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The solution structure of the N-terminal domain of the actin-severing protein villin has been determined by multidimensional heteronuclear resonance spectroscopy. Villin is a member of a family of actin-severing proteins that regulate the organization of actin in the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. Members of this family are built from 3 or 6 homologous repeats of a structural domain of approximately 130 amino acids that is unrelated to any previously known structure. The N-terminal domain of villin (14T) contains a central beta-sheet with 4 antiparallel strands and a fifth parallel strand at one edge. This sheet is sandwiched between 2 helices on one side and a 2-stranded parallel beta-sheet with another helix on the other side. The strongly conserved sequence characteristic of the protein family corresponds to internal hydrophobic residues. Calcium titration experiments suggest that there are 2 binding sites for Ca2+, a stronger site near the N-terminal end of the longest helix, with a Kd of 1.8 +/- 0.4 mM, and a weaker site near the C-terminal end of the same helix, with a Kd of 11 +/- 2 mM. Mutational and biochemical studies of this domain in several members of the family suggest that the actin monomer binding site is near the parallel strand at the edge of the central beta-sheet.  相似文献   

Stratmann D  Boelens R  Bonvin AM 《Proteins》2011,79(9):2662-2670
Despite recent advances in the modeling of protein-protein complexes by docking, additional information is often required to identify the best solutions. For this purpose, NMR data deliver valuable restraints that can be used in the sampling and/or the scoring stage, like in the data-driven docking approach HADDOCK that can make use of NMR chemical shift perturbation (CSP) data to define the binding site on each protein and drive the docking. We show here that a quantitative use of chemical shifts (CS) in the scoring stage can help to resolve ambiguities. A quantitative CS-RMSD score based on (1) H(α) ,(13) C(α) , and (15) N chemical shifts ranks the best solutions always at the top, as demonstrated on a small benchmark of four complexes. It is implemented in a new docking protocol, CS-HADDOCK, which combines CSP data as ambiguous interaction restraints in the sampling stage with the CS-RMSD score in the final scoring stage. This combination of qualitative and quantitative use of chemical shifts increases the reliability of data-driven docking for the structure determination of complexes from limited NMR data.  相似文献   

High-temperature requirement A (HtrA) and its homologs contain a serine protease domain followed by one or two PDZ domains. Bacterial HtrA proteins and the mitochondrial protein HtrA2/Omi maintain cell function by acting as both molecular chaperones and proteases to manage misfolded proteins. The biological roles of the mammalian family members HtrA1 and HtrA3 are less clear. We report a detailed structural and functional analysis of the PDZ domains of human HtrA1 and HtrA3 using peptide libraries and affinity assays to define specificity, structural studies to view the molecular details of ligand recognition, and alanine scanning mutagenesis to investigate the energetic contributions of individual residues to ligand binding. In common with HtrA2/Omi, we show that the PDZ domains of HtrA1 and HtrA3 recognize hydrophobic polypeptides, and while C-terminal sequences are preferred, internal sequences are also recognized. However, the details of the interactions differ, as different domains rely on interactions with different residues within the ligand to achieve high affinity binding. The results suggest that mammalian HtrA PDZ domains interact with a broad range of hydrophobic binding partners. This promiscuous specificity resembles that of bacterial HtrA family members and suggests a similar function for recognizing misfolded polypeptides with exposed hydrophobic sequences. Our results support a common activation mechanism for the HtrA family, whereby hydrophobic peptides bind to the PDZ domain and induce conformational changes that activate the protease. Such a mechanism is well suited to proteases evolved for the recognition and degradation of misfolded proteins.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin (Syt) constitutes a large family of putative membrane trafficking proteins that share a short extracellular domain, a single N-terminal transmembrane domain, and C-terminal tandem C2 domains. In this study, I identified and characterized a novel member of the Syt family (named Syt XV-a) in the mouse, the rat, and humans. Although Syt XV-a protein has a short hydrophobic region at the very end of the N terminus (i.e., lacks a putative extracellular domain), biochemical and cellular analyses have indicated that the short hydrophobic region (amino acids 5-22) is sufficient for producing type I membrane topology in cultured cells, the same as in other Syt family proteins. Unlike other Syt isoforms, however, the mouse and human Syt XV have an alternative splicing isoform that lacks the C-terminal portion of the C2B domain (named Syt XV-b). Since the expression of Syt XV-a/b mRNA was mainly found in non-neuronal tissues (e.g., lung and testis) and Syt XV-a C2 domains lack Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipid binding activity, Syt XV-a is classified as a non-neuronal, Ca(2+)-independent Syt.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions play a key role in biological processes. Identifying the interacting residues is a first step toward understanding these interactions at a structural level. In this study, the interface prediction program WHISCY is presented. It combines surface conservation and structural information to predict protein-protein interfaces. The accuracy of the predictions is more than three times higher than a random prediction. These predictions have been combined with another interface prediction program, ProMate [Neuvirth et al. J Mol Biol 2004;338:181-199], resulting in an even more accurate predictor. The usefulness of the predictions was tested using the data-driven docking program HADDOCK [Dominguez et al. J Am Chem Soc 2003;125:1731-1737] in an unbound docking experiment, with the goal of generating as many near-native structures as possible. Unrefined rigid body docking solutions within 10 A ligand RMSD from the true structure were generated for 22 out of 25 docked complexes. For 18 complexes, more than 100 of the 8000 generated models were correct. Our results demonstrates the potential of using interface predictions to drive protein-protein docking.  相似文献   

Several members of the synaptotagmin (syt) family of vesicle proteins have been proposed to act as Ca2+ sensors on synaptic vesicles. The mechanism by which calcium activates this class of proteins has been the subject of controversy, yet relatively few detailed biophysical studies have been reported on how isoforms other than syt I respond to divalent metal ions. Here, we report a series of studies on the response of syt II to a wide range of metal ions. Analytical ultracentrifugation studies demonstrate that Ca2+ induces protein dimerization upon exposure to 5 mM Ca2+. Whereas Ba2+, Mg2+, or Sr2+ do not potentiate self-association as strongly as Ca2+, Pb2+ triggers self-association of syt II at concentrations as low as 10 microM. Partial proteolysis studies suggest that the various divalent metals cause different changes in the conformation of the protein. The high calcium concentrations required for self-association of syt II suggest that the oligomerized state of this protein is not a critical intermediate in vesicle fusion; however, low-affinity calcium sites on syt II may play a critical role in buffering calcium at the presynaptic active zone. In addition, the high propensity of lead to oligomerize syt II offers a possible molecular explanation for how lead interferes with calcium-evoked neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Cozza G  Moro S  Gotte G 《Biopolymers》2008,89(1):26-39
By lyophilization from 40% acetic acid solutions, bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A forms several three-dimensional (3D) domain-swapped oligomers: dimers, trimers, tetramers, pentamers, hexamers, and traces of high-order oligomers, purifiable by cation-exchange chromatography. Each oligomeric species consists of at least two conformers displaying different basicity density, and/or exposure of positive charges. The structures of the two dimers and one trimer have been solved. Plausible models have been proposed for a second RNase A trimer and four tetramers, but not all the models are certainly assignable to the tetramers purified. Further studies have also been made on the pentameric and hexameric species, again without reaching structurally clear-cut results. This work is focused on the detailed modeling of the tetrameric RNase A species, using four different approaches to possibly clarify unknown structural aspects. The results obtained do not confirm the validity of one tetrameric model previously proposed, but allow the proposal of a novel tetrameric structure displaying new interfaces that are absent in the other known conformers. New details concerning other tetrameric structures are also described. RNase A multimers larger than tetramers, i.e., pentamers, hexamers, octamers, nonamers, up to dodecamers, are also modeled, with the proposal of novel domain-swapped structures, and the confirmation of what had previously been inferred. Finally, the propensity of RNase A to possibly form high-order supramolecular multimers is analyzed starting from the large number of domain-swapped RNase A conformers modeled.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨活动期溃疡性结肠炎(UC)血清S100钙结合蛋白(S100)A2、S100A12与炎症因子的相关性分析及对复发的预测价值。方法:选取2019年1月~2021年1月我院收治的102例活动期UC患者为活动期组,根据2年后是否复发分为复发组和未复发组,另选取同期来院复查的50名缓解期UC患者为缓解期组,50名体检健康者为对照组。检测并比较三组血清S100A2、S100A12与炎症因子[C反应蛋白(CRP)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)]水平。采用Pearson/Spearman相关性分析活动期UC患者血清S100A2、S100A12与炎症因子水平的相关性,单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析活动期UC复发的影响因素,受试者工作特征曲线分析血清S100A2、S100A12水平对活动期UC复发的预测价值。结果:对照组、缓解期组、活动期组血清S100A2、S100A12、CRP、IL-6、TNF-α水平依次升高(P<0.05)。活动期UC患者血清S100A2、S100A12与CRP、IL-6、TNF-α水平均呈正相关(P均<0.001)。随访2年,102例活动期UC患者复发率为56.86%(58/102)。单因素分析显示,病情严重程度、CRP、IL-6、TNF-α、S100A2、S100A12为活动期UC患者复发的影响因素(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,病情严重程度为重度和CRP、IL-6、TNF-α、S100A2、S100A12升高为活动期UC患者复发的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。血清S100A2、S100A12水平单独和联合预测活动期UC复发的曲线下面积分别为0.782、0.784、0.876,两指标联合预测活动期UC患者复发的预测价值大于各指标单独预测。结论:活动期UC患者血清S100A2、S100A12与炎症因子水平和复发密切相关,血清S100A2、S100A12联合预测活动期UC患者复发的价值较高。  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 1 is known to be released in response to cellular stress conditions through formation of a multi-protein complex with synaptotagmin 1 and S100A13. In this study, we characterized the denaturant-induced unfolding of synaptotagmin 1, C2A domain in a residue-specific manner by NMR spectroscopy. The amide protons of 30 residues distributed throughout the 3D structure of the whole protein could be followed in a series of 1H-15N HSQC spectra recorded from 0 to 8 M urea under equilibrium conditions. The midpoint for the urea-induced unfolding obtained from NMR coincides with those obtained from steady state fluorescence and CD spectroscopy, revealing that the protein unfolds via a two-state mechanism without accumulating stable intermediates. The thermodynamic parameter obtained from the denaturation curve illustrates the cooperative unfolding of the C2A domain. The implications of C2A domain folding in relation to the release of FGF-1 from the multi-protein complex were discussed.  相似文献   

The Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of the Src family kinase Lyn binds to the herpesviral tyrosine kinase interacting protein (Tip) more than one order of magnitude stronger than other closely related members of the Src family. In order to identify the molecular basis for high-affinity binding, the structure of free and Tip-bound Lyn-SH3 was determined by NMR spectroscopy. Tip forms additional contacts outside its classical proline-rich recognition motif and, in particular, a strictly conserved leucine (L186) of the C-terminally adjacent sequence stretch packs into a hydrophobic pocket on the Lyn surface. Although the existence of this pocket is no unique property of Lyn-SH3, Lyn is the only Src family kinase that contains an additional aromatic residue (H41) in the n-Src loop as part of this pocket. H41 covers L186 of Tip by forming tight hydrophobic contacts, and model calculations suggest that the increase in binding affinity compared with other SH3 domains can mainly be attributed to these additional interactions. These findings indicate that this pocket can mediate specificity even between otherwise closely related SH3 domains.  相似文献   

Calsenilin is a member of the recoverin branch of the EF-hand superfamily that is reported to interact with presenilins, regulate prodynorphin gene expression, modulate voltage-gated Kv4 potassium channel function, and bind to neurotoxins. Calsenilin is a Ca+2-binding protein and plays an important role in calcium signaling. Despite its importance in numerous neurological functions, the structure of this protein has not been reported. In the absence of Ca+2, the protein has limited spectral resolution that increases upon the addition of Ca+2. Here, we describe the three-dimensional solution structure of EF-hands 3 and 4 of calsenilin in the Ca+2-bound form. The Ca+2-bound structure consists of five alpha-helices and one two-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The long loop that connects EF hands 3 and 4 is highly disordered in solution. In addition to its structural effects, Ca+2 binding also increases the protein's propensity to dimerize. These changes in structure and oligomerization state induced upon Ca+2 binding may play important roles in molecular recognition during calcium signaling.  相似文献   

The C2 domain is a Ca(2+)-binding motif of approximately 130 residues in length originally identified in the Ca(2+)-dependent isoforms of protein kinase C. Single and multiple copies of C2 domains have been identified in a growing number of eukaryotic signalling proteins that interact with cellular membranes and mediate a broad array of critical intracellular processes, including membrane trafficking, the generation of lipid-second messengers, activation of GTPases, and the control of protein phosphorylation. As a group, C2 domains display the remarkable property of binding a variety of different ligands and substrates, including Ca2+, phospholipids, inositol polyphosphates, and intracellular proteins. Expanding this functional diversity is the fact that not all proteins containing C2 domains are regulated by Ca2+, suggesting that some C2 domains may play a purely structural role or may have lost the ability to bind Ca2+. The present review summarizes the information currently available regarding the structure and function of the C2 domain and provides a novel sequence alignment of 65 C2 domain primary structures. This alignment predicts that C2 domains form two distinct topological folds, illustrated by the recent crystal structures of C2 domains from synaptotagmin 1 and phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C-delta 1, respectively. The alignment highlights residues that may be critical to the C2 domain fold or required for Ca2+ binding and regulation.  相似文献   

Natural killer cells and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes deploy perforin and granzymes to kill infected host cells. Perforin, secreted by immune cells, binds target membranes to form pores that deliver pro-apoptotic granzymes into the target cell. A crucial first step in this process is interaction of its C2 domain with target cell membranes, which is a calcium-dependent event. Some aspects of this process are understood, but many molecular details remain unclear. To address this, we investigated the mechanism of Ca2+ and lipid binding to the C2 domain by NMR spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography. Calcium titrations, together with dodecylphosphocholine micelle experiments, confirmed that multiple Ca2+ ions bind within the calcium-binding regions, activating perforin with respect to membrane binding. We have also determined the affinities of several of these binding sites and have shown that this interaction causes a significant structural rearrangement in CBR1. Thus, it is proposed that Ca2+ binding at the weakest affinity site triggers changes in the C2 domain that facilitate its interaction with lipid membranes.  相似文献   

The pore-forming outer membrane protein OmpATb from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a virulence factor required for acid resistance in host phagosomes. In this study, we determined the 3D structure of OmpATb by NMR in solution. We found that OmpATb is composed of two independent domains separated by a proline-rich hinge region. As expected, the high-resolution structure of the C-terminal domain (OmpATb(198-326)) revealed a module structurally related to other OmpA-like proteins from Gram-negative bacteria. The N-terminal domain of OmpATb (73-204), which is sufficient to form channels in planar lipid bilayers, exhibits a fold, which belongs to the α+β sandwich class fold. Its peculiarity is to be composed of two overlapping subdomains linked via a BON (Bacterial OsmY and Nodulation) domain initially identified in bacterial proteins predicted to interact with phospholipids. Although OmpATb(73-204) is highly water soluble, current-voltage measurements demonstrate that it is able to form conducting pores in model membranes. A HADDOCK modeling of the NMR data gathered on the major monomeric form and on the minor oligomeric populations of OmpATb(73-204) suggest that OmpATb(73-204) can form oligomeric rings able to insert into phospholipid membrane, similar to related proteins from the Type III secretion systems, which form multisubunits membrane-associated rings at the basal body of the secretion machinery.  相似文献   

Clusterin (CLU) is a multifunctional glycoprotein that is overexpressed in prostate and breast cancers. Although CLU is known to be involved in the regulation of apoptosis and cell survival, the precise molecular mechanism underlying the pro-apoptotic function of nuclear CLU (nCLU) remains unclear. In this study, we identified a conserved BH3 motif in C-terminal coiled coil (CC2) region of nCLU by sequence analysis and characterized the molecular interaction of the putative nCLU BH3 domain with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The chemical shift perturbation data demonstrated that the nCLU BH3 domain binds to pro-apoptotic BH3 peptide-binding grooves in both Bcl-XL and Bcl-2. A structural model of the Bcl-XL/nCLU BH3 peptide complex reveals that the binding mode is remarkably similar to those of other Bcl-XL/BH3 peptide complexes. In addition, mutational analysis confirmed that Leu323 and Asp328 of nCLU BH3 domain, absolutely conserved in the BH3 motifs of BH3-only protein family, are critical for binding to Bcl-XL. Taken altogether, our results suggest a molecular basis for the pro-apoptotic function of nCLU by elucidating the residue specific interactions of the BH3 motif in nCLU with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins.  相似文献   

Calbindin D9k is a small, well-studied calcium-binding protein consisting of two helix-loop-helix motifs called EF-hands. The P43MG2 mutant is one of a series of mutants designed to sequentially lengthen the largely unstructured tether region between the two EF-hands (F36-S44). A lower calcium affinity for P43MG was expected on the basis of simple entropic arguments. However, this is not the case and P43MG (-97 kJ.mol-1) has a stronger calcium affinity than P43M (-93 kJ.mol-1), P43G (-95 kJ.mol-1) and even wild-type protein (-96 kJ.mol-1). An NMR study was initiated to probe the structural basis for these calcium-binding results. The 1H NMR assignments and 3JHNH alpha values of the calcium-free and calcium-bound form of P43MG calbindin D9k mutant are compared with those of P43G. These comparisons reveal that little structure is formed in the tether regions of P43MG(apo), P43G(apo) and P43G(Ca) but a helical turn (S38-K41) appears to stabilize this part of the protein structure for P43MG(Ca). Several characteristic NOEs obtained from 2D and 3D NMR experiments support this novel helix. A similar, short helix exists in the crystal structure of calcium-bound wild-type calbindin D9k-but this is the first observation in solution for wild-type calbindin D9k or any of its mutants.  相似文献   

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