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Cultured rat embryo fibroblasts were first allowed to store for 24 h fluorescein-labeled goat immunoglobulins directed against rabbit immunoglobulins (F anti-R IgG), and were subsequently exposed for 24 h to [(3)H]acetylated rabbit immunoglobulins known to bind to the cell membrane either specifically (anti-plasma membrane IgG: A anti-PM IgG) or unspecifically (contol IgG: AC IgG). As a result of immunological interaction between the two antibodies (no effect was found if the cells had been preloaded with control goat FC IgG), a substantial portion of the stored F anti-R IgG was unloaded from its intracellular storage site, appearing in the medium in the form of soluble immune complexes with rabbit A IgG. Part of the unloaded F anti-R IgG also was recovered in association with the plasma membrane, but only when A anti-PM IgG was used. In addition, significant reverse translocation of AC IgG from plasma membrane to lysosomes or some related intracellular storage compartment was also observed. With A anti-PM IgG, this translocation was less marked and affecte at the same time the plasma membrane marker 5’- nucleotidase. Cells that had stored horseradish peroxidase (HRP) simultaneously with F anti-R IgG did not unload HRP when exposed to A anti-PM IgG. These results support strongly, though not unequivocally, the concept that plasma membrane patches interiorized by endocytosis are recycled, or shuttled, back to the cell surface. In the framework of this concept, recycling antibody-coated membrane is taken to serve as vehicle for the selective intracellular capture and extracellular discharge of immunologically bound F anti-R IgG. The alternative explanation of regurgitation triggered off by immune complexes is considered less likely in view of the lack of HRP unloading.  相似文献   

Endocytosis of Concanavalin A, triggered by its interaction with the surface of cells from a murine plasmocytoma line, is characterised by various steps which can be visualised by cytochemistry and freeze-fracturing. Plasma membrane internalisation is initiated by clustering of Concanavalin A receptors and by formation of intramembraneous particle necklaces, which were observed on fracture faces. Subsequent perturbation of the lipid bilayer precedes the fusion and formation of closed vesicles.  相似文献   

The uptake and processing by cultured rat embryo fibroblasts of control rabbit immunoglobulins (C IgG) or IgG directed against plasma membrane constituents (anti-PM IgG), and labeled with fluorescein (F) or with radioactive acetate (A), have been investigated by cell fractionation and immunological techniques. Both F and A anti-PM IgGs become bound to the cell surface, by a process that is slow, but largely temperature-independent. In the presence of an excess of high-affinity antibodies, binding reaches an absolute limit which corresponds to extensive coating of the plasma membrane. The anti-PM IgGs remain attached to the membrane for at least several days, even at 37 degrees C, with no significant transfer to lysosomes or degradation. In contrast, C IgGs are handled very differently by the fibroblasts, and their fate is strikingly affected by the type of labeling used. AC IgG is taken up slowly, at a rate proportional to its concentration, and is subsequently broken down in what appears to be lysosomes. Part of the AC IgG also binds to the plasma membrane. FC IgG is taken up many times faster than AC IgG, though with the same strict linearity as a function of concentration. Most of the FC IgG taken up is stored in cytoplasmic granules which behave like lysosomes. For reasons that are not understood, only about half of the stored FC IgG can be broken down. Cells exposed simulatnaously to AC IgG and FC IgG, or to A anti-PM IgG and FC IgG, handle each type of IgG in its characteristic fashion. Kinetic analysis of these results indicates that Ac IgG could be taken up by fluid endocytosis, but that FC IgG must be interiorized by a selective mechanism, presumably adsorptive in nature. That anti-PM antibodies remain stably bound to the plasma membrane and do not interfere with the uptake of FC IgG is interpreted to indicate either that two distinct membrane domains are involved in the two phenomena, or that membrane patches coated with anti-PM IgG participate in endocytosis, and are recycled back to the cell surface after delivering their contents intracellularly.  相似文献   

A convergence of cellular, genetic and biochemical studies supports the hypothesis that the actin cytoskeleton is coupled to endocytic processes, but the roles played by actin filaments during endocytosis are not yet clear. Recent studies have identified several proteins that may functionally link the endocytic machinery with actin filament dynamics. Three of these proteins, Abp1p, Pan1p and cortactin, are activators of actin assembly nucleated by the Arp2/3 complex, a key regulator of actin assembly in vivo. Two others, intersectin and syndapin, bind N-WASp, a potent activator of actin assembly via the Arp2/3 complex. All of these proteins also bind components of the endocytic machinery, and thus, could coordinately regulate actin assembly and trafficking events. Hip1R, an F-actin-binding protein that associates with clathrin-coated vesicles, may physically link endocytic vesicles to actin filaments. The GTPase dynamin is implicated in modulating actin filaments at specialized actin-rich structures of the cell cortex, suggesting that dynamin may regulate the organization of cortical actin filaments as well as regulate actin dynamics during endocytosis. Finally, myosin VI may generate actin-dependent forces for membrane invagination or vesicle movement during the early stages of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is independent of actin dynamics in many circumstances but requires actin polymerization in others. We show that membrane tension determines the actin dependence of clathrin-coat assembly. As found previously, clathrin assembly supports formation of mature coated pits in the absence of actin polymerization on both dorsal and ventral surfaces of non-polarized mammalian cells, and also on basolateral surfaces of polarized cells. Actin engagement is necessary, however, to complete membrane deformation into a coated pit on apical surfaces of polarized cells and, more generally, on the surface of any cell in which the plasma membrane is under tension from osmotic swelling or mechanical stretching. We use these observations to alter actin dependence experimentally and show that resistance of the membrane to propagation of the clathrin lattice determines the distinction between 'actin dependent and 'actin independent'. We also find that light-chain-bound Hip1R mediates actin engagement. These data thus provide a unifying explanation for the role of actin dynamics in coated-pit budding.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of plasma membrane proteins, such as receptors and transporters, must be finely tuned so that they can be readily downregulated in response to environmental cues. Some of these membrane proteins are post-translationally modified by conjugation to ubiquitin, which is used as a molecular tag to commit them to the endocytic pathway and promote their subsequent delivery to the lysosomes for degradation. This ubiquitylation step, which is performed by so-called ubiquitin ligases (or E3), appears therefore as a critical event for endocytosis and is subject to many levels of regulation. In this review, we focus on the regulation of cargo ubiquitylation by accessory proteins, or “adaptors”, and discuss the various ways by which they promote the action of ubiquitin ligases toward their specific cargoes. Common features emerge on this mode of regulation, which is present from yeast to human, regardless of the type of ubiquitin ligase in charge of the ubiquitylation. Finally, because these adaptors represent an additional layer of specificity in the ubiquitylation cascade, and can themselves be subject to a complex regulation, they are essential actors in the fine-tuning of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Rapid plasma membrane resealing is essential for cellular survival. Earlier studies showed that plasma membrane repair requires Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of lysosomes and a rapid form of endocytosis that removes membrane lesions. However, the functional relationship between lysosomal exocytosis and the rapid endocytosis that follows membrane injury is unknown. In this study, we show that the lysosomal enzyme acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) is released extracellularly when cells are wounded in the presence of Ca2+. ASM-deficient cells, including human cells from Niemann-Pick type A (NPA) patients, undergo lysosomal exocytosis after wounding but are defective in injury-dependent endocytosis and plasma membrane repair. Exogenously added recombinant human ASM restores endocytosis and resealing in ASM-depleted cells, suggesting that conversion of plasma membrane sphingomyelin to ceramide by this lysosomal enzyme promotes lesion internalization. These findings reveal a molecular mechanism for restoration of plasma membrane integrity through exocytosis of lysosomes and identify defective plasma membrane repair as a possible component of the severe pathology observed in NPA patients.  相似文献   

Sun J  Chen Q  Qi L  Jiang H  Li S  Xu Y  Liu F  Zhou W  Pan J  Li X  Palme K  Li C 《The New phytologist》2011,191(2):360-375
The subcellular distribution of the PIN-FORMED (PIN) family of auxin transporters plays a critical role in auxin gradient-mediated developmental processes, including lateral root formation and gravitropic growth. Here, we report two distinct aspects of CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1)- and AUXIN RESISTANT 1 (AXR1)-dependent methyl jasmonate (MeJA) effects on PIN2 subcellular distribution: at lower concentration (5 μM), MeJA inhibits PIN2 endocytosis, whereas, at higher concentration (50 μM), MeJA reduces PIN2 accumulation in the plasma membrane. We show that mutations of ASA1 (ANTHRANILATE SYNTHASE a1) and the TIR1/AFBs (TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE 1/AUXIN-SIGNALING F-BOX PROTEINs) auxin receptor genes impair the inhibitory effect of 5 μM MeJA on PIN2 endocytosis, suggesting that a lower concentration of jasmonate inhibits PIN2 endocytosis through interaction with the auxin pathway. In contrast, mutations of ASA1 and the TIR1/AFBs auxin receptor genes enhance, rather than impair, the reduction effect of 50 μM MeJA on the plasma membrane accumulation of PIN2, suggesting that this action of jasmonate is independent of the auxin pathway. In addition to the MeJA effects on PIN2 endocytosis and plasma membrane residence, we also show that MeJA alters lateral auxin redistribution on gravi-stimulation, and therefore impairs the root gravitropic response. Our results highlight the importance of jasmonate-auxin interaction in the coordination of plant growth and the adaptation response.  相似文献   

Clathrin-dependent endocytosis of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in response to dopamine regulates its catalytic activity in intact cells. Because fission of clathrin-coated pits requires dynamin, we examined the mechanisms by which dopamine receptor signals promote dynamin-2 recruitment and assembly at the site of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase endocytosis. Western blotting revealed that dopamine increased the association of dynamin-2 with the plasma membrane and with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Dopamine inhibited Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity in OK cells and in those overexpressing wild type dynamin-2 but not in cells expressing a dominant-negative mutant. Dephosphorylation of dynamin is important for its assembly. Dopamine increased protein phosphatase 2A activity and dephosphorylated dynamin-2. In cells expressing a dominant-negative mutant of protein phosphatase 2A, dopamine failed to dephosphorylate dynamin-2 and to reduce Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity. Dynamin-2 is phosphorylated at Ser(848), and expression of the S848A mutant significantly blocked the inhibitory effect of dopamine. These results demonstrate a distinct signaling network originating from the dopamine receptor that regulates the state of dynamin-2 phosphorylation and that promotes its location (by interaction with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase) at the site of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase endocytosis.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT), and members of the AB(5) family of toxins enter host cells and hijack the cell's endogenous pathways to induce toxicity. CT binds to a lipid receptor on the plasma membrane (PM), ganglioside GM1, which has the ability to associate with lipid rafts. The toxin can then enter the cell by various modes of receptor-mediated endocytosis and traffic in a retrograde manner from the PM to the Golgi and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Once in the ER, a portion of the toxin is unfolded and retro-translocated to the cytosol so as to induce disease. GM1 is the vehicle that carries CT from PM to ER. Thus, the toxin pathway from PM to ER is a lipid-based sorting pathway, which is potentially meditated by the determinants of the GM1 ganglioside structure itself.  相似文献   

Serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) predominantly incorporates serine and fatty acyl-CoAs into diverse sphingolipids (SLs) that serve as structural components of membranes and signaling molecules within or amongst cells. However, SPT also uses alanine as a substrate in the contexts of low serine availability, alanine accumulation, or disease-causing mutations in hereditary sensory neuropathy type I, resulting in the synthesis and accumulation of 1-deoxysphingolipids (deoxySLs). These species promote cytotoxicity in neurons and impact diverse cellular phenotypes, including suppression of anchorage-independent cancer cell growth. While altered serine and alanine levels can promote 1-deoxySL synthesis, they impact numerous other metabolic pathways important for cancer cells. Here, we combined isotope tracing, quantitative metabolomics, and functional studies to better understand the mechanistic drivers of 1-deoxySL toxicity in cancer cells. We determined that both alanine treatment and SPTLC1C133W expression induce 1-deoxy(dihydro)ceramide synthesis and accumulation but fail to broadly impact intermediary metabolism, abundances of other lipids, or growth of adherent cells. However, we found that spheroid culture and soft agar colony formation were compromised when endogenous 1-deoxySL synthesis was induced via SPTLC1C133W expression. Consistent with these impacts on anchorage-independent cell growth, we observed that 1-deoxySL synthesis reduced plasma membrane endocytosis. These results highlight a potential role for SPT promiscuity in linking altered amino acid metabolism to plasma membrane endocytosis.  相似文献   

Particle ingestion by Acanthamoeba is rapid. Within 40 s bound particles can be surrounded by pseudopods, brought into the cytoplasm, and released as phagosomes into the cytoplasmic stream. In electron micrographs the phagosome appears as a flasklike invagination of the surface. Separation from the surface occurs by fragmentation of the attenuated "neck+ of the invagination. The separated phagosome membrane has a three- to fourfold greater density of intramembrane particles than the plasma membrane from which it derives. This change is evident within 15 min of ingestion and is detectable while the membrane is still tightly apposed to the particle. There is no direct evidence for the mechanism of this increase; no increase in particle density was seen in the membrane at an early stage in the forming phagosomes still connected to the surface. These morphological observations are consistent with chemical analyses, to be reported in a separate communication, that show that the phagosome membrane has a higher protein to phospholipid ratio and a higher glycosphingolipid content than the plasma membrane. Enlarged phagosomes (presumptive phagolysosomes) show multiple small vesiculations of characteristic morphology. The small vesicles are postulated to be the major route of membrane return to the cell surface.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of microgravity on endocytosis in growing tobacco pollen tubes by measuring the plasma membrane retrieval employing the fluorescent phospholipid bis-Bodipy FL C11- phosphatidylcholine as marker. Time course experiments under 1xg condition revealed a localised and relatively fast plasma membrane retrieval in the pollen tube tip region within the first minutes after lipid application. The rate of endocytotic bis-Bodipy FL C11- PC-modified plasma membrane retrieval is inhibited by hyper-g conditions achieved by centriftigal forces. In contrast, during the microgravity phase of a parabolic rocket flight the retrieval of the fluorescently-marked plasma membrane is distinctly enhanced. Our results show that microgravity exerts an unspecific physiological response in pollen tubes, most likely involving the cytoskeleton as inhibitor experiments indicate under 1xg condition.  相似文献   

Rat embryo fibroblasts, when cultured in the presence of control rabbit immunoglobulins (C IgG), doubly labeled by (3)H-acetylation (A) and then conjugated with flourescein (F), take up FAC IgG continuously for at least 72 h. They return the major part of their intake back to the medium in the form of breakdown products of very low molecular weight. Gel filtration and immunological analyses of cells and medium at various times indicate that essentially all the FAC IgG molecules taken up undergo digestion of their Fc part, but that the Fab part of only about three-fourths of the molecules is degraded. The rest remains stored intracellularly in the form of F(ab’)2-type fragments that slowly dissociate into Fab’-type fragments. When FAC IgG was incubated in vitro in the presence of a hepatic lysosomal extract, complete digestion of the Fc part likewise occurred, but the Fab’ part of most if not all the molecules proved resistant to breakdown, and remained as Fab’-type fragments. Cell fractionation experiments have demonstrated that the storage compartment of the FAC IgG and of its digestion residues: (a) shows a density distribution pattern in a sucrose gradient identical to that of the lysosomal marker N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase and clearly dissociated from that of the Golgi marker galactosyltransferase, and (b) accompanies the lysosomal marker in its density shift induced by exposure of the cells to chloroquine. It is concluded that storage and processing of FAC IgG by rat fibroblasts occur in a single, digestively active compartment of lysosomal nature, and that resistance to digestion of certain Fab’-type fragments accounts largely for the inability of the lysososmal enzymes to completely digest the FAC IgG taken up. This conclusion implies that the intracellular storage compartment through which, in earlier work, plasma membrane patches were found to transit after endocytosis and before recycling to the cell surface consists of authentic lysosomes.  相似文献   

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