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The nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), the site of termination of visceral afferents of the ninth and tenth cranial nerves, mediates and integrates the reflex cardiovascular and noncardiovascular responses to stimulation of cardiopulmonary and other visceral afferents. On injection into the NTS, the amino acid L-glutamate (L-Glu) and its excitatory analogs produce dose-dependent hypotension and bradycardia, a baroreceptor reflex-like response. The L-Glu antagonist glutamate diethyl ester blocks the response both to L-Glu and to baroreceptor reflex activation. Electrical stimulation of vagal c-fibers selectively releases 3H into a push-pull cannula after preloading of the NTS with L-[3H]Glu or D-[3H]aspartate. The NTS contains a high-affinity uptake system for inactivation of L-Glu. Like L-Glu, acetylcholine and serotonin, which are also found in the NTS, both elicit a baroreceptor reflex-like response when microinjected into the NTS. However, cholinergic and serotonergic antagonists do not block the baroreceptor reflex. A glutamatergic neuron (or neurons) projecting into NTS appears to be an integral part of the baroreceptor reflex arc.  相似文献   

The nucleus tractus solitarius possessed distinct patterns of cholecystokinin immunoreactive fibers and cell bodies within its various subdivisions. The commissural, medial, intermediate, parvocellular, dorsolateral and interstitial subdivisions contained relatively dense amounts of CCK immunolabelled fibers. In contrast, CCK immunoreactivity within the ventrolateral subdivision consisted of a few scattered fibers and small neurons. The commissural, intermediate, medial, dorsolateral and parvocellular subdivisions contained CCK immunoreactive neurons following colchicine treatment. The presence of CCK in the NTS suggest that it may be involved as a neuromodulator and/or neurotransmitter in circuitry that mediate cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and taste functions.  相似文献   

Substance P binding sites in the nucleus tractus solitarius were visualized with receptor autoradiography using Bolton-Hunter [125I]substance P. Substance P binding sites were found to have distinct patterns within the cat nucleus tractus solitarius. The majority of substance P binding sites were present in the medial, intermediate and the peripheral rim of the parvocellular subdivisions. Lower amounts of substance P binding sites were present in the commissural, ventrolateral, interstitial and dorsolateral subdivisions. No substance P binding sites were present in the central region of the parvocellular subdivision or the solitary tract. The localization of substance P binding sites in the nucleus tractus solitarius is very similar to the patterns of substance P immunoreactive fibers previously described for this region. Results of this study add further support for a functional role of substance P in synaptic circuits of the nucleus tractus solitarius.  相似文献   

To determine the somatic sensory modalities conveyed by hindlimb somatic afferent inputs, the discharge of neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius was recorded in anesthetized rats after electrical stimulation of either the contralateral sciatic nerve or L(6) spinal nerve, which innervates the hindlimb. The discharge of seven of eight cells was increased (P < 0.05) by capsaicin injected into the arterial supply of the hindlimb. Discharge was unaltered in 19 neurons tested for sensitivity to nonnoxious (40 degrees C) and noxious (47 degrees C) heating of the hindlimb skin. In contrast, lightly stroking the skin elicited discharge in 2 of 14 cells, whereas noxious pinching increased activity in 4 other cells. Rhythmic (1- to 3-s) muscle contraction (MC) increased (P < 0.05) discharge in >60% of neurons tested (11 of 18). Static (10- to 30-s) MC significantly (P < 0.05) increased discharge in four cells, two of which were also responsive to rhythmic MC. Rhythmic and sustained muscle stretch increased discharge (P < 0.05) in three of eight neurons tested. These data indicate that nucleus tractus solitarius neurons receive input from low- and high-threshold cutaneous mechanoreceptors, respond to capsaicin delivered into the hindlimb arterial supply, lack thermal sensitivity, and respond to activation of mechanosensitive as well as metabosensitive endings in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that glucocorticoids attenuate changes in arterial pressure and renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) in response to activation and blockade of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors within the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). Experiments were performed in Inactin-anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats treated for 7 +/- 1 days with a subcutaneous corticosterone (Cort) pellet or in control rats. Baseline mean arterial pressure (MAP) was significantly higher in Cort-treated rats (109 +/- 2 mmHg, n = 39) than in control rats (101 +/- 1 mmHg, n = 48, P < 0.05). In control rats, microinjection of AMPA (0.03, 0.1, and 0.3 pmol/100 nl) into the NTS significantly decreased MAP at all doses and decreased RSNA at 0.1 and 0.3 pmol/100 nl. Responses to AMPA in Cort-treated rats were attenuated at all doses of AMPA (P < 0.05). Responses to the AMPA-kainate receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) were also significantly reduced in Cort-treated rats relative to control rats. Blockade of glucocorticoid type II receptors with mifepristone significantly enhanced responses to CNQX in both control and Cort rats. We conclude that glucocorticoids attenuate MAP and RSNA responses to activation and blockade of AMPA receptors in the NTS.  相似文献   

A H Hassen  G Z Feuerstein  A I Faden 《Life sciences》1982,31(20-21):2193-2196
It has been proposed that various opiate receptor subtypes mediate different cardiovascular responses to centrally administered opioids. We evaluated this hypothesis in chloralose-urethane anesthetized cats by monitoring the cardiovascular and respiratory responses to relative mu [morphine, morphiceptin, D-Ala2, MePhe4, Gly-ol5 enkephalin (DAGO)] and delta [D-Ala2, D-Leu5enkephalin (DADL)] agonists microinjected (0.5 ul/kg) into the caudal region of the Nucleus of Tractus Solitarius (NTS). Dynorphin (1-13), an endogenous opioid which exhibits selective affinity towards the kappa receptor, was also tested. Dynorphin at a dose of 50 nMol/kg did not alter cardiovascular or respiratory variables. Morphine (10-54 nMol/kg) and DAGO (50 nMol/kg) had no effect on blood pressure, heart rate or respiratory rate; morphiceptin (100-320 nMol/kg) caused tachycardia only at the highest dose. DADL (10-100 nMol/kg) elicited a dose-dependent depression of blood pressure. High doses of DADL depressed heart rate and respiratory rate. The depressor effects of DADL were reversed by low doses of naloxone (0.1 mg/kg). This dose of naloxone also elicited pressor responses in cats treated with the other opioids and reversed the morphiceptin-induced tachycardia. These data indicate that opioid agonists differ with regard to their cardiovascular and respiratory effects following microinjection into the NTS of anesthetized cats, with the delta agonist DADL showing greatest activity.  相似文献   

We have shown recently that cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8s) increases glutamate release from nerve terminals onto neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius pars centralis (cNTS). The effects of CCK on gastrointestinal-related functions have, however, been attributed almost exclusively to its paracrine action on vagal afferent fibers. Because it has been reported that systemic or perivagal capsaicin pretreatment abolishes the effects of CCK, the aim of the present work was to investigate the response of cNTS neurons to CCK-8s in vagally deafferented rats. In surgically deafferented rats, intraperitoneal administration of 1 or 3 mug/kg CCK-8s increased c-Fos expression in cNTS neurons (139 and 251% of control, respectively), suggesting that CCK-8s' effects are partially independent of vagal afferent fibers. Using whole cell patch-clamp techniques in thin brain stem slices, we observed that CCK-8s increased the frequency of spontaneous and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents in 43% of the cNTS neurons via a presynaptic mechanism. In slices from deafferented rats, the percentage of cNTS neurons receiving glutamatergic inputs responding to CCK-8s decreased by approximately 50%, further suggesting that central terminals of vagal afferent fibers are not the sole site for the action of CCK-8s in the brain stem. Taken together, our data suggest that the sites of action of CCK-8s include the brain stem, and in cNTS, the actions of CCK-8s are not restricted to vagal central terminals but that nonvagal synapses are also involved.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide-Y (NPY) is widely distributed in nervous tissue. In the central nervous system, NPY has been shown to be densely located in specific brain regions wherein it may mediate specific functions. Previous data have indicated that NPY may act at a selective site in the brain to modulate insulin secretion. In this study, we investigated the effect of NPY on NTS-mediated insulin secretion. A limited occipital craniotomy was performed on anesthetized rats to expose the caudal medulla in the region of the obex. NPY was microinjected into the NTS and blood samples were subsequently collected from the femoral vein. NPY microinjection resulted in a significant increase in insulin secretion within 5 minutes that returned to baseline at 30 minutes. However, microinjections of NPY did not significantly alter the plasma glucose in this model system. We conclude that NPY can act directly on the NTS to increase circulating insulin levels. Thus, the NTS may be a major brainstem site that directly mediates the central action of NPY on nutrient homeostasis.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that an opioidergic feeding pathway exists between the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and the central nucleus of the amygdala. We studied the following three groups of rats: 1) artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) infused in the NTS, 2) naltrexone (100 microg/day) infused for 13 days in the NTS, and 3) artificial CSF infused in the NTS of rats pair fed to the naltrexone-infused group. Naltrexone administration resulted in a decrease in body weight and food intake. Also, naltrexone infusion increased dynorphin, but not enkephalin, gene expression in the amygdala, independent of the naltrexone-induced reduction in food intake. Gene expression of neuropeptide Y in the arcuate nucleus and neuropeptide Y peptide levels in the paraventricular nucleus did not change because of naltrexone infusion. However, naltrexone induced an increase in serum leptin compared with pair-fed controls. Thus chronic administration of naltrexone in the NTS increased dynorphin gene expression in the amygdala, further supporting an opioidergic feeding pathway between these two brain sites.  相似文献   

Cell responses in disparate subnuclei of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) to experimental alloxan diabetes were studied using light microscopic morphometric methods. Histophysiological features in seven of fourteen cell divisions distinguished in the rat NTS, demonstrated their dependence on impaired carbohydrate metabolism. The data obtained are consistent with the hypothesis of the NTS involvement in the control of carbohydrate homeostasis.  相似文献   

F J Gordon 《Peptides》1990,11(2):305-309
These studies investigated whether the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS) is a central site where opioids modulate baroreceptor reflexes. Microinjections into the NTS of [D-Ala2,MePhe4, Gly-ol5]enkephalin (DAGO) significantly reduced reflex-mediated depressor responses evoked by electrical stimulation of the aortic nerve. Subsequent NTS injections of naloxone restored baroreflexes to control levels. These results demonstrate that the NTS is a central site where exogenously administered opioids can modulate baroreceptor reflexes. NTS injections of naloxone had no effect on baroreflex function, suggesting that tonic activation of opioid receptors at this site plays little or no role in central baroreflex control.  相似文献   

S A Joseph  G J Michael 《Peptides》1988,9(1):193-201
The distribution of opiocortin (OR-ir) immunoreactive fibers was examined immunocytochemically throughout the brain in rats following surgical isolation of the arcuate opiocortin-ir neuronal pool in the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). Fibers which emanate from this pool were completely severed and thus eliminated from the rest of the brain, leaving intact those which can be identified immunocytochemically as opiocortin-ir projections from the medullary pool located in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). These studies reveal a unique organizational pattern of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) peptidergic neuronal systems and demonstrate that several pontine and medullary regions receive projections from both the hypothalamic (arcuate) and medullary (NTS) opiocortin-ir perikarya. Comparative analyses of deafferented and control brains reveal that certain brainstem autonomic centers such as parabrachial (PB), locus coeruleus (LC), nucleus paragiganticellularis (PGi) are recipients of fibers which emanate from both arcuate and NTS opiocortin-ir perikarya. Areas which receive projections from arcuate opiocortin-ir neurons alone include forebrain and hypothalamic nuclei as well as the periaqueductal grey.  相似文献   

Acute ozone exposure evokes adverse respiratory responses, particularly in children. With repeated ozone exposures, however, despite the persistent lung inflammation and increased sensory nerve excitability, the central nervous system reflex responses, i.e., rapid shallow breathing and decreased lung function, adapt, suggesting changes in central nervous system signaling. We determined whether repeated ozone exposures altered the behavior of nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) neurons where reflex respiratory motor outputs are first coordinated. Whole cell recordings were performed on NTS neurons in brain stem slices from infant monkeys exposed to filtered air or ozone (0.5 ppm, 8 h/day for 5 days every 14 days for 11 episodes). Although episodic ozone exposure depolarized the membrane potential, increased the membrane resistance, and increased neuronal spiking responses to depolarizing current injections (P < 0.05), it decreased the excitability to vagal sensory fiber activation (P < 0.05), suggesting a diminished responsiveness to sensory transmission, despite overall increases in excitability. Substance P, implicated in lung and NTS signaling, contributed to the increased responsiveness to current injections but not to the diminished sensory transmission. The finding that NTS neurons undergo plasticity with repeated ozone exposures may help to explain the adaptation of the respiratory motor responses.  相似文献   

The nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) is the first central nervous system (CNS) site for synaptic contact of the primary afferent fibers from the lungs and airways. The signal processing at these synapses will determine the output of the sensory information from the lungs and airways to all downstream synapses in the reflex pathways. The second-order NTS neurons bring to bear their own intrinsic and synaptic properties to temporally and spatially integrate the sensory information with inputs from local networks, higher brain regions, and circulating mediators, to orchestrate a coherent reflex output. There is growing evidence that NTS neurons share the rich repertoire of forms of plasticity demonstrated throughout the CNS. This review focuses on existing evidence for plasticity in the NTS, potential targets for plasticity in the NTS, and the impact of this plasticity on lung and airway reflexes.  相似文献   

The distribution in the canine medulla oblongata of binding sites for p-[3H]aminoclonidine, a ligand specific for alpha 2-adrenergic receptors, was studied with light microscopic autoradiographic methods. Specific labelling was determined using unlabelled phentolamine as a displacer. The greatest density of sites was localized in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, the area postrema, and in several regions of the nucleus tractus solitarius. Less dense binding of the radioligand was also seen in the inferior olivary nucleus. Dorsomedial regions of the nucleus tractus solitarius were the most densely labelled in this nucleus, and dorsolateral and ventral regions were much less densely labelled. The region of the nucleus tractus solitarius shown in this study to be heavily labelled with alpha 2-adrenergic binding sites has been implicated in the autonomic control of blood pressure. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, together with the nucleus tractus solitarius, may thus represent the site of the antihypertensive action of the drug clonidine, an alpha 2-adrenoreceptor agonist.  相似文献   

Intravenous bolus injection of morphine causes a vagal-mediated brief apnea (~3 s), while continuous injection, via action upon central μ-opioid receptor (MOR), arrests ventilation (>20 s) that is eliminated by stimulating central 5-hydroxytryptamine 1A receptors (5HT(1A)Rs). Bronchopulmonary C-fibers (PCFs) are essential for triggering a brief apnea, and their afferents terminate at the caudomedial region of the nucleus tractus solitarius (mNTS) that densely expresses 5HT(1A)Rs. Thus we asked whether the vagal-mediated apneic response to MOR agonists was PCF dependent, and if so, whether this apnea was abolished by systemic administration of 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetral (8-OH-DPAT) largely through action upon mNTS 5HT(1A)Rs. Right atrial bolus injection of fentanyl (5.0 μg/kg, a MOR agonist) was performed in the anesthetized and spontaneously breathing rats before and after: 1) selective blockade of PCFs' conduction and subsequent bivagotomy; 2) intravenous administration of 5HT(1A)R agonist 8-OH-DPAT; 3) intra-mNTS injection of 8-OH-DPAT; and 4) intra-mNTS injection of 5HT(1A)R antagonist WAY-100635 followed by 8-OH-DPAT (iv). We found the following: First, fentanyl evoked an immediate apnea (2.5 ± 0.4 s, ~6-fold longer than the baseline expiratory duration, T(E)), which was abolished by either blocking PCFs' conduction or bivagotomy. Second, this apnea was prevented by systemic 8-OH-DPAT challenge. Third, intra-mNTS injection of 8-OH-DPAT greatly attenuated the apnea by 64%. Finally, intra-mNTS microinjection of WAY-100635 significantly attenuated (58%) the apneic blockade by 8-OH-DPAT (iv). We conclude that the vagal-mediated apneic response to MOR activation depends on PCFs, which is fully antagonized by systemic 8-OH-DPAT challenge largely via acting on mNTS 5HT(1A)Rs.  相似文献   

Yumi Takemoto 《Amino acids》2014,46(7):1707-1713
The sulfur-containing excitatory amino acid (EAA) l-cysteine sulfinic acid (CSA), a neurotransmitter candidate, is endogenously synthesized from l-cysteine (Cys). Exogenous Cys administration into the brain produces cardiovascular effects; these effects likely occur via synaptic stimulation of central nervous system (CNS) neurons that regulate peripheral cardiovascular function. However, the cardiovascular responses produced by CNS Cys administration could result from CSA biosynthesized in synapse. The present study examined the role of CSA in Cys-induced cardiovascular responses within the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of anesthetized rats. The NTS receives input from various visceral afferents that gate autonomic reflexes, including cardiovascular reflexes. Within the NTS, both Cys and CSA microinjections produced decrease responses in arterial blood pressure and heart rate that were similar to those produced by l-glutamate. Co-injection of the ionotropic EAA receptor antagonist kynurenic acid abolished Cys-, but not CSA-, induced cardiovascular responses. This finding suggests that only Cys-induced cardiovascular responses are mediated by kynurenate-sensitive receptors. This study provides the first demonstration that Cys- and CSA-induced cardiovascular responses occur via different mechanisms in the NTS of rats. Further, this study also indicates that Cys-induced cardiovascular responses do not occur via CSA. Thus, within the NTS, endogenous Cys and/or CSA might be involved in cardiovascular regulation.  相似文献   

Microinjections (100 nl) of 0.15, 0.31, 0.62, and 1.25 mmol/l of nociceptin into the medial nucleus tractus solitarius (mNTS) elicited decreases in mean arterial pressure (11 +/- 1.8, 20 +/- 2.1, 21.5 +/- 3.1, and 15.5 +/- 1.9 mmHg, respectively) and heart rate (14 +/- 2.7, 29 +/- 5.5, 39 +/- 5.2, and 17.5 +/- 3.1 beats/min, respectively). Because maximal responses were elicited by microinjections of 0.62 mmol/l nociceptin, this concentration was used for other experiments. Repeated microinjections of nociceptin (0.62 mmol/l) into the mNTS, at 20-min intervals, did not elicit tachyphylaxis. Bradycardia induced by microinjections of nociceptin into the mNTS was abolished by bilateral vagotomy. The decreases in mean arterial pressure and heart rate elicited by nociceptin into the mNTS were blocked by prior microinjections of the specific ORL1-receptor antagonist [N-Phe(1)]-nociceptin-(1-13)-NH(2) (9 mmol/l). Microinjections of the ORL1-receptor antagonist alone did not elicit a response. Prior combined microinjections of GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptor antagonists (2 mmol/l gabazine and 100 mmol/l 2-hydroxysaclofen, respectively) into the mNTS blocked the responses to microinjections of nociceptin at the same site. Prior microinjections of ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists (2 mmol/l NBQX and 5 mmol/l d-AP7) also blocked responses to nociceptin microinjections into the mNTS. These results were confirmed by direct neuronal recordings. It was concluded that 1) nociceptin inhibits GABAergic neurons in the mNTS, 2) GABAergic neurons may normally inhibit the release of glutamate from the terminals of peripheral afferents in the mNTS, and 3) inhibition of GABAergic neurons by nociceptin results in an increase in the release of glutamate in the mNTS, which in turn elicits depressor and bradycardic responses via activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors on secondary mNTS neurons.  相似文献   

The recent suggestion that secretin may be useful in treating autism and schizophrenia has begun to focus attention on the mechanisms underlying this gut-brain peptide's actions in the central nervous system (CNS). In vitro autoradiographic localization of (125)I-secretin binding sites in rat brain shows the highest binding density in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). Recent evidence suggests that intravenous infusion of secretin causes fos activation in NTS, a relay station playing important roles in the central regulation of autonomic functions. In this study, whole cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from 127 NTS neurons in rat medullary slices. The mean resting membrane potential of these neurons was -54.7 +/- 0.3 mV, the mean input resistance was 3.7 +/- 0.2 GOmega, and the action potential amplitude of these neurons was always >70 mV. Current-clamp studies showed that bath application of secretin depolarized the majority (80.8%; 42/52) of NTS neurons tested, whereas the remaining cells were either unaffected (17.3%; 9/52) or hyperpolarized (1.9%; 1/52). These depolarizing effects were maintained in the presence of 5 microM TTX and found to be concentration dependent from 10(-12) to 10(-7) M. Using voltage-clamp techniques, we also identified modulatory actions of secretin on specific ion channels. Our results demonstrate that while secretin is without effect on net whole cell potassium currents, it activates a nonselective cationic conductance (NSCC). These results show that NTS neurons are activated by secretin as a consequence of activation of a NSCC and support the emerging view that secretin can act as a neuropeptide within the CNS.  相似文献   

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