either destructive, time consuming, or lack precision. In the present study we combined tyramide signal amplification–fluorescent in situ hybridization (TSA‐FISH) with confocal microscopy to determine the physical association of dinoflagellate cells with bacteria. Dinoflagellate attached microflora was successfully identified with TSA‐FISH, whereas FISH using monolabeled probes failed to detect bacteria, because of the dinoflagellate autofluorescence. Bacteria attached to entire dinoflagellates were further localized and distinguished from those attached to empty theca, by using calcofluor and DAPI, two fluorochromes that stain dinoflagellate theca and DNA, respectively. The contribution of specific bacterial taxa of attached microflora was assessed by double hybridization. Endocytoplasmic and endonuclear bacteria were successfully identified in the nonthecate dinoflagellate Gyrodinium instriatum. In contrast, intracellular bacteria were not observed in either toxic or nontoxic strains of Alexandrium spp. Finally, the method was successfully tested on natural phytoplankton assemblages, suggesting that this combination of techniques could prove a useful tool for the simultaneous identification, localization, and quantification of bacteria physically associated with dinoflagellates and more generally with phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Some, but not all, marine pennate diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo are associated with the production of domoic acid, a naturally occurring amino acid responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning. Distinguishing between potentially toxic and nontoxic representatives of this genus is time-consuming and difficult because it demands scanning electron microscopy of cleaned frustules. The objective of this work is to speed and ease identification of these organisms by using whole-cell (in situ) hybridization and species-specific large-subunit ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA)-targeted oligonucleotide probes. Toward that end, cultures of P. australis Frenguelli, P. pungens (Grunow) Hasle, P. multiseries (Hasle) Hasle, P. fraudulenta (P. T. Cleve) Heiden, P. heimii Manguin, P. delicatissima (P. T. Cleve) Heiden, P. pseudo-delicatissima (Hasle) Hasle, and P. americana (Hasle) Fryxell were screened with a suite of 15 putative species-specific probes. Of those, a subset of eight probes was found that distinguished each species tested. In addition, Pseudo-nitzschia chloroplasts were labeled with a probe directed against a eubacterial-conserved sequence. Identification of new cultures based on their reactivity toward a set of probes agreed with species designations as defined by morphological criteria. Whole-cell hybridization is a rapid, simple, and cost-effective technique for discriminating among cultured Pseudo-nitzschia species.  相似文献   

Paralytic shellfish toxins, pigment composition, and large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequence were analyzed for a clonal culture of Alexandrium minutum Halim isolated in 2000 from the coastal Fleet Lagoon, Dorset, United Kingdom. The HPLC pigment analysis revealed the presence of chl a, peridinin, and diadinoxanthin as major pigments and chl c1+c2 and c3, diatoxanthin, and β‐carotene as minor components. The toxins responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning were analyzed by HPLC with postcolumn derivatization and fluorescence detection. The paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin profile of the Fleet Lagoon strain of A. minutum in exponential growth phase was dominated by gonyautoxin‐3 up to 54%, whereas gonyautoxin‐2 made up 10% and saxitoxin (STX) 36%. The average toxicity of the culture was 3.8 pg STX Eq·cell?1, and total toxin content varied from 5.6 fmol·cell?1 on day 1 to a maximum of 16.8 fmol·cell?1 during the early stationary phase. Sequence analysis of the LSU rDNA revealed the strain to be closely related to several European strains of A. minutum and one isolated from Australian waters, although most of these do not produce STX. The shallow Fleet Lagoon may provide a favorable environment for A. minutum to bloom, and the presence of highly potent saxitoxins in this strain indicates potential for future shellfish contamination.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphorus (P) limitation on growth, toxicity, and variable chl fluorescence of Alexandrium minutum were examined in batch culture experiments. Cell division was greatly impaired in P‐limited cultures, but P spiking of these cultures after 9 days stimulated high levels of cell division equivalent to P‐replete cultures. The cellular concentration of paralytic shellfish toxins was consistent over the growth cycle of control cultures from lag phase into logarithmic growth phase, with toxins repeatedly lost to daughter cells during division. The low level of cell division in P‐limited cultures resulted in a 10‐fold increase of cellular toxin compared with controls, but this dropped upon P spiking due to increased rates of cell division. The history of phosphorus supply had an important effect on toxin concentration, with the P‐limited and the P‐spiked cultures showing values 2‐fold higher than the P‐replete cultures. Toxin profiles of the A. minutum strain used in these experiments were dominated by the N1‐hydroxy toxins, gonyautoxins (GTX) GTX1 and GTX4, which were approximately 40 times more abundant than their analogues, GTX2 and GTX3, in P‐limited cultures. The dominance of the N1‐hydroxy toxins increased significantly in control cultures as they advanced through logarithmic growth. In‐line measurements of the variable chl fluorescence of light‐adapted cells indicated consistent photochemical efficiency under P‐replete conditions. P limitation induced a drop in fluorescence‐based photochemical efficiency that was reversible by P spiking. There was an inverse linear relationship between in‐line fluorescence and cell toxin quota (r = ?0.88). Monitoring fluorescence in‐line may be valuable in managing efficient biotechnological production of toxins.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms are a serious threat to shellfish farming and human health all over the world. The monitoring of harmful algae in coastal waters originally involved morphological identification through microscopic examinations, which was often difficult unless performed by specialists and even then often did not permit identification of toxic species. More recently, specific molecular markers have been used to identify specific phytoplankton species or strains. Here we report on the use of the intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) technique to develop specific sequence characterized amplified region markers (SCAR) and to identify with these tools two toxic species in French coastal waters, the diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia pseudodelicatissima (Hasle) Hasle and the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella (Whedon and Kofoid 1936), Balech 1985. Six polymorphic ISSR regions were selected among amplified fingerprints of a representative sample of phytoplankton species. After cloning and sequencing the selected polymorphic ISSR regions, pairs of internal primers were designed to amplify a unique and specific sequence designed as a SCAR marker. Of the six selected SCAR markers, three were specific to P. pseudodelicatissima and one for A. catenella. The SCAR marker specificity was confirmed by using basic local alignment search tool comparison, by experimental assays on different strains from 11 countries, and by checking that the sequence amplified was the expected one. When tested on water samples collected along the French shores, the four specific SCAR markers proved to be efficient tools for fast and low‐cost detection of toxic phytoplankton species.  相似文献   

Morphological features are the predominant criteria used to define species of marine dinoflagellates. Taxonomic problems with some toxic groups has led to the implementation of molecular taxonomy techniques and development of a genospecies concept. As a result, the relationships between “morphospecies” and “genospecies” has been questioned. In this study, the genetic differentiation between two sets of closely related morphospecies, Gymnodinium catenatum Graham/Gyrodinium impudicum Fraga and Alexandrium minutum Halim/Alexandrium lusitanicum Balech, were analyzed. The extent of morphological differentiation existing within these two groups is of the same order of magnitude. Analysis of cell surface antigens detected by preadsorbed serum, cell surface glycan moieties detected by lectins and sequencing of the D9 and D10 domains of the Large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene, showed that the extent of genetic differentiation existing between the dinofagellates Gymnodinium catenatum/Gyrodinium impudicum is substantial. Therefore, both morphological and genetic criteria resolve these organisms as two distinct entities. In contrast, Alexandrium minutum/Alexandrium lusitanicum were indistinguishable using the some suite of molecular markers. The findings demonstrated that classifications based on morphological criteria may be incongruous. On a practical level, molecular taxonomy provides useful tools to distinguish between morphologically similar microalgal species and furthermore can prevent misidentification of species such as Gymnodinium catenatum/Gyrodinium impudicum, a frequent occurrence when samples are fixed with Lugol's or formaldehyde solution.  相似文献   

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