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Prohibitins comprise a protein family in eukaryotic cells with potential roles in senescence and tumor suppression. Phb1p and Phb2p, members of the prohibitin family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, have been implicated in the regulation of the replicative life span of the cells and in the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology. The functional activities of these proteins, however, have not been elucidated. We demonstrate here that prohibitins regulate the turnover of membrane proteins by the m-AAA protease, a conserved ATP-dependent protease in the inner membrane of mitochondria. The m-AAA protease is composed of the homologous subunits Yta10p (Afg3p) and Yta12p (Rca1p). Deletion of PHB1 or PHB2 impairs growth of Deltayta10 or Deltayta12 cells but does not affect cell growth in the presence of the m-AAA protease. A prohibitin complex with a native molecular mass of approximately 2 MDa containing Phb1p and Phb2p forms a supercomplex with the m-AAA protease. Proteolysis of nonassembled inner membrane proteins by the m-AAA protease is accelerated in mitochondria lacking Phb1p or Phb2p, indicating a negative regulatory effect of prohibitins on m-AAA protease activity. These results functionally link members of two conserved protein families in eukaryotes to the degradation of membrane proteins in mitochondria.  相似文献   

The morphology of mitochondria in mammalian cells is regulated by proteolytic cleavage of OPA1, a dynamin-like GTPase of the mitochondrial inner membrane. The mitochondrial rhomboid protease PARL, and paraplegin, a subunit of the ATP-dependent m-AAA protease, were proposed to be involved in this process. Here, we characterized individual OPA1 isoforms by mass spectrometry, and we reconstituted their processing in yeast to identify proteases involved in OPA1 cleavage. The yeast homologue of OPA1, Mgm1, was processed both by PARL and its yeast homologue Pcp1. Neither of these rhomboid proteases cleaved OPA1. The formation of small OPA1 isoforms was impaired in yeast cells lacking the m-AAA protease subunits Yta10 and Yta12 and was restored upon expression of murine or human m-AAA proteases. OPA1 processing depended on the subunit composition of mammalian m-AAA proteases. Homo-oligomeric m-AAA protease complexes composed of murine Afg3l1, Afg3l2, or human AFG3L2 subunits cleaved OPA1 with higher efficiency than paraplegin-containing m-AAA proteases. OPA1 processing proceeded normally in murine cell lines lacking paraplegin or PARL. Our results provide evidence for different substrate specificities of m-AAA proteases composed of different subunits and reveal a striking evolutionary switch of proteases involved in the proteolytic processing of dynamin-like GTPases in mitochondria.  相似文献   

m-AAA proteases exert dual functions in the mitochondrial inner membrane: they mediate the processing of specific regulatory proteins and ensure protein quality control degrading misfolded polypeptides to peptides. Loss of these activities leads to neuronal cell death in several neurodegenerative disorders. However, it is unclear how the m-AAA protease chooses between specific processing and complete degradation. A central and conserved function of the m-AAA protease is the processing of the ribosomal subunit MrpL32, which regulates ribosome biogenesis and the formation of respiratory complexes. Here, we demonstrate that the formation of a tightly folded domain harbouring a conserved CxxC-X(9)-CxxC sequence motif halts degradation initiated from the N-terminus and triggers the release of mature MrpL32. Oxidative stress impairs folding of MrpL32, resulting in its degradation by the m-AAA protease and decreased mitochondrial translation. Surprisingly, MrpL32 folding depends on its mitochondrial targeting sequence. Presequence-assisted folding of MrpL32 requires the complete import of the MrpL32 precursor before maturation occurs and therefore explains the need for post-translocational processing by the m-AAA protease rather than co-translocational cleavage by the general mitochondrial processing peptidase.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) is a genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by progressive and cell-specific axonal degeneration. An autosomal recessive form of the disease is caused by mutations in paraplegin, which is a conserved subunit of the ubiquitous and ATP-dependent m-AAA protease in mitochondria. The m-AAA protease carries out protein quality control in the inner membrane of the mitochondria, suggesting a pathogenic role of misfolded proteins in HSP. A recent study demonstrates that the m-AAA protease regulates ribosome assembly and translation within mitochondria by controlling proteolytic maturation of a ribosomal subunit. Here, we will discuss implications of the dual role of the m-AAA protease in protein activation and degradation for mitochondrial dysfunction and axonal degeneration.  相似文献   

Membrane glycoprotein M6a, which belongs to the tetraspan proteolipid protein family, promotes structural plasticity in neurons and cell lines by unknown mechanisms. This glycoprotein is encoded by Gpm6a, a stress‐regulated gene. The hippocampus of animals chronically stressed by either psychosocial or physical stressors shows decreased M6a expression. Stressed Gpm6a‐null mice develop a claustrophobia‐like phenotype. In humans, de novo duplication of GPM6A results in learning/behavioral abnormalities, and two single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the non‐coding region are linked to mood disorders. Here, we studied M6a dimerization in neuronal membranes and its functional relevance. We showed that the self‐interaction of M6a transmembrane domains (TMDs) might be driving M6a dimerization, which is required to induce filopodia formation. Glycine mutants located in TMD2 and TMD4 of M6a affected its dimerization, thus preventing M6a‐induced filopodia formation in neurons. In silico analysis of three non‐synonymous SNPs located in the coding region of TMDs suggested that these mutations induce protein instability. Indeed, these SNPs prevented M6a from being functional in neurons, owing to decreased stability, dimerization or improper folding. Interestingly, SNP3 (W141R), which caused endoplasmic reticulum retention, is equivalent to that mutated in PLP1, W161L, which causes demyelinating Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease.


Nolden M  Ehses S  Koppen M  Bernacchia A  Rugarli EI  Langer T 《Cell》2005,123(2):277-289
AAA proteases comprise a conserved family of membrane bound ATP-dependent proteases that ensures the quality control of mitochondrial inner-membrane proteins. Inactivation of AAA proteases causes pleiotropic phenotypes in various organisms, including respiratory deficiencies, mitochondrial morphology defects, and axonal degeneration in hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). The molecular basis of these defects, however, remained unclear. Here, we describe a regulatory role of an AAA protease for mitochondrial protein synthesis in yeast. The mitochondrial ribosomal protein MrpL32 is processed by the m-AAA protease, allowing its association with preassembled ribosomal particles and completion of ribosome assembly in close proximity to the inner membrane. Maturation of MrpL32 and mitochondrial protein synthesis are also impaired in a HSP mouse model lacking the m-AAA protease subunit paraplegin, demonstrating functional conservation. Our findings therefore rationalize mitochondrial defects associated with m-AAA protease mutants in yeast and shed new light on the mechanism of axonal degeneration in HSP.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered cytoplasmic domains of T cell receptor (TCR) signaling subunits including ζcyt and CD3εcyt all contain one or more copies of an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), tyrosine residues of which are phosphorylated upon receptor triggering. Membrane binding-induced helical folding of ζcyt and CD3εcyt ITAMs is thought to control TCR activation. However, the question whether or not lipid binding of ζcyt and CD3εcyt is necessarily accompanied by a folding transition of ITAMs remains open. In this study, we investigate whether the membrane binding mechanisms of ζcyt and CD3εcyt depend on the membrane model used. Circular dichroic and fluorescence data indicate that binding of ζcyt and CD3εcyt to detergent micelles and unstable vesicles is accompanied by a disorder-to-order transition, whereas upon binding to stable vesicles these proteins remain unfolded. Using electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering, we show that upon protein binding, unstable vesicles fuse and rupture. In contrast, stable vesicles remain intact under these conditions. This suggests different membrane binding modes for ζcyt and CD3εcyt depending on the bilayer stability: (1) coupled binding and folding, and (2) binding without folding. These findings explain the long-standing puzzle in the literature and highlight the importance of the choice of an appropriate membrane model for protein-lipid interactions studies.  相似文献   

The integrity of the inner membrane of mitochondria is maintained by a membrane-embedded quality control system that ensures the removal of misfolded membrane proteins. Two ATP-dependent AAA proteases with catalytic sites at opposite membrane surfaces are key components of this proteolytic system. Here we describe the identification of a novel conserved metallopeptidase that exerts activities overlapping with the m-AAA protease and was therefore termed Oma1. Both peptidases are integral parts of the inner membrane and mediate the proteolytic breakdown of a misfolded derivative of the polytopic inner membrane protein Oxa1. The m-AAA protease cleaves off the matrix-exposed C-terminal domain of Oxa1 and processively degrades its transmembrane domain. In the absence of the m-AAA protease, proteolysis of Oxa1 is mediated in an ATP-independent manner by Oma1 and a yet unknown peptidase resulting in the accumulation of N- and C-terminal proteolytic fragments. Oma1 exposes its proteolytic center to the matrix side; however, mapping of Oma1 cleavage sites reveals clipping of Oxa1 in loop regions at both membrane surfaces. These results identify Oma1 as a novel component of the quality control system in the inner membrane of mitochondria. Proteins homologous to Oma1 are present in higher eukaryotic cells, eubacteria and archaebacteria, suggesting that Oma1 is the founding member of a conserved family of membrane-embedded metallopeptidases.  相似文献   

Expression of the UL16 glycoprotein leads to down-regulation of NKG2D-ligands from the surface of the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-infected cell. The molecular elements responsible for UL16 trafficking and intracellular localization were investigated by preparing various chimeric proteins and mutants, using CD8 as a reporter molecule. A YQRL motif, present in UL16's cytoplasmic tail was functional for internalization, but the presence of the transmembrane domain modified the fate of the molecule after internalization. Various elements of the transmembrane domain that affected the trafficking of the protein were identified; however, their influence was modified in turn by the presence of the cytoplasmic tail of UL16. Strikingly, the extremely slow maturation rate of the native viral protein was only reproduced by the chimera that contained both transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions of UL16. These findings add data to a topic of increasing interest and importance: the role of the transmembrane domain of a protein in controlling its intracellular trafficking. In addition, they provide a new insight into the mechanism of action of the viral immunoevasin UL16.  相似文献   

1. The effects of various inhibitors of electron transport and of oxidative phosphorylation and the effects of ionophores on the uptake of native aspartate aminotransferase into mitochondria were investigated. 2. Both antimycin and cyanide completely inhibited the uptake of the enzyme. On the other hand, uptake was stimulated to ATP and by oligomycin; however, the stimulation by ATP is inhibited by oligomycin. 3. The effects of ionophores of the valinomycin type in media containing K+ ions depended on the conditions used. Valinomycin alone stimulated the uptake of the enzyme, but in the presence of phosphate ions uptake was abolished. Nonactin was without effect at a low K+ concentration, but was stimulatory at 100 mM-KCl. Gramicidin also stimulated the uptake process. 4. Nigericin completely abolished uptake of aspartate aminotransferase into mitochondria. 5. The uptake of te enzyme was decreased by 18% in the absence of inhibitors or ionophores when the external pH was increased from 6.9 to 7.6. 6. These results indicate that ATP is not directly involved in the uptake of aspartate aminotransferase into mitochondria, neither is there a requirement for a cation gradient. Rather the uptake depends on the maintenance of a pH gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

The inner membrane of mitochondria is one of the protein's richest cellular membranes. The biogenesis of the respiratory chain and ATP-synthase complexes present in this membrane is an intricate process requiring the coordinated function of various membrane-bound proteins including protein translocases and assembly factors. It is therefore not surprising that a distinct quality control system is present in this membrane that selectively removes nonassembled polypeptides and prevents their possibly deleterious accumulation in the membrane. The key components of this system are two AAA proteases, membrane-embedded ATP-dependent proteolytic complexes, which expose their catalytic sites at opposite membrane surfaces. Other components include the prohibitin complex with apparently chaperone-like properties and a regulatory function during proteolysis and a recently identified ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that exports peptides derived from the degradation of membrane proteins from the matrix to the intermembrane space. All of these components are highly conserved during evolution and appear to be ubiquitously present in mitochondria of eukaryotic cells, indicating important cellular functions. This review will summarize our current understanding of this proteolytic system and, in particular, focus on the mechanisms guiding the degradation of membrane proteins by AAA proteases.  相似文献   

Maturation of cytochrome c peroxidase (Ccp1) in mitochondria occurs by the subsequent action of two conserved proteases in the inner membrane: the m-AAA protease, an ATP-dependent protease degrading misfolded proteins and mediating protein processing, and the rhomboid protease Pcp1, an intramembrane cleaving peptidase. Neither the determinants preventing complete proteolysis of certain substrates by the m-AAA protease, nor the obligatory requirement of the m-AAA protease for rhomboid cleavage is currently understood. Here, we describe an intimate and unexpected functional interplay of both proteases. The m-AAA protease mediates the ATP-dependent membrane dislocation of Ccp1 independent of its proteolytic activity. It thereby ensures the correct positioning of Ccp1 within the membrane bilayer allowing intramembrane cleavage by rhomboid. Decreasing the hydrophobicity of the Ccp1 transmembrane segment facilitates its dislocation from the membrane and renders rhomboid cleavage m-AAA protease-independent. These findings reveal for the first time a non-proteolytic function of the m-AAA protease during mitochondrial biogenesis and rationalise the requirement of a preceding step for intramembrane cleavage by rhomboid.  相似文献   

The M protein of mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 is a triple-spanning membrane protein which assembles with an uncleaved internal signal sequence, adopting an NexoCcyt orientation. To study the insertion mechanism of this protein, domains potentially involved in topogenesis were deleted and the effects analyzed in topogenesis were deleted and the effects analyzed in several ways. Mutant proteins were synthesized in a cell-free translation system in the presence of microsomal membranes, and their integration and topology were determined by alkaline extraction and by protease-protection experiments. By expression in COS-1 and Madin-Darby canine kidney-II cells, the topology of the mutant proteins was also analyzed in vivo. Glycosylation was used as a biochemical marker to assess the disposition of the NH2 terminus. An indirect immunofluorescence assay on semi-intact Madin-Darby canine kidney-II cells using domain-specific antibodies served to identify the cytoplasmically exposed domains. The results show that each membrane-spanning domain acts independently as an insertion and anchor signal and adopts an intrinsic preferred orientation in the lipid bilayer which corresponds to the disposition of the transmembrane domain in the wild-type assembled protein. These observations provide further insight into the mechanism of membrane integration of multispanning proteins. A model for the insertion of the coronavirus M protein is proposed.  相似文献   

Translocation of the N-terminus of a type I signal anchor (SA-I) sequence across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane can be arrested by tagging with a streptavidin-binding peptide tag (SBP tag) and trapping by streptavidin. In the present study, we first examine the affinity required for the translocation arrest. When the SBP tag is serially truncated, the ability for arrest gradually decreases. Surface plasmon resonance analysis shows that an interaction as strong as 10−8 M or a smaller dissociation constant is required for trapping the topogenesis of a natural SA-I sequence. Such truncated tags, however, become effective by mutating the SA-I sequence, suggesting that the translocation motivation is considerably influenced by the properties of the SA-I sequence. In addition, we introduce the SBP tag into lumenal loops of a multispanning membrane protein, human erythrocyte band 3. Among the tagged loops between transmembrane 1 (TM1) and TM8, three loops are trapped by cytosolic streptavidin. These loops are followed by TM sequences possessing topogenic properties, like the SA-I sequence, and translocation of one loop is diminished by insertion of a proline into the following TM sequence. These findings suggest that the translocation of lumenal loops by SA-I–like TM sequences has a crucial role in topogenesis of multispanning membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The protein import pathway that targets proteins to the mitochondrial matrix has been extensively characterized in the past 15 years. Variations of this import pathway account for the sorting of proteins to other compartments as well, but the insertion of integral inner membrane proteins lacking a presequence is mediated by distinct translocation machinery. This consists of a complex of Tim9 and Tim10, two homologous, Zn(2+)-binding proteins that chaperone the passage of the hydrophobic precursor across the aqueous intermembrane space. The precursor is then targeted to another, inner-membrane-bound, complex of at least five subunits that facilitates insertion. Biochemical and genetic experiments have identified the key components of this process; we are now starting to understand the molecular mechanism. This review highlights recent advances in this new membrane protein insertion pathway.  相似文献   

In this study we have determined the position of the C-terminal end of the transmembrane domains of human integrin subunits (alpha2, alpha5, beta1, beta2) in microsomal membranes using the glycosylation mapping technique. In contrast to the common view, the transmembrane helices were found to extend roughly to Phe(1129) in alpha2, to Phe(1026) in alpha5, to Ile(757) in beta1, and to His(728) in beta2. The alpha-carbon of the conserved lysine present near the C-terminal end of the transmembrane helix (Lys(1125) in alpha2, Lys(1022) in alpha5, Lys(752) in beta1, and Lys(724) in beta2) is buried in the plasma membrane, and the charged amino group most likely reaches into the polar head-group region of the lipid bilayer. A possible role for the conserved lysine in integrin function is discussed.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal presequences of proteins imported from the cytoplasm across the mitochondrial inner membrane are cleaved off by a soluble matrix-localized protease composed of two nonidentical homologous subunits. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, these are encoded by the nuclear MAS1 and MAS2 genes. We have now constructed yeast strains in which either one or both of the genomic MAS genes are controlled by a galactose-inducible strong promoter. In these strains, the intramitochondrial concentration of each MAS-encoded subunit as well as of the holo-protease can be varied over a wide range. When overproduced, the MAS1 protein precipitates in the matrix whereas the MAS2 protein remains soluble. The MAS2 protein was obtained at a purity of 98% in milligram amounts. The purified MAS2 subunit exists largely as a soluble 52-kDa monomer. Its cleavage activity is very low and might well reflect the 2% contamination by holoprotease. Activity is restored by adding the solubilized purified MAS1 subunit. Yeast cells depleted of one or both MAS subunits continue to import precursor proteins into mitochondria, but fail to cleave them; eventually the deficient cells stop growing. This growth arrest is partly suppressed on minimal medium or under conditions in which the cells are less dependent on mitochondrial metabolism. Depletion of the MAS1 subunit causes overproduction of the MAS2 subunit.  相似文献   

Most inner membrane proteins of mitochondria are synthesized in the cytosol and reach the inner membrane using one of two alternative sorting pathways. On the stop transfer route, proteins are arrested during import at the level of the inner membrane. The conservative sorting pathway involves translocation through the inner membrane and insertion from the matrix. It is unclear how the translocase of the inner membrane 23 protein translocation machinery differentiates between the two classes of proteins. Here we show that proline residues in hydrophobic stretches strongly disfavor the translocation arrest of transmembrane domains (TMDs) and favor the transfer of preproteins to the matrix. We propose that proline residues, together with the hydrophobicity of the TMD and the presence of charged residues COOH-terminally flanking the TMD, are determinants of the intramitochondrial sorting of inner membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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