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A clone designated A.t.RAB6 encoding a small GTP-binding protein was isolated from a cDNA library of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf tissue. The predicted amino acid sequence was highly homologous to the mammalian and yeast counterparts, H.Rab6 and Ryh1/Ypt6, respectively. Lesser homology was found between the predicted Arabidopsis protein sequence and two small GTP-binding proteins isolated from plant species (44% homology to Zea mays Ypt1 and 43% homology to Nicotiana tabacum Rab5). Conserved stretches in the deduced amino acid sequence of A.t.Rab6 include four regions involved in GTP-binding, an effector region, and C-terminal cysteine residues required for prenylation and subsequent membrane attachment. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that A.t.Rab6 mRNA was expressed in root, leaf, stem, and flower tissues from A. thaliana with the highest levels present in roots. Escherichia coli produced histidine-tagged A.t.Rab6 protein-bound GTP, whereas a mutation in one of the guanine nucleotide-binding sites (asparagine122 to isoleucine) rendered it incapable of binding GTP. Functionally, the A.t.RAB6 gene was able to complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype of the YPT6 null mutant in yeast. The isolation of this gene will aid in the dissection of the machinery involved in soluble protein sorting at the trans-Golgi network of plants.  相似文献   

Successful male reproductive function in plants is dependent on the correct development and functioning of stamens and pollen. AGP6 and AGP11 are two homologous Arabidopsis genes encoding cell wall-associated arabinogalactan glycoproteins (AGPs). Both genes were found to be specifically expressed in stamens, pollen grains and pollen tubes, suggesting that these genes may play a role in male organ development and function. RNAi lines with reduced AGP6 and AGP11 expression were generated. These, together with lines harboring point mutations in the coding region of AGP6, were used to show that loss of function in AGP6 and AGP11 led to reduced fertility, at least partly as a result of inhibition of pollen tube growth. Our results also suggest that AGP6 and AGP11 play an additional role in the release of pollen grains from the mature anther. Thus, our study demonstrates the involvement of specific AGPs in pollen tube growth and stamen function.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is to investigate the regulatory role of K(+) influx in Arabidopsis pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Using agar-containing media, in vitro methods for Arabidopsis pollen germination have been successfully established for the first time. The pollen germination percentage was nearly 75% and the average pollen tube length reached 135 microm after a 6 h incubation. A decrease in external K(+) concentration from 1 mM to 35 microM resulted in 30% inhibition of pollen germination and 40% inhibition of pollen tube growth. An increase in external K(+) concentration from 1 mM to 30 mM stimulated pollen tube growth but inhibited pollen germination. To study how K(+) influx is associated with pollen germination and tube growth, regulation of the inward K(+) channels in the pollen plasma membrane was investigated by conducting patch-clamp whole-cell recording with pollen protoplasts. K(+) currents were first identified in Arabidopsis pollen protoplasts. The inward K(+) currents were insensitive to changes in cytoplasmic Ca(2+) but were inhibited by a high concentration of external Ca(2+). A decrease of external Ca(2+) concentration from 10 mM (control) to 1 mM had no significant effect on the inward K(+) currents, while an increase of external Ca(2+) concentration from 10 mM to 50 mM inhibited the inward K(+) currents by 46%. Changes in external pH significantly affected the magnitude, conductance, voltage-independent maximal conductance, and activation kinetics of the inward K(+) currents. The physiological importance of potassium influx mediated by the inward K(+)-channels during Arabidopsis pollen germination and tube growth is discussed.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, we previously identified two highly similar apyrases, AtAPY1 and AtAPY2. Here, T-DNA knockout (KO) mutations of each gene were isolated in a reverse genetic approach. The single KO mutants lacked a discernible phenotype. The double KO mutants, however, exhibited a complete inhibition of pollen germination, and this correlated with positive beta-glucuronidase staining in the pollen of apyrase promoter:beta-glucuronidase fusion transgenic lines. The vast majority of the pollen grains of these mutants were identical to wild type in size, shape, and nuclear state and were viable as assayed by metabolic activity and plasma membrane integrity. Complementation with either AtAPY1 or AtAPY2 cDNA rescued pollen germination, confirming that the phenotype was apyrase specific. Despite the redundancy of the two apyrases in rescue potential, transmission analyses suggested a greater role for AtAPY2 in male gamete success. The effect of mutant apyrase on the transmission through the female gametophyte was only marginal, and embryo development appeared normal in the absence of apyrases. The male-specific double KO mutation is fully penetrant and shows that apyrases play a crucial role in pollen germination.  相似文献   

Proteins are important actors in plant cell walls because they contribute to their architecture and their dynamics. Among them, hydroxyproline (Hyp)-rich glycoproteins constitute a complex family of O-glycoproteins with various structures and functions. In this study, we characterized an atypical Hyp-rich glycoprotein, AGP31 (arabinogalactan protein 31), which displays a multidomain organization unique in Arabidopsis thaliana, consisting of a short arabinogalactan protein (AGP) motif, a His stretch, a Pro-rich domain, and a C-terminal PAC (PRP-AGP containing Cys) domain. The use of various mass spectrometry strategies was innovative and powerful: it permitted us to locate Hyp residues, to demonstrate the presence of carbohydrates, and to refine their distribution over the Pro-rich domain. Most Hyp were isolated within repeated motifs such as KAOV, KSOV, K(PO/OP)T, K(PO/OP)V, T(PO/OP)V, and Y(PO/OP)T. A few extensin-like motifs with contiguous Hyp (SOOA and SOOT) were also found. The Pro-rich domain was shown to carry Gal residues on isolated Hyp but also Ara residues. The existence of new type Hyp-O-Gal/Ara-rich motifs not recognized by the β-glucosyl Yariv reagent but interacting with the peanut agglutinin lectin was proposed. In addition, the N-terminal short AGP motif was assumed to be substituted by arabinogalactans. Altogether, AGP31 was found to be highly heterogeneous in cell walls because arabinogalactans could be absent, Hyp-O-Gal/Ara-rich motifs of different sizes were observed, and truncated forms missing the C-terminal PAC domain were found, suggesting degradation in muro and/or partial glycosylation prior to secretion.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cell wall pectins and arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are important for pollen tube growth. The aim of this work was to study the temporal and spatial dynamics of these compounds in olive pollen during germination.


Immunoblot profiling analyses combined with confocal and transmission electron microscopy immunocytochemical detection techniques were carried out using four anti-pectin (JIM7, JIM5, LM5 and LM6) and two anti-AGP (JIM13 and JIM14) monoclonal antibodies.

Key Results

Pectin and AGP levels increased during olive pollen in vitro germination. (1 → 4)-β-d-Galactans localized in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell, the pollen wall and the apertural intine. After the pollen tube emerged, galactans localized in the pollen tube wall, particularly at the tip, and formed a collar-like structure around the germinative aperture. (1 → 5)-α-l-Arabinans were mainly present in the pollen tube cell wall, forming characteristic ring-shaped deposits at regular intervals in the sub-apical zone. As expected, the pollen tube wall was rich in highly esterified pectic compounds at the apex, while the cell wall mainly contained de-esterified pectins in the shank. The wall of the generative cell was specifically labelled with arabinans, highly methyl-esterified homogalacturonans and JIM13 epitopes. In addition, the extracellular material that coated the outer exine layer was rich in arabinans, de-esterified pectins and JIM13 epitopes.


Pectins and AGPs are newly synthesized in the pollen tube during pollen germination. The synthesis and secretion of these compounds are temporally and spatially regulated. Galactans might provide mechanical stability to the pollen tube, reinforcing those regions that are particularly sensitive to tension stress (the pollen tube–pollen grain joint site) and mechanical damage (the tip). Arabinans and AGPs might be important in recognition and adhesion phenomena of the pollen tube and the stylar transmitting cells, as well as the egg and sperm cells.  相似文献   

Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Atg6/Vps30 is required for autophagy and the sorting of vacuolar hydrolases, such as carboxypeptidase Y. In higher eukaryotes, however, roles for ATG6/VPS30 homologs in vesicle sorting have remained obscure. Here, we show that AtATG6, an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) homolog of yeast ATG6/VPS30, restored both autophagy and vacuolar sorting of carboxypeptidase Y in a yeast atg6/vps30 mutant. In Arabidopsis cells, green fluorescent protein-AtAtg6 protein localized to punctate structures and colocalized with AtAtg8, a marker protein of the preautophagosomal structure. Disruption of AtATG6 by T-DNA insertion resulted in male sterility that was confirmed by reciprocal crossing experiments. Microscopic analyses of AtATG6 heterozygous plants (AtATG6/atatg6) crossed with the quartet mutant revealed that AtATG6-deficient pollen developed normally, but did not germinate. Because other atatg mutants are fertile, AtAtg6 likely mediates pollen germination in a manner independent of autophagy. We propose that Arabidopsis Atg6/Vps30 functions not only in autophagy, but also plays a pivotal role in pollen germination.  相似文献   

When light absorption by a plant exceeds its capacity for light utilization, photosynthetic light harvesting is rapidly downregulated by photoprotective thermal dissipation, which is measured as nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (NPQ). To address the involvement of specific xanthophyll pigments in NPQ, we have analyzed mutants affecting xanthophyll metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. An npq1 lut2 double mutant was constructed, which lacks both zeaxanthin and lutein due to defects in the violaxanthin de-epoxidase and lycopene -cyclase genes. The npq1 lut2 strain had normal Photosystem II efficiency and nearly wild-type concentrations of functional Photosystem II reaction centers, but the rapidly reversible component of NPQ was completely inhibited. Despite the defects in xanthophyll composition and NPQ, the npq1 lut2 mutant exhibited a remarkable ability to tolerate high light.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Li HM  Chen H  Yang ZN  Gong JM 《FEBS letters》2012,586(7):1027-1031
Pollen germination and tube growth are of essential importance to sexual reproduction of flowering plants. Several biological processes including cell wall biosynthesis and modification are known to be involved in pollen tube growth, though the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely to be investigated. Here we report the identification and functional characterization of the Arabidopsis gene Cdi, which encodes a putative nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferase. Cdi is preferentially expressed in pollen grains and pollen tubes. Transient expression of Cdi:GFP fusion protein showed that CDI is localized in the cytosol. Mutation in Cdi impaired pollen germination and pollen tube growth thus leading to disrupted male transmission. These results suggest that Cdi is an essential gene required for pollen germination and tube growth.  相似文献   

To elucidate the functional differences in how Arabidopsis stigmas regulate pollen hydration and germination, we analyzed receptivity of stigmas, epidermal surfaces (leaves, stems of inflorescence bolts, and floral organs), and an abiotic surface (cover glass) for pollen hydration and germination. Using 65% relative humidity (RH), we found that mature pollen grains were able to hydrate and germinate on stigmas at flower developmental stages 9–13, but not on the distal end of pistils at stage 8, epidermal surfaces, or glass. Furthermore, under 100% RH, pollen grains could hydrate on all tested surfaces, but pollen germination was observed only on the young floral organs (stages 9–12) and the stigmas at stages 9–13. The distal ends of pistils at stage 8, the epidermal surfaces, and the cover glass did not support pollen germination even under 100% RH. Our results indicate that pistil factors regulating pollen hydration and germination are synthesized at stage 9 when stigmatic papillar cells begin to develop. Although pistil factors involved in pollen hydration may only be present on the stigma, the factors involved in pollen germination may localize on both the stigma and surfaces of unopened floral organs.  相似文献   

Actin is an ancient conserved protein that is encoded by multiple isovariants in multicellular organisms. There are eight functional actin genes in the Arabidopsis genome, and the precise function and mechanism of action of each isovariant remain poorly understood. Here, we report the characterization of ACT11, a reproductive actin isovariant. Our studies reveal that loss of function of ACT11 causes a delay in pollen germination, but enhances pollen tube growth. Cytological analysis revealed that the amount of filamentous actin decreased, and the rate of actin turnover increased in act11 pollen. Convergence of actin filaments upon the germination aperture was impaired in act11 pollen, consistent with the observed delay of germination. Reduction of actin dynamics with jasplakinolide suppressed the germination and tube growth phenotypes in act11 pollen, suggesting that the underlying mechanisms involve an increase in actin dynamics. Thus, we demonstrate that ACT11 is required to maintain the rate of actin turnover in order to promote pollen germination and maintain the normal rate of pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

Qin G  Ma Z  Zhang L  Xing S  Hou X  Deng J  Liu J  Chen Z  Qu LJ  Gu H 《Cell research》2007,17(3):249-263
Pollen germination on the surface of compatible stigmatic tissues is an essential step for plant fertilization. Here we report that the Arabidopsis mutant bcll is male sterile as a result of the failure ofpollen germination. We show that the bcll mutant allele cannot be transmitted by male gametophytes and no homozygous bcll mutants were obtained. Analysis of pollen developmental stages indicates that the bcll mutation affects pollen germination but not pollen maturation. Molecular analysis demonstrates that the failure of pollen germination was caused by the disruption of AtBECLIN 1. AtBECLIN 1 is expressed predominantly in mature pollen and encodes a protein with significant homology to Beclin1/Atg6/Vps30 required for the processes of autophagy and vacuolar protein sorting (VPS) in yeast. We also show that AtBECLIN 1 is required for normal plant development, and that genes related to autophagy, VPS and the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor system, were affected by the deficiency of AtBECLIN 1.  相似文献   

Despite much effort, a robust protocol for in vitro germination of Arabidopsis thaliana pollen has been elusive. Here we show that controlled temperatures, a largely disregarded factor in previous studies, and a simple optimized medium, solidified or liquid, yielded pollen germination rates above 80% and pollen tube lengths of hundreds of microns, with both Columbia and Landsberg erecta (Ler) ecotypes. We found that pollen germination and tube growth were dependent on pollen density in both liquid and solid medium. Pollen germination rates were not substantially affected by flower or plant age. The quartet1 mutation negatively affected pollen germination, especially in the Ler ecotype. This protocol will facilitate functional analyses of insertional mutants affecting male gametophyte function, and should allow detailed gene expression analyses during pollen tube growth. Arabidopsis thaliana can now be included on the list of plant species that are suitable models for physiological studies of pollen tube elongation and tip growth.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis acd11 mutant exhibits runaway, programmed cell death due to the loss of a putative sphingosine transfer protein (ACD11) with homology to mammalian GLTP. We demonstrate that transgenic expression in Arabidopsis thaliana of human GLTP partially suppressed the phenotype of the acd11 null mutant, resulting in delayed programmed cell death development and plant survival. Surprisingly, a GLTP mutant form impaired in glycolipid transfer activity also complemented the acd11 mutants. To understand the relationship between functional complementarity and transfer activity, we generated site-specific mutants in ACD11 based on homologous GLTP residues required for glycolipid transfer. We show that these ACD11 mutant forms are impaired in their in vitro transfer activity of sphingolipids. However, transgenic expression of these mutant forms fully complemented acd11 mutant cell death, and transgenic plants showed normal induction of hypersensitive cell death upon infection with avirulent strains of Pseudomonas syringae. The significance of these findings with respect to the function(s) of ACD11 in sphingolipid transport and cell death regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Polarized cell elongation is triggered by small molecule cues during development of diverse organisms. During plant reproduction, pollen interactions with the stigma result in the polar outgrowth of a pollen tube, which delivers sperm cells to the female gametophyte to effect double fertilization. In many plants, pistils stimulate pollen germination. However, in Arabidopsis, the effect of pistils on pollen germination and the pistil factors that stimulate pollen germination remain poorly characterized. Here, we demonstrate that stigma, style, and ovules in Arabidopsis pistils stimulate pollen germination. We isolated an Arabidopsis pistil extract fraction that stimulates Arabidopsis pollen germination, and employed ultra‐high resolution electrospray ionization (ESI), Fourier‐transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT‐ICR) and MS/MS techniques to accurately determine the mass (202.126 Da) of a compound that is specifically present in this pistil extract fraction. Using the molecular formula (C10H19NOS) and tandem mass spectral fragmentation patterns of the m/z (mass to charge ratio) 202.126 ion, we postulated chemical structures, devised protocols, synthesized N‐methanesulfinyl 1‐ and 2‐azadecalins that are close structural mimics of the m/z 202.126 ion, and showed that they are sufficient to stimulate Arabidopsis pollen germination in vitro (30 μm stimulated approximately 50% germination) and elicit accession‐specific response. Although N‐methanesulfinyl 2‐azadecalin stimulated pollen germination in three species of Lineage I of Brassicaceae, it did not induce a germination response in Sisymbrium irio (Lineage II of Brassicaceae) and tobacco, indicating that activity of the compound is not random. Our results show that Arabidopsis pistils promote germination by producing azadecalin‐like molecules to ensure rapid fertilization by the appropriate pollen.  相似文献   

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