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Crosses between populations of Tigriopus californicus result in backcross and F2 hybrid breakdown for a variety of fitness related measures. The magnitude of this hybrid breakdown is correlated with evolutionary divergence. We assessed the chromosomal basis of viability differences in nonrecombinant backcross hybrids using markers mapped to individual chromosomes. To assess effects of evolutionary divergence we crossed one population to three different populations: two distantly related (approximately 18% mitochondrial COI sequence divergence) and one closely related (approximately 1% mitochondrial COI sequence divergence). We found that all three interpopulation crosses resulted in significant deviations from expected Mendelian ratios at a majority of the loci studied. In all but one case, deviations were due to a deficit of parental homozygotes. This pattern implies that populations of T. californicus carry a significant genetic load, and that a combination of beneficial dominance and deleterious homozygote-heterozygote interactions significantly affects hybrid viability. Pairwise tests of linkage disequilibrium detected relatively few significant interactions. For the two divergent crosses, effects of individual chromosomes were highly concordant. These two crosses also showed higher heterozygote excess in females than males across the vast majority of chromosomes.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Systems with genetic variation for the primary sex ratio are important for testing sex-ratio theory and for understanding how this variation is maintained. Evidence is presented for heritable variation of the primary sex ratio in the harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus californicus. Variation in the primary sex ratio among families cannot be accounted for by Mendelian segregation of sex chromosomes. The covariance in sex phenotype between full-sibling clutches and between mothers and offspring suggests that this variation has a polygenic basis. Averaged over four replicates, the full-sibling heritability of sex tendency is 0.13 ± 0.040; and the mother-offspring heritability of sex tendency is 0.31 ± 0.216. Genetic correlations in the sex phenotype across two temperature treatments indicate large genotype-by-temperature interactions. Future experiments need to distinguish between zygotic, parental, or cytoplasmic mechanisms of sex determination in T. californicus.  相似文献   

Abstract. Members of Tigriopus californicus , an harpacticoid copepod, live in small, shallow tidepools in the upper spray zone where they cannot avoid the full effect of visible and ultra- violet (UV) radiation. Field experiments using ambient light show that individuals of T. californicus aggregate in areas of lower radiation at midday, yet have no preference at dawn and dusk. In lab experiments, individuals of T. californicus show no preference between areas exposed only to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) or shade, but aggregate in the shaded portion of a tank when exposed to UV-B. Light detection in T. californicus is presumably by the nauplius eye, which is described at the histological and ultrastructural levels. Microvilli of the photosensitive rhabdomere are regularly packed at noon, dusk, and midnight. Processes suggesting rhabdomere synthesis, including vesicles and tubules binding to the base of microvilli, are observed at these times. At dawn, the rhabdomere shows areas of degeneration and coated pits and multivesicular bodies are common at the base of the microvilli. Comparison with previous studies show a wide variety of nauplius eye complexity in copepods.  相似文献   

The evolution of intrinsic postzygotic isolation can be explained by the accumulation of Dobzhansky‐Muller incompatibilities (DMI). Asymmetries in the levels of hybrid inviability and hybrid sterility are commonly observed between reciprocal crosses, a pattern that can result from the involvement of uniparentally inherited factors. The mitochondrial genome is one such factor that appears to participate in DMI in some crosses but the frequency of its involvement versus biparentally inherited factors is unclear. Here we assess the relative importance of incompatibilities between nuclear factors (nuclear‐nuclear) versus those between mitochondrial and nuclear factors (mito‐nuclear) in a species that lacks sex chromosomes. We used a Pool‐seq approach to survey three crosses among genetically divergent populations of the copepod, Tigriopus californicus, for regions of the genome that are affected by hybrid inviability. Results from reciprocal crosses suggest that mito‐nuclear incompatibilities are more common than nuclear‐nuclear incompatibilities overall. These results suggest that in the presence of very high levels of nucleotide divergence between mtDNA haplotypes, mito‐nuclear incompatibilities can be important for the evolution of intrinsic postzygotic isolation. This is particularly interesting considering this species lacks sex chromosomes, which have been shown to harbor a particularly high number of nuclear‐nuclear DMI in several other species.  相似文献   

Edmands S 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(7):1743-1750
Previous studies of the intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus revealed one of the highest levels of mitochondrial DNA differentiation ever reported among conspecific populations. The present study extends the geographical sampling northward, adding populations from northern California to south-east Alaska. The mitochondrial phylogeny for the entire species range, based on cytochrome oxidase I sequences for a total of 49 individuals from 27 populations, again shows extreme differentiation among populations (up to 23%). However, populations from Oregon northwards appear to be derived and have interpopulation divergences five times lower than those between southern populations. Furthermore, although few individuals were sequenced from each locality, populations from Puget Sound northward had significantly reduced levels of within-population variation. These patterns are hypothesized to result from the contraction and expansion of populations driven by recent ice ages.  相似文献   

Abstract While molecular and quantitative trait variation may be theoretically correlated, empirical studies using both approaches frequently reveal discordant patterns, and these discrepancies can contribute to our understanding of evolutionary processes. Here, we assessed genetic variation in six populations of the copepod Tigriopus californicus. Molecular variation was estimated using five polymorphic microsatellite loci, and quantitative variation was measured using 22-life history and morphometric characters. Within populations, no correlation was found between the levels of molecular variation (heterozygosity) and quantitative variation (heritability). Between populations, quantitative subdivision ( Q ST) was correlated with molecular subdivision when measured as F ST but not when measured as R ST. Unlike most taxa studied to date, the overall level of molecular subdivision exceeded the level of quantitative subdivision ( F ST= 0.80, RST = 0.89, Q ST = 0.30). Factors that could contribute to this pattern include stabilizing or fluctuating selection on quantitative traits or accelerated rates of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

In order to regulate cell volume during hyperosmotic stress, the intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus, like other aquatic crustaceans, rapidly accumulates high levels of intracellular alanine, proline, and glycine. Glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT; EC, which catalyzes the final step of alanine synthesis, is genetically polymorphic in T. californicus populations at Santa Cruz, California. Spectrophotometric studies of homogenates derived from a homozygous isofemale line of each of the two common GPT alleles indicated that the GPTF allozyme has a significantly higher specific activity than the GPTS allozyme. Under conditions of hyperosmotic stress, individual adult copepods of GPTF and GPTF/S genotypes accumulated alanine, but not glycine or proline, more rapidly than GPTS homozygotes. When young larvae were subjected to the same hyperosmotic conditions, GPTS larvae suffered a significantly higher mortality than GPTF or GPTF/S larvae. These results suggest that the biochemical differences among GPT allozymes result in specific physiological variation among GPT genotypes and that this physiological variation is manifested in differential genotypic survivorships under some naturally occurring environmental conditions.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Lerner Fund for Marine Research of the American Museum of Natural History, an NIH Training Grant in Integrative Biology, and NIH Grants GM 28016 and GM 10452.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of post-zygotic reproductive isolation is beginning to be untangled in closely related species, but less is known about the genetics of reproductive isolation between divergent populations. Here, two genes encoding malic enzyme (ME) are isolated from the copepod Tigriopus californicus and their influence upon lowered viability in F(2) hybrids of genetically divergent populations is determined. Each ME gene has diverged extensively between T. californicus populations and one gene shows evidence for a recent selective sweep. Segregation patterns of genotypes for both ME genes in adult F(2) hybrids reveal dramatic departures from Mendelian inheritance, deviations that are not seen in F(2) nauplii implying that selection is acting during development based upon the genotype at these ME genes. These results imply that selection against deleterious gene combinations and not aberrant segregation (i.e. meiotic drive) is likely to lead to dramatic departures from Mendelian inheritance observed in these crosses.  相似文献   

Summary Allele frequencies in natural T. californicus populations were perturbed by introduction of copepods from neighboring differentiated populations. In five experiments, the Gpt F allele was introduced into single recipient pools at a frequency of approximately 20%. In each case, the introduced allele declined to low frequencies (<3%) in less than one month, apparently due to dilution by residents of other pools on the same outcrop. In a larger scale experiment, the Pgi F was introduced into four pools on a single small rock outcrop; all pools on the outcrop were subsequently monitored. While the allele frequency fell from approximately 40% to 10% during the first six weeks after the transplant, no further change in frequency was observed for the duration of the experiment (16 months). Within six weeks some spread of the allele to non-recipient pools on the same outcrop was observed; by eight months, allele frequencies in all pools on the outcrop were similar. Hence, despite the extensive turnover of subpopulations as single pools evaporate or are washed out, genetic homogeneity and stability of entire outcrops are maintained via extensive inter-pool gene flow; this contrasts sharply with the highly restricted levels of inter-outcrop gene flow.  相似文献   

Lazzaretto  I.  Franco  F.  Battaglia  B. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):229-234
The results of several experiments on reproductive behaviour of Tigriopus fulvus, indicate that females release a sex pheromone promoting sexual recognition and attraction in males. This compound has been verified to be not only species-specific, but also slightly modified in specimens belonging to different geographical populations. The compound possesses a mass of between 100 and 1000 daltons. A male can invest from one to 15 days in the precopulatory phase; delayed fertilization causes a strong reduction in the average number of offspring produced by parental specimens belonging to the oldest agegroups, but does not have any effect on the sex ratio.  相似文献   

Willett CS 《Genetica》2008,133(2):129-136
Two different forces are thought to contribute to the rapid accumulation of hybrid male sterility that has been observed in many inter-specific crosses, namely the faster male and the dominance theories. For male heterogametic taxa, both faster male and dominance would work in the same direction to cause the rapid evolution of male sterility; however, for taxa lacking differentiated sex chromosomes only the faster male theory would explain the rapid evolution of male hybrid sterility. It is currently unknown what causes the faster evolution of male sterility, but increased sexual selection on males and the sensitivity of genes involved in male reproduction are two hypotheses that could explain the observation. Here, patterns of hybrid sterility in crosses of genetically divergent copepod populations are examined to test potential mechanisms of faster male evolution. The study species, Tigriopus californicus, lacks differentiated, hemizygous sex chromosomes and appears to have low levels of divergence caused by sexual selection acting upon males. Hybrid sterility does not accumulate more rapidly in males than females in these crosses suggesting that in this taxon male reproductive genes are not inherently more prone to disruption in hybrids.  相似文献   

兰涛  郑军  吴为人  汪斌 《遗传》2003,25(5):557-562
用两系杂交稻强优组合培矮64s/E32的一个加倍单倍体(DH)群体,共86个株系,构建了水稻的SSR标记遗传连锁图。选用美国康耐尔大学公布的302对SSR引物,共有127对在两个亲本间检测到多态性,比率为4205%。建成的水稻染色体的图谱(记为PEMAP)共包含122个SSLP标记座位,总长度为1213.4 cM。PEMAP与Temnykh等发表的图谱(记为CUMAP)具有很高的可比性,绝大多数标记都被定位于相同的染色体上,且排列顺序一致。该DH群体的偏分离情况较严重,122个标记座位中有34个发生显著偏分离,比例达27.8%。值得注意的是,在第1、3、10、11染色体上的标记全部偏向培矮64s,第4、6、7、8、9染色体上的标记则全部偏向E32。 Abstract:A doubled haploid population (DH) consisting of 86 lines derived by anther culture of Peiai64s/E32,a two-line hybrid rice variety with high heterosis,was used to construct a microsatellite or SSLP linkage map of rice chromosomes.A total of 302 PCR primers for SSLP analysis on these chromosomes were chosen from a map published by Cornell University (designated CUMAP) and 127 (42.05%) of them were found polymorphic between the two parents.Those polymorphic PCR primers were used for population genotyping.The map (designated PEMAP) comprises 122 microsatellite maker loci,covering a total length of 1213.4 cM.The PEMAP is highly comparable with the CUMAP.Most of the markers were mapped onto the same chromosomes and aligned in the same order.Serious segregation distortion was observed in this DH population,with 34 (27.8%) markers showing significant deviation.It is noted that all markers on chromosomes 1,3,10 and 11 were biased to Peiai64s,while those on chromosomes 4,6,7,8 and 9 were opposite.  相似文献   

Twelve microsatellite DNA loci were newly isolated from the ground beetle Carabus insulicola, endemic to Japan, for studying mating systems. Phage vector was used for establishing genomic DNA library, and positive clones were screened with 32P‐labelled probes. Primer sequences and annealing temperature for PCR amplification were determined for each locus. Allelic polymorphism of each locus, number of alleles and observed and expected heterozygosities, were investigated based on 24 individuals. Similarity between observed and expected heterozygosities suggests random mating, and relatively low observed heterozygosity found in two loci may be due to the presence of null alleles.  相似文献   

Postelsia palmaeformis (Ruprecht) is an intertidal brown alga belonging to the ecologically and economically important group of seaweeds commonly referred to as kelp (Order Laminariales). Six polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified for this monotypic genus. The number of alleles ranged from two to five, with observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.00 to 0.704.  相似文献   

Sex‐determining systems are remarkably diverse and may evolve rapidly. Polygenic sex‐determination systems are predicted to be transient and evolutionarily unstable, yet examples have been reported across a range of taxa. Here, we provide the first direct evidence of polygenic sex determination in Tigriopus californicus, a harpacticoid copepod with no heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Using genetically distinct inbred lines selected for male‐ and female‐biased clutches, we generated a genetic map with 39 SNPs across 12 chromosomes. Quantitative trait locus mapping of sex ratio phenotype (the proportion of male offspring produced by an F2 female) in four F2 families revealed six independently segregating quantitative trait loci on five separate chromosomes, explaining 19% of the variation in sex ratios. The sex ratio phenotype varied among loci across chromosomes in both direction and magnitude, with the strongest phenotypic effects on chromosome 10 moderated to some degree by loci on four other chromosomes. For a given locus, sex ratio phenotype varied in magnitude for individuals derived from different dam lines. These data, together with the environmental factors known to contribute to sex determination, characterize the underlying complexity and potential lability of sex determination, and confirm the polygenic architecture of sex determination in T. californicus.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA markers for rice chromosomes   总被引:45,自引:1,他引:44  
We found 369 complete microsatellites, of which (CGG/GCC)n was the most frequent, in 11 798 rice sequences in the database. Of these microsatellites, 35 out of 45 could be successfully converted into microsatellite DNA markers using sequence information in their flanking regions. Thus, the time and labor used to develop new microsatellite DNA markers could be saved by using these published sequences. Twenty eight polymorphic markers between Asominori (japonica) and IR24 (indica) have been correctly mapped on the rice genome and microsatellites appear to be randomly distributed in the rice chromosomes. Integration of these markers with the published microsatellite DNA markers showed that about 35% of the rice chromosomes were covered by the 56 microsatellite DNA markers. These microsatellites were hypervariable and were easily to assay by PCR; they were distributed to all chromosomes and therefore, one can easily select plants carrying desired chromosome regions using these microsatellite DNA markers. Thus, microsatellite maps should aid the development of new breeds of rice saving time, labor, and money.  相似文献   

Rawson PD  Brazeau DA  Burton RS 《Gene》2000,248(1-2):15-22
Mitochondrial energy production requires complex interactions among proteins encoded in both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. The intergenomic coevolution of interacting gene products has been previously suggested based on interspecific comparisons of cytochrome c (encoded by the nuclear CYC gene) and cytochrome c oxidase (partly encoded in the mitochondrial DNA by the COX1, COX2 and COX3 genes). In the intertidal copepod, Tigriopus californicus, non-synonymous substitutions in the COX1 gene have previously been found in interpopulation comparisons. In order to determine if CYC also shows interpopulation variation, this gene was isolated from a cDNA library using a degenerate primer/polymerase chain reaction approach. Characterization of a cDNA sequence and 25 genomic DNA sequences derived from four T. californicus populations yielded the following results: (1) the T. californicus CYC gene is interrupted by an intron that occurs at the same position as the intron found in vertebrate CYC genes; (2) there is extensive sequence variation within both the coding region and intron of this gene and the vast majority of this variation occurs between sequences drawn from geographically distinct populations; (3) the coding sequence variation includes a minimum of five amino acid replacement substitutions; (4) segregation of length variants among offspring in an interpopulation cross revealed genotypic ratios consistent with the proposed allelic nature of the CYC variants. These results demonstrate that the requisite genetic variation required for intergenomic coevolution exists in the CYC-COX system in T. californicus.  相似文献   

Burton RS  Byrne RJ  Rawson PD 《Gene》2007,403(1-2):53-59
Previous work on the harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus californicus has focused on the extensive population differentiation in three mtDNA protein coding genes (COXI, COXII, Cytb). In order to get a more complete understanding of mtDNA evolution in this species, we sequenced three complete mitochondrial genomes (one from each of three California populations) and compared them to two published mtDNA genomes from an Asian congener, Tigriopus japonicus. Several features of the mtDNA genome appear to be conserved within the genus: 1) the unique order of the protein coding genes, rRNA genes and most of the tRNA genes, 2) the genome is compact, varying between 14.3 and 14.6 kb, and 3) all genes are encoded on the same strand of the mtDNA. Within T. californicus, extremely high levels of nucleotide divergence (>20%) are observed across much of the mitochondrial genome. Inferred amino acid sequences of the proteins encoded in the mtDNAs also show high levels of divergence; at the extreme, the three ND3 variants in T. californicus showed >25% amino acid substitutions, compared with <3% amino acid divergence at the previously studied COXI locus. Unusual secondary structures make functional assignments of some tRNAs difficult. The only apparent tRNA(trp) in these genomes completely overlaps the 5' end of the 16S rRNA in all three T. californicus mtDNAs. Although not previously noted, this feature is also conserved in T. japonicus mtDNAs; whether this sequence is processed into a functional tRNA has not been determined. The putative control region contains a duplicated segment of different length (from 88 to 155 bp) in each of the T. californicus sequences. In each case, the duplicated segments are not tandem repeats; despite their different lengths, the distance between the start of the first and the start of the second repeat is conserved (520 bp). The functional significance, if any, of this repeat structure remains unknown.  相似文献   

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