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In the present paper the chromosome complement (n = 13; 2n = 26) of the common leech Haemopis sanguisuga (L.) (Annelida: Hirudinea: Hirudinidae) was analyzed using banding techniques and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with three repetitive DNA probes [ribosomal DNA (rDNA), (TTAGGG) n and (GATA) n ]. FISH with the rDNA probe consistently mapped major ribosomal clusters (18S–28S rDNA) in the pericentromeric region of one large metacentric chromosome pair; this region, which consisted of heterochromatin rich in GC base pairs, was preferentially stained by silver nitrate (Ag-NOR). The (TTAGGG) n telomeric probe was hybridized with the termini of nearly all chromosomes, whereas the (GATA) n probe did not label any chromosome areas.  相似文献   

The karyotype of Halobatrachus didactylus presents 46 chromosomes, composed of eight metacentric, 18 submetacentric, four subtelocentric, and 16 acrocentric chromosomes. The results of FISH showed that the major ribosomal genes were located in the terminal position of the short arm of a large submetacentric chromosome. They also showed a high variation in the hybridization signals. The products of amplification of 5S rDNA produced bands of about 420 pb. The PCR labeled products showed hybridization signals in the subcentromeric position of the long arm of a submetacentric chromosome of medium size. Double-color FISH indicated that the two ribosomal families are not co-located since they hybridizated in different chromosomal pairs. Telomeres of all the chromosomes hybridized with the (TTAGGG) n probe. The GATA probe displayed a strong signal in the long arm of a submetacentric chromosome of medium size, in the subcentromeric position. The double-color FISH showed that the microsatellite GATA and the 5S rDNA gene are located in different chromosomal pairs. The majority presence of GATA probes in one pair of chromosomes is unusual and considering its distribution through different taxa it could be due to evolutionary mechanisms of heterochromatine accumulation, leading to the formation of differentiated sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Warwick  T.  Knight  A. J.  Ward  R. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,193(1):109-116
This paper details attempts to breed members of the L. saxatilis species complex in the laboratory and to construct interspecific hybrids between them. Success in reciprocal crosses between animals from the type localities of the species of Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) and Littorina rudis (Maton) indicates that these two taxa are synonymous. Six of the twelve possible reciprocal hybridisation crosses between the four species (L. saxatilis, L. arcana Hannaford Ellis, L. nigrolineata Gray and L. neglecta Bean) have been attempted, with only one proving successful, that between male L. saxatilis and female L. arcana. This hybrid cross produces viable offspring, although at a lower frequency than either of the parental crosses in the laboratory, while the reciprocal cross has, as yet, proved unsuccessful. Limited work on the F1 hybrids shows them to be inter-fertile and also capable of backcrossing with male L. saxatilis, but not with female L. saxatilis or L. arcana. Details are also given of attempts to find natural hybrids in sympatric populations of the species of the complex, using gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic analysis of the sole Solea senegalensis was carried out using silver staining for the nucleolus organizer region (Ag-NOR) identification, one-color FISH for chromosomal mapping of 45S and 5S ribosomal DNAs (rDNAs), (GATA) n , and (TTAGGG) n , and two-color FISH for co-localization of both rDNAs. The Ag-NORs and the 45S rDNA were mapped to a medium-sized submetacentric chromosomal pair. Hybridization with the 5S rDNA showed a major signal on the short arm of a medium-sized submetacentric chromosome pair and a minor signal on a centromeric site of a small acrocentric chromosome pair. Differences in the Ag-NOR and 45S and 5S rDNAs FISH signal sizes were observed between homologous chromosomes and among individuals. A two-color FISH co-localized 45S and 5S rDNAs to a medium-sized submetacentric chromosomal pair. The hybridization with the telomeric (TTAGGG) n repeat displayed small signals at all chromosomal telomeres. Finally, the (GATA) n probe produced dispersed and small hybridization signals on all chromosome spreads, showing its ubiquitous existence in the genome. These results were compared with those from other Pleuronectiformes and discussed in terms of karyotype evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract Telomeric DNA sequences are known to adopt unusual DNA structures upon protonation when contained into negatively supercoiled DNA. In this paper, the structural properties of (T(2)AG(3))(n) telomeric sequences of different length is analyzed in detail. Transition to the protonated form is observed at very low pH for (T(2)AG(3))(n<8) sequences. Formation of the protonated form is facilitated by negative supercoiling. The patterns of chemical modification obtained with different chemical reagents indicate that protonation induces denaturation of the (T(2)AG(3))(n) telomeric sequences. Upon denaturation, the "C-rich" strand becomes structured forming, most likely, hairpin-like conformations stabilized by the formation of C(+)·C pairs and, probably, of A(+)·A pairs. The "G-rich" strand of the (T(2)AG(3))(8) sequence shows also signs of becoming structured giving rise to various structural conformers which might include triple- and tetra-stranded conformations. However, in the case of shorter sequences, the "G-rich" strand remains basically single-stranded.  相似文献   

Examination of eight Atlantic species of the genus Littorina by starch gel electrophoresis of purine nucleoside phosphorylase revealed extensive polymorphism within the L. saxatilis complex. In this group, four alleles have been identified. Heterozygotes are four banded, and thus, as in vertebrates, the enzyme is likely to be a trimer. Breeding experiments confirmed the genetic interpretation of the phenotype patterns. Where species of the saxatilis complex [L. saxatilis (=L. rudis), L. arcana, L. nigrolineata, L. neglecta] are sympatric, there are sometimes significant allele frequency differences between them. A fifth allele was present at a high frequency in L. obtusata and L. mariae, and L. littorea and L. neritoides each possessed unique alleles. A total of eight alleles was identified. Densitometric scanning of heterozygote patterns pointed to activity differences between alleles and also showed that, while the heterotrimeric bands were never less intense than the homotrimeric bands, the heterotrimeric bands were sometimes less intense than expected. It is not clear whether this represents nonrandom association of subunits, decreased stability of heterotrimers, or simply an artifact of the staining and quantifying process.This work was supported by NERC Grant GR3/5319.  相似文献   

Chromosome location of major (18S, 5.8S and 28S) and 5S ribosomal RNA genes (rDNAs) was examined in Lebias fasciata collected from different Italian blackish-waters, using silver (Ag)- and chromomycin A3 (CMA3)-staining and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Both 18S and 5S rDNA probes for FISH were obtained with polymerase chain reaction-directed cloning from genomic DNA of the examined species. Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) containing the major rDNAs showed intraspecific polymorphism in number as detected by Ag-and CMA3-staining and FISH with the 18S rDNA probe. On the other hand, 5S rDNA loci constantly occurred on one chromosome pair and co-localized with a pair of the major rDNA loci as evidenced by two-color FISH using the 5S and 18S rDNA probes. Sequential CMA3- and Ag-NOR staining and FISH revealed apparent inactivation of some NORs. The cloned 5S rDNA was found to contain some TATA-like sequences that might play an important role in the regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

Somatic chromosomes ofStangeria eriopus (Stangeriaceae, Cycadales) were investigated by fluorescentin situ hybridization (FISH) using an 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probe.Stangeria eriopus showed a chromosome number of 2n=16 with a karyotype of 12 median-, 2 subterminal-, and 2 terminal-centromeric chromosomes. FISH study ofS. eriopus revealed 16 signals made up of rDNA sites located on the terminal regions of the long arms of the 7 median- and 2 subterminal-centromeric chromosomes, on terminal region of the short arm of the 1 median-centromeric chromosome, on the terminal regions of the long and the short arms of 1 median- and 2 terminal-centromeric chromosomes. This result suggests that, not only karyomorphologically but also molecular-cytologically, the genusStangeria may be more closely related to the genusCeratozamia than the genusBowenia or the genusMicrocycas previously hypothesized.  相似文献   


The telomeric DNA oligomers, d(TTAGGG)n where n=1, 2, 4, could self-associate into the multi-stranded structures in appropriate condition and exhibited a different CD spectra. The present of Na+ was more advantage to facilitate the formation of anti-parallel conformation, but the present of K+ enhanced their thermal stability. Spectroscopic analysis of 3, 3′- diethyloxadicarbocyanine (DODC) showed the formation of hairpin quadruplex structures for d(TTAGGG)2 and d(TTAGGG)4, but d(TTAGGG) could not. The four-stranded tetraplexes and branched nanowire formed in the present of K+ or Na+ alone were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The ability to self-assemble of d(TTAGGG)n into four-stranded tetraplexes and nanowires depends strongly on the number of repeating units and ionic environment. A model to explain how these structures formed is proposed.  相似文献   

Variation at the 18S+26S and 5S ribosomal DNA loci was assessed on 62 Erianthus Michx. clones, representing 11 species, and 15 clones from two Saccharum L. species used as a reference. Genus-specific markers for Erianthus Michx. sect. Ripidium Henrard (Old World species) were identified. Ribosomal DNA units in Erianthus sect. Ripidium exhibited an additional BamHI site compared to Saccharum, and 5S units showed length and restriction-site differences between Erianthus and Saccharum. These markers will be useful to follow introgression in Saccharum x Erianthus hybrids. Six ribosomal units (for 18+26S genes) were revealed in Erianthus sect. Ripidium, differing by restriction-site positions and/or length. These results provided new information on species relationships and evolution within the genus Erianthus. The Indonesian and Indian forms of E. arundinaceus (Retz.) Jeswiet gave different restriction patterns, which were similar to those of E. bengalense (Retz.) R. C. Bharadwaja and E. procerus (Roxb.) Raizade, respectively. The two 2n=20 species, E. ele-phantinus Hook.f. and E. ravennae (L.) P. Beauv., could also be differentiated at this locus. Two of the New World Erianthus species studied, E. rufipilus (Steud.) Griseb. and E. longisetosus Andersson, appeared more like Erianthus sect. Ripidium, whereas E. trinii Hack, and E. brevibardis Michx. showed patterns consistent with Miscanthus sinensis Andersson and S. spontaneum L., respectively. Finally, the comparison of rDNA restriction maps among Erianthus sect. Ripidium, Saccharum, sorghum and maize, led to unexpected conclusions concerning the relationships between the different genera and the position of Erianthus in the Saccharum complex.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease fragment analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) was completed on 25 individuals each from seven populations of theLisianthius skinneri (Gentianaceae) species complex in Panama. Seven restriction enzymes were used to determine the amount and type of rDNA variation within and among individuals of the populations. No restriction site variation was seen within populations or individuals although site differences were seen among populations. Spacer length variation within and among individuals of populations was mapped to the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region between the 18S and 5.8S rRNA genes, a region inLisianthius rDNA that previously was shown to exhibit length differences among populations. This is the first reported case of such variation within and among individuals of populations for the ITS region. Presence or absence of ITS spacer length variation is not correlated with levels of isozymic heterozygosity within populations. No detectable length variation within individuals or populations was seen in the larger intergenic spacer (IGS). Although populations varied with respect to IGS length, all individuals of a given population had a single and equivalent IGS length.  相似文献   

Chromosome preparations of 30 specimens of Oryzomys subflavus trapped in eight Brazilian localities were C-, and G-banded and analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Two karyotypes were found, 2n=50/FN=64, at three coastal localities of the Atlantic Forest domain, and 2n=58/FN=70 at two sites located in the Cerrado biome, Brazil Central. Two fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) patterns of the telomeric sequence (T2AG3)n were observed: in both karyotypes the probes hybridized to the telomeres of all chromosomes and also a hybridization signal in the centromeric regions of two autosome pairs was seen in the 2n=50 karyotype. These results, together with the occurrence of other diploid numbers described in the literature, suggest that O. subflavus is a complex species, bearing fusion/fission rearrangements proper to the different biomes which it inhabits.  相似文献   

Restriction site mutations in the chloroplast (cpDNA) and ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were examined in 41 populations representing five of the seven recognized species of the genusRobinsonia, which is endemic to the Juan Fernandez Islands. No intraspecific variation was detected for cpDNA but one population of one of the species (R. evenia) had a restriction site mutation in rDNA not detected elsewhere. No restriction site mutations were unique to all species ofRobinsonia relative to the species ofSenecio used as outgroups. All 13 mutations (eight from cpDNA and five from rDNA) are restricted to single species, and thus provide no cladistically useful information within the genus. The distribution of mutations is concordant with the hypothesis of a rapid adaptive radiation ofRobinsonia subsequent to the dispersal of its ancestor to Masatierra.  相似文献   

The genus Phanaeus is included in the tribe Phanaeini, one of the most diverse tribes within the subfamily Scarabaeinae in terms of chromosomal characteristics. However, so far the species of this genus were not studied with differential cytogenetic techniques, limiting any inference of the probable mechanisms responsible for this diversity. In this work, several techniques were applied with the aim of cytogenetically characterizing two Phanaeus species. The karyotype found for Phanaeus (Notiophanaeus) chalcomelas was 2n = 12, neo-XY, and that of P. (N.) splendidulus was 2n = 20, Xyp, considered primitive for the family Scarabaeidae. The chromosomes of both species showed a high amount of constitutive heterochromatin (CH), with blocks rich in base pairs GC (CMA3+). Moreover, in P. (N.) chalcomelas the marks revealed by C-banding and fluorochrome staining were different in size, showing CH variability. Sites of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were identified in one autosomal pair of P. (N.) chalcomelas and in five autosomal pairs of P. (N.) splendidulus. On the other hand, only one autosomal pair exhibited 5S rDNA sequences in these species. The results suggest that the karyotype differentiation of the Phanaeus species studied here involved pericentric inversions and centric fusions, as well as mechanisms related to amplification and dispersion of CH and rDNA sequences.  相似文献   

Transformation of the taxol-producing filamentous fungusPestalotiopsis microsporawith a plasmid containing the bacterial hygromycin resistance gene fused toAspergillusregulatory sequences resulted in thein vivoformation of extrachromosomal DNAs with telomeric repeats in the majority of transformants. Repeats of the telomeric sequence 5′-TTAGGG-3′ were appended to nontelomeric transforming DNA termini. No fungal sequences other than telomeric repeats were detected in extrachromosomal DNAs. Transformants contained three to six different sizes or conformational forms of extrachromosomal DNAs. The DNAs showed no change in size or internal structure during 6 months of growth with selection, but were lost after 20 days of growth without selection. Transformation of wild-typeP. microsporawith a PCR-amplified extrachromosomal DNA having terminal telomeric repeats produced up to 50-fold more transformants than the original transformation vector. The addition of telomeric repeats to foreign DNA is unusual among fungi and may have important adaptive or developmental implications.  相似文献   

The physical location of 18S-5.8S-28S rDNA, telomeric sequences with (TTAGGG)n DNA probe and (GATA)n microsatellites were performed by fluorescence in situ hybridization in chromosomes of red abalone Haliotis rufescens. The karyotype of red abalone showed a diploid number of 36 (8M+9SM+1ST). FISH performed with rDNA probe, showed the location of major ribosomal clusters in the terminal region of the large arms of two submetacentric pairs (chromosome 4 and 5). Localization of heteromorphisms of FISH-rDNA was found between chromosome homologues and sister chromatids in all metaphases analyzed. This indicates that rDNA clusters are variable within the red abalone genome. The variability in the NOR-bearing reported using silver staining in other gastropods and our result are discussed. In addition, the presence of microsatellite (TTAGGG)n and (GATA)n was demonstrated after FISH treatment by DNA probes. The telomeric sequence occurred at the ends of all mitotic chromosomes, while the (GATA)n repetitive was found on chromosomal interstitial zones as well as at the telomeres in abalone chromosomes.  相似文献   

Variation in ribosomal DNA spacer length was analysed in 23 populations of 12Secale spp. by restriction enzyme analysis. Digestion of rDNA with Taq I endonuclease enzyme yields spacer fragments that include the subrepeat array and the non-repetitive region downstream of the array. Extensive spacer length variation existed in most species with Taq I fragment lengths ranging from 0.9–3.1 kb. These length variants have been attributed to the differences in number of 134 bp spacer subrepeats within rDNA arrays.S. silvestre was the only species to exhibit a unique spacer length variant of 0.9 kb and this was shown to result from the presence of an extra Taq I site in the spacer. rDNA spacer length frequencies were determined for the species. These frequencies were used to derive phenetic relationships between the species by numerical taxonomic methods. In plots constructed fromGower's distance matrices,S. silvestre appeared well separated from the major cluster consisting of the other species. On the basis of morphological and cytogenetic criteria,S. silvestre is considered the most ancient species. The rDNA data is consistent with this interpretation as it shows a clear differentiation ofS. silvestre from all the other species based on length and nucleotide sequence composition of the spacer region.  相似文献   

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