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中国蓝带蚊的同物异名、地理分布及某分类(双翅目:蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝带蚊属(Uranotaenia)首先由Lynch Arribalzaga于1891年所建立,迄今将近百年。由于当初对属的特征描述不够严密,以及该类蚊虫标本采集比较困难,基础分类研究进展迟缓,蚊种鉴定上的错误与混淆长期未能澄清纠正。近十多年以来,美国Smithso-nian研究院深入开展了蚊类的基础分类研究,对蓝带蚊属的认识亦从中得到发展。迄目前为止,全世界已知蓝带蚊属共包括2亚属183种以上。按照世界上已知32个蚊属中所包括的蚊种数顺序排列,蓝带蚊属居于伊蚊属(Aedes)库蚊属(Culex)及按蚊属(Anopheles)之后的第四位,逐渐引起人们的注意。  相似文献   

云南蚊科三新种 (双翅目:蚊科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记述了采自云南蚊科3新种,即:蓝带蚊属伪费蚊亚属一新种瞿氏蓝带蚊Uranotaenia (Pseudoficalbia) qui Dong, Dong et Zhou, sp. Nov.,采自西双版纳优乐山竹穴积水中,与新糊蓝带蚊Ur. Novobscura Barraud和二斑蓝带蚊Ur. Bimaculata Leicester近缘;领蚊属一新种类孟连领蚊Heizmannia (Heizmannia) menglianeroides Dong, Dong et Zhou, sp. Nov.,采自云南省景洪县森林竹筒积水中,与孟连领蚊Hz. Menglianensis Lu et Gong, 1986为近缘;库蚊属泰蚊亚属一新种陈氏库蚊Culex (Thaiomyia) cheniDong, Wang et Lu, sp. Nov.,采自云南西北部海拔1795 m的腾冲县竹筒积水,与海南库蚊Cu. (Th.) hainaensis Chen, 1977近缘。讨论了各新种与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种分别存放在云南省疟疾防治研究所和贵阳医学院微生物教研室。  相似文献   

云南省蟹洞中孳生的蓝带蚊新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据国外报道,蟹洞积水为蓝带蚊的重要孳生场所,但我国大陆尚无人问津。陈汉彬等于1982年7月在云南省疟疾防治研究所的协助下,曾在西双版纳普文公社公路边水沟堤岸的蟹洞中采获蓝带蚊幼虫55条,并经隔离饲养出雌蚊2只,经鉴定分属两种蓝带蚊,均系我国新记录。连同我国已记录的20种(瞿逢伊1980、1981),我国蓝带蚊已达22种。为了引起蚊虫工作者的注意,特将这一新发现和两种蓝带蚊的鉴别特征作简要报道如下:  相似文献   

中国蓝带蚊属一新种(双翅目,蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述采自云南省景东县境内树洞积水中蓝带蚊属1新种,云南蓝带蚊Uranotaenia(Uranotaenia)yunnanensis sp.nov.,讨论了新种与相似种的鉴别特征.模式标本存于云南省寄生虫病防治所.  相似文献   

蓝带蚊属一新种(双翅目:蚊科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述采白云南省西双版纳景洪县竹筒积水内蓝带蚊属伪费蚊亚属1新种.讨论了新种与相似种的鉴别特征。模式标本保存于云南省寄生虫病防治研究所。  相似文献   

为给三峡水利枢纽在施工和建成后开展防蚊灭蚊等方面的工作提供资料,我们于1982—1984年在三峡水库四川地段的巫山、巫溪、奉节、云阳、开县、万县、石柱、忠县、丰都、涪陵、长寿等十一个县(市)进行了蚊虫区系调查。共查见蚊虫10属68种,其中按蚊属14种,库蚊属28种,伊蚊属17种,阿蚊属1种,杵蚊属3种,蓝带蚊属、赛氏蚊属、直脚蚊属、曼氏蚊属和局限蚊属各查见1种。以上各属的蚊种与邻近地区所见一致。将捕获标本作分类统计,中华按蚊、致倦库蚊、白纹伊蚊、三带喙库蚊、骚扰阿蚊等为优势蚊种,其数量占调查总蚊数的52.37%(12250/23389)。其中以…  相似文献   

广西僮族自治区蚊类调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文为1957年4月到10月,在广西僮族自治区5个市、34个县以及10个集镇对蚊类采集调查的结果。上述地区共发现蚊虫92种(亚种),分隶13个属:巨蚊属(Megar-hinus Rob-Desv,1827),按蚊属(Anopheles Meig,1818.),伊蚊属(AedesMeig,1818.),阿蚊属(Armigeres Theo,1901.),库蛟属(Culex Linn,1758.),费蚊属(Ficalbia Theo,1903.),钩蚊属(Harpogomyia Meij,1909.),哈蚊属(Heizmannia Ludlow,1904.),曼蚊属(Mansonia Blanch,1901.),直脚蚊属(Ortho-podomyia Theo,1904)局限蚊属(Topomyia Leic,1908),杵蚊属(Tripteroi-des Giles,1904.),蓝带蚊属(Uranotaenia Lynch Arrib,1891.)。 在发现的蚊种中,多数库蚊族和巨蚊族的种类,都是该地区的新载,同时,除了一新种和一新亚种外,并有5种(亚种)为我国的新载: Ae.(C.)ibis(Barraud,1931. Ae.(F.)greeni(Theo.),1903. Ae.(S.)mediopunctatus submediopunctatus Barraud,1923. Ar.(Ar.)theobaldi Barraud,1934. C.(N.)tenuipalpis Barraud,1924. 该地区发现的蚊类主要系东洋区的性质,和云南及广东的蚊虫相近似。 我国已知蚊亚科共有14个属,在此次调查中,除赛蚊属(Theobaldia)未发现外,其余在该地区都采集到。  相似文献   

蚊科昆虫是最重要的医学昆虫类群,是人类最致命的动物杀手。准确的蚊虫分类鉴定是媒介蚊虫基础研究和控制的基础。蚊科现代分类学研究起自于林奈1758年对库蚊属Culex种类的记述,200多年来,已定名的种类日渐增多,分类系统已基本成形。本文在系统地编制了蚊科昆虫的世界名录和地理分布记录的基础上,概述了世界范围内蚊科昆虫的分类研究历史,属级及以上类群的分类系统、种类及其生物学研究现状,并作了初步讨论和展望。目前,全球已知蚊虫41属201亚属3 573种,其中我国已知20属63亚属419种。按蚊亚科(Anophelinae)被认为是蚊科内单系类群,包括按蚊属Anopheles、白蚊属Bironella和沙蚊属Chagasia 3属11亚属489种。其中,按蚊属已知476种,占按蚊亚科已知种97%,是疟疾的单一传播媒介。库蚊亚科(Culicinae)被认为是一个复系类群,共计11族38属190亚属3 084种,系统发育关系尚未解决。伊蚊族(Aedini)、库蚊族(Culicini)、煞蚊族(Sabethini)和蓝带蚊族(Uranotaeniini)是其中的较大族,分别拥有1 262,800,432和270种。特别是库蚊属Culex、伊蚊属Aedes和曼蚊属Mansonia的许多种类是非常重要的医学媒介昆虫。在所有这些蚊虫种中,东洋区的种类最多,达1 075种;其次为新热带区(951种),非洲区(798种),澳洲区(542种),古北区(251种);新北区分布种类最少,有196种,不少种类跨区分布。这些信息有助于对世界范围内蚊科昆虫分类和分布现状的整体了解。由于隐存种(cryptic species)广泛存在,实际种数应是已定名种数的3~5倍。蚊科昆虫的系统分类对于蚊科昆虫的准确鉴定、基础生物学及蚊媒病传播机制研究、媒介蚊虫及蚊媒病控制都具有非常重要的理论和应用价值,蚊科昆虫的分类、系统发育和区系仍是急需要研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

作者等于1956年在四川乐山一树洞中陆绩采获幼虫若干,饲养中羽化出雌蚊14只,雄蚊10只,经鉴定为新种,命名为乐山蓝带蚊。又于1958年在云南思茅一水池中采获幼虫一批,经饲养羽化出雌蚊6只、雄蚊4只,鉴定为罕培蓝带蚊。由于在文献上尚未见到其雄蚊及幼虫形态的描述,故一并将其描述于此。  相似文献   

本文对双翅目长角亚目8个近缘科的10个主要性状特征作了数值分析,按照Farris-Wagner法和系统聚类法画出树状图,对蚊科、摇蚊科等8个近缘科的系统发育关系进行了分析。结果表明摇蚊科是8个科中最原始的祖型代表,而蚊科则是其中分化最早的高级类群。并认为分析祖征与衍征的镶嵌现象是探索系统发育或系谱关系的重要依据。  相似文献   

[目的]目前关于榕小蜂类群的线粒体基因组报道很少,本研究旨在探讨传粉和非传粉榕小蜂两个群体的线粒体基因组的进化差异.[方法]以15种榕小蜂的线粒体基因组(其中11种的线粒体基因组为新测定)数据为基础,采用比较线粒体基因组学方法,分析榕小蜂的线粒体基因组序列和进化特征.[结果]本研究新测定的11个榕小蜂物种的近全长线粒体...  相似文献   

The Indian black berry (Syzygium cumini Skeels) has a great nutraceutical and medicinal properties. As in other fruit crops, the fruit characteristics are important attributes for differentiation were also determined for different accessions of S. cumini. The fruit weight, length, breadth, length: breadth ratio, pulp weight, pulp content, seed weight and pulp: seed ratio significantly varied in different accessions. Molecular characterization was carried out using PCR based RAPD technique. Out of 80 RAPD primers, only 18 primers produced stable polymorphisms that were used to examine the phylogenetic relationship. A sum of 207 loci were generated out of which 201 loci found polymorphic. The average genetic dissimilarity was 97 per cent among jamun accessions. The phylogenetic relationship was also determined by principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) that explained 46.95 per cent cumulative variance. The two-dimensional PCoA analysis showed grouping of the different accessions that were plotted into four sub-plots, representing clustering of accessions. The UPGMA (r = 0.967) and NJ (r = 0.987) dendrogram constructed based on the dissimilarity matrix revealed a good degree of fit with the cophenetic correlation value. The dendrogram grouped the accessions into three main clusters according to their eco-geographical regions which given useful insight into their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

油松毛虫的空间分布型及抽样技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用Iwao(1968—1977)的(m)对m的回归方法以测定油松毛虫Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu越冬幼虫、茧、卵块的空间分布型, 并用不同的抽样方法比较了抽样精确度.油松毛虫越冬幼虫, 茧、卵块在油松人工林内都呈聚集分布.幼虫和茧分布的基本成分是双重个体群.卵块分布的基本成分是卵块个体, 其遵从有一公共K值的负二项分布.抽样方法:当越冬幼虫在低密度情况下以单对角线法最佳, 茧在中密度情况下, 卵块在中低密度条件下均以双对角线法为最佳.  相似文献   

Abstract. Figs host three ecologically distinct groups of wasps: pollinators, non-pollinators (parasitic wasps) and parasitoids. Both pollinators and non-pollinators complete their life cycles using fig tissue, while parasitoids appear to attack some groups of non-pollinators. We used nucleotide sequence data to address a series of questions concerning genealogical associations, host specificities and degree of strict-sense co-evolution exhibited by members of these groups. We used the relatively conserved 12S rRNA gene of the mitochondria to estimate high level relationships among pollinator, parasitic and parasitoid taxa by sampling species collected from host figs representing five sections (three subgenera) from Asia, Africa, Europe and Central America. We found that all pollinators formed a clear monophyletic group. However, we could not resolve whether or not all of the non-parasitoid wasps associated with figs (Agaonidae, sensu Bouček) formed a single monophyletic group. Further, we used the more variable COII mitochondrial gene to attempt to determine relationships among closely related species of pollinators within two New World genera. Using sequences from the same gene we estimated the phylogenetic relationships among the parasites collected from the same New World host fig species and compared them with those of the pollinators. At fine taxonomic scale, we found that for both pollinator and parasites, species were generally specific to a given fig host. Moreover, the phylogenies of the non-pollinators are largely congruent with those of the pollinators, suggesting the predominance of strict-sense co-evolution on shared host fig species. The implications of these findings and opportunities for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the 23S and 5S rRNA gene fingerprints in order to reveal phylogenetic relationships among Bacillus thuringiensis strains. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighty-six B. thuringiensis strains which include 80 serovar type strains, five intraserovar strains and a non-serotypeable strain, wuhanensis, were tested. Total DNA was digested with EcoRI and HindIII. The 23S and 5S rRNA gene restriction fragment length polymorphisms showed 82 distinctive ribopatterns. The dendrogram generated by numerical analysis showed 10 phylogenetic groups and six ungrouped serovars at the 95.5% DNA relatedness rate. A second dendrogram was constructed using a combination of the data from this study and from a previous study on 16S rRNA gene fingerprinting. It revealed eight distinct phylogenetic groups and three ungrouped serovars at the 94% DNA relatedness rate. CONCLUSION: This method permitted the classification and positioning of a wide variety of B. thuringiensis strains on a phylogenetic tree. Bacillus thuringiensis strains appear to be relatively homogeneous and to share a high degree of DNA relatedness. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study contributes a further step to the definition of valid taxonomic sublevels for the B. thuringiensis species.  相似文献   

A gene located within the intron of a larger gene is an uncommon arrangement in any species. Few of these nested gene arrangements have been explored from an evolutionary perspective. Here we report a phylogenetic analysis of kayak (kay) and fos intron gene (fig), a divergently transcribed gene located in a kay intron, utilizing 12 Drosophila species. The evolutionary relationship between these genes is of interest because kay is the homolog of the proto-oncogene c-fos whose function is modulated by serine/threonine phosphorylation and fig is a predicted PP2C phosphatase specific for serine/threonine residues. We found that, despite an extraordinary level of diversification in the intron-exon structure of kay (11 inversions and six independent exon losses), the nested arrangement of kay and fig is conserved in all species. A genomewide analysis of protein-coding nested gene pairs revealed that approximately 20% of nested pairs in D. melanogaster are also nested in D. pseudoobscura and D. virilis. A phylogenetic examination of fig revealed that there are three subfamilies of PP2C phosphatases in all 12 species of Drosophila. Overall, our phylogenetic and genomewide analyses suggest that the nested arrangement of kay and fig may be due to a functional relationship between them.  相似文献   

Parasitoid diversity in terrestrial ecosystems is enormous. However, ecological processes underpinning their evolutionary diversification in association with other trophic groups are still unclear. Specialisation and interdependencies among chalcid wasps that reproduce on Ficus presents an opportunity to investigate the ecology of a multi-trophic system that includes parasitoids. Here we estimate the host-plant species specificity of a parasitoid fig wasp genus that attacks the galls of non-pollinating pteromalid and pollinating agaonid fig wasps. We discuss the interactions between parasitoids and the Ficus species present in a forest patch of Uganda in context with populations in Southern Africa. Haplotype networks are inferred to examine intraspecific mitochondrial DNA divergences and phylogenetic approaches used to infer putative species relationships. Taxonomic appraisal and putative species delimitation by molecular and morphological techniques are compared. Results demonstrate that a parasitoid fig wasp population is able to reproduce on at least four Ficus species present in a patch. This suggests that parasitoid fig wasps have relatively broad host-Ficus species ranges compared to fig wasps that oviposit internally. Parasitoid fig wasps did not recruit on all available host plants present in the forest census area and suggests an important ecological consequence in mitigating fitness trade-offs between pollinator and Ficus reproduction. The extent to which parasitoid fig wasps exert influence on the pollination mutualism must consider the fitness consequences imposed by the ability to interact with phenotypes of multiple Ficus and fig wasps species, but not equally across space and time.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between priority-setting in conservation and in taxonomy. A simple and generally applicable scheme is presented based on prior quantitative extinction threat evaluation. In the main part of the study we describe the assessment of the herbarium voucher collection date time series of 21 endemic fig tree species of Ficus sect. Oreosycea (Moraceae). The fig tree assessment is then compared with the available IUCN Red List data and with the collection information on two other groups of endemic tree radiations in New Caledonia: ebonies of Diospyros sect. Maba (Ebenaceae) and the Iguanura palm lineage (Arecaceae). We find a remarkably low level of extinction threat evident in Ficus but a pronounced need to differentiate between true species rarity and putative rarity of potential taxonomic artifacts. To this end it is proposed how such numerical evaluations can be used to set future priorities for the assessment or validation of the taxonomic and conservation status of taxa. The limitations and implications of the evaluation are discussed and relevant criteria for a meaningful analysis of collection records are listed. Finally, putting our results on woody plants into perspective, we briefly review the general conservation situation and outlook of New Caledonia, acknowledging both its high conservation priority and potential. Abbreviations: Note that different IUCN threat category classifications have been in use during the last decade and that some of the cited categories and their abbreviations have changed (IUCN 1994, 2001).  相似文献   

五种鲟鱼线粒体控制区异质性和系统发育分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用保守引物得到五种鲟鱼的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区(D-loop)全长,长度在795~813 bp。序列中包括了CBS(conserved sequence block)和TAS(termination-associated sequence)区域。利用最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法构建了系统发育树,发育树分成两枝,呈现明显的生物地理分布。分析表明,现有的鳇属鱼类不是单系群起源。五种鲟鱼D-loop序列都存在长度和数目不等串联重复序列,长度在78~82 bp之间,重复序列拷贝数在4~6次不等,因此造成了mtDNA广泛的异质性现象。不同种类的重复序列单元十分相似,达氏鳇和史氏鲟重复序列单元相似度为82.93%,西伯利亚鲟和俄罗斯鲟重复序列单元相似度为90.59%。在串联重复序列后是一段不完全重复序列。通过与已有同种的重复序列比对发现不同鲟鱼重复序列相同,不同地理区域相同物种的重复序列可能发生过分子内重组。这些表明重复序列在鲟鱼进化上具有相关意义,推测重复序列可能产生在种分化前,重组发生在种分化后。  相似文献   



The extent to which co-evolutionary processes shape morphological traits is one of the most fascinating topics in evolutionary biology. Both passive and active pollination modes coexist in the fig tree (Ficus, Moraceae) and fig wasp (Agaonidae, Hymenoptera) mutualism. This classic obligate relationship that is about 75 million years old provides an ideal system to consider the role of pollination mode shifts on pollen evolution.

Methods and Main Findings

Twenty-five fig species, which cover all six Ficus subgenera, and are native to the Xishuangbanna region of southwest China, were used to investigate pollen morphology with scanning electron microscope (SEM). Pollination mode was identified by the Anther/Ovule ratio in each species. Phylogenetic free regression and a correlated evolution test between binary traits were conducted based on a strong phylogenetic tree. Seventeen of the 25 fig species were actively pollinated and eight species were passively pollinated. Three pollen shape types and three kinds of exine ornamentation were recognized among these species. Pollen grains with ellipsoid shape and rugulate ornamentation were dominant. Ellipsoid pollen occurred in all 17 species of actively pollinated figs, while for the passively pollinated species, two obtuse end shapes were identified: cylinder and sphere shapes were identified in six of the eight species. All passively pollinated figs presented rugulate ornamentation, while for actively pollinated species, the smoother types - psilate and granulate-rugulate ornamentations - accounted for just five and two among the 17 species, respectively. The relationship between pollen shape and pollination mode was shown by both the phylogenetic free regression and the correlated evolution tests.


Three pollen shape and ornamentation types were found in Ficus, which show characteristics related to passive or active pollination mode. Thus, the pollen shape is very likely shaped by pollination mode in this unique obligate mutualism.  相似文献   

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