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This paper describes a 13C solid state NMR study of hydrated powders and gels of locust bean gum galactomannan-LBG and Konjac glucomannan-KGM. Changes in relative spectral intensities, cross-polarization dynamics (TCH, T1ρH) and relaxation times (T1C, T1H, T2H) show that hydration (0–90%) of LBG powders increases the 108 Hz frequency molecular motions, probably reflecting the enhanced motion of non-aggregating segments and chain ends. Slower motions (104–105 Hz) are enhanced only slightly at 90% hydration. LBG gel shows higher spatial distinction between aggregated and non-aggregated segments than the hydrated powder and relaxation times indicate higher mobility for galactose-ramified segments, compared to linear mannose segments. While the dynamics of KGM hydration is similar to that of LBG, i.e. mainly affecting fast 108 Hz motions, the gel is significantly more rigid. Both spectra and relaxation times show that glucose residues in KGM gel are particularly hindered, probably due to their preferential involvement in chain aggregation.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the extent to which element binding of locust bean gum (LBG) affects the availability of calcium, iron, and zinc in the gut. Infant formula was supplemented with increasing amounts of LBG and subjected to an intraluminal digestion procedure. Element binding was measured by eliminating the complexes by twofold centrifugation. Availability of the elements was determined using a validated continuous-flow dialysis technique. Elemental content of the samples, supernatants, and dialysates was analyzed with validated atomic absorption spectrometry. LBG provided small amounts of intrinsic calcium (1.13 ± 0.02 mg/g) and trace amounts of iron (0.02 ± 0.00 mg/g) and zinc (0.01 ± 0.00 mg/g), which were strongly bound to the LBG molecule (respectively: 76.6 ± 3.3%, 83.4 ± 1.2%, 96.7 ± 6.6%). Correlation analysis, between percent element bound by LBG after centrifugation and percent trapped after dialysis, yielded significant correlation only for the data of zinc (r=0.93). For calcium and iron, no correlation could be demonstrated; however, for iron a similar trend was observed. These findings suggest that element binding of LBG has a major influence on the availability of zinc and maybe of iron. For calcium, other factors might also be involved, affecting availability.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic and microstructural influences of 0.1-0.6% locust bean gum on 0.5 or 1.0% κ-carrageenan gels, in different ionic environments, have been studied using small deformation oscillatory measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results from the Theological measurements showed synergistic effects in the storage modulus, G', as locust bean gum, of two different mannose to galactose ratios (3 and 5), was mixed with ion-exchanged Na- and Ca-κ-carrageenan, in 0.25 M NaCl and 0.030 M CaC12, respectively. The increase in G' was dependent on the mannose to galactose ratio, polymer concentrations, and ionic environment.

At the supermolecular level, the microstructure of dilute samples has been visualised using low angle rotary metal shadowing for TEM. In the presence of sodium and calcium ions, the self-association of κ-carrageenan helices is moderate to low. Locust bean gum did not influence the supermolecular structure of κ-carrageenan to any large extent. The microstructure of the gels at the network level was studied using plastic embedding and thin sectioning for TEM. In both sodium and calcium ionic environments, the mixed gels showed a more homogeneous and connective network structure.  相似文献   

The galactomannans from the seeds of Caesalpinia pulcherrima and Cassia javanica were extracted from the milled seeds in water at room temperature. Both products, as well as a commercial sample of locust bean gum (LBG), were purified by precipitation in isopropyl alcohol. The intrinsic viscosity determined for LBG, [eta] = 15.2 dl/g, was slightly higher than those for the other two galactomannans. The dependence of the specific viscosity at zero shear rate on the coil overlap parameter, C[eta], revealed a similar behaviour for the three galactomannans. A master curve was obtained with a critical concentration, C*, at C*[eta] = 3.3. The slope of the curve in the concentrated regime is higher than the values in the range of 3.9-6.6, obtained for the generalized behaviour of several random coil polysaccharides. Dynamic experiments showed that, at the concentrations studied, the behaviour of the galactomannans was typical of systems with predominant entanglement networks in the region between the terminal and plateau zones of frequency response. The correlation between dynamic and steady shear properties (Cox Merz rule) was satisfactory for the three galactomannans.  相似文献   

Immobilization of Escherichia coli cells having aspartase activity was carried out by к-carrageenan, or by к-carrageenan and locust bean gum. To enhance operational stability, immobilized cells were treated with a hardening agent, such as glutaraldehyde or glutaraldehyde and hexamethylenediamine. Very active and stable immobilized preparations were obtained when E. coli cells immobilized with к-carrageenan were treated with 85 mm-glutaraldehyde and 85 mm-hexamethylenediamine. The productivities of E. coli cells immobilized with polyacrylamide, к-carrageenan, and к-carrageenan and locust bean gum were compared for production of l-aspartic acid. Among these preparations, E. coli cells immobilized with к-carrageenan and treated with glutaraldehyde and hexamethylenediamine showed the highest productivity.  相似文献   

The interaction of κ-carrageenan with locust bean gum and dextran has been studied by rheology, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR). Rheological measurements show that the carrageenan gel characteristics are greatly enhanced in the presence of locust bean gum but not in the presence of dextran. Carrageenan/locust bean gum mixtures show two peaks in the dsc cooling curves. The higher temperature peak corresponds to the temperature of gelation and its intensity increases at the expense of the lower temperature peak as the proportion of locust bean gum in the mixture increases. Furthermore, the DSC heating curves show enhanced broadening when locust bean gum is present, indicating increased aggregation. These results are taken as evidence of carrageenan/locust bean gum association. The gelation process has also been followed by ESR using spin-labeled carrageenan. On cooling carrageenan solutions, an immobile component appears in the ESR spectra signifying a loss of segmental mobility consistent with chain stiffening due to the coil → helix conformational transition and helix aggregation. For carrageenan/locust bean gum mixtures, carrageenan ordering occurs at temperatures corresponding to the higher temperature DSC setting peak and the temperature of gelation. Similar studies using spin-labeled locust bean gum show that its mobility remains virtually unaffected during the gelation process. It is evident, therefore, that carrageenan and locust bean gum interact only weakly. It is proposed that at low carrageenan concentrations the gel network consists of carrageenan helices cross-linked by locust bean gum chains. At high carrageenan concentrations the network is enhanced by the additional self-aggregation of the “excess” carrageenan molecules. For carrageenan/dextran mixtures, only one peak is observed in the dsc cooling curves. The onset of gelation shifts to higher temperatures only at very high (20%) dextran concentrations and this is attributed to volume exclusion effects. Furthermore, there is no enhanced broadening of the peaks in the DSC heating curves as for the carrageenan/locust bean gum systems. It is therefore concluded that carrageenan/dextran association does not occur. The difference in behavior between locust bean gum and dextran is attributed to the greater flexibility of the dextran chains. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison has been made between chlorophyll-a estimations based on the cold acetone extraction procedure and on the hot ethanol extraction method. When comparing the results obtained with both methods a standard deviation of 20% must be taken into account. A correlation between extraction efficiency and phytoplankton species composition could not be found. Although the chlorophyll-a yield in ethanol extracts is not better than that in acetone extracts, there are several advantages in using the ethanol method, particularly the short extraction period and the cheaper procedure.  相似文献   

Mixing with locust bean gum (LBG) induces obvious gel-like character in very dilute solutions of K+ κ-carrageenan (< 0.01% w/w in 100 mM KCl). At higher concentration (0.085%), addition of LBG (0.036%) gives a shoulder on the high-temperature side of the DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) exotherm associated with the carrageenan disorder-order transition, with an accompanying increase in gelation temperature and enhancement in gel strength (storage modulus, G′). On substitution of LBG by konjac glucomannan (KM) the shoulder in DSC cornverts to a discernable peak. Van't Hoff analysis of optical rotation data indicates that the high-temperature thermal processes could arise from association of LBG or KM chains to the carrageenan double helix as it forms, with the main transition at lower temperature corresponding to ordering of surplus carrageenan. With K -carrageenan in the nongelling tetra-methylaminonium salt form, addition of LBG causes no delectable change in DSC; rheological enhancement at high concentration (1% w/w) is limited to development of a very tenuous network, and in dilute solution a decrease in viscosity is observed. Agarose shows only a very slight increase in the disorder-order transition temperature on addition of KM, and it shows no detectable change with LBG. These observations are interpreted as showing that efficient binding of mannan or glucomannan chains requires some aggregation of the algal polysaccharide helices, but that extensive aggregation restricts synergistic interaction by competition with heterotypic association. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The feasibility of textural and rheological modification of gels containing κ-carrageenan (KC) and locust bean gum (LBG) by addition of konjac glucomannan (KGM) was investigated. Special attention was paid to the effect of polysaccharide degradation during heating at acidic pH. The general effect of polysaccharide degradation was to decrease the Young's modulus, while the fracture strain in extension was scarcely affected unless the degradation was very severe.  相似文献   

The solution properties of κ-carrageenan and κ-carrageenan/locust bean gum mixtures have been studied by small deformation oscillation measurements and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in the presence of sodium chloride and sodium iodide. Both salts induced the κ-carrageenan to undergo a coil-helix conformational change as noted by an increase in the storage and loss moduli (G′, G′) and by an exothermic peak in the DSC cooling curves. The enthalpy ΔHc-h and temperature of the conformational transition Tc-h were higher in Nal compared to NaCl and Tc-h increased with increasing the concentration of both electrolytes. Gelation was not observed for carrageenan or carrageenan/locust bean gum mixtures in the presence of up to 200 mM Nal. Although carrageenan alone did not gel in the presence of 100 mM NaCl, a weak gel was obtained for a mixture containing 0.9%/0.1% carrageenan/locust bean gum. Furthermore, the mixture showed hysteresis in both the rheological and DSC cooling and heating curves. A strong gel was produced for carrageenan alone in the presence of 200 mM NaCl and the gel strength increased on adding a small proportion of locust bean gum (0.9%/0.1%). © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 41: 657–671, 1997  相似文献   

Effective diffusion coefficients (De) of lactose in kappa-carrageenan (2.75% wt/wt)/locust bean gum (0.25% wt/wt) (LBG) gel beads (1.5-2.0-mm diameter)with or without entrapped lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were determined at 40 degrees C. The effects of lactose concentration, bacteria strain (Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei) and cell content at various steps of the fermentation process (after immobilization, pre-incubation of the beads and successive fermentations) were measured on De as a first step for process modelling. Results were obtained from transiend concentration changes n well-stirred lactose solutions in which the beads were suspended. A mathematical model of unsteady-state diffusion in a sphere was used, and De was obtained from the best fit of the experimental data. Diffusivity of lactose in cell-tree beads was significantly lower than in pure water mainly because of the obstruction effect of the polymer chains and the hydration region. Furthermore, effective diffusivity and equilibrium partition factor were independent of lactose concentration in the range from 12.5 to 50 g/L. No significant difference was found for De (effective diffusivity) and Kp (partition) coefficients between beads entrapping S. thermophilus (approximately 5 x 10(9) CFU/mL) and cell-free beads. On the other hand higher cell counts obtained with L. casei (close to 1.8 x 10(11) CFU/mL) increased mass transfer resistance resulting in lower effective diffusivities and Kp. Finally, the effects of the type of bacteria and their distribution in the beads on the diffusivity were also discussed.  相似文献   

A water soluble gum polysaccharide was isolated from Murraya paniculata fruits. Hydrolytic experiments, methylation analysis, periodate oxidation studies and NMR data revealed that the polysaccharide was extensively branched and it consisted of 1,3-, and 1,3,6-linked beta-D-galactopyranosyl units, terminal beta-D-galactopyranosyl units and terminal alpha-D-glucopyranosyl 1,4-beta-D-galactopyranosyl units. Small amounts of 4-O-methylglucuronic acid residues were also present.  相似文献   


Contributions from the Entomological Laboratory, Kyoto University, No. 110.  相似文献   

The effective diffusion coefficient (De) and equilibrium partition factor (Kp) for lactose and lactic acid in k-carrageenan (2.75% w/w)/locust bean gum (0.25% w/w) (LBG) gel beads (1.5-2.0 mm diameter), with or without entrapped Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei (L. casei), were determined at 40 degrees C. Results were obtained from transient concentration changes in well-stirred solutions of finite volume in which the beads were suspended. Mathematical models of unsteady-state diffusion into and/or from a sphere and appropriate boundary conditions were used to calculate effective diffusion coefficients of lactose and lactic acid from the best fit of the experimental solute concentration changes. The effective diffusivities of lactose and lactic acid were 5.73 x 10(-10) and 9.96 x 10(-10) m2 s-1, respectively. Furthermore, lactic acid was found to modify gel structure since lactose diffusion characteristics (De and Kp) differed significantly from an earlier study and in the literature. In gel beads heavily colonized with L. casei, the effective diffusion coefficients of lactose and lactic acid were respectively 17% and 24% lower than for cell-free beads. Partition coefficients also confirmed the obstruction effect due to the cells, and decreased from 0.89 to 0.79, and from 0.98 to 0.87, for lactose and lactic acid, respectively. External mass transfer was estimated by an unsteady-state model in infinite volume using the Biot number. The effect of external mass transfer resistance on De results and the data reported in the literature are discussed.  相似文献   

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