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高寒湿地植物群落的物种多样性保护及生态恢复对策   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
以物种组成较为复杂的青藏高原东部地区玛曲县高寒湿地为背景.从恢复生态学角度,系统地探讨了影响湿地植物群落物种多样性与生产力变化的主要因素,从不同的时间和空间尺度研究了典型样区植物群落中物种多样性与生产力的恢复机理与过程,以及生境异质性对其的影响。结果表明:在导致湿地植被退化的人类干扰诸因素中.超载放牧是主要因素。该地区超载量高达24%;其次.气候变化对湿地物种多样性与生产力也有较大影响。典型样区的恢复试验结果表明:实行围栏轮牧、控制载畜量、鼠虫害防治和建植人工草地等人工综合措施,能使样区植被得以卓有成效的恢复与保护。其中.黄河滩地的植物群落中.物种丰富度从23种/m^2上升到29种/m^2;Shannon多样性指数从3.82上升到4.62;草场生产力(地上生物量)从729.2g/m^2上升到935.38g/m^2。阳坡和阴坡样地植被也有类同的恢复效果。在以上三类样地中.以滩地的生态恢复效果最为显著。据此,我们提出了相应的湿地物种多样性保护和生态恢复对策.即:加强自然保护区建设、协调人类活动与物种多样性保护的关系、严格控制载畜量、发展人工草地等主要措施与建设。  相似文献   

Simultaneously with increasing afforestation efforts in western Europe, among conservationists the consciousness is growing that protecting areas to conserve biodiversity will not be sufficient in the long term, and that also the ecological restoration of more or less severely altered areas will be necessary. The probability that recently established forest stands develop towards their ecological reference (i.e. ancient forest) depends largely on the possibility of the target species to colonize them. We focused on the colonization ability of forest plant species and particularly on so-called ancient forest plant species. Major constraints for ecological forest restoration are the spatial characteristics of the target site (isolation, shape and area), imposing dispersal limitations, and in the duration and intensity of the historical land use, leading to changes in habitat characteristics influencing recruitment probability. We reviewed the ecological literature with respect to these constraints and conclude that it takes at least a century to restore the understorey layer of recent forests, even when the target stand is adjacent to a well-developed ancient forest. Both recruitment and dispersal limitation of the target species are responsible for this. Newly established forests should therefore be situated at a minimal distance of the ancient forest source. In other cases, forest plant species will not be able to colonize the newly established forest on a measurable time scale and artificial introduction of forest plant species can be taken into consideration. The negative effects of habitat characteristics, and mainly high soil nutrient values in the recent forest stand can be mitigated by soil nutrient lowering measures. Disturbances in the recent forest should be minimized to maintain a high canopy closure level, preventing light demanding, high competitive species from establishing a stable population. An additional negative consequence of soil disturbances is that it stimulates germination of species from the soil seed bank, which is mainly composed of highly competitive or ruderal species.  相似文献   

表土在日本植被恢复中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤种子库具有区域特有的物种组成和遗传特性,对维持物种多样性和种群密度起到重要作用.表土是具有植被恢复潜在能力的绿化材料.本文在参考大量日本文献的基础上,介绍了利用表土进行植被恢复的特点及分类,从表土混合比例、坡面环境、表土采集深度等3个方面归纳分析了利用表土进行植被恢复的方式,介绍了其在森林、道路、湿地、废弃地等不同类型生境中的应用.最后针对表土在植被恢复应用中存在的问题提出了今后的研究课题:应加强表土在植被恢复中的应用研究,明确绿化技术、恢复目标及表土作为绿化材料的适用性调查方法和标准,开发低成本、高效率的新型表土利用方法.  相似文献   

桂西南石漠化山地土壤种子库的基本特征及植被恢复对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用幼苗萌发法对广西平果县龙何示范区石漠化山地的土壤种子库进行初步研究。结果表明,该地区土壤种子库共有108种植物,隶属于33科81属,其中草本81种、灌木20种、藤本7种;其土壤种子库的种子密度为64.6~339.7粒.m-2,且在不同土地利用类型区及不同季节存在较大差别。在分析土壤种子库对其植被恢复作用的基础上,认为可采取自然封育和人工造林等措施,以促进现存植被的正向演替。  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to determine the density and species composition of germinable seed in the surface soil layers of 30 plots within a coniferized lowland woodland in East Kent in order to establish the resources available for habitat creation in the event of some areas being modified during a proposed holiday village development. The selected plots included conifer plantations (up to 69 years old), broad-leaved plantations and the semi-natural broad-leaved edges that remain on parts of the perimeter of the site which were used as the control. A total of 13 682 seedlings emerged from the soil samples during the four-month germination trials. Fifty-two species were identified of which eight were ancient woodland indicator species for south-east England. The most abundant species represented in the seed banks were: Juncus effusus, Rubus fruticosus, Carex sylvatica, Betula pendula and Agrostis tenuis. Between-site comparisons of coniferous plots of different ages revealed a marked reduction in the seed species and seed density in plantations over 65 years old. Results of soil nutrient and texture analyses ruled out the likelihood of edaphic factors being responsible for between-site differences in seed bank composition. Seed species richness and diversity (Shannon-Wiener diversity index) were greatest in the semi-natural broad-leaved edges, but the diversity index used also showed that two replanted conifer sites had high values despite few species being present. The usefulness and limitations of diversity indices in the context of seed bank studies is discussed. From the results of the study, management proposals for the site have been put forward in order to maintain floristic diversity and mitigate the impact of the proposed development.  相似文献   

Summary Assessment of the conservation significance of a species at a particular site involves estimating the population size. Generally this is based on a single survey. However, where plant species vary greatly in abundance in response to disturbance regimes, there will be uncertainty associated with the use of single estimates of abundance. The interpretation of such estimates is dependent on an understanding of the ecology of the species and the disturbance regimes that impact on it. We examined the usefulness of abundance estimates in the endangered shrub Grevillea caleyi (a fire‐sensitive shrub with a persistent soil seed bank) from south‐eastern Australia, where fire is a major landscape disturbance. Comparisons of estimates of abundance before and after fire showed very large changes in the number of plants of G. caleyi above ground. Changes in abundance of over two orders of magnitude were observed. The longer the site was left unburnt, the greater the magnitude of change in abundance after the next fire. Above‐ground plants may be rare or absent at sites unburnt for over 15–20 years, but were abundant after fire, due to re‐establishment from the soil seed bank. Sites burnt by two fires in quick succession showed declines in population abundance, most likely due to the soil seed bank not being replenished between such short interval fires. Assessments of the conservation significance of remnant sites of G. caleyi and similar species based on a single sample of above‐ground plant abundance at one time are considered inappropriate. The amount of available habitat for G. caleyi, either as area of occupancy or preferably extent of available habitat, was a moderate predictor of the likely magnitude of abundance in the species after fire. However, the usefulness of these measures for species whose biology is comparable to Grevillea caleyi, will be limited due to factors relating to the degree of species‐specific habitat requirements, local site fire history and the impact of any one fire on resultant post‐fire germination levels. Any assessment of conservation significance will require the interpretation of available information in relation to the ecology of a species.  相似文献   

农田开垦对三江平原湿地土壤种子库影响及湿地恢复潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种子库是湿地植被恢复的重要途径之一,不同时期的耕作土壤中残留的种子对开垦湿地恢复具有重要的作用.本文采用温室萌发法在两种水分条件下对三江平原天然湿地、不同开垦年限湿地种子库结构和规模进行了研究,以了解不同开垦年限湿地种子库特征及其在湿地植被恢复中的潜力.本次实验共萌发物种50种,随着开垦年限增加,萌发物种逐渐减少,天然湿地、开垦1年、3年、10年、20年的湿地分别为34种、31种、21种、21种和8种,萌发物种数与种子库规模均表现出极显著差异(F1=8.32,F2=5.946,P<0.001).种子库密度以天然湿地和开垦1年湿地最大,分别为7624粒/m2,9836粒/m2.随着开垦年限增加,种子库规模逐渐减小,开垦3年、10年种子库密度为4336粒/m2,4872粒/m2.开垦20 a后,显著减少为432粒/m2.湿润条件下萌发物种数及种子密度显著高于淹水处理,种子库具有明显的分层现象,0-5 cm土层种子库规模显著高于5-10 cm.小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)作为该地区优势物种,由最初的1192粒/m2,经过20 a开垦后在种子库中消失.研究表明,在一定的开垦年限范围内,开垦湿地土壤中仍然保留大量的湿地物种种子,在湿地恢复中具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

为了解全球气候变化背景下森林草原过渡带持久土壤种子库对未来降水减少的响应,本研究以呼伦贝尔森林草原过渡带为研究区域,沿降水梯度采集0~10 cm土层的持久土壤种子库样本,研究种子库密度、物种组成、多样性及其与地上植被的关系,并利用结构方程模型研究年降水量对持久土壤种子库的直接影响及其通过地上植被和土壤有效氮、有效磷、土壤pH值产生的间接影响。结果表明: 随着降水量的降低,种子库密度和物种丰富度有增加趋势,森林草原过渡带草地土壤种子库物种多样性高于森林。土壤种子库与地上植被相似性整体较低。结构方程模型结果显示,年降水量对种子库的密度和物种丰富度的总效应为负效应,标准路径系数为-0.051和-0.122。年降水量对种子库的密度和物种丰富度的直接效应为正效应,降水量通过土壤全氮对种子库密度和物种丰富度产生显著的间接正效应,通过土壤pH和土壤有效磷对种子库物种丰富度产生显著的间接负效应,通过土壤pH对种子库密度产生显著的间接负效应。气候变化下降水减少会改变植物应对风险的策略,森林草原过渡带的持久土壤种子库对应对未来可能发生的降水减少具有一定的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

对花岗岩区土壤严重退化生态系统(对照)及4种不同恢复和重建措施建筑多样性和地力研究结果表明,花岗岩区红壤严重退化生态系统(对照)植物多样地性极低,土壤肥力极差,生态环境极为恶劣,改为杨梅果园(措施A)或多树种混交(措施B)后,植物多样性明显增大,林地土壤肥力得到一定程度恢复,生态系统朝着良性循环方向发展,采取封山育林(措施C)方法,林下植被层和群落多样性恢复最快,林地土壤肥力亦得到较快的恢复,保留  相似文献   

Wof‐Washa forest is one of the few remaining dry Afromontane forests in the central plateau of Ethiopia. Woody species composition, structure and regeneration patterns of this forest were studied to generate information essential for formulating feasible management options for the forest. Vegetation data were collected from 64 quadrats of size 20 m × 20 m, 10 m × 10 m and 5 m × 5 m for tree/shrub, sapling and seedling, respectively, laid systematically along transects. A total of 62 woody species belonging to 54 genera and 40 families were recorded. Rosaceae was the most diverse family with five (12.5%) species followed by Anacardiaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Myrsinaceae with three (7.5%) species each. Tree/shrub, sapling and seedling densities were 699, 1178 and 7618.7 individuals/ha. About 56.7% of the importance value index was contributed by Juniperus procera, Maytenus arbutifolia, Podocarpus falcatus and Ilex mitis. Vegetation classification resulted in five plant communities: Ilex mitis – Maytenus obscura, Galiniera saxifraga – Maesa lanceolata, Juniperus procera – Erica arborea, Podocapus falcatus – Allophylus abyssinicus and Pittosporum viridiflorum – Polycias fulva community types. Regeneration status of all the woody plant species was categorized as ‘Good’ (28%), ‘Fair’ (19%), ‘Poor’ (8%), ‘None’ (40%) and ‘New’ (5%).  相似文献   

母岩对景观演化和生物定植起着决定性作用,但母岩对区植物多样性是否产生影响是地学、植物学和生态学共同关注的热点。以桂北冠岩、恭城两个典型岩溶区3种母岩(灰岩、碎屑岩、灰岩夹白云岩)天然次生林为研究对象,基于野外调查数据,分析了岩溶区植物alpha和beta多样性特征及影响因素。结果显示:(1)研究区内物种相对丰富,共记录乔木86种、灌木93种、草本56种,灰岩植物alpha多样性最高,碎屑岩次之,灰岩夹白云岩最低;(2)不同母岩和同一母岩区的植物群落相异性均较高,物种周转组分对beta多样性贡献(82.86%-84.49%)显著高于物种丰富度组分(15.51%-17.14%);(3)Pearson和Mantel分析表明,母岩、基岩裸露率和土壤厚度与桂北岩溶区植物alpha和beta多样性显著相关(P<0.05)。综上所述,桂北岩溶森林林分异质性较高,碳酸岩混合沉积区植物多样性显著低于纯灰岩和碎屑岩。植物组成差异主要取决于物种周转过程,母岩、基岩裸露和土壤厚度是主要影响因素。本研究从母岩的角度评估了岩溶森林的植物多样性特征及主要影响因素,为桂北乃至中国西南岩溶地区植被保护和重建提供科学依据和理论支持。  相似文献   

The role of hydrochory in structuring riparian and wetland vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrochory, or the passive dispersal of organisms by water, is an important means of propagule transport, especially for plants. During recent years, knowledge about hydrochory and its ecological consequences has increased considerably and a substantial body of literature has been produced. Here, we review this literature and define the state of the art of the discipline. A substantial proportion of species growing in or near water have propagules (fruits, seeds or vegetative units) able to disperse by water, either floating, submerged in flowing water, or with the help of floating vessels. Hydrochory can enable plants to colonize sites out of reach with other dispersal vectors, but the timing of dispersal and mechanisms of establishment are important for successful establishment. At the population level, hydrochory may increase the effective size and longevity of populations, and control their spatial configuration. Hydrochory is also an important source of species colonizing recruitment‐limited riparian and wetland communities, contributing to maintenance of community species richness. Dispersal by water may even influence community composition in different landscape elements, resulting in landscape‐level patterns. Genetically, hydrochory may reduce spatial aggregation of genetically related individuals, lead to high gene flow among populations, and increase genetic diversity in populations receiving many propagules. Humans have impacted hydrochory in many ways. For example, dams affect hydrochory by reducing peak flows and hence dispersal capacity, altering the timing of dispersal, and by presenting physical barriers to dispersal, with consequences for riverine plant communities. Hydrochory has been inferred to be an important vector for the spread of many invasive species, but there is also the potential for enhancing ecosystem restoration by improving or restoring water dispersal pathways. Climate change may alter the role of hydrochory by modifying the hydrology of water‐bodies as well as conditions for propagule release and plant colonization.  相似文献   

Aims To describe the biodiversity patterns of plants along an altitudinal gradient on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and to clarify the bias in plant specimen records at high altitude.Methods We conducted a large-scale investigation of vegetation at a wide range of altitudes, focusing on a high-altitudinal range (3?200–5?200 m) at different locations on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We then compared the altitudinal distribution of plant species obtained from our field investigation with that in plant specimen records from published sources and an online database.Important findings Our data provide evidence that altitude plays a large role in regulating species composition on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We could not, however, detect a clear relationship between altitude and species richness, although a weak monotonically increasing trend of richness was detected with increasing altitude. According to specimen records, most species have been sampled at a wide range of altitudes, and the average range of 145 species is>2?000 m. Despite this wide range, more than half of the species we observed were at higher altitudes than the specimen records indicate. High-altitude areas have probably been so poorly sampled that only a small fraction of the resident species has been recorded. This study clearly shows the regional bias of specimen records in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Abstract The recovery of fynbos vegetation after invasion by dense stands of alien trees, and clearing by either ‘burn standing’, ‘fell and burn’, or ‘fell, remove and burn’ treatments, was investigated in two watersheds in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Native plant density, cover, functional and biological guilds and species richness were compared with matched control sites that were not invaded, but were burnt in the same fires. Species richness was lower for invaded sites compared to controls, at all scales measured (up to 2000m2). Species area curves for invaded sites did not converge with those of controls, indicating that lower richness at smaller scales was not compensated by increased species survival at a larger scale. Indigenous plant density and cover were lower for invaded sites compared to controls. Overall, treatment differences were non‐significant, but the ‘burn standing’ treatment caused the least change to vegetation variables, and the ‘fell, remove and burn’ and ‘fell and burn’ treatments caused greater, similar changes. Changes to the guild structure of the recovering fynbos stands differed among treatments, and indicated that the ‘fell and burn’ treatment had the greatest negative effect on guild survival. In the ‘fell and burn’ treatment, which resulted in an exceptionally intense fire, only non‐mycorrhizal graminoids (predominantly myrmecochores) persisted relatively well. Because of practical problems associated with the ‘burn standing’ and ‘fell, remove and burn’ treatments, managers often have little option but to apply the ‘fell and burn’ treatment. Our results illustrate the dangers of this, and highlight the need for intervention before areas become densely invaded. They also highlight the need for effective biological control agents to reduce rates of spread of aggressively invasive species.  相似文献   

土壤种子库作为地上植被遗传信息库,对植被自然演替更新以及生态修复建设具有重要作用。为探明桂北喀斯特石漠化地区植被自然恢复潜力和恢复策略,该文选取恭城瑶族自治县喀斯特石漠化地区3种典型植物群落为研究对象,分析不同群落的土壤种子库结构、多样性及其对土壤养分特征的响应,以期为该地区石漠化治理和植被恢复提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)共计监测到幼苗3 648株,隶属于33科51属55种,其中1年生和2年生草本幼苗共20种,多年生草本幼苗21种,藤本幼苗5种、灌木幼苗3种、乔木幼苗6种;不同植物群落土壤种子库平均密度为三华李经济林(22 493 grain·m-2)>青冈次生林(1 033 grain·m-2)>金竹灌丛(793 grain·m-2)。(2)土壤种子库植物生活型方面,三华李经济林主要分布1年生恶性杂草,青冈次生林和金竹灌丛则以多年生草本为主,木本植物占比较少;不同植被类型中土壤种子库物种多样性和相似性总体较低,同时与地上群落物种组成的相似性也较低。(3)研究区域的土壤元素存在高氮低磷的现象,其中磷元素为金...  相似文献   

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