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志贺氏菌属的成员是革兰氏阴性兼性厌氧菌,属肠杆菌科,此菌属又可分为福氏、鲍氏、宋内及志贺氏4个菌群,这些菌群又可根据生化及0抗原的差异而分成不同的血清型,基于这种分类福氏痢疾菌群可分为13种血清型。志贺氏痢疾菌侵袭灵长类和人类的  相似文献   

菌膜是细菌群落发展的一种高度组织化的群体状态。在菌膜形成过程中,细菌胞外物质EPS(Exopolysaccharides)、eDNA(Extracellular DNA)、胞外蛋白等都参与菌膜的形成,它们为菌膜提供机械稳定性,帮助细菌粘附到物体表面,促进菌膜中不同细菌间物质的循环及基因的水平转移。菌膜形成涉及到群体感应、C-di-GMP(Cyclic diguanylate monophosphate)和sRNA等一系列调控机制。土壤环境中栖息着大量的微生物,许多土壤微生物定殖于植物根际,从而与植物发生着密切的相互作用;菌膜的形成是细菌稳定定殖于植物根际的关键因素,有助于植物促生菌或致病菌在根际更好的生存。本文就菌膜的成分、调控及其与植物的关系等三个方面的内容进行综述。  相似文献   

从痢疾志贺氏l型菌W 30 864株中提取染色体DNA,用EcoRI完全酶解,电泳回收3—7 kb的片段,与载体pUC1 9质粒连接重组,用大肠阡菌痢疾样毒素(SLT)基因探针进行筛选,得到了阳性重组子。实验表明志贺氏毒素基因是位于约4.5kb的EcoR1片段上,包含毒素的A亚单位基因和B亚单位基因。在对克隆株的毒性测定中,乘用Hela—S3细胞试验,证明所产生的痢疾毒素县有杀死细胞的能力。此毒素可引起肠积水和充血,可使小鼠肢体麻痹并致死,克隆重组株的痢疾毒素产量是亲本野生株W30 864的16涪。此外,实验中还对克隆株和产生SLT的菌株的毒素产量做了比较。  相似文献   

徐承蔭 《微生物学报》1966,6(1):110-111
福氏痢疾杆菌第4型,为我国近年来比较重要的流行菌型,国内外学者都曾进行过有关的研究报导,方纲等并进行了它的型抗原成分的分析。为了要深入了解它的生物学性状,特作进一步的研究。材料与方法实验用菌株及血清福州市分离的福氏4型菌(福氏痢疾杆菌第4型的简称,下同)55株,标准菌4a及4b各1株(来源捷克)。因子血清购自大连及上海生物制品研究所,部分系自制。实验方法生化反应检查及玻片凝集试验均按一般肠道杆菌的检定步骤进行。传代试验为先把待检菌进行平板分离。  相似文献   

The chromosomal DNA of S. dysenteriae type I W30864 was isolated and digested by EcoRI. The 3-7 kb DNA fragments were recovered and ligated with vector pUC-19. After transformation, the recombinants were screened by SLT gene probe. The positive clones were obtained. The cloned EcoRI fragment containing both ST-A and ST-B subunit gene was about 4.5 kb. The cloned ST strain was also detected by Hela-S3 cell for cytotoxicity, and detected by rabbit ileal loop test for enterotoxicity. Besides, the cloned strain showed the neurotoxic activity when experimented with mouse. The production of shiga toxin in the cloned strain was 16 times of that of its parent strain S. dysenteriae W30864. The production differences between ST producing stains and SLT producing strain was also tested in our experiment.  相似文献   

目的评价福氏志贺菌两种血清分型方法。方法使用传统血清分型方法和多重PCR血清分型方法对255株福氏志贺菌进行血清型分析。结果传统血清分型方法的分型率为98.4%(251/255),多重PCR血清分型方法分型率为96.1%(245/255),两种方法的分型率经卡方检验,差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.644,P>0.05)。有46株菌(18.0%,46/255)通过这两种血清分型得到的结果不一致。结论两种血清分型方法的分型率差异无统计学意义,但部分结果判断有不同。多重PCR更适用于大量样本的检测,传统血清分型方法可以与其互为补充。  相似文献   

志贺氏菌引起的细菌性痢疾为一种全球性的肠道传染病。据估计,全世界每年感染的人数超过两亿,由该病引起的死亡人数有65万左右[1]。该菌的致病性是由体内含有230kb的毒性大质粒决定的,而大质粒上一个31kb的片段所编码的侵袭质粒抗原(IInvasion plasmid antigen,Ipa)是致病所必需的[2,3]。近年来,国内外有关学者在原核生物中对ipaB基因克隆及功能进行了较广泛的研究[4,5],但在酵母细胞中这方面的研究未见报导。从志贺痢疾杆菌中克隆了ipaB基因,并在酵母细胞中得到了融合表达,为将IpaB应用于双杂交系统研究其在侵袭过程中的分子机制打下了基础。  相似文献   

目的 产超广谱β-内酰胺酶( extended-spectrum β-lactamases,ESBLs)福氏志贺菌的耐药性及其基因型.方法 K-B法检测福氏志贺菌对抗菌药物的敏感性,改良三维试验检测菌株是否产生ESBLs,ESBLs的基因型通过PCR扩增、DNA测序的方法进行.结果 148株福氏志贺菌检测出6株产ESBLs,其基因型为CTX-M-3和CTX-M-14;产ESBLs福氏志贺菌对氨苄西林、头孢噻肟、复方新诺明、四环素均耐药,对头孢西丁、亚胺培南、环丙沙星敏感.结论 应加强对福氏志贺菌的耐药性监测,合理使用抗生素,防止产ESBLs福氏志贺菌的流行和传播.  相似文献   

Shigella flexneri causes a severe form of bacillary dysentery also known as shigellosis. Onset of shigellosis requires bacterial invasion of colonic epithelial cells which is initiated by the delivery of translocator and effector proteins to the host cell membrane and cytoplasm, respectively, by the Shigella type III secretion system (TTSS). The Shigella translocator proteins, IpaB and IpaC, form a pore complex in the host cell membrane to facilitate effector delivery; however, prior to their secretion IpaB and IpaC are partitioned in the bacterial cytoplasm by association with the cytoplasmic chaperone IpgC. To determine their structural and biophysical properties, recombinant IpaB/IpgC and IpaC/IpgC complexes were prepared for their first detailed in vitro analysis. Both IpaB/IpgC and IpaC/IpgC complexes are highly stable and soluble heterodimers whose formation prevents IpaB-IpaC interaction as well as Ipa-dependent disruption of phospholipid membranes. Circular dichroism spectroscopy shows that IpgC binding has a detectable influence on IpaC secondary/tertiary structure and stability. In contrast, IpaB structure is not as dramatically affected by chaperone binding. To more precisely ascertain the influence of chaperone binding on IpaC structure and stability, single tryptophan mutants were generated for detailed fluorescence spectroscopy analysis. These mutants provide a low-resolution picture of how IpaC exists in the Shigella cytoplasm with chaperone binding possibly involving distinct regions within the N- and C-terminal halves of IpaC. This preliminary assessment of the IpaC-IpgC interaction is supported by initial deletion mutagenesis studies. The data provide the first structural analysis of IpgC association with IpaB and IpaC.  相似文献   

Some biological properties of S. flexneri have been studied. The strains of this bacterial species have been shown to produce DNAase in 98.8 +/- 0.77% of cases and RNAase in 97.4 +/- 1.5% of cases. The capacity for the positive reaction with Congo red as early as after 24-hour incubation in the thermostat has proved to be characteristic of S. flexneri (91.1 +/- 3.6%). If stored at 4 degrees C in semiliquid agar, S. flexneri cultures have been found to retain their capacity for producing the above-mentioned enzymes as long as 10-13 years. All S. flexneri serovars under study, with the exception of serovar 6, have shown high activity in the manifestation of their properties.  相似文献   

In Shigella flexneri, in addition to several well-recognized plasmid-borne virulence loci, at least three genetic loci implicated in pathogenesis have been recognized on the chromosome. To understand more about the pathogenesis of bacillary dysentery at a molecular level, the genetically recognized but previously unidentified KcpA region (one of the chromosomal regions near purE) was cloned and sequenced. A single translatable open reading frame encoding a 12310 Dalton protein corresponding to the minicell product was found. Immunofluorescence microscopy, as well as optical and electron microscopic comparison of tissue-cultured cells and guinea-pigs' eyes infected with wild-type or kcpA mutant bacteria, revealed that the kcpA product is required by invading bacteria for spread into adjacent cells.  相似文献   

As the result of the study of 921 S. flexneri strains 1-6 and 4 (IV: 7,8), isolated in 31 regions of the USSR in 1975-1984, their biochemical characterization by 33 tests was made. All the strains under study proved to be typical in most of their constant signs, only some of strains 2a showed deviations in mannitol and some of strains 4a, in acetate. In strains of serovar 6, circulating in the USSR, specific features with respect to dulcitol and xylose were noted. The possibility of the biochemical subserovar typing of S. flexneri 1-5, X- and Y-var., with respect to maltose, arabinose, sorbitol and rhamnose was confirmed.  相似文献   

It is shown that Shigella flexneri maintains genetic control over the modal chain length of the O-antigen polysaccharide chains of its lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules because such a distribution is required for virulence. The effect of altering O-antigen chain length on S. flexneri virulence was investigated by inserting a kanamycin (Km)-resistance cassette into the rol gene (controlling the modal O-antigen chain length distribution), and into the rfbD gene, whose product is needed for synthesis of dTDP-rhamnose (the precursor of rhamnose in the O-antigen). The mutations had the expected effect on LPS structure. The rol ::Km mutation was impaired in the ability to elicit keratoconjunctivitis, as determined by the Serény test. The rol ::Km and rfbD ::Km mutations prevented plaque formation on HeLa cells, but neither mutation affected the ability of S. flexneri to invade and replicate in HeLa cells. Microscopy of bacteria-infected HeLa cells stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-phalloidin demonstrated that both the rol ::Km and rfbD ::Km mutants were defective in F-actin tail formation: the latter mutant showed distorted F-actin tails. Plasma-membrane protrusions were occasionally observed. Investigation of the location of IcsA (required for F-actin tail formation) on the cell surface by immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy showed that while most rol mutant bacteria produced little or no cell-surface IcsA, 10% resembled the parental bacterial cell (which had IcsA at one cell pole; the rfbD mutant had IcsA located over its entire cell surface although it was more concentrated at one end of the cell). That the O-antigen chains of the rol ::Km mutant did not mask the IcsA protein was demonstrated by using the endorhamnosidase activity of Sf6c phage to digest the O-antigen chains, and comparing untreated and Sf6c-treated cells by immunofluorescence with anti-IcsA serum.  相似文献   

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