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Although DNA microarray studies showed up-regulation of various genes, failures of translation of many genes are expected to occur under ischemic conditions even in the penumbra with mild reduction in cerebral blood flow. We applied surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) technology to study proteomic profile at 6, 12, and 24 h after photothrombotic middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion with or without YAG laser-induced reperfusion in adult male spontaneously hypertensive rats. Of the 43 protein peaks that differed from the sham-operation group with a criterion (no overlap of peak intensities between the two groups), 36 peaks (84%) were down-regulated, and seven were up-regulated. All increased peaks showed greater than twofold increases (up to 8.1 fold) compared with those in the sham-operation group. Effects of reperfusion were observed mainly at 24 h after 1 h of MCA occlusion only in the penumbra, where 23 of 32 peaks returned toward the control values, whereas none of 33 peaks showed such attenuation in the ischemic core. Major ischemia-induced changes in protein peaks detected with SELDI-TOF-MS were down-regulations. The present study showed that dynamic changes of protein profile were associated with progression and recovery of the ischemic core and penumbra.  相似文献   

Preexisting hyperglycemia is associated with enhanced reperfusion injury in the postischemic rat brain. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether the hyperglycemic exacerbation of brain injury is associated with enhanced generation of hydroxyl radicals in rats subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion (2 h), followed by reperfusion (2 h). Magnetic resonance images revealed the exacerbation of focal brain injury in hyperglycemic rats. The salicylate trapping method was used in conjunction with microdialysis to continuously estimate hydroxyl radical production by measurement of the stable adducts 2,3- and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) during ischemia/reperfusion. In normoglycemic rats, from a mean baseline level of 130 nmol/l, 2,3-DHBA levels surged to peak levels of 194 nmol/l 45 min into ischemia and to 197 nmol/l 15–30 min into the reperfusion period, returning to baseline by 2 h into reperfusion. A similar temporal profile was observed in hyperglycemic rats, except that absolute 2,3-DHBA levels were higher (165 nmol/l at baseline, 317 nmol/l peak during ischemia, 333 nmol/l peak during reperfusion), and levels remained significantly high (p < .05) throughout the reperfusion period. These results suggest that hydroxyl radical is an important contributor to the exacerbation of neuronal and cerebrovascular injury after focal ischemia/reperfusion in hyperglycemic rats.  相似文献   

The effects of a selective inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor aminoguanidine (AG) on neuronal cells survival in hippocampal CA1 region after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) were examined. Transient focal cerebral ischemia was induced in rats by 60 or 90 min of MCAO, followed by 7 days of reperfusion. AG treatment (150 mg/kg i.p.) significantly reduced total infarct volumes: by 70% after 90 min MCAO and by 95% after 60 min MCAO, compared with saline-treated ischemic group. The number of degenerating neurons in hippocampal CA1 region was also markedly lower in aminoguanidine-treated ischemic groups compared to ischemic groups without AG-treatment. The number of iNOS-positive cells significantly increased in the hippocampal CA1 region of ischemic animals, whereas it was reduced in AG-treated rats. Our findings demonstrate that aminoguanidine decreases ischemic brain damage and improves neurological recovery after transient focal ischemia induced by MCAO.  相似文献   

目的对大鼠大脑中动脉阻塞(MCAO)再灌注模型进行改良,通过比较再灌注24h时大鼠神经功能评分、梗死率、模型制作时间、成功率和死亡率等指标评价改良线栓法大鼠MCAO再灌注模型的有效性。方法12只SD大鼠随机分为对照和模型两组,对照组采用分离结扎翼腭动脉,从颈外动脉插入线栓至大脑中动脉。模型组采用不分离结扎翼腭动脉,从颈总动脉分叉处插入线栓至大脑中动脉。阻断大脑中动脉血供2h后将线栓拔出实现再灌注。于再灌注24h时观察脑组织组织病理学改变,计算比较两组大鼠神经功能评分、模型制作时间、模型成功率和死亡率以及鼠脑切片TTC染色测量脑梗死率。结果两组MCAO模型在再灌注24h后大鼠神经功能评分、梗死率、模型成功率和死亡率等方面没有显著差异;模型组的模型制作时间显著少于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论采用不分离结扎翼腭动脉,由颈总动脉插入线栓的改良线栓法是稳定和可靠的MCAO造模方法。  相似文献   

Apoptosis and neural degeneration are characteristics of cerebral ischemia and brain damage. Diabetes is associated with worsening of brain damage following ischemic events. In this study, the authors characterize the influence of focal cerebral ischemia, induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion, on 2 indexes of apoptosis,TUNEL(terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated deoxyuridine 5-triphosphate nick end-labeling) staining and caspase- 3 immunohistochemistry. Diabetes was induced in normal rats using streptozotocin and maintained for 5 to 6 weeks. The middle cerebral artery of both normal and diabetic rats was occluded and maintained from 24 or 48 hours. Sham-operated normal and diabetic animals served as controls. Following 24 to 48 hours of occlusion, the animals were sacrificed and the brains were removed, sectioned, and processed for TUNEL staining or caspase-3 immunohistochemistry. Middle cerebral artery occlusion in normal rats was associated with an increase in the number of both TUNEL-positive and caspase-3– positive cells in selected brain regions (hypothalamic preoptic area, piriform cortex, and parietal cortex) when compared to nonoccluded controls. Diabetic rats without occlusion showed significant increases in both TUNEL-positive and caspase-3–positive cells compared to normal controls. Middle cerebral artery occlusion in diabetic rats resulted in increases in TUNEL-positive as well as caspase-3–positive cells in selected regions, above those seen in nonoccluded diabetic rats. Both TUNEL staining and caspase-3 immunohistochemistry revealed that the number of apoptotic cells in diabetic animals tended to be greatest in the preoptic area and parietal cortex. The authors conclude that focal cerebral ischemia is associated with a significant increase in apoptosis in nondiabetic rats, and that diabetes alone or diabetes plus focal ischemia are associated with significant increases in apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Creation of a cranial window is a method that allows direct visualization of structures on the cortical surface of the brain1-3. This technique can be performed in many locations overlying the rat cerebrum, but is most easily carried out by creating a craniectomy over the readily accessible frontal or parietal bones. Most frequently, we have used this technique in combination with the endothelin-1 middle cerebral artery occlusion model of ischemic stroke to quantify the changes in middle cerebral artery vessel diameter that occur with injection of endothelin-1 into the brain parenchyma adjacent to the proximal MCA4, 5. In order to visualize the proximal portion of the MCA during endothelin -1 induced MCAO, we use a technique to create a cranial window through the temporal bone on the lateral aspect of the rat skull (Figure 1). Cerebral arteries can be visualized either with the dura intact or with the dura incised and retracted. Most commonly, we leave the dura intact during visualization since endothelin-1 induced MCAO involves delivery of the vasoconstricting peptide into the brain parenchyma. This bypasses the need to incise the dura directly over the visualized vessels for drug delivery. This protocol will describe how to create a cranial window to visualize cerebral arteries in a step-wise fashion, as well as how to avoid many of the potential pitfalls pertaining to this method.  相似文献   

目的 建立稳定可靠的线栓法大鼠大脑中动脉阻塞(MCAO)永久性脑缺血模型.方法 对Koizumi和Zea Longa模型构建方法 加以改进.40只雄性SD大鼠随机均分为实验组和假手术组,分别进行模型制作和模型缺血的评价,采用2,3,5-氯化三苯四氮唑(2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride,TTC)染色来计算大鼠脑梗死体积.结果 大鼠MCAO模型制作成功率为95%;神经功能缺失评分1~3级百分率为95%.结论 实验所采用的改良术式构建大鼠MCAO模型具有稳定性好、可重复率高、操作简便和手术时间短等优点,为基于大鼠永久性脑缺血模型开展的下游相关实验提供了良好的研究平台.  相似文献   

The long-term impacts of cerebral ischemia and diabetic ischemia on astrocytes and oligodendrocytes have not been defined. The objective of this study is to define profile of astrocyte and changes of myelin in diabetic and non-diabetic rats subjected to focal ischemia.Focal cerebral ischemia of 30-min duration was induced in streptozotocin-induced diabetic and vehicle-injected normoglycemic rats. The brains were harvested for immunohistochemistry of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and 2'', 3''-cyclic nucleotide 3''-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) at various reperfusion endpoints ranging from 30 min up to 28 days. The results showed that activate astrocytes were observed after 30 min and peaked at 3 h to 1 day after reperfusion in ischemic penumbra, and peaked at 7 days of reperfusion in ischemic core. Diabetes inhibited the activation of astrocytes in ischemic hemisphere. Demyelination occurred after 30 min of reperfusion in ischemic core and peaked at 1 day. Diabetes caused more severe demyelination compared with non-diabetic rats. Remyelination started at 7 days and completed at 14 and 28 days in ischemic region. Diabetes inhibited the remyelination processes. It is concluded that ischemia activates astrocytes and induces demyelination. Diabetes inhibits the activation of astrocytes, exacerbates the demyelination and delays the remyelination processes. These may contribute to the detrimental effects of hyperglycemia on ischemic brain damage.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of histamine, monoamines, and their metabolites in the cerebral cortex and striatum after occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in rats were examined. The water content of the ipsilateral brain regions gradually increased after occlusion. In the ischemic side, 1 h after occlusion, the cortical norepinephrine and striatal 5-hydroxy-tryptamine levels significantly decreased, and striatal 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid levels markedly increased. In contrast, the levels of histamine and tele-methylhistamine in either brain region gradually increased and the changes became pronounced and statistically significant 6-12 h after induction of ischemia. The striatal histamine and tele-methylhistamine reached levels three- and twofold higher, respectively, than those of the contralateral side. In rats treated with alpha-fluoromethylhistidine 1 h before induction of ischemia, elevation of histamine and tele-methylhistamine was not observed. The elevated histamine level in the ipsilateral straitum at 9 h after occlusion was further significantly increased by the treatment with metoprine, an inhibitor of histamine-N-methyltransferase. These results suggest that the histaminergic activity in the brain is gradually enhanced by cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

No study has systematically studied the relevance of original Izumo strain of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR/Izm) as a stroke model. Furthermore, both SHR/Izm and stroke-prone SHR/Izm (SHRSP/Izm) are commercially available, and recent progress in genetic studies allowed us to use several congenic strains of rats constructed with SHR/Izm and SHRSP/Izm as the genetic background strains. A total of 166 male SHR/Izm and 17 male SHRSP/Izm were subjected to photothrombotic middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion with or without YAG laser-induced reperfusion. The pattern of distal MCA was recorded. Infarct volumes were determined with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride. At 24 or 48 h after MCA occlusion, infarct volumes in the permanent occlusion and 2-h occlusion groups (88 ± 22 [SD] and 87 ± 25 mm3, respectively) were significantly larger than that in the 1-h occlusion group (45 ± 14 mm3), indicating the presence of sizeable zone of penumbra. Infarct size in SHRSP/Izm determined at 24 h after MCA occlusion was fairly large (124.0 ± 34.8 mm3, n = 10). Infarct volume in SHR/Izm with simple distal MCA was 76 ± 19 mm3, which was significantly smaller than 95 ± 22 mm3 in the other SHR/Izm with more branching MCA. These data suggest that this stroke model in SHR/Izm is useful in the preclinical testing of stroke therapies and elucidating the pathophysiology of cerebral ischemia/reperfusion.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

Longitudinal functional imaging studies of stroke are key in identifying the disease progression and possible therapeutic interventions. Here we investigate the applicability of real-time functional optoacoustic imaging for monitoring of stroke progression in the whole brain of living animals.

Materials and Methods

The middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) was used to model stroke in mice, which were imaged preoperatively and the occlusion was kept in place for 60 minutes, after which optoacoustic scans were taken at several time points.


Post ischemia an asymmetry of deoxygenated hemoglobin in the brain was observed as a region of hypoxia in the hemisphere affected by the ischemic event. Furthermore, we were able to visualize the penumbra in-vivo as a localized hemodynamically-compromised area adjacent to the region of stroke-induced perfusion deficit.


The intrinsic sensitivity of the new imaging approach to functional blood parameters, in combination with real time operation and high spatial resolution in deep living tissues, may see it become a valuable and unique tool in the development and monitoring of treatments aimed at suspending the spread of an infarct area.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that apoptosis contributes significantly to cell death after cerebral ischemia. Our recent studies that utilized human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUCBSCs) demonstrated the potential of hUCBSCs to inhibit neuronal apoptosis in a rat model of CNS injury. Therefore, we hypothesize that intravenous administration of hUCBSCs after focal cerebral ischemia would reduce brain damage by inhibiting apoptosis and downregulating the upregulated apoptotic pathway molecules. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were obtained and randomly assigned to various groups. After the animals reached a desired weight, they were subjected to a 2 h middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) procedure followed by 7 days of reperfusion. The hUCBSCs were obtained, cultured, and intravenously injected (0.25 × 106 cells or 1 × 106 cells) via the tail vein to separate groups of animals 24 h post-MCAO procedure. We performed various techniques including PCR microarray, hematoxylin and eosin, and TUNEL staining in addition to immunoblot and immunofluorescence analysis in order to investigate the effect of our treatment on regulation of apoptosis after focal cerebral ischemia. Most of the apoptotic pathway molecules which were upregulated after focal cerebral ischemia were downregulated after hUCBSCs treatment. Further, the staining techniques revealed a prominent reduction in brain damage and the extent of apoptosis at even the lowest dose of hUCBSCs tested in the present study. In conclusion, our treatment with hUCBSCs after cerebral ischemia in the rodent reduces brain damage by inhibiting apoptosis and downregulating the apoptotic pathway molecules.  相似文献   

正常与脑缺血大鼠的脑皮质蛋白质差异分析鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Wistar大鼠随机分为正常组和模型组,采用改进的线栓法制备模型,在规定的时间点快速断头取脑,分离脑皮质组织,提取蛋白质后双向电泳展示,以ImageMaster 2D Elite v301软件对2_DE图谱进行差异表达分析,目标蛋白点用基质辅助激光解析电离质谱测定肽质量指纹图进行鉴定。线粒体应激70蛋白前体、血小板活化因子乙酰基水解酶Ibβ亚单位、ADP核糖基化因子蛋白3、电压依赖性阴离子选择通道蛋白1、泛素C末端水解酶同工酶L1、突触结合蛋白等11个蛋白在模型6h组表达上调,谷胱甘肽S-转移酶omega 1、 谷胱甘肽S-转移酶P、Cu-Zn超氧化物歧化酶、 ATP合酶D链、G蛋白β亚单位1、微管蛋白β链15、苹果酸脱氢酶等15个蛋白在模型6h组表达上调。胆绿素还原酶B、细胞因子A4前体为模型组新出现点,腺苷酸激酶同工酶1在模型组消失,Thiore doxin peroxidase 1在模型组分为2个点。以双向电泳技术得到分辨率较好的电泳图谱,并初步鉴定脑缺血后差异表达蛋白,为深入研究缺血性脑损伤病理机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Abstract: Focal cerebral ischemia elicits local inflammatory reaction as demonstrated by the accumulation of inflammatory cells and mediators in the ischemic brain. Interferon-inducible protein-10 (IP-10) is a member of the C-X-C chemokine family that possesses potent chemoattractant actions for monocytes, T cells, and smooth muscle cells. To investigate a potential role of IP-10 in focal stroke, we studied the temporal expression of IP-10 mRNA after occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in rat by means of northern analysis. IP-10 mRNA expression after focal stroke demonstrated a unique biphasic profile, with a marked increase early at 3 h (4.9-fold over control; p < 0.01), a peak level at 6 h (14.5-fold; p < 0.001) after occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, and a second wave induction 10–15 days after ischemic injury (7.2- and 9.3-fold increase for 10 and 15 days, respectively; p < 0.001). In situ hybridization confirmed the induced expression of IP-10 mRNA and revealed its spatial distribution after focal stroke. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated the expression of IP-10 peptide in neurons (3–12 h) and astroglial cells (6 h to 15 days) of the ischemic zone. To explore further the potential role of IP-10 in focal stroke, we demonstrated a dose-dependent chemotactic action of IP-10 on C6 glial cells and enhanced attachment of rat cerebellar granule neurons. Taken together, the data suggest that ischemia induces IP-10, which may play a pleiotropic role in prolonged leukocyte recruitment, astrocyte migration/activation, and neuron attachment/sprouting after focal stroke.  相似文献   

Stroke is among the most frequent causes of death and adult disability, especially in highly developed countries. However, treatment options to date are very limited. To meet the need for novel therapeutic approaches, experimental stroke research frequently employs rodent models of focal cerebral ischaemia. Most researchers use permanent or transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in mice or rats.Proximal occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) via the intraluminal suture technique (so called filament or suture model) is probably the most frequently used model in experimental stroke research. The intraluminal MCAO model offers the advantage of inducing reproducible transient or permanent ischaemia of the MCA territory in a relatively non-invasive manner. Intraluminal approaches interrupt the blood flow of the entire territory of this artery. Filament occlusion thus arrests flow proximal to the lenticulo-striate arteries, which supply the basal ganglia. Filament occlusion of the MCA results in reproducible lesions in the cortex and striatum and can be either permanent or transient. In contrast, models inducing distal (to the branching of the lenticulo-striate arteries) MCA occlusion typically spare the striatum and primarily involve the neocortex. In addition these models do require craniectomy. In the model demonstrated in this article, a silicon coated filament is introduced into the common carotid artery and advanced along the internal carotid artery into the Circle of Willis, where it blocks the origin of the middle cerebral artery. In patients, occlusions of the middle cerebral artery are among the most common causes of ischaemic stroke. Since varying ischemic intervals can be chosen freely in this model depending on the time point of reperfusion, ischaemic lesions with varying degrees of severity can be produced. Reperfusion by removal of the occluding filament at least partially models the restoration of blood flow after spontaneous or therapeutic (tPA) lysis of a thromboembolic clot in humans.In this video we will present the basic technique as well as the major pitfalls and confounders which may limit the predictive value of this model.  相似文献   

The translational potential of pre-clinical stroke research depends on the accuracy of experimental modeling. Cerebral perfusion monitoring in animal models of acute ischemic stroke allows to confirm successful arterial occlusion and exclude subarachnoid hemorrhage. Cerebral perfusion monitoring can also be used to study intracranial collateral circulation, which is emerging as a powerful determinant of stroke outcome and a possible therapeutic target. Despite a recognized role of Laser Doppler perfusion monitoring as part of the current guidelines for experimental cerebral ischemia, a number of technical difficulties exist that limit its widespread use. One of the major issues is obtaining a secure and prolonged attachment of a deep-penetration Laser Doppler probe to the animal skull. In this video, we show our optimized system for cerebral perfusion monitoring during transient middle cerebral artery occlusion by intraluminal filament in the rat. We developed in-house a simple method to obtain a custom made holder for twin-fibre (deep-penetration) Laser Doppler probes, which allow multi-site monitoring if needed. A continuous and prolonged monitoring of cerebral perfusion could easily be obtained over the intact skull.  相似文献   

1. To test whether an ischemic insult increases the susceptibility to cyclosporine A (CsA)-induced neurotoxicity, we examined the effect of CsA on the minimal electroshock-induced convulsions in mice treated with a transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) for a short period (2 h). 2. This MCAO produced small to mid-sized infarcted regions in the cerebral hemisphere with increasing post-operative days. In MCAO mice, CsA (30 mg/kg, i.p.) elevated the incidence of minimal electroshock-induced convulsions to 90-100% over that in sham mice (20-30%) at 1-7 days but not 14 days post-surgery. 3. In light of these findings, the possibility that CsA increases the risk of convulsions in patients with cerebral infarction and/or at an early stage following focal cerebral ischemia would have to be considered.  相似文献   

Cerebral circulation is known to be vulnerable to high salt loading. However, no study has investigated the effects of excess salt on focal ischemic brain injury. After 14 days of salt loading (0.9% saline) or water, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) were subjected to photothrombotic middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), and infarct volume was determined at 48 h after MCAO: albumin and hemoglobin contents in discrete brain regions were also determined in SHR. Salt loading did not affect blood pressure levels in SHR and WKY. After MCAO, regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), determined with two ways of laser-Doppler flowmetry (one-point measurement or manual scanning), was more steeply decreased in the salt-loaded group than in the control group. In SHR/Izm, infarct volume in the salt-loaded group was 112±27 mm3, which was significantly larger than 77±12 mm3 in the control group (p = 0.002), while the extents of blood-brain barrier disruption (brain albumin and hemoglobin levels) were not affected by excess salt. In WKY, salt loading did not significantly increase infarct size. These results show the detrimental effects of salt loading on intra-ischemic CBF and subsequent brain infarction produced by phototrhombotic MCAO in hypertensive rats.  相似文献   

Experimental animal models of stroke are invaluable tools for understanding stroke pathology and developing more effective treatment strategies. A 2 week protocol for repetitive hypoxic preconditioning (RHP) induces long-term protection against central nervous system (CNS) injury in a mouse model of focal ischemic stroke. RHP consists of 9 stochastic exposures to hypoxia that vary in both duration (2 or 4 hr) and intensity (8% and 11% O2). RHP reduces infarct volumes, blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption, and the post-stroke inflammatory response for weeks following the last exposure to hypoxia, suggesting a long-term induction of an endogenous CNS-protective phenotype. The methodology for the dual quantification of infarct volume and BBB disruption is effective in assessing neurovascular protection in mice with RHP or other putative neuroprotectants. Adult male Swiss Webster mice were preconditioned by RHP or duration-equivalent exposures to 21% O2 (i.e. room air). A 60 min transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAo) was induced 2 weeks following the last hypoxic exposure. Both the occlusion and reperfusion were confirmed by transcranial laser Doppler flowmetry. Twenty-two hr after reperfusion, Evans Blue (EB) was intravenously administered through a tail vein injection. 2 hr later, animals were sacrificed by isoflurane overdose and brain sections were stained with 2,3,5- triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). Infarcts volumes were then quantified. Next, EB was extracted from the tissue over 48 hr to determine BBB disruption after tMCAo. In summary, RHP is a simple protocol that can be replicated, with minimal cost, to induce long-term endogenous neurovascular protection from stroke injury in mice, with the translational potential for other CNS-based and systemic pro-inflammatory disease states.  相似文献   

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