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中国社会科学院考古研究所和西藏自治区文物保护研究所于2012年至2014年间在西藏阿里地区噶尔县发现了一个古代墓群,称为故如甲木墓地。其中8座墓葬的时代约为公元3-4世纪,相当于中原的汉晋时期。共发现32例个体,对其中保存较好的16例个体(7例男性,9例女性)的头骨进行了形态观察和测量分析。聚类分析结果显示故如甲木古代居民与四川卡莎湖古代居民最接近,相比与陕西、山西、河南等地区古代居民的关系,故如甲木居民与新疆多岗和察吾乎四号墓地的古代居民更为接近。与近现代人群比较,故如甲木与广西壮族和藏族A型的现代居民接近。线粒体DNA的分析结果表明,故如甲木居民的母系来源多元化,大多数为欧亚东部类群,也有少量是欧亚西部类群,他们对中国现代藏族人群以及西藏的其他一些民族具有母系遗传的贡献。  相似文献   

小河墓地是新疆罗布泊地区一处重要的早期青铜时代墓地。本文主要对该墓地出土颅骨所附牙齿的磨耗程度及牙结石沉积状况进行了观察、量化统计和分析,同时也对该人群其他的口腔疾病如根尖脓肿、颞下颌关节病变、生前牙齿脱落等做了简单的统计,以期从古病理学的角度获取当时居民的口腔健康、食物类型和饮食习惯等信息。本研究发现:1)小河人群的牙齿磨耗程度远远高于对比组的古代居民,其上腭圆枕及颞下颌关节炎出现率较高,存在牙齿崩裂现象,且其前后部牙齿磨耗差异不大。这一方面说明其食物加工技术比较落后,食物粗糙坚硬;另一方面小河居民的经济生活方式和食物构成都比较复杂,不同的食物对前部和后部牙齿磨耗的程度造成了不同的影响;此外,小河人群风沙肆虐的生活环境也对其严重牙齿磨耗的形成产生了一定影响。2)小河人群异常严重的牙结石沉积归功于其高蛋白质和碳水化合物的饮食,以及生活用水的水质。3)统计分析发现两性存在上、下颌犬齿的磨耗差异,而这一情况可能暗示了在家庭手工业方面存在男女分工的现象。  相似文献   

以军都山墓地为代表的"玉皇庙文化"系中国北方青铜时代的一支具有鲜明地方特色的少数部族文化。本文对军都山墓地出土人骨牙齿标本作牙齿磨耗状况分析,试图为其饮食结构和社会经济形态的探讨提供线索。结果显示:军都山古代人群中,相同年龄组的男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不大;前部牙齿磨耗轻于后部臼齿,第一臼齿磨耗最重;臼齿磨耗样式大多呈现"正常平匀"式,臼齿磨耗角度大多较小,两者均随年龄而变化但没有显著的性别差异。经与其他样本组的对比认为军都山古代人群牙齿磨耗的特点可能与其社会经济农牧兼营的性质有关,推测动物性食物(肉食)可能在军都山古代人群主要饮食结构中占据重要比例,并包含有一定的农业经济成分。不同游牧人群牙齿磨耗程度差异较大,只有结合了磨耗形态及其他信息才有可能更切实地反映其饮食状况。  相似文献   

本文使用不同倍率的超景深电子显微镜,对新疆吐鲁番胜金店墓地中出土的13例臼齿的颊侧微磨耗形态进行了观察和研究。通过对臼齿颊侧表面凹坑和条痕形态微磨耗的测量和统计,计算出每例牙齿的微痕数量、均长、均宽、凹坑百分比和Lh/Lv比值,按照性别和年龄分组进行人群内的数据对比分析。研究结果表明,该人群中年龄较大的个体摄入更高比例的植物类食物;两性的食物结构不存在显著性差异,男性摄入植物类食物比例略高,女性的食物结构在不同的年龄阶段有所差异。将胜金店墓地人群与不同生计方式人群的Lh/Lv比值进行人群间的差异性分析,并结合胜金店墓地的随葬品特点推测,胜金店墓地人群的食物结构以肉类食物为主,其生计模式以游牧业为主,兼营种植类经济。  相似文献   

本文对新疆吐鲁番市加依墓地青铜—早期铁器时代居民的牙齿磨耗、口腔疾病和骨质隆起等特征进行了观察与研究,结果显示,加依墓地居民的牙齿磨耗较重,但前后部牙齿的磨耗程度差异不大,臼齿偏斜式磨耗现象显著,龋齿罹患率偏低。生前脱落、牙结石等口腔疾病在该人群中普遍流行,部分个体的下颌存在发育显著的骨质隆起现象。本文还通过臼齿磨耗方向指数(Wear Orientation)对加依墓地居民的偏斜式磨耗进行了量化研究,并参考相关民族学调查、考古发现以及现代医学研究成果对加依墓地居民复杂的牙齿磨耗形态和口腔疾病的成因进行了初步探讨。推测加依墓地居民的食物结构应以肉类为主,谷类亦占有一定地位;此外可能是受到恶劣生活环境及特殊谷物加工技术的影响,日常食物较为坚硬。  相似文献   

本文对新疆吐鲁番市加依墓地青铜—早期铁器时代居民的牙齿磨耗、口腔疾病和骨质隆起等特征进行了观察与研究,结果显示,加依墓地居民的牙齿磨耗较重,但前后部牙齿的磨耗程度差异不大,臼齿偏斜式磨耗现象显著,龋齿罹患率偏低。生前脱落、牙结石等口腔疾病在该人群中普遍流行,部分个体的下颌存在发育显著的骨质隆起现象。本文还通过臼齿磨耗方向指数(Wear Orientation)对加依墓地居民的偏斜式磨耗进行了量化研究,并参考相关民族学调查、考古发现以及现代医学研究成果对加依墓地居民复杂的牙齿磨耗形态和口腔疾病的成因进行了初步探讨。推测加依墓地居民的食物结构应以肉类为主,谷类亦占有一定地位;此外可能是受到恶劣生活环境及特殊谷物加工技术的影响,日常食物较为坚硬。  相似文献   

一直以来,有关人类牙齿磨耗的研究主要集中在年龄判定和生业方式比较方面。然而,很多研究因样本人群来源复杂、忽视个体牙齿磨耗的特殊性及缺乏足够的个人信息,很难进一步解释其牙齿磨耗特点的成因。本文基于对当代水族男性牙齿磨耗的记录和相关信息,通过梳理该人群牙齿磨耗的一般特点和特殊磨耗形式,探讨了有关影响该人群牙齿磨耗的可能因素。笔者发现,总体来说,该人群的牙齿磨耗较轻,牙齿磨耗水平与其年龄分布呈正相关关系,符合人类牙齿面随年龄增长而发生退行性生理磨耗的规律。牙齿磨耗等级在不同年龄中呈镶嵌式分布,某些个体存在越位磨耗现象。从本文的结果看,这些现象的产生除了退行性生理磨耗的原因外,还可能与口腔健康状况、饮食结构和少餐习惯等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

李法军 《人类学学报》2016,35(2):283-299
一直以来,有关人类牙齿磨耗的研究主要集中在年龄判定和生业方式比较方面。然而,很多研究因样本人群来源复杂、忽视个体牙齿磨耗的特殊性及缺乏足够的个人信息,很难进一步解释其牙齿磨耗特点的成因。本文基于对当代水族男性牙齿磨耗的记录和相关信息,通过梳理该人群牙齿磨耗的一般特点和特殊磨耗形式,探讨了有关影响该人群牙齿磨耗的可能因素。笔者发现,总体来说,该人群的牙齿磨耗较轻,牙齿磨耗水平与其年龄分布呈正相关关系,符合人类牙齿面随年龄增长而发生退行性生理磨耗的规律。牙齿磨耗等级在不同年龄中呈镶嵌式分布,某些个体存在越位磨耗现象。从本文的结果看,这些现象的产生除了退行性生理磨耗的原因外,还可能与口腔健康状况、饮食结构和少餐习惯等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

我国新疆地区自古以来即是东西方文明相互交融的摇篮,以往的考古学、体质人类学研究表明,该区域内不同文化之间的互通有无早在我国青铜-早期铁器时代便已经发生。关于这种交流与融合产生的原因,目前学术界仍未有定论。新疆于田流水墓地(2950±50 BP)是由中国社会科学院考古研究所于2003-2005年主持发掘的青铜时代墓葬群,该墓地共发掘墓葬65座,被视为是昆仑山北麓发现的最早人类文化遗存。本文从采集自流水墓地108例人骨标本的19项牙齿非测量性状研究入手,将其与欧亚大陆范围内的古今人群进行比较研究,并进行史密斯生物学距离的计算以及主成分分析。结果表明:生活在新疆流水地区的古代人类与南西伯利亚地区、日本绳纹、阿富汗/巴基斯坦、中国姜家梁地区人群之间在牙齿非测量性状方面存在某种程度上的相似性,这或许可以说明至少在3000年前,我国新疆西南部地区可能已经存在了东西方的人群迁徙。  相似文献   

本文对新疆且末扎滚鲁克墓地二期出土208例头骨上的1849枚牙齿进行了观察与研究。将所有个体按照年龄和性别分组,通过计算每个个体上颌或下颌骨上各牙齿相对第1臼齿的磨耗指数,分析各组之间相对磨耗指数的分布差异。经过与国内外不同人群的对比,对扎滚鲁克居民的牙齿磨耗模式特点以及可能存在的牙齿使用方式、行为特征等内容进行了初步探讨。结果显示,该人群的牙齿磨耗随着年龄增长显著增加,不同年龄组人群之间前后牙齿磨耗情况有很大的差异,牙齿磨耗在性别间差异并不显著。下颌个体出现了较为普遍的前牙磨耗比后牙偏严重的现象,这种现象主要集中在中年组下颌上。这种不寻常的下颌前牙磨耗较后牙偏重现象可能受到牙齿的工具性使用,牙齿萌出顺序以及年龄三方面因素共同作用的影响;中年个体下颌前牙磨耗的偏重现象可能反映了人群的行为特征。  相似文献   

The dental casts made from Aboriginal children during the course of a longitudinal growth study in Central Australia provided material for analyzing tooth wear under known environmental conditions. The wear facets produced on the occlusal surfaces were clearly preserved on the dental stone casts and recorded the progress of enamel attrition from ages 6 to 18. These casts were photographed and traced by electronic planimetric methods that automatically recorded the location and size of wear facets on the first and second permanent molars. These areas of worn tooth surface were compared to the total tooth surface. The worn surface was regressed on age to calculate wear rates of each tooth. Discriminant analyses were also performed to determine the significance of dental attrition differences between the sexes at each age group. The total wear on each tooth was highly correlated with age as expected but females wore their teeth at a significantly higher rate than males. The mandibular molars wore more rapidly than maxillary teeth in both sexes. The discriminant analysis successfully grouped 91% of the cases according to age and sex. Pattern of wear, the location, and size of wear facets also differed between age groups and sex. The questions of why there is a difference between male and female wear or why there is greater wear on one arch or arch region have no ready answers. The differing rates and pattern of dental wear do suggest that arch shape and growth rates may be the answer though it has yet to be tested. However, the occlusal surface wear is useful for age estimation in a population and provides a record of shifting masticatory forces during growth.  相似文献   

This study integrates isotopic, palaeopathological, and historical evidence to investigate infant and young child feeding practices in a Roman period (1st to 3rd centuries AD) skeletal sample from the Isola Sacra necropolis (Rome, Italy). Stable isotope analysis of bone collagen from 37 rib samples indicates that transitional feeding began by the end of the first year and weaning occurred by 2-2.5 years of age. Both delta(15)N and delta(13)C data clearly show the trophic level effect associated with breastfeeding. Childhood diet is investigated using dental pathology data in the deciduous dentitions of 78 individuals aged between 1 and 12 years. The presence of calculus, caries, and tooth wear in young children suggests that individuals were provided complementary foods and other items that impacted their dental health at an early age. The isotopic and dental data are generally consistent with the historical evidence from the Roman period with respect to the general timetable of weaning and the character of complementary foods. This is the first study to integrate isotopic and deciduous dental pathology data to explore infant and young child feeding practices in the Roman world.  相似文献   

广西扶绥敢造遗址是华南新石器时代一处典型的河岸贝丘遗址,其人骨测年结果的上限为8488 BC,下限为6492 BC。本文对敢造遗址2014年出土的108例个体的999枚恒齿进行观察统计,结果显示居民的饮食结构应是以肉食为主并辅以富含淀粉的块茎类植物。该遗址居民的龋齿率高于部分农业人群,但远低于同为华南渔猎—采集经济的鲤鱼墩、甑皮岩和顶蛳山遗址,其原因应与食用块茎类植物的多寡有关。较高的牙结石罹患率(89.86%)可能与鱼类、贝类等高蛋白饮食有关。相比农业、游牧或狩猎人群,该遗址居民偏重的牙齿磨耗可能与食用含沙量较大的螺类、贝类等有关;肉类食物的食用导致该遗址居民上颌前部牙齿磨耗重于后部牙齿,而“上颌前部牙齿舌侧过度磨耗”现象的出现则与食用块茎类植物有关。  相似文献   

对汪沟遗址出土的174例仰韶文化居民的2816枚牙齿进行统计与分析,计算出牙齿的平均磨耗等级和前后部牙齿磨耗差别指数,统计特殊磨耗、龋齿、骨质隆起在样本中的出现率.结果显示,汪沟组牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.403262级,男性牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.63级,女性为3.61级;男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不显著(p>0.05);前后部...  相似文献   

The role of tooth wear as a proximate cause of senescence in ruminants has recently been highlighted. There are two competing hypotheses to explain variation in tooth height and wear; the diet-quality hypothesis predicting increased wear in low-quality habitats, and the life-history hypothesis predicting molar height to be related to expected longevity. We compared tooth height and wear from roe deer of known age from two contrasting populations of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in France: Trois Fontaines (TF) with good habitat and shorter animal life expectancy and Chizé (CH) with poor habitat and longer animal life expectancy. There was no population difference in tooth wear, leading to rejection of the diet-quality hypothesis. However, despite their smaller body size, initial molar height for animals from CH was larger than for animals from TF. This provides the first evidence that variation in longevity between populations can lead to differences in molar height within a species.  相似文献   

Decelerating and sex-dependent tooth wear in Norwegian red deer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In ungulates, tooth wear is often suggested as a proximate cause of senescence. Tooth wear is expected to be sex-dependent since energetic requirements and food selection varies largely between sexes in sexually dimorphic ungulates. Furthermore, tooth wear may lower mastication efficiency, and we predict a negative correlation between tooth wear and body weight or condition. We tested these predictions on data on tooth wear (estimated as height of first molar) of 1,311 male and 1,348 female red deer ( Cervus elaphus) aged 3-25 years and harvested along the west coast of Norway. The rate of tooth wear decreased with age. Males wear teeth at a higher rate (from 0.61 mm/year in 4-year olds to 0.45 mm/year in 11-year olds) than females (from 0.52 mm/year in 4-year olds to 0.39 mm/year in 11-year olds). Molar height correlated positively with body weight in both sexes, but not after adjusting for body size. Molar height was strongly dependent on body size in 3-year-old individuals (when tooth wear is minimal). Earlier reports in the literature of a positive correlation between tooth height and body weight may therefore be due to initial size differences rather than differences in condition due to tooth wear.  相似文献   

The royal burial chamber of what is today the Collegiate-Basilica of St. Isidoro in León, Spain, built and remodeled between the 10th and 13th centuries and in the 20th century renamed the Kings' Pantheon, has 13 royal tombs that were opened in the presence of the Abbot-Prior of the Collegiate to enable a group of researchers to obtain all possible information from the royal remains. Several samples were sent to the Parasitology Unit of the Animal Pathology (Animal Health) Department at the Veterinary Faculty of León (Spain). In all the tombs, eggs and remains of nonparasitic mites were observed. In a piece of linen cloth from the bottom of 1 tomb, an Anoplocephala perfoliata egg was found. Furthermore, 4 mummified bodies were found. In 2 of these, those belonging to Infantes María and Fernando, Ascaris lumbricoides eggs were found and in the latter Trichuris trichiura eggs. We have not found in the literature reviewed any records of studies of this kind carried out in Spain.  相似文献   

周蜜  潘雷  邢松  刘武 《人类学学报》2013,32(3):330-344
位于湖北省郧县境内的青龙泉遗址出土有仰韶、屈家岭和石家河等不同文化类型遗存, 被认为是中国新石器时代南、北文化交流的过渡地带。有关学者通过考古发现和同位素测试分析认为, 生活在青龙泉遗址的新石器时代居民已经具有发达的农业、家畜饲养业和渔猎,稻粟农业和肉类对居民的食物构成都有贡献, 但并不确定农业或渔猎是否占主导地位。本文通过对87例个体1075枚青龙泉新石器时代居民牙齿的磨耗、龋齿病、牙齿生前脱落、颌骨粗壮程度的观察、分析和对比, 试图从另一个侧面提供当时居民食物构成和经济模式的信息。本研究发现, 相比于其他中国新石器时代人类, 青龙泉居民的牙齿磨耗程度总体偏轻、臼齿磨耗角度多呈倾斜状、龋齿病出现率高、与生活状态相关的牙齿生前脱落出现率低、颌骨粗壮程度不明显。这些发现提示居民的食物较精细,加工程度高, 富含碳水化合物。基于本文发现, 作者认为农业经济在距今5000年左右的长江中游地区已经比较发达, 在居民食物构成中居主导地位,居民可能已经具有较高的食物制作加工技术。  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary investigation combining archaeological and palaeoecological approaches (pollen, micro-charcoal, major elements geochemistry, and radiocarbon data) has been carried out since 2000 in the southern Cantal (French Massif Central) in order to achieve a better understanding of the environmental/anthropogenic interactions in a mountain ecosystem ranging from 1000 to 1600 m a.s.l. from the Mid-Holocene to the end of Modern Times. This medium mountain area must be considered as a complex landscape shaped during a long-term land-use history. Pollen and archaeological evidences suggest a human frequentation as early as the beginning of the 6th millennium BC. For the following periods, different stages related to the human settlement and anthropogenic activities of land clearance and agro-pastoralism have been documented: the final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age and the Roman period (mainly the 3rd and 4th centuries AD). Middle Ages (between the 10th and the 12th centuries AD) and Modern Times (since the 14th–16th centuries AD) appear to be two key phases revealing complex spatial patterns of land-use.  相似文献   

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