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Cadherins are homophilic cell-to-cell adhesion molecules that help cells respond to environmental changes. Newly formed cadherin junctions are associated with increased cell phosphorylation, but the pathways driving this signaling response are largely unknown. Since cadherins have no intrinsic signaling activity, this phosphorylation must occur through interactions with other signaling molecules. We previously reported that cadherin-11 engagement activates joint synovial fibroblasts, promoting inflammatory and degradative pathways important in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis. Our objective in this study was to discover interacting partners that mediate cadherin-11 signaling. Protein array screening showed that cadherin-11 extracellular binding domains linked to an Fc domain (cad11Fc) induced platelet-derived growth factor (PDGFR)-α phosphorylation in synovial fibroblasts and glioblastoma cells. PDGFRs are growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases that promote cell proliferation, survival, and migration in mesodermally derived cells. Increased PDGFR activity is implicated in RA pathology and associates with poor prognosis in several cancers, including sarcoma and glioblastoma. PDGFRα activation by cadherin-11 signaling promoted fibroblast proliferation, a signaling pathway independent from cadherin-11-stimulated IL-6 or matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 release. PDGFRα phosphorylation mediated most of the cad11Fc-induced phosphatidyl-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt activation, but only part of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) response. PDGFRα-dependent signaling did not require cell cadherin-11 expression. Rather, cad11Fc immunoprecipitated PDGFRα, indicating a direct interaction between cadherin-11 and PDGFRα extracellular domains. This study is the first to report an interaction between cadherin-11 and PDGFRα and adds to our growing understanding that cadherin-growth factor receptor interactions help balance the interplay between tissue growth and adhesion.  相似文献   

The vav proto-oncogene encodes a 95 kDa protein which is expressed exclusively in hematopoietic cells. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence has revealed the presence of a src-homology 2 (SH2) domain, 2 SH3 domains, a cysteine-rich region with similarity to protein kinase C, and a region highly similar to proteins with guanine nucleotide exchange activity on ras-like GTPases. Recent work has shown that vav is tyrosine phosphorylated in response to stimulation of surface membrane receptors in a variety of hematopoietic cell lines. Vav may play a role in hematopoietic cell signaling by coupling tyrosine kinase pathways to ras-like GTPases through the regulation of guanine nucleotide exchange.  相似文献   

We used a microarray technique to investigate changes of gene expression in liver induced by two peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) agonists, a strong PPARalpha agonist, Wy-14,643, and a marketed fibrate drug, fenofibrate. The purposes of this work are: 1) to examine whether or not gene expression is altered in different ways by these two PPARalpha agonists and 2) to find genes whose expression has not been previously reported to be affected by PPARalpha agonists. Mice were treated orally with 100 mg/kg fenofibrate, or 30 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg Wy-14,643, and the liver was collected on Day 2 or 3. mRNA was extraction from liver, and subjected to microarray analysis. Previously reported induction or reduction of gene expression, e.g. genes involved in beta-oxidation and lipid metabolism, was confirmed in our study. Scatter plot analysis indicated that the changes of gene expression pattern induced by fenofibrate and Wy-14,643 were almost identical. However, expression levels of metallothionein 1 and 2 mRNAs were different: no change of hepatic metallothionein 1 and 2 mRNA expression was induced by 100 mg/kg fenofibrate on Day 2 or 3, while 30 mg/kg Wy-14,643 administration increased expression of both genes by 1.8-fold on Day 3. In addition to previously reported gene expression changes by PPARalpha agonists, we found expression changes of other genes, including cis-retinol/3alpha-hydroxysterol short chain dehydrogenase, vanin-1, RecA-like protein, and serum amyloid A (SAA) 2. Among them, the change of SAA2 mRNA level was noteworthy; it showed a decrease to as little as one-seventh. Seven-day fenofibrate pre-treatment of mice completely inhibited the acute-phase elevation of plasma SAA concentration triggered by acetaminophen challenge. This finding suggests that fenofibrate treatment may reduce plasma SAA concentration in patients with secondary amyloidosis.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of Cell, Salomé Prat and colleagues describe the characterization of PHOR1, an armadillo-related protein involved in gibberellin signaling and also responsive to light.  相似文献   

<正>A research team led by Xiang Cheng Bin from School of Life Sciences,University of Science and Technology of China discovered a molecular basis for crosstalk between jasmonic acid(JA)and auxin,two important plant hormones.Their findings were published in a recent issue of Nature Communication[1].Auxin is the plant growth hormone that plays an essential  相似文献   

A genetic link between Tbx1 and fibroblast growth factor signaling   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Tbx1 haploinsufficiency causes aortic arch abnormalities in mice because of early growth and remodeling defects of the fourth pharyngeal arch arteries. The function of Tbx1 in the development of these arteries is probably cell non-autonomous, as the gene is not expressed in structural components of the artery but in the surrounding pharyngeal endoderm. We hypothesized that Tbx1 may trigger signals from the pharyngeal endoderm directed to the underlying mesenchyme. We show that the expression patterns of Fgf8 and Fgf10, which partially overlap with Tbx1 expression pattern, are altered in Tbx1(-/-) mutants. In particular, Fgf8 expression is abolished in the pharyngeal endoderm. To understand the significance of this finding for the pathogenesis of the mutant Tbx1 phenotype, we crossed Tbx1 and Fgf8 mutants. Double heterozygous Tbx1(+/-);Fgf8(+/-) mutants present with a significantly higher penetrance of aortic arch artery defects than do Tbx1(+/-);Fgf8(+/+) mutants, while Tbx1(+/+);Fgf8(+/-) animals are normal. We found that Fgf8 mutation increases the severity of the primary defect caused by Tbx1 haploinsufficiency, i.e. early hypoplasia of the fourth pharyngeal arch arteries, consistent with the time and location of the shared expression domain of the two genes. Hence, Tbx1 and Fgf8 interact genetically in the development of the aortic arch. Our data provide the first evidence of a genetic link between Tbx1 and FGF signaling, and the first example of a modifier of the Tbx1 haploinsufficiency phenotype. We speculate that the FGF8 locus might affect the penetrance of cardiovascular defects in individuals with chromosome 22q11 deletions involving TBX1.  相似文献   

Leptin is a protein hormone that acts within the hypothalamus to suppress food intake and decrease body adiposity, but it is increasingly clear that the hypothalamus is not the only site of leptin action, nor food intake the only biological effect of leptin. Instead, leptin is a pleiotropic hormone that impinges on many brain areas, and in doing so alters food intake, motivation, learning, memory, cognitive function, neuroprotection, reproduction, growth, metabolism, energy expenditure, and more. This diversity of function also means that a dysregulation of leptin secretion and signaling can have far reaching effects. To date research on leptin signaling has focused primarily on the hypothalamus, and the result is a relative lack of information regarding the impact of leptin signaling and leptin resistance in non-hypothalamic areas, despite a growing literature implicating leptin in the regulation of neuronal structure and function in the hippocampus, cortex and other brain areas associated with cognition.  相似文献   

The function of dorsomedial hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) in energy balance has largely been restricted to lactation-induced hyperphagia. In this issue, Chao et?al. (2011) expand this role to include inhibition of both brown fat thermogenesis and conversion of white-to-brown adipocytes in a white fat depot, resulting in reduced energy expenditure.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal proteins provide the structural foundation that allows cells to exist in a highly organized manner. Recent evidence suggests that certain cytoskeletal proteins not only maintain structural integrity, but might also be associated with signal transduction and suppression of tumorigenesis. Since the time of the discovery of tensin, a fair amount of data has been gathered which supports the notion that tensin is one such protein possessing these characteristics. In this review, we discuss recent studies that: (1) elucidate a role for tensin in maintenance of cellular structure and signal transduction; (2) implicate tensin as the anchor for actin filaments at the focal adhesion; (3) describe the phosphorylation of tensin; (4) describe potential targets for its Src homology region 2 domain; (5) describe the association between tensin and the nuclear protein p130; and (6) demonstrate that increased tensin expression in a cell line appears to reduce its transformation potential.  相似文献   

Sarcoglycans are a multimeric, integral membrane protein complex that is part of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex. Previous findings suggest that the dystrophin glycoprotein complex plays roles not only in maintaining the mechanical structure of the cell membrane but also in signal transduction. To evaluate the functions of sarcoglycans, we here took advantage of Drosophila, which is useful for screening genetic interactions. Morphological aberrancy was observed in the adult compound eyes of Drosophila beta-sarcolgycan (dscgbeta) knockdown flies. We also detected genetic interactions between dscgbeta and Egfr related genes, such as rhomboid-1, rhomboid-3, and mirror. Furthermore two extra cell types with strong expression of Rhomboid were found in the ommatidia of dscgbeta knockdown pupal retina. These cells exhibited phosphorylation of ERKA, suggesting that Egfr signaling is activated via Rhomboid. Through these in vivo analyses, we conclude that dscgbeta negatively regulates the Egfr signaling pathway.  相似文献   


Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorγ (PPARγ) can regulate the process of cell apoptosis and is related to the progression of renal disorders. Retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARα) is one of the nuclear receptors involved in a variety of kidney diseases. Renal interstitial fibrosis (RIF) is a common denominator of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study investigated whether a potential signaling pathway existed between PPARγ and RARα in RIF rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO). The rats were randomly divided into four groups: a model group subjected to UUO (GU), and three other groups treated with rosiglitazone sodium (GRS), GW9662 and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), n?=?40, respectively. Renal tissues were collected two and four weeks after post-surgery. The relevant indicators were detected. In comparison with the GU group, the expressions of PPARγ and RARα (protein and mRNA) were increased in the GRS group, and decreased in the GW9662 group (all p?<?0.01). The RIF index, mRNA and protein expression of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), and the protein expressions of collagen-IV (Col-IV) and fibronectin (FN) in the GRS group were more markedly reduced than those in the GU group; their levels in the GW9662 group were elevated (all p?<?0.01). PPARγ or RARα was negatively correlated to the RIF index, TGF-β1, Col-IV and FN. PPARγ was positively correlated with RARα (all p?<?0.01). In conclusion, PPARγ agonist can elevate the expression of PPARγ or RARα in RIF rats. There might be a potential signaling pathway between PPARγ and RARα in RIF disease.  相似文献   

Guard cells are a model system for studying signal transduction. F-box proteins, representing one of the largest gene families in Arabidopsis, have been shown to be involved in many developmental and physiological processes, including stress responses. However, it is unclear if there is a direct link between an F-box protein and the guard cell ABA signaling. DOR is a guard cell-preferential F-box protein, and our results suggested that it likely forms two negative feedback regulatory loops for the ABA-induced stomatal closure under drought conditions in Arabidopsis. These findings have a potential impact on genetically modifying drought stress responses in plants.Key words: DOR, F-box protein, guard cell, ABA signaling  相似文献   

Objective: This study was designed to examine the effect of peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor‐α (PPAR‐α) ligands on the inflammatory changes induced by the interaction between adipocytes and macrophages in obese adipose tissue. Methods and Procedures: PPAR‐α ligands (Wy‐14,643 and fenofibrate) were added to 3T3‐L1 adipocytes, RAW264 macrophages, or co‐culture of 3T3‐L1 adipocytes and RAW264 macrophages in vitro, and monocyte chemoattractant protein‐1 (MCP‐1) and tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) mRNA expression and secretion were examined. PPAR‐α ligands were administered to genetically obese ob/ob mice for 2 weeks. Moreover, the effect of PPAR‐α ligands was also evaluated in the adipose tissue explants and peritoneal macrophages obtained from PPAR‐α‐deficient mice. Results: In the co‐culture of 3T3‐L1 adipocytes and RAW264 macrophages, PPAR‐α ligands reduced MCP‐1 and TNF‐α mRNA expression and secretion in vitro relative to vehicle‐treated group. The anti‐inflammatory effect of Wy‐14,643 was observed in adipocytes treated with macrophage‐conditioned media or mouse recombinant TNF‐α and in macrophages treated with adipocyte‐conditioned media or palmitate. Systemic administration of PPAR‐α ligands inhibited the inflammatory changes in adipose tissue from ob/ob mice. Wy‐14,643 also exerted an anti‐inflammatory effect in the adipose tissue explants but not in peritoneal macrophages obtained from PPAR‐α‐deficient mice. Discussion: This study provides evidence for the anti‐inflammatory effect of PPAR‐α ligands in the interaction between adipocytes and macrophages in obese adipose tissue, thereby improving the dysregulation of adipocytokine production and obesity‐related metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Mammalian phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGP, also known as AUM or glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase) is a small molecule-directed phosphatase important for metabolite repair and lipid metabolism. Although PGP was first characterized as an enzyme involved in epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling, PGP protein substrates have remained elusive. Here we show that PGP depletion facilitates fatty acid flux through the intracellular triacylglycerol/fatty acid cycle, and that phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), produced in a side branch of this cycle, is critical for the impact of PGP activity on EGF-induced signaling. Loss of endogenous PGP expression amplified both EGF-induced EGF receptor autophosphorylation and Src-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C-γ1 (PLCγ1). Furthermore, EGF enhanced the formation of circular dorsal ruffles in PGP-depleted cells via Src/PLCγ1/protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent signaling to the cytoskeleton. Inhibition of adipose triglyceride lipase normalized the increased PIP2 content, reduced EGF-dependent PLCγ1 hyperphosphorylation, and decreased the elevated dorsal ruffle formation of PGP-depleted cells. Our data explain how PGP exerts control over EGF-induced cellular protein tyrosine phosphorylation, and reveal an unexpected influence of triacylglycerol turnover on growth factor signaling.  相似文献   

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