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贵州普定白岩脚洞旧石器时代遗址   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
白岩脚洞旧石器时代遗址位于贵州省普定县西南约9公里。1978年发现。1979、1982和1984年先后三次工作的结果,共获得石制品1000多件、动物化石22种、骨器2件。与文化遗物伴出的化石为大熊猫—剑齿象动物群。碳-14年代为距今12080±200年(第3层)和距今14630±200年(第5层)。  相似文献   

和龙大洞遗址位于吉林省和龙市崇善镇大洞村以北约500 m的图们江左岸第3级阶地,地理坐标43°5′20.4″N、128°57′20.9″E。该遗址发现于2007年,2010年发掘50 m2,出土石制品1253件、无人工痕迹砾石47件、动物骨骼3件。地层堆积包括7层,文化遗物出自第1、3、4、5层。石制品原料以黑曜岩为主,剥片以生产石叶和细石叶产品为主要技术特点,石器类型有雕刻器、端刮器、边刮器、两面尖状器等。其中,第4层石制品平面分布较为集中,应为原地埋藏,其中炭粒的14C测年数据为21350±120 BP(未校正),校正后年代处于MIS3阶段向MIS2阶段的过渡时期。  相似文献   

水洞沟第2地点是水洞沟遗址群的重要遗址之一, 自2003年来共进行了4次发掘, 揭露面积约100m2, 发现7个文化层, 包含用火遗迹、石制品、动物化石、串珠装饰品和磨制骨针等。本文观察和研究的石制品1万余件, 总体上显示中国北方石片石器工业的技术特征, 但最下部第7文化层出土1件具有水洞沟第1地点特征的石叶石核。动物化石比较破碎, 集中分布于火塘内部或周围, 反映了古人类围绕火塘进行肉类资源利用的行为。综合水洞沟第2地点的AMS14C及光释光测年数据,该地点主要文化层年龄集中在距今41ka-20ka BP之间。  相似文献   

方启  陈全家  卢悦 《人类学学报》2012,31(4):344-354
2010年3月—5月, 吉林大学边疆考古研究中心配合南水北调中线工程对丹江口库区北泰山庙2号旧石器地点进行了抢救性发掘。发掘面积500㎡, 地层堆积由上至下分为3层。第①层是黑褐色黏土层, 为耕土层, 发现石制品90件。第②层是黄褐色黏土层, 出土石制品21件, 类型包括石核、石片、断块及石器; 断块占一半多; 石器仅3件, 均为刮削器。第③层是红褐色黏土层, 出土石制品48件, 类型包括石核、石片、断块及石器; 石器有刮削器、砍砸器、手斧和手镐等类型。各层石制品原料的种类基本一致,都以石英为主。石器工业的特点是, 以砾石及其大石片为毛坯, 简单加工的重型工具为主要类型。结合与附近其他类似地点的地层及石制品特征对比推断, 第③层与第②层的时代可能从中更新世延续至晚更新世。  相似文献   

海南省昌江发现旧石器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年6月,在海南省大广坝水利工程的文物调查中,笔者等在昌江黎族自治县七差乡南阳溪第2级阶地里发现石制品。石制品共计4件;其中,3件出自阶地上部的黄色黏土层中,包括1件石核和2件砍砸器;另1件石核,采集于地表。根据阶地堆积物和器物类型初步判断,石制品的时代为旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

抚松新屯子西山旧石器遗址试掘报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西山遗址发现于2002年, 位于抚松县新屯子镇的西山上, 同年对其进行试掘, 试掘面积70m2。堆积物可划分3层; 石制品出自第2层的黄色亚黏土层内, 共30件, 类型包括石叶石核、石片、细石叶。石制品原料均为黑曜岩。通过遗存分析, 该遗迹是一个古人类临时活动场所。根据石制品出土层位以及遗址内不见任何磨制石器和陶片判断, 该遗址的年代可能属于旧石器时代晚期或稍晚。  相似文献   

胡晓纯  高星 《人类学学报》2022,41(5):788-803
马鞍山遗址1986年发掘区的地层分为9层,根据沉积间断可划归为上下两大文化层。上文化层包含第2至第6层,堆积年代约为15 kaBP-36 kaBP;下文化层包含第7至第8层,堆积年代约为53 kaBP。共发掘出土石制品1292件。遗址上下文化层在主体原料、石制品大小、石核剥片技术和石器修理技术上存在一定差异,但整体上仍属同一文化系统。下文化层以硅质灰岩砾石为主要原料,石制品以小型和中型为主,采用锤击法剥片,石器主要以石片为毛坯。上文化层则以燧石结核、岩块为主要原料,石制品以微型和小型为主,主要采用锤击法,存在少量垂直砸击法和锐棱砸击法制品;石器毛坯以断块为主,修理主要采用硬锤锤击修理,可能存在压制修理技术。该遗址对于探讨晚更新世晚期贵州古人类的石制品技术特点及其在云贵高原的多样化适应方式等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

甘肃苏苗塬头地点石制品特征与古环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏苗塬头地点位于甘肃省平凉市庄浪县东北部, 埋藏于章麻河二级阶地的典型马兰黄土中。经剖面清理和地表采集, 2002和2004年在该地点共获得石制品2318件, 本文以集中分布区出土(2166件)和地表采集(48件)共2214件石制品为主要研究对象。该批石制品以石片、碎片和碎屑为主, 有少量石核和工具。剥片技术以砸击法为主, 锤击法为辅, 鲜见第二步加工。石制品原料主要为来自现代河床或阶地底部砾石层的脉石英。炭屑加速器质谱(AMS 14C)年代测试和多环境代用指标分析显示, 苏苗塬头为一处旧石器时代晚期文化地点, 人类活动主要发生于气候干冷的末次盛冰期(约距今2.4—1.8万年), 反映了古人类较强的环境适应能力。  相似文献   

本文是对山西省晋城市阳城县圣王坪遗址2020年调查发现的石制品研究。调查共获得石制品1717件;其中,地表采集11件,含细石器技术制品;清理地层剖面获得1706件,属旧石器文化遗存。剖面分4个层位,第3层和第4层是文化层的主体,也是本文研究的对象和结论来源。石制品以小型和微型为主,原料以燧石为主。砸击技术占重要地位,尤其是第3层石核剥片的主要技术;该技术多应用于隐晶质的燧石和脉石英原料,具有相对较高的剥片程度,更适用于小型毛坯的开发与利用。石器组合以刮削器为主要类型,但第3层比第4层多了楔形析器和齿状器两种类型。石器修理锤击法,修理程度有限,缺乏再修理过程。遗址属于小型石片石器传统,第4层中部木炭样品的测年数据校正后为45590±510 BP cal,说明是晋南地区目前最早的旧石器时代晚期遗址。  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地霍家地发现的旧石器   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
霍家地旧石器地点发现于泥河湾盆地“泥河湾层”中,经试掘出土了60件石制品,包括4件石核、12件石片、24件石器和20件有人工痕迹的石块,石器中包括刮削器20件,尖状器2件,石锥、雕刻器各1件。含石制品地层位于东谷坨文化层之上,推测其年龄约为距今100万年左右。  相似文献   

The cobble industry in southern Chinese provinces was for a long time called large and simple “chopper-chopping tool tradition,” which persisted from the Early Pleistocene to the Middle Holocene. This recognition is 50% true and 50% false because it does not reflect the entire archaeological reality. On the one hand, the so-called “chopper-chopping tool” category often characterizes or dominates the lithic assemblages; on the other hand, a “chopper” from site A could be different from another “chopper” in site B. This distinction is important since the typological names lost their validity when conducting comparative studies inter- and intra-sites. The cobble tool industry of the Zengpiyan cave site (Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China) is an excellent example of this terminological dilemma, which presents some extent of both simplicity and complexity, underestimated in its production strategies. We could also find substantial flexibility between the two ends (simplicity and complexity) during the selection and exploitation of the cobble/pebble blanks. Although chopper-chopping tools are predominant at the site, the variability of their morpho-structures and techno-functional organization indicate that they are not just simple chopper-chopping tools sensu stricto but have their specific characteristics which could not be found in their typological names. In this context, we need to re-evaluate the previously so-called “choppers” in south China with a techno-functional approach before comparing different lithic assemblages. Compared with other contemporary sites, the Zengpiyan technical system is not far from those found in South China and mainland Southeast Asia. For example, it has similarities with the Sonvian phenomenon in northern Vietnam and some other sites in southern China. While very different from the Hoabinhian technocomplex, the Zengpiyan assemblage raises questions about the kinship with other Late Pleistocene lithic facies. Further technological studies on a larger number of sites in these regions are still needed to understand better the prehistoric techno-cultural relationships between the industrial assemblages of southern China and those bordering the Far East.  相似文献   

The article is devoted to the traceological study of points and geometric microliths that are characteristic of the Epipaleolithic sites of the northwestern Caucasus and the Elbrus region. The regularities between the type of stone tools and their functional use are analyzed. Composite hunting weapons were effectively used in hunting a variety of ungulate herd animals. The composition of faunal assemblages largely depended of climatic and landscape conditions of the sites in different periods of the Late Glacial period: from the Oldest Dryas to the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. The proximity of lithic industries within a vast region in the North Caucasus, similar shapes of projectiles and lithic inserts into composite hunting weapons could be associated with active human movements, which are confirmed by the transportation of obsidian from the Elbrus region to the northwestern Caucasus and the transportation of high-quality flint from the west to the Elbrus region in the north-central Caucasus.  相似文献   

董哲  战世佳 《人类学学报》2022,41(2):334-341
2003-2004年,安徽省文物考古研究所对地处水阳江流域的宁国安友庄遗址开展野外调查及考古发掘,发掘面积250 m2,调查采集石制品3件,发掘出土石制品49件。石制品原料以中津河(水阳江一级支流)二级阶地底部砾石层中产出的石英岩砾石为主,少量为石英。石制品类型包括石核、石片和石器。石制品均为使用硬锤直接剥片。石制品主要出自中国南方地区常见的网纹红土和均质红土中,根据长江中下游地区第四纪红土风化壳的相关研究结果,初步推断安友庄遗址古人类生存与活动的年代延续中更新世中、晚期一段时间。虽然安友庄遗址发现石制品数量不多,但其中存在模式2技术产品,如剥取大石片的大石核、长度大于或等于10 cm的大石片,以及以手斧、大型石刀等为代表的大型切割石器,特别是比较典型的两面加工手斧在水阳江流域尚不多见。安友庄遗址的发现,为进一步讨论早期人类在长江下游地区的扩散与技术发展具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

Between ≈13,000 and 7000 BP, the territory of southern Brazil was occupied in a stable and diverse manner, with the main anthropic trace being in lithic material. Archaeological research has provided more consistent evidence of occupation in different environments and associated with different stratigraphic formation processes since the Late Pleistocene. Therefore, this paper proposes to analyse the history of the earliest evidence of pre-colonial occupation in southern Brazil from a geoarchaeological point of view, focusing on stratigraphic and chronological data and the process of formation of archaeological layers. Thirty-three stratigraphic sections were analysed from 31 archaeological sites distributed along the Paraná, Uruguay and Atlantic basins. Evidence of archaeological levels was found in different geomorphological contexts: plateau, slopes, valley bottom, alluvial plains and rockshelters. The results indicate that the oldest archaeological levels in the region were formed in the Late Pleistocene, associated with periods of fluvial incision that signal important changes in the southern river systems, characterized by the formation of alluvial and colluvial-alluvial terraces in the valley bottoms. This is followed in the Lower Holocene by widespread colluvial processes in the incised valleys, alluvium in the middle river courses and anthropogenic deposits in the rockshelters that formed the main ancient levels. In the early Middle Holocene, sedimentary deposits containing archaeological material decrease significantly, marking regional changes in lithic industries. The data indicate that there appears to be a threshold between deposition and archaeology in the Early Holocene, characterized by high stratigraphic resolution, where stratigraphic sequences show greater thickness and density of archaeological levels. Finally, the diversity of inter-regional lithic assemblages is clearly highlighted, marked by the predominance of industries on pebbles and blocks, the debitage of flakes and blades as a support for various tools in the interior basins and the shaping of small projectile points on the Atlantic slope.  相似文献   

宁夏鸽子山遗址是一处旧石器时代末期遗址,工作人员自上世纪90年代以来在该遗址中采集了大量石制品。尖状器是其中数量较多、形态不一、制作精细的类型。本文通过尖状器形态与功能的比对研究,结合该地区晚更新世末段至早全新世的环境特点,探讨石制品形态所体现的古人类对生存环境的适应变化。分析认为,鸽子山尖状器形态特征可能是适应环境的很好例证,类似变更也为北方原始农业的萌生提供了必要的技术储备。  相似文献   

《PloS one》2014,9(7)
The first arrivals of hominin populations into Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene are currently considered to have occurred as short and poorly dated biological dispersions. Questions as to the tempo and mode of these early prehistoric settlements have given rise to debates concerning the taxonomic significance of the lithic assemblages, as trace fossils, and the geographical distribution of the technological traditions found in the Lower Palaeolithic record. Here, we report on the Barranc de la Boella site which has yielded a lithic assemblage dating to ∼1 million years ago that includes large cutting tools (LCT). We argue that distinct technological traditions coexisted in the Iberian archaeological repertoires of the late Early Pleistocene age in a similar way to the earliest sub-Saharan African artefact assemblages. These differences between stone tool assemblages may be attributed to the different chronologies of hominin dispersal events. The archaeological record of Barranc de la Boella completes the geographical distribution of LCT assemblages across southern Eurasia during the EMPT (Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition, circa 942 to 641 kyr). Up to now, chronology of the earliest European LCT assemblages is based on the abundant Palaeolithic record found in terrace river sequences which have been dated to the end of the EMPT and later. However, the findings at Barranc de la Boella suggest that early LCT lithic assemblages appeared in the SW of Europe during earlier hominin dispersal episodes before the definitive colonization of temperate Eurasia took place.  相似文献   

七角井是新疆地区最早发现的细石器遗址,位于新疆维吾尔自治区哈密地区西北部、天山南麓东段的一处山间小盆地内。2019年调查首次在该遗址发现原生地层和一处保存较完整的活动面遗迹,遗址出土石制品847件,年代为1.1万年。分析显示,该遗址石制品以优质燧石为原料生产小石叶和细石叶,多为生产过程中的副产品;工具加工简单,体现出明显的权宜性特征;这些迹象表明遗址为一处打制石器的临时性活动场所。这一发现为探讨更新世末到全新世初中亚干旱区古人类适应方式与文化交流提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

This study presents the results of the first recent analysis of stone tool assemblages from Krapina (Croatia). All assemblages are Pleistocene in age and many are associated with human remains, the Krapina Neandertals. The assemblages are described typologically and technologically, and subtle chronological changes in raw material selection and technology of tool blank production are observed. These changes involve increasingly sophisticated and selective use of lithic materials. Changing artefact assemblages are considered in light of variability in the hominids from Krapina, and are interpreted as reflecting behavioral change among Neandertals rather than between Neandertal and modern human populations.  相似文献   

Throughout continental Southeast Asia, the Hoabinhian techno-complex stands out in clear contrast with the universal chrono-cultural model essentially established on the basis of western prehistory. Following this model, early authors considered perforated stones and associated lithic artefacts as markers of what was then believed to pertain to a Southeast Asian Mesolithic. However, Southeast Asian Mesolitithic has progressively been abandoned in favour of a ubiquitous Hoabinhian spanning from 30,000 to 3000 BP. Here, we present and discuss the discovery of perforated stones at the Doi Pha Kan site in northern Thailand. Perforated stones have almost never been found in undisturbed stratigraphic conditions nor dated with any sufficient degree of certainty. At Doi Pha Kan site, such a kind of artefacts was found in burials intersecting sedimentary layers that could be ascertained as Hoabinhian. In contrast with similar perforated stones described in the literature, that found at Doi Pha Kan are well-dated (13,000 BP), thus providing a time-reference for a putative Southeast Asian Mesolithic. We therefore advocate that such non-Hoabinhian artefacts support the early authors’ hypothesis of the existence of a Southeast Asian Mesolithic. Finally, the funerary practices, the unusually high stature of individuals found at Doi Pha Kan in conjunction with the particular lithic assemblages further contributes to raise the question of the co-occurrence of several cultures or populations at the Pleistocene–Holocene interface in continental Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

水洞沟遗址第3、4、5地点发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水洞沟遗址第3、4、5地点位于水洞沟盆地西南边缘,自1923年发现以来,这三个地点尚未经过正式发掘。2004年夏秋季节,宁东重化工基地引黄管道的修建要穿越盆地的边缘,遂对这三个地点进行了抢救性发掘。发掘共揭露110m2,出土和采集了上千件石制品和鸵鸟蛋皮。下文化层的石制品主体呈现出与水洞沟第1地点相同的文化面貌;上文化层石制品和采集品特征则与第6地点表现出较强的一致性,其中包含大量的细石器制品。另外,在水洞沟盆地首次发现了两面器类型。此次发掘出土的文化遗物丰富了水洞沟遗址的文化内涵,对研究水洞沟文化与华北相邻区域古文化关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

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