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Freshwater fishes are an important but relatively little known component of the highly diverse fish fauna of Micronesia. Localities supporting communities of freshwater fishes include large high islands, with considerable habitat complexity, and smaller low islands, such as atolls and raised coral islands, with limited freshwater habitat. Both types of islands may support species with adult life history styles that are (a) amphidromous and catadromous, (b) euryhaline (often estuarine), or (c) marine species which enter freshwater from time to time. We compared patterns of species richness and similarity between Micronesian localities for amphidromous and catadromous, euryhaline and marine species (ACEM) pooled, and for amphidromous and catadromous species (ACFW). Species richness of both ACEM and ACFW fishes was greatest on larger high islands compared to smaller high and all low islands. Cluster analysis of similarity indices for ACEM species between localities revealed two faunal components: high islands and low islands. High islands were further partitioned into a Caroline Islands cluster and a separate Mariana Islands cluster. Cluster analysis of ACFW species was more complex. One cluster consisted of a low island and a small high island, both in the Carolines chain and with limited freshwater habitat. The second cluster was partitioned into high islands and low islands that reflected influences of both size and geographical location.  相似文献   

Sensitiveness to the overall influence of the river channel regulation, impoundment and pollution was studied for 12 non-obligatory riverine (NOR) fish species in the Warta River, Poland, over the period of 1963–1998. Their total abundance has not considerably changed unlike the structure of their aggregation, which was revealed by a self-organizing map (SOM, Kohonen unsupervised artificial neural network) almost perfectly separating 1960s samples from 1990s ones. The greatest changes in proportion were recorded for the dominant roach Rutilus rutilus (from 28.6 to 60.0%), perch Perca fluviatilis (1.9 to 9.5%), pike Esox lucius (2.9 to 4.9%), and the former codominant bleak Alburbus alburnus (22.9 to 1.8%). They resulted from highly significant (p < 0.001), reaching even one order of magnitude, differences in the abundance of these species. Such remarkable alternations in dominant NOR ichthyofauna obviously influenced the whole fish assemblage structure, which was best illustrated by a clear vertical gradient over SOM in Simpson and Shannon indices. Thus, NOR species, both studied together and separately, can supply valuable information on the fish assemblage dynamics and should not be neglected in temporal analyses, often focused only on vulnerable obligatory riverine, migratory and/or endemic species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Ecological conditions in tropical lacustrine systems are considered by focusing on the evolution, maintenance, exploitation and vulnerability of fish communities in the African Great Lakes. The exceptionally high biodiversities in the littoral/sublittoral zones of the very ancient, deep, clear, permanently stratified rift lakes Tanganyika and Malawi, are contrasted with the simpler systems in their pelagic zones, also with biodiversity in the much younger, shallower Victoria, the world's largest tropical lake.Paper from the Canadian Society of Zoologists symposium Great Lakes of the World, organized by David L.G. Noakes  相似文献   

We report new examples of Cenozoic cold-seep communities from Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and Venezuela, and attempt to improve the stratigraphic dating of Cenozoic Caribbean seep communities using strontium isotope stratigraphy. Two seep faunas are distinguished in Barbados: the late Eocene mudstone-hosted ‘Joes River fauna’ consists mainly of large lucinid bivalves and tall abyssochrysoid gastropods, and the early Miocene carbonate-hosted ‘Bath Cliffs fauna’ containing the vesicomyid Pleurophopsis, the mytilid Bathymodiolus and small gastropods. Two new Oligocene seep communities from the Sinú River basin in Colombia consist of lucinid bivalves including Elongatolucina, thyasirid and solemyid bivalves, and Pleurophopsis. A new early Miocene seep community from Cuba includes Pleurophopsis and the large lucinid Meganodontia. Strontium isotope stratigraphy suggests an Eocene age for the Cuban Elmira asphalt mine seep community, making it the oldest in the Caribbean region. A new basal Pliocene seep fauna from the Dominican Republic is characterized by the large lucinid Anodontia (Pegophysema). In Trinidad we distinguish two types of seep faunas: the mudstone-hosted Godineau River fauna consisting mainly of lucinid bivalves, and the limestone-hosted Freeman’s Bay fauna consisting chiefly of Pleurophopsis, Bathymodiolus, and small gastropods; they are all dated as late Miocene. Four new seep communities of Oligocene to Miocene age are reported from Venezuela. They consist mainly of large globular lucinid bivalves including Meganodontia, and moderately sized vesicomyid bivalves. After the late Miocene many large and typical ‘Cenozoic’ lucinid genera disappeared from the Caribbean seeps and are today known only from the central Indo-Pacific Ocean. We speculate that the increasingly oligotrophic conditions in the Caribbean Sea after the closure of the Isthmus of Panama in the Pliocene may have been unfavorable for such large lucinids because they are only facultative chemosymbiotic and need to derive a significant proportion of their nutrition from suspended organic matter.  相似文献   

本文列出江西产跳蛛科蜘蛛30属63种的名录、地理分布以及区系特征。63种跳蛛属古北界的物种仅占6.2%,属东洋界以及东洋界、古北界共有物种分别占42.8%和51.0%。国内分布已基本查清的27种跳蛛区系分析表明:江西种类属华中区,与华南区、西南区共有种最多,其后依次为华北区、东北区、蒙新区,与青藏区共有种最少;江西跳蛛与邻省湖南共有种最多,其后依次为广东、福建、浙江、湖北、安徽,与江苏共有种最少。  相似文献   

In 1990–1992, the United States Forest Service sampled six hydrologically variable streams paired in three different drainage basins in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, U.S.A. Fishes, macroinvertebrates, and stream environmental variables were quantified for each stream. We used these data to examine the relationship between regional faunas (based on taxonomy and trophic affiliation of fishes and macroinvertebrates) and measured environmental variables. Because fishes are constrained to their historically defined drainage basins and many insect taxa are able to cross basin barriers, we anticipated that both groups would respond differently to environmental variability. Fishes were influenced more by environmental variability that was unique to their historical drainage basins, but macroinvertebrates were associated more strongly with environmental variability that was independent of drainage basins. Thus, the individual drainage basins represented a historical constraint on regional patterns of fish assembly. For both fishes and macroinvertebrates, groupings based on taxonomy and trophic affiliation showed a similar response to environmental variability and there was a high degree of association between taxonomic and trophic correlation matrices. Thus, trophic group structure was highly dependent on the taxonomic make-up of a given assemblage. At the basin-level, fish and macroinvertebrate taxa were associated more strongly with environmental variability than the trophic groups, and these results have implications for basin-level studies that use trophic groupings as a metric to assess ecological patterns. Trophic categories may not be a useful ecological measure for studies at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Understanding the causal mechanisms that determine recruitment success is critical to the effective conservation of wild fish populations. Although recruitment strength is likely determined during early life when mortality is greatest, few studies have documented age-specific mortality rates for fish during this period. We investigated age-specific mortality of individual cohorts of two species of riverine fish from yolksac larvae to juveniles, assaying for the presence of a “critical period”: A time when mortality is unusually high. Early life stages of carp gudgeons (Hypseleotris spp.) and unspecked hardyhead (Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus)—two fishes that differ in fecundity, egg size and overlap between endogenous and exogenous feeding—were collected every second day for four months. We fitted survivorship curves to 22 carp gudgeon and 15 unspecked hardyhead four-day cohorts and tested several mortality functions. Mortality rates declined with age for carp gudgeon, with mean instantaneous mortality rates (-Z) ranging from 1.40–0.03. In contrast, mortality rates for unspecked hardyhead were constant across the larval period, with a mean -Z of 0.15. There was strong evidence of a critical period for carp gudgeon larvae from hatch until 6 days old, and no evidence of a critical period for unspecked hardyhead. Total larval mortality for carp gudgeon and unspecked hardyhead up to 24 days of age was estimated to be 97.8 and 94.3%, respectively. We hypothesise that life history strategy may play an important role in shaping overall mortality and the pattern of mortality during early life in these two fishes.  相似文献   

In elasmobranchs (sharks, rays) the total weight of lymphomyeloid structures isolated by dissection varied between about 0.6 and 1.0% of the body weight. In a holocephalan (Chimaera) the corresponding value was 1.7%. Reciprocal size relations may exist between different types of lymphomyeloid organs. A thymus was found in adult specimens of rays (Raja) and the rabbit-fish (Chimaera). The lymphomyeloid organs supposedly are active in haemopoiesis and the immune responses.  相似文献   

据作者调查和文献报道,本文列出了江西产90种园蛛在江西、中国和全球的地理分布;在世界动物地理区划水平上,江西园蛛主要由东洋界以及东洋界和古北界成分组成;在中国动物地理区划水平上,江西园蛛主要由华中区,华中区+华南区+西南区以及华中区+西南区跨界成分组成;与国内23省(区)区系组成比较,江西园蛛与湖南的共有种最多,与西藏共有种最少;文章最后分析了江西园蛛物种结构的特点.  相似文献   

In very small systems chemical reactions may, it is suggested,take on a periodic or oscillatory character. This would meanthat organelles such as mitochondria might become the centerof elastic and electromagnetic radiation. This possibility hasconsequences relevant to the problems of uptake, cell microstructureand protein synthesis, amongst other things.  相似文献   

On the Nature of Size Factors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wright S 《Genetics》1918,3(4):367-374

The widespread assumption that the origin of polar marine faunas is linked to the onset of major global cooling in the Late Eocene – Early Oligocene is being increasingly challenged. The Antarctic fossil record in particular is suggesting that some modern Southern Ocean taxa may have Early Eocene or even Paleocene origins, i.e. well within the Early Cenozoic greenhouse world. A global analysis of one of the largest marine clades at the present day, the Neogastropoda, indicates that not only is there a decrease in the number of species from the tropics to the poles but also a decrease in the evenness of their distribution. A small number of neogastropod families with predominantly generalist trophic strategies at both poles points to the key role of seasonality in structuring the highest latitude marine assemblages. A distinct latitudinal gradient in seasonality is temperature-invariant and would have operated through periods of global warmth such as the Early Cenozoic. To test this concept a second global analysis was undertaken of earliest Cenozoic (Paleocene) neogastropods and this does indeed show a certain degree of faunal differentiation at both poles. The Buccinidae, s.l. is especially well developed at this time, and this is a major generalist taxon at the present day. There is an element of asymmetry associated with this development of Paleocene polar faunas in that those in the south are more strongly differentiated than their northern counterparts; this can in turn be linked to the already substantial isolation of the southern high latitudes. The key role of seasonality in the formation of polar marine faunas has implications for contemporary ecosystem structure and stability.  相似文献   

Many studies of offspring size focus on differences in maternal investment that arise from ecological factors such as predation or competition. Classic theory predicts that these ecological factors will select for an optimal offspring size, and therefore that variation in a given environment will be minimized. Yet recent evidence suggests maternal traits such as size or age could also drive meaningful variation in offspring size. The generality of this pattern is unclear, as some studies suggest that it may represent non-adaptive variation or be an artifact of temporal or spatial differences in maternal environments. To clarify this pattern, we asked how maternal size, age and condition are related to each other in several populations of the swordtail Xiphophorus birchmanni. We then determined how these traits are related to offspring size, and whether they could resolve unexplained intra-population variation in this trait. We found that female size, age, and condition are correlated within populations; at some of these sites, older, larger females produce larger offspring than do younger females. The pattern was robust to differences among most, but not all, sites. Our results document a pattern that is consistent with recent theory predicting adaptive age- and size-dependence in maternal investment. Further work is needed to rule out non-adaptive explanations for this variation. Our results suggest that female size and age could play an under-appreciated role in population growth and evolution.  相似文献   

Coral reefs and associated fish populations have experienced rapid decline in the Caribbean region and marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely implemented to address this decline. The performance of no-take MPAs (i.e., marine reserves) for protecting and rebuilding fish populations is influenced by the movement of animals within and across their boundaries. Very little is known about Caribbean reef fish movements creating a critical knowledge gap that can impede effective MPA design, performance and evaluation. Using miniature implanted acoustic transmitters and a fixed acoustic receiver array, we address three key questions: How far can reef fish move? Does connectivity exist between adjacent MPAs? Does existing MPA size match the spatial scale of reef fish movements? We show that many reef fishes are capable of traveling far greater distances and in shorter duration than was previously known. Across the Puerto Rican Shelf, more than half of our 163 tagged fish (18 species of 10 families) moved distances greater than 1 km with three fish moving more than 10 km in a single day and a quarter spending time outside of MPAs. We provide direct evidence of ecological connectivity across a network of MPAs, including estimated movements of more than 40 km connecting a nearshore MPA with a shelf-edge spawning aggregation. Most tagged fish showed high fidelity to MPAs, but also spent time outside MPAs, potentially contributing to spillover. Three-quarters of our fish were capable of traveling distances that would take them beyond the protection offered by at least 40–64% of the existing eastern Caribbean MPAs. We recommend that key species movement patterns be used to inform and evaluate MPA functionality and design, particularly size and shape. A re-scaling of our perception of Caribbean reef fish mobility and habitat use is imperative, with important implications for ecology and management effectiveness.  相似文献   

In the early nineteen sixties, Arambourg and Magnier found some freshwater fish (i.e., Polypterus sp., Siluriformes indet. and Lates sp.) mixed with marine members in an Eocene vertebrate assemblage at Gebel Coquin, in the southern Libyan Desert. This locality, aged ca 37–39Ma and now known under the name of Dur At-Talah, has been recently excavated. A new fish assemblage, mostly composed of teeth, was collected by the Mission Paléontologique Franco-Libyenne. In this paper, we describe freshwater fish members including a dipnoan (Protopterus sp.), and several actinopterygians: bichir (Polypterus sp.), aba fish (Gymnarchus sp.), several catfishes (Chrysichthys sp. and a mochokid indet.), several characiforms (including the tiger fish Hydrocynus sp., and one or two alestin-like fish), and perciforms (including the snake-head fish Parachanna sp. and at least one cichlid). Together with the fossiliferous outcrops at Birket Qarun in Egypt, the Libyan site at Dur At-Talah reduces a 10-Ma chronological gap in the fossil record of African freshwater fish. Their fish assemblages overlap in their composition and thus constitute a rather homogenous, original and significant amount of new elements regarding the Paleogene African ichthyofauna. This supports the establishment of the modern African freshwater fish fauna during this time period because these sites mostly contain the earliest members known in modern genera.  相似文献   

We studied the startle response of the African butterfly fish, Pantodon buchholzi (Osteoglossomorpha, Osteoglossoidea). It is an upward movement, mediated by abduction of the pectoral fins, and is elicited by mechanical and visual stimuli. Because this fish inhabits the first few centimeters beneath the water surface, its startle response results in an aerial excursion that may be described as ballistic-like, following a motion as defined by linear acceleration. We show that the aerial excursion is well-modeled by a parabola. On average, a fish jumps no more than twice its height and travels horizontally about five times its standard length. The fish may exhibit variable in-flight trunk and fin movements, but neither increases the travel distance in air following the initial in-water propulsive event. Similar vertical jumps also occur entirely within the water column suggesting that this motor behavior of Pantodon is a general escape behavior analogous to a Mauthner neuron-induced escape response. The variability in its posture in air and its direction of motion after reentering the water enhances this act of vertical flight as a step in this fish's escape behavior. The aerial aspect of its escape behavior is only a consequence of its position in the water column.  相似文献   

The excessive and unsustainable exploitation of our marine resources has led to the promotion of marine reserves as a fisheries management tool. Marine reserves, areas in which fishing is restricted or prohibited, can offer opportunities for the recovery of exploited stock and fishery enhancement. This study examines the impact of the creation of marine protected areas, from both economic and biological perspectives. The consequences of reserve establishment on the long-run equilibrium fish biomass and fishery catch levels are evaluated. We include reserve size as control variable to maximize catch at equilibrium. A continuous time model is used to simulate the effects of reserve size on fishing catch. Fish movements between the sites is assumed to take place at a faster time scale than the variation of the stock and the change of the fleet size. We take advantage of these two time scales to derive a reduced model governing the dynamics of the total fish stock and the fishing effort. Simulation results suggest that the establishment of a protected marine reserve will always lead to an increase in total fish biomass, an optimal size of a marine reserve can achieve to maximize the catch at equilibrium.  相似文献   

Despite a large number of studies focusing on the complexity of coral reef habitats and the characteristics of associated fish assemblages, the relationship between reef structure and fish assemblages remains unclear. The textural discontinuity hypothesis, which proposes that multi-modal body size distributions of organisms are driven by discontinuous habitat structure, provides a theoretical basis that may explain the influence of habitat availability on associated organisms. In this study we use fractal techniques to characterize patterns of cross-scale habitat complexity, and examine how this relates to body-depth abundance distributions of associated fish assemblages over corresponding spatial scales. Our study demonstrates that: (1) Reefs formed from different underlying substrata exhibit distinct patterns of cross-scale habitat complexity; (2) The availability of potential refuges at different scales correlates with patterns in fish body depth distributions, but habitat structure is more strongly related to the relative abundance of fish in the body depth modes, rather than to the number of modes; (3) As reefs change from coral- to algal-dominated states, the complexity of the underlying reef substratum may change, presenting a more homogenous environment to associated assemblages; (4) Individual fish body depth distributions may be multi-modal, however, these distributions are not static characteristics of the fish assemblage and may change to uni-modal forms in response to changing habitat condition. In light of predicted anthropogenic changes, there is a clear need to improve our understanding of the scale of ecological relationships to anticipate future changes and vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

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