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Many birds fly at high altitude, either during long-distanceflights or by virtue of residence in high-elevation habitats.Among the many environmental features that vary systematicallywith altitude, five have significant consequences for avianflight performance: ambient wind speeds, air temperature, humidity,oxygen availability, and air density. During migratory flights,birds select flight altitudes that minimize energy expenditurevia selection of advantageous tail- and cross-winds. Oxygenpartial pressure decreases substantially to as little as 26%of sea-level values for the highest altitudes at which birdsmigrate, whereas many taxa reside above 3000 meters in hypoxicair. Birds exhibit numerous adaptations in pulmonary, cardiovascular,and muscular systems to alleviate such hypoxia. The systematicdecrease in air density with altitude can lead to a benefitfor forward flight through reduced drag but imposes an increasedaerodynamic demand for hovering by degrading lift productionand simultaneously elevating the induced power requirementsof flight. This effect has been well-studied in the hoveringflight of hummingbirds, which occur throughout high-elevationhabitats in the western hemisphere. Phylogenetically controlledstudies have shown that hummingbirds compensate morphologicallyfor such hypodense air through relative increases in wing size,and kinematically via increased stroke amplitude during thewingbeat. Such compensatory mechanisms result in fairly constantpower requirements for hovering at different elevations, butdecrease the margin of excess power available for other flightbehaviors.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - The human heart is enclosed in the pericardial cavity. The pericardium consists of a layered thin sac and is separated from the myocardium by a thin...  相似文献   

Functional tissue engineering: the role of biomechanics   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
"Tissue engineering" uses implanted cells, scaffolds, DNA, protein, and/or protein fragments to replace or repair injured or diseased tissues and organs. Despite its early success, tissue engineers have faced challenges in repairing or replacing tissues that serve a predominantly biomechanical function. An evolving discipline called "functional tissue engineering" (FTE) seeks to address these challenges. In this paper, the authors present principles of functional tissue engineering that should be addressed when engineering repairs and replacements for load-bearing structures. First, in vivo stress/strain histories need to be measured for a variety of activities. These in vivo data provide mechanical thresholds that tissue repairs/replacements will likely encounter after surgery. Second, the mechanical properties of the native tissues must be established for subfailure and failure conditions. These "baseline data" provide parameters within the expected thresholds for different in vivo activities and beyond these levels if safety factors are to be incorporated. Third, a subset of these mechanical properties must be selected and prioritized. This subset is important, given that the mechanical properties of the designs are not expected to completely duplicate the properties of the native tissues. Fourth, standards must be set when evaluating the repairs/replacements after surgery so as to determine, "how good is good enough?" Some aspects of the repair outcome may be inferior, but other mechanical characteristics of the repairs and replacements might be suitable. New and improved methods must also be developed for assessing the function of engineered tissues. Fifth, the effects of physical factors on cellular activity must be determined in engineered tissues. Knowing these signals may shorten the iterations required to replace a tissue successfully and direct cellular activity and phenotype toward a desired end goal. Finally, to effect a better repair outcome, cell-matrix implants may benefit from being mechanically stimulated using in vitro "bioreactors" prior to implantation. Increasing evidence suggests that mechanical stress, as well as other physical factors, may significantly increase the biosynthetic activity of cells in bioartificial matrices. Incorporating each of these principles of functional tissue engineering should result in safer and more efficacious repairs and replacements for the surgeon and patient.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of recent achievements in the field of surgery we have demonstrated convincingly that physiological studies in both humans and animal models are the keystone of modern surgery. Physiological studies of blood circulation, respiration, digestion and other functions have laid the foundations for major fields of surgery. Their role is the most evident in the development of cardiac surgery. Notably, one of the outstanding breakthroughs in the medical science of the 20th century--the extracorporeal blood circulation--was made by the Russian physiologist S. S. Bryukhovenko. We have shown that noninvasive diagnostic procedures such as echocardiography are of outmost significance on all stages of the surgical treatment (pre- and intraoperational diagnostics and medical rehabilitation). The great impact of physiology on the development of surgery has also led to the progress of related fields of medicine--anesthesiology, intensive care, functional diagnostics, transplantation, rehabilitation, and many others.  相似文献   

Galectin-4, a tandem repeat member of the β-galactoside- binding proteins, possesses two carbohydraterecognition domains (CRD) in a single peptide chain. This lectin is mostly expressed in epithelial cells of the intestinal tract and secreted to the extracellular. The two domains have 40% similarity in amino acid sequence, but distinctly binding to various ligands. Just because the two domains bind to different ligands simultaneously, galectin-4 can be a crosslinker and crucial regulator in a large number of biological processes. Recent evidence shows that galectin-4 plays an important role in lipid raft stabilization, protein apical trafficking, cell adhesion, wound healing, intestinal inflammation, tumor progression, etc. This article reviews the physiological and pathological features of galectin-4 and its important role in such processes.  相似文献   



Prenatal conditions influence offspring development in many species. In mammals, the effects of social density have traditionally been considered a detrimental form of maternal stress. Now their potential adaptive significance is receiving greater attention.Sex-specific effects of maternal social instability on offspring in guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) have been interpreted as adaptations to high social densities, while the effects of low social density are unknown. Hence, we compared morphological, behavioural and physiological development between offspring born to mothers housed either individually or in groups during the second half of pregnancy.


Females housed individually and females housed in groups gave birth to litters of similar size and sex-ratios, and there were no differences in birth weight. Sons of individually-housed mothers grew faster than their sisters, whereas daughters ofgroup-housed females grew faster than their brothers, primarily due to an effect on growth of daughters. There were few effects on offspring behaviour. Baseline cortisol levels in saliva of pups on day 1 and day 7 were not affected, but we saw a blunted cortisol response to social separation on day 7 in sons of individually-housed females and daughters of group-housed females. The effects were consistent across two replicate experiments.


The observed effects only partially support the adaptive hypothesis. Increased growth of daughters may be adaptive under high densities due to increasedfemale competition, but it is unclear why growth of sons is not increased under low social densities when males face less competition from older, dominant males. The differences in growth may be causally linked to sex-specific effects on cortisol response, although individual cortisol response and growth were not correlated, and various other mechanisms are possible. The observed sex-specific effects on early development are intriguing, yet the potential adaptive benefits and physiological mechanisms require further study.

Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecules (CEACAMs) belong to a group of mammalian immunoglobulin-related glycoproteins. They are involved in cell-cell recognition and modulate cellular processes that range from the shaping of tissue architecture and neovascularization to the regulation of insulin homeostasis and T-cell proliferation. CEACAMs have also been identified as receptors for host-specific viruses and bacteria in mice and humans, respectively, making these proteins an interesting example of pathogen-host co-evolution. Forward and reverse genetics in the mouse now provide powerful novel models to elucidate the action of CEACAM family members in vivo.  相似文献   

The InsP3 receptor: its role in neuronal physiology and neurodegeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The InsP3 receptor is a ligand-gated channel that releases Ca2+ from intracellular stores in a variety of cell types, including neurons. Genetic studies from vertebrate and invertebrate model systems suggest that coordinated rhythmic motor functions are most susceptible to changes in Ca2+ release from the InsP3 receptor. In many cases, the InsP3 receptor interacts with other signaling mechanisms that control levels of cytosolic Ca2+, suggesting that the maintenance of Ca2+ homeostasis in normal cells could be controlled by the activity of the InsP3R. In support of this idea, recent studies show that altered InsP3 receptor activity can be partially responsible for Ca2+ dyshomeostasis seen in many neurodegenerative conditions. These observations open new avenues for carrying out genetic and drug screens that target InsP3R function in neurodegenerative conditions.  相似文献   

The role of polyamines in animal cell physiology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ubiquitous distribution of polyamines in nature suggests that they fulfil some fundamental role(s) in living organisms. In animal cells, polyamine content closely parallels changes in the rate of cell proliferation so that the highest content is always observed in rapidly growing cells. The activity of ornithine decarboxylase (which is the first enzyme in the polyamine biosynthetic pathway) has been found to increase significantly in many systems shortly after exposure to hormones. Also, addition of polyamines greatly stimulates cell-free macromolecular synthesis. Observations such as these have suggested that polyamine accumulation stimulates cell growth and is important in the regulation of macromolecular biosynthesis. However, it is also possible to interpret such data as evidence that polyamine accumulation is the result, not the cause, of increased cell growth. This review supports the latter concept and re-examines the significance of the early induction of ornithine decarboxylase activity and of the stimulatory effects of exogenous polyamine on macromolecular synthesis. It is proposed that the polyamines are important only in maintaining cell growth that has already been stimulated by other factors and that their biosynthesis is to a large extent determined by the accumulation of RNA in the cell.  相似文献   

Chromogranins are acidic secretory glycoproteins with a widespread but specific distribution in neuroendocrine tissues. The chromogranin family is heterogenous, consisting of propeptides such as chromogranin-A, chromogranin-B and secretogranin II, which can either elicit an effect themselves, or serve as precursors to a large number of peptides, which are biologically more active. Chromogranin processing varies in different neuroendocrine tissues. Furthermore, it is more marked in pancreatic islets than in many other tissues. Chromogranin-A and chromogranin-B are expressed in all types of pancreatic islet cells, whereas secretogranin II has not been found in pancreatic tissue. The aim of the present mini review is to focus on chromogranin-A, chromogranin-B and their derived peptides, in the function of pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

The relationship between physiological traits and fitness often depends on environmental conditions. In variable environments, different species may be favored through time, which can influence both the nature of trait evolution and the ecological dynamics underlying community composition. To determine how fluctuating environmental conditions favor species with different physiological traits over time, we combined long-term data on survival and fecundity of species in a desert annual plant community with data on weather and physiological traits. For each year, we regressed the standardized annual fitness of each species on its position along a tradeoff between relative growth rate and water-use efficiency. Next, we determined how variations in the slopes and intercepts of these fitness-physiology functions related to year-to-year variations in temperature and precipitation. Years with a relatively high percentage of small rain events and a greater number of days between precipitation pulse events tended to be worse, on average, for all desert annual species. Species with high relative growth rates and low water-use efficiency had greater standardized annual fitness than other species in years with greater numbers of large rain events. Conversely, species with high water-use efficiency had greater standardized annual fitness in years with small rain events and warm temperatures late in the growing season. These results reveal how weather variables interact with physiological traits of co-occurring species to determine interannual variations in survival and fecundity, which has important implications for understanding population and community dynamics.  相似文献   

1. Data from field surveys, laboratory experiments and computer simulations of community dynamics revealed that a novel interaction among intraguild predation, physiological adaptation and environment may explain the complex distributions of two putatively competing aquatic amphipods. 2. Gammarus pulex and G. tigrinus both thrive in fresh and oligohaline waters in western Europe. However, the native European G. pulex excludes the invading North American G. tigrinus from freshwaters of relatively low conductivity, whereas the reverse occurs at higher conductivities. Additionally, there is much spatio-temporal fluctuation in the patterns of coexistence of these species. 3. Laboratory experiments in The Netherlands and Ireland revealed that mutual predation of moulting individuals occurred frequently between these species. However, predation frequencies were differentially in favour of G. pulex under the ionic conditions to which this species is physiologically adapted (freshwater). On the other hand, predation was not differential under the ionic conditions to which G. tigrinus is physiologically adapted (oligohaline water). 4. A mathematical model, which extends the logistic equation to include mutual intraguild predation, simulated interactions over a range of values of relevant population parameters. This indicated that G. pulex would be excluded when balanced instantaneous rates of mutual predation were combined with the known greater reproductive output of G. tigrinus. However, this reproductive advantage is overcome by any relatively small bias in the instantaneous rate of predation favouring G. pulex, leading to the exclusion of G. tigrinus. This occurs even when the reproductive advantage to G. tigrinus is relatively large. Moreover, the model generated ‘switches’ in species dominance that are determined by the relative values of reproductive rate and mutual predation. The time taken to ‘switch’ may explain the transient periods of apparent coexistence of these species observed in the field. 5. The complex community dynamics of such species may thus be understood in terms of variation in the intensity of species interactions mediated by behavioural, physiological and environmental factors.  相似文献   

In Europe there is an extensive history of the derivation and use of benthic indicators which parallels similar developments in North America and elsewhere. Most recently, this has increased because major European Union Directives require that indicators of marine benthic change are used to confirm good ecological status quality (as in the Water Framework Directive) and favourable conservation status (as in the Habitats and Species Directive). Furthermore, these indicators have to fit within the current philosophy of the Ecosystem Approach requiring the development and use of Ecological Quality Objectives and Standards. Despite this, comparisons of families of indicators derived by differing methods have not been carried out such that the robust nature of the indicators on differing spatial scales and under differing benthic conditions has not been rigorously assessed. Using case studies from the Portuguese coasts and estuaries, this paper compares and contrasts univariate and multivariate macrobenthic indicators to quantify comparisons of change. The studies indicate the relative value of those indicators at contrasting spatial scales, e.g. in the transition from small areas around coastal submarine outfalls, to the local and regional estuarine and coastal scale. The analysis indicates the difficulties of deriving and using qualitative and quantitative indicators from benthic communities in stable, and in moderately and highly variable environmental conditions in estuarine, coastal and open sea habitats. In some areas, the variability in the indicators and indices within a station and site is as large as that between stations and sites. For those areas studied, there is an adequate quality and quantity of benthic data available for making management decisions but this is unlikely to be the case for all areas. Similarly, the interrogation of the methods shows that while their use and interpretation rely on a good understanding of the biology of the individual species and their responses to physical and polluting stress, that understanding is not yet available for many of the species. Most notably, while the indices and integrative indicators are becoming increasingly sophisticated, many are still dependent on the Pearson-Rosenberg model for organic enrichment hence they require to be validated for physical disturbance and for chemical pollution. Because of these features, the outcome of the analysis has repercussions for the management of coastal and estuarine areas. Although the present study indicates the value of indicators of benthic change for making management decisions at the various scales, further validation is required especially, for example, where one indicator over-estimates the ecological status for poor areas and underestimates it for good areas.  相似文献   

The role of leptin in human physiology and pathophysiology.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This review focuses on current knowledge of leptin biology and the role of leptin in various physiological and pathophysiological states. Leptin is involved in the regulation of body weight. Serum leptin can probably be considered as one of the best biological markers reflecting total body fat in both animals and humans. Obesity in man is accompanied by increased circulating leptin concentrations. Gender differences clearly exist. Leptin is not only correlated to a series of endocrine parameters such as insulin, glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, testosterone, but it also seems to be involved in mediating some endocrine mechanisms (onset of puberty, insulin secretion) and diseases (obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome). It has also been suggested that leptin can act as a growth factor in the fetus and the neonate.  相似文献   

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