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A DNA fragment containing a gene homologous to LYS2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cloned from a genomic DNA library of Penicillium chrysogenum AS-P-78. It encodes a protein of 1409 amino acids (Mr^ 154?859) with strong similarity to the S.?cerevisiae (49.9% identity) Schizosaccharomycespombe (51.3% identity) and Candida albicans (48.12% identity) α-aminoadipate reductases and a lesser degree of identity to the amino acid-activating domains of the non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, including the α-aminoadipate-activating domain of the α-aminoadipyl-cysteinyl-valine synthetase of P. chrysogenum (12.4% identical amino acids). The lys2 gene contained one intron in the 5′-region and other in the 3′-region, as shown by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the cDNA and genomic DNA, and was transcribed as a 4.7-kb monocistronic mRNA. The lys2 gene was localized on chromosome III (7.5?Mb) in P. chrysogenum AS-P-78 and on chromosome IV (5.6 Mb) in strain P2, whereas the penicillin gene cluster is known to be located in chromosome I in both strains. The lys2-encoded protein is a member of the aminoacyladenylate-forming enzyme family with a reductase domain in its C-terminal region.  相似文献   

己糖激酶在真菌中广泛存在,参与葡萄糖磷酸化等生理过程。本文从头孢菌素产生菌顶头孢霉中克隆并鉴定了一个己糖激酶编码基因,命名为Achka。通过RT‐PCR证明Achka含有4个内含子,其推测的编码蛋白含有484个氨基酸,分子量为53.7k Da。在顶头孢霉中敲除Achka后发现,突变株在以果糖、蔗糖或甘露糖为唯一碳源的培养基上生长受到严重限制。我们在大肠杆菌中异源表达了Achka,并对表达的重组蛋白AcHKA进行了分离纯化。酶学动力学分析表明,AcHKA对果糖的最大反应速率要大于葡萄糖,但是却对葡萄糖有更高的亲和力。上述结果进一步证明AcHKA为己糖激酶,在顶头孢霉体内主要负责果糖、蔗糖和甘露糖等的代谢。  相似文献   

alpha-Aminoadipate reductase (alpha-AAR) is a key enzyme in the branched pathway for lysine and beta-lactam biosynthesis of filamentous fungi since it competes with alpha-aminoadipyl-cysteinyl-valine synthetase for their common substrate L-alpha-aminoadipic acid. The alpha-AAR activity in two penicillin-producing Penicillium chrysogenum strains and two cephalosporin-producing Acremonium chrysogenum strains has been studied. The alpha-AAR activity peaked during the growth-phase preceding the onset of antibiotic production, which coincides with a decrease in alpha-AAR activity, and was lower in high penicillin- or cephalosporin-producing strains. The alpha-AAR required NADPH for enzyme activity and could not use NADH as electron donor for reduction of the alpha-aminoadipate substrate. The alpha-AAR protein of P. chrysogenum was detected by Western blotting using anti-alpha-AAR antibodies. The mechanism of lysine feedback regulation in these two filamentous fungi involves inhibition of the alpha-AAR activity but not repression of its synthesis by lysine. This is different from the situation in yeasts where lysine feedback inhibits and represses alpha-AAR. Nitrate has a strong negative effect on alpha-AAR formation as shown by immunoblotting studies of alpha-AAR. The nitrate effect was reversed by lysine.  相似文献   

The N-2 strain of Acremonium chrysogenum accumulates the beta-lactam precursor tripeptide delta-(L-alpha-amino-adipoyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine and has no discernible activity for three of the cephalosporin C (Ce) biosynthetic enzymes. This phenotype is consistent with a mutation either within pcbC [the isopenicillin N synthetase (IPNS)-encoding gene] or in a pathway-regulator gene. To distinguish these possibilities we have cloned and sequenced pcbC from strain N-2. There is a single C----T mutation at nt 854 within the coding sequence, changing aa 285 from proline to leucine. An IPNS-specific monoclonal antibody recognises a catalytically inactive IPNS protein in extracts of N-2 cells. These findings suggest that strain N-2 carries a simple IPNS mutation and that IPNS or its biosynthetic product isopenicillin N is involved in regulation of the later stages of the Ce biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Acremonium chrysogenum, the fungal producer of the pharmaceutically relevant beta-lactam antibiotic cephalosporin C, is classified as asexual because no direct observation of mating or meiosis has yet been reported. To assess the potential of A. chrysogenum for sexual reproduction, we screened an expressed sequence tag library from A. chrysogenum for the expression of mating type (MAT) genes, which are the key regulators of sexual reproduction. We identified two putative mating type genes that are homologues of the alpha-box domain gene, MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-1-2, encoding an HPG domain protein defined by the presence of the three invariant amino acids histidine, proline, and glycine. In addition, cDNAs encoding a putative pheromone receptor and pheromone-processing enzymes, as well as components of a pheromone response pathway, were found. Moreover, the entire A. chrysogenum MAT1-1 (AcMAT1-1) gene and regions flanking the MAT region were obtained from a genomic cosmid library, and sequence analysis revealed that in addition to AcMAT1-1-1 and AcMAT1-1-2, the AcMAT1-1 locus comprises a third mating type gene, AcMAT1-1-3, encoding a high-mobility-group domain protein. The alpha-box domain sequence of AcMAT1-1-1 was used to determine the phylogenetic relationships of A. chrysogenum to other ascomycetes. To determine the functionality of the AcMAT1-1 locus, the entire MAT locus was transferred into a MAT deletion strain of the heterothallic ascomycete Podospora anserina (the PaDeltaMAT strain). After fertilization with a P. anserina MAT1-2 (MAT(+)) strain, the corresponding transformants developed fruiting bodies with mature ascospores. Thus, the results of our functional analysis of the AcMAT1-1 locus provide strong evidence to hypothesize a sexual cycle in A. chrysogenum.  相似文献   

The protein PgChP is a new chitosanase produced by Penicillium chrysogenum AS51D that showed antifungal activity against toxigenic molds. Two isoforms were found by SDS-PAGE in the purified extract of PgChP. After enzymatic deglycosylation, only the smaller isoform was observed by SDS-PAGE. Identical amino acid sequences were obtained from the two isoforms. Analysis of the molecular mass by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry revealed six major peaks from 30 to 31 kDa that are related to different levels of glycosylation. The pgchp gene has 1,146 bp including four introns and an open reading frame encoding a protein of 304 amino acids. The translated open reading frame has a predicted mass of 32 kDa, with the first 21 amino acids comprising a signal peptide. Two N glycosylation consensus sequences are present in the protein sequence. The deduced sequence showed high identity with fungal chitosanases. A high level of catalytic activity on chitosan was observed. PgChP is the first chitosanase described from P. chrysogenum. Given that enzymes produced by this mold species are granted generally recognized as safe status, PgChP could be used as a food preservative against toxigenic molds and to obtain chitosan oligomers for food additives and nutraceuticals.  相似文献   

By introduction of the cefEF genes of Acremonium chrysogenum and the cmcH gene of Streptomyces clavuligerus, Penicillium chrysogenum can be reprogrammed to form adipoyl-7-amino-3-carbamoyloxymethyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid (ad7-ACCCA), a carbamoylated derivate of adipoyl-7-aminodeacetoxy-cephalosporanic acid. The cefT gene of A. chrysogenum encodes a cephalosporin C transporter that belongs to the Major Facilitator Superfamily. Introduction of cefT into an ad7-ACCCA-producing P. chrysogenum strain results in an almost 2-fold increase in cephalosporin production with a concomitant decrease in penicillin by-product formation. These data suggest that cephalosporin production by recombinant P. chrysogenum strains is limited by the ability of the fungus to secrete these compounds.  相似文献   

The activity and regulation of alpha-aminoadipate reductase in three Penicillium chrysogenum strains (Q176, D6/1014/A, and P2), producing different amounts of penicillin, were studied. The enzyme exhibited decreasing affinity for alpha-aminoadipate with increasing capacity of the respective strain to produce penicillin. The enzyme from all three strains was inhibited by L-lysine, and the enzyme from the lowest producer, Q176, was least sensitive. Between pH 7.5 and 6.5, inhibition of alpha-aminoadipate reductase by L-lysine was pH dependent, being more pronounced at lower pH. The highest producer strain, P2, displayed the lowest alpha-aminoadipate reductase activity at pH 7.0. In Q176, the addition of 0.5-1 mM of exogenous lysine stimulated penicillin formation, whereas the same concentration was ineffective or inhibitory with strains D6/1014/A and P2. The addition of higher (up to 5 mM) lysine concentrations inhibited penicillin production in all three strains. In mutants of P. chrysogenum D6/1014/A, selected for resistance to 20 mM alpha-aminoadipate, highest penicillin production was observed in those strains whose alpha-aminoadipate reductase was most strongly inhibited by L-lysine. The results support the conclusion that the in vivo activity of alpha-aminoadipate reductase from superior penicillin producer strains of P. chrysogenum is more strongly inhibited by lysine, and that this is related to their ability to accumulate increased amounts of alpha-aminoadipate, and hence penicillin.  相似文献   

The influence of potassium cyanide (KCN), dissolved O2 concentration and medium composition on alternative respiration (AR) of Acremonium chrysogenum were investigated. The respiration of the fungus was only partially inhibited by KCN, but completely inhibited by the combination of KCN with salicylhydroxamic acid. It has been proved by in-situ measurements of the NADH-dependent fluorescence that the AR is active at low dissolved O2 concentrations. The influence of the medium composition and the age of the fungus on the specific oxygen uptake rate is considered. Correpondence to: K. Schügerl  相似文献   

Pfleger CM  Harvey KF  Yan H  Hariharan IK 《Fly》2007,1(2):95-105
Protein ubiquitination has been shown to regulate a wide variety of cellular process including cell cycle progression, protein trafficking and apoptosis. Most regulation of ubiquitination occurs at the level of E2 or E3 enzymes and their interactions with specific substrates. In a screen for mutations that cause tissue overgrowth, we recovered multiple mutations in the Drosophila Uba1 gene that encodes the E1 enzyme that is required for the first step of most, if not all, ubiquitination reactions. Previous studies with yeast and mammalian cells have shown that disrupting E1 function results in a cell-cycle arrest. Here we show that in the developing Drosophila eye, clones of cells that are homozygous for partial loss of function alleles of Uba1 show defects in apoptosis. Moreover, clones homozygous for stronger or complete loss of function alleles of Uba1, that are predicted to have a global defect on ubiquitination, survive poorly but are able to stimulate the overgrowth of adjacent wild-type tissue. Experiments with mammalian cells show that reducing the level of RNA of the mammalian Uba1 ortholog, UBE1, also results in increased expression of specific growth factor genes. Our studies show that a reduction in E1 activity can promote tissue growth in a multicellular organism and raise the possibility that changes in E1 activity may occur during normal development or in cancer.  相似文献   

Circular mDNAs 26.85 and 26.94 kb in length were isolated from two isogenic strains of A. chrysogenum producing cephalosporin C. The strains differed in antibiotic production capacity. Restriction analysis of the mDNAs was performed with using 6 endonucleases. Comparison of the restriction data revealed identity of mDNAs. A restriction map of the mDNAs was constructed. It is useful as a basis for further studies with molecular cloning.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of serine proteinases by the fungus Acremonium chrysogenum was studied in the process of its growth in media differing in the content of a protein substrate. Morphological differentiation of the submerged fungal culture was shown to be characterised by two reproduction pathways (conidiogenesis and arthrosporogenesis) and by the corresponding synthesis of serine proteinases II and I. The synthesis of serine proteinase I and cephalosporin was found to correlate with the polycyclic culture growth caused by the formation and germination of single spherical arthrospores.  相似文献   

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