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Important progress has been made regarding the characterization of the ABA signalling components using genetic and molecular approaches (Leung and Giraudat, 1998). However, we do not yet know the mechanism of ABA perception. Conflicting results concerning the site of ABA perception have been published. The prevailing view is that since ABA controls many responses, different sites of perception for ABA might exist. In order to establish the cellular localisation of the ABA receptors in Arabidopsis thaliana suspension cells, we developed two physiological tests based upon the capacity of impermeant ABA-BSA conjugate to mimic permeant free ABA effects. We show that purified ABA-BSA conjugate is able to trigger RAB18 gene expression and that this response is strictly due to the natural (+)-ABA enantiomer. The rate of RAB18 gene expression was independent of the level of ABA uptake by the cells. Using the voltage-clamp technique we show that ABA-BSA, similarly to ABA, evokes a membrane depolarization and activates time- and voltage-dependent outward rectifying currents (ORC). We demonstrate that these ORC are due to a K+ efflux as assessed by tail currents and specific inhibition by both tetraethylammonium (TEA) and Ba2+. These observations provide evidence in favour of an extracellular site for ABA perception.  相似文献   

Phosphatidic acid (PA) and phytosphingosine 1-phosphate (phyto-S1P) both are lipid messengers involved in plant response to abscisic acid (ABA). Our previous data indicate that PA binds to sphingosine kinase (SPHK) and increases its phyto-S1P-producing activity. To understand the cellular and physiological functions of the PA-SPHK interaction, we isolated Arabidopsis thaliana SPHK mutants sphk1-1 and sphk2-1 and characterized them, together with phospholipase Dα1 knock-out, pldα1, in plant response to ABA. Compared with wild-type (WT) plants, the SPHK mutants and pldα1 all displayed decreased sensitivity to ABA-promoted stomatal closure. Phyto-S1P promoted stomatal closure in sphk1-1 and sphk2-1, but not in pldα1, whereas PA promoted stomatal closure in sphk1-1, sphk2-1, and pldα1. The ABA activation of PLDα1 in leaves and protoplasts was attenuated in the SPHK mutants, and the ABA activation of SPHK was reduced in pldα1. In response to ABA, the accumulation of long-chain base phosphates was decreased in pldα1, whereas PA production was decreased in SPHK mutants, compared with WT. Collectively, these results indicate that SPHK and PLDα1 act together in ABA response and that SPHK and phyto-S1P act upstream of PLDα1 and PA in mediating the ABA response. PA is involved in the activation of SPHK, and activation of PLDα1 requires SPHK activity. The data suggest that SPHK/phyto-S1P and PLDα1A are co-dependent in amplification of response to ABA, mediating stomatal closure in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Stomatal opening and closing are driven by ion fluxes that cause changes in guard cell turgor and volume. This process is, in turn, regulated by environmental and hormonal signals, including light and the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA). Here, we present genetic evidence that expression of PHO1 in guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana is required for full stomatal responses to ABA. PHO1 is involved in the export of phosphate into the root xylem vessels and, as a result, the pho1 mutant is characterized by low shoot phosphate levels. In leaves, PHO1 was found expressed in guard cells and up‐regulated following treatment with ABA. The pho1 mutant was unaffected in production of reactive oxygen species following ABA treatment, and in stomatal movements in response to light cues, high extracellular calcium, auxin, and fusicoccin. However, stomatal movements in response to ABA treatment were severely impaired, both in terms of induction of closure and inhibition of opening. Micro‐grafting a pho1 shoot scion onto wild‐type rootstock resulted in plants with normal shoot growth and phosphate content, but failed to restore normal stomatal response to ABA treatment. PHO1 knockdown using RNA interference specifically in guard cells of wild‐type plants caused a reduced stomatal response to ABA. In agreement, specific expression of PHO1 in guard cells of pho1 plants complemented the mutant guard cell phenotype and re‐established ABA sensitivity, although full functional complementation was dependent on shoot phosphate sufficiency. Together, these data reveal an important role for phosphate and the action of PHO1 in the stomatal response to ABA.  相似文献   

In plants, the importance of phospholipid signaling in responses to environmental stresses is becoming well documented. The involvement of phospholipids in abscisic acid (ABA) responses is also established. In a previous study, we demonstrated that the stimulation of phospholipase D (PLD) activity and plasma membrane anion currents by ABA were both required for RAB18 expression in Arabidopsis thaliana suspension cells. In this study, we show that the total lipids extracted from ABA-treated cells mimic ABA in activating plasmalemma anion currents and induction of RAB18 expression. Moreover, ABA evokes within 5 min a transient 1.7-fold increase in phosphatidic acid (PA) followed by a sevenfold increase in diacylglycerol pyrophosphate (DGPP) at 20 min. PA activated plasmalemma anion currents but was incapable of triggering RAB18 expression. By contrast, DGPP mimicked ABA on anion currents and was also able to stimulate RAB18 expression. Here we show the role of DGPP as phospholipid second messenger in ABA signaling.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated a 22 kDa protein from a rat brain which was found to be involved in activating phospholipsae D (PLD), and identified the protein as hippocalcin through sequence analysis. Nevertheless, the function of hippocalcin for PLD activation still remains to be resolved. Here, we proposed that hippocalcin was involved in extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-mediated PLD2 expression. To elucidate a role of hippocalcin, we made hippocalcin transfected NIH3T3 cells and showed that the expression of PLD2 and basal PLD activity were increased in hippocalcin transfected cells. We performed PLD assay with dominant negative PLD2 (DN-PLD2) and hippocalcin co-transfected cells. DN-PLD2 suppressed increase of basal PLD activity in hippocalcin transfected cells, suggesting that increased basal PLD activity is due to PLD2 over-expression. Hippocalcin is a Ca2+-binding protein, which is expressed mainly in the hippocampus. Since it is known that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) increases intracellular Ca2+, we investigated the possible role of hippocalcin in the LPA-induced elevation of intracellular Ca2+. When the intracellular Ca2+ level was increased by LPA, hippocalcin was translocated to the membrane after LPA treatment in hippocalcin transfected cells. In addition, treatment with LPA in hippocalcin transfected cells markedly potentiated PLD2 expression and showed morphological changes of cell shape suggesting that increased PLD2 expression acts as one of the major factors to cause change of cell shape by making altered membrane lipid composition. Hippocalcin-induced PLD2 expression potentiated by LPA in hippocalcin transfected cells was inhibited by a PI-PLC inhibitor, U73122 and a chelator of intracellular Ca2+, BAPTA-AM suggesting that activation of hippocalcin caused by increased intracellular Ca2+ is important to induce over-expression of PLD2. However, downregulation of PKC and treatment of a chelator of extracellular Ca2+, EGTA had little or no effect on the inhibition of hippocalcin-induced PLD2 expression potentiated by LPA in the hippocalcin transfected cells. Interestingly, when we over-express hippocalcin, ERK was activated, and treatment with LPA in hippocalcin transfected cells significantly potentiated ERK activation. Specific inhibition of ERK dramatically abolished hippocalcin-induced PLD2 expression. Taken together, these results suggest for the first time that hippocalcin can induce PLD2 expression and LPA potentiates hippocalcin-induced PLD2 expression, which is mediated by ERK activation.  相似文献   

To shed light on the early protein phosphorylation events involved in plant cell signaling in response to environmental stresses, we studied changes in the phosphorylation status of the Arabidopsis cell suspension proteome after short-term low temperature and abscisic acid (ABA) treatment. We used radioactive pulse-labeling of Arabidopsis cell suspension cultures and two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis to identify proteins that are differentially phosphorylated in response to these treatments. Changes in the phosphorylation levels of several proteins were detected in response to short-term (5 min or less) cold (4°C) and chilling (12°C) stress and ABA treatment, and we observed that some of these changes were common between these treatments. In addition, we used Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein gel stain to study the steady-state protein phosphorylation status under the same treatments. We demonstrated that Pro-Q Diamond effectively stained phosphorylated proteins, however, the overall Pro-Q Diamond 2-D gel staining pattern of proteins extracted from low-temperature and ABA-treated cells was not consistent with the gel patterns obtained by in vivo radioactive labeling of phosphoproteins. These in vivo pulsed-labeling experiments demonstrate that the Arabidopsis phosphoproteome is dynamic in response to short-term low temperature and ABA treatment, and thus represents a strategy for the identification of signaling proteins that could be utilized in the production of chilling or freeze tolerant crop varieties.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that the major source of diglyceride (DG) formed following muscarinic receptor (mAChR) stimulation of 1321N1 astrocytoma cells is phosphatidylcholine (PC) rather than the phosphoinositides (Martinson, E. A., Goldstein, D., and Brown, J. H. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 14748-14754). We have also noted that there is a delay of several minutes before significant DG accumulation is observed. In the present work, we examine the time course and mechanism of PC hydrolysis in response to mAChR stimulation. Treatment of 1321N1 cells with carbachol results in increases in radiolabeled choline, phosphatidic acid (PA) and phosphatidylethanol (PEt), metabolites that are products of phospholipase D (PLD) action on PC. These products are all formed within 15 s of mAChR stimulation and reach a plateau within 30-60 s. The time course of PEt formation suggests that PLD is no longer activated after several minutes of mAChR stimulation. Thus there is a discrepancy between the rapid and transient activation of PLD and the delayed accumulation of DG. It appears that most of the DG is formed through the action of PLD, since propranolol (which inhibits the conversion of PA to DG) and down-regulation of protein kinase C (which prevents activation of PLD by carbachol) both markedly inhibit DG production. Using a protocol in which cells are stimulated with carbachol for only one minute (a period during which PLD and PA formation are maximally activated), we show that DG mass continues to increase following removal of agonist. We suggest that the rapid and transient activation of PLD results in delayed accumulation of DG due to the relatively slow conversion of PA to DG by PA phosphatase.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis suspension cells a rapid plasma membrane depolarization is triggered by abscisic acid (ABA). Activation of anion channels was shown to be a component leading to this ABA-induced plasma membrane depolarization. Using experiments employing combined voltage clamping, continuous measurement of extracellular pH, we examined whether plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases could also be involved in the depolarization. We found that ABA causes simultaneously cell depolarization and medium alkalinization, the second effect being abolished when ABA is added in the presence of H+ pump inhibitors. Inhibition of the proton pump by ABA is thus a second component leading to the plasma membrane depolarization. The ABA-induced depolarization is therefore the result of two different processes: activation of anion channels and inhibition of H(+)-ATPases. These two processes are independent because impairing one did not suppress the depolarization. Both processes are however dependent on the [Ca2+]cyt increase induced by ABA since increase in [Ca(2+)](cyt) enhanced anion channels and impaired H(+)-ATPases.  相似文献   

脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)是一种重要的植物激素,在种子休眠的建立、种子萌发、根发育和非生物胁迫反应过程中发挥作用。F-box蛋白是E3泛素连接酶SCF复合体的组成部分,通过特异识别和调节底物蛋白水平而调控植物生长发育过程。通过分析GEO基因芯片,筛选到38个受ABA调节的拟南芥候选F-box基因。选择其中6个F-box基因,进行实时荧光定量PCR分析。研究结果与基因芯片结果基本一致。分析启动子,发现候选基因含有大量ABA、干旱和胁迫相关的顺式作用元件。分析基因表达谱,发现部分基因在保卫细胞、种皮、花粉和衰老叶片中呈现高表达;大部分基因在ABA处理、胁迫和种子吸胀过程中表达量改变显著。这些分析结果为深入研究ABA调节植物生长发育和抗逆的分子机制提供了线索。  相似文献   

Recent evidence has demonstrated that both copper amine oxidase (CuAO; EC and phospholipase D (PLD; EC are involved in abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure. In this study, we investigated the interaction between CuAO and PLD in the ABA response. Pretreatment with either CuAO or PLD inhibitors alone or that with both additively led to impairment of ABA-induced H2O2 production and stomatal closure in Vicia faba. ABA-stimulated PLD activation could not be inhibited by the CuAO inhibitor, and CuAO activity was not affected by the PLD inhibitor. These data suggest that CuAO and PLD act independently in the ABA response. To further examine PLD and CuAO activities in ABA responses, we used the Arabidopsis mutants cuaoζ and pldα1. Ablation of guard cell-expressed CuAOζ or PLDα1 gene retarded ABA-induced H2O2 generation and stomatal closure. As a product of PLD, phosphatidic acid (PA) substantially enhanced H2O2 production and stomatal closure in wide type, pldα1, and cuaoζ. Moreover, putrescine (Put), a substrate of CuAO as well as an activator of PLD, induced H2O2 production and stomatal closure in WT but not in both mutants. These results suggest that CuAO and PLD act independently in ABA-induced stomatal closure.  相似文献   

We investigated the roles of catalase (CAT) in abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure using a cat2 mutant and an inhibitor of CAT, 3-aminotriazole (AT). Constitutive reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation due to the CAT2 mutation and AT treatment did not affect stomatal aperture in the absence of ABA, whereas ABA-induced stomatal closure, ROS production, and [Ca(2+)](cyt) oscillation were enhanced.  相似文献   

The activation of the Ras-related GTPase R-Ras, which has been implicated in the regulation of various cellular functions, by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) was studied in HEK-293 cells stably expressing the M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR), which can couple to several types of heterotrimeric G proteins. Activation of the receptor induced a very rapid and transient activation of R-Ras. Studies with inhibitors and activators of various signaling pathways indicated that R-Ras activation by the M3 mAChR is dependent on cyclic AMP formation but is independent of protein kinase A. Similar to the rather promiscuous M3 mAChR, two typical G(s)-coupled receptors also induced R-Ras activation. The receptor actions were mimicked by an Epac-specific cyclic AMP analog and suppressed by depletion of endogenous Epac1 by small interfering RNAs, as well as expression of a cyclic AMP binding-deficient Epac1 mutant, but not by expression of dominant negative Rap GTPases. In vitro studies demonstrated that Epac1 directly interacts with R-Ras and catalyzes GDP/GTP exchange at this GTPase. Finally, it is shown that the cyclic AMP- and Epac-activated R-Ras plays a major role in the M3 mAChR-mediated stimulation of phospholipase D but not phospholipase C. Collectively, our data indicate that GPCRs rapidly activate R-Ras, that R-Ras activation by the GPCRs is apparently directly induced by cyclic AMP-regulated Epac proteins, and that activated R-Ras specifically controls GPCR-mediated phospholipase D stimulation.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) activity is commonly elevated in response to mitogenic signals. We reported previously that although the transformed phenotype induced by v-Src was dependent upon Raf-1, the PLD activity induced by v-Src was independent of Raf-1. This observation suggested to us that Raf would not likely be an activator of PLD. However, upon examination of PLD activity in v-Raf-transformed cells, surprisingly, we found that PLD activity is elevated to levels that were even higher than that observed in v-Src-transformed cells. To characterize the mechanism of v-Raf-induced PLD activity, we examined the dependence of v-Raf-induced PLD activity upon protein kinase C (PKC) the small GTPases Ral and Rho, which have all been implicated in the activation of PLD. The v-Raf-induced PLD activity was inhibited by dominant negative mutants for both Ral and Rho. The dependence upon Ral was particularly surprising since Ral is a downstream target of Ras, which is an upstream activator of Raf. Depleting cells of PKC by long term phorbol ester treatment actually increased PLD activity in v-Raf-transformed cells, indicating that v-Raf-induced PLD activity is not dependent on PKC. These data describe a novel mechanism for PLD activation by v-Raf that is independent of PKC, but dependent upon both Ral and Rho GTPases.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we have shown that endothelin-1 (ET-1) activates phospholipase D independently from protein kinase C in osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. It is well recognized that phosphatidylycholine hydrolysis by phospholipase D generates phosphatidic acid, which can be further degraded by phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase to diacylglycerol. In the present study, we investigated the role of phospholipase D activation in ET-1-induced arachidonic acid release and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis in osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. ET-1 stimulated arachidonic acid release dose-dependently in the range between 0.1 nM and 0.1 μM. Propranolol, an inhibitor of phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase, significantly inhibited the ET-1-induced arachidonic acid release in a dose-dependent manner as well as the ET-1-induced diacylglycerol formation. 1,6-bis-(cyclohexyloxyminocarbonylamino)-hexane (RHC-80267), an inhibitor of diacylglycerol lipase, significantly suppressed the ET-1-induced arachidonic acid release. The pretreatment with propranolol and RHC-80267 also inhibited the ET-1-induced PGE2 synthesis. These results strongly suggest that phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis by phospholipase D is involved in the arachidonic acid release induced by ET-1 in osteoblast-like cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:376–381. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS), including hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), are among the important second messengers in abscisic acid (ABA) signaling in guard cells. In this study, to investigate specific roles of H2O2 in ABA signaling in guard cells, we examined the effects of mutations in the guard cell-expressed catalase (CAT) genes, CAT1 and CAT3, and of the CAT inhibitor 3-aminotriazole (AT) on stomatal movement. The cat3 and cat1 cat3 mutations significantly reduced CAT activities, leading to higher basal level of H2O2 in guard cells, when assessed by 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein, whereas they did not affect stomatal aperture size under non-stressed condition. In addition, AT-treatment at concentrations that abolish CAT activities, showed trivial affect on stomatal aperture size, while basal H2O2 level increased extensively. In contrast, cat mutations and AT-treatment potentiated ABA-induced stomatal closure. Inducible ROS production triggered by ABA was observed in these mutants and wild type as well as in AT-treated guard cells. These results suggest that ABA-inducible cytosolic H2O2 elevation functions in ABA-induced stomatal closure, while constitutive increase of H2O2 do not cause stomatal closure.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D was auto-phosphorylated at Ser916 and trans-phosphorylated at Ser744/Ser748 in Rat-2 fibroblasts treated with lysophosphatidic acid. Both phosphorylations were inhibited by 1-butanol, which blocks phosphatidic acid formation by phospholipase D. The phosphorylations were also reduced in Rat-2 clones with decreased phospholipase D activity. Platelet-derived growth factor-induced protein kinase D phosphorylation showed a similar requirement for phospholipase D, but that induced by 4beta-phorbol 12 myristate 13-acetate did not. Propranolol an inhibitor of diacylglycerol formation from phosphatidic acid blocked the phosphorylation of protein kinase D, whereas dioctanoylglycerol induced it. The temporal pattern of auto-phosphorylation of protein kinase D closely resembled that of phospholipase D activation and preceded the trans-phosphorylation by protein kinase C. These results suggest that protein kinase D is activated by lysophosphatidic acid through sequential phosphorylation and that diacylglycerol produced by PLD via phosphatidic acid is required for the autophosphorylation that occurs prior to protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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