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Incubation of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells in high K+ (38 mM) during 24-48 h enhanced 2.5 to five times the expression of SNAP-25 protein and mRNA, respectively. This increase was reduced 86% by furnidipine (an L-type Ca2+ channel blocker) but was unaffected by either omega-conotoxin GVIA (an N-type Ca2+ channel blocker) or -agatoxin IVA (a P/Q-type Ca2+ channel blocker). Combined blockade of N and P/Q channels with omega-conotoxin MVIIC did, however, block by 76% the protein expression. The inhibitory effects of fumidipine were partially reversed when the external Ca2+ concentration was raised from 1.6 to 5 mM. These findings, together with the fact that nicotinic receptor activation or Ca2+ release from internal stores also enhanced SNAP-25 protein expression, suggest that an increment of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]), rather than its source or Ca2+ entry pathway, is the critical signal to induce the protein expression. The greater coupling between L-type Ca2+ channels and protein expression might be due to two facts: (a) L channels contributed 50% to the global [Ca2+]i rise induced by 38 mM K+ in indo-1-loaded chromaffin cells and (b) L channels undergo less inactivation than N or P/Q channels on sustained stimulation of these cells.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field on Hsp27, Hsp70, and Hsp90 expression in a model of primary culture of porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC). We took into consideration the Hsp profile in terms of mRNA expression, protein expression and protein localization inside the cells. The choice of the cell system was motivated by the involvement of the endothelial cells in the onset of many diseases; moreover, only few reports describe the effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MFs) on such cells. ELF-MF exposure induced an increase in the mRNA levels of the three proteins, which was statistically significant for Hsp70. On the contrary, we did not observe any influence on Hsp27, Hsp70, and Hsp90 protein levels. Analysis in situ by immunofluorescence revealed that ELF-MF exposure affected the cellular distribution of Hsp27; in particular a partial relocalization in the nucleus was observed.  相似文献   

Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields (ELF MF) has been considered as a “possible human carcinogen” by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) while credible mechanisms of its carcinogenicity remain unknown. In this study, a proteomics approach was employed to investigate the changes of protein expression profile induced by ELF MF in human breast cancer cell line MCF7, in order to determine ELF MF-responsive proteins. MCF7 cells were exposed to 50 Hz, 0.4 mT ELF MF for 24 h and the changes of protein profile were examined using two dimensional electrophoresis. Up to 6 spots have been statistically significantly altered (their expression levels were changed at least 5 fold up or down) compared with sham-exposed group. 19 ones were only detected in exposure group while 19 ones were missing. Three proteins were identified by LC-IT Tandem MS as RNA binding protein regulatory subunit Proteasome subunit beta type 7 precursor and Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein. Our finding showed that 50 Hz, 0.4 mT ELF MF alternates the protein profile of MCF7 cell and may affect many physiological functions of normal cell and 2-DE coupled with MS is a promising approach to elucidating cellular effects of electromagnetic fields.  相似文献   

A case-control study in 1979 on electrical wiring configurations and childhood leukemia had stimulated interest in the issue that extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MF) may have harmful biologi-cal effects especially on the incidence of human can-cer[1]. Since then, a large number of studies have been conducted to follow up this important result[2]. The majority of these studies indicate a weak association between exposure to 50―60 Hz ELF MF and the in-cidence of cancer; however…  相似文献   

Summary Light-microscopic autoradiography has revealed characteristic labelling patterns in adrenal medullary cells following the intravenous administration of different catecholamines. The uptake patterns for [3H] dopa, [3H] dopamine, [3H] noradrenaline and [3H] adrenaline have been compared. In all cases A cells were more active than NA cells and cells situated in the zone nearest the cortex demonstrated a markedly higher rate of uptake than central cells. It was concluded that adjacent chromaffin cells with very similar morphology may differ as much as 50 fold in their capacities to incorporate exogenous amines. The adrenergic nature of the innervation of the vessels of the adrenal cortex and capsule in the mouse was confirmed.  相似文献   

Ca2+ entry through the L-subtype (α1D, Cav1,3) of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) seems to selectively regulate the endocytotic response after the application of a single depolarizing pulse to voltage-clamped bovine chromaffin cells. Here we have found that L channel blockade with nifedipine transformed the exocytotic responses elicited by a double-pulse protocol, from depression to facilitation. This apparent paradoxical effect was mimicked by pharmacological interventions that directly block endocytosis namely, dynasore, calmidazolium, GTP-γS and GDP-βS. This reinforces our view that Ca2+ entry through PQ channels (α1A; Cav2.1) regulates fast exocytosis while Ca2+ entry through L channels preferentially controls rapid endocytosis.  相似文献   

In chromaffin cells, the exocytosis of neuromediators involves the fusion between a secretory vesicle and the cell membrane. Many techniques based on electrophysiology, electrochemistry and fluorescence microscopy allow the study of such a complex process at active zones of single immobilized cells. These techniques can provide an effective analysis either at the apex, either at the base of the cell adhering onto a substrate. For instance, patch-clamp (electrophysiology) and amperometry (electrochemistry) deal with detection at the exposed top of the cell, whereas evanescent field microscopy concerns mainly its bottom, i.e., the zone on which the cell rests onto the surface. However, in chromaffin cells, comparison between the two sets of methods remains to be established and whether apex fusion events are comparable or not to those observed at the base of the cell is an open question. In this work, we compare both active zones upon using the same measurement method, viz., by performing electrochemical detection at these both poles (top and bottom) of bovine chromaffin cells. This is performed upon using carbon fiber microelectrodes (apical analysis) and planar ITO transparent (basal analysis) electrodes, respectively. Our results indicate that the processes monitored at each pole differ though the same technique is used.  相似文献   

Dynamin proteins have been implicated in many aspects of endocytosis, including clathrin-mediated endocytosis, internalization of caveolae, synaptic vesicle recycling, and, more recently, vesicular trafficking to and from the Golgi complex. To provide further insight into the function(s) of dynamin in neuroendocrine cells, we have examined its intracellular distribution in cultured chromaffin cells by subcellular fractionation, immunoreplica analysis, and confocal immunofluorescence. We found that dynamin, presumably the dynamin-2 isoform, is associated specifically with the membrane of purified secretory chromaffin granules. Oligomerization state analysis by sucrose density velocity gradients indicated that the granule-associated dynamin is in a monomeric form. Immunoprecipitation experiments coupled to double-labeling immunofluorescence cytochemistry revealed that the granular dynamin is associated with a syntaxin component that is not involved in the granule-bound SNARE complex. The possibility that dynamin participates in the coupling of the exocytotic and endocytotic reaction through the building of a granular membrane subset of proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Differential display (DD) is one of the most commonly used approaches for identifying differentially expressed genes. However, there has been lack of an accurate guidance on how many DD polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer combinations are needed to display most of the genes expressed in a eukaryotic cell. This study critically evaluated the gene coverage by DD as a function of the number of arbitrary primers, the number of 3′ bases of an arbitrary primer required to completely match an mRNA target sequence, the additional 5′ base match(s) of arbitrary primers in first-strand cDNA recognition, and the length of mRNA tails being analyzed. The resulting new DD mathematical model predicts that 80 to 160 arbitrary 13mers, when used in combinations with 3 one-base anchored oligo-dT primers, would allow any given mRNA within a eukaryotic cell to be detected with a 74% to 93% probability, respectively. The prediction was supported by both computer simulation of the DD process and experimental data from a comprehensive fluorescent DD screening for target genes of tumor-suppressor p53. Thus, this work provides a theoretical foundation upon which global analysis of gene expression by DD can be pursued.  相似文献   

An acceleration of differentiation, at the expense of proliferation, is observed after exposure of various biological models to low frequency and low amplitude electric and electromagnetic fields. Following these results showing significant modifications, we try to identify the biological mechanism involved at the cell level through microarray screening. For this study, we use epidermis cultures harvested from human abdominoplasty. Two platinum electrodes are used to apply the electric signal. The gene expressions of 38,500 well‐characterized human genes are analyzed using Affymetrix® microarray U133 Plus 2.0 chips. The protocol is repeated on three different patients. After three periods of exposure, a total of 24 chips have been processed. After the application of ELF electric fields, the microarray analysis confirms a modification of the gene expression of epidermis cells. Particularly, four up‐regulated genes (DKK1, TXNRD1, ATF3, and MME) and one down‐regulated gene (MACF1) are involved in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation. Expression of these five genes was also confirmed by real‐time rtPCR in all samples used for microarray analysis. These results corroborate an acceleration of cell differentiation at the expense of cell proliferation. Bioelectromagnetics 32:28–36, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The augmentation of neurotransmitter and hormone release produced by ouabain inhibition of plasmalemmal Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) is well established. However, the mechanism underlying this action is still controversial. Here we have shown that in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells ouabain diminished the mobility of chromaffin vesicles, an indication of greater number of docked vesicles at subplasmalemmal exocytotic sites. On the other hand, ouabain augmented the number of vesicles undergoing exocytosis in response to a K+ pulse, rather than the quantal size of single vesicles. Furthermore, ouabain produced a tiny and slow Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and gradually augmented the transient elevations of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]c) triggered by K+ pulses. These effects were paralleled by gradual increments of the transient catecholamine release responses triggered by sequential K+ pulses applied to chromaffin cell populations treated with ouabain. Both, the increases of K+-elicited [Ca2+]c and secretion in ouabain-treated cells were blocked by thapsigargin (THAPSI), 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) and caffeine. These results are compatible with the view that ouabain may enhance the ER Ca2+ load and facilitate the Ca2+-induced-Ca2+ release (CICR) component of the [Ca2+]c signal generated during K+ depolarisation. This could explain the potentiating effects of ouabain on exocytosis.  相似文献   

Adult bovine and young rat chromaffin cells cultured in serum-free medium were examined for their survival and differentiation following exposure to various additives, trophic agents and conditioned media. Adrenal chromaffin cells dissociated from 8 day old rats were maintained by dexamethasone, NGF and CNTF or without any additives in an N1-supplemented medium in similar numbers as in serum-containing medium for up to 6 days. Neuritic growth elicited by NGF or CNTF was enhanced in the absence of serum. Medium conditioned by purified bovine chromaffin cells improved cell survival and caused neurite outgrowth in a dose-dependent manner. The activiti(es) was sensitive to heat and trypsin and not blocked by the addition of anti-NGF antibodies. Bovine chromaffin cell survival was reduced by 30% when cells were maintained for one week in the absence as compared to the presence of serum. Addition of insulin, the N1 supplement, dexamethasone or dbcAMP single or in combinations improved the survival to different extents. A combination of insulin (5 g/ml) and dexamethasone (5×10–6M) proved to be optimal in this respect. However, these supplements failed to restore the cellular catecholamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline contents to levels seen in the presence of serum. This was also true for a chromaffin cell-conditioned medium, which improved survival without elevating the catecholamine contents. Conditioned medium, however, partly restored a more physiological adrenaline-noradrenaline-ratio.Dedicated to Dr. E. M. Shooter and Dr. S. Varon as part of a special issue (Neurochemical Research, Vol. 12, No. 10, 1987).  相似文献   

We used botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) to examine whether differences in the secretory activity of noradrenergic and adrenergic chromaffin cells are related to differences in the exocytotic machinery of these two types of bovine adrenal medulla cells. Cleavage of syntaxin and SNAP-25 by BoNT/C1 decreased in a dose-dependent way the release of both noradrenaline and adrenaline, but noradrenaline release was more sensitive to BoNT/C1. Cleavage of SNAP-25 by BoNT/A also had a larger inhibitory effect on noradrenaline release than on adrenaline release. Neither BoNT/C1 nor BoNT/A affected the intracellular Ca2+ responses induced by K+-depolarisation, and the extent of the inhibition of K+-evoked catecholamine release by selective blockers of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels was not affected by BoNT/C1. Therefore, our data do not support the hypothesis of a regulatory effect of syntaxin or SNAP-25 on the activity of Ca2+ channels. The lower sensitivity of adrenaline release to BoNT was not due to a reduced ability of the toxins to enter or to cleave their protein targets in adrenergic cells, since immunoblot analysis showed the cleavage of a larger fraction of syntaxin 1A in adrenergic cells, as compared to the cleavage in noradrenergic cells. The immunoblot analysis also showed larger amounts of syntaxin 1A in noradrenergic chromaffin cells than in adrenergic cells. Thus, in spite of a greater cleavage of syntaxin 1A in adrenergic cells by BoNT/C1, adrenaline release was less sensitive to BoNT/C1, suggesting that the release process in noradrenergic cells might be more dependent on syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25, as compared to adrenergic cells.  相似文献   

Summary Adrenal medullary tissue from adult rats was dissociated into cell suspensions and injected into the anterior chamber of the eye, where the cells were made to attach to the previously sympathectomized irides with the use of fibronectin. Short- and long-term survival of the chromaffin cells was examined in whole mounts of irides using Falck-Hillarp fluorescence histochemistry or indirect immunohistochemistry with antibodies against adrenaline and dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH). After 6 days in oculo all cells were immunoreactive for adrenaline; almost none displayed processes even if -nerve growth factor (NGF) was given at grafting. One month after weekly intraocular injections of NGF, many cells were surrounded by nerve fiber net-works and all cells were DBH-immunoreactive. Eight months postgrafting and 7 months after the last injection of NGF almost the entire iris was reinnervated and resembled a normal, sympathetically innervated iris. Both at 1 and 8 months, chromaffin cells, ganglion cells and transitional cell forms (chromaffin cells transforming towards ganglion-like cells) were found in irides from the NGF-treated eyes. The number of ganglion cells was remarkably increased with time by NGF, while the number of chromaffin cells decreased compared to controls. A single treatment with NGF at grafting had no marked effects as examined up to 3 months; at this time there was a certain outgrowth of nerve terminals, which, however, was not as pronounced as 1 month after repeated NGF injections. In conclusion, it is shown that some cells in a chromaffin cell suspension attach to the iris, transform to ganglion cells after an induction with exogenous NGF, and reinnervate the sympathically denervated iris. Such cells remain ganglion-like in character and continue to form processes even after cessation of exogenous NGF treatment.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that the Ku70 gene fragment can be placed in the anti‐sense orientation under the control of a heat‐inducible heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) promoter and activated through heat shock exposure. This results in attenuation of the Ku70 protein expression, inhibiting cellular repair processes, and sensitizing the transfected cells to exposures such as the ionizing radiation exposures used clinically. However, achieving the tissue temperatures necessary to thermally induce the HSP70 response presents significant limitations to the clinical application of this strategy. Previous findings suggest an alternative approach to inducing a heat shock response, specifically through the use of extremely low frequency (ELF) electrical field stimulation. To further pursue this approach, we investigated HSP70 responses in transfected rat primary fibroblast (RAT1) cells exposed to 10 Hz electric fields at intensities of 20–500 V/m. We confirmed that low frequency electric fields can induce HSP70 heat shock expression, with peak responses obtained at 8 h following a 2 h field exposure. However, the approximate threefold increase in expression is substantially lower than that obtained using thermal stimulation, raising questions of the clinical utility of the response. Bioelectromagnetics 34:405–413, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary An autoradiographic study was performed on the effects of hydrocortisone, reserpine, propranolol and phentolamine on the uptake of tritiated amines by adrenal medullary cells of the mouse. Oral feeding of hydrocortisone had no significant effect on the normal uptake pattern of dopamine, noradrenaline or adrenaline by medullary cells of different type (A cells or NA cells) or location (marginal or central), although the overall amounts taken up were markedly reduced. Handling the animals led to similar reductions in the uptake of all three amines and was thus clearly shown to be the important factor in this effect. Reserpine reduced the uptake of [3H] noradrenaline to 25 % of the control value although the relative distribution remained unchanged. Propranolol and phentolamine had no observed effect on [3H] noradrenaline uptake. These results are discussed in the light of the previously reported action of ACTH in reversing the effects of hypophysectomy on medullary amine uptake (Hirano and Kobayashi 1978), and it is concluded that ACTH must exert this effect directly on the adrenal medulla rather than through the secretion of adrenal corticosteroids. It is also suggested that reserpine acts, as in neurons, by blocking amine uptake into intracellular granules rather than by blocking uptake into the cell itself.  相似文献   

Summary Chromaffin granules from bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells have been found to contain small vesicular structures bounded by unit membranes. Detection of these intragranular vesicles within intact cells requires the use of quick-freezing methods. The intragranular vesicles are labile to fixation by aldehydes which explains why they have not been described in intact cells until now. They are found in approximately 60% of the dense-core chromaffin granules in cells and 85% of isolated granules. They are usually clustered in groups of one to as many as five between the core and the inner surface of the granule membrane. The intragranular vesicles are independent vesicles in that they do not appear as simple invaginations of the granule membrane in either serial thin-section or freeze-etch views. Furthermore, they are released from the cell along with granule contents during nicotine-induced secretion of catecholamines. The structural heterogeneity provided by the intragranular vesicles may be related to the functional heterogeneity of granule contents observed in many recent biochemical studies.  相似文献   

Summary The adrenal medulla appears to exert a regulatory influence on adrenocortical steroidogenesis. We have therefore studied the morphology of rat, porcine and bovine adrenals in order to characterize the contact zones of adrenomedullary and adrenocortical tissues. The distribution of chromaffin cells located within the adrenal cortex and of cortical cells located within the adrenal medulla was investigated. Chromaffin cells were characterized by immunostaining for synaptophysin and chromogranin A, both being considered specific for neuroendocrine cells. Cortical cells were characterized by immunostaining for 17-hydroxylase, an enzyme of the steroid pathway. Cellular contacts of chromaffin cells and cortical cells were examined at the electron microscopical level. In rat and porcine adrenals, rays of chromaffin cells, small cell clusters and single chromaffin cells or small invaginations from the medulla could be detected in all three zones of the cortex. Chromaffin cells often spread in the subcapsular space of the zona glomerulosa. In porcine and bovine adrenals, 17-hydroxylase immunoreactive cells were localized within the medulla. Single cortical cells and small accumulations of cells were spread throughout this region. At the ultrastructural level, the chromaffin cells located within the cortex in pig and rat adrenals formed close cellular contacts with cortical cells in all three zones. Our morphological data provide evidence for a possible paracrine role of chromaffin cells; this may be important for the neuroregulation of the adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

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