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Gephyrin is a ubiquitously expressed protein that, in the central nervous system, forms a submembraneous scaffold for anchoring inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the postsynaptic membrane. The N- and C-terminal domains of gephyrin are homologous to the Escherichia coli enzymes MogA and MoeA, respectively, both of which are involved in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis. This enzymatic pathway is highly conserved from bacteria to mammals, as underlined by the ability of gephyrin to rescue molybdenum cofactor deficiencies in different organisms. Here we report the x-ray crystal structure of the N-terminal domain (amino acids 2-188) of rat gephyrin at 1.9-A resolution. Gephyrin-(2-188) forms trimers in solution, and a sequence motif thought to be involved in molybdopterin binding is highly conserved between gephyrin and the E. coli protein. The atomic structure of gephyrin-(2-188) resembles MogA, albeit with two major differences. The path of the C-terminal ends of gephyrin-(2-188) indicates that the central and C-terminal domains, absent in this structure, should follow a similar 3-fold arrangement as the N-terminal region. In addition, a central beta-hairpin loop found in MogA is lacking in gephyrin-(2-188). Despite these differences, both structures show a high degree of surface charge conservation, which is consistent with their common catalytic function.  相似文献   

M-ficolin, which forms trimer-based multimers, is a pathogen-recognition protein in the innate immune system, and it binds to ligands through its fibrinogen-like (FBG) domain. As the first step toward the elucidation of the molecular basis for pathogen-recognition by the M-ficolin multimers, we assigned the backbone resonances of the monomeric mutant of the M-ficolin FBG domain, recombinantly expressed by Brevibacillus choshinensis. Like the wild-type trimeric FBG domain, the monomeric FBG domain also requires His251, His284 and His297 for the ligand-binding activity, as judged by mutational analyses using zonal affinity chromatography. The secondary structure predicted by the backbone resonance assignments is similar to that of the trimeric FBG domain in the crystal, indicating that the monomeric FBG domain is folded correctly to perform its function.  相似文献   

The innate immune system recognizes microorganisms through a series of pattern recognition receptors that are highly conserved in evolution. Insects have a family of 12 peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) that recognize peptidoglycan, a ubiquitous component of bacterial cell walls. We report cloning of three novel human PGRPs (PGRP-L, PGRP-Ialpha, and PGRP-Ibeta) that together with the previously cloned PGRP-S, define a new family of human pattern recognition molecules. PGRP-L, PGRP-Ialpha, and PGRP-Ibeta have 576, 341, and 373 amino acids coded by five, seven, and eight exons on chromosomes 19 and 1, and they all have two predicted transmembrane domains. All mammalian and insect PGRPs have at least three highly conserved C-terminal PGRP domains located either in the extracellular or in the cytoplasmic (or in both) portions of the molecules. PGRP-L is expressed in liver, PGRP-Ialpha and PGRP-Ibeta in esophagus (and to a lesser extent in tonsils and thymus), and PGRP-S in bone marrow (and to a lesser extent in neutrophils and fetal liver). All four human PGRPs bind peptidoglycan and Gram-positive bacteria. Thus, these PGRPs may play a role in recognition of bacteria in these organs.  相似文献   

Yang L  Zhang J  Ho B  Ding JL 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19647


M-ficolin, a pathogen recognition molecule in the innate immune system, binds sugar residues including N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc), which is displayed on invading microbes and on apoptotic cells. The cis and trans Asp282-Cys283 peptide bond in the M-ficolin, which was found to occur at neutral and acidic pH in crystal structures, has been suggested to represent binding and non-binding activity, respectively. A detailed understanding of the pH-dependent conformational changes in M-ficolin and pH-mediated discrimination mechanism of GlcNAc-binding activity are crucial to both immune-surveillance and clearance of apoptotic cells.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By immunodetection analysis, we found that the pH-sensitive binding of GlcNAc is regulated by a conformational equilibrium between the active and inactive states of M-ficolin. We performed constant pH molecular dynamics (MD) simulation at a series of pH values to explore the pH effect on the cis-trans isomerization of the Asp282-Cys283 peptide bond in the M-ficolin fibrinogen-like domain (FBG). Analysis of the hydrogen bond occupancy of wild type FBG compared with three His mutants (H251A, H284A and H297A) corroborates that His284 is indispensible for pH-dependent binding. H251A formed new but weaker hydrogen bonds with GlcNAc. His297, unlike the other two His mutants, is more dependent on the solution pH and also contributes to cis-trans isomerization of the Asp282-Cys283 peptide bond in weak basic solution.


Constant pH MD simulation indicated that the cis active isomer of Asp282-Cys283 peptide bond was predominant around neutral pH while the trans bond gradually prevailed towards acidic environment. The protonation of His284 was found to be associated with the trans-to-cis isomerization of Asp282-Cys283 peptide bond which dominantly regulates the GlcNAc binding. Our MD simulation approach provides an insight into the pH-sensitive proteins and hence, ligand binding activity.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen-related proteins play important roles in innate immunity. We isolated a fibrinogen-related protein gene (MjFREP1) in kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus. MjFREP1 encoded a protein of 270 amino acids, including a 223 amino acid fibrinogen-like domain. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis shows that MjFREP1 is mainly expressed in the gills and the expression is significantly upregulated by Vibrio anguillarum, Staphylococcus aureus, or white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) challenge. Recombinant MjFREP1 fibrinogen-like domain agglutinates Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus megaterium, and S. aureus in the presence of calcium ions. The fibrinogen-like domain of MjFREP1 binds peptidoglycans, LPS, bacteria, and the VP28 of WSSV. These results suggest that the MjFREP1 may play an important role in the shrimp immune response against different pathogens.  相似文献   

Lacking an adaptive immune system, plants largely rely on plasma membrane‐resident pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) to sense pathogen invasion. The activation of PRRs leads to the profound immune responses that coordinately contribute to the restriction of pathogen multiplication. Protein post‐translational modifications dynamically shape the intensity and duration of the signalling pathways. In this review, we discuss the specific regulation of PRR activation and signalling by protein ubiquitination, endocytosis and degradation, with a particular focus on the bacterial flagellin receptor FLS2 (flagellin sensing 2) in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

During infection, our innate immune system is the first line of defense and has evolved to clear invading bacteria immediately. To do so, recognition is the key element. However, how does the innate immune system distinguish self from nonself, and how does it recognize all bacteria (estimated to be far over a million species)? The answer lies in the recognition of evolutionary conserved structures. In this review, we approach this phenomenon from the bacterial perspective. What are the evolutionary conserved structures in bacteria, and what strategies are there in the human innate immune system to sense these structures? We illustrate most examples both at the functional as well as at the molecular level. Furthermore, we highlight how pathogenic bacteria can evade this recognition to survive better in the human host which in turn can result in life‐threatening diseases. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel trypanosome lytic factor (TLF) has been characterized that protects humans from infection by Trypanosoma brucei brucei. The mechanism of trypanolysis is unknown; contrary to one hypothesis, TLF does not kill trypanosomes by generating oxygen radicals. However, these trypanosomes become human-infective when they express a serum-resistance-associated gene.  相似文献   

The innate immune system of both plants and animals uses immune receptors to detect pathogens and trigger defence responses. Despite having distinct evolutionary origin, most plant and animal immune receptors have a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain. The LRR domain adopts a slender conformation that maximizes surface area and has been shown to be ideal for mediating protein–protein interactions. Although the LRR domain was expected to be a platform for pathogen recognition, the NB-LRR class of plant innate immune receptors uses its LRR domain to carry out many other roles. This review discusses the domain architecture of plant LRRs and the various roles ascribed to this motif.  相似文献   

gammaS-crystallin is a major human lens protein found in the outer region of the eye lens, where the refractive index is low. Because crystallins are not renewed they acquire post-translational modifications that may perturb stability and solubility. In common with other members of the betagamma-crystallin superfamily, gammaS-crystallin comprises two similar beta-sheet domains. The crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of human gammaS-crystallin has been solved at 2.4 A resolution. The structure shows that in the in vitro expressed protein, the buried cysteines remain reduced. The backbone conformation of the "tyrosine corner" differs from that of other betagamma-crystallins because of deviation from the consensus sequence. The two C-terminal domains in the asymmetric unit are organized about a slightly distorted 2-fold axis to form a dimer with similar geometry to full-length two-domain family members. Two glutamines found in lattice contacts may be important for short range interactions in the lens. An asparagine known to be deamidated in human cataract is located in a highly ordered structural region.  相似文献   

BAR domains are found in proteins that bind and remodel membranes and participate in cytoskeletal and nuclear processes. Here, we report the crystal structure of the BAR domain from the human Bin1 protein at 2.0 A resolution. Both the quaternary and tertiary architectures of the homodimeric Bin1BAR domain are built upon "knobs-into-holes" packing of side chains, like those found in conventional left-handed coiled-coils, and this packing governs the curvature of a putative membrane-engaging concave face. Our calculations indicate that the Bin1BAR domain contains two potential sites for protein-protein interactions on the convex face of the dimer. Comparative analysis of structural features reveals that at least three architectural subtypes of the BAR domain are encoded in the human genome, represented by the Arfaptin, Bin1/Amphiphysin, and IRSp53 BAR domains. We discuss how these principal groups may differ in their potential to form regulatory heterotypic interactions.  相似文献   

Collectins, present in plasma and on mucosal surfaces, are humoral molecules of the innate immune system. They were discovered a hundred years ago in 1906 as the first association of an animal lectin with the immune system. They are a family of calcium-dependent lectins that recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns. They share a similar modular domain architecture consisting of four regions; a cysteine-rich N-terminal domain, a collagen-like region, an alpha-helical neck domain and a C-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain. There have been eight collectins members defined so far, of which, MBL, SP-A and SP-D are the most characterized. Collectins represent the first line of host defense. Upon recognition of the infectious agents, collectins put into action effector mechanisms like direct opsonization, neutralization, agglutination, complement activation and phagocytosis to curb the microbial growth. In addition, they also modulate inflammatory and allergic responses and apoptotic cell clearance. These functions limit infection and subsequently modulate the adaptive immune responses. The role of collectins, their structure, function, characteristics and clinical significance are reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

c-Fms, a member of the Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF) receptor family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), is the receptor for macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1) that regulates proliferation, differentiation and survival of cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage. Abnormal expression of c-fms proto-oncogene is associated with a significant number of human pathologies, including a variety of cancers and rheumatoid arthritis. Accordingly, c-Fms represents an attractive therapeutic target. To further understand the regulation of c-Fms, we determined the 2.7 A resolution crystal structure of the cytosolic domain of c-Fms that comprised the kinase domain and the juxtamembrane domain. The structure reveals the crucial inhibitory role of the juxtamembrane domain (JM) that binds to a hydrophobic site immediately adjacent to the ATP binding pocket. This interaction prevents the activation loop from adopting an active conformation thereby locking the c-Fms kinase into an autoinhibited state. As observed for other members of the PDGF receptor family, namely c-Kit and Flt3, three JM-derived tyrosine residues primarily drive the mechanism for autoinhibition in c-Fms, therefore defining a common autoinhibitory mechanism within this family. Moreover the structure provides an understanding of c-Fms inhibition by Gleevec as well as providing a platform for the development of more selective inhibitors that target the inactive conformation of c-Fms kinase.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan recognition proteins of the innate immune system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peptidoglycan (PGN) is the major component of bacterial cell walls and one of the main microbial products recognized by the innate immune system. PGN recognition is mediated by several families of pattern recognition molecules, including Toll-like receptors, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing proteins, and peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs). However, only the interaction of PGN with PGRPs, which are highly conserved from insects to mammals, has so far been characterized at the molecular level. Here, we describe recent structural studies of PGRPs that reveal the basis for PGN recognition and provide insights into the signal transduction and antibacterial activities of these innate immune proteins.  相似文献   

Bacteriocins are proteins secreted by many bacterial cells to kill related bacteria of the same niche. To avoid their own suicide through reuptake of secreted bacteriocins, these bacteria protect themselves by co-expression of immunity proteins in the compartment of colicin destination. In Escherichia coli the colicin M (Cma) is inactivated by the interaction with the Cma immunity protein (Cmi). We have crystallized and solved the structure of Cmi at a resolution of 1.95? by the recently developed ab initio phasing program ARCIMBOLDO. The monomeric structure of the mature 10kDa protein comprises a long N-terminal α-helix and a four-stranded C-terminal β-sheet. Dimerization of this fold is mediated by an extended interface of hydrogen bond interactions between the α-helix and the four-stranded β-sheet of the symmetry related molecule. Two intermolecular disulfide bridges covalently connect this dimer to further lock this complex. The Cmi protein resembles an example of a 3D domain swapping being stalled through physical linkage. The dimer is a highly charged complex with a significant surplus of negative charges presumably responsible for interactions with Cma. Dimerization of Cmi was also demonstrated to occur in vivo. Although the Cmi-Cma complex is unique among bacteria, the general fold of Cmi is representative for a class of YebF-like proteins which are known to be secreted into the external medium by some Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

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